MayandJune2010 “Pullout” Volume42Number3 Price£4.50 faithPROMOTING A NEW SYNTHESIS OF FAITH AND REASON TheStatementofEdBallsandPost-VaticanIIEvangelisation Editorial TheologyoftheBody:AVigorousDiscussion Mclean Cummings ShallowComparisonsandthePapalVisit Joanna Bogle TheQuestforFeminineIdentity(PartTwo) Cormac Burke Also Contextualising abuse reporting: Road from Regensburg and a member of parliamentary child protection group Catholicising Sex Education: William Oddie and Antonia Tully Reviewing Church history: James Tolhurst and Mark Vickers Acknowledging scientific advances: Joseph Laracy on Mgr Lemaître and Cutting Edge on the soul andmuchmore annualfaith Catholicism summerconference aNew Synthesis byEdwardHolloway Pope John Paul II gave the blueprint for catechetical renewal with the Catechism 2nd-6thAugust2010 of the Catholic Church. Catholicism: atWoldinghamSchool A New Synthesis seeks to show why Five days of lectures for 15-30 year olds. such teaching makes perfect sense in a world which has come of age in scientific Discussion and seminars around a understanding. It offers a way out of the particular theme, in a relaxed holiday current intellectual crisis, a way which environment, with daily Mass and prayer. is both modern and orthodox. Waged: £145 Unwaged: £120 contact: AnnMcCallionTel:01419450393 £14.00503pp email:
[email protected] full details: Sr RoseannReddy,Faith-KeywayTrustPublications Office,104AlbertRoad,GlasgowG428DR Contents 02 TowardsaNewHeartandMind Editorial Introduction