Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Trouble in the Making by Lissa Matthews Review : Trouble in the Making by Lissa Matthews. Matthews Trouble in the Making is a sexy erotic story that will have you cheering for both Johnny and Liz. Johnny is very much the alpha male that really tempts Liz into what he wants. Johnny is hoping to keep Liz with him more than what they had planned together. From the looks of the story, it seems like he will. I believed Liz and Johnny make such an amazing couple and would love to see a sequel to this story. Matthews will have you fanning yourself in between the pages and falling in love with both characters as more is revealed about him. If you are looking for a beautiful love story along with a hot erotic romance, Trouble in the Making is the one to read! Trouble in the Making. Lissa Matthews. Book Blurb. Johnny Trouble. He’s a commanding presence in leather and tattoos, both on stage and off. He’s had more than his fair share of groupies and lovers, but it’s time for a change. He reconnects with the woman whose memory has driven him crazy since high school. Liz. She’s a quiet, shy romance author who likes her comfort zones. But when Johnny comes back into her life, Liz’s lust-filled private fantasies shift into overdrive and she nervously asks him to fulfill them. Just one weekend is all she proposes, but the sparks flying between them aren’t temporary. She’s the particular brand of trouble he wants in his bed, bent over or crawling all over him. Forever. : A Band That’s Always in Style. , frontman for the supremely funky bunch known as Vintage Trouble and a full-fledged soul star in the making, has been described as a modern-day James Brown. In fact, imagine James Brown singing lead for Led Zeppelin, and you’ll get an idea of Vintage Trouble’s muscular, in- the-pocket sound. But don’t let the band’s name, natty fashions, or penchant for old-school showmanship and analog instruments fool you. Vintage Trouble is no nostalgia act. These guys are more interested in being timeless than existing in some sort of time capsule. “We never think about being retro or anything like that,” shrugs the band’s guitarist, , saying VT’s mix of classic rock ‘n’ soul just comes naturally to them. “It was in all of our houses from the time that I was young; everything in my house was the Staples Singers, Ike & Tina Turner. And all of us grew up on the Stones and Zeppelin and ,” says Ty. “Basically, we’ve always dreamed about the period when rock ‘n’ roll and soul kind of had that collision with rhythm & blues, that time when people said ‘forget it’ about what you were supposed to be playing. It was OK for black musicians to do rock ‘n’ roll, so you had your Little Richards and Chuck Berrys, and it was all right for the white musicians like early Stones, early Zeppelin, and early Beatles to bring in a lot of rhythm & blues influences.” As for why popular music seems so much more compartmentalized than it was during the golden era of which Ty speaks, the VT guys blame the music industry’s powers-that-be, not supposedly closed-minded radio listeners, for such restrictions. “It’s not really the kids and the people that are listening to music,” says Ty. “It’s actually the bigger wheels that are in charge of what the masses hear that are not allowing things to come together. So yes, you have kids that are into Kanye West and Amy Winehouse and Lorde, but there aren’t too many radio stations that are going to play these three things together… So it’s great that we’re back into a whole vinyl world now. I want to thank some stupid places like Urban Outfitters that have record players [playing vinyl] when you’re shopping, because it has created such a great resurgence of something that we have loved for so long! But I think the idea really is for people to stop thinking about what things have to be, and just use all of your influences and let that come out in your [music].” “We do find kids discovering old music today,” adds drummer Richard Danielson, who along with bassist Rick Barrio Dill rounds out the super- tight Vintage Trouble lineup. “Some of it has to do with the way it came to fruition, with people playing music live and in the moment and without click-tracks, just very organic. A lot of kids grew up on computers, so they don’t really know anything else as far as music, so when they discover something old, I think it speaks to them in a way they don’t quite understand. But it feels good , because it’s touching their insides in a different way that’s not so quantized and perfect and oversaturated. It’s real people having real moments, and there’s something that’s very exciting about that. And I think that’s what they’re discovering about old music.” The band, which recently released The Swing House Sessions acoustic EP and is working on a sophomore album for Blue Note Records (to be released in 2015), has won praise from iconic artists of various ages and genres. They’ve landed plum gigs opening for the Who, the Dave Matthews Band, , , Lenny Kravitz, and Queen’s Brian May, and they’re even signed with legendary rock ‘n’ roll manager Doc McGhee (who’s helped guide the careers of KISS, Bon Jovi, Mötley Crüe, Guns N’ Roses, Skid Row, and Hootie & The Blowfish). “We’ve been really lucky. We’ve been on tour with a big variety of different artists, with so many different audiences and different generations,” Colt marvels. “It’s hugely humbling. We’re just simple musicians, and hopefully we can be some inspiration for young musicians to just go out there and play. We’re not virtuosos or anything. We’re just having fun.” And fun never goes out of style. Follow Lyndsey on Twitter , Instagram, Google+, Amazon, Tumblr, Vine , Spotify. Trouble in the Making by Lissa Matthews. Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday.Hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend. I’ve chosen six from my upcoming self-pub title, Trouble In The Making. Woo her? “Woo me? Johnny, you don’t woo.” He tsked her over the phone. “You seem to have an awful lot of assumptions about things I don’t do, Liz. I’m going to have to disabuse you of those.” Six Sentence Sunday – Revealed. Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday. It’s been a while since I’ve done this, but thought I’d join in again given I’ve got some new releases coming up and a lot of writing going on. “Damn good answer again,” Thor muttered, lifting both hands to rip the shirt open over Bobby’s chest. Buttons popped and flew across the hardwood floor. Bobby sighed, Thor smiled. “Get naked. I’ll be right back.” Revealed will be available the weekend of November 11-12, 2011. Six Sentence Sunday. This is my first time participating in Six Sentence Sunday, so I’m a little nervous. Hope I do it right. My six sentences are from my current WIP (which by the end of today needs to be turned in), Forever In Blue Jeans. It’s the 3rd book in my Blue Jeans and Hard Hats series… “What’s in that thing?” he asked, pointing to the piece of cake with his fork. “This is her vanilla bean bourbon cake, except I didn’t have bourbon. I had to use dark spiced rum.” He took a few sips of the water then gulped down the entire glass. “You might want to warn a guy next time.” Blue took the glass and refilled it. “And miss that reaction? Not on your life.” Trouble in the Making by Lissa Matthews. …could have a fling with someone from high school… If you could go back and have said fling with them as they were in high school, who would it be? Who was your secret crush? As y’all know, I have a book I’m writing about a woman that meets up with her high school crush 20 years later called Trouble In The Making. It’s based on a real guy I went to high school with, and was good friends with, but not in THAT way, however, he’s been awesome enough to let me use parts of him for this story and I am ever so grateful. After I get done re-writing the beginning for the 4th time, I’ll be able to post an excerpt for y’all… Of late a lot of blasts from the past have been catching up with me, finding me after many years and it’s brought back both good and bad memories. But the one fun thing, is that I’ve spent a little time on this question that I’ve asked y’all and pondered and wondered who I would go back and have a fling with if I could. The answer… is… about 10 names on a list long! I couldn’t believe it when I started giving it some serious thought. There’s more than 1. How very naughty of me… So, on to you. Who would you go back and fling with? Forever In Blue Jeans. I just hit send on the submission of Forever In Blue Jeans, Book 3 in the Blue Jeans and Hard Hats series, to my Samhain editor, Bethany. Let’s all cross our fingers and toes and eyes that she likes it. I’ll keep y’all posted! I am taking the rest of the day off from writing/revising. I’ll watch some NASCAR, go to Best Buy and the Home Depot, nap, eat yummy food, drink some coffee, read, start setting up my food blog, and wait for edits to arrive from that same editor for Twisted Up. Monday is when I’ll start writing again… Y’all have an awesome weekend. In the meantime… Yesterday was an emotional, topsy-turvy day and if you missed my tweet/Facebook update about it, don’t worry, I’ll talk more about it here soon. I am in midst of doing self-editing/self-revisions on Forever In Blue Jeans, the 3rd book in the Blue Jeans and Hard Hats series. It’s my longest book at nearly 60K and by the time is is finished and through edits at Samhain (provided they contract it), it’ll likely BE 60K. My plan is to turn it in to my editor this weekend and hopefully we’ll all have an answer on it in the next 4-6 weeks. That would mean, we’d probably be looking at something like an early (if we’re lucky) Springtime release. My editor did email me yesterday about the edits for Twisted Up and she said she’ll be getting those to me this weekend. So, my focus today and tomorrow is on the revisions of Forever In Blue Jeans, so when edits comes in, I can get started on them. I need to get writing next week as well on something else… I need to finish Trouble in the Making for self-publishing, Drive Shaft (the follow-up to Stick Shift) because some of you are asking for it, and get to work again on the follow-up to Ink Spots which is the one titled Too Bad (Jackie and Mac’s story). If you have a preference one way or another, let me know. In the meantime… What are you reading now? What books? What authors? What genre? What has you turning pages and pulling out your credit cards or pushing that ‘Buy Now with 1-click’ button? What’s filling up your bookshelves, virtual or physical? I want something that leaves me breathless… What have you got for me? So close… …to the end of this book, I can taste it. It and the warm whole wheat chocolate chip cookie bowl I’m devouring as I write this. This week I’ve done a guest blog and an interview over at Under the Covers Book Blog. They’re celebrating 500 followers and if you haven’t been over there, go take a peek. Next week I’ll be doing another guest blog, this time over at Shameless Romance Reviews. Again, go take a peek. I have to thank the women at both of these blogs for inviting me, especially Ann and Dee. For an author that hasn’t put out a book in many months, one tends to get treated a little different or not at all, so being invited to guest blog has… Well, I’m just happy to have been thought of. I am grateful that my readers have stuck with me, some with great patience, some with not great patience. The majority of my energy this week has been put into finishing Forever In Blue Jeans, though. And running my son to and from baseball camp. While he’s playing, I’ve been spending the mornings writing in an awesome local, little coffee shop called Summit Coffee. I’m only a few thousand words away from the end and I’m anxious to get there. I’m not putting out as many books, not finishing as many as I did last year. However, I am writing longer books. Twisted Up is 50+K and once it goes through edits will be added to, I’m sure. Forever In Blue Jeans is slated to be around 55K. In terms of last year, that would be have been the equivalent of 3 or 4 books combined. I’m liking my writing now. I think it’s stronger. And most asked for longer books so once I started writing again, I decided that I would try to make that a goal. I don’t think it’s been a conscious thing though when it’s actually come to the writing. I think it’s just happened and worked out that way. Anyway, I wanted to take a moment before bed to touch base and say hello, let you know I haven’t forgotten you! I hope all of you are having a great week and staying as cool as possible. Back to Writing. I spent a lot of time revising Masked, formatting it. I’ll be spending just as much time on Unmasked for it’s release next weekend. In the meantime, though, I am writing. I am finishing up Trouble in the Making and the 3rd story which will follow Unmasked. This will free up November for me to finish the 2nd race car book, Drive Shaft. It’s been my goal to get it finished by the time NASCAR season was done and well, both will be done by end of November. It is my NaNoWriMo project. Also in book news, I have decided to self-publish the 3rd Blue Jeans and Hard Hats book. I have let Samhain know this so now I’m letting you, my readers know it. Basically, I wanted to be able to have a release date before late Summer 2012 and we simply couldn’t get it worked out that way. I am aiming for a February release for it. I hope y’all are looking forward to Blue’s story as much as I *finally* enjoyed writing it. It was a hard-fought book, but I am pleased with it. For those who have purchased Masked, thank you. For those who haven’t, yet. Why not? It’s a really hot little number…grins. Remember, you can find it at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Smashwords. I’ll be uploading both Masked and Unmasked to All Romance eBooks next week. Have a great one y’all! I’m off for more coffee and to get back to writing… 2 Comments. YEAH!! So glad Unmasked is coming out so soon! Masked was awesome – can’t wait for the unmasking to begin! And very excited about Blue’s story! I am excited about Blue’s story too, Susan. It’s different than the others. Longer. But, I am assured from beta readers that it is good, that it has some really great tension…