M. B. RAI of THl: INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Director of Censlls Operations, Arunachal Pradesh



ARUNACHAL PRADESH is a thinly populated hilly tract lying roughly between the latitudes 26 0 28' Nand 29 0 31' N and the longitudes 91 0 30' E and 9T 30' E on the north east extremity of India, com- ' prising roughly of 83,743 kilometre squares of area, bordering the international boundaries of Bhutan, Tibet, China and Burma. The Pradesh is known to be rich in flora, fauna, power and mineral potential.

When the 1971 Census was taken in Arunachal Pradesh, the -area -was known as the North . East Frontier Agency (NEFA) in short which was constitutionally a part of the State of . At that time NEFA was directly administered by the President of India through the Governor of Assam as his agent, who was assisted by an Adviser. The Office of the Adviser to the Governor of Assam was situated at Shillong, the former Capital of the Assam State now the Capital of .

On 21st January, 1972 NEFA was given the status of a Union Territory under the provision of the North-Eastern Areas (Reorgani­ sation) Act, 1971. (8 of 1971) and placed under the charge of a Chief Commissioner with his headquarters at Shillong.

When NEFA became a Union Territory in January, 1972 and renamed as Arunachal Pradesh, w-as selected as its Capital.

On 15th August, 1975 Arunachal Pradesh got its own elected Legislative Assembly and simultaneously the Chief Commissioner w~s replaced by Lt. Governor, assisted by a Ca~in~t of Ministers, to run the Government of this newly formed Union Territory.



1. Foreword (v) 2. Profact (ix)

3. Map of India showing location of Arunachal Pradesh Facing Page (xi) 4. Map of Arunachal Pradesh showing location of the diltrict (xi) S. Map of Lower Sllbansiri District (Ii)

6. Important Statistics (xi)

7. Analytical Note :­ (i) Census COIICIIpII- (iI) Brief history of the district and the DistrIct Census Handbook 6 (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory Statements and Primary Census Abstract s (iv) Physical-Aspects 9 (v) Maior Characteristics of the district 10 (VI) Major Social and Cultural events, during the decade 16 (vii) Brief analysis of the VilIag~ and Town Directorios and Primary Census Abstract data 19

8. Part 'A' Section I-Village Directory 37 Note e&plaining the codes used in the Village Directory 39

(a) For each Circle : (i) Circle Map 40 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 41 (iii) Village Directory 42

(b) Appendices to the Village Directory . 139

9. Section II-Town Directory . 161 (i) Note explaining the COde~ used in the Town Directory 162 (ii) Town Directory Statements 163 (iii) Appendix to the Town Directory 167

10. Part 'B'-- Primary Census Abstract 173 (i) District Primary Census Abstract 173 (a) Circlewise-Total, Rurill, Urban

(iI) Circlewise Primary Census Abstract . 18S (a) Villagewise (b) Townwise (within the town, wardwise).

(iii) Appendix to Primary Census Abstract (Urban Block and its Annexure) • 241 (iv) Primary Census Abstract fm Scheduled Castes at Circle lovel 249 (v) Prilllary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes at Circle level 256

11. Appendix t Statement showing 1981 Territorial unitsand changes durina1971-81 - 263 11. List of Publications 264



The District Census Handbook (DCH), compiled by the Cen­ sus Organisation on behalf of the State Governments is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The District Census Hand­ book is constantly referred to by planners, administrators, aca­ demicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The District Census Handbook is the only publication which provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) datu upto vill"cge level for the rural areas and wardwise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and ame­ nities in villages and towns, etc.

The District Census Handbook series was initiated during the (1951 Census. It cQntained important census tables and Primary Census Abstract for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the District Census Handbook was en­ larged and it contained a descriptive account of the district: admi­ nistrative statistics, census tables and a village and Town Directory, including P .C.A. The 1971 District Census Handbook series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to Village and Town Direc­ tory, Part-B to Village and Town Primary Census Abstract and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on Primary Census Abstract and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing.

While designing the format of 1981 District Census Handbook series some new features along with the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power.supply in the village have been hrought together in the Village Directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the Village Directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infra- structure aspect particularly in relation to amenities ___ and landuse >~tern is expected to further meet the need or mienf level planning for rural-areas. It is expected-to..llelp -not Only in local area plann­ ing but regUlating the provision of goods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imba1:ances in the process of development.

(v) 2-8 RGlIND/84 (vi) A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Pro­ gramme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centre~, pri­ mdry health subcentres, and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the Village Directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about the villages in the district which are inaccessible. A new co­ lumn, "total population and number of households" has been intro­ duced to examine the corelation of the amenities with the popula­ tion and number of-households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe popUlation to the total population has a Iso been made with this view in mind.

The formats of the Town Directory have also been modified to meet the requirell1ents of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on & few new items. A new statement on civic and other amenities in slums in Class-I and Class-II towns (Statement-IV -Ai has been introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out pro­ grammes on provision of civic amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes popUlation in Statement-IV relating to civic and_o1Jler am~ni8e§. and adult literacy classes / centres under educational facilities"-iir­ Statement-V area also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of the Town Di rectory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the_class of towns into consi- . deration. The addition of the columns on civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpose.

The format of the Primary Census Abstract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of changes in the eco­ nomics and other questions canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 Census.

In order to avoid delay in publication of ] 981 District Census Handbook series it has been so designed that Part-A of the volume contains village and Town Directory and Part-B, the Primary Cen­ sus Abstract of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Primary Census Abstract upto Tehsil/Town levels. At the beginning of the District Census Handbook a detailed analytical note supported by number of inset tables based on Pri­ mary Census Abstract and non-census data in relation to the infra­ structure has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and (Vii) tehsil I police station I CD Block etc., level maps depicting the boun­ daries and other important features have been inserted at appropriate places, to further enhance the value of the publication.

This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organisation. The data have been collecwd and compiled in the State under the direction of Shri M.B. Rai, lAS, the Director of Census Operations, Arunachal Pradesh on behalf of the State Governfnent which has borne the cost of printing. The task of plann- _ing, qesigning and coordination of this pu blication was carried out by Shri N.G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my Office. Dr. B.K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. Data re­ ceived from Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the So­ cial Studies Division at the headquarters under the guidance of Shri M.M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I am thankful- to all who have contributed-in this project.

NEW P. PADMANABHA the 26th April, 1982. Registrar General, India (x) -... S. For the preparation of manuscripts for nine districts that eXIsted at the time of 1981 Census this Directorate received whole­ hearted cooperation from the Secretary, Supply and Transport, all Heads of Departments, al1 district Heads of Departments, Extra Assistant Commissioners, Circle Officers, CPWD and PWD of Aru­ nachal Pradesh Government. I am grateful to them all for their valuable contribution. Also, I am grateful to the Geological Sur­ vey of India, Shillong for providing valuable information on the "Minerals and Mining" existing in all the districts of Arunachal Pradesh, to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Shillong for exhaustive notes on their agricultural activities in Arunachal Pradesh, and to the All India Radio for giving us information on the programmes broadcast by them on various aspects of socio-econo­ mic and cultural activities in Arunachal Pradesh sponsored by both Arunachal Pradesh Government and Central Government. 6. In this Directorate Statistical Assistants and Computors worked very hard in preparing various tables and writeups of nine District Census Handbooks under the close supervision of S I Shri A.K. Paul, Asstt. Director of Census Operations (T), I.N.Gohain and A. Roy Choudhury, Investigators. S / Shri D.B. Rai, Computor, A.C. Paul, Senior Steno, S.K. Lama, Junior Steno, B. Das Gupta, U.D. Clerk and Taru Takar, L.D. Clerk helped in typing out fair copies of all manuscripts for nine districts. In 1981 Census quite a large number of maps have been incorporated in the District Cen­ sus Handbooks. The Ferro Typer, Draftsman and Artist took pains to complete the ardous task of preparing the maps in time under the close supervisjon of Shri D.N. Ram, - __<:;£trtographer. Shri A.K. Paul, A.D.C.O. (T) took the responsibility of tlie- overall gui­ dance in preparing the maps. I am grateful to them all. 7. Lastly, I cannot but express my gratefulness to Shri P. Padmanabha, Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India for his valuable instructions and guidance in writing this District Census Handbook.

M. B. RAI,

SHILLONO Director of Census Operations, the 15th March, 1983. Arunacha_l_ Pradesh, Shillong-3. ,.' POSITION OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH IN INDIA, 1981

Boundary.lntem"Jon". _._._ Boundar,. Stlt.} Union r.rrltOfY JI Cap,tal of I.dla • Capital of State/Union Territory. • .. kilom.tres 100 0 100 200 lOO 400



The achiMlrltlvo hHdqulltlll.f Chandigarh, Harvana end Punla~ tt. It Chandigarh


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UnIon District Territory

Poplllation . Total PCIsons 631,839 112.650 Males 339,322 59,756 Females 292,517 52,894 Rural Person' 590,411 98,534 Males 313,886 51,019 Females 276,525 47,~15 Urban Persons 41,428 14,116 Males 25,436 8,737 Females 15,992 5,379 Decenntal PopulatIon Growth Rate 1971-8J (+)35 15 (+)39.22 Area (Sq Km.) 83,743 13,010 Density (per Sq. Km.) . 8 9

Sex Ratio (Number of female~ per 1000 males) 862 885

Literacy Rate P~rsons 20.79 19.52 Males 28.94 27.94 Females II 32 10.01

Percentage t)f urban pOl'ulailt)n to total populatIOn . Persons 6 56 12.53 Males 7.50 1462 Females 5.47 10.17

Percentage 10 tolal poPllla/ion (i) Main workers Pt-rsons 49·61 52 80 Males 57.42 58.39 Females 40 S4 4650 (iil Marginal workers PersonS 3.02 235 Males 1.21 064 FemaleS S 13 427 (iii) Non-workers . Persons 47 37 44.85 Males _ 41 37 40.97 Females 54.33 4923 Break-up of mam workers Percentage among main workers: (i) Cultivators Persons 71 26 73,81 Males 58 22 59 51 Females 9269 94 10 (II) Agllculturallabourers PersonS 249 I 03 Males 279 1.07 Females 1 99 0.96 (iii) Household Tndustry Persons 0.32 0.31 Males 0.43 0.35 Females o 13 0.25 (IV) Other workers Persons 2593 24.85 Males 38.56 ]9.07 Females 5 19 468 Percentage of Scheduled C'Lsles to tolal population Persons 0.46 0.52 Males 054 0.64 Females 037 0.38 Percentage of Scheduled TrIbes to total populatIOn Persons 69.82 77.77 Males 64.85 72.86 Females 7S 59 83.31 Numoor of occupied residential house, 108,935 17,304 Number of VIllages Total 3,257 170 Inhabited 3,257 770 Umnhablted Number of towns 6 2




In all the cen>uses throughout the world the di­ in the custom and tradition bound villages. Such ha­ chotomy of rural and urban areas is recognised and bitations in some cases form a well defined forest the data are generally presented for rural and urban vlllage. But those of such habItations which \~ere areas separately. But a common definition for the not accepted as 'forest villages' tIll census enumera­ concept of rural areas or urban areas cannot l:>e ap­ tIOn were treated as one unit and as one 'Census vill. plicable to all countries or, for that matter, even age'. within the same country. Inspite of this fact it wonld be better to know the census concepts of rural and As regards urban area it has very often been com­ urban are!ll\ before coming to the analysis of actual monly vindicated that an urban area should be deter­ data, mined not only on the basis of defined demographic charactenstlcs but also on the basis of the level of As in the previous censu.es the 1981 Census data infrastructure facllltles The urban area may be de­ are presented by rural and urban areas. The baSIC fined in a more meaningful way in terms of the level Unit for rural area IS the revenue village which has of infrastructure development and the availability of definite surveyed boundanes. The revenue vlllage may amem(1es III a given area. But criterial based on such compnse of several hamlets but the entire vlllage IS considerations have not been adopted in defining an one unit for the presentation of data In uDserveyed urban area in India. The census organisation is, how­ villages within forest areas. each habitation area with ever. workmg on the feasibility of arriving at criteria locally recognised boundaries within each forest range based on such factors for Identifying urban areas thr­ officer's beat is treated as one unit. Again a census ough some scheme. but in 1981 Census the conven­ village may also be basically defined as a 'tract of tIonal definition has been adopted. For the purpose laDd' which is an" administrative rather than a demo­ of maintenance of comparability and administrative graphk entity. convenience at large, the definition of an urban unit which was adopted in 1971 Census had been followed. The situation is. however. dilferent in Arunachal ThIS defimtlon. in fact. has been adopted since 1951. Pradesh. In Arunachal Pradesh. cadastral survey has Broadly speakmg the definition of an urban area as not been done so far and revenue system in the village adopted in 1981 Census IS as follows:- has not been introduced as yf't As such each area with locally recogmsed boundaries lS considered as ~a) AIl- places WIth a municipality, corporation. can­ a village. Thus a VIllage m Arunachal Pradesh m~y tonment board or notified town area committee. comprise of even one house/household only and. ID etc. ~. there are such villages. The identity of the ex­ istence of certain habitation as a separate village' or (b) All other places which satisfy the following criteria: otherwise is determined generally en the basis of how the local administration has accepted the existence of (i) a minimum population of 5000. these habitations. In the case of hamlets and the migrated part or parts of village bearmg the SEme (11) at least 75% of male working population engaged 1D non-agricultural pursuits; name of original village. (i.~. hoth the old and new and villages are found to be 'known by the same name). th~ (iIi) a density of population of at least 400 identity of' the places is determined by the decision persons per sq. km. 0.000 persons per sq. of the local administration only. A hamlet recognis­ mile). ed by local customs and traditions may be treated as a separate village if the local administration de­ The urban cntenon of 1981 vanes slightly from that cided to do so and in that case it is treated as a of 1961 and 1971 Censuses in that the males working census VIllage. So also the old and new villages m aclivitles such as fishing, logging, etc were treated bearing the same name of the old village are treated as engaged in non-agricultural activity. and therefore, as separate census villages if it is decided so by the these contrIbuted to the 75% criterion in 1961 and local administration even if both the units are treat­ 1971 Censuses, whereas in the 1981 Census these acti­ ed as same village by the local traditions and cus­ vlties are treated as on par with cultivation and agri­ toms; but in such case the local people keep the cultural labour for the purpose of this criterion. identity of these VIllages by using 'Old' and 'New' before and after the names of the VIllages or by In the marginal cases such as project colonies. areas suffixing I or 2 to the name of the village as the of intensive industrial development, railway colonies. case may be e.g. Old Shehung and New Shehung important tourist centres etc. the decision as to whe­ or Shehung I and Shehung 2. ther these places were to be classified as urban or rural was conSidered mostly depending on the local cir­ In Arunachal Pradesh there may be some special cumstances The classIfication of such cases were cases of Isolated and scattered habitations in the noti­ made by the census directorates in cpnsultation With fied forest areas. which mayor may not be included the office of Registrar General, India. 2

two distinct types of ur]:lan units are conspicuous CII\;s Population from the definitIOn of the vrban area. The first type of urban unit includes those units which satisfy cri­ 1 100,000 and above terion (a) by virtue of statutory notification, and [or U 50,000 to 99,999 census purpose these areas are referr,:d by. the .no­ menclature as adopted in the relevant nollficatlon III 20,000 to 49,999 Those units which satisfy the criterion ~b) belong t? IV 10,000 to 19,999 the other type of urban units. These cmts are claSSI­ V 5,000 to 9,999 fied as urban UUlts for cem:us purpose only and are VI Less than referred to as such III order to dlstmglllsh them from 5.000 the statutory tOWIlS under mterion (a,. Those urban areas under critel ion (b) may continue to be included Class I town with a population of over 100,000 in the list of revenue village where these ,tIe in existence. is also termed as a city. By convention, urban areas However, for the convenien':e of the readers relevant with a population of a million and above are often cross references are generaily made in the census refefled to as metropolitan areas. This terminology records for identificatIon of such cases. 18 adopted 10 all the census publIcatIOns. The popula­ tion size of the towns of Arunachal Pradesh being As III the case of rural areas, the Sllu:ltion in Aruna­ very small 5 of the 6 towns are in Class V and the chal Pradesh IS dlfferent!ll the case or urban areas ,emalllmg (Jne III Class VI and that IS town also. The local admllllSt1ative, ccono.nic and social of . milieu pose a difficulty in following the above cri­ teria in toto for recognition of a place as urban area. During 1961 Census the whole of Arunachal Pra­ CENSUS HOUSE desh was treakd as rural For 1971 Census also, A Census House is a buIlding or part of building no place was found to be under municipality, town havmg a separate malll entrance from the road or committee, etc. Same was the case ill 1981 Census. common courtyard or staircase, etc. Used or recogni­ As such there IS no place III Arunachal Pradesh so sed as a sep:uate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. It far which satisfies the cnterion (a). On the othe" may be used for a residential or non-residential pur­ hand. save and except two places (I.e. Old ltanagar pose, or both. If a building has a number of fiats and New Itanagar in ), the or blocks Wh1Ch are independent of one another hav­ criterion (b) was also not satisfied till 1981 Census. llIg separate entrances of their own from tbe road by any of the villages even tholigh it was observed or a common stalfcase or a common courtyard lead­ that many places. speCIally the dIstrict ~n~ subdivi­ tng to a maID gate, they are conSidered as separate sil!lnal headquarters, had developed distInct urban census Houses. If within large enclosed area, there characterIStics where large majority of people pur- are separate buildings owned by different person!. - ~ued non-agricultural activit es. It was, therefore, ?e­ then each 5uch building is also considered as a sepa­ cided that inspite of the smallness ~f ~he populatIon rate House. If all 1M ~t(uclures within an enclosed or less density of population, the dlstnct and subdl­ compound are together treated as one building then visional headquarters having a population of more each structure with a separate entrance is treated than 2,500 (in 1961) should be declared as urban areas as a separate Census House. on an empirical basis for the purpust of 1971 C~Il­ sus. Accordingly four such places were declared as urban area III 1971 namely, Bomdlla (Hcadquarte;rs HOUSEHOLD of the Kameng DIstnct at rresent West Kameng DIS­ trict), Along (Headquarters of the Siang Dlstnct at A household is a group of persons who commonly live together and would take their meals from a present West Siang l?ist.f1cll. Pasigha~ (Headql~arters of 'the subdIViSIOn of the Sung Dlstnct at common kitchen unless the eXigencies of work pre­ present Headquarters of the East ) and vented any of them from doing so. There may be (Headquarters of the Lohit Dlslricl). These ur­ a household of unrelated persons or having a mix ban areas have been continued as urban areas Over of both. Emmples of unrelated households are board­ and above two more umts namely, Old Itaganaga ing houses. messes, hostels, residential hotels, res­ and New itanagar which had satisfied all condilions cue homes, jails, ashrams. etc. These are called of criterion (b), have been declared as census towns 'Institutional Households'-There may be one mem­ for the purpose of 1981 Census. ber household, two members household or multimem. bers households. For census purpose each one of Before finalising the list of urban and rural areas these types is regarded as a 'househOld', the marginal cases for cOllsideration of urba~ aleas were examined by the Registrar General. India. The SCHEDULED CASTES list of urban areas, which is generally referred to as the town list, was then prepared by this director'ate- _ The castes which are Scheduled in Assam under and simultaneously a list of vIllages was also pre­ "the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists pared. These lists in fact form the pasic frame for (Modification) Order, 1956", (Part II of Schedule I) the organisation of the census operations. are treated as Scheduled Castes in Arunachal Pra­ desh. There are as many as sixteen different cate· Urban units or towns arc divided into the follow­ gories of Scheduled Castes in Assam which are also ing six classes for the purpose of anal,vsis: treated as Scheduled Castes in Arunachal Pradesh. DistrictwiiC list of Scheduled Castes with their de­ Census. a significant change W'lS made in the pre­ mographic and other aspects will be publ shed in a sentallon of eensus c:ata. Prior to 1951 Census re­ separate publication. ligion was adopted as the baSIS tor broad classifica­ [Jon of populatIOn. In 1951 Ce,l'11s, economic classi­ SCHEDULED TRIBES fication substitut~d the classifica IOn based on religion and it has been cont; nued till 1981 .Census; but then In the Presidenlial Order of 1956. it is said that the c 'it~ria such as duration of economically produc­ all the tribes of the Agency are to be treated as tive t:.ctivitlcs ar d some other r :kvant factors Ito de­ Scheduled Tribes At paragraph 2 of ~art JI of Sche­ termllle the econDmic< lly active population vlll1ed from dule III of the Order. an Illustrative list of the trtlxs census to census. Tl e means c,f hvehhood approach of Arunachal Prac'esh is provided. L has ::!1so been was adopted from 1901 upto 951 From 1901 to mentioned that the Presidential Ordu i:, illus ralive and 1921 the expres~ions used were "Workers" and "de­ not exhaustive with respect to the trib:s of Arunachal pendents". In 1931, the concept used were "earner". Pradesh. There were one hundred a ld t('~ different "working dependent and non-working dependent". In categories of Scheduled Tribes in Arunach II Pradesh 1951 the categcries were "Self Supporting Persons". in 1971 Census whereas 1D 1961 Census the number "earning dependents", and "noD-earning dependents". was eighty only. In 1981 Census the I'umb< r of Sche­ In 1961 and 1971, however, there was a shift to the duled Tribes has exceeded one hund 'ed a ld ten. labour force approach accordm~ to which a person was treated as "Worker" If his activity dunng the Total number of tribes may vary from census to reference period W,18 product ve ..... ork, Thus from census because of th.:; fact that the I st of the tribes 1961 the concept of workers and non-wo~kers .::arne of the Presidential Order of 1956 IS all open one, and into being. The difference in the concepts in 1961 and accordmg to the procedure of census mum,'I'atJon the 1971 Censuses is summarised below:- census enumerators are to record the name of the tribe as returned by th~ respondent._ wlthoitt en ering into (a) 1961 Cen;us: any alteration or ,ugument providt:d the 1,,::r80ns. tor "Workers" = maID workers -I- Marginal workers. whom the information is recorded ar<: the aborigmes "Non-workers" =No21-worhrs of_ Arunachal Praclesh. Another poss ble r~dson may be attributed to the growing con';clOW ness [or thi! id­ (b) 1971 Census: entity of their indlVldual groups or SI.!CIS. "Workers"=Main workers". "Non-workers" = Marginal workers + Non­ LiTERATE workers. A person who Cln both read and write with under­ _ Jhe_ consequence of such conceptual changes is standing III any la 19uage is taken as iterat~ A pcr~­ not far to seek._ The number of persons classified as son who can merely read but cannot wflh~, is ?ot worker at lhe national level in 1971 was 1750 million, literate. It is not necessary that a penon \1 ho IS hte­ rate should have received any formal education which was less than the uum1::er of workers (182.5 or should have passed any minimum educational stan­ million) on 1961 Census. This obviously led to a loss dard. All children of the age of 4 yem or less have of some ccmparability of the dala with those collected been treated as Illiterate even If the chtld is going at differen'c censuses. In order t» obviate these draw­ to a school and may have picked up reading and writ­ back. at the 1981 Census it was considered desirable mg a few odd words. to obtain. as far as possible, a detailed profile of the working charactenstics of the population without losing possibility of some comparability. at least with the WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS 1961 and 1971 resuits. The basic concept of wor­ kers and non-workers at the IS8l Census can preci­ For the purpose of census, basicall) the populatIOn sely be explained as shown bela..... :-- have been divided mto two broad groul's. namely, Wor­ kers and Nonworkers on the basis (J th~ activity Workers = MaID workers + Mal'gina.l workers of the people. Non-workers Non-wOlkers. Workers have been defined as those who have par­ ticipated in any economically productive activity ~ur­ WOl kers have been further classified into three ing the last one YCc r preceding the ~ate of ellUmeratl0!l. categones viz. Main workers. Workers having secon­ Such partiCipatIOn may be phYSIcal or mental III dary \\ork and Marginal worKers nature. Work lnv;)lves not only dctufl wOlk but also effective supervision and direction of work. MAIN WORKERS It has not always been possible to clearly define A main worker is that perwn who has worked who is an economically productive work ,r and to 182 days or more or in other words worked for six what extent. The concept of worker. tht:refore, has mont'-ls or more during las- one y,'ar prior to the date varied from census to census. At each census. on of enumeration. The refelence period of work is the the advice o[ the data users and e,c::momic experts, one year preceding the date of '!l'um!ration. Certain the concept was sought to be im )fOVe i up?n to types of work, ~uch as, agriculture. household indus­ give what was expected to be a mort' correct picture try like gur making, etc. ar~ carried on either through­ of the economic activity of the people. In the 1951 out the year _or .only during t:crtain seasons or !t 4 different parts of the year, depPllding on the local engaged in Household Induslry. ale "other workers". circumstances. In such cases the broad tmespan of The type of workers that come under this category the workmg perIOd or season pr,~ 'edlOg the enumera­ include factory workers. plantatIOn v1orkers. those in tion IS only to be c( nside:'ed -"bin workers are trade, commerce business. transport. mining. cons­ further grouped into .:I broad cat:gories according to truction. political or social work. all government ser­ their main activities HZ, cultivalnrs, agricultUlal la­ vants, municipal employees. teachers. priests. entertain­ bourers, those engag~d in howehold industry and ment artlsts, etc, In effect. all those who work in any other workers. These terms arc explained below: field or economic activity other than cultivator. agri­ culural labourer or household mdustry, are "other CULTIVATOR workers" For the purpose of the Census a person was con­ sidered as a cultivator if he or ,he was engaged in WORKERS HAVING SECONDARY WORK cultivatlOn by himself 'herself or by SUpCl vIsion or A mam worker may have some secondary work direction m his or her capacity a~ th'2 ownn or lessee m addition to main work He lS categotlsed as a of land held from pri late persor, or l11stltutions for worker havmg secondary work, He is, therefore, basi­ payment III cash, in kind or sh,: r.::. CuLivation in­ volves ploughing, SOWlllg and halVesting a,ld plOduc­ cally a main worker. In ordcl to classify those wor­ tion of cereal and millet crops, spch as wheat, jowar. kers who are having secondary work, the work of baira, ragi etc, and pu]ses, ra" Jute kLIlJred fibres the main workers other than their main work is record­ crop. ,cotton etc .. and other crops, such as sugarcane, ed. A person whose main work is shown as, say, a Government Office or m another establishment. also ground-nuls, tapIoca ~t(' Cultlv.l lon, haw~ver, docs not mcludes trUlt growing. v:gltarde growirg or keep­ attends to cultIvatlOll by his direct supervision or under­ ing orchards or groVtS or pJantltion of tea, coffee, takes some tuition work, this will be shown as hisl rubber, and other medicinal plants and as such a her secondary work. A persQn's main work may be person who grown these crops ,;anl1ot be classIfied cultivation and hiS secondary work may be money lending. Again main actIvity may be agricultural as cultivator. labourer and secondary factory labourer and so on and so forth. AGRICULTURAL LABOURER

A person who work, III anoth:r persrll1's land for MARGTNAL WORKERS wages In money, in kind or shale IS regarded as an agncultural labourer, He or she has no risk in the The concept of the marginal workers has been in­ cuitivatiun but he or she lIlel C1/ works in another iroduced for the first time 10 the 1981 Census. A person's land fo, wa~es An ,.gricultural labourer marginal worker is that person who has worked any has no right of ]ease or contract on land where he / time 111 the year proceeding the enumeration but has she works. not worked fcrr-a major part of the year. i.e .• for 183 days or in other words 6 months O[ more during If such a labour~r iF IIlVolveJ in growing sLch last one year prior to the date of enumeration. crops which an: 110t illclutkd III cultlvatlo,l. sl'eh as, fruit growmg, vcgctabl~ growmg or k~eplllg orch!!rds NON.WORKERS or groves or plantation of tea. wffee. rubber etc. and other medicinal plants, he / sh~ is not treated as agri­ Non-workers may be defined as those "ho have cultural labourer. not participated or havc be~n unable to participate in any economICally productive activity during the HOUSEHOLD INDUGTR Y last one year precedlllg the date of enumeration. The non-workers may again be categoflsed under seven Household Industry is defined as an llldustry con­ broad heads. These are explained below: ducted by the head of houschol d himself/herself or by the mc'mbers of the household at home or wlthm (i) Household-duties the Village III rural a "eas, and ('nly within the pre­ cincts of the house if the household lives in UI ban This cover all persons who are engaged III unpaid areas, The larger plOporrion of workers in a house­ home duties and who do not other worker or have hold industry should e,msist of mc'mber~ of the house­ not done any work at all during the last 'One year. hold including the head. The industry sllC'uld not be run on the scale of a registered lactory which would (ii) StudeDts quahfy for registration or h

(it) Dependent. a jail. for the work he/sh: was doing before he/she was apprehended is recorded lor their work or eco­ This category includes all dependents such as in­ nomic activity. Similarly. a person temporarly in a fants or children not attending school or a person hospital or SImilar mstltU!1011 lS categorised according pennanently disabled from work because of illness to the kmd of work he/sh", wa~ domg before he/she or old age. was admit1ed into the ho~pi!al or institution But Dependent will include even able bodied persons tor a long trial pf'Soner. or C(IUVicl in a prison. or fur a lung term inmate uf penal ur charitable or mental who cannot be catcgoris~d in any other category 01' non-worker but are dependent on others. However, mstitu~ion. the persall's pre~ 10US work is not record­ if slIch a person who is dependent on others for ed but he / she is trcatcd as non-worker~ under the subsistence is seekmg work. he or she will be cate­ category of "Inmates of Institutions. A person is gorised as other non-workers considered "for long tt!rm" If he or she IS in such a institutIon for 6 months or more (Iv) RedredJ Pel'S'Ons or Ren~ers A person who has retIred from service and IS doing (vii) Other Non-Workers no other work. i e. not employed again m some This includes all non-workers who may not corne economic activity for some part of the vear. or a under any of the above mCllti(lIl~,j six categories but person who is a renticr or livmg on agricultural or who 3re looking for wOlk :\ boyar girl who has non-agricultural royalty, rent or dividend, or any other compl ~tcd cducatloll or h.l' n'Jpped studying and is persons having an independent means of earmng an looking IOJ work comes under thIS category. A per­ income for which he/she does not have to work, will son who IS merely spending h:sjher time at h~me as come under thIs category. a dep~ndent and is not domg any work and is not seekin.~ any work, 11Ow.!~er. comes under dependent. (v) Beggars etc. A per>on irrespective of age ar,d whether educated or This covers beggars. vagrants or those persons with­ not, if he or she rer,orts t,1M hi" or she is not engaged out-a indication of source of income and also those with m any other activity but lS seeking wvrk comes under unspecified sources of subsistence who an;: nut en­ this c::tegory. gaged in any economically productive work. It nay be noted that this category includes only (vi) Inmates of Instilfutt'oos those whu do not f1.11 into any of the other categories of non-workers discLlssed earher. ThIS covers convicts m jails or inmates of a penal,_ mental or charItable mstitutions, even if persons are The figures under different categories of non-wor­ compelled to do some work. such as. carpentry, car­ kers are. however. not indicated in the table pre-sent­ pet weaving. vegetable growing et·:.. in such institu­ ed in 1his publicatIon. the total figures of non-workers tions. But in the case of the under trial prisoners in are only reflected. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DISTRICT AND THE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK

Formation of the diStrict shads funl;tion as advisory bodies only. The Gram 1914 is a land mark in the lllstory of the district. Sabhas or the Village Councils have, however, some This year the westtrn scc(lon of the North East admmistratlve power within certain limitations. Frontier Tract was ('onstituted. It was placed under The dinict )f Low;!r Subansin has been divided the charge of the Political Officer who had his head­ into four Subdivisions, namely , , Kolo­ quarters in Assam. Later on thiS section was re­ riang and Capital Complex Subdivision. The Ziro named as Balipara Frontier T rart. Prior to 1914 this Sub-divisi(ln is placed directly lInd.!r the charge. ~f area was a part of l2kshlffiPur district in Assam. 194b Lower Su )ansi! i District. Capital Complex SubdiVi­ IS another Important 'lear when the Ballpara Fron­ sion is unier t:le charge of Additional Deputy Com­ tier Tract was dividEd into two administrative juris­ missioner while Koloriang is manned by an Assistant dictions. One was Sela Sub-Asency and the other Com;nissi«ner, and Sagalee is manne? by E~tr~ was Subansiri area. 1954 ma~ks the renaming of Assistant 2omfllssiol1cr. The low'~st umt of admml­ the Subansiri arca as the Subamiri hontier Division. stration is a ci 'cle which is looked after by a Circle Subansiri Frontier D

,\s regards compo~ltl(ln of the people and lh,'11 IllS­ Part A - Comprising Town and Village Direc­ lory, it may bl! mentlolled tllat the district is predo­ tory as it was in 1971 Census. minantly inhabited by the Scheduled Tnbes of Aruna­ Part B - Consisting of (i) District Primary Cen­ chal Pradesh. The Scheduled Tribes population of the district accounts for 77.77°!, of the total population sus Abstract, Circle level, (ii) Circle­ of the distnct. Among them the major trIbes are Apa­ WIS,: Primary Census Abstract (a) tani, Bangro. Hill Mm, Mlklf. Sulung, Tagm and Nis­ village level and and (b) town level hang group lI1cludes Nishang Nishi. Bangl1l and Datla. (WIthin town wardwlse) and (c) Ap­ The history of all Ihese tnbes including their migra­ pendix to Pnmary Census Abstract lion. material and social culture ann other aspects showing Urban Blockwise total Sche­ have been vividly d\s·;ussed m the D;strtcl Census duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and (iiI) Primary Census Handbooks of 1971 Cen~u5 III respcc~ of Subanslti District. It is, therefore. felt not necessary to repeat Abstract for Scheduled Castes and the same m"'1'his volllm~ A separate note on the Scheduled Tribes at circle level. change in their material and social culture and other Part A and B of the District Census Handbook .tspeets. however. 'leeds a det:llkcl and thorough sludy has been combmcd III one v('lume as It was done in which is beyond the purview of this puhlilation 1971 Census. There IS no third part of the District Census Handbook in the 1981 Census. It has been The District Census Handbooks t''Cperknc('d during 1971 Census that collection of The Distr1ct Census Handbook is an Innovation of administn:'lve stati,tic, pertaining to various depart­ the 1951 Cxnsus Prior tl) 1951 Census. publica:ions mrnts tuk" unusually long time and consequently this .:lnd repon conlainc:d data uplo Tdl:;ll/Sub-Tehsil pari of publicatIOn is lllordmately ddayed. It has, Town and District leveL Micro level data i.e., sta­ therefore, been decided not to go in for the adminis­ tistical data -for smaller Tcrritorilll UnitS-VIllages trative stati5tics ln :my case the information would In rural areas and ClltlmCl:Jtors blocks ill urban areas b: availabk to the data uselS in the publication of were not published III any census report With the the concerned statistical bureaus I departments, rapid development and socio-<:conomic changes in the This volume society, neces~ ity of d,tta at Micro level was fdt con­ siderably by the Govcmmeat. Economists, Scholars This particular volume will present Part A and and various data using agencies. With a view to Part B of the District Census Handbooks pertaining make available these statistics at mkro level, selected to lower Suhansiri DistrIct of Arunachal Pradesh. census data w~re given m the District Census Hand­ Besides Village and Town Directories, Urban and books of 1951 Census and as such these handbooks Rural Primary Census Abstract and Primary Census contained important census data as well as general Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, informatJOn [plating 10 history, physical aspects geo­ attempt wtll be made to covcr various aspects in this logy, archaeology, climate, rainfall, administratioll, volume in order to present a repr~sentative overall medical, public health, education and literacy, agri­ picture of the district in a comprehensive manner. The culture and cooperation industnes, local bodies, places highlights of the multifarious aspects mtended to be of mterest etc rela!mg to partlcular distTlct dealt with in this volume are indicaed below:- (i) Various census concepts The District Census Handb(loks of I 'J61 Census underwent complete transformation and attempts were Oi) Brief History of the District and the District lllade 10 make them more comprehensive and informa­ Census Handbook tive. (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory Statements and P.c.A. In 1971 Census. dtorts were made to make a~ailable (iv) Physical aspects highlights on the changes in both census and non-ccnsm (~ata in a uniform manner the Jurisdiction of the district during the de­ with an enbrged perspective The District Census cade including iN boundaries and any impor­ Handbook of 1971 0nw,; h.td been s-plit-up into three tant l:vcnt on geographic or geophysical as­ parts namely. Part A, Part B and Part C. Part A was pect. comprised of Towll al1d Village' Directorv while Pal'! B contained Urban Block/Village-wise Primary Census (v) Major characteristics of the district particularly Abstract and Part C-included Admnistrative Statistics in relation to the economic resources, namely, and Report. forestry. minerals and mining, electricity and power, land and landuse pattern, tenancy, District Cemus Handbooks of /\ runachaT Prarlesh • agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery, indus­ were brouglit out for the first time in the 1971 Cen­ try, trade and commerce, transport, road com­ sus when th\: full Hedged census was also takerim-_ municatlOn etc Arunachal Pradesh for the first time. Arunachal (vI) Major social and cultural events, natural and Pradesh being a Union Territory having less volume administrative developments and miscellane­ of data Part A and B of the District Census' Hand­ ous activities of note during the decade books were combined 111 one volume for convenience. (vii) Brief description of places of religious. histori­ calor archaeological importance in villages and Tn th~ 1981 Census the District Census Handbook places of tourist interest in towns of the dis­ is dividc

Village Directory the respective statements particulars on municipal finance in statement III in respect of towns in Aruna­ The format of the Village Directory is also on the chal Pradesh are not available because there is no pattern canvassed in 1971-Census except for a few separate budget head on municipal finance. There is additional columns. The column on total population no statutory or non-statutory bodies managing the and number of household is added to facilitate analysis civic administration of the town in Arunachal Pra­ of Village Directory data. The column on approach desh. The roads, buildings and other civic amenities to village is to know the no. of inaccessible villages are maintained by the Central Public Works Depart­ in a district. ment. Statement IV-A is applicable only for class I and class II towns. No town of Arunachal Pradesh A feature of the format for 1981 Census is its re­ falls under these categories. As such, these statements structuring. All the amenities except power supply (III & IV-A) are excluded. in the village have been brought together wi~h the idea that in case any amenity IS not available m the The column on Scheduled Gaste a~d Scheduled village the name of the nearest circle if in the same Tribe population in Statement IV and adult literacy district, or the name of the nearest district if in the classes/centres in statement V are equal to the Mini­ same state or other state where it is available and mum Needs Programme of the Planning Commission. its distance from the refer rent Village IS mentioned. Again, if the fire fighting service as in statement IV NA (not available) has been given in column-3 and medical and educational facilities as in statement (total area of village), column-IS (area under forest), V are not available in the town, the name of the column-17 (area under dry rice cultivation), column- nearest town if in the same district, or the name of 18 (area under Jhum cultivation) because these non­ the nearest district if in the same state or other state census data supplied by the district authority for these where available alongwith its distance from the refer­ columns are purely based on eye estimation. As such, rent town is given. This is again a new feature of considering the fact that rough eye estimated data 1981 Census as it is necessary to identify the areag (no cadastral survey on land is done so far in Aruna­ with no specific facility in every district. chal Pradesh) will not serve any useful purpose, j~ has been decided not to furnish these data. Primary CeosusAlistract (PCA} Col~mn-9 (day or days of the market/hat) has been left blank (dash only) in some cases where markets The Primary Census Abstract is an adjunct of the or hats are not held in the region. senes WIll gIve baSIC mformatlon occupied residential houses, number of households, total population, scheduled castes and schedule tribes population, lite­ Town Direcrory Statements rates. main workers. cultivators, agricultural labourers. workers in household indufltry and other workers, The Town Directory consists of seven statements. marginal workers, non-workers and in respect of each All these are almost similar to those adopted for 1971 area unit upto the circle and town. Tne Urban/Village Census. The introduction of a few columns in the Primary Census Abstract provides this intormation statements are with a view to facilitating analysis of for each village and each urban ward. the data A signific_ant addition is class of town in every statement. The infrastrusture of amenities and facilities available in urban area can best be analysed An appendix is presented in the case of Urban Pri­ by taking the class of town into consideration. The mary Census Abstract which contains basic popula­ additions of the column on civic administration sta­ tion data block-wise in each urban area. This may be tus in statements III and IV and population in state­ of use to the administrative and election authorities ments IV, V also serve the same purpose vis-a-vis in the urban areas. PHYSICAL ASPECIS HfGHLIGH1S ON THE CHANGES IN !'HE JURISDICTION OF THE DISfRICr DURING THE DECADE INCLUDING ITS BOUNDARIES.

]n 1971 Census Arunachal Pradesh consisted of five Arun:;Gh~ I Prade,n tra{'[ III Arunachal Pra­ districts. During 1981 Census liJl Housdisting Opera­ which covers appro;


Forest the geological Survey of India has locateu quite a few mmeral occurrence in the areas so far investigated. In Arunachal Pradesh the life of the Illcal tribal population IS very closdy hnkeu with the f()rests. The Physical succession. as seen in NW-SE section is people enjoy customery fights rt'cogl'lloed under the given below The genlogy of both the districts VIZ •• Assam Forest R,;gulatlOll over (olkcllllIl of mineH Lower and Upper Subansiri is more or less same ex­ forest produce for their bonafiec.l domestic require­ cept that the Territories are presented only in the ments For house construction purposes, c8ch family Subansn; District. is entitled to a 300 eft. of round timber tree of loyality Th~ foothill zone. i.e.. the Siwalik hills, rising to etc. Besides, other benefits enjoyed by the p~ople are: maximum altitudes between 1600 and 1700 metres (i) Permits for trees for trade purpo;es are issued runs in NE-SW direction. Maximum Width of the only to local people in order to Improve their hills is about 20 Km. North of the Siwalik hills, the economy a,1d lllculcate busmess skills. outcr lower Himalayan hills follow the same trend. (ii) 7t% concession In the award of Jeases and It consists of the rocks ranging from Pre-camhrian to contracts pertaInmg to forestry and other Permian age. Further north of the lower outer Hima­ works. layan hills is the Great Himalaya. The rocks of this (iii) Prelerentlrl treatment 111 lhe matkr r0garding area are not well known. But it is expected that Pre­ issue of licenses for forest based ind ustries. I:ambrian schists. migmatites and granitic intrusive of Sela group of Kameng may be present in this (iv) Preference in employment in the Government. region. Plantation is done under different Scheme. The up-to-date figure of Lower Subansiri District The Daporijo crystellines. Potin and Khetabari for­ under different Schemes as follow~.-- mations are considered to form a thrust sheet over­ lying the younge I rocks of cambrian to Devonian Afforestation upto 1981-1181 3 hect. age. The Khetabari schists etc. structurally, underlie Artificial Plantation upto 1981-5922.75 hect. the potin formation but the fonner is considered younger than the latter. The Gondwana rocks are _ Moreover, there are some other scheme of planta- thrust over the rocks of the quarternary age. tions. such as cash crop plantauon, Social Forestry Plantation Scheme. etc. MINERAL OCCURRENCE F.{Jrest has a grc:at part to play for the economic (i) ArsenopyrUe. Arsenopyrit~ associate, with quartz and commercial development. It is a good source of veins in the shared quartz It is i,Down to occur m:ar revenue, on 1980-81 out of 67488 Lakhs of the State the c(lnflu~nce of kale and Ranga f1V(IS. revenue forest department alone gave 383.22 lakhs revenue. The contribution of Lower SubaJIsiri District (ii) BeJ~'l.-SpurauK Occurrences of whits bery is 12.84 Lakhs. Forest occupies 61.67% of the total crystals are known 111 the pegmatIte ~elllS near Yachali geographical ared of the Union Territory. The total about 69 Km. of Kimill-Zlro road. forest area of the Union Territory is 51540 Km' and reserved forest area is 11934.71 Km.' The total (iii) Coal.-A few uneconomIc occurrences in the forest area of the Lower Subansin District is 5876 form of knscs of crushed, semi-euthracitic coal with­ Km' and rc~ervl'd forest areas IS 1635.38 Km'. in carbonaceous ~lates have been n:porteu from the Basing on the forest produces many saw mills. veneer Dikrang and Ranga valley. A OJ m. thick "peat' milh have ::ame ·up. There IS proposal for the esta­ occurs near Sore Village on the right of Kale river. blishment of a paper miIl- as the raw material for (iv) Clay.-Thin clayey zones in terraces material this is available In this Union Territory. are noticeabl,e upstream of pitapol along Ranga Forest has promising future for the development of valley. It is impure gray coloured clay. forest based industries. Government has taken var­ Base metals.-The mineral potemiality 01 polyme­ ious steps to estabHsh forest based industries by tallic (cobalt. nickel, copper and zinc) suplhite mine­ issuing licenses. permits and the financial aid to ralisatIOn in the Ranga valley near Potin is being bonafide persons through the Industry Department. investigated by the Geological Survey of India. The MINERAL RESOURCES mineralized zone IS aboue 3 Km. long and about 300-800 meters wide. The mmeralisation IS 111 the Geological Survey of India has been engaged in form of stringers, patches disseminations. Pyrrhotite. geological investigation in this remoted part of India chalcopyrite and pyrite constitute to form this poly­ since the inception of this Department by organising metallic sulphide mineralisation. expeditous. But despite' sincere efforts. so far only 16,000 Sq. Km area has been cOvered by geological Pyrite. -In the gre), silvery mica schists, sulphide mapping on all scales. Hence, a vast area still remains mineralisation containing chiefly pyrite with rare terra icognita. In course of geological investigations. chalcopyrite and specks of malachite and azurite has

10 11 been notIced within 32 Km. from Ziro towards Tame­ Land rcfonn measures are being introduced for a non Zir?-Daponjo metalled road. change in the cxisting system and for proper imple­ mentatIOn of land admInistrations. Efforts are being Mica.-The pegmatite In granite n~ar Ziro. Pitapol made for cadastral survey of land and preparation of and Potin contain small highly crumpled, fractured land records and strained biotite and muscovite books Thc occur­ rences arc uneconomic. A draft land s~ttlemcnt and land reform bill is submitted to the Government of India for approval in order to introduce the same in the Legislative Dolomite.-i\ massive dolomIte band of about Assembly for propt:r legislation Only after the en­ 1000 IU. thIckness has been reported from Tali and forcement of the proposed Act the title \keds under Mun art\lS regular 'Patta' can be issued to the land holders gran­ ting rights on the llldividual land holdings. ELECTRICITY AND POWER AGRlCULTURE (1) Potentiality of HydeijTbermal Pow cr.-The Agriculture is the main occupation of the inhabi­ accelerated development sch~me III Arunachal Pradesh has opened a fresh thinking of power generation from tants of this district. The main crops grown III the small diesel operated generator sets of capacity less district area paddy. maIze, millcts, koehu. Staple food is nee and maize. than that of 100 KW to Hydro Electric Schcm~ Acute shortage rangmg hom 50 KW to 2000 KW The scope of development in agriculture is divided of fossIl fuels and lrud~ 0,1 III this area compels one into two heads. to search for other modes of power generatIon. Aru­ nachal Pradesh is not lacking the water potentialities (a I Agriculture.-There IS scope for terraces on whIch It gets eJlher from prolonged monsoon rains or gentle slopes and 'Wet rice cultivation in lower belt from meltmg of snow III hIgh altItudes. If harnessed with improved agriculture practices. pfllperly It can ;,upplement the entire anticIpated power demand of the nation. At present MIcro Hydel 'Ib) Horticwture.-There is scope for horticulture Schemes are feeding all districts in small transmission plantatIOn on slopes near to thc- roads. Roads are and dlstnbutwD net works Now the electricity is beIng constructed in Important areas. Temperate and being used froni domestic lighting purposes to for­ sub-tropIcal fruits ar~ grown 111 the district. mation of small scale industries like timber Saw Mills, RIce 1l1111s. Modernised poultry farms. Dairy farms. Where permanent cultivation is not sufficient Jhum OJ! expellers ctc. cultivation is being done by the farmers. Mixed crop­ ping is done in jhum fields. The farmers are becoming aware of the adverse effects of jhuming and therefore (2) The Scheme for Generation of Po""er present they arc gradually- feduc1ng Jhum cultivation and ado­ and future.-In Lower Subansiri District, Mai Hydel pting permanent I:ultivation. extensively. Project Ph-I has installed capacity upto 2500 KW and recently commissIOned Ph-II has got 1500 KW The followmg schemes arc being taken up by the installed capacity which is more than sufficient for Governmenl for the increase of permanent agriculture. thiS Dlstnct. Olhel dl,tncts abo h.tv.: sufficient Hydr,) Electric generating capaclty for urban and rural (al Land Development.-The land development areas. But for future electrification of large number 'Works are being done by the Rural Works Department of villages in the district this is not sufficient hence all gentle slopes The farmers are convinced with investigatlOn works on Hydel Projects m Viirious cir­ b~tter result of perman~llt cUltlVfl' 'm so they arc cles is gOIng on 10 at least I nsiall ten mur~ Micro­ also dOing fDnd development works themself where Hydel Projects III remoh: hilly areas like Tali. Kolo­ pOSSIble riang, Sarli, HurL . . Tameng etc. (bl Minor Irrigation Channel.-Mmor itrigation channels arc being constructed by the Rural Works (3) The Scheme for Electrification and its imple­ Department to irrigate the developed land. mentation in both Rural and Urban Area,-Vll1age ElectrIfication Scheme provides L.T. supply to the (c) Inputs.-The followmg inputs are being sup­ consumers for domestic purposes only. District head­ plied by the Department of Agriculture on 50% sub­ quarters and townships utilise most of the energy sidy for better cultivation:- generated for electric lightlllg. ventilation, heating and operating small gadgets. (I) Seeds of high YIelding varietIes of paddy, potato. mustard. wheat etc. (ii) Manures and Fertilizers. Brief Note 00 Land and Land use Pattern and (iii) Free Service of Plant ProtectIOn. Tenancy (iv) Sampk Tools and Implements At present neither there is any land tenure system (tI) Horticuiture.-Assistance is bcmg given l:y the nor any tenancy laws in existance in Arunachal Pra­ department of Agriculture for establishment of peo­ desh. Land is being used by the people under cus­ ple's horticulture gardens Seedlings arc also being tomary laws either individually or collectively. provided on 50% subsidy 12

The farmers are coming forward for different sche­ 3. The third upper belt having the altitude of mes and they are showing positive response. 6000 to 11000 feet covers area of 35% of the total area suitable Animal Husbandry practices in this Veterinary & Animal Husbandry area include sheep, yak. zo-zomo etc. Livestock plays an important role in the Socio­ Keeping in view the rainfall and adoptability of economic Irfe and development of the people of Aru­ ,Ii(felent climatic zones as described above, emphasIs nachal Pradesh. In rural areas. the economic status has, been laid on exten~ive cross-breeding programme of a family is assessed with the number of animals to lmprove the local hvestock for more production especially Mithull a famity possesses. Meat is the of milk, meat, eggs etc. staple food for the people. Recent C~IlSUS rt:ycakd that each family has an average cattle 2 Nos. Pig Cattle Development 3 Nos .. Sheep and Goat 1 No., Poultry 7 Nos. On cattle development, besides distribution of In comparison to other parts of the country the breeding bulls in villages so far 9 cattle up-grading centres have been set up in the following places of potentiality of livestock rearing found to he congen­ Lower Subansiri District with the objective to up. ial due to high rainfall and abundance natural green grade the local cattle population. Cattle up-grading grasses all over the State. centres have been set up in 1, , 2. Joram, 3. Yazah, 4. Palin, 5. Raga, 6. Talo, 7. KikiIa, Taking into consideration of the above facts, the 8. BaliJan and 9. Deed. Animal Husbandry activities are divided mainly into 3 aspects: Besides, a Cattle Breeding Farm one at Ziro and 1. Animal Health, another at Nirjuli with the objective to produce cross. breed stock have also been sct up in the dIstrict. 2. Livestock Developm~nt and Production, The bulls produced in these farms are distributed 3. Education and Traimng. to the people for further multiplication. Programme IS to distribute more breeding bulls and set up more 1. Animal Health Coverage cattle up-grading centres in order to provide effective coverag~ of up-grading the local stock. For effective animal health (Overage, Veterinary AId-Centres at village level, Dispensaries at Block Poultry DtWelopment level are functioning. One central poultry farm at Nirjuli bas already Till th~ end of the year 1981-82. 12 Veterinary b,.;en set up and 4 more Poultry Farms in the district Dispensaries were set up in dIfferent places of Lower have bee? set up. A few private poultry farms are Subansiri District as mentioned bclvw:-- also commg up tlirougn Government subsidy. Besides, one centra! .ha.tchery attached to the Central Poultry L Doimukh, 2. Sagalee, 3. 2iro, 4. Palin, 5. Kolo­ Farm at NUJuh has been approved. Besides, the above _ riang, 6 Hun, 7. Raga, 8. fali, '). Niljuh, programmes poultry umts on subsidy are distributed 10. N)'apin. 11. Ziro and 12. Yazali. to the farmers under PLAN and IRDP schemes, . In addition to above 8 (eIght) Veterinary t\ld·Cen­ Piggery Development tres were set up in the fo]Jowing places:- PJggery has a grellt potentially in Arunachal Pra­ desh. It makes a staple food in day-to-day life of L Kimin, 2. Nyapin, 3. Mengio, 4. Ziro, 5. Balijan, AflJnachal Pradesh. 6. Sarli, 7. Boa-Simla, and 8. Yangte. The Central Piggery Farm at Karsingsa has sup­ 2. Livestock Development and Praduction. plied exotic pIgs to Assam, Meghalaya and Naga­ land besides meeting the requirement of the State. In view of vastness of the territory and abundant The other farm, RegIOnal Pig Breeding Farm, spon­ green pasture available, there IS ample scope for the sored by N.orth-Easter:n Council is set up recently in development vf livestock in Arunachal Pradesh. Lohlt Dlstnct at LOlhang WIth 100 sows capacity. Perspectively basing on tradItional Arumal Husbandry practices_ already in vogue the Umon Territory has . Subsequent ~istribution of Exotic Pigs to the deser­ been divided into 3 mam zones. vmg farmers for cross breeding and multiplication h~ve been taken ~p. ~ si.multaneous subsidy pro­ 1. Foot hiU areas covermg altitudes of 5OO.w )000 gramme on the kmd baSIS IS launched for this pur­ feet occupying nearly 30% of the total area is con­ pose in and around Loiliang Project. ducive for rearmg of cattle, pig, poultry and goats. Sheep. Goat aRd Wool Development 2. Broad valley and' plateau ranging from 3000 to Sheep of Arunachal Pradesh have fine wool with 6000 feet. covermg nearly 35% of the total area is a long staple leng!I: Therefore, cross:Jm;eding pro­ conducive for rearing hill cattle, mitbun, sheep, and gramme With RUSSIan Menno 18 faken up. Perform­ poultry. ance of cross breed is better in terms of wool and 13 body weight. A sheep breeding farm with exotic Co-operative Dai'ry Farming Russian Merin~ S~1eep h~s already bc:n set up in West Kameng dlslnct. Of course then: IS no farm as Collection of milk from Dairy owners and subse­ such in Lower Subansiri District. quent distribution to the consumers has been started at Tczu, along with encouraging result. Other Livestock Development FlSHERY 1. Yak.-The high altitude area ranging from 6000 ft and above is suitable for reanng of Yak Lower Su bansiri District offers good scope for cros~-bn;ed (Zo-Zomo). The cross breed female (Zomo) development of fishery and the people !Ire increa­ are Important from dairy point of view- having higher singly ccming forward to take up this industry as a percentage of fat content The livelihood of local in. subSidiary Income. habitants of this particular zone depends on milk products of these cross breeds. Therefore. emphasis This District can boost the unique pOSition of has been laid on supply and multiplication of more paddy-cum-fish culture. Popum and Poma rivers sit­ cross·breds through deserving breeders of the locality. uated within a radious of 20 KM. from New Itanagar is a virgin land for reverine fishery as and when road 2. Mitbun.-Mithun is a rare animal reared by commuDlcation will be developed. These rewurces the farmers of Arunachal Pradesh. The Animal is could be tapped to increase supply of fish. Socio-economically important to the people of these areas. Fish is one of the items of dietary to the people of this district. Fishlllg is also a ceremonial ritual both A crosb-bred female Mithun (Mithun male Siri as a form of sports and traditional custom. To them Female) is potentially utilized _ as Dairy Animals the culture of fish in ponds or in other ways was baving higher percentage of fat contcnts. quite unknown before the introduction of fishery department ill this district. Feed and Fodder Developme,nt 1. Fishery activities started in this district since . Fodder devel?pment is another aspect which goes 1959-60 and have so far been concentrated to pond Side by Side with Itvestock development projects for culture through villagers on payment of 50% subsidy producing the required seed materials a11d fodder slips by the Government against constructional cost. The for fodder production There are already 9 (n:ne) .villagers are supplied with fish seeds, feed and lime foddel farms set up in the territory. 3 (t1Iree) of these and gears and tackles at 50';; subsidised cost. are in SirJ Yazali and Nlrjuli of Lower Subansifi District. The construction of domestic fish ponds by the One Feed Mixing Plants at Nirjuli has also been villagers at 50°;, subsidy was first taken up during set up for mixing and producing balanced feed for 1962·63 and till 1981-82 total number of 506 ponds livestock. of different specifications covering an average water area of approximately 20 hectares have been cons­ tructed. Edll!Clltion and Trainmg Considering the geographical condition of this dis­ 1. Programmes envisaged under the scheme are trict an exotic variety of fish viz. com. carp Spp award of stipends for Vetennary graduation of fill Cyprinus Carpio vart. 5pecularies (Mirror Carp) and up the shortage of Veterinary Doctors. connics (scale carp) have been introduced and found quite suitable. The villagers are enjoying the harvest 2. In service course of Training tor graduate and from the ponds constructed upto 1979-80 and the under-graduate staH. _ average harvests have been estimated % 50 Kg. annually. from each productive pond. 3. To meet up the manpower shortage a school of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry has been started. for para Veterinarians temporarily at Gram 50 far approximately 4.5 lakhs of fish seeds have Sevak Training Centre, Pasighat, and a first COUIse been distributed for stocking in the ponds. To cenater the demand of fish seeds a small Government Fish of training was started With 25 trainees III February. 1981. seed multiplication centre with an water area of 0.8 hectare was established at Gumto near Doimukh AootIrex Training Centre to train the farmers on during 1974·75. But due to shifting of Arunachal sheep shearing and grading has also been set up -at' Pradesh Capital at Itanagar this project has become Sangti in West Kameng District where every year 20 a commercial farm for supply of table fish. The reve­ to 30 farmers are trained to acquaint them with nue receipts of -the project from the inception reveals modern technique of sheep sheanng and wool grad­ that this project is running satisfactorily. ing. Moreover. to make the fish seeds readily available Short term traming programmes to acquint the to the interior Villages like Koloriang. Hun. Nyapin farmers with various Livestock Development asprcts etc. a small fish seeds nursery was established at are also carried out every year. Roloriang during 1976·77 with an water area of 0.1 14

hectare. ThIS small fish seed nursery is also runn1l'lg The mam bottleneck III the field of fishery deve­ satisfactorily and supplying fish seeds to the villages. lopment activities in the uistnct has been the acute Till 1981-82 approximately I.S lakhs of common carp ~hortage of technical field staff though the activities fish seeds were produced and supplied. To meet the have been extended upto the border areas hke Huri demand of table fish from the Government staff of Sarli. Tali etc ltanagar and, public a natural beel Was reclaimed dur­ ing 1979-80 covering water area of 1.75 hectares. INDUSTRY Similarly another project was taken up during 1979-80 at Nirjuli with the idea to extend it upto 1.5 The Aruna2halccs have a tradition of artistic craft­ hectares. smanship which manifest through varIOUS products they produce. 1n the past years the onphasis was One natural lake situated about 5 K.M. away from for revival and revitalisation of the traditional hand­ New ltanagar coveting an area of 16 hectare was loom. handicrafts and other industnal endeavours. taken up by the department for the furiher improve­ The notable fcatur~s were the establishment of craft­ ment during 1975-76. Fish seeds of economic value centres. ComprehenslVe production centres, extension viz., labec rohita, catIa catIa. C. mrigala and com. of the sencultural programmes and establishment of carp were stocked in the lake during 1977-78 and it smaU-scale industries. is found they are thriving and growing well. During 1981-82 approximate 1 Mt. of fish have been harves­ ted and marketed at New Itanagar and Itanagar. The following area have been identified as Growth Centres for Small-S('ale Tndustri~s. Further. to cater tre demand of vlliagers for fish seeds. specially against paddy-cum-fish culture in (a) Doimukh Apatani Plateau which is a unique programme in this dIstrict. a hIgh altitude fish seed farm has been san­ . (b) Ziro ctioned under NEe grant The farm IS sItuated about j Km. away from Ziro towards Siro named Tarin. • (c) Yazah Rs. 22.78 lakhs was sanctioned for this farm for developing water area of 3 hectares in 4 (four) phases. The constructional works were being executed by 2. There IS also scope for development of the follow­ the R.W. Department from the year 1980-81 and will ing industrial' units uncler small-scale industries: be completed by 1983-84. It is expected to produce approximately 3 million of viable fish seeds from (a) Forest Based Industries: (I) Saw M ills, Wooden this farm annually. - -- - - furniture, Cane. & Bamboo furniture, The staff component of the farm is sanctioned as Fifles buts. wooden, under:- electrical accessories, venner mill, Railway (I) Farm lVlanager I No. sleeper etc.

(2) Fishery Demonst! atllf 2 Nns. Agro-cum-phn''ltion b~lsed Blkery. Pcultry, INc,. Indus1nes : Cattlefeed. Attl1, (3) Ottice A,sist~:nl ciI'lkl. on extraction, (4) Fisherm.m-cum-Walchman- 6 Nos. Rice Mill. specices gfJnding chitranala, (5) Office Pe('n I No. phmhtion. horti­ (6) Dliver . -I Nc. cultural garden etc. (b) Cottag..: Tnluslnes : Handloom, HandI­ crafts. Knitting, Ca­ Paddy-cum-fish culture in Apatani Plateau, 'liro nes and Bamboo Indlls:ries. TailJring etc. This is a unique piscIculture' activity in Lower Subansiri District at Apatani plateau. :liro. This pro­ gramme was taken up by the fishery department In order to implOve the economic condition of the during 1964-65 in Apatani plateau, Ziro Wifu-23 12.I01S local people and to sale their product. the Government of paddy fields covering in average water area (0{ is providing marketing facilities through the empori­ 10 acres and was found successful. From 1968-69 ums. The produce of the local people are being pur­ this programme was taken up intensively with success­ chased and- sold through emporium. The Govern­ ful achievement. During 1981-82 approximately 300 ment is providing working. ~apital in this respect. Be­ hectares of paddy fields were covered under this Side the marketing facilities, the Government is also programme. Approximately 2 lakhs of com-carp fish distributing t(lols and equipmellts to the passed-ou't . seeds were distributed to the villagers on payment trainees/skilled men in different trades on 50% subsidy of full cost @ Rs. 100.00 per 1000 Nos. The actual baSIS for Improvmg tbe ;;fficlency of the workers and harvest was estimated approximately at 24 Mt. for the expansion of the traditional craft. 15

There are seven Craft. Centres under Lower Sub­ There are 7 air fed stations with an annual tonnage ansiri District, which impart training In Blacksmithy, of about 1.500. Land-fed places arc covered by 27 Carpentry, Knitting, Weaving & Bellmetal. The mech­ fair price shops. anised carpentry training IS also bemg provided at Zlro craft centre in order to improve the efficiency of the workers in mlldern tools and equipments. The Trade in apple has started in a small way and until Government is ulso running the production wing to . the means of communication are improved, trading engage the passed-out trainees in the craft centre. will be mainly confined to articles of daily necessity The Government also prOVides incenttws to the passed­ only. out/skilled persons for establishing the Small-Scale Industries (SS!) Unit; by themselves. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION TRADE AND COMMERCE The District has a wmparatively good system of road Ziro and Itanagar Imve brisk commercial activities communication. This has been possible because of the former catering the need of over 30,000 popula­ easy maintenance facilitIes. Further, the Apatanis have tion. The Apatanis with their good business skill proved skilled dJivers and mechanics. There are at have also greatly added to the growth of trade and present 14 daily services run by the Stale Transport commerce in the distrICt. Busmess is, however, mainly Department, 4 Anehal Samities and 4 by Private confined to articles of daily use. Operators.


Major Social and Cultural Events It is celebrated ev.:ry year during the month of The district. is predominently inhJoited by the local March. For full participation of each and every Apa­ Scheduled TrIbes. People of other communities are lani. the whole Apatani villages of the plateau have ~uts~ders who are tempol'aflly staying there for their been dIvided into three major groups- the first group hvehhood only. The local Scheduled Tribes, therefore, consists of villages hke. Hija, Duta, Mudang-tage. are only concerm:d with the major social and cultural Bamin and Michi, the seconJ group consists of Hong events of the d Istnct. SocIal and cultural events are Village alone and the third group consists, Hari. very much assocIated with tbelr life. As such the Kalong, Tajang and Regu The actual solemnisation social and relig(()us life, the environments and other ceremony is conducted alternatively among the three relevant aspects of the tribal people are also described major groups and the rest groups take full participa­ in the following paragraphs alongwith the major so~ial tion with the villages who actually perform the cere­ and cultural events for better understand ing of their monies. Those persom who stay away from own ori­ values and implications in the real social i!fe of the ginal village are to follow the ceremonies along with people. the pcop~c of his/her onginal Village group.

The Apatanis, and the Nishis aTe the mam tribes The f<:stival lasts for one month and is participated inhabiting the Lower Subansiri DIstrict. The Nishis by each and every Apatanis with great enthusiasm. de­ are also known hy different name~ a~ lhe Nishangs or ~otion and respc:t. The admimstration participation Nissis, in certain areas of Lower Sub:tnsiri District. in this festival I~ almost nil till now. due to imposition All these tnbes are havmg close rdation m so far as or certain reltgous taboos. This is the only com­ their socia-economic aspects arc concerned. Since mUllIty religIOUS festival which IS respected by every time. _immemorial the tribes are maintaining their Apatanis with great devotion and solemmty binds the tradlllOns and customs with great devotion. It is in­ whole Apatani bocieev as on~. variably seen that the Sun, the Moon, the Earth and the Natural elemen~s around them play a VItal role in Murong.-It is a festival of abundant and richness their day to day activities which are supported by of wealth. It is an individual family festival which is their social and religiolls norms. generally celebrated in the month of January every year.

It is wIth thc~e facto!s in background that their Although this- is an individual family festival. the important festivals are petiormed. The different festi­ entire Apatani as well as the other are also openly vals associa~ed with the life of the people of the Invited to take part with a liberty to eat & drink and district are as follows' - enjoy freely. The major fcstivrols of the Apatanis are the Dr.ee, Myokoh and Mumng w)Jer,'as the major festivals of It is being celebrated for the wellbeing of the indi­ the Nishis are the Sirom-Molo-Sochum, Nyckum and vidual family members alone, specially with a hope to Yulo. be blessed with more wealth and prosperity for that individual family members. Dree.-It is the seasonal festival of joy and glee. It is celebrated every year, during the month of July Sirom Molo Sochum (When plantation of all the crops arc ovu) for the wellbeing of the seasonal crops like paddy, millet etc. The biggest festival of the Nishi is called Sirom Malo Sochum This festival is celebrated in the Nishi The season is marked by maturity of straw berries month of 'Ram Po-Lo' (December) every year. Before and cucumber which are the only two fruits utilised thIS festival all houses & granaries are rebuilt and all in the celebration of Drce by the children as well as the crops ltke dry paddy, millet, maize are harvested elders of tbe society. In this community festival the & stored in the granaries. For the festival house­ children normally take maximum parts holders cook rice, meant and prepare rice-bear (apong) and entertain guests & receives bl~ssiDgs fllr more Nowadays this is being celebrated in a larger abundant crops next year. It is belivcr! by the Nishis scale participation of both Administration (including that the more the guests are satisfied WIth food & festival grants and aids) and Local Tribal Commu­ drink, the more crops will grow in the coming year. nity with the innovation of modern sports On the day of the festival all good singers of the Myokoh.-It is the most highly solemnised com­ Village sing old history oi the Nishi people. In the munity festivals of the Apatani society. It is purely a song it is described that the God Nima Teni did not religIOUS ceremony which is observed for the general wDrship the godd~ss ot crop~ & the goddess tllerefore wellbeing of the whole Apatani society as well as the non away to the land o( summer (Dogo Dekam). But others. Nima Tcni wentJ0 the land of the summer & entreated 16 17

the goddess of crops & ultimately married her. Nima grammes along with the traditional songs and dances T~ni got all kinds of seeds from the goddess and of the Apatani and Nishi people in their respective learnt th~ method of cultIVation from her. festivals.

"Prayers are offered to the goddess of nups reques­ Trends towards change and social change ting her not to go away. but 10 fill the granaries with crops. If some food-staffs disappears over night or Change is the law of nature. The social structure foot prmts of some animals are seen, thell it IS be­ of a socIety IS subject to incessant changes. Social lieved that, the goddess came to the people & the change would usuaJly mean the observable difference crops WIll be abundant. During this festival the people in any social phenomenon over a period Of time. It sing, dance & drink beer to celebrate it". can be inferred that sodal change refers to the modifica­ lIOns whlch take place in the life patterns (If )kople, Nishi Nyokum that is social change would mean variations of any aspects of social processess. SOCIal pattern~, social in­ The month of Augusl every year is the time rot' teraction or social organisation. Simply it is a Lhange celebrating Nyokum or the worship of goddess of crops in the mstltutional & normal structure of the &l)ciety. (Lakshmi) & other gods and goddess. SOCIal change occures 111 all societies, both of primi­ "On the first llaj berOiC an alter w;th image~ & tIve as well as ciVIlIzed societies. But the speed and symboles of the gods & goddess, the priedt start the extent of change may differ from society. Some puja by chanting prayers to the wis girls dance & changes occure rapidly whlle other slowly. As the Sing to propitiate the Ullseen god & goddess. The smg process of SOCial change of a society is an universal about abundant crops and goon will, heahll and unity phenomenona. The different groups of population among all th~ people, joy & mutual co-operiltion, and of Arunachal Pradesh are not exceptional in this piece and plenty evt.ry year." respect. They have also been undergoing through a process of socia-cultural change, due to influence of "On the second and concluding day the villagers of various factors. the neighbouring villages perform. their Puja in. th~ir villages and come i~ long pro~esslOn. T~~ sacnfi~tal The Apatanis and the Nishis form o[ the major animals like dogs, pIgs and chIcken are eIther carrIed popUlation groups in Lower Subansiri District of or hang in long bamboo-poles. On the arrival at lhe Arunachal Pradesh. Their society is also undergoing place of worship the people go round the alter c~ant­ a process of socio-cultural change like other societies. ing and the atmosphere seen to be surcharged WIth a feeling of devotion and godlll1ess. fhe animals are sacrified to the Wis and after invoca tion of the bless­ In the villages, the members of a clan live by form­ ings, the puja comes to a conclusion". ing clan cluster. The socia-cultural & socio-polltical life of that clan ccntre round the assembly platform. Yolo The process is graduaUy changmg with the .growth of popUlation, the clans land in the village is not suffici­ The Nishis p~rform a number of religIOUS ccremollie~ ent due to which some of the clan members have to of which one called 'Yulo' is important. 'Yulo' is per­ shifted to some nearby areas, WIthin the jurisdiction of formed for the welfare of the Society. The ceremony the village and gradually some small villages are go­ is marked bv a sacnfice of 'Mithuns' in which the ing to d0vclop. The members of the newly formed priest collected the blood of the animals in a bamboo VIllages identify themselves as a group of members of tube and hangs it in front of his house as a mark of the original VIllage, but nOl a clan member al­ distinction. though the religious relation is continued with the members of or:ginal clan. While some of the villagers, AdministIative Participation mostly thos~ who are educated and bUsmess minded, shift to )lCarby {own. Specially m Apatani plateau, two The people of all the areas both local and others such commerCIal centres have grown up one at Old including tribals and non-tribals irrespective of caste. Ziro and other at Ziro (HapoJi), the district head­ clan and creed uDIformly participate in th~ Dree fes­ quarter. In those two places they build double storied tival of the Apa1anis and the Sirom-Molo·Soehum. hill type houses Assam type houses and R.C.C. build­ Nyokum and 'Yulo' festivals of the Nishi people. ings with modern amenties like electricity, water Which are celebrated in the circle Subdivision or dis­ supply etc. trict head quarters on a community basis. In case of· Myokoh festival of the Apatanis the administration In the Villages. the youths who are studying in participation is completely nil since certain religious school. usually prefer to live separately. They build taboos are impo&:d in performing this worship (Puja). a small house near the original parent house and some The Arunachal Pradesh Administration e:..tend all of them come to live with theIr relatives at township postiible help including financial aids, in the form of and study there. festival grants etc. to make this festival a success. Th~ social change that is observ~d among the The publiclty devc!opmcn~ plays an important. r?]t) Apatanis and the Nishis are mainly due to the impact to make this commullIty festlval a success by provldmg of modernizatiou. The factor responsible for moder­ public address equipmcnt and organising cultural pro- nizati~n and social changes ar~ (a) Biological factor, 18

(b) Physical factor, (c) Technical factor, and (d) CuI· excavation has not been uniformly carried out all tural factor. The process of social change that occur over the district, in 1979 D.K. Duarrah reported three among the Apatanis and the Nishis are due to impact neolithic celts found from Damins, (Raga) circle of of communication and transport, establishment of Lower Subansiri District. Two of these are ground urban centres, introduction of improved technology axes & one is a working part of an axe. and welfare measures, sPread of education extension of medical care and other facilities. A very old fort known as falls within Itanagar, the capital of Arunachal Pradesh. It could be built between 1350 & 1450 A.D. during the period of Archaeology Muslim invasions on Assam from the west & Ahom in­ roads from the east. The fort could be identified In Lower Subansiri District there are certain impor· with mayapur of a 10cal king Ramchandra alias tant places of archaeological importance. Though Mayamatta and his son Arimatta. BRIEF ANAL VSIS Of 1 HE VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY AND PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

Some inset tables based on Primary Census Ab­ Arunachal Pradesh is more than the trend of increase stract Y,llage Directory and Town Directory are syste­ of populatiun of India as a whole. Now coming to matic~lIy placed in this chapter. Both cen,us and the decadal variation of population of LOwer Subansiri non-cens!lS data are compiJed in those tables in such a Dlstnct is (+ 39.22) which IS higher than the Aruna­ way that readers and data users will get almo&t all the chal figure (+35.15). When we look at circle figures IIUpOl tanl basIc statistical figures of the districts in the of dccadal variation at column '8' we find percentage inset tables. Inset tables, can be divided 111 three decadal vanatlOn IS highest in old Itanagar circle for parts namely insrt tables based on Primary Census rural popUlation. The decadal variation of urban Abstract data, Village DJfectory data and Town Direc­ population can not be found for both Old and New tory -data. There are as many as 19 (nineteen) msc! ltanagar townships because both the places have been tables. Table nos. I to 9 related to data based on declared as Census towns during 1981 Census only. Primary Census Abstract Table Nos. 11 to 15 related [he decadaJ vallation for rural population of Old Ita­ to data based on VIllage Directory Table Nos. 16 to nagar IS 180.65 per cent followed by New Itanagar 19 related to data based on Town Directory. 148.73 p~r c~nt. These percentage are much higher percentage then average perc,~ntage (+ 39.22). The The Primary (emus Abstract IPCA) has been com­ dccadal variation for both Old and New Itanagat is piled manually on a full count basis. Inset tables signlficant because influx of populJtion happen based on P.C.A. data mainly deals with different fea­ dur,ng last decade when Itanagar was selected as the tures of population of a area upto the Circle level. The Capital of Arunachal Pradesh in 1972 and gradually main features are rural and urban break up of popula­ started shifting the headquarters from ShiUong to Ita­ tion, decadal changes of population, no. of villages in nagar. The decadal increase of popUlation in Tali different population ranges, proportion of Scheduled Circle is 7.98 per cent which marks lowest among all Castes and Scheduled Tribes population to total popu­ the circle of lower Subansiri District. lation, literacy rates in different popUlation ranges. The table No. 3 reflects the population size of the Table No.1 to 9.-Table No. I depicts the rural and village~. Most of the villages are small in popula- urban break up of population. The position of Lowel 11?n, SIZe. Out of total 770 villages in the District 669 Subansiri district among all districts of Arunachal vlllages are hav1llli average popUlations of below 200 Pradesh is 2nd 111 area and 2nd in population. 19&1 1.e .. &6.88 per cent of villages are having average popu­ Census counted 112,650 population in the district. latIOn of below 200. There is only one village having Total rural population is 98,534 and they are spread population 5000-9999. over 770 inhabited VIllages Total urban populatIon is {4,116 and they are distributed among two newly dec­ Table No. 4.-1n Arunachal Pradesh there is no lared towns in Lower Subansiri District. The propor­ indegenous Scheduled Caste as such. Scheduled tiOll of rural popuJatJon 10 total population of the dIS­ Caste population that were enumerated during the trict is 87.47% and propurtion of the urban population [981 Cens~s were eIther Government employees or to total population is 12.53 ~('. The average size of they were Inducted from outside for construction the po'pulatlOn of the circles is 7510. Ziro Circle is ~orks by CPWD/RWP etc. "F,~ proportion of baving hlgheot populatIOn 27409 which is more than .sch.eduled ~as(e populatIOn to total popUlation of the triple the size of average popUlation. Sarli circle is UnIon Terntory IS, therefore ncgbgible. Table No.4 having the lowest number of p_opulation 2564. The aJ.so corroborates the above fact in respect of this dis­ proportion of male population to total population of tnct. The table shows that out of total 770 villages the district is 45.29% and proportion of female popu­ in the district 752 'IilJages do not have any Scheduled lation to total population is 42.18 ~:',. -The most re­ Castes populatIon. Other villages having Scheduled markable feature is that in Palin, Sagalee, Mengio and Caste popula~ion constitute only 2.34 ~Io of the total Nyapin Circle female popUlation is more than male number of VIllages in the district, and this Schedu­ population whereas in all othe1't~circle male population led Caste population are very scarcely scattered in as is marc than female population. many as eighteen villages . . •Table NO.2. indicates decadal changes in the distri­ bution of population in the circles and in the {listrict Table No. 5.-Scheduled Tribes arc :llmost the sole as a whole. In 1971 the popUlation of Arunachal Inhabitants of the villages of Arunachal Pradesh Pradesh was 467.511 and popUlation of India was Other are ve!'y negligible figure in comparison t~ 547,949,809. In 1981 Census the population figure of S~he~uled TribeS population. This is same in this dlstnct, also as reflected in Table No.5. All the vil­ ~runachal Pradesh is 631,839 and population of India lages of the district are having Scheduled Tribes IS 685,184,692. The de<:adal variation of popUlation Population. , of Arunachal Pradesh is 35.15 per cent and decadal variation of population of India is 25.05%. As such, it can be said that trend of increase of population in Ta~Je No. 6.:--Arunachal Pradesh is predomincntly lllhab~t~d b}r'Scheduled Tribe population. Scheduled 20

Caste population and other non·tribal !HC quite in­ rdative position of rural and urban Scheduled Trim: siguitkant. In the tuwn, howcI'er, Scheduled Cas1e populatIOn does not vary much in case of Old Itanagar and other non·tflbal populalJOn are more than t~elI c:rcle. In case of New Itanagar circle the position counterpart in rural area, because workmg populatlOll, IS al togelher diJ{I;rent. In rural ar~a Scheduled 'f.ribe particula:ly in public sectors located m urban area are populallon is 8106;" whereas III urban area it is only mostly from otha ~tates of the country. The percen­ 18.54,)~. tage of Scheduled Tribe population of Old ltanagar and New Itanagar towns are 24.900/, and 18.54~'" respectively and percentage of S~heduled Caste popu­ A, regards literacy, the p~rcentage of literates to lation of New Itanagar and Old Itanagar town are total pLJpu[alwn is 2l).7Y·,:;, for Arunachal P;radesh as 2.S6'l'u and 3.73°,: respeo,ively. per 1981 Census. The percentage is 19.52'0/0 for Lower Subansiri Di~[ricl. Old ltanagar circle tops lhe list 111 havlllg highest percentage (53.01 %) of lite­ Table N4. 7.-The table gives literacy rates by popu­ rates among all the circles of the district followed by lalion ranges of I'illages. It Will be observc~ from New Jtanagar cvde (51.42~b). It is because of the the table that bigger the villagc~ morels the hte~acy facl that urban literacy rate contributes greatly in­ rate. ThIS indIcates that hlgger VIllageS aTe pr

History of the development of Aruuachal Pradesh is botlknccks to develop market Ihat in these areas. of very recent past. Number and qualities of ameni· However. necessary arrangement for. supply of co~­ ties available in the village~ are lackll1g far behind III sumer goods al1l1 uther ne,essary arheles to the VII­ comparison to other developed areas of the country lagel's have been made by the Government through due 'to the fact that Al unachal Pradesh had a late the shops mamtain lor control by the G?vernment In ~rt on development activities. Though wnsiderabk almost all the cilcles hepdquarters. BeSIdes, one ?f progress has been made dUfmg last decade yet it may two regular ~mall shops are available in a few big take some more yenrs to achieve national standard in yIllages 1 he concept of weekly or periodic mark:t lin respects. the dore docs not appear to have much relevance m thiS distnct and in the territory at large. Table No. ID.-The table shows distrIbution of per· centages of viJIages having different amenities. Percen· (ommun:cation is the constant problem of Aruna­ tage of villages having different amenities are worked lhal Pradesh as a whole and with no excepting to out in relation to the number of inhabited villages in the Lower SubanSJri District. Though considera~le pro­ circle. Ziro circle is the largest circ:le among all the ;,:ress has bern made during last decade. but still even ,c!rcks of Lower Subansiri District There are as many most of the inhaMed areas of the dlstnct ar~ not y~t ,Illl 99 villages in that circle. Out of 99 villages 26 viJ., approachable by vehicle. Only 2.99% of vlllages.lfl !ages are having educational amenities. The propOrtion the dis~rict dIe communicated by road transport whIch of villages having educational amenities in Ziro Circle is the only means of communication in this district. (26.26 %) is the second highest in the district. The Goods d re caweu to thl: mterior places by porter but first position goes to Kimin circle (26.67%). So Sarli Ill. case of Ill.accessable areas air dropping is the only circle stand last in position (8.51 %). So far as the means of supply of consumer goods. Kimin Ci~c\e is district is concerned 17.69 percent of the VIllages are maintaimng the highest percentage (26.67%) of vI~ages provided with educational facllltv of the one sort or having communication centres among all. the Circles the other. . of Lower Subansiri District. Old Hanagar clfcle comes next In position (33.33 percent). Twenty three vii· The proportion of Villages having medical ameni· lages of Doimukh. Kimin. 7iro. ~ld ltanagar, ~nd ties is t~e highest in Old Itanagar Circle. the percen· New Hanagar circfe are provided with commUnicatIon tage bemg 16.67 percent. Tn New Itanagar circle facilities out of 7 villages no one IS having medical amenity. Looking at the district as a whole. only 4,03 % of vil· Approach to interior of Arunachal Pradesh is lages get the benefit of medical service mostly by foot tract or foot path. Even where there are road commuUlcation these are mostly Kacha Percentage on number of villages having drinking roatt. . The proportion of Pucca roa~. is .very low. water facility is 100% in all the circles of Lower Among all the circles of Lower SubanslTl Distnct Old Subansiri District with the exception of Mengio circle ltanagar circle tops the list in percentage (50 per~e~t) where tw? out of. 37 villages. d~ not have drinking of VIllages having pucca road. The ne,:t posItion water facIlIty. ThIs shows drmkmg water facihly of comes to Kimin Cirek (46.67 percent) Palm, SagaJee, th~ one type or th~ other is available in a1most all Doimukh. Balijan, Tali, Mengio rural areas of New the villages of Lower Subansiri District. In most lianagar. Sarli. Nyapin, Koloriang and Damin circles cas~ however, there are only natural water sources do not have any approach of pucca road. As reo whIch cannot be trea.ted as. safe drinking wat~r. Piped gards district as a whole only 6.98 '\, of the villages water supply ~s aV31lable III many of the VIllages is hav.: approach by pucea road. also not suffiCIent to meet the standard of sanitation. Coverage of power supply in Arunachal Pradesh is Regarding post and telegraph facilities, Arunac1lal very much limited with no exception to Lower SuOOn­ Pradesh is lacking far behind in comparison to other siri District. Kimin circle has the highest percentage parts of India. Tn the circles of Lower Subansiri (46 67 percent) of villages having power supply follow­ District Posta]' facilities are available only in the cir· ed by Ziro circle (66.52 percent) only 3 circles i.e. cle. ~ea~quart~r. exc?pt for ~iro Circle. where postal Rav,a. Kimin and Ziro circles have power supply and faCIlIty IS aVailable III the Circle headquarter at Ziro rest 12 circles of the district do not have pOWer sup· as well as in the Yazuli VIllage. But Balijan. Mengio ply. In the entire district only 4.29% of villages are and rura1 areas of New Itanagar Circle do not have . provided with the facility of power supply, -'MY kind of postal facility. As far the district as a ... only 1.95 % of the villages are provided with The Table No. 11 deals with percentage of rural postallacilities. population served by different amenities of educa­ tion, medical. drinking water, post and telegraph, The position of markets/hats In Arunachal Pradesh market/hat, communication, approach by pucca road in gene~al an~' ~n this district in particular IS very and power supply. much ~lsappolQtmg.. ~ut of t~tal 7.10 villages only three Villages of Krmtn and Ziro Clfc1e are having Kimin circle has the highest percentage (85.81) of market/hat. In fact markets/hats in practical sense rural population served by the amenity of educatiQ)l (where almost all necessary CooSUmer goods are avai. among all the C1Tc]eS of the district. Ziro circle stands ~ble~ IS rarely held in Arunachal Pradesh. Commu. second in proportion (70.40 pcrc~llt) followed by nicatlOn difficulties, very thinly populated area and Doimukh circle (61-29 percent). Damin circle gets scattered settlements of the people :Ire the most Tikely lowest P9sition (23.07 percent) among all the circles 22 of the district. The proportion of rural population Table indicates that in the district as a whole facili­ of the dislrict served by the amenity of education is ties namely education. me<1ical. Post and Telegraph, 47.43%. market/hat and communication are not available in more than 75% of the villages, In case of educational 72.44 percent of the population or Kimin circle facilIties 634 such vJllages a large number that is is served by medical amcllIties which tops the list 206 villages have the facility \Vithin a easy reach of among all the circles of Lower Subansiri Dist'rict. less than 5 K.M. In most of the villages these are in Doimukh circle ranks second (45,61 p~rcent) followed respect of other facilities, These are available at. a by Old ltanagar Circle (42.23 per cent). The rural distance of beyond to 10 Kms. for most of the vd­ population of New Itanagar circle are not served by lages, Drinkmg water facility is however available medical amemty. The p·oportion of other circles are almost all the villages except two villages in Mengio very poor as reflected in the table, same is the case circle, with the district as a whole (19.32%), Table No. 13.--It would be interesting to note whe­ Cent percent of the rural population is served by ther the distance of the nearest town from the village the amenity of drinking water Jll all the Circles except has any significance on the availability of the diffe­ Mengio circle where 89.01 percent of population is rent amenities ffacilities in the village. Keeping this served by drinking water amenity. in view. table no. 13 is designed to show the distribu­ tion of villages according to the

TABLE 1 Population. nnmber of villages and towns, 1981

51. Name of Subd vision POPULATION No. of villages No. of No. Circle Towns TOTAL RURAL URBAN TOTAL INHABI- TED

2 4 5 6 8 I) 10 11 12 13 14

Ziro Subdivirrion 53,820 27,628 26.192 53,820 2",628 26,]92 328 328 1. Ziro . 27,409 14.145 13,264 27,409 \(.145 13,264 99 99 2. Palin. 7,728 3.813 3,915 7,728 3,813 3.915 70 70 3. Raga 7,996 4,002 3,994 7,996 4,002 3,994 86 86 4. Tali . 7,741 3,881 3,860 7,741 3,881 3,860 58 58 5. Kimin 2,946 l,7R7 1,159 2.946 _.787 1,159 15 15

Sagalee Subdivision 19,487 10.140 9,347 19,487 10,140 9.347 197 197

1. Sagalee 6,727 3,350 3,377 6.727 3.350 3,377 75 75 2. Doimukh 3,118 1,754 1,364 3,118 , ,754 1,364 13 13 3. Balijan 6,368 3,415 2,953 6.368 3,415 2,953 72 72 4. Mengio 3.274 1,621 1,653 3,274 1,621 1,653 37 37

Capital Complex . ]7,303 10,730 6,573 3,187 1,993 1,194 14,116 8,737 5,379 19 19 Subdivision Old Ttanagar 10,407 6,320 4,087 2,697 1,752 945 7,7JO 4,568 3,142 12 12 1. New Itanagar 6,896 4,410 2,486 490 241 249 6,406 4,169 2,237 7 7

IoIoJiua Subdivision 22,040 11,238 10,782 22,040 11,258 10,782 226

1. Koloriang . 5,419 2,860 2,559 5,419 2,860 2,559 58 58 2. Sarli . 2,564 1,386 1.178 2,564 1,386 1,178 47 47 3. Damin 4,547 2,318 2,229 4,547 2,318 2,229 56 56 4. Nyapin 9,510 4,694 4,816 9,5lO 4,694 4,816 65 65 Lower Subansiri District total 112,651) 59,756 52,894 98,534 51.019 47,5]5 14,116 8,737 5,379 770 770 1

6-8 RGIINDj84 24


Decadal change in distribution of population

POPULATION Percentage of decadal (1971-81) SubdivislOnjCircle variatIons ------1971 1981 ----.~------~-~ -_------,...... ,--_- Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 10tal Rural Urban

2 4 6 7 8 9 10

Ziro Subdivision . 46,657 46,657 53,820 53,820 (+ )15 35 (+)1535 Ziro 2-3,648 23,648 27,409 27,409 .. (+)1590 (+)1590 Palin 6,503 6,503 7,728 7,728 .. (+)18.84 (+)18.84 Raga 7.175 7,175 7,996 7,996 (+)1144 (+)11.44 Tali 7,169 7,169 7,741 7,741 .. (+) 7.98 (+) 798 Klmin 2.162 2,162 2,946 2.946 .. (+)3626 (+)3626

Sagalee Subdivisioll 14,312 14,312 19,487 19,487 .. (+)36'16 (+)3616 SagaJee 5.786 5,786 6.727 6.727 (+)16.26 (+)1626 DOlmukh ~,336 2.336 3,118 3,118 .. (+)3348 (+)33,48 BalIjan 3.941 3,941 6,368 6,368 ., (+)61.58 (+)61. 58 Mengio 2.249 2,249 3.274 3,274 .. (+)45.58 (+-)4558

Capital Complex Subdivision. 1.153 1,158 17,303 3,187 14,116 (+)1394,21(+)175.22 Old Itanagar 961 961 10,407 2,697 7,710 (+)982.93 (+)180.65 New Itanagar 197 197 6,896 490 6,406 (+)3400 51(+)148.73

Ko1oriang Subdivision 18.787 18,787 22,040 22,040 .. (+)17.32 (+)17.32

Koloriang 4,354 4,354 5,419 5L4t9 .. (+)24.46 (+)24 46 Sarli 2,155 2,155 2,564 2,564 .. (+)18.98 (+)18.98 Damin. 3,792 3,792 4,547 4,547 .. (+)19.91 (+)19.91 lllyapm 8,486 8,486 9,510 9,510 .. (+)12.07 (+)12,07

DISTRICT TOTAL 80,914 80,914 1,12,650 98,534 14,116 . (+)39 22 (+)21.78


Distribution of villages by p1)pulation ranges

Range of population No. of VI !lagcs in each rang~ Per~'Cntage ~f vJllages III each range

2 3

200 669 86.88 200 - 499 78 10.13 500 - 1,999 20 2.60 2,000 - 4,999 2 0.26 5,000 - 9,999 0.13 1(1,000 +

Total 770 100.00 25

TABLE 4 Proportion of Scheduled Castes population to total population in the villages

Percentage range of Scheduled Castes No. of Villages in (~ch range Percentage of vIlh:gcs in erch range popuhtion to total roplilalion


NIL 752 97.66 0-5 13 1.69 6-10 013 11-15 2 026 16-20 2 0.26 21-30 31 and above

Total 770 10000



Proportion of Sc~eduled Tribe population to total populatioa in the villi!ges

Percentage of Sclwduled Tribe populatIon No. of viIlag,s III each range Pel c(,nl~gc of villagt,s In e~.ch rarge to total populalion


0- 5 737 95.71 6-15 10 1 30 16-25 039 26-35 6 078 36-50 7 o 91 51 and above 7 091

Total . 770 10000


Proportion of Scheduled Castesj!'chedll1ed fribes populatio" in towns

Total Total Sche(_llleG~ Total Scheduled Percentage of Pcrrt'llt~ gf cf Namt ufthe Town populatIOn Caste PDpula- TrIlle popula- Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tnbe tion lion population to population to lotal populalIon total popuiatJon

2 4 6

'N'ow Itanagar 6,406 164 1,188 2.56 18.54 Old Itanagar 7,710 288 1,920 3.73 24.90 , AD'fOWDS . , • 14,116, '-"':'-~~ 452 3,108 3.20 22.02 26


Literacy rates by pop[jlatio~ ranges of viDalles

Range of population No. of vII ages in each range LitcHICY rate


200 669 14.71 200- 4~9 78 7.35 500 - 1,999 20 17.29 2,000 - 4,999 2 58.32 5,000 - 9,999 1 10,000 + Total 770 14.61


Literates, workers, non-workers, Scheduled

dlVl- Name of Sub Total Talal populallon , ___----!- ______~ PERCENTAGE _ __A______OF _., r--...... __...... ,__,..A-_~ __, 'IOn Circle Rural Urban P M F S.C popu- S.T. popu- Littrate to total.A. ______population latJon to 1,,1 ion to lotalpopu- total popu- P M F lation lation

2 4 6 7 8 9 10

Ziro Subdivision Total 53,820 27,628 26,192 0.20 88.04 15.82 U.78 7.43 Rural 53,820 27,628 26,192 0.20 88.04 15.82 23.78 7.43 Urban lira Circle Total 27,409 14,145 13,264 0.16 86.06 19.46 28.51 9 81 Rural 27,409 14.145 13,264 0.16 86.06 19.46 28.51 9.81 Urban Palin Circle Total 7,728 3,813 3,915 0.09 96.57 537 9.39 1.46 Rural 7,728 3,813 3,915 0.09 96.57 5.37 9.39 1.46 Urban Raga Circle Total 7.996 4,002 3,994 0.07 97.18 12.30 18.82 5.78 Rural 7,996 4,002 3,994 0.07 97.18 12.30 18.82 5.78 Urban Tali Circle Total 7.741 3,881 3,860 99.22 4.21 7.03 1.37 Rurdl 7,741 3,881 3,860 99.22 4.21 7.03 1.37 Urban K.inlln Circle Total 2,946 1,787 1,159 1.70 29.77 49.49 64.58 26.23 Rural 2,946 1,787 1,159 1. 70 29.77 49.49 64.58 26.23 Urban

Saaalee Subdivision Total 19,487 10,140 9.347 0.11 73.84 15.32 23.38 6.57 Rural 19,487 16,140 9,347 0.11 73.84 15.32 23.38 6.57 Urbaa

Sagalee CIrcle Total 6,727 3,350 -_ 3,377 0.09 9081 14.02 23.10 5.00 Rural 6,727 3,350 3.377 0.09 90.81 14.02 23.10 5.00 Urban Doimukh CIrcle Total 3,IJ8 1.754 1.364 49.84 31.37 40.65 19.43 Rural 3,IJ8 1,754 1.364 49.84 31 37 40.65 19.43 Urban 27


Literacy rales for tawns

Name of the towr LiteraCJ 1 ate


Now Itanagal 54.48

Old ltanagar 5322

An tOWdS . 53.79


CastesIScl1eduled Tribe, population in the distrid

Main workers to total Ml'gIna' wxk '" Iil tiltal Total workers to total Non-work<)rs to lotal Total Name of SUbdlVi- populatIon popuhtbn populatIon populatIOn Rtral ,ion/Circle r---__~ .. A__, __ - ...... r----... -_...A- __---. ~--., r~~""'------. Urban p M F P M F P M F P M F

11 12 : 3 14 15 16 17 18 ]9 20 21 22 2

55.28 5690 5359 147 o S4 245 56.76 ~7.43 S604 43.24 42.57 4396 Total Ziro Subdivision !518 56.90 53 39 147 054 245 5676 .57.43 5604 4324 42.57 43.% Rtral .. Urban So.sS 53 53 48.05 2.46 068 4 36 53 34 54 :!l 5241 46 66 45.78 47 59 Total Ziro Circle 50 •.88 S3. s;. 48.05 2.46 068 4 36 53.34 ~4.21 5241 4666 45.78 47.59 RW'al .. Ulban 61.09 59.17 62.96 040 052 028 61 49 S9.69 63 24 38 51 40 31 36.76 Total Palin Circle 61:09 59.17 62.96 0.40 o 52 028 61 49 :969 63.24 38 51 40.31 3676 Rural Ulban 58.56 57.25 59.86 001 0.02 58.57 57.27 59.86 41.43 42 73 40.14 Total Raga Circle 58.56 57.25 5986 001 002 58 57 )7 27 59.86 41 43 4273 40.14 Rural .. Urban 65,57 64.49 6666 1.11 082 1.40 66.68 (,5.32 68.06 33.32 34.68 31 94 Total Tali Circle 65.57 64.49 6666 1.11 0.82 1 40 66.68 (05 32 6806 33 32 3468 31.94 Run:1 Ulban 415.08 61.33 2002 45 08 61.33 20.02 54 92 38.67 79.98 Total Kimin Circle 45.08 61.33 20.02 4508 (il 33 20.0~ 5492 38 67 7998 Rural .. Uli:'2n ' .....96 54.S! 44.90 13.56 3.78 24.17 5365 5503 52.16 46.35 44.97 4784 Total Sagalee Sublli~ision -0 54.51 44.90 13.56 3.78 2417 5365 55.03 52 16 46 35 44.97 4784 RIlcal , ~.;.-- UI'ban

53.84 55.94 51 76 3.15 0.06 622 5699 5G 00 5798 4301 44.00 4202 Total Saga]ce ClIcle 53.84 55.94 51.76 3 15 0.06 6.22 56.99 5600 57 98 43 01 44 00 4202 Rural

" Ulban 43.07 54.05 28.96 1.99 o 17 433 45.06 )422 33 28 54 94 45 78 6672 Total Doimukh CIrcle 43.07 54.05 28.96 1.99 o 17 4.33 45.06 54.22 3328 5494 45.78 6672 Rural .. Ulb~n 28

TABLE Literates, workers, nOD-workers, Scheduled

Name of Subd,vi­ To'al Total rop dation 'PERCENTAGE OF sion/ ClIcle Rural ,------..,..,.._,--___,....--) ,-_._------'------, Ur'Jal r M F S C. popu- S. T. popu- Literate to total population !atlon to latlOn to --"-_____ total popu- total popu- P M F latlon IatJon

2 4 6 7 9 10

Bahjan Circle TO'al 6,3( 8 3,415 2,9S3 024 5432 14 35 21 99 5.52 Rum' 6.3( 8 3.415 2,953 024 54.32 14.35 21.99 5.52 Urba I

Menglo Circle Total 3,214 1,621 1,653 99,82 4.58 8.20 1.03 Rura: 3,2~4 1,621 1,653 99.82 4.58 8.20 1.03 Urban

Capital Complex Sub- division . . Total 17,30 10,739 6,573 2.65 26.27 52.38 61.05 38.22 Rural 3.U7 1.993 1,194 0.19 45.12 46.12 57.85 26.55 Urba.1 14,116 8,737 5,379 3.20 22.02 53.79 61.78 40.81

Old Itanagar Tota! 10,4(7 6,320 4,087 2.82 28.36 53 01 62.26 38.71 Circle Rura 2,6' 7 1.752 945 0.19 38 23 5243 63.24 32.38 Ur1:>a'1 7,7,0 4,568 3.142 3.74 24,90 53 22 61.89 40.61

New Itanagar Cir- Totul 6,895 4.410 ~,486 :; 39 23 13 51.42 59.32 37.41 cle Rura: 4S0 241 249 0.20 83.06 11.43 18.67 4.42 Urba'1 6,406 4,169 2.237 2,56 18.55 54.48 6!.67 41.08

Koloriang Subd ivi- Total 22,040 11,258 10,782 000 96.59 6.46 10.66 208 sion Rural 22,040 11,258 10,782 0.00 96.59 6.46 10.66 2.08 Urban

Koloriang Circle Total 5,419 2860 2,559 0.02 95.52 8,51 13.99 2.38 Rural 5,419 2,860 2,559 0.02 95.52 8.51 13.99 2.38 Urba 1

83rh Circle Total 2,564 1.386 1,178 92.20 12.79 19.05 5.43 Rura· 2,5(4 1,386 1,178 92.20 12.79 19.05 5.43 Ulban

Damin Circle To(al 2.318 2.229 96.94 6,66 !l.95 1.17 Rura: 2.318 2,229 96.94 6.66 11.95 1.17 Urba~

Nyapin Circle Total 9.51) 4,694 4.816 98.21 3.49 5,52 1.52 Rural 9,510 4,694 4,816 98.21 3.49 5.52 1.52 Utban

District total. Total 112,65) 59.756 52,894 0.52 77.77 19.52 27.94 1001 Rural 98,5~4 51,019, 4i,515 014 85.75 1461 22.14 6.53 Urbn 14,116 8.737 - 5,379 320 2102 53.79 61.78 40.111 29

Castes/Scheduled Tribes population in the dlstrict

Main workers to total Marginal workers to Total worker. to total Non-'-'orkcl' to total Tolal Name of Subdivl- population total populatiOn populatIOn population Rural sIan/Circle

,---___...A______~ r------'------, r--- -- _..)1...._ --".. ~-., ,------"------, Urban P M F P M F P M F P M F ------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 ------42.09 50 22 32.68 590 061 1202 4799 5083 44.70 52 01 49 J7 55 30 T )tal Balijan Circle 42.09 50.22 32 68 5.90 o 61 1202 4799 50 83 44 70 52 01 49 Ii 55 30 RUial .. Urban

63.50 61.07 65.88 247 1.67 3 27 65.97 62.74 69 15 3403 37 2·; 30 85 T:lt II Menglo Circle 63.50 61.07 65.88 247 J 67 3.27 6597 62.74 69 15 34.03 372; 3085 Rural Urban

47.75 67.73 1514 0.40 0.28 0594315 6801 15.73 51 85 31 9 I 84 17 Tot~l Capital Complex 54 53 70 45 27 97 0.28 o 15 0.5(1 5·' 82 7060 28 48 45 18 29.4) 71 52 IR un1 Subdivision 46.n 67.11 12 29 0.43 031 0614564 6741 12.90 53 36 32 51 87 10 l'rball

45.12 66.30 1238 045 o 32 066 4558 66 61 13 04 54.42 33 31 86.96 T)tal Old Itanagar 55.14 72.60 2275 o 30 0.17 053 5543 72.77 23 28 44.57 2721 76 72 Rural Circle 41.62 63.88 9.26 o 51 o 37 070 42 13 64.25 9 96 5787 35 7, 90 04 Urtan

5171 69.77 19.67 0.32 o 21 048 52 03 '70 ao 20.15 4797 300) 79 85 T)tll New Itanagar 51 22 54 77 47 79 020 040 5143 ~477 48.19 48.57 45.21 51 81 Rurdl Circle 51 75 70.64 16 ')4 o 33 024 049 5208 70.88 1703 47.92 29 I ~ 8297 Urban

53.29 56.55 49 78 4 76 1 34 7.99 58 OS 579') 58.12 41.95 4201 ,11 88 T~tll Koloriang Sttb- 53.29 56.. 65 49 78 4 76 1 3<1 799 58.05 57.99 58 12 41 95 42 OJ 41 88 Runl division lrllan

52.28 54 44 49 . 86 5.79 2.75 9 18 58.07 57.20 59.05 41.93 42 El 40 95 Tolil Kolonang CIrcle 52.28 54 44 49 86 579 2 75 9 18 ~8 07 57.20· 59 05 41 93 42 8) 4095 FUlal .. Urban

47.74 50.65 44 31 1 40 0.12 2.21 49.14 51.37 46.52. 50.86 4S.E\ 53 48 Total Sarli Circle 47.74 50.65 44 31 1.4a 072 221 49.14 51 37 46.52 50.86 48.61 53 48 PUl'al .. Urban

63.16 61 82 64.56 020 0.0·1 0.36 63.36 6186 64.92 3664 38.1' 3508 T·)I.!l DaminClrcle 63.16 61.82 64.56 020 00·1 o 36 63 36 61 86 64 n 36 64 38.1 I 3S 08 F ural .. Urban

W·64 57.22 44 23 7.27 1.30 13.08 57.91 58 52 57 31 42,09 41 <3 42 69 Total Nyap,n Circle SIt.64 57.22 44.23 7.27 1.31) 13.08 57 91 58 52 57.31 42.09 41.43 42.69 Fural .. ~ Urban

52.81 58.39 46.50 2 35 0.6-1 4.27 5515 S903 50.77 44 85 4097 4923 rob) Distri~ total 53.75 56.89 50.37 2.62 070 468 56.37 57.59 5505 43.63 4241 44.95 I.ural .46.n 67.10 11.19 0.43 031 061 4664 67.41 1290 5336 32.5~ 8710 l'rhan 30


Distritlltion tlC villages according to tbe alailability r.f diffe 'ent amenities

SI. No. Na ne of SlIbdtV'- No. or No. (wllh p.~rcm(age) ofvl)lages 1 aving one or more of the following sion/Ctrcle mhablted------~-~--~----~--- vjllag'~ Education MedIcal Drinhng Post & A nenities wator Telc- gra~h Marketl Commu- Approach Power Hat nication by pucca supply road 2 4 ? 7 8 9 10 11

75 14 328 6 17 47 33 I. Ziro Subdi~ision 328 (22 87) (4.27) (100.00) (1 83, (091) (5 18) (14 33) (10.06) 26 5 99 2 2 4 29 20 1. Ziro 9) (26.26) (505) (100.00) (2.02; (2 02) 14.04) (29.29) (2020) 15 70 1 2. Palin 70 (21.43) (7.14) (100.00) (1 431 20 1. 86 1 9 11 6 3. Raga 86 (23.26) (2.33) 1100.00) (1.16) (10.47) (12.79) (6.98) 10 1 58 1 4. Tali 58 (l7 24) (1 n) 1100 Or) (1 72) 4 15 1 1 4 7 7 5. Kimin 15 (26.67) (6 67) (100.00) (6.67) (6.67) (26.67) (46.67) (46 .67) 29 'I 195 2 1 II Sagalee Subdivision 197 (14.72) (355) (98.9B) (1.02) (0.51) 7 2. 75 1 1. Sagaiee 75 (9 33) (2.67) (lOo.cO) (1. 33) 3 13 1 1 2. Doimukh 13 C~3. 03) (7 69) (100. CO) (7.69) (7.69)

14 ~ 72 3. B~lijan i2 ( 9.44) (2.78) (10000) 5 1. 35 4. Mengio 37 (13.51) (5.41) (94.5)

4 .~ 19 2 5 6 1lI Ca_~itai Complex Sul'division . 19 (:!1.05) (10.53) (100.M) (10.531 (26.32) (31.58) :! 12 2 4 6 1. Old Itanagar 12 (.~5 OG) (16.67) (100.W) (16.67) (33.33) (50.00) 1 7 1 2. New ltanagar 7 C:4.29) (100.00) (14.29) 28 3 226 5 IV Koloriang Subdivision 226 (12.39) (3.54) (too.oa) (2.21\ 5 3 58 1 1. Koloriung 58 (8 62) (5.17) (lOO.('() (1.72! 4 1 47 1 2. Sarli 47 (8.51) (2.13) (too. CO) (2.13) 6 - l 56 3. Damin 56 (iO 71) (1.79) 1100.CO) (1.791 13 :1 65 2 4. Nyapin 65 (20 00) (4.62) (100 CO) (3 081

136 31 768 15 3 23 53 33 DISTRICT TOTAL 770 ('766) (403) (99.74) (1.95,1 (0 39) (299) (6.88) (4.29) 31

TABLE 11 Proportion of rural population served by different amenities

SI.No. Name ofSubJ,vlsion/ Total Proportion in percentage of rural population served by the amenihC5 of Circle populatJon --- - ofmha- Education Medical Drinking Post & Marketl Commu- Approach Power bited water Telegraph Hat nication bypucca supply Villages road in the taluk

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. ZIro Subdivision 53,820 57.37 2210 100.00 18.43 15.63 21.34 43.33 4050 1. Ziro 27,409 7C 40 27.11 100.00 22.91 2291 26.11 69.61 66.52 2.' Palin 7,728 36.97 17.08 100.00 10.02 3. Raga 7,996 5095 9.19 100.00 5 98 22.52 19.90 12.26 4. Tali 7,741 27.39 3 54 100.00 3.54 5. Kimin 2,946 85 81 7244 100 00 72 44 72.44 85 81 89.95 87.78

11 Sagalee Subdivision 19.487 304Z 13.05 99.67 9.27 7.30 1. Sagalee (>,721 1791 8.56 100.00 5.72 2. Doimukh 3,118 61.29 45.61 100.00 45 61 45.61 3. Balljan 6,368 3491 5.51 100.00 4. Mengio 3.274 17.96 593 9801

III Capital Complex Subdivision . 3,187 479& 3574 10000 35.74 87 fi4 75.15 1. Old Itanagar 2,697 49 80 42.23 100.00 42.23 74.42 88.80 2. New Ttanagar 490 37.96 100.00 3796

IV Koloriang Subdivision 22.040 39.49 15-74 10000 11.89 1. Kolariang 5,419 32 53 18 12 100,00 13.23 2. Sarli 1,564 28 55 17 55 100.00 17.55 3. Damin 4,547 ~3 07 8.18 100.00 8 18 4. Nyapin 9.510 54 25 1746 100 00 11.38

DISTRICT TOTAL 98.534 4773 1932 99.93 15.74 8.54 1533 26.10 2211


Distribution of viIlage~ not havi;u~ c~rtain amenities, arranged by distance ranges from the plac{'~ where these are available

Village not having the Number of villaecs \\here the amenJty is rot available lind available at distance of- amenity of ------...... ----__..--~---- -5Kms 5·10 Kms JO+Kms Total (Cols. 2-4)

2 3 4 5

':"~~'~ion 206 169 259 634

2. Medical 96 96 547 739

3. Drinking WIIter 2 2

4. P&T 60 105 590 755

S. Market IHat 26 57 265 348

6. Communication 52 34 661 747

1-8 ROl/ND/84 32


Distribution of villages accordi'1!l to the distAnce from the nearest tOWll IIIId availability of ditTerent amemties

No. (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of Distance range from the No. of in- ....-...,~~----~----- nearest town (in Kms.) habited Education Medical Drmking Post & Marketl Communi· ApplOach Power vIllages water Telegraph Hat catIon by pucca supply in each road range

2 4 6 7 9 10

0-5 2 2 (100.00)

6-15 21 3 1 21 4 4 (14.29) (4.76) (100.00) (19.05) (19.05)

16-50 16 3 49 3 6 9 5 49 (32.65) (6.12) (100 00) (6.12) (204) (12.24) (18.37) (10.20)

102 23 580 9 2 13 40 28 51+ . 582 (17.53) (3.95) (99.66) (l 55) (0.34) (2 23) (6.87) (4.81)

Unspecified 116 NA NA NA NA N.A NA NA NA 121 27 652 12 3 23 53 33 Total 770 (15 71) (3.51) (84 68) (1.56) (0 39) (299) (6.88) (4.29)


Distributio:J of villages according to population range and amooities available

N'umber (with percentage) ofvillagcs having the amenity of Population range No. of Inhabited Education MedIcal Drinking Post & Market I Communi- Approach Power villages in water Telegraph Hat cation by pucca supply each range I'oad

2 4 5 6 7 9 10

741 115 20 745 6 16 39 21 -499 (15.39) (2.68) (99 73) (080) (2.14) (5.22) (2.81)

21 19 10 21 8 2 13 10 500-1,999 (90.48) (47.62) (100 00) (38.09) (9.52) (28.57) (61.90) (47.62) 1 I. 2000-4,999 (100.00) (100.00) (100 00) (100 00) 1 1 1 5000+ (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100 .00). (100 00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) 136 31 768 15 3 23 53 33 Total 770 (17.66) (4.03) (99.74) (1.95) (0.39) (2.99) (6.88) (4.29) 33

TABLE 15 2 3 MaIn staple food io the majorlty of villages in each sub­ divis'on 7. Ziro Rice, Maize, Millet SI. Name of SubdJVIslOn/ Main staple food 8. Tali Rice, Maize, Millet No. Circle 9. MenglO RIce, Maize, Ragl 2 10. Old ltanagar Rlce 1. Raga Rice. Maize, MIlk: ll. New Itanagar Rice, Maize 2. Palin Rice. Maize, Millet 12. Sarli Rice, Millet, Tasse Rice, Maize 3. Sagalee 13. NyaPln Rice, Maize Millet 4. Doimukh Rlcc, Maize, MIllet 14. Kolotlang Rice, Maize, Millet 5. Klmin RICe, Maize 6. BaJijan RIce 15. Damln Rice, Maize, Millet


Gro"th, density and sex-ratio of urban pop~latiDn i.1 the district in relation to the Slate

Lowe, SubansIrI District Aruilachal Pradesh Census --~__...._.--~------Year Total Urban %Urban Decadal DenSIty Sex Total Urban %Urban Decadal DenSity Sex ratio popula- popu- popu- percen- (popula- ratio popula- popula- popula- percen- (popula- (No. oC !Ion lation lallon tag" va- lion per (No of latlon tlon tlOn tage varia- tion per females natIon In Sq. Km) femaks tionin ur- sq. Krn) pel 1,000 1.!rban per 1.000 ban popu- males) populatIun males) lalion

2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1951 1961 } - ___~_N.A.--_----· --_-- 1971 80,914 467,511 17,288 3.70 NA 457 1981 112,650 14,116 12.53 NA NA 616 631,839 41,428 6.56 +139.63 NA 629

%There was no urban area till \971 CensuS. N.A. d~not~s not available.

TABLE 17 TABLE 18 New Towns/Towns declassified in 1981 Census 1'\0. of beds in medical institutions in towns Class, name and civic status uf No. of beds In medical institutlun Name of town~ PopulatJon 1981 Census the town per 1,000 populatIon 2 2 (v) New Hanagr (C.T.) 3 (v) Old Itanagar (C.T.) 4 (a) Added Total 7 (I) Old Itanagar 7,710

(ii) New Itanagar 6,40n TABLE 19 (iii) Most importaJlt commodity manufactured, imported and Rported in town (b) Deciassified Class, name and CI~IC status Most Important commodity (i) Nil NI\ of the town (ii) Manufac- Exported Imported tured (iii) 2 3 4 N.J. (I) There waS no town In AlUnachal Pradesh before 1971 Census. (v) New Itanagar (c.r.) Cane Foodgrain (v) Old Itanagar (C.T.) Cane Foodgrain (2) N.A.-Denol~s not available.






Note explaining the codes used in the village directory

The foJ[owlOe codes have been u,cd in the village Post and Telegrapbs directory to highlight the vark,us amenities. Post Office PO Education Post & Telegraph Office I'TO Primary School P Middle School M Communications Bus Stop BS Matriclliation or Secondary H Intcrmedia~e/Junior College Approach to Village Pre-University PUC Pueea Road PR Adult Literacy Class AC Kuccha Road KR Olhers 0 foot Path FP Medical Power Supply Hospital H ElectrIcity for domesl ic purpose ED Mal erni ty and Child Welfare Centre MCW Electricity for all purposes EA Pnmar>' Health Cenlre PHC Electricity for other purposes Primary Health Sub-Centre PHS like Industrial, Commercia!, ele. EO Disperuary D Remarks Column Community Health Worker CHW N- Copies of the newspapers coming in the Village Others 0 M- Motor Cycles/Scooters available in th{, village Drinking Water c- Car~/Jeeps available in the village Tap Water T T- Tractors available in the vilJage Well Water W Copies/nos of the above shown against the respective Tube Well TW abbr.:viation. River R If a \iIlag~ appt:aredin the list of villages 1971 in the Founlain F different name or in different spelling i he same is fhown Canal C in bracket against the present name of the Village Directory [(rT easy identification. NallhjStreamjSpring NjS Other< 0 NA- Denotes mformation not available.


CI_O 'Dt"!.J I"'-ln IDA ------_._------



c R



BOOIrIOAA'I' I C.1~CLf HEAOQUARTER, CI~tl.£ @ HAlliE OF VtlLAI)[ WITM I,.flClT1C1" COO! MD VILLA8ES·,jI"l'H POPUUTI()" SIZE MLOW 200. 200·49'i1. 500.~N'II. 1000· 1911~. 2000 I 41O'1f RIVER a STII:UIrII POST CFFtCl 1II,t.TI!Rl'UT'r' &. CHIL.D WI!L'AR! CEIiUI ( !»,PfIilSUT • PRIIIIU_' HIAll'H CUffle \. ttOSll'TAI. MIDOLE ICH(lOL M A G s IMPORTANT VII.. LUE MARKET A


Ziro Circle 3/1

Populutlon Population Loc~tlon N!mc of Vlllag~ ------~" Location Name of Village Code No. PcrSQ1iS Males Femaks Code No. Per'o1)s Males Females

2 4 2 4 5

25/3/1/30 Amoam 124 56 68 25/3/1/6 Moylliang(Slkhe 54 25 29 25/3/1(89 Amgi 49 28 21 25/3/1/12 Mullan Tage 784 386 398 25(3(1(26 Aribu 68 33 35 25/3(1/36 Mudho 54 23 31 25/3(1(45 At~.nyo 5 4 1 25/3/1/55 Murta 70 43 27 25/3/1/50 Ba/am 58 30 28 25/3/1/56 Nama 29 12 J7 25/3/1/14 Bamin 267 135 132 25/3/1/49 Neek.m 375 179 196 25/3/1/29 Banotam 224 III 113 25/3/1/9 Nenchaltya 470 225 245 25/3/1(90 Belo 127 50 77 25/3(1(28 Newmoya 69 33 36 25/3/1(17 Bri 29 14 15 25(3/1 (73 Nirbing 37 19 18 25/3/1/61 Charbla 49 25 24 25/3/1/32 Nyalibar 100 54 46 25/3/1/57 Chlmpigi 69 28 " , 25/3/1 /1 Old Zlro 796 398 398 25/3/1/94 Chode 93 42 5. 25/3/1/72 Pa 49 31 18 251311183 Chulu 148 66 82 251311184 PaD! 181 103 78 25/3/1(52 Deed 274 128 146 25/3/1/51 Paniya 112 51 61 25/3/1/98 Dem . 387 192 195 25/3/1/40 Pei 96 41 55 25/3/1/92 Did 65 33 32 25/3/1/65 Pikfc 89 44 45 25/3/1/44 Dodo. 215 107 108 25/3/1/95 Pit 94 44 50 2513(1(11 Duta . 526 256 270 25/3/1/19 Pitapoyal S5 26 29 25/3/1153 Ekaya Taya . 76 37 39 25/3/1/39 Pochu 60 33 27 25/31115l Gangla 19 10 9 25/3/1/31 Poru 171 74 97 25/3/1/20 Hakhe Tari 38 19 19 1.513/1/87 Po5a 39 21 18 25/3/1/63 Marak 23 12 11 25/3/1/2 Reru 1.061 528 533 25/3/1/15 Han 1,309 594 715 25/3/1/59 Restering 183 81 102 2513/1/10 Hija 1,697 819 878 25(3/1/86 Rup 76 35 41 25/3/1/16 Hong 2,357 1,094 1,263 25(3/1/63 Ryangbing 67 31 36 25(3/1(62 Hotor 50 30 20 25(3/1/91 Sakhc 91 40 51 2513/1(42 JaChl . 68 37 31 251311 f7 Sarkhc 14 5 9 Sebillpl 25/3/1/23 Jara 425 197 228 25/3(1/78 31 7 24 25/311(24 .Ioram 352 178 174 25/3/1/54 Seya 218 100 128 25/3(114 Kalong 546 268 278 25(3(1118 Sibc 52 28 24 2513/1197 Kamchotaram 42 22 20 25/3/1/82 Slb1yo 69 31 38 2513/1(4S Kashimputa 29 14 15 25(3/1/35 Slkhc 98 42 56 Slro 25/3/1/96 Kcbi 157 57 100 25/3/1/19 341 179 162 SltO 2513/1(8 Kelliya 36 16 20 25/3/1/38 129 63 66 25/3(1(69 Tadarko 25/3/1/66 Kemblng 82 41 41 90 46 44 Tago . 25/311/27 Korh 68 40 28 25/3/1/46 146 73 73 Tajang 25/3/1/74 Koyam 141 . 81 60 25/3/1/3 717 330 387 Takamposa 25/3/1181 Kuchkut 37 14 23 25/3/1/88 141 59 82 25/3(1/21 Talle Valley 25/311/77 Lalim 28 18 10 28 25 3 Talo 25/3/1/5 Lampla 444 195 249 25/3/1/22 707 365 342 25/3/1/75 Leme 62 37 25 25/3/1/67 Tanyatvlo 84 49 3S 2513/1/41 Toon 25/3/4' Lengding 32 17 15 122 58 64 25/3/1/37 Tapi 25/3/1/70 Llnya 191 86 [05 67 33 34 2513/1/76 Taw 23 13 25/3/1180 Lishlita 133 63 70 10 2513(1160 Tayo . 66 33 33 25/3/1/71 Loth. 206 107 99 25/3/1/43 Yachuli 81 44 Lumpung 38 21 17 37 25/3/1/64 25/3/1/93 Yaibat 141 6S 76 Lumrl 60 33 27 25/3/1133 25/3/1/85 Yazali 502 293 209 274 35(3/1125 Mal 160 114 25/3/1/34 Yugh . 285 134 151 25/311/13 MIChl 420 196 224 2,/311/99 Ziro HQ. 5,778 3,639 2,m

41 42

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c R c L

INDEX .OIlNDA"'. elaCL£. _'@'- HlAI)QUAR1ER5 ClaCL( NAME OF \JILl ... "t WITH LOCATION CODE NO DUI I V(LlAliU WUN POAAATION Sill '[LOW lOO 0 ZOO-,,". ~-'''J 0 .... 1000 - J.". 2000 & AIeVI "NUt , s'nilUM ~ gIIPUUoJlY. ""'MUY NU"TH C[NTfIIE +~ "",I)DU SCHOOL M faO,IT O'FICE PO

IOlld UP"'" 'turvty ot indIO mop with th, p.fm"'lcn of the SurW')'Of Gtrwral of tftdlo


Plain Circle 3/2

Populalion Location code >10. Name of village ,. .A. Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5

25/3/2/61 Amjl 193 92 101 25/3/2/49 Asapm'a . 93 44 49 25/3/2/53 Balam,aru 33 18 1~ 25/3/2/18 Bellgch 75 36 39 25/3/2/19.- Beng~o 211 94 117 25/3/2/67 Buio" 46 20 26 25/3/2/64 Bolch~ll. 70 29 41 25/3/2/55 Chamb1ng 128 61 67 25/3/2/22 ChOba 197 89 108 25/3/2/39 Cholo 41 18 23 25/3/2/25 Chote 204 102 102 25/3/2/34 Dado 151 74 77 25/'3/2/33 Dan 142 64 78 2513/2/56 Debe 69 36 33 2513/2151 Dcngdcng 73 37 36 251312/1 Dui 240 115 125 25/3/2/41 Gai 16 8 g 25/3/JIS4 Gallung • 81 48 33 25/3/2129 Rima 62 33 29 25/3/2/71 Hmda (Palin HQ) 774 447 327 15/3/2/63 Indach' 110 49 61 2513/2/42 Jaksitara 96 42 54 25/3/2/20 Jamm 104 51 53 2513/2/45 Jolung 38 24 14 2513/2/36 Joro 128 69 59 2513/2/47 KamrU1!; 50 27 23 25/3/2/50 Karagar . 171 88 83 25/3/2/48 Karming 11 8 3 25/312/32 Kojor 86 32 54 25/3/2/14 Lengbia . 65 33 32 25/312166 Lengdeng 115 52 63 251312/28 Ltni\

_-- 51 ------52

2 4 5

2S/3/2/8 Raddin~ 142 60 82 25/3/2/15 Rakso 158 67 91 25/3/2/3 Rayak 23 ]4 !l 25/3/2/37 Rayong . 146 68 78 25/3/2/35 Rissi 123 61 62 25J3/2144 R\lllbang. 85 45 40 25/3/2/13 Sangram 84 46 38 25/3/2/21 Sayata 112 57 ~S 25/3'/2/52 SengSe'lg 56 28 28 25/3/2/31 Slngndulo 91 47 44 25/3/2/70 60 KM Camp . 32 18 14 25/3/2/11 Solerlg 103 52 51 25/3/2/4 Solo 139 72 67 25/3/2/6 Tab1yang 54 32 12 25/3/2/48 Tahu 107 54 53 25/3/2/23 Talahang 53 24 29 2513/2/16 Taran~bing 94 47 47 25/3/2/59 Taritap 33 18 15 25/3/2/2 Tassar llO 57 53 25/3/2/40 Tupu 70 27 43 25/3/2/27 - Yabc 228 111 117 25/3/2/9 Vanglung 234 106 128 25/3/2/69 Yengte 26 12 14 53

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II ! i i! . o "!@ ~ t ,I ~ , o III I i I i f i, r


Population-'-- -, PopulatIOn lccation Code Name of V!llage ,-__ __ Location Code Name of Y!llage ,----'----, No. Persons Males Females No. Persons Males Females

2 4 5 2 4 5

2513}3149 Ada Rakhe 97 39 58 25/3/3/76 MaIm 24 13 11 25/3/3/27 Aye 85 42 43 25/3/3/62 Mlngl Kabak 223 120 103 25/3/3/40 Baktap .. 56 28 28 25/3/3/1 Nimar 76 38 38 25/3/3/33 Bans Camp 55 27 28 25/3/3/52 Nlteyan 146 81 65 25/3/3/59 Bedak 29 13 16 25/3/3/20 Ong~ 61 31 32 25/3/3/12 Biku 83 33 50 25/3/3/36 Pahapa 16 11 5 25/3/3/26 Boa 49 20 29 25/3/3/45 Pamer 11 7 4 25/3/3/25 Boaslmla 192 94 98 25/3/3/79 Parin 46 25 21 25/3/3/43 Bobopegmir 20 12 8 25/3/3/55 Peet MiJi 174 87 87 25/3/3/13 Bogba 55 25 30 25/3/3/53 Pengmir 28 17 11 25/3/3/68 Bomahapa 42 21 21 25/3/3/11 PIp 32 13 19 25/3/3/28 Bumte 107 54 53 25/3/3/58 Porbu 27 12 15 25/3/3/31 Chimlr 23 14 9 25/3/3/6 Putmile 36 17 19 25/3/3/47 Deed Rakhe 257 129 128 25/3/3/64 .Radum-Huta 161 80 81 25/3/3/19 Dey Godak 97 50 47 25/3/3/88 Raga H.Q. 478 266 212 25/3/3/5 Dokum 275 152 123 25/3/3/72 Rai 69 34 35 25/3/3/17 Dolungmukh 316 157 159 25/3/3/77 Rai Balo 226 112 114 25/3/3/57 Dugi 15 10 5 25/3/3/71 Raiga 92 46 46 25/3/3/48 Echikuta Rakhe 33 17 16 25/3/3/4 Rakar 18 7 11 25/3/3/30 Gaa 77 37 40 25/3/3/32 Rere 84 42 42 25/3/3/75 Gal 69 34 35 25/3/3/89 Ringi 39 21 18 25/3/3/69 Gai (Vionibum) 57 26 31 25/3/3/22 Rite 57 25 32 251 3/3/80 Gengte 131 59 72 25/3/3/15 Rottom 11 4 7 25/3/3181 Hab 87 51 36 25/3/3/41 Ruthtap 21 10 11 25/3/3/60 Hebang 181 78 103 25/3/3/14 Sarinrakhe 128 58 70 25/3/3/65 Higio Na1111'Om 91 47 44 25/3/3/42 Sektap 44 23 21 25/3/3/74 Hindo 88 40 48 25/3/3/18 Seygodak 158 68 90 25/3/3/37 Hipu 67 39 28 25/3/3116 Sipu 118 68 50 25/3/3/66 Horium 50 27 23 25/3/3/46 Sukripa 50 27 23 25/3/3/2 Jagi 64 35 29 25/3/3/39 Tado 70 32 38 25/3/3/35 .Iami 4 3 1 25/3/3/29 Tamen 231 117 114 25/3/3/85 Kumrung 83 46 37 25/3/3/3 Tamenchi 60 33 27 25/3/ 1/14 Kanopegmir - 65 29 36 2513/3/21 Taya 104 59 45 25/3/3/9 Kicho 159 78 81 25/3/3/23 Tayasimla 42 22 20 25/3/3/10 Kigam 138 71 67 25/3/3/67 Techpu 73 35 38 25/3/3/8 Kumlike 209 102 107 25/3/3/34 Tumchak 26 12 14 25/3/3/24 Lan 160 68 92 25/3/3/7 Yada "'l8 10 8 25/3/3/82 Lapte 17 8 9 25/3/3/54 Yakar 211 87 124 25/3/3/73 Lengdi 38 24 14 25/3/3/70 Yangte 184 103 81 25/3/3/51 Lipo Tamo Rakhe 6 5 25/3/3/50 Yarte 11 7 4· 25/313/63 LOIlg Ha 13 6 7- 25/3/3/38 Yattap 71 35 36 25/3/3/61 Luba 150 72 78 25/3/3/83 Yorte 17 12 5 25/3/3/84 Lunchi 9 6 3 25/3/3/56 Yurkum 257 129 128

61 62

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Tali Circle 3/4

Population Population Location Code Name of Village r------.A.-----l Location Code Name of Village r------.A.-----. No. Persons Males Females No. Persons Males Females

2 4 2 4 5

25/3/4149 Arsang 80 42 38 25/3/412 Loa 298 149 149 25/3/4/35 Bagjan 110 59 51 25/3/41 17 Magnia 41 20 21 25/3/4/46 Biya 162 84 78 25/3/4/30 Makmc 70 38 32 1.5/3f4/15 Boa 78 37 41 25/3/4/23 Maya 110 57 53 25/3/4/3 Bogu 176 83 93 250/4/56 Mikbia 60 30 30 25/3/4/27 Byer 34 18 16 25/3/4/33 Mobia 213 110 103 25/3/4155 Chome 25 '13 12 25/3/4/37 Neyeng 67 37 30 25/3/4132 Doga 151 87 64 25{3/4/20 Nongkiyor 58 27 31 25/3/4/21 DoUe 175 82 93 25/3/4/43 Nyache 48 23 25 25/3/4/4 Durpai 85 43 42 25/3/4/12 Nyodo 78 43 3S 25/3/4{24 Gangtung 79 47 32 25{3{4/39 Pilua 287 143 144_ 25/3/4/45 Gatol11 24 12 12 25/3/4{1O PI nor 36 21 IS 25/3/4/14 Giba 215 103 112 25/3/4/54 Raha 148 80 68 25/3/4/9 Gimba 273 147 126 25/3/4/29 Ranga 29 15 ,14 25/3/4/13 Gucbi 294 139 155 25/3/4/18 Raying 2&9 142 147 25/3/4141 Gyapin 226 103 123 25/3/4/53 Rlbakar~ang 87 43 44 25/3/4/36 Ha 107 65 51 25/3/4/40 Richik 32 17 IS 25/3/4/52 Haimachi 69 33 36 25/3/4/6 Ruhi 358 175 183 25/3/4/34 Rania 112 58 54 25/3/4/48 Sepaba 108 53 S5 25/3/4/1 Rapuk 79 35 44 25/3/4/31 Sodok 106 58 48 25/3/4/57 Robak 35 20 15 25/3/4/16 Songo 45 22 23 25/3/4/28 Romi 177 86 91 25/3/4/42 Songio 210 93 117 25/3/4122 Jha 79 41 38 25/3/4/7 Sortem 192 85 107 25/3/4/44 Kakcho 73 37 36 25/3/4/58 TaliRQ 274 153 121 25/3/4/50 Koleng 81 46 35 25/3/4/8 Tamuk 208 104 104 25/3/4/51 Korapu 103 52 51 25/3/4/47 Tedung 119 56 63 25/3/4/19 Kore 161 77 84 25/3/4/11 Tumer 134 82 52 25/3/4/25 Lengdi 175 85 90 25/3/4/26 Yorda 106 50 56 25(3/4/5 Lingba 218 98 120 25/3/4/38 Zara 274 132 142 70

cO ..9Z ]~ 71

~~~~!~~!~+++++++++ ...... 000000000 _...... ,-_,...... ,_-- 1111-11111 72

~ ~ ~:f . . . . . • ...... '" .; coo 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 COO C C ~AQAAAQAq~A~AAQAQQQQQQOQOOQQ

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;"Populat1on Population Location Name of VIllage _ A ___, Location Name of Village r------'-----, Code No. l'Cssons Males Females Code No. Pen;ons Males Females ;_ 2 4 5 2 4 5

25 13/511 Bela 79 34 45 25/3/5/5 Kako Forest Beat 15 6 9 25/3/5/3 Boginodi Forest 21 13 8 2513/5/15 KlmlnHQ 2,134 1,326 802 Beat 25/3/5/2 Comaseki 30 17 13 25/3/5/9 LOMf Liehl 38 20 .18 25/3/5/12 Digra Fotes! Beal 70 42 28 25/3/5{7 Lower Sher 157 116 41 25/3/5/3 Durpa 68 33 35 25/315/14 Singra Forest Beat 6 5 25/315/10 Johing F()fcst Beat 11 5 6 25/3/5/4 Jumi 132 73 59 25/3/5/8 Upper Lichi 54 32 22 25/3/5/11 Jumi Forest Beat 26 16 10 25/3/5/6 Upper Sher 105 49 56

ErndUIII: Village location code No, shOwn agamst Boginodl Forest Beat may be read as 25/3/5/13 III Place of 25/3/5/3. N.D.:- The newly formed Chambang Circle With location code No. 3/6 will not appear in the publlcatiOll sin()CI the Circle came under actual admmis!rative operation after the enumeration of 1981 Census. Tile villages under this Circle bave. however, been enumerated and slJown under their respective ollgmal Circles.

75 - :!.. ~ i 77

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Cl·0 ! '_;::0 c: t'IIu il Q"O 00 ~ ...Ju ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES Sagalee Circle 3/7

Population Population .A.__ -----, Location Name of village ,.... Location Name of village r--~__J...---, code no. Persons Males Females code no. Pel sons Males Females 2 4 5 2 3 4 5

25/3/7/38 Apop 118 50 68 25/3/7/14 Momtong 39 15 24 25/3/7/39 Apopsango 104 45 59 25/3/7/59 Nimte 105 45 60 25/3/7/9 Balapu 192 116 76 25/3/7/73 19TH MILE 19 18 25/3/7/29 Bobla 192 87 105 25/3/1/19 Ngudang 50 20 30 25/3/7/65 Bokoriang 183 131 52 25/3/7/53 Ompoli 8 6 2 25/3/7/37 Chengring 61 26 35 2513/7/58 Ompolihoj 11 6 25/3/7/21 Chumdong 40 16 24 25/3/7/18 Pang 33 11 22 25/3/7/49 Dakte 25 11 14 25/3/7/40 Pareng 191 84 107 25/3/7/57 Daktehoj 79 50 29 ').5/3/7/52 Peach Jl8 43 75 25(3(7/3 Deb 130 63 67 25/3/7/15 Peachoj 33 14 19 25/3/7/28 Dedolo 93 43 50 25/3/7/51 Pepso 94 50 44 25(3/7/54 Depo 52 21 31 25/3/7(10 Quengte 32 12 20 25/3/7/75 15TH MILE CAMP 50 47 3 1.5/3/7/16 Rach 108 50 58 25/3/7/61 Caihiku 62 30 32 25/3/7/32 Rachi 182 90 92 2S13/7/24 Gaihindum 125 60 65 2513/7/31 Raiko 95 48 47 25/3/7/45 Gengtung 37 16 21 2513/7/64 Rate 50 25 25 25/3/7/62 Geram 113 73 40 2513/7/35 Rechin8 101 50 51 25/3/7{26 Gotapu 139 60 79 '].5/3/7/66 Rigo 42 21 21 25/3/7/63 Habia 109 44 65 25/3/7/70 SagaleeHQ 385 213 172 25/3/7/74 Her Camp 2 2 2S/3}1f22 Sala 40 18 22 25/3/7/30 Hote 34 12 22 25/3/7/36 Sango 201 91 110 25{3/716 Jajingtapo 23 12 11 25/3/7/42 Sema 57 24 33 25{3/7160 Joha 18 6 12 25/3/7/67 Sengari 29 18 11 25/3/7/69 JOljee 47 26 21 25/3/7/2 Socho 79 36 43 25/31717 lote 51 24 27 Tabio 46 20 26 25/3/7{1 Karoi 215 104 111 25/317/17 25/3/7/34 Tabio 201 91 110 25/3/7/46 Kheel 129 76 53 25/3/7/25 Khemblins 161 83 78 2513/7111 Tamang 54 26 28 25/3/7/23 Khyate 101 43 58 25/317/44 Tar 9 4 5 25/3/7/48 Kunglo 24 16 25/3/714 Tarso 73 30 43 2513/7{55 Laporiang 67 33 34 25/3/7/41 Taw 57 25 32 25{3/7{12 Laptap 222 109 113 2513/7/76 10TH DILE CAMP 44 29 15 25/3/7/33 Lcngding 134 64 70 25/3/7/47 Toru 85 58 27 25/3/715 Longpar 153 69 84 25/3f7)13 Totpu 103 50 53 25/3/7/27 LUllgching 121 53 68 25/3/7110 22NDMile 37 36 1 25/3/7/50 Mapsoro 53 22 31 25/3/7/20 YalaDi 99 44 55 25/3/7/8 Meb 56 28 28 2513/1/56 Yaya 35 15 20 2S/317/J3 Moa 195 110 85 25/317/68 Ya)'i 72 42 30

.1'4•• :-The mlp of Sagalee Circle may be seen at page 16,- ,

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/ .• / •. I .,/" / ••




Doimukh Circle 3/8

Population Population r-___...A.. ____, ,-____A _____ "l I.A)cation code Name of vlli~ge Location code Name of village no. Perscns MailS Females no. »elsons Males Females

2 4 5 2 4

Medpu 137 77 25/3/8/5 Chiputa 97 60 37 25/3/8/4 214 25/3/8/11 Doimukh 177 93 84 25/3/8/3 Nmpo 19 12 7 25/3[8[13 Doirnukh H.Q. 1,422 849 573 25/318/12 Rano 118 57 6l .~f3/8/9 ~mchi 358 196 162 25/3/816 Sopo 79 39 40 25/3/8/8 Gumto 275 136 139 2513/8/10 Holokbmi 76 31 45 25/318/2 TIgdo ~3 44 49 25/3/8/7 LekJJa 97 54 43 25/3/8/1 Upia 93 46 47

87 14--8 RGIINDI84 :;8


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BaliJan Circle 3(9

,-___.A.______PopuJauon ,--______Persons..A... ______, Location code Name 0 f vtllage Locat'on code Name of y,lIagc no. Pelsons Malr! Females No. Persons Males Females

2 4 5 2 4 5

25/3/9/19 Balijan H.Q. 288 219 59 25/3/9/39 Jote 118 66 52 25/3./9124 Balijall Ka~bl 322 206 116 25/3/9/32 Kachubari 43 23 20 2Sf319/22 Bait jan NIshi 98 48 50 25/3/9/72 Kanebu 52 22 30 25/3/9166 Ram 51 :'6 25 25/3/9/11 Kokila 285 142 143 25/3/9/67 Basrrnal0 63 ~1 32 25/3,9/12 Kokila Staff 4U 33 15 25/3/9/71 Bas~rr,alo Camp 40 28 12 25/3/9/20 Lanka 149 72 77 25/3/9/35 Bormo i Karbi 96 54 42 25/3/9/60 Lau 7~ 3~ 41 25/3/9/36 Burmal Nishi 147 66 81 25/3/9/51 Lenka 29 10 9 25/3/9/63 Byate 33 !7 16 25/3/9/64 Longdung 41 21 20 25/3/911 Chakma BL-I 279 143 136 25/319/38 Lower Tanlso 194 114 80 25/3/9/2 Chakrna BL-JI 178 93 85 25/319/69 Mabiaso 21 Q 12 25/3{9/3 Chakma BL-llI 166 ~15 71 25{3{9(48 Moaa 50 22 28 2513/9/4 Chakma BL-IY l!i9 87 82 2,(319141 Mo:ng 16 8 25/3/9/5 ChakmaBL·Y 248 127 121 25(319162 MoPQp 14 8 6 25/3/9/6 "Ckakma BL·VI 52 32 20 25(3/9/59 Patapdap 58 32 26 25/319/7 Chakma :81,.VI I 173 101 n 25/3/9/33 Pemp{la 142 6'1 73 25/3/9/8 Chakma BL· VIII 132 ~5 67 25(319(43 Porna Ilh 57 59 25/3/9/9 Chakma BL·IX 119 61 58 25(3(9/53 Rail 14 7 7 25/3/9/10 Chakrna BL·X 107 49 -5R 25/3/9/40 Rakab 5) 29 26 25/3/9(13 Changmara 2 2 2513/9(27 RRmghat FICamp 31 18 13 FOiest Camp 25(3/9145 Rzsap 85 38 47 ' Chessa 1~'6 25/3/9114 133 IS7 25/3(9/57 Regia 55 27 28 Chtssr, FICamp 28 ,,5 3 25/39/15 25/319/46 Rekllka 3" 17 21 Daflagarh FjC8.mp 55 ~2 23 " 25/3/9/25 25/3(9/4' R;l" 43 17 26 Dari .. bl 76 ~O 36 25/3/9/29 25/3/9/i0 RUpUllg 3(1 18 18 25/319/54 Dewasa '27 13 14 25(3(9(61 Ru,hl J7 6 II 25/3(9/26 Diphu F/Camp 5 25/3(9116 SOIlJUIt Farm 119 69 ~O 25/3/9/28 Dulumg 8 4 4 25(319/2, Tabung Ill) 65 54 25/3/9/50 Dume 13 4 9 25(3/9/49 TallYing 20 JO 10 25/3/9/17 Forllst Colony 37 19 18 25{3(9158 Taplaso 70 34 36 25/3/9/47 ' Ga9gtey 12 4 8 2513/9{21 Tengbari 58 29 29 25/3/9/18 Garuballdha F /Camp 17 13 4 25(3(9/34 Town BII 80 42 38 25/3/9/44 Garung 70 33 37 25/3/9/52 TuJpume ') 4 5 25/3/9156 Rabia 120 48 72 25(3/9(55 25/3/9/31 Holongi F/Camp 74 38 36 Twingso 38 20 18 25/3/9/30 Holongi Karbi 166 ~8 78 25(3(9(37 Upper Tar,,-,o 132 69 63 1$13/9/68 Indrojuli 47 25 22 25/3(9/65 Yakang 43 23 20

91 92



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Loc'ltion code N~,me of Village Po)UlatlOn PopulatlOn r-__ ~....A_ ____-, no. Location code Name of Vll~age r-____.A. -. Per· ons Males Females No. Persons Males Females

2 4 5 2 4 5

25/3/10/5 Arung 65 33 32 25/3/10/4 Neopang 153 68 85 2513110122 Birup 10 5 2513jiO/14 Norgl)ng 214 ]04 110 25/3/10/16 Bong 86 40 46 25/3/10/30 Pacho 35 14 21 25/3/10;33 Ddl J32 60 72 25/3/10/26 Paga 89 45 44 25/3/10/18 Domlsarang 28 14 14 25/3/10/35 Paku 29 11 ]8 25/l /10jJ3 hcho J03 4y 54 25/3/10/23 Paml 82 3: 49 25/3/10/12 J,ljlng Tapo 47 2.6 21 2.5/3fjO/ll Pan 95 50 45 25/3/10/32 KagItago J63 77 86 25/3/10/3 Pilla 191 93 98 25/3/10/34 Kamp 102 57 45 25/3/10/31 Plilte 57 33 24 25/3/10117 Kamrung ISO Y5 55 25/3/10 121 RlglO 171 81 90 2,,3/10/24 Kulung 120 57 63 2513/10/28 Saklang 70 38 32 25/3/10/10 Kusum 46 2g 18 2513/10/7 Sango 84 40 44 25/3/10/29 Leklang 41 20 21 25/3/ ;0/8 Sarchgal 159 81 78 25/3/10/27 Lenge 78 36 42 25/3/1Oj2 SeLgcm 20 14 6 25/3/1016 SII 7 3 4 25{3{10/15 Maching 26 17 19 25j3/10/20 Sotung 61 31 30 25{3/IO/9 Mate 56 26 21 25/3/lO/42 Tabla 173 87 86 25/3/10/19 Mengio 124 49 75 25/3110/36 Takho 23 9 14 2513/1011 Nab.ar 45 24 21 25/3/10/25 Tapa 129 73 56 -----

99 100


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C\. t SAG ALE E KM. rl====k~!=t=f ~,~f~~:::d::1 KM o .-'''''''_ / MILES 2 0 2 MILES '" ,/ , ~. (' C\ /' ',-~." \. / _./' \, l'() \. \. < ~ \ MOPOP , ~ • !I 0 ' " \ HOSTAL.AM \. o '0 6 \.. J 0 PO ~NIRJUl ' ,.... BORUM TARAJUlIO 9 "'! .. TARAJUlI FOREST 0 l I 12 ~• \ " LU~O& ~ \,_ M. NA~ARLAGAN I,.. \ I 'fI .., -A~ \® .~,~ ry ,~~ ., \ 6(,OLD ITANAGAR G' ' y \ ,.1 l' \ .I . ".' - • .._. _ • .,If C IRe t t INDEX


R(f9~d upon Survey of Indio mop with Ihe permission of the o GO'lerr.meot 0{ Indio Copyr,Q~!, 1984, Surveyor !ii_nero: of Ind,Q 104 ALPH \.BEfICAL LJST OF 'VILLAGES

Old ltaJlllgar ~irele 3/11

Population I'o'pulation Localion Name of village , ____..A- __~__) LocptioD NlmOoofv:Uaae ,..----'----_...., code no. Persons Males Females cvde no. Persons Males Females

2 4 2 4 5

25/3/11/11 Bandardewa 1,080 815 265 25/3/11/7 Naharla~l\n 204 98 106 2S/3/11/4 Borum SS 28 27 25/3/11/9 Niriuli 790 489 301 25/3/11/6 Hostalam 27 15 12 2S/3/11/1 Papu 811 SI 38 25/3/11/10 Karsingsa 78 63 15 25/3/11/2 Soed 47 26 21 25/3/11/8 ~khl 184 87 97 25/3/11/3 Tarajull 47 23 24 25/3/11/5 Mopop 37 17 20 25/3/11/12 Tarajuli Foret( 59 40 19

lOS 106

3 ! 11 I I 107

bO .9~_~ 11 e !3'bo ]'08.2 ._ 0) to g J2~'a~ ~ N ~P,.;~8 Gs§~!S ~ <'is bOO._ ._. -8 c s:::i.$2 ;:l~ p,.="';;" i?'3 u<..> ~ .S § ~;:; '- §1'1 o§'O;:;.g "'0''= ~ S ~ .9 "'~'O'= ,....,0\ ~e'o§e -, I .. §~ -"-8 '::I C J~ 0) '3 0 ,....,00 ~ '-6 E'i ..( a~ u·= 0 U./ ~214 I ..9 ~ s ..!. F-t til 'O'6P, ~.~ ~.~'i- U ;;;;:J §~~ ~ -< ~ ",SE Q].g §i ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 e O)'g e5 d) 'i Z ~=~ .9 ~~ ..... b = < ~'O 0 !:.~ c ~ "'8' ~ ....:l e~il: ::e ~ ~ ~ t!) ~--'-0 ~1M:Ee!:i -oil 0z 0- < '8f~ .,., til J-i I ~ - ~ ..... E-< OJ OJ I-< d) Z '0 ~ j:tl S ~ ~ u ~ ,§ ~ ~ ';;; < j )1'" )1 ~ I :!: 0 0 0 0 0 6 ~ .; .;) ~ ~ ~ .; d) Q u "u <.> 8 <.> Cl Cl ~ ~ ca i:ia i:ia .... >, :o:!S:d)- £a =:

.~ ~ :g d) ::: uc ,-, U" .,., ,-, ,-. .-, ,-. tl € t;, '""' 00 .-on ~ :e~ -- t! s e '-' € §' ~ 2 C ._, ~ ~ ;J ... ~" ~~ !: .... i:l:= eob'b 6 ... 0'- e 0 C 0 6 0 0 .., '-' B ~ A A Q Q A Q r - ~ 8 rS B ... .. ~ '0 " 0 ""'" ~ ...... ~" J '1:1 :9 c , - 00 a 0 '- I': ,...., ,...., N Tjd) ~ ~ ~ .':!. ~ ~ !2'. ,...., ,...., ,...., r::.,...., ~ ~ ,...., ,...., ,...., ,...., ,....,~ ,...., ,...., ,...., ~ .3"8 - ;;:;-- ..... - M ..,., ;J ~- ~ M ..., ..., - <"" ~ -on ;n-- .,., or;- - -;n------N ~ on on Vi' ~ - N N ~ N N N N N N N N N ARUNACHAL PRADESH CIRCLE NEW ITANAGAR v"tf.. SAGA DISTRICT LOWER SUBANSIRI q.. .;...... -. LE E (25 I :3 I 12) /' '\...... ", ,,_'v ...... ~. ~ I \ ,,- ...... -(. " l' \ . 0 . ) ~ ", \ . ". ',\ J '" , " i 0 '", \..... «J 11 \ \ ~ \ .,., /~ • eM.' • Y (\ IAT ;,.9 NEW ITANAGAR \. "I 0 \ .3 ZO@)\"'" • GAtlGA6"0 • ." ) ct'\ • 0 SAtlIG"U~ \. 1) \GA.A LAKE ~ , ',7 0 ".,~ • JALAMG fIII" _ 4 -,.- "\ .~. "". ~ . ." .. ~ \;./ ,-) A

INDEX -.-.~ IOUIiOARY. CIRCU:... .. ~. . .. "EUQUARTfRS: CIRCLE" CAPItAL Of u.T. ® • * NAME Of' VILLUE WITH LOCATIO" tOOl MO. .1.1 KM z 0 Z 4 KM YILL_AG!S WITH POPULATION SIZES: • I;;-=~'~~I~~~'~I~t I • , I 8ELOW 100; 200- 4"; 1100-,,,; MILES Z 0 Z MILlS I~O-I'" ; 1000 & ABOVE ," .. ' ... ..- 0 •••• RIVER .. S:tREAM ., ...... , ~

(("1 l,QVltfnment o~ Indio COPYrighr, 1984. Boud llpon Slirvey of I ndia IT ap ",itl'l th!) p~TI\'\\"ion of tile

Sur·:.pr 3I;r~r(:j1 01 l'ldiQ 10& ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES

New ItllllBgal Circle 3/12

, ____PopulatIon.A. ___ , PopulatIOn Location Name of village L

2 3 4 5 2 4

25/3/12/3 Bat 23 12 11 25}3}12/7 Ganga Lake 72 43 29 25/3/12/5 Chimi 55 26 29 36 25/3/1212 Dat 43 21 22 25/3/12/4 Jalang 76 40 2513/1216 Ganga 186 87 99 25/3112/1 8mgpWlg 35 16 19

109 110

.!..c ..... Pot I:J ~ a:> ..... Jt'"0 __or:::l >«5 OIl

'~i la 0 ... o..,!. ::::~ ·e·@a ~~ .- *'0"-" ~ "0~,g _ § 'S.~ ~ ~ t;; . ',;'"0 ._ ~ "O-e! ~ ;:::"" ....<:> "'''-'e·- ~,.g ~~S ~- .c.~= ...... <::i .@lJ, "0 p.. 0;1 -: 0.>8'" - !§ .;>~ ~~ 'E:'[ ~-- ""' . ..-. -S·S.- ~ ..2 0 ,0 ~ :.§ :fj E ;0;("'" .... E-I til .s~a u ~ ·~N-~ Q .~ tSjj::e ~ :014>cd ..... Q :;i ... ~ ~ >,o·a ~ H cdJ:l;" .....,._ ('1$ 0 08'" l ~ ~ .~ .~ ~.~ ::i ~ ---t;;:= til :E;.e~ ~ ~ ...... ~~..8S!- .... ;;:. f--; 7! ;;n "" fte ~ z -Z .9 !ssjl l .._...... ~ ~ :~~~ ~ ++++V> r:a.. + p.. ;;;.) ...... ~ 0 0 0°1 ? S] 8 "0 ~ < ~ ._~~ 0.. ~ ~ :Y:Y:YYr I - ~ .2,,-, - ~o '3i> ... g.~~ -=4>PI::s.c ~-.;#g E-.8al~ ~ ~_..s! e

u b8 ..!! ...~ 0 ..,N.... 8 cd .. Z ifa S -~ =00 . ~= ~ ~~ 111


~ 0 .0 d ~ S S 8 Q CI Q ~ ~

!a N M N N N M N ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

~ 00 ~~~~~~~ ~ 0 VI u~ ::.:> r- ~~~ -<- ~ ...c: ~ .. ~d d 8 S SS -~ 8 - iil

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Kololiallg Circle 3/13

Population Population Location Name of village r- --'-----, Location Name of village -, code no. PCISODS Males Females code no. Persons Males Females 2 4 5 2 4 5

25/3/13/46 Bigo 47 18 29 25/3/13/16 Nyalo 117 56 61 25/3/13/10 Biyang 113 62 51 25/3/13/42 Pagba 63 33 30 2513/13/48 Byate 41 20 21 25/3/13/41 Pani 64 31 33 25/3/13/63 CIteki lSI 87 94 25/3/13/22 Papin 49 27 22 25/3/13/13 Chela 197 101 96 25/3/13/31 Papu 76 44 32 25/3/13/1 Chome 93 54 39 25/3/13/47 Pan 130 65 65 25/3/13/2 Chotc 58 36 22 25/3/13/24 Pcnggmg 83 37 46 25/3/13/11 Dame 6 3 3 2S/3/13/2g Radens 80 41 39 25/3/13/55 Dangba 84 34 50 25/3/13/4 Rakte 24 10 14 25}3/13/12 Degefing 66 39 27 25/3113/23 Ram~oo 30 15 15 25 13/13/5 Fua 44 24 20 25/3/13/40 Rare 34 19 15 25/3/13/29 Furi 31 13 18 25/3/13/3 Rate 36 21 15 25/3/13/21 Hap 23 12 11 25/3/13/6 Reelung 66 32 34 25/3/13/35 Harang 89 45 44 2513/13/39 Renchi 164 80 84 25/3/13/51 Halam 45 27 18 25/3/13/32 Rite 107 S3 54 25/3/13/49 lhba 194 102 92 2513/13/15 Sangclli 12 11 1 25/3/13/7 Kachang Tena 34 13 21 25/3/13/36 Sangkung 1(}7 64 43 2511/13/4'( l(ele 54 24 30 25/3/13/34 Sangsar 25 9 16 25/3!13/5S Keya 35' 17 18 25/3/13/30 SoileDg Tarh 44 20 24 25)3)13/57 Koloriang HQ 717 458 259 25/3/13/17 Taba 64 32 32 25/3/13}5'0 Lel>.; 88 42 46 25/3/13/14 Tabuma 131 67 64 25/3/13/54 Leel 393 196 197 25/3113/8 Tamla 27 14 13 25/3/13/43 Mange 66 37 29 25/3/13/27 Tapall 47 23 24 25/3/13/26 Mara 61 30 31 25/3/13/19 Tapia 52 26 26 25/3/13/9 Ngultudar 26 13 13 25/3/13/37 TapIn 56 31 25 25/3/13/52 Nibi 73 41 32 25t3/13/25 Tayang 129 69 60 25/3/13/18 Nikza 124 59 65 25/3/13/38 Tarpu 51) 21 29 25/3/13/20 Nilaha 60 30 30 25/3/13/44 Tumlam 199 113 86 25/3/13/33 Nongram 262 139 123 25/3/13/56 Yarcnang 48 20 28

113 114


10 115

'"' <;::;'u=­ ~~ 116

1:! ~ ]" ...... • • ...... 31 I~ ~88808A&8&88&8Q8~

M'""" If ] ~ .sa<=to Jl ;,g .~ \"l 38 117

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Slirli Circle 3/14

Population r __.A. ____ ,-, }>opulation Location Nar, e of village Location Name of village r ..... _--, code Do, Per'ons Males Females code no, }>ersons Males Females

2 4 2 4 25/3114/42 Bala II 7 4 2513114/44 Bari 34 18 16 2513114/9 Phasang 4 2 2 25/3/14117_ Chaching 23 12 11 2513114120 Potungla 8 4 4 Qulik 25/3114126 Chane 24 11 13 2513/14131 9 6 3 25/3/14/10 2513114/38 Chula 71 40 31 Rerung 27 15 12 Rtya 25/311413 Fee 81 34 47 25/3114135 J3 8 5 25/3/14/8 Furang 125 66 59 25/3/14/16 Roktepu 100 49 51 25/3/14/41 Garno 16 9 7 25/3/14/46 Sape 136 68 68 25/3114/18 Haklam 44 26 18 2513/14/50 SarliHQ 450 316 134 State 97 25/3114/47 Haraiho 35 19 16 25/3/14149 205 108 25/3/14/14 Helong 36 13 23 25/3/14/32 Sharna 30 14 16 Sipe 10 25/3/14/33 Kapo 66 30 36 25/3/14!21 23 13 25/3/14/12 Kedolu 86 44 42 25/3/14;19 Sowaring 56 28 28 25/3/14/11 Korunu 14 10 4 25/3/14113 Tal 44 29 15 25/3/14/6 Lantase 11 6 5 25/3/14129 Tapenno 2 3 25/3/14/2 LichiJa (Lower) 38 17 21 25/'114/48 Teying 23 9 14 25/311411 Lichila (UPll?r) 70 35 35 2513/14/15 Topah 2S 1l 13 24 2513/14/39 Machame 65 37 28 25/3/14/36 Vctczm 54 30 17 25/3/14/45 Mal\) 43 18 25 25/3/14/25 Wabla 35 18 25/3/14/4() Mdlt 80 38 42 25/3/14127 Wablk 4 2 2 4 25/3114/34 Mokoksal 4 2 2 2513114/30 Wabung 11 251311414 Nade 119 52 67 25/3114/37 Waru 140 67 73 4 2513/14/22 Namjo 10 5 5 25/3/14/43 Wazang 9 5 37 15 25/3/14/28 Palo 10 4 6 25/3/14/24 Wazu 22

119 18-8 RGIINDIB4 120


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D~mi" Circle 3/15

PopulatIon Population , ____A__~ ___, LocatIon Name of village ,---~"---, Location Name of village code No Per~ons Males Females Code No. Persons Males Females

2 4 2 4 5

25/3/15/20 Barno 72 40 32 25/3/15/13 Nampe 70 32 38 2513115/1 Barbia 66 37 29 2513/1S/4 Nckormug 49 24 25 2513115125 Chate 1()2 54 48 251311:156 Pansi P .LTIO 49 25 24 25/3/15111 (,hote 76 41 35 2513/1519 Pape 76 34 42 25/3/15/3 Cornpoiyakopc 25 12 13 2513/15/45 Papu 111 53 58 2513/15/32 Dado 179 95 84 25i3/1; /57 Plpa 41 19 22 25/3/15/38 Dalang 41 21 20 25/3/15/5 Rachi 83 40 43 25/3115/58 DammHQ 372 253 1 J 9 2513115/53 Rala 91 41 50 25/3/15/49 Damm 103 51 42 2513/15/23 Rane 8 6 2 25/3/J5/39 Dore J23 59 64 25/3/15/24 Raolo 8 2 6 25/3/15/22 Fuba 10] 50 51 25/3115/36 Reangchi Poriang 283 J40 143 25/3/15/14 HllllUm 68 30 38 25/3/15/19 }{umu 32 19 13 25j3/15/12 Hirlk 31 16 15 25/3115/47 Saitan 48 23 25 25/3/15/2 Hlsang 80 35 45 25/3/J5/16 Satiyang 21 12 9 25/3J] 5/55 Hurl 15 :5 10 25/3/15/34 Sera 116 63 53 25/3/15/44 JaIJ 81 37 44 25/3/15/15 Serang 87 51 36 25/3/15/52 Katuk 12 6 6 25/3/15/26 Shamor,ang 46 24 22 25/3/15/27 KOPlla 87 44 43 25/3/15/31 Slriang 76 36 40 25/3/15/6 Leneriang 30 15 15- 25/3/15/29 Subu 34 15 19 25/3/15/37 Leya 75 38 37 25/3/15/17 Subuk 20 7 13 2j]3/15/42 Loak 24 14 10 25/3/15/41 Taba 206 93 113 25/3/15148 Lubapu 87 37 50 25/3/15/35 Taram 169 85 84 25/3/15/50 Machang 114 66 48 25/3/15/18 Tarba 40 J8 22 25/3/15/51 Makra 4 2 2 2513/15/21 Tarla 68 30 38 25/3/15/10 Mengio 174 79 95 25/3/15/40 Taug 25 9 16 25/3/15/8 Mongpo J26 62 64 25/3/J5/28 ThUlanog 45 19 26 25/3/15/30 Morma 21 10 II 2513/15/7 TumbIa 87 47 4D 25/3/15/46 Moru 114 55 59 25/3J]S/33 Yalba 155 87 68

125 126

00 127

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80\.<:1 upc~ Surv.y 01 india m,p v.'rth ,he ptrmi~~lon 01 © Govt",m.nl of India ' ...,I,lIt, It". Int. Survryor (;en.rol 01 l~cI)o ~_ 130 ALP:-IABETlCAL LIST OF VILLAGES

Nyapin Circle ~/16 Populalion POpulltJon Location Name of village ,--~__'" ----; LOl

2 4 4 5

25/3116/58 Aiy'r 17 18 9 25/3/16/37 Malo 157 70 87 25/3/16/11 BirIpungrung 165 87 78 25/3/16/51 Mozorlang 28 15 l3 15 25/3116/19 fJOA6 32 17 25/3/16/13 Nyal1g1la 69 36 33 25/3/16/4 llyasi 237 112 125 25/3/16/62 NyaplD HQ 552 306 246 25/3/16/34 L'htbang 378 182 196 25/3/16/12 Pagsa 467 227 246 70 25/3/16/10 (''hingliang " 121 51 25/3/16/20 Paji 93 52 41 25/3/16/60 Dilung 51 26 25 25/3116/40 Palang 60 26 34 25/3/16/26 I>ole 265 127 138 25/3/16/32 Panong 49 21 28 25/3/16/67 8 K.M,Q, Point 23 16 7 2513/16/46 Pating 62 38 34 25/3/1G/45 (iaga 122 64 58 25/3/16/64 Paya Camp 3 2 25/3/16/27 Gallgec 15J 76 75 :513/J6/42 r~yu 64 36 28 25/3/16/43 G.nggang 21 14 13 2513/16/17 Peel 99 46 53 25/3/16/3 Oengn ,66 86 BO 251'1/16/59 l'eetJk 47 27 20 2513{[6{39 Oangte 64 28 .16 25/3/16/61 PI;Jchi 443 209 234 25{3/16/57 Gangtong ;; 3 25/3/16/38 Pmciu SuJung 46 27 19 25/3/16/5 (hda-I ll() 52 58 25/3/16(56 Pingpo 6 4 2 25/3/16/6 (hda-II 15; 70 85 25/3/16(65 Pinte 10 6 4 25/3/16/31 (J>:lmar 562 254 308 25/3116/55 Ram 16 7 25/3/16/22 Hlya 578 283 295 25/3/lb/21 Rate 65 30 35 25/3/16/52 Ho_unang 28 13 15 25/3/16/35 Ringo 78 39 39 25/3/16/18 Hote 16 7 9 25/3/16/44 Rlyokc'oh 20 11 9 25/3/16{48 Jiping 37 17 20 25/3/16/1 Rowa 266 139 121 2513{16/16 Kamham I1S 58 Ii(t 25/3/16/33 Sango 364 178 186 25/3/16/7 Kaun 106 49 57 25/3/16/50 Sangran 530 275 255 2513/16/49 Ku nayer 16 7 '2/3/16/66 6 KM Sangram 8 4 4 164 25/3/16/28 Laba 300 136 25,3/16/30 Tabyang 60 25 35 43 25/3/16/2 Langro 101 58 25/3/16/15 1a.)ilangpo 101 46 55 92 89 25/3/16/41 Lengcha 181 25/3/16/63 ToubaCamp 4 3 46 46 25/3/16153 Leya 92 25/3/16/8 Tumlang 188 89 99 25/3/16/29 LcyiIlg 110 52 58 25/3/16/9 Yald 147 79 68 310 322 25(3/16(25 I <>ngteloth 632 2~13116/36 Yaydo 48 25 23 25/3/16123 lumte 106 57 49 25/3/16/24 Yuba 232 109 123 25/3/16/47 Ma;hing 56 28 28 132


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"'~ ... 21-8 RGlfND jR4 APPENDIX II Li'it of villages where no amenities is anllable other than drink.iBIl water

N~me of Circle Location Code No. Name of VIllage Name of Circle LccatlOn Code No. Name of ViUap

2 2

21RO CIRCLE 2513/1/74 Koyam 25/3/1/5 Lampla 25/3/1/75 Lema 2513/1/6 Moyilang/Sikhe 25/3/1/76 Taw 2513/1/7 Sorkhe 25/3/1177 Uilim ScbIlipi 25/3/J/8 Keihya 25/3/1/78 Pitapoal 2513/1/9 Nencltaliya 25/3/1/79 25/311/80 Llshbllh 25/3/1 /~O HakheTa,i 25/3/1121 Tallc Valley 25/3/1/81 Ku(hkut 25/3/1/26 Anbu 25/3/1/82 Sib!yo 25/3/1/77 Korll 25/3/1/83 Chulu 25/3/1/28 Newmoya 2513/1/84 Pllni 25/3/1/29 Bengtam 25/3/1/86 Rup 25/3/1130 Ambam 25/3/1187 Pog", 25/311/32 Nyalibar 25/311/88 Takampusa 25/311/33 Lumri 2513/1/89 Amgl 25/3/1/35 Sikhe 25/3/1/91 Salhe 25/3/1/36 Mudho 25/3/1/92 Did 25/3(1/17 Tap! 25i3/1]93 Ya,bap Pit 25/1IJ 139 Pochu 25/3/1/95 251 3/1/40 Pel -25/311/97 Kamchotaram 25/3!l141 Toon PALIN CIRCLE 25/3/1142 Tach, 25/3/2/1 DUI 2'51311144 Dodo 25/3/2/2 Tas~ar 25/3/1145 Atanyo 25{3/2/3 Ratak 25/3/1146 Tago 25/3/2/4 Solo 251311/47 Lendln~ 25/3/216 Tablyane 251311/48 Kashlmpula 25/3/2/8 Raddin& 2S(1/1150 Balam 25{3/2/10 Neochana 25/3/1/51 Paniya 25/3/2/11 Soleng 2513/1153 Eklyataya 25/3/2113 Sangrrm 25/3/1!54 Seya 25/312/14 Lcngb, 25/3/1/55 Murta 25/3/2/16 Tarangbillil 2513/1/56 Nama 25/312/17 Murku 25/311/57 Cllimpigl 25/3/2/20 Jamin 2513/1158 Gangta 25(312121 Sayata 25(311/60 Tayo 25/3/2/23 Talali?ng 25/3/1161 Charbia 25/3/2/24 Muri 25/3/1 i62 Hotor 25/3/2/25 Chllte 25{3/1/63 Ryambing 25/312/26 Nauri 251311/64 Lumpang 25/3/2/27 Ya(IC 25/3/1/65 Pikte 25/3/2128 Linllko 25/3/1/66 Kemring 2513{2/29 H:ina 25/3/[/67 Tanyatab 25!3/2/'l0 Pako 25/311/68 Harak 25/3/2/31 Smerldolo 25/3/1/69 Taba-rko 25/3/2/32 Kojar 25/3/1/72 Fa 25/3/2/34 Dado 2513/1/73 Nirbin~ 2S/312/35 lbshi 145

APPEND1X n-Con/d.

2 2

25/3/3/36 Pahapa PALIN CIRCLE 25/3/3/37 Hipu 2513/2/36 Joro 25/3/3/40 Baktup 25/3/2/37 Rayong 25}313/41 Ruth-tap 25/3/2/38 Karmmll 25/3/3/42 Sek-tap 25/3/2{39 Cholo 25/3/3/43 Babo Pigrnir 23/3/2/40 Tirpu 25/3/3/44 Koro-Pigmir 2S/3{2/41 Gai 25/3/3/45 Pamer 25/3/2/42 Takshitara 25/3/3/46 Sukripa 25/3/'2/43 Puji 25/3/3/48 Echtkutu Rakhe 25/3/2/44 Runbang 25/3/3/49 AcIa Rakhe 25/3/2/45 Jolung 25/3/3/50 Yarte 25/3/2/47 Kamrung 25/3/3/51 Lipotamo-Rakhe 25/3/2/49 Asapmja 25/3/3/52 NIIeyan 25/3/2/51 Dengdeng 25/3/3/53 Pengmir 25/3/2152 Sengchcng 25/3/3/57 Dugt 25/3j2153 Balamurlu 25/3/3158 Porbu 25/312/54 Gallang 25/3/3/59 lledak 25/3/2/55 Chambang 25/3/3/60 Hebang 25/312/56 Debe 25/3/3/63 Longha 25/312/57 Pate 25/3/3/64 Radumhutu 25/3/2/58 Palap 25/3/3/66 Horium 2S/3{'2/59 Taritab 25/313/67 Techpu 2'/3/2/60 N,oya 2513/3168 Boma hapa 25/3{2/63 Indacht 25/3/3169 Gal Cvionibum) 25/3(2{64 Boleham 25/3/3/70 Yangte 25/3/2/65 Palla 25/3/3/71 Raiga 25/3/2/66 Lengdeng 25/3/3/72 Rat 25/3/2/67 Bojo 25/3/3/73 Lengdt 25/3/2/68 Pungte 25/3/3/74 Hindo 25/3/2/70 60Km. Camp 25/3/3/76 MaIm 25/3/3/79 Parm 25/3/3/80 Gcngte RAGA CIRCLE 25/313/81 Mab 25/3/3/1 Ntmar 25/3/3/82 Lopte 25/3/3/2 Ja~J 25/3/3183 Yorte 25/3/3/3 Tamencht 2513/3/84 Lungchl 25/3/3/4 Ra1


2 2 3

TALI CIRCLE 25/3/4110 Nongkly(lr 25/3/7/6 ]aJlDgtapo 25/3/4/21 Dolle 25/3/7/7 Jote 25/3/4/22 Jha 25/3/7/8 Meb 25)3/4/23 Maya '15/3/7/9 Balapu 25/3/4)2~ GantOl'g 25/3/7/10 Quengte 25)3/4/25 Langdl 25/3/7/11 Tmnong 25/3/4/26 Yarda 25/3/7/13 Moa 25/3/4/27 By

APPENDIX n":-C!:Inld.

"------2 2

SAG-ALEE CIR.CLE 251319/32 Kachu\r,m 25/3/1/64 F.at~ 25/3/9/33 P.:mpela 25/3/7/65 Bukuri,lllg 25/3/9/34 Townbll 25/317/66 F,go 25/3/9140 Rukab 25/3/7/67 S)ngdri 25/3j9/41 MOlns 25/3/7/68 'raYI :'5/3/9/42 Rilo 25/3/7/69 J')fJce 25/3j9/44 Garung 25/3/7/72 2Zod mlk c~mp 25/3/9145 Rasap '25/3/7/73 19th mile camp 25/3/9/46 Relenka 251 3/7/74 HerClmp 25/3/9/47 Gangtey 25/3/7175 151h md,' C8mp 25/3/9148 Moda 25(3/7176 I.)t]\ mIle CI IUp 25/3/9/49 TanYlng :5/3/9/50 Dume DOIMUKH CIRCLE 25/3/9/51 Lenka 25/3/8/1 Up." 25/3/9/52 Tulpumc 25/3/8/2- 1 'gdo 25/319/53 Rdlk 25/3/8/3 tlunpo 25/3/9/55 TWlllgw 25/3/8/) Chlp'lta ~5i3/Y/56 Habld 25/3/8/6 ~oPu 25/3/9/57 Re31a ~5/3/8j7 Lckhd 25/319/58 Tlpiaso 25/3;819 limclll 2)/3/9/5~ Patapolap 25/3/8/]0 Hulukb.lr. 25/3/9/60 Lao 25/3/8/11 DOlmukh 25/3/9/61 Ru,hl 25/.1/8/12 n[ll1() 25/.1/9/62 M"pop 25/3/9/63 Byate BALJJAN CiltCLE 25/3/9/64 Ldngdung 2513/9/1 Chakma BL· 1 25/3/9/65 Yakang 25/3/9/2 Ch~km~ BL· 2 25/3/9/66 Bam 251319;3 Ch~kma BL· 3 25/3/'i/68 IncJrujuh 25/3/9/4 Chakmf BL· 4 2513/~/69 M"bl~SO 25/1/9/5 Chakma BL· 5 2513/9/70 Rupung 25/3/9/6 Chakms. BL : (, 25/3/9/71 Ba·,p.l nail) Camp 2~/3/918 ChClkm,. HI ~ g 25/3/9/72 KdllCbu 25/3/9/9 Chakmf BI, - 9 25/3/9/10 Chakma BI, - 10 MENGIO CIRCLE 25/3/9/11 Kol<1la 25/3/10/1 Ndkar 25/3/9/13 Chdngmar,l For,;,l 25/3/10/2 Scngme Camp 2:5/3/10/3 PIlla 3 251 /9/15 Chess a Forest Camp 2)/3/10/4 Neopalll ~;onJuli Farm 25/3/9/16 2513/1015 Allll1g 25/3/9/17 Fenes! C-olony 25i3/iO/~ 811 25/3/9/18 Garubandh'\ Forest 25/3/10/7 Sangu Camp 25/.1/9/20 Lanka 25/3/10/9 Mate 25/3/9/21 Tengabafl 25/3/10/10 Kusu 25/3/10/11 Pan 25/3/9/22 13abjan N 1s1u 251 3/9/23 Tabung 25/3/1O/l2 Jolling tavo 25/3/9/25 Daflagarh Fore' t 25/3/10/14 Nurgong C


2 2

MBNGIO CIRCLE 25/3/13/18 Nlkza 25/3/13/19 TapIa 25/3/10/22 RlfUP 25/3/13/20 Nt1aha 25/3/10123 Pami 25/3/13/21 Hap 25(3/10/24 Kulung 25/3/13/22 PaplO 25/3/10/25 TajlQ 25/3/13/23 Ramboo 25:3/10/26 raga 25/3/13/24 Pengging 25/3/10127 Lenge 2513/13/25 Tayans 25/3/10{29 Lekiang 2513/13/26 Mara 2513110130 Pacho 25/3/13/27 Tapah 2513/10{31 Pinte 25/3/13/28 Radeng 25/3/10/32 Kagitago 25/3/13/29 Fun 25/3/10/34 Kamp 25/3113130 Solleng Talh 251'110/35 Paku 25/3/13/31 Popu 25/3/10/36 Takho 25/3/13132 Rife 25,3/10/42 Tablo 25/3113134 S~ngsar 25/3113/35 I-lar.lng OLDITANAGAlt 25/3/13/36 Sangkun, 25/3/11/1 P.tpu 25/3)13/37 Tapm 25/3/11/2 Sood 25/3/13/38 Talpu 25/3/11/3 Tarajub 25/3/13/39 Renclll 25/3/11/4 Borum 25/3/13/40 Rare 2513/1115 Mopop 25/3/13/41 Pam 2513/11/6 Hostalam 25/3/13/42 Pagba 25/3/11/8 Lekht 25/3/13/43 Mange 25/3/13/44 Tuml .. m 2513/13/45 Kel~ NEW ITANAGAR. 25/3/13/46 Blgt) 2513/1211 Singpung 7.513113/47 Pan 251311212 D.tt 25/3/13148 Byate 25/3112/3 Bat 25/3113150 Lt:ba 2513/1214 Jalang 2513/13151 Hatam 25/3112/5 Chiml 25/3/13/52 Nlbl 25/3/12{7 Gang-a Lake 2513/13/51 Chcl(l 2513/13/55 Danllba 2513/13/56 Yarchang KOLORIANG CIRCLE 25/3/13158 Keya 25/3113/1 Chomi 25/3/13(2 Chote SARLI CIRCLE 251311313 1I..\te 25/3/1314 Rakte 25/3114/1 LlchlIa (Upper) 25/3113/5 Fua 25/3/1412 Llchila (Lower) 2513/13/6 Rulung 2513/1413 Lee 2513/13/7 Kachangtena 2513/1414 Nade 25/3/1318 Tamlu 2513/1416 Lantage 2513/1319 NgUlludar 2513/1418 Furanll 2513/13/10 Biyang 25/311419 Phasang 25/3113/11 Dame 2513/14/10 Reruna 2513113/12 Degfing 25/3114/11 KOfOng 2513/13/14 TabuOla 2513/14/12 KedoJu 2513/13/15 Sangchl 25/3114/13 Tal 25/3/13/J6 Nyalo 25/3/14/14 Heleng 25/3/13/17 Taba 25/3/14/15 Topah 149


2 2 iAllLI CIRCLE 25/3/15/21 Tarla 1 25/3/14/16 Roktcpu 25 3/15122 Fuba 25/3/15123 Rane 25/3/14/17 Chachlll& Raolo 25/3/14/18 Haklam 2513/15/24 Chate 25/3/14/19 Sowanllg 25/3/15/25 Shamoriang 25/3/14/20 PotuDgllI 25/3/15/26 25/3/14/21 Sipe 25/3/15/27 Kopila 25/3/14/22 Narnjo 25/3/15/28 Thurarinll 25/3/14/24 Wozu 25/3/15/29 Subu 25/3/14/25 Wablo 25/3/15/30 Morma 25/3/14/26 Charne 25/3/15/31 Siriang 25/3/14/27 Wablk 25/3/15/33 Yarba 25/3/14/28 Palo 25/3/15/34 Sera 25/3/14/29 Taperino 25/3/15/35 Taram Reangchlporiang 25/3fl4/30 Wabul111 25/3/15/36 2513/14/31 Qulik 25/3/15/37 Leya 25/3/14/32 Sbarna 25/3/15/38 Dalang 25/3/14/33 Kapo 25/3/15139 Dore 25/3/14/34 Mokok>dl 25/3/15/40 Taug 25/3/14/35 Riya 25/3/15142 Loak 25/3/14/36 VetezlD 25/3/15/44 Jali 25/3/14/37 Waru 25/3/15/45 Papu 25/3/14/38 Chula 25/3/15/46 Moru 2513/14/39 Machame 25/3/15147 Saltan 25/3/14/41 Game 25/3/15/48 Lubapu 25/}/14/42 Bala 2513/15/49 Damm 25/3/14143 Wazang 2~13/15151 Makro 25/3/14/44 Bari 2513/15/52 Katuk 25/3/14/45 Malo 25/3/15/53 Raja 25/3/14/47 Hara,ho 25/3/15/55 Huri 25/3/14/48 Toying 25/3/15/57 Pipa 25/3/14/49 Sate

DAMIN ClllCLIl 2513/15/1 Barbl2, NYAl'lN CIllCLE 25/3/15/2 Hisallil 25/311513 Compoiyakopc 25}3/16/1 Rowa 25/3/15{4 Nekoriang 25/3/16/2 Langro 2513/15/5 Rachl 25/3/ 1615 Glda-I 25/3/1516 Lenen:mg 25/3/16/6 Gida-II 25/3/15/7 Tumbla 25/3/16/7 Kaun 25/3/15/9 Pape 2513/16/8 Tumlang 25/3/15/10 Monglu 25/3/16/10 Chingliang 2513/15/11 Coote 25/3/16/11 Bm Punglung 25/3/15/12 Hmk 25/3/16/13 Nyal1gpa 25/3/15/13 Nampe 2513/16/15 TaJllal1gpo 25/3/15/14 Himum 25/3/16/16 Kambak 25/3/15/15 Serang 25/3/16/17 Peel 2513/15/16 Saliyang 25/3/16/18 Hote 25/3/15/17 Subuk 2513/16/19 Boxo 25/3/15/18 Taroo 25/3/16/20 Paj; 25/3/15iI9 Rumn 25/3/16/21 Rate 25/3/15/20 Bam. 25/3/16/23 Lumte 150

APPENDIX H-;-Colli'l.

2 2

NYAPIN CIRCLE 25/3{16/46 Paung 25/3/16/24 Yuba 2513{16/47 Machin!! Dolo Jlplllg 25/3/16/26 25{3/16 '48 25/3/16/27 Genge" 2513/16/4q Kumayer 2513/16/29 LOYIng 25{3/16/51 Mozanang 2S/3116fjO Tahyal,g 25{3{1&{52 Hojuriang 25/3/,6/32 Panong 25 13/16153 Ley" 25/3/16134 Ch~bang 25;3{16/55 Rafls 25/3/! 6/35 RIngo 25/3/16/56 Pmgpo ~5/3/16/36 Yaydo 25/3{16/57 Gangtong 25/3/16/37 Malo 25/3}16/58 Alyer 25/3{16138 Plnchl Sulung; 25/3/16{59 Pectak 25/3/1G}39 Gangle 25 13{16/60 Dihmg 25{3{16/40 Palang 2)/3{16163 Toub2 Camp 25/3/16{42 PaYu 2513{16/64 Paya Camp 2513116/43 Ganggang 2513/16165 Pinte 2511/16/44 Riyol-doh 25:3/16/66 o Km. Sangram 25/3/16/45 Gaga 2513:16/67 8 Km Ziro Point. APPENDJX W-V!If..LM;E DiRECTOR¥ List of vinages according to Scheduled castes aDd Scheduled Tribes to the total population by range

A-Scheduled Castes

Ranges of Sche :luled Location code Name of village Ranges of Scheduled Location code Name of village castJ:s populatlun(Pcr- No. castes population (Per- No. centage) centage)

2 3 2

ZIROCIRCLE BALIJAN CIRCLE 25/3/9 0--5 25/3/1/52 Deed 0-5 25/3/9/24 Bahjan Karbl 25/3/1/84 Pani 11-15 25/3/9/17 Forest Coloney 25/3/1/99 ZiroH.Q. 16-20 25/3/9/:>.6 Diphu Forest Camp

PALIN CIRCLE MENOIO CIRCLE 2513/10 0-5 25/3/2170 Rinda No Scheduled Ca§tc population RAGA CIRCLE (Old) ITANAGAR CIRCLE 0-5 25/3/3/25 Boya~lmla 25/3/3/49 Sela Rakhe 0-5 25/3/lI{l1 Bandardewa 25/3/3/85 RagaR.Q. (New) ITANAGAR CIRCLE TAUCIROLE 25/314 0-5 25/3/12/6 Ganga No S.C population KOLORIANG~CIRCLB KIMIN CIRCLE 16-20 25/3i13Jll Dame 0---5 25/315/15 KlmmH.Q SARLI CIRCLE 25/3/14 No Scheduled Casle populatlon SAGALEE CIRCLE 0--- 5 25/3/7/46 KheeJ DAMIN CIRCLE 25/3/15 No Scheduled Ca,te 6-10 25/3{7f74 15th Mile Camp populatIOn II-IS 25/3/7/72 19th Mile NYAPIN CIRCLE 25/3116 No Scheduled Caste DOIMUKH CIRCLE 251318 populatlon No Scheduled Caste populatIon Excludes Villages with no Scheduled Caste population.

NB - Th~ populatJon range/ranges whIch has/hwe not been shown has/have no SC/populatl(lD. APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY List of villages ac~ording to Scheduled Caste and S.:heduled Tribes to th~ total population by ranges

B-Scbeduled Tribes

Ranges of Scheduled Location code Name of village Ranges of Scheduled Location code Name of village Tribes \lopulation No. Tribes population No. percentage percentage

2 2 3

ZIRO CIRCLE 51+ 25/3/1/45 Atanyo 25/3/1/46 Tago 51+ 25/3/1/1 Old Zlro 25/311/47 Lending 25/3/1/2 Reru Kashimputa 25/3/1/3 Tajang 25/3/1/48 25/3/1/4 Kalong 25/3/1/49 Neelam Bdlam 25/3/1/5 Larnpia 25/3/1/50 25/3/1/51 Paniya 25/3/1/6 Moyiliang/Sikhe 25/3/1/7 Sarkhe 25/3/1/52 Deed 25/3/1/53 Ekaya Taya 25/3/1/8 Keiliya 25/3/1/54 Seya 25/3/1/9 Nenchaliya 25/3/1/55 Murta 25/3/1/10 Hija 25/3/1/56 Nama 25/3/1/11 Duta 25/3/1/57 Chimpigi 25/3/1/12 Mudantage 25/3/1/58 Gangta 25/3/1/13 Michl 25/3/1/59 Rest~ring 25/3/1/14 Bamin 25/3/1/60 Tayo 25/3/1/15 Hari 25/3/1/61 Charbia 25/1/1/16 Hong 25/3/1/62 H,)tor 25/3/1/17 Bri 25/3/1/63 Ryambing 25/3/1/18 Sibc 25/3/1/64 Lumpung 25/3/1/19 Siro 25/3/1/65 Plkte 25/3/1/20 Hakae Tari 25/3/1/66 Kembing 25/3/1/21 Talle 25/3/1/67 Tanya Talo 25/3/1/22 Tale 25/3/1/68 Harak 25/3/1/23 Tara 25/3/[/69 Tadarko 25/3/1/24 Joram 25/3/1/70 LlUya 25/3/1/25 Mai 25/3/1/71 Loth 25/3/1/26 Aribu 25/3/1/72 Pa 25/3/1/27 Korli 25/3/1/73 Nlrbing 25/3/1/28 NewMoya 25/3/1/74 Koyam 25/311/29 Banotarn 25/3/1/75 Lema 25/3/1/30 Ambarn 25/3/1/76 T:lw 25/3/1/3[ Poru 25/3/1/77 LaUm 25/3/1/32 Nyalibar 25/3/1/78 Sebilipi 25/3/1/33 Lurnn 25/3/1/79 Pitapoyal 25/3/t/34 Yugl! 25/311/80 Lishlith 25/3/1/35 Sikhe 25/3/1/81 Kuchkut 25/3/1136 Mudho 25/3/1/82 SlblYO 25/3/1/37 Tapi 25/3/1/83 Chulu 25/3/1/38 Sito 25/3/1/84 Pani 25/3/1/39 Pochu 25/3/1/85 Yazali 25/3/1/40 Pel, 25/3/1/86 Rup 25/3/1/41 Toon 25/3/1/87 Posa 25/3/1/42 Jachi 25/3/1/88 Takamposa 25/3/1/43 Yachuli 25/3/1/89 Amgi 25/3/1/44 Dodo 25/3/1/90 BeIO

152 1$3

APPENDIX IV-Contd. B-Scheduled Tribes

2 2

51+ 25/3/1/91 Sakhe SI+ 25/3/2/42 Puj! 25/3/1/92 Did 25/3/2/43 Runbang 25/3/1/9, Yaibat 25/3/2/44 Jolung 25/3/1/94 Chode 25/3/2/45 Muchtng 25/3/1/95 PI! 25/3/2/46 Kamrung 25/3/1/90 Keb! 25/3/2/47 Taho 25/3/1/97 Kamchotaram 25/3/2/48 Asapinja 25/3/1/98 Dem 25/3/2/49 Karagar 25/3/1/99 ZlroH.Q 25/3/2/50 Dengdeng 25/3/2/51 Seng~eng PALIN CIRCLE 25/3/2/52 Balamseng 36-50 25/3/2/69 60 km Camp 25/3/2153 Gallong 51+ 251312/1 Dui 25/3/2/54 Chambang 25/3/212 Tassar 25/3/2/55 Debe 25/3/2/3 Rayak 25/3/2/56 Pate 25/312/4 Solok 25/3/2/57 Palap 25/312/5 Tab.yang 25/312/58 Tarltap 25/312/6 Lyngbia 25/312/59 Nyoya 25/3/2/7 Radding 25/3/2/60 AmJi 2513/2/8 Yaglung 251312161 Pama 2513/2/9 Noochang 25/3/21 62 Indachi 25{3{2{10 Soleug 25/3/2/63 Bolcham 25/3/2{11 Lumba 25{3{2{64 Paka 25/3/2/12 Sangram 25/3/2165 Lengdeng 2513/2/13 Lengbia 25/3/2/66 Bojo 25/3/2/14 Rdkso 25/3/2/67 Pungte 25/312/15 Tarangbing 25/3/2/68 Ycngte 251312116 Murku 25/3/2/70 Hinda 2513/2117 Bengch! 25/3/2/18 Beng!e RAGA CIRCLE 25/3/2/19 Jamin 2513/2/20 Sayata 51+ 25/3/3/1 Nlmar 251312/21 ChQba 25/3/312 Jagi 25{312/22 Talahang 25/3/313 Tamench. 2513/2/23 MUM 25/3/3/4 Rakar 2513/2/24 Chote 25/3/3/5 Dokum 2513/2/25 Nguri 25/3/316 Putnule 25/3/2126 Yabe 25/3/317 Yada 25/3/2127 Lingko 2513/3/8 Kumhko 2513/2/28 H.ma 25/3/3/9 Kicho 2513/2/29 Pako 25/3/3/10 Klgam 2.)13/2130 Slllgndolo 25/3/3/11 Pm 25/3/2/31 Kcjor 25/3/3/12 Bum 25/3/2/32 Dari 25/J/3/13 ROgba 2513/2/33 Dado 2:,13/3/14 Sarkl Rakhe 2513/2/34 RlSs, 25/3/3/15 Rottom 2513/2/35 Joro 25/3/3/16 SlpU 2513/2/36 Rayong 25/313/17 Dolungmukia 25/3/2/37 Karming 2513/3118 SeYiodak 25/3/2/38 Cholo 251313/19 Dkygodak 25/3/2139 Tirpo 25/3/3/20 Onga 25/3/2/40 Gai 25/3/3/21 Taya 2513/2/41 Jak;itara 25/3/3/22 Rite 154 ABENDBIV-Conti. Il-Sclsednled Tribes

2 3 2

~1+ >..5/313/23 Tayasimla 51+ 25/3/3/75 Gai !5/3/3/24 Laa 25/3/3/76 Malin 25/3/3/25 Boyasimla 25/3/3/77 Raibalo 25/3/3/26 Boa 25/3/3/79 Pann 25/3/3/27 Aye 25/3/3/80 Gengle 25/313/28 BurnIe 25/3/3/81 Hab 25/3/3/29 Tamen 25/3/3/82 Lapte 25/3/3/30 Gaa 25/3/3/83 YOrle 25/313/31 Cmmir 25/3/3/84 Lunchl 25/3/3Jn Rebe 25/3/3{85 Kamrung- 25/3{3/33 Bans Camp 25/3/3/88 RagaH.Q. 25/3/3{34 Tumchal< 25/3/3{89 Raing! 25/3{3{35 Jam! TALI CIRCLE 25{3,3/36 Pa-Hapd 51+ 25/3/4{1 Hapuk 25/3/3/37 H!pu 25/3{4/2 Loa 25/3/3/38 Yallap 25/3{4/3 Bogu 25/3/3/39 Tado 25/3/4/4 Durpai 25/3/3/40 Baktap 25/3/4/5 Llngha 25/313/41 Ruthap 25/3/4/6 Ruh! Sektap 25/3/3/42 25/3/4/7 SortdID 25/3/3/43 Bobpeynir 25/3/4/8 Tamuk 25/3/3/44 Kamopegmir 25/3/4/9 Gimba 25/3/3/45 Pamer 25/3/4/10 PlQor 25/3/3/46 Sukripa 25/3/4/11 Turner 25/3/3/47 Deed 2513/4/12 Nyodo 25/3/3{48 Echikutu RUbe 2513/4113 Guem 25/3/3/49 Selarakhe 25j314/14 Glba 25/3/3/50 Yarte 25/3/4/15 Boa 25/3/3/51 Lipo Tamoral

APPENDIX lV-Condo J.....Seheduled Tribes

2 3 2

51+ 25}3}4}40 Richik 25}3}4/41 Gyapin 51+ 25}3/7}11 Tamang 25/3/4/42 SOnglO 25/317/12 Laptap 25/3/4/43 Nyachc ]5/3/7/13 Moa 25/3/4/44 Kokcho 25/3/7/14 Momtong 25/3/4/45 Gatom 25/3/7/15 Peacnoj 25/3/4/46 Biya 25/3/7/16 Rach 25/3/4/47 Tedung 25/3/7/17 Tablo 25/3/4/48 Sepaha 25/317118 Pan[! 25/3/4/49 Mang 25/3/7/19 Ngudang 25/3/4/50 Koleng 25/3/7/20 Yalang 25/3/4/51 Korapu 25/3/7/21 Cnumdong 25/314/52 Haimachi 25/3/7/22 Sala 25/3/4/53 Ribakatsang 25/3/7/23 Khyatc 25/3/4/54 Raha 25/3/7124 Galhindum 25/3/4/55 Chome 25/317125 Khembhng 251314156 Mlkbia 25/3/7/26 Gotapu 25/3/4157 Robak 25/3/7/27 Lungclung 25/3/4/58 TaliHQ 25/3/7/28 Dedolo 2513/7/29 Bobla XIMIN CIRCLE 25/3/7/30 Hole 6-15 25/3/5/11 Jumi Forest Beat 2513/7/31 Ralke 25/3/5/12 DLgra Forest Beat 251317/32 Rachl 25/3/5/15 KimmH.Q. 25/3/7/33 Lcngdmg 16-25 25/3/5/13 Boginodl Forest Beat 25/3/7/34 Tabio 26-35 2513/5/5 Kako 2513/7135 Rcchlng 2513/7/36 Sango 36-50 25/3/5110 Johing FOI est Beat 25/3/7/37 Chengring 51+ 25/3/5/1 Belo 25/3/7/38 Apop 25/3/5/2 Comaseki 25/3/7/39 Apopsango 25/3/5/3 Durpa 25/3/7/40 Pareng 25/3/5/4 Juml 25/3/7/41 Taw 25/3/5/6 Upper Sher 2513/7/42 Serna 25/3/5/7 Lower Sher 25/3/7/43 Totpu 25/3/5/8 Upper Lichi 25/3/7/44 Tar 25/3/5/9 LowerShel .25/3/7/45 Gengtung SAGALEE CIRCLE 25/3/7/46 Kaeel 25/3/7/47 Torn 0--5 . 25/3/7/72 22nd Mile 25/3/7148 Kunglo 25/3/7/73 19th MIle 25/3/7/49 Dakte 25/3/7/76 10th Mile Camp 25/3/7/50 Mapsopo 36-50 25/3/7/74 Her Camp 25/3/7/51 Pepso Sl+ 25/3/7/1 Karl 25/3/7/52 Pepcb 25/3/7/2 Socho 25/3/7/53 Ompoli 25/3/7/3 Deb 25/3/7154 Depo 25/3/7/4 Tarso 25/3/7/55 Laponang 25/3/7/5 Longpar 25/3/7/56 Yaya 25/3/7/6 Jajmgtapo 25/3/7/57 Daktehoi 25/3/7/7 Tote 25/3/7/58 Ompolihto) 25/3/7/8 Meb 25/3/7/59 NUllte 251317)9 Balapu 25)3/7/60 Joha 25/3/7/10 Quengte 25/317/61 Gaihiku 156


8-ScheduJed Tribes

2 3 2 3

51+ 25/3J7162 Gelam 51+ 25/3/14/35 Riya 25/3/7/63 Hahia 25/3/14/36 Vetezm 25/3/7/64 Rate 25/3/14/37 Waru 25/3/7/65 Bokoriang 25/3/14/38 Chula 25/317/66 Rigo 25/3/14139 Macname Sengrl 25/3/7/67 25/3/14/40 Milli 25/3/7/6& Yayl 25/3/14/41 Game 25/3/7/69 Jorjoo 25/3/14/42 Bala 2513/7/70 Sagalee H.Q. 25/3/14/43 WaLlIng DOIMUg.H CIRCLE 25/3/14/44 Bari 25/3114/45 Malo 26-35 25/3/8/13 Doimukh R.O. 25/3/14146 Sape 36-50 25/3/8/4 Medpu 25/3/8/9 Ernch! 2513/14/47 Haraiho 25/3/8/10 Holokbari 25/3/14/48 Teying 2513/8/11 Doimukh 25/3/14/49 Sate 251318/12 Rano 25/3/14/50 Sarli H.Q. 25/31811 Upia 2513/812 Tigdo DAMIN CIRCLE 2513/8/3 Nunpo ~l+ 2513115,1 Barbla 25131 815 ChI Jputa 251311512 Hisang 25/3/816 Sopo 25/3/15/3 Compoiyakop~ 25/3/817 Lekha 25/3/1514 Nekoriang 25/3/8/8 Gurnto 25/3115/5 Rachi 2513115/6 Lenenang SARLI CIRCLE 25/3/15/7 Tumbia 51+ 25/3/14/1 Lichila (upper) 25/3/15/8 Mongpo 25/3/14/2 Lichila (Lower) 25/3115/9 Pape 2513/14/3 Pee 25/3115110 MOnglO 25/3/14/4 Nade 2513/15111 Chote 25/3114/6 Lantase 2513115112 Hirik 251311418 Furang 2513/15113 Nampe 251311419 Phasang 25/3/15/14 Hinium 25/3/14110 Rernng 2513/15115 Serang 2513/14/11 Korol1U 25/3/15/16 Satiyang 25/3/14/12 Kedolu 2513115/17 Subuk 2513/14/13 rai 25/3/15118 Tarba 25/3/14114 Heleng 2513115/19 Rumu 25/3/14/15 ToPllh 25/3/15/20 Bamo 2513/14/16 Ro!(tepu 25/3115/21 Tarla . Chaching 25/3/14117 2513115122 Puba 2513114118 Haklam 25/3/15123 Rane 2513114/19 Sowsring 25/3/14120 Potungla 2513/15/24 Raolo 25/3/14/21 Slpe 25/3115/25 Chate 2513114/22 NalI\lo 2513/15/26 Shamoriang 25/3/14/24 Wazu 2513/15/27 KopiJa 2513/14125 Wab!a 2513/15/28 Thuranng 2513/14126 Chane 2513115129 Subu 25/3/14/27 Wahik. 2513115/30 Morma 25/3/1412& PalO 2513115131 Siriang 2513114/29 Taperino 25/3/15132 Dado 25/3/14/30 Wabung YMba 2513/14/31 Qubk 2~3115133 25/3/14132 Sharna 25/3/15134 Sera 25/3/14133 Kapo 25/3/15135 Taram 2513/14/34 Mokoksal 25/3115/36 Rengchlporiang 157

APPENDIX-Conrd. B-Seheduled Tribes

3 2 3

51+ 25/3/15/37 Leya 51+ 25/3/16/29 uying 25/3/15/38 Dalang 25/3/16/30 Tabyang 25/3/15/39 Dore 25/3/16/31 Gyamar 25/3/15/40 Tagu 25/3/16/32 Panong 25/3/15/41 Taba 2513/15/42 Loak 25/3/16/33 Sango 25/3/15/44 Talt 25/3/10/34 ChebaI'll 25/3/15/45 Papu 25/3/16/35 Rmgo 251:1115;46 Motu 25/3/16/36 Yaydo 25/3/15/47 Saitan 2513/16/37 Malo 25/3/15/48 LUbapll 25/3/16138 Pindn Sulung 25/3/15/49 Damin 25/3/15/50 Maclwng 25/3/16/39 Gangte 25/3/15/51 Majka 2513/16140 Palang 2513/15152 Katuk 2513/16/41 ungcha 25/3/15153 Rala 25/3/10/42 Payu 25/3115/55 HUfi 2513/16/43 Ganggang 25/3/15/56 Pan~i Parlo 25/3/15/57 Pipa 25/3/16/44 Riyokdoh 25/3115158 DaminH.Q. 25[3/16/45 Gaga 25/3/16/46 Pating 25/3/16/47 Machtng NY APIN CIRCLE 25/3/16/48 JiplOg 6-15 25/3/16/66 6 K.M. Sangram 25/3/16/49 Kumay,r 36-50 25/3116167 ~ K M '0' POi.1t 25/3/16/50 Sangram 51+ 2513/1611 Rowa 25/3/16/51 Mozartng 2513116/2 Langr;) 25/3/16152 HOJurlang 25}3/16}3 Gengn lSf.'/lb/S~ leya 25/3/16/4 Byssi 2513/16/5 Gida-I 25/3/16/55 Raris 25/3/16/6 GlOa-U 25/3/16/56 Pmgpo 25/3/1617 Kaun 25/3/16/57 Gangtong 25/3/1618 Tumlang 25/3/16/58 Aiyer 25/3116}9 Yah 25/3/16/59 Peetak 25/3} 16/10 Chmg]Jang 25}3}16/60 Dilung 25/3/16/]1 Biripungrung 2.5/3/16/61 Pmchi 25/3/16/12 Pagba 25/3/16/62 Nyipin H.Q. 25/3/10/13 Nyangpa 25/3/16/63 Touba Carny 25/3/16(15 Jajilangpo 25j3116/64 Paya CamJ) 25/3/16/16 Kambak 25/3116165 Pinte 25/3116/17 Peel 2513/16/18 Hoje BALIJAN CIRCLE 25/3/16/19 Jloxo 0-5 251319/1 Chakma Bloclc-l 25/3/16/20 Pajl 25/3/9/15 Chess a F/Camp 2513116/21 Rat, 25/3/9/25 Dailagarh F/Camp HI}a 25/3/16/22 6--15 2513/9/16 SOUJh Farm 25/1/16/23 LUn1le 25/3/9/27 Ramghat F/Camp 25/3/16/24 Yuba Kolila Stall' 2513116/25 Longteloth 16-25 25/3/9/12 Garubadha F/Camp 25/3/16/26 Dolo 25/3/9/18 Bahjan Karbi 2513/16/27 Gengle 25/3/9/24 2513/16/28 Laba 26-35 25/3/9/17 Forest Colony 158

APJ>ENBIX IV-Cvntd. B -Scbelhded Tribes

---~-- 2 2

36-50 25/3/9/19 BahjanH.Q. MENGIO CIRCLE 251319/26 DJphu F/Camp 51+ 25/3/l0/1 Nakar 51+ 25/3/9/11 Kokila 2513/10/2 Sengem 25/3/9/14 Cha.sa 25/3/10/3 Pilla 2513/9/20 Lanka 25/3/10/4 Neopang 2513/9121 Tengabri 25/3/10/5 Arung 2513/9/22 Balijan Nishi 25/3/10/6 Sil 25/319/23 Tabung 25/3/10/7 Sa11g0 25/3/9128 DuJung 25/3/10/8 Sarchga 251319/29 ThI.riabll 25/3110/9 Mate 25/3/9/31 H"lnngi FI Camp 25/3/10/10 Kusum 25/3/9/32 Kachubari 25/3/10/11 Pan 2513/9/33 Pempela 25/3/10/12 Jajing Tapo 251319134 TowMlI 25/3/10/13 Jacho 25/319136 Bormai Nishi 25/3/10114 Norgang 25/319/37 Upper Taraso 25/3/10/15 Maching 25/3/9138 Lower Taraso 25/3/1Q/16 Bong 25/3/9/39 Jote 25/3/10/17 Kamru~g 25/3/9/40 Rllkab 25/3/10/18 Domisarang 25/3/9/41 Motng 25/3/10/19 Mengio 25/3/9142 Rilo 25/3/10/20 S()tung 25/3/9/43 Porna 25/3/10/21 Rigio 25/319/44 Garung 25/3/10/22 Blrup 2513/9/45 Rasap 25/3/10/23 Paml 25/3/9/46 R,,1enka 25/3/10/24 Kulung 25/3/9/47 Gangtey 25/3/10/25 Tapo 25/3/9/48 Moda 2513/10/26 Paga 25/3/9149 Tanying 2513/10/27 Len~ 25/3/9/50 Dume 25/3/10/ZR Saklang 25/3/9/51 Lenka 25/3/10/29 Lekiang 25/3/9/52 Tulpume 25/3/10/30 Pacho 25/3/9/53 Raik 25/3/10/31 Pinte 25/3/9/54 Dewas\.l, 25/3/10132 Kagitago 25/3/9/55 Twingso 25/3/10/33 Dili 25/319/56 Habia 2513/10/34 Kamp 25/3/9/57 Regia 25/3/10/35 Paku 2513/9/58 Taplaso 25/3/10/36 Takho 25/3/9159 Patapolap 25/3/10/37 Tabio 25/3/9/60 Lao 25/3/9/61 Rushl OLD lTANAGAR CIRCLE 7,5/3/9/62 Mopop 25/3111/12 Tarajuli Forost 25/3/9163 Byate 0--5 6-15 25/3111/10 Karsingsa 2513/9/64 LGngdung 16-25 25/3/1119 Nirjuli 25/3/9/65 Yakang 25/3/11/11 Bandardewa 25/3/9166 Bam 51 +. 25/3/11/1 Papu 25/3/9/67 Basamalo 25/3/11/2 &lod 3 Tarajuli 25/3/9/68 Indr()juli 25131111 25/3/11/4 BGntm 25/319/69 Mabaiaso 25/3/11/5 Mopop 25/3/9/70 Rupung 25/3/11/6 Hostalam 25/3/9/71 Basarnal0 Camp. 25/3/11(7 Naharlallan 25/3/9/72 Kanebu 25/3/11/8 Lekhi 159

APPENDIX IV-Cuntd ~Seheduled Tribe~

2 2 3

NEW ITANAGAR CIRCLE 51+ 25/3113/25 Tayang 51+ 25/.1/12/1 Singpung 25/3/13/26 Mara 25/3/12/2 Oat 25}3/13}27 Tapar. 25/3/12/3 Bat 25/3/13/28 Radeng 25/3/12/4 Jalang 2513/13/29 FUrl 25/3/12/5 Chlml 25/3/13/30 Solleng Tarh 25/3112/6 Ganga 25/3/13/31 Papu 25/3/12/7 Ganga Lake 25/3/13132 RIte 25/3/13/33 Nmgr.am IWLORfANG CIRCLE 25/3/13/34 Sangsar 51+ 25/3/13/1 Choml 25/3/13/35 Harang 25}3/1312 Chote 25/3/13/36 Sangkung 25/3/13/3 Rate 25/3113/37 Tapln 25/3/13/4 Rakte 25/3/13/38 Tapru 25/3/1315 Fua 25/3113/39 R,nc~i 25/3/13/6 Reelung 25/3/13/40 Rare 25/3/13/7 Kachangtena 25/3/13/41 Pam 25/3/13/8 Tdrnia 25/3/13/42 Pagba 25/3/13/9 Ngulludar 25/3/13/43 Mange 25/3/13/10 Blyang 25/3/13/44 Tumlam 25/3/13/11 Dame 15/3/13/45 Kclc 25/3/13/12 Degfing 25/3/13/46 Blgo 25/3/13/13 Chela 25/3/13/47 Pall 25/3/13/14 Taburna 25/3/13/48 Byatc 25/3/13/15 Sangchl 25/3/13/49 Hiba 25/3/13/16 Nyalo 25/3113/50 Leba Hatan 25/3/13/17 T~ba 25/3/13/51 25/3/13{18 Nlkza 25/3/13/52 NIbl 25/3113/19 TapIa 25/3/13/53 Cheki 25/3/13/20 Nllaha 25/3/13/54 Leel 25/3113121 Hap 25/3/13/55 Dangba 25/3/13/22 Papm 25/3/13/56 Yarchang 25/3/13/23 Ramboo 25/3/13/57 Kolonang RQ. 25/3/13/24 Penggmg 25/3/13/58 Key.

NB:-Th~ population range/ranges which has/have not been shown hls}have no ST population.

23-8 RGI/ND/84


161 162

The following codes have been used in the Town Direc­ Protected Water Supply SOllrce and Capacity of Storages Systelll tory to highlight the various amenities: Service Reservoir SR Tap Water . T Edurotional Facilities, Arts/Science/Commerce College Arts and SCience only .. . AS Medical Facilities Recreation and Cultural FacilitIes etc. Hospital H Dispensary Pubhc Library PL D T B. Chnic TB Reading Room RR Health Centre HC ~ystem of Sewerage Family Planning Centre FC

Sewer . S Others o

Open Surface Dram OSD Classification of Town Class V . 5.000-9,999 Method of Disposal of Night Soil

Septic Tank Latrines ST Civic Statu~ of Town The method of disposal of mght soil by pIgs o Cen5usTown . CT 163


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.0 UlZ 164

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J. I ;;~ 169





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175 '5-8 RGIINDIB4 176


------_-.. ------_.__ . SI. District/Sub divISion/ Total/ Area in No. of No. of Total populatIon (Including Ins- No. Circle/Town Rural/ Km' occupkd house- titutlonal & Houseles S pUDula- Scheduled Caste. Urban resIdential holds tlUn) hou~es r-~-_-..A... ___ -_,,", r----..... ----, P M F P M F

2 4 6 7 9 10 11 12

Lower Subansiri Di~rict . Total 13,010.0 17,304 23,962 112,650 59.756 52,894 586 385 201 Rural NA 13,505 20,063 98,534 51,019 47.515 134 101 33 Urban NA 3.799 3.899 14,116 8.737 5.379 452 ]184 168

1. Ziro Subdivi~ion Total NA 8.099 11,166 53.820 27,628 26.192 106 77 29 Rural NA 8,099 11,166 53,820 27.628 26,192 106 77 19 Urban

(I) 7.iro Circle 10tal NA 5,111 5.999 27,409 14.145 Li.264 43 37 6 RUT"I NA 5.111 5.999 27,409 14,145 13.~64 43 37 6 TJlb:m

(Ii) Palm Clrcle '[,)tal NA 7'n 1,645 7,728 1.813 1.915 7 5 2 Rurol NA 793 1/045 7,728 3,813 1,915 7 ~ 2 Urban

(iii) Ra~a CIrcle Total NA 967 1,465 7,996 4,002 3,994 6 5 Rural NA 967 1,465 7,996 4,002 3,994 6 5 Urban

(iv) Tali Circle Total NA 689 1,464 7,741 3,g81 3,860 Rural NA 689 1,464 7,741 3,881 3,860 Urban

(v) Kimin Circle Total NA 539 593 2,946 1.787 1,]59 50 30 20 Rural NA 539 593 2,946 1,787 1.159 50 30 20 Urban

2. SagaJee Subdivision Total NA 2,466 3,572 19,487 10,140 9,347 21 18 3 Rural NA 2,466 3,571 19,487 10,140 9,347 21 18 3 Urban

0) SagaJee Circle Total NA 693 1,181 6,727 3,350 3.377 6 6 Rural NA 693 1,181 (',727 3,350 3,377 6 6 Urban

(ii) DOllTIukh Circle Tolal NA 551 604 3,118 1.754 1,364 Rural NA 551 604 3,118 1,754 1,364 Urban

(in) Balijan Circle Total NA 938 1,103 6,368 3,415 2,953 15 12 3 Rural NA 938 1.103 6.368 3,415 2,953 15 12 3 Urban

(IV) Menglo Circle Total NA 284 684 3.274 1,621 1,653 Rural NA 284 684 3,274 1,621 1,653 Urban

3. Capital Complex Sub- division Total NA 4,414 4,611 17,303 10,730 6.573 458 189 169 Rural NA 625 712 3,187 1,993 1.194 6 5 1 Urban NA 3,799 3,899 14,116 _ 8.737 5,379 452 284 168

(i) Old Itanagar Clrd. . Total NA 2.411 2,562 10,407 6,320 4,087 293 173 120 Rural NA 547 621 2,697 1,752 945 5 5 Uroan NA 1,864 1,941 7,710 4,568 3.142 288 168 120 177


MAIN WORKERS Total I Dlstnct/Sub dIVIsIOn/ SI. Scheduled Tri be, Literates -.~~.---~-.-,--" Rural/ Circle/Town No. Total malll work~r5 Urban (I-IX) r-_____.A.._--r-"\ ,--___..A.....- ___-, r------..A..-----1 p M F P M F P M F

13 14 \5 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

81.605 43.539 44.066 ~1,989 16.693 5,296 59.4115 34,891 24,594 Total Lower Suba",iri Distrkt 84.497 41.834 42,663 14.396 11.295 3,101 52.961 29,028 23,933 Rural 3.108 1.705 1,403 7,593 5,398 2,195 6,524 5,863 661 Urban

47,381 23,271 24.110 8,517 6,511 1,946 29,754 15.719 14,035 Total Zirl) Subdivisioo 1. 47,38J 23,271 24,110 8.517 6,571 1,946 2,9,754 15,719 14,035 Rural .. Urban

23,589 11,488 12.101 5,334 4,033 1,301 13,947 7,573 6,374 Toldl ZIIO Clfcle (1) 23,589 11.488 12,101 5,334 4,033 1,301 13,947 7,573 6,374 Rural Urban

7,463 3,634 3,829 415 358 57 4,721 2,256 2,465 Tot,,1 Palll1 CIrcle (11) 7,463 3,634 3.829 415 358 57 4,721 2,256 2.465 Rural .. Urban

7.771 3,835 3,936 984 751 231 4,682 2,291 2,3~1 ','oldl Rdga Circle (Iii) 7,711 3,835 3,936 984 753 231 4,682 2,291 2,391 Rural ., Urban

7,681 3,832 3,849 326 273 53 5.076 2.503 2.573 Total Tali Circle (IV) 7,681 3,832 3,849 326 273 53 5,076 2,503 2,573 J~'lral .. Urban

877 482 395 1,458 1,154 304 1,328 1,096 232 Total KimlllCnclo (v) 877 482 395 1,458 l.l54 304 1,328 1,096 232 Rural Urban

14,390 7.056 7,334 2,985 2.371 614 9,724 5,527 4,197 Total S3IlHIec Subdivision . 2. 14,390 1.056 7,334 2.985 2,371 614 9,724 5,527 4,197 Rural .. Urban

6,109 2.868 3,241 943 774 169 3,622 1,874 1,748 Tot,,1 S.gak~ Circle (i) 6,109 2.868 3,241 943 774 169 3,622 1.874 1,748 RUfd! .. Urban

1,554 812 742 978 713 265 1,343 948 395 Total DOllnuhh Clrdc (II) 1,554 812 742 978 713 265 1,343 948 395 Rural .. Urban

3,459 1.761 1,698 914 751 163 2,680 1,715 965 Total B~lijan Circl~ (Iii) 3.459 1.761 1,698 914 751 163 2,680 1.715 965 Rural .. Urban

3,26& 1,615 1.653 150 133 17 2,079 990 1,089 Total MenglO C!lcl~ (iv) 3,268 1,615 1,653 150 133 17 2,079 990 1,089 RUfJI .. Urban

Capital Complex Sub- 3. 4,546 . 1,495 2,051 9,063 6,551 2,512 8.262 7.267 995 Total division 1,438 790 648 1,470 1,153 !l7 1,738 1,404 334 Rural 3,IOS 1,105 1.403 7,593 5,398 2,195 '_ 6,52,4 5,863 661 Urban

Old Ttanagar (i) 2.951 1,609 1,342 5.517 3,935 1,582 4,696 4,190 506 Total Circle 1,031 603 428 1,414 1,108 306 1,487 1,272 215 Rural 1,920 1,006 914 4,103 2,827 1,276 3,209 2.918 291 Urban 178


SI. Dlstrict/SubdivlslOn/ Tot.H/ MAIN WORKERS No. Circle/Town Ruralj --~-~~--- - -~- ~- ~------~--.----~------Uroan CultIvators Agricultural labour~ls Household Industry, Manuf

r ___-_.A.. ____ Repai(5 [Veal] 1 ,------"-----1 r--~---..,.------~-. P M F P M F P M F

2 22 ~3 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30

Lo\Icr Subansiri District Total 43.908 20,763 23,145 610 375 235 183 121 62 Rural 43,797 20,697 23,100 591 360 231 137 81 56 Urban HI 66 45 19 15 4 46 40 6

J Ztro Subdivi~ion To'al 24,482 11,012 13,470 351 192 160 117 66 51 Rural 24,482 11,012 13,470 352 192 160 117 66 51 Urban

(I) Z]ro Clrd" Total 10,43Z 4,526 5,906 21, 95 118 98 50 48 Rural 10,432 4.526 5,906 213 95 118 98 50 48 Urban

(II) Pdlm C,de Total 4.396 1,944 2.452 16 H X 4 2 2 Rural 4,396 1,944 2,452 16 8 8 4 2 2 Urban

(IiI) Raga CIrcle Total 4,391 2,023 2,368 4 3 Rural 4,391 2,023 2,368 4 3 Urban

(iv) Tah CIrcle Total 4,956 2,387 2,569 4 3 Rural 4,956 2,387 2,569 4 3 Urban

(v) Kimm Circle Total 307 132 175 115 85 30 14 13 Rural 307 132 175 115 85 30 14 13 Urban

2 SagaJee Subdivision Total 7,950 3,927 4,023 211 143 68 12 8 4 Rural 7,950 3,927 4,023 211 143 68 12 8 4 Urban

(i) Sagalcc Circle Total 3,031 1,327 1,704 3 2 4 4 Rural 3,031 1,327 1.704 3 2 4 4 Urban

(11) Doimul..h Cuele Total 613 314 299 132 82 50 8 4 4 Rural 613 314 299 132 82 50 8 4 4 Uroan

(iii) B4lijdn Circle Tota.l 2,256 1,323 933 71 56 15 Rural 2,256 1,323 933 71 56 15 Urban

(iv) Mcngio Circle Total 2,050 963 1,087 5 4 Rural 2,050 963 1,087 5 4 Urban

3 Capital Complex Sub· division Total 627 302 325 29 24 5 51 45 6 Rural 516 236 -"280 10 9 1 5 5 Urban 111 66 45 19 15 4 46 40 6

(I) Old Itanagar Circle Total 408 201 207 25 20 5 45 40 Rural 324 152 172 10 9 I 5 5 Urban 84 49 35 15 11 4 40 35 179


MAIN WORKERS Totall District/Sub dlvlslon/ SI. ------Ma,gmui workers Non-workers Rural) Circle/Town No. Other workels (Ill, IV, V(b) Ulban & VI!O IX) I_·__ ·_·_·_~,..A__~ ___...., ,------"----~---.. r-----..).._------~l P M F P M F P M F

31 31 33 34 35 36 37 3H 3~ 2 3

14,784 13,63l 1.lSl 2,642 383 2.259 50.523 24,482 26,041 Total 1 oller Subdll,iri Di~trkt 8.436 7,891) 54b 2,582 356 2,226 42,991 21,635 21,356 Rural 6,348 5,742 606 60 27 33 7,532 2,847 4,685 Urban

4.H03 4,449 354 792 149 643 23,274 U,760 11,514 Total Ziro Subdivision 4,803 4,449 354 792 149 643 23,274 11.760 11,514 Rural Urban

3,204 2,902 302 674 96 578 12,788 6,476 6,312 Tutal ZlfO Circle (I) 3,204 2,902 302 674 96 578 12.788 6,476 6.312 Rur.!1 Urban

305 302 31 20 11 2,976 1,537 1,439 Total Palm Circle (il) 305 302 31 20 II 2,976 1.537 1,43Y Rural Urban

286 266 20 3,313 J,710 1,603 Total Raga Circle (Ill) 286 266 20 3,313 1,710 1.603 Rural Urban

116 l]3 3 86 32 54 2,579 1,346 1,233 Tutal Tal! Circle (IV) 116 113 3 86 32 54 2,579 1,346 1,233 Rural Urban

R92 866 26 1,618 691 927 Total Kllllll1 Circl~ (v) 892 866 26 1,618 691 927 RUlal ., Urb:,"

1,551 1,449 102 731 53 678 9,~2 4,560 4,472 Total Salf

584 542 42 212 2 210 2,R9.1 1,474 1,419 Total Sagake Circle (,) 584 542 42 212 2 210 2.893 1,474 1,419 RUJal Urbdu

590 548 42 62 3 59 1,713 803 910 Total DUllllUkh CIrcle (JI) 590 548 42 62 3 59 1,713 803 910 Rurdl Urban

353 336 17 37ti 21 355 3,312 1,079 ]'633 Total Ba1JJDn CIrcle (IiI) 353 136 17 376 21 355 ),312 1,679 J .633 Rural Urbdn

24 23 81 27 54 1,114 604 510 10tal Mengio Circle (LV) 24 23 81 27 54 1,114 604 510 Rumi Uroan

Capitnl ('ompleJl. Sub· 3 7.555 6,896 659 69 30 39 8,972 3,433 5.539 Total divi5ion . , 1,207 1,1.154 53 9 3 6 1,440' 586 85" Rural 6,348 5.742 606 60 27 33 7,532 2,847 4,685 Urban

Old ltanagul (i) 4,218 3,929 289 47 20 27 5,664 2,llO 3,554 Total CIrcle 1,148 1,106 42 8 3 5 ]'202 477 725 Ruml 3,070 2,823 247 39 17 22 4,462 1.633 2.829 Ulban ---_. 180


2 .I 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

Old IllIil"8(/r Urban NA 1,864 1,941 7.710 4,568 3,142 288 168 120 TOWil (II) New JtMldg.lr Circle Total NA 2,013 2,049 6,8~6 4.410 2,986 165 116 49 Rural NA 78 91 490 241 249 1 1 Urban NA 1,935 1,958 6,406 4,169 2,237 164 ll6 48

Ncll' {({{/lag"r U,b"If NA 1.935 1,958 6,406 4,169 2,237 164 116 48 Towil

4. Kolorlana Subdl~isi"n Total NA 2315 4,613 22,040 11,258 10,782 1 1 Rural NA 2,315 4,613 22,040 11.258 10,782 1 1 l,rIYJn

(I) KolOllang Circle Tot,,1 NA 594 1,190 5.419 2,860 2,559 Rural NA 5Y4 1,IYO 5,419 2.860 2,559 Urban

(II) Sarli Oleic To(al NA 4~4 471 2,564 1,386 1,178 Rural NA 424 471 2,564 1,386 1,178 Urban

(!ll) Dalllin Circle Total NA 48, Y52 4,547 2,318 2,229 Rural NA 483 952 4,547 2,318 2,229 Urban

(IV) Nyapln Circle Total NA 814 2,000 9,510 4,694 4,816 Rural NA 814 2,000 9,510 4.694 4.816 Urban



2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ------

'Old [fanagar Urhan 84 49 35 15 II 4 40 35 5 Town

(il) New Itanagar Circle Total 219 101 118 4 4 6 5 I' Rural 192 84 108 Urban 27 17 10 4 4 6 5 1

New Ilana/rar Urban 27 17 10 4 4 6 Tnwn

4. Koloriang Sub-divi~ion Total 10.849 5,522 5,327 18 16 2 3 2 1 Rural 10,849 5,522 5,327 18 16 2 J 2 I Urha~

(1) Kuloriang Cucle Total 2.620 J .359 1.261 7 7 Rural 2,620 1,359 1.2hl 7 7 Urban

(ii) Sarlt Clrde Total 1,023 509 514 5 4 Rural 1,023 509 514 5 4 UFoan

(III) Dal11tn Circle . Total 2.664 1.227 1,437 2 2 Rural 2,664 1,227 1,437 2 2 Urban

(iv) NyaPin Circle Total 4,542 2,427 2.115 4 3 I 2 2 Rural 4,542 2,427 2.115 4 3 1 2 2 Urban 18)


------~~-~ 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3M 39 3 2

3.070 2.B23 247 39 17 22 4,462 1,633 2,829 Urban Old Ita~aga> Town

New Itamgm (11) 3,137 2,967 370 12 10 12 3,308 1,323 1,985 Total CIrcle 59 48 11 1 1 238 109 129 Rural 3,278 2,919 359 21 10 11 3,070 1,211 1.856 Urban

3,278 2,919 359 21 10 11 3,070 [,214 1.856 Urban New [lanago> Town

875 838 37 1.05(1 151 899 9,2,45 4,72,9 4.516 Total Koloriallg Subdivision 4. 875 838 37 1.050 151 899 9.245 4,729 4,516 Rural Urban

206 191 15 314 79 235 2,272 1,224 1,048 Total Koloflrng Circle (I) 206 191 J5 314 79 235 2,272 1,224 1,048 Rural Urban

195 189 6 36 10 2" 1,304 674 630 Total Sarli Cnde (II) 195 189 6 36 10 26 1,304 674 630 Rural .. Urban

206 204 2 9 1,666 884 782 Total Dannn Circle (Iii) 206 204 2 9 l.h06 884 782 Rural .. Urbar

268 254 14 691 61 630 4.003 1,947 2,057 Total Nyapin Clfclc (iv) 268 254 14 691 61 610 4,003 1,947 2057 Rural Urban

2fi-8 RGIjND{81


185 186

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Circle: Ziro Code No : 3/1 ------~------Locat'on Name of village/Town/ Area No, of No, of Totel populatIOn (Includ­ ScheJuled Scheduled LIterates Code ward of occu- house- lng InstItutIonal and Castes Tnbes Number vIllage flied holds houseless Population) In re\l- hect dentlal & houses Town/ Ward In ktn' r------..A..-----1 ,,--..A.._l r-_..A.._--1 r--__..A...-l PM F MF M F M F

2 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~------Total NA 5,111 5,999 27,409 14,145 13.264 37 6 11,488 12.101 4,033 UOl RUlal NA 5,111 5,999 27.409 14,145 13,264 37 6 11,488 12,1()1 4,033 1,301 Urban

25/3/1/1 Old ZlfO NA 197 197 796 398 398 360 374 105 60 25/3/1/2 Rem NA 210 225 1,061 528 533 522 532 127 31 25/3/1/3 Tajang NA 156 157 717 330 387 330 387 94 18 25/3/1/4 KulIng NA 126 130 546 268 278 268 278 59 20 25/3/1/5 Lampia NA 109 113 444 195 249 192 249 60 30 25/3/1/6 Moyilang/S1khe NA 15 15 54 25 29 24 29 8 4 25/3/1/7 Salkhe NA 3 3 14 9 5 1 1 2513/1/8 KClliya NA 9 9 36 16 20 16 20 2 2513/1/9 Nenchallya NA 130 134 470 225 245 225 245 62 10 25/3/1/10 Hda NA 434 435 1.697 819 878 809 876 229 61 25/3/1/11 DUla NA 123 123 526 256 270 254 269 47 15 25/3/1/12 Mudan-Tage NA 186 186 784 386 398 383 397 116 14 2513/1/13 MIChl NA 101 101 420 196 224 196 224 42 13 25/3/1/14 Bamlll NA 64 65 267 135 132 127 127 53 14 25/3/1/15 Hart NA 336 336 1,309 594 715 593 715 145 104 25/3/1/16 Hong NA 49Y 517 2.357 1,094 1,263 1,08) 1,253 11(1 21 25/3/1/17 Bfl NA 11 II 29 14 15 14 15 3 25/3/1/18 SIre NA II 11 52 28 24 28 24 4 1 25/3/1/19 Stro NA 84 84 341 179 162 166 154 15 4 25{3/1/20 Bakhe Tan NA 9 9 38 19 19 19 19 4 25/3/1/21 Tallo V.dl, y NA 9 9 28 25 3 24 3 7 25/3/1/22 Talo NA 74 139 707 365 342 342 335 8 20 25/3/1/23 Jara NA 56 87 425 197 228 112 215 33 9 25/311/24 Joram NA 57 72 352 178 174 166 165 19 11 25/3/1/25 Mat N:\ 46 67 274 160 114 103 93 37 2 25/3/1/26 Anbu NA 9 68 33 35 33 35 2 2 25/3/1/27 Korh N'\ 12 68 40 28 40 28 9 25/3/1/28 Newmoya NA 11 16 69 33 36 33 36 25/3/ 1/29 Banotam NA 19 50 224 III 113 110 113 24 25/3/1/30 Ambarn NA 16 28 124 56 68 56 68 25/3/1/31 Portl NA 13 24 171 74 97 71 95 25 25/3/1/32 Nyahbar NA 15 15 100 54 46 54 46 2 25/3/1/33 Lumri NA 7 60 33 27 33 27 3 1 15/3/1/34 Yupiu NA 16 32 285 134 151 132 151 21 6 25/3/1135 Slkhe NA 8 26 98 42 56 42 56 4 25/3/1/36 MudhG NA 4 17 54 23 31 23 31 25/3/1/37 Tapl NA 3 14 67 33 34 33 34 25/3/1/38 SItu NA 13 34 129 63 66 59 65 14 4 25/3/1/39 Pochu NA 14 60 33 27 33 27 25/3/1/40 Pel NA 11 20 96 41 55 38 5~ 187


MAIN WORKERS Tot,,1 main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other worKers Margmal Non-workers Name of villagej Location workers (1) labourers lndustry- (Ill. IV. Vlb) workers Town/Ward Code (I-IX) (II) Manufactu- & VI to IX) Number ring. Pro­ cessing. Servicing & Repairs (V(a») ,- __ -"-.~ r__....._~ ,-___..A.. __ ,", ,,----1 r--___..A..~_.. ,-__A_~ r---..A..-.~ MF MF MF MF M F MF M F ------'---- 15 16 17 lR 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

7,573 6,374 4.526 5,906 95 118 50 48 2.902 302 96 578 6.476 6,312 Total 7,573 6,374 4,526 5.906 95 118 50 48 2,902 302 96 578 6.476 6,312 Ruml Urban

192 112 104 80 14 28 4 74 l 206 285 Old Z1I0 25/3/1/1 210 183 180 183 3 27 90 318 260 RelU 25/3/1/2 141 230 114 225 6 20 7 182 150 Ta]ang 25/3/1/3 115 09 g(, 107 26 32 10 40 143 99 Kalong 25/3/1(4 106 134 65 120 4 14 34 4 88 111 Lampm 25(3/1/5 11 15 11 15 14 14 Moydang/Slkhe 25/3/1/6 -" '3 5 3 5 2 4 Sarkhe 25/3/1/7 9 12' 8 12 7 8 Kelhya 25/3(1/8 113 157 91 157 21 112 88 Nenchallya 25/3/1/9 382 506 317 500 4 60 37 32 400 340 Hl]a 25/311/10 124 142 107 139 17 132 128 Duta 25/3/1/11 178 231 144 224 4 30 208 167 Mudan-Tdgo 25/3/1/12 83 69 74 69 9 1J3 155 Michl 25/3/1/13 59 78 43 76 16 2 76 54 Bamln 25/3/1/14 274 371 229 361 5 39 3 320 344 Han 25(3(1(15 524 645 456 642 67 4 80 566 538 Hong 25/3/1/16 8 10 10 6 Brl 25/3/1/17 18 11· 17 11 10 13 Slbc ~S/3/1/18 102 57 71 56 23 16 76 89 Slro 25/3/1/19 9 11 10 Hakhe Tun 251311120 24 23 Talle Valley 25(3/1/21 187 191 164 190 23 178 151 T.do 25/3fl/22 106 117 80 116 26 1 2 91 109 Jara 25/3/1/21 98 107 85 105 13 2 80 67 Joram 25/3/1/24 97 56 43 47 ~4 9 63 58 Mal 25/3/1/25 25 29 25 29 6 Aribu 2513/1/26 17 16 17 16 23 12 Korl! 2513/1/27 20 15 20 15 2 11 13 Newmoya 25/311/28 64 50 63 50 25 47 38 Banotam 25/3/1/29 37 52 36 49 6 3 13 13 Ambam 25/3/1/30 28 70 24 70 4 46 27 Poru 2513/1131 35 31 35 31 19 15 Nyahbar 25/3/1/32 24 25 24 25 9 2 Lumbn 25/311/33 72 95 69 95 62 56 Yuglu 25/3/1/34 28 35 28 3S 14 2A Slkh~ 25/3/1 /35 13 19 12 19 5 4 5 8 Muoho 25/3/1/36 18 17 18 17 8 4 13 Tapi 25/3/1/37 35 48 30 48 5 28 18 Slto 25/3/1138 22 17 21 17 II 10 Pochu 25/3/1 (39 22 26 " 26 19 29 P~I 25/3/1/40 188


2 3 4 5 6 8 9 JO 11 12 13

25(3/J/41 Toon NA 13 17 122 58 64 58 64 9 25/3/1/42 Jachl NA 7 14 68 37 31 37 31 5 25/3(1(43 Yachuh NA 19 20 81 44 37 31 28 22 25(3/1/44 Sodo NA 22 48 215 107 108 107 108 9 25/3/1/45 Atanyo NA 2 2 5 4 1 2 1 2 25/3{1{46 Tago NA 16 34 146 73 73 71 73 7 25/3{1{47 L<::nding NA 7 7 32 17 15 17 15 3 25{3{1/48 Kashll11puta NA 4 9 29 14 15 14 15 25{3{1/49 Neelam NA 29 82 375 179 196 176 196 22 25{3/1/50 Balam NA 12 12 58 30 28 30 28 4 25/3/1/51 Paniya NA 6 24 112 51 61 51 61 25/3/1/52 Decd NA 44 67 274 128 146 4 90 119 25 25/3/1/53 Eknya Taya NA 10 2, 76 37 39 37 39 2 2513/1{54 Seya NA 19 52 218 100 118 100 118 6 2513/1/55 Murta NA 4 15 70 43 27 43 27 2 25(3/1/56 Nama NA 4 7 29 12 17 12 17 25/3/1/57 Chlmpigl NA 7 9 69 28 41 28 41 25/3/1/58 Gangta NA 2 4 19 10 9 10 9 25/3/J 159 Restring NA JJ 32 183 81 102 80 102 25/3/1/60 Tuyo NA 4 13 66 33 33 33 33 :!5/3/1161 Charbla NA 5 9 49 25 24 25 ;?4 25/3/1162 Hotor NA 5 8 50 30 20 30 20 2513/1/63 Ryambmg NA 10 13 67 31 36 31 36 5 25/3/1/64 Lumpung NA 3 9 38 21 17 21 17 25/3jl/65 PJete NA 8 19 89 44 45 44 45 25/3/1166 Kembmg NA 16 21 82 41 41 40 41 5 25/3/1167 Tanyatalo N<\ 8 20 84 49 35 49 35 2 2513/1/68 Harak NA 23 12 11 12 11 2513/1/69 Tasarko NA 9 20 90 46 44 46 44 11 25/3/1/70 Liniya NA 17 37 191 86 105 85 105 15 25/3/1/71 Loth NA 41 41 206 107 99 105 99 14 25/3/l /72 Pa NA 9 9 49 31 -18 31 18 4 25/3/1/73 Nlrdmg NA 3 7 37 19 18 19 18 3 25/3/1/74 Koyam NA 10 24 141 81 60 81 60 3 25/3/1/75 Lema NA 6 13 62 37 25 37 25 25/3/1/76 Ta~ NA 3 3 23 13 10 13 10 25/3/1/77 Lahh NA 3 3- 28 18 10 14 10 3 2513/1/78 S~billpi NA 3 3 31 7 24 7 24 2 25/3/1/79 Pitapoyal NA 12 12 55 26 29 23 29 17 25/3/1/RO Lishhth NA 13 23 133 63 70 63 70 25/3/1/81 Knchkul NA 5 7 37 14 23 14 23 1 25/3/1/82 SlblYO NA 6 9 69 31 38 31 38 4 25/3/1/83 Chulu NA 17 18 148 66 82 63 80 6 25/3/1/84 Pan I NA 34 52 IX! 103 78 60 55 43 25/3/1/85 Panlal! NA 96 100 502 293 209 197 147 142 25/3/1/86 Rup NA 8 14 76 35 41 35 41 3 25/311/X7 Posa NA 5 5 39 21 18 21 18 25/3/1/88 Bakamposa NA 12 33 141 59 82 59 82 9 25/3/1/89 Amgi NA 5 II 49 28 21 28 21 25/3/1/80 Lelo NA 12 12 127 50 77 48 77 8 25/3/1/91 Sakhc NA 8 22 91 40 51 39 51 17 25/3/1/92 Did NA 5 14 65 33 32 33 32 1 25/3/l/93 Yalbap NA 12 34 141 65 76 65 76 10 25/3/1/94 Chode NA 9 10 93 42 51 42 51 13 25/311195 Pit NA 5 16 94 44 50 44 50 2 25/3/1/96 Kebl NA 14 24 157 57 100 53 98 17 '15j3/1/y7 Kamchotaram NA 3 42 22 20 22 20 5 2513/1/98 D"m NA 27 75 387 192 195 188 191 16 25/3/1199 Ziro HQ. NA 1,189 1,197 5,778 3,639 2,139 32 5 1,430 1,213 1,944 189


15 16 17 18 ,19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

25 35 23 35 2 33 29 Toon 25/3/1/41 19 19 19 19 18 12 Jachl 25/3/1/42 28 15 12 12 16 3 16 22 Yachuit 25/3/1/43 60 62 60 62 47 46 Sodo 25/3/1/44 4 1 2 1 2 .. Atanyo 25/3/1/45 47 50 42 $0 5 26 23 Tago 25/3/1/46 10 10 10 10 7 5 Lendln! 25/3/1/47 9 9 12 5 3 Kashimputa 25/3/1/48 95 103 88-· J03. o. 7 84 93 Neelam 25/3/1/49 11 ,fI.,_ - 11 19 19 9 Balam 25/3/1/50 ~. 42 51 9 10 Paniya 25/3/1/51 12 37 71 30 61 74 Deed 25/3/1/52 ~'";J2 34 32 34 5 5 Ekhya Taya 25/3/1/53 '-'6 73 56 73 44 45 Seya 25/3/1/54 29 20 29 20 14 7 Murta 25/3/1 /55 '9 7 9 7 3 10 Nama 25/3/1/56 19 23 19 23 9 18 Cnmplgi 25/3/1/57 6 8 6 8 4 1 Gangta 25/3/1/58 44 65 43 65 37 37 Restring 25/3/1/59 21 21 20 21 12 12 Tayo 25/3/1/60 12 15 12 15 13 9 Charbia 25/3/1/61 15 13 15 13 15 7 Holor 25/3/1/62 18 23 18 23 13 13 RyamblOg 25/3/1/63 16 14 16 13 5 3 Lumpung 25/3/1/64 19 24 19 24 25 21 Plete 25/3/1/65 20 19 17 19 21 22 K~mbing 25/3/1/66 21 18 19 180 2 28 17 Tanyatalo 25/3/1/67 8 7 8 7 4 4 Harak 25/3/1/68 24 22 2 30 22 14 TasarkQ 25/3/1/69 58 1 56 I 2 65 28 39 Liniya 25/3/1170 61 62 57 62 4 46 37 Loth 25/3/1/71 14 16 14 16 17 2 Pa 25/3/1/72 12 12 11 4 7 Nlrdlng 25/3/1/73 48 47 48 47 33 13 Koyam 25/3/1/74 24 17 24 17 13 8 Lema 25/3/1/75 10 9 10 9 3 1 Taw 25/3/1/76 13 6 9 6 4 5 4 Lalih 25/3/1/77 5 10 5 10 2 14 Sebilipi 25/3/1/78 14 12 8 12 6 12 17 Pitapoyal 25/3/1/79 44 54 44 54 19 16 Ltshllth 25/J/1/80 11 19 to 19 3 4 Kuchkut 25/3/1{81 24 28 24 28 7 JO SliblYO 25/3/1/82 35 20 30 18 2 1 30 31 32 Chulu 25/3/1/83 61 33 27 32 34 1 42 44 Pani 25/3/1/84 109 74 22 48 81 18 183 135 Pallial! 25/3/1/85 19 12 12 12 7 8 16 21 Rup 25/3/1/86 10 11 9 II 1 II 7 Posa 25/3/1/87 33 56 32 56 1 26 26 Bakamposa 25/3/1/88 20 12 20 12 8 9 Arngl 25/3/1/89 19 15 13 15 6 31 31 31 Lelo 25/3/1/90 21 34 19 34 2 19 17 Sakne 25/3/1/91 18 16 18 16 15 16 Did 25/3/1{92 29 55 28 55 1 36 21 Yaioap 25/3/1/93 20 \) 18 9 2 4 23 18 19 Chode 25/3/1/94 19 26 19 26 25 24 Pit 25/3/1/95 22 58 20 58 2 35 42 Kebl 25/3/1/96 10 11 10 11 12 9 Kamchotaram 25/3/1/97 91 100 85 100 6 101 9S Dem 25/3/1/98 2,281 598 157 296 II 16 ~8 36 2,075 250 7 51 1,351 1,490 ZlfoHQ. 25/3/1/99 190

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Circle: Palill Code No. 3/2

Location Name of Village/Town/ Ar~

2 4 6 7 9 10 II 12 13 14

Total NA 793 1,645 7,728 3,813 3,915 5 2 3,634 3,829 358 57 Rural Nil. 793 1,645 7,728 3,813 3,915 5 2 3,634 3,829 358 57 Urbdn 25/3/2/1 DUI Nil. 16 47 240 115 125 115 125 2 25/3/2/2 Tassar NA 7 19 110 57 53 57 53 25/3/213 Rayak NA 3 7 23 14 9 14 9 I 25/3/2/4 Sol0 NA 10 19 139 72 67 72 67 7 2 25/3/2/6 Tablyang N-'.. 4 II 54 32 22 32 22 25/3/2/7 Lyngbla NA R IY 93 52 41 51 41 " 25/3/2/8 Raddmg Nil. 11 27 142 60 82 60 82 6 25/3/2/9 Yaglung Nil. 17 47 234 106 128 106 128 8 25/3/2j10 Ncochang NA 5 8 37 16 21 16 21 25/3/2/11 Soleng Nil. 18 103 52 51 52 51 25/3/2/12 Lumba NA 42 55 245 liZ 133 99 125 30 18 25/3/2/13 Sangram NA 2 Ifi X4 46 38 46 38 25/3/2/14 Lengba NA 8 12 65 33 32 33 32 7 25/3/2/15 Rakso NA 14 31 158 67 91 66 91 ~ 25/3/2/16 Tarangring Nil. 14 94 47 47 47 47 J 25/3/2/17 Murku N-'.. 2 12 5 7 5 7 25/3/2/18 Bengchl NA 5 16 75 3~ 39 36 39 25/3/2/19 Benote NA 18 41 211 94 117 92 116 8 25/3/2/20 J"min NA 9 26 104 51 53 51 53 2 25/3/2/21 Sayata. NA 14 23 112 57 55 56 55 25/3/2/22 Choba NA 26 43 197 89 108 4 81 103 2 25/312/23 Tal~iJang NA 5 9 53 24 29 24 29 25/3}2/24 MUfl NA 13 31 121 55 66 55 60 25f3/2/25 Chole NA.. 17 50 204 102 102 102 102 3 25/3/2/26 NgufJ NA 4 12 63 30 33 30 33 I 5/3/2/27 Yale NA 12 48 228 III 117 111 117 2 5/3/2/28 Lrngko Nil. 4 12 57 32 25 32 25 25/3/2/29 Hrna NA 6 14 62 33 29 33 29 5/3/2/30 Pako Nil. 21 55 277 134 143 134 143 13 5/3/2/31 Smcndolo Nil. 9 20 91 47 44 47 44 25/3/2/32 Kojar NA 6 17 86 32 54 32 54 25/3/2/33 Dan Nil. 12 32 142 64 78 62 78 7 25/3/2/34 Oado NA 8 29 151 74 77 74 77 10 25/3/2/35 Risht NA 7 24 123 61 62 61 62 2 25/3/2/36 Joro NA 8 26 128 69 59 69 59 25/]/21-'7 Rayong NA. 9 28 146 68 78 6X 78 2 5/3/2/38 Karmrng NA 11 8 3 8 3 5/3/2/39 Cholo Nil. 4 9 41 18 23 18 23 25/3/2/40 Tirru NA 4 13 70 27 43 27 43 25/3/2/41 Gai NA 3 16 8 8 8 8 191


MAIN WORKERS -----~-- ._ ---_------. Marginal Non- Name of village! location Totalmam Cliithators Agflcliltural Hou:,ehold Other workers worke)s workers Town/Ward Code workers (lJ labourers Industly- (lI!, IV, V(b) Number (I-IX) (II) Manufacl- & VIto IX) urmg Proc- ~ssing. Ser- vicing & Repairs (v(a) r-_..A._~ r-..A._1 r_-A.._...... (_"'\'_1 r-_A__ , r--~A-1 r--.A.--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ------_- -_------_-_------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

2.256 2,465 1,944 2,452 8 8 2 2 302 3 20 (l 1,537 1,439 Total 2.256 2,465 1.944]2,452 ] 8 8 2 2 302 3 20 11 1.537 1,439 Rural Urban 76 85 76 85 39 40 DUI 251312/1 33 38 32 38 1 24 15 Tassar 25/3/2/2 10 5 9 5 1 2 2 2 2 Rayak 25/3/2/3 50 55 48 55 2 2 20 12 Solo 251,/214 17 14 17 14 2 13 5 Tabiyang 25/3/2/6 18 24 16 24 2 34 17 Lyngn1a 25/3 /2/7 41 54 41 54 19 28 Radding 25/3/2/8 71 96 67 96 4 35 32 Yaglung 25/3/2/9 10 13 10 13 6 Neochang 25/3/2/10 39 39 39 39 13 12 Soleng 25/3/2/11 59 68 43 66 16 1 2 52 63 Lumba 25/3/2/12 17 16 17 16 6 4 23 18 Sangrdm 75/3/2/13 16 22 14 22 2 17 JO Lengba 25/3/2/14 40 59 37 59 3 1 26 32 Rakso 2513/2/15 21 32 21 32 6 20 15 Tarangring 25/3/2{16 2 3 2 4 Murku 25{3/2{17 22 29 21 29 14 10 Bencgm 25/3/2/18 57 75 56 75 37 42 Benote 25/3/2/19 26 39 26 39 25 14 Jal111n 25/3{2/211 29 35 28 35 1 28 20 Sayata 25{3/2/21 51 63 41 63 10 38 45 Choba 25/3/2/22 15 18 14 18 9 11 Talaliang 25/3/2/23 29 39 28 39 26 27 Mun 25/3/2/24 69 77 69 77 33 25 Chote 25/3/2/25 20 21 20 21 10 J2 Ngun 25/3/2/26 71 81 70 81 40 36 Yase 25/3/2/27 19 18 19 18 13 7 Lingko 25/3/2/28 20 21 20 21 13 8 Hina 25/3/2/29 M 88 82 88 2 50 55 Pako 25/3/2/30 26 33 26 33 21 11 Sincridolo 25/3/2/31 21 32 21 32 11 22 Kajor 251312132 33 -40 30 40 2 31 38 Dari 25/312/33 lO 44 28 42 44 33 Dado 25/3/2/34 29 32 28 32 ) 32 30 Rlshl 25/3/2/35 34 29 30 27 4 2 35 30 Joro 25/3/2/36 34 39 33 38 34 39 R~yong 25/3/2137 4 3 4 3 4 Karming 25/3/2/38 10 10 10 10 8 13 Chola 25/3/2/39 21 31 21 31 6 12 Tirpu 25/3/2/40 7 6 7 6 2 Gai 25/3/2/41

27-8 RGIINDI84 192

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Cirde: Palin Code No. 312 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

25/3/2/42 Jaksi!ara NA 19 96 42 54 42 54 25/3/2/43 Puji NA 2 6 33 18 15 18 15 25/3/2/44 Punhang NA 6 18 85 45 40 45 40 25/3/2/45 Juleng NA 4 9 38 24 14 24 14 25/3/2/4fi Muching NA 8 17 83 44 39 43 39 25/3/2!47 Kamrung NA 4 9 50 27 23 27 23 25/3/214R Tahu NA 9 21 107 54 53 52 53 251312149 A~apimja NA 5 18 93 44 49 44 49 1 251312150 Karagar NA 19 30 171 88 8' 87 82 13 2 25/312151 D~ngheng N-\ 5 16 73 37 36 37 36 25/3/2/52 Sengseng NA 4 9 56 28 28 28 18 25/3/2/53 Balam-Sarll NA 5 33 18 15 18 15 25/3/2/54 Gallong NA 17 81 48 33 48 33 6 25/3/2/55 Chamban~ NA 9 33 128 61 67 61 67 25/3/2/56 Dele NA 'i 16 69 16 33 36 33 25/3/2/57 Pat..- NA 8 26 133 58 75 58 75 25/3/2158 Pulap NA 3 9 42 22 20 22 20 25/3/2159 Tantap NA 4 9 33 18 IS 18 15 251312160 Nyoya NA 4 II 58 28 30 28 30 2 2513/2161 Amji NA 20 46 J93 92 JOI 91 101 22 4 25/3/2/62 Pama NA 14 34 148 72 76 72 76 6 25/3/2/63 Jndachl NA 9 22 110 49 61 49 6J 2 25/3/2164 Bolcham NA 16 70 29 41 29 41 7 25/3/2/6~ Paka NA 7 16 80 40 40 40 40 25/3/2/66 Lencdeng NA 9 26 115 52 63 52 63 25/3/2/67 Bojo NA 2 7 46 20 26 20 26 25/3/2168 Pungte NA 8 19 70 32 38 32 38 25/lJ2/69 Yengte NA 5 7 26 12 14 Q 14 2 25/312170 60 Km Camp NA 12 12 32 18 14 6 6 4 1 2<,13/2/72 Binda (Palin HQ) NA 201 20b 774 447 327 316 264 131 18 193


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2J 24 25 26 27 28 2

33 46 33 46 9 Jaksiwra 25/3/2/42 8 8 8 10 7 Puji 25/3/2/43 28 22 28 22 17 18 Punbang 25/3/2/44 16 11 16 11 8 3 Juleng 25/3/2/45 25 27 24 27 19 12 Muchmg 25/3/2/46 11 11 16 23 Kamrung 25/3/2/47 32 38 29 38 22 15 Tahu 2'i/3/2/48 20 36 18 36 2 24 13 AsapilllJa 25/3/2/49 44 56 39 55 44 27 Karag'lr 25/3/2/50 23 22 23 22 14 14 Dcnghcng 25/3/2/51 17 21 17 21 11 7 Sengseng 25/312/52 9 12 9 12 9 3 Balam-Saru 25/3/2/53 21 21 21 21 27 12 Gallong 25/3/2/54 38 46 38 46 23 21 Cbamban£ 25/3/2155 24 25 24 25 12 8 Dele 2~/3/'1.156 40 54 40 54 1& 21 Pdtc 25/JI2/57 16 14 16 14 6 6 Palap 25/3/2/58 14 9 13 9 4 (> Tantap 25/3/2/59 15 21 13 21 2 13 9 NYOYd 25/312/60 49 60 46 60 43 41 Amjl 25/3/2/61 47 57 47 57 25 1'1 Pallia 2513/2/62 27 41 26 41 22 20 Indachi 25/3/2/63 15 29 14 29 14 12 Bolcham 25/3/2/64 30 35 30 35 to 5 Paka 26/3/2/65 47 44 47 44 5 I') Lencdeng 25/1/2/66 16 21 16 21 4 5 BoJo 25/312/67 18 23 IS 23 14 15 Pungte 25/3/2/68 8 7 7 4 7 Yengte 25/3/2/69 12 9 ~ II 60 Km Camp 2513/2/70 272 130 51 12S 4 2 219 175 197 Hlllda (Palm HQ) 2513/2/72 194


Location Name ()fvIUag~/TowL1/ Area No of No of Total pppulation (Incluct­ Sch'dul~d Sch.:Julcd Code WJrd of occu- home- lJ]g Instltutiolldl and Cd\tes Tnbes Numiler village pled holds Hous~Je5s Population) In resLdeo- hectares tial & houses of Town Ward In km' r-~--.A..-___,_...... - r~-...A...~-., ,--...... ~...A.. __ ~ ~_..,A..___-.. PM F MF M F M F

2 6 9 10 II 12 11 J4

Tot.ll NA 967 1,465 7,996 4.002 3,9~4 5 3,835 3,936 753 231 Rural NA 967 1,465 7,996 4,002 3.994 5 .1,835 3,936 753 231 Ulb~Ll

25/3/3/1 Nlmar NA 12 76 38 38 38 38 25/3/3/2 Jagl NA 11 64 35 29 35 29 5 2513/3/3 Taowllchl NA 7 8 60 33 27 33 27 4 ~5!31314 Rakar NA 4 4 18 7 JI 7 11 1 25/3/3/5 Dokum NA 34 56 275 152 123 152 12l 2S 10 25/3/3/6 PulmLlc NA 4 7 36 17 19 16 J9 25/3/3/7 Yaua NA 2 5 J8 10 8 to 8 25/3/3/8 Kumhko NA 22 34 209 102 107 101 107 23 251313/9 Kieft" NA 17 24 159 78 81 77 81 12 25/3/3110 K;gal11 NA 15 22 138 7J 67 71 67 15 25/3/3;11 Rlr NA 4 6 32 U 19 13 19 251313/12 Blku NA 10 J2 83 33 50 33 50 13 15 25/3/3/13 Bogba NA 10 55 25 30 25 3() 3 25/3/3114 Sarinrakhe NA 14 21 128 58 70 58 70 25/3/3/15 Rottom NA 4 11 4 7 4 7 25/3/3/16 SlpU NA 17 118 68 50 50 47 17 2 25/3/3/17 Dolungmukh NA 56 56 316 157 159 157 159 31 23 2513/3/18 Seygodal. NA 21 26 158 68 90 64 90 22 25/3/3119 Day Godak NA 14 15 97 50 47 47 45 13 25/3/3/20 Onll" NA 7 II 63 31 32 31 32 3 25/3/3/::'1 Taya NA II 22 104 59 45 58 45 20 2511(3/22 RILe NA 7 57 25 12 24 32 2513{3/23 Taya,IJ111J NA 4 42 20 22 20 25i3/3/24 Loa NA J6 26 160 68 92 68 92 19 13 25(3/3/25 Boa,'I11IJ NA 42 41 192 94 98 85 94 40 22 25/3/3/26 Boa NA. 8 8 49 20 29 20 29 25(3(3/27 Aye NA 12 85 42 4) 42 43 24 2513/3128 Bum1e NA 17 21 107 54 53 54 53 11 25/3/3/29 Tamen NA 36 41 23J J 17 114 104 109 48 24 25(3/3/30 Gda NA JI II 77 37 40 37 40 11 Z5/3/3!JI CIlimli NA 23 14 14 2 25(3/3(32 Rebe NA 11 15 84 42 42 42 42 10 2513/3/33 Bans Camp NA 8 8 55 27 28 25 28 4 25/3/3134 Tumchak NA 4 4 26 12 14 12 J4 25/3/3(35 Jam; NA' I 4 3 J 3 25(3/3(36 Pa-Hapa NA 4 16 II 5 II 25/3/3137 Htpu NA 9 12 67 39 28 39 28 3 25/3/3/38 Vattap NA 9 15 71 35 36 34 36 14 25/3/3/39 Tado NA 8 14 70 32 38 32 3R 2513/3140 BakU" NA 7 to 56 28 28 28 28 13 195



--~--- ~-. ~ -~-~-----~----~--- -, ._--- Total maIn ClIlllvators AgrJcultural Household Other MargInal Non- Name of v,Jlage/ L(lCallon workers (I) I"bourers Indus'r) "orkcrs workers wOlkers To",n/W.ud Code (I-IX) ( 11) Manufac- (III, IV, Number turtng, V(tl)&VI Proces~tng to IX Servicmg & RepaIrs (V(a» r __..A. __~ ,-~_____...A....--l r-__ ..A..._, ,..-"- r-_A r--...... _--~ r---.A. ---., -~--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

2.291 2.391 2.023 2.368 3 266 20 1.710 1.603 Total 2.291 ! 2,391 ; 2,023 2,368 3 266 20 1,710 I 603 Rural .. Urban

13 20 16 20 2 20 18 NlI11ar :!5:3i3/1 19 17 19 17 16 12 Jagl "2513/3/2 14 17 II 17 19 10 Tamcncnl 25/3/3/3 5 2 Raker 25/3/3/4 91 57 86 57 61 66 Dokulll 25/3/3/5 12 9 II ') 5 10 Pumllc 25.'3:3/6 5 5 5 5 )'ac1d 25/3/3/7 59 69 55 69 -'I 43 38 Kumltko 2513/3/8 40 54 36 54 4 38 27 Kleho 25/313/9 32 43 32 43 39 24 Klgam 25/313/10 7 12 7 12 6 RIp 2513/3/11 18 24 18 24 15 26 Blku 25/3/3/12 14 19 14 IY II II Bogba 25/3/3/13 36 46 36 46 22 24 Sarlnrakhc 25/3/3/14 6 3 6 I Rottam 25/3j3/15 41 25 20 23 21 2 27 25 SIPU ~5/3/3/16 64 74 63 74 I 93 85 Dolungmukh 25/3/3/17 31 49 27 47 2 4 37 41 Seygodak 25/3/3/18 24 33 18 32 6 26 14 Dey Godak 25/3/3/19 16 20 16 20 15 12 Onga 25/3/3/20 32 31 31 31 27 14 Taya 25/3/3/21 16 18 13 18 9 14 Rile 25/3/3/22 9 15 9 15 13 5 TayasInl1a 25/3/3/23 38 51 38 51 39 41 Laa 25/3/3/24 41 44 31 43 10 53 54 Boasimla 25/3/3/25 10 15 10 15 10 14 Boa 25/3/3/26 17 24 16 24 25 19 AYe 25/3/3/27 2R 26 28 26 21\ 27 Bum!e 25/3/3/28 52 54 29 53 23 65 60 Tamen 25/3/3/29 18 19 17 19 1 19 21 Gaa 25/3/3/30 9 5 9 5 4 Chinllf 25/3/3/31 18 22 17 22 24 20 Rebe 25/3/3/32 13 15 10 15 . 14 13 Bans Camp 25/3/3/33 5 6 5 6 7 8 Tumchak 25/3/3/34 3 J,tlni 25/3/3/35 4 4 4 4 7 I Pa-hapa 25/3/3/36 22 22 22 22 17 6 Hlpu 25/3/3/37 22 23 18 23 4 13 13 Yattap 25/3/3/38 25 26 25 26 7 12 Tado 25f3/3/:l9 14 18 14 18 14 II) Haktap 25/313140 196


2 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13

25/3/3/41 Ruthtap NA 4 5 21 10 11 10 11 4 25/3/3/42 Sektap NA 4 5 44 23 21 '23 21 2 25/3/3/43 Bobo Pegmlr NA 2 3 ~O 12 8 12 8 2 25/3/3/44 Kano-Pegmir NA 7 15 65 29 36 29 36 3 25/3/3/45 Pamer NA 2 2 11 4 7 4 1 25/3/3/46 SuiUlpa NA 7 ') 50 27 23 27 23 3 25/3/3/47 Deed Rakhe NA 31 58 257 129 128 128 128 10 25/313/48 Echlkutu Rakhe NA 4 9 33 17 16 17 16 1 2513/3/49 Acla Rakhc NA 12 21 97 39 58 37 58 3 2513/3/50 Yarte NA 2 II 7 4 7 4 2513/3/51 Llpo Tamo Rakhe NA 2 3 6 1 5 5 25/3/3/52 Nlteyan NA 16 26 146 81 65 81 65 2 2513/3/53 Pengl11lf NA 4 8 28 17 11 17 11 25/3/3/54 Yakar NA 25 30 211 87 124 86 124 6 25/3/3/55 Peet Milt NA 19 27 174 87 87 87 87 5 25J3/3/56 Yurkum NA 23 48 257 129 128 127 128 34 25/3/3/57 Dugl NA 2 6 15 10 10 5 2 25/3/3/58 Porbu NA 3 5 27 12 15 12 15 25/3/3159 Bedak NA 4 5 2'l 13 16 13 16 2 ~5/3/3160 Hebang NA 12 22 181 78 103 78 103 6 2513/3/61 Luba NA 12 23 150 72 78 72 78 15 25/3/3/62 Mmgl Kabak NA. 20 36 223 120 103 120 103 15 25/3/3163 Longha NA 2 3 13 6 7 6 7 25/3}3/64 Radum-Hutu NA 19 37 161 80 81 80 81 2 25/3/3/65 Rigl" NampoUl NA 12 91 47 44 47 44 25/3/3166 Hunlll11 NA 4 9 50 27 23 27 23 2513/3/67 T~~hpu NA 7 20 73 35 38 35 38 25/3/3168 Soma Hapa NA 6 42 21 21 21 21 25/3/3/69 Oai (VlOl1 lbllln) NA 6 6 , 57 26 31 26 31 25/3/3/70 Tangw Napom NA 19 38 184 103 81 103 81 20 25/3/3J71 Ralca NA 8 18 92 46 46 46 46 5 25/3/3/72 Ral NA 12 23 135 56 79 56 79 25/3)3)73 Lengdl NA 4 7 38 24 14 22 14 4 25/3)3}74 Stndo NA 10 18 88 40 48 40 48 7 2513/3/75 Oal NA 7 13 69 34 35 34 35 5 25/3/3/71> Mallo NA 4 6 24 13 11 J3 11 25/3/3/77 Ral Bala NA 19 43 226 112 114 110 114 16 25/3/3/78 Parm NA 4 7 46 25 21 25 21 25/3/3/80 Gengte NA 12 24 131 59 72 59 72 25/3/3/81 Hab NA 8 16 87 51 36 51 36 25/313/82 Lap\e NA 2 5 17 8 9 8 ') 25/3/3/83 Yorte NA 2 4 17 12 5 12 5 25/3/3/84 Lunchl NA 2 9 6 3 6 3 25/3/3/85 Kamrung NA 16 83 46 37 46 37 2 25}3/S188 RagaHQ NA 106 108 478 266 212 164 168 137 25/3}3/S9 Ringl NA 6 8 39 21 18 21 18 2 197


15 16 17 [S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(1 27 28 2

7 8 7 Ruthtap 25/3/3/41 10 14 10 14 13 7 Seklap 25/3/3/42 4 4 4 4 M 4 Bobo Pcgmlf 251 3/3/43 17 21 17 21 12 15 Kano-pegl)m 25/313/44 2 2 3 I Pamer 25/3/3!45 18 18 18 18 5 Sukripa 25/3/3/46 81 105 79 105 2 48 23 Deed Rakltc 25/3/3147 12 13 12 J3 Echikutu Rakl 2513/3;48 28 37 25 37 II 21 Ada Rakhe 25/3/3149 5 2 2 2 2 Yart.: 25/313/50 , 1 4 4 1 Lipo Tamo Rakbe 25/3/3151 75 59 74 59 . 6 6 Niteyan :!.51l/3IS2 14 8 14 8 3 Pengmir 25/3/3153 59 82 58 82 28 42 Yakar 25/3/3/54 49 38 49 38 38 49 Peet Mill 25/3})155 73 82 64 82 9 56 46 Yurkum 25}3/3/56 9 2 2 8 1 DUgl 25/3/3/57 8 8 g 8 4 7 Porbu 25/3/3/58 8 9 7 9 7 Dedak 25/3/,;59 41 65 41 65 37 38 Hebang 25/313/60 35 47 29 46 6 37 31 Luba 25/3/3/61 70 70 69 70 50 33 MmglKabak 25/313162 6 5 6 5 2 Longha 25/3/3/63 58 61 ' 58 61 22 20 Radum-Hutu 25/3/3/64 29 Z6 29 26 18 18 Higio Nampom 2513/3/65 21 14 21 14 6 9 Horium 25/3/3/66 26 26 26 26 9 12 Techpu 25/3/3/67 14 15 14 15 7 6 Boma Hapa 25/313168 17 19 17 19 9 12 Gal (Vionibum) 25/3/3169 59 61 . 59 61 44 20 Tangle Napam 25/3/3170 30 31 27 31 3 \6 \5 Raiga 251311171 40 42 40 42 16 17 Rat 25/Jnm 18 9 17 9 6 5 Lengdl 25/3/3/73 27 35 26 35 13 13 Bindo 25/3/3}74 23 27 23 27 11 8 Gal 25/313/75 6 6 5 6 7 5 MdUtn 25/3/3}76 60 74 58 74 2 52 40 Ral Balo 25/3/3/71 16 11 16 II 9 10 PaIln 2513/3/78 30 37 30 37 29 35 Gengte 25/3{3{80 32 21 32 21 19 15 Has 2513/3/81 5 5 5 5 3 4 LnPte 2513/3/82 12 12 5 .. Yorte 251311183 S 3 5 3 1 Lunch! 2513/3/84 22 23 22 23 24 14 Kamrung 25/3/3185 153 77 23 62 130 IS liZ 135 RagaHQ 25/3/3/88 11 13 11 13 10 Rengl 25/313/89 19R

PRlMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Circle: Tali Code No. 3/4

Location Name of village/ Area No of No of Tutal population (Includ- Scheduled Scheduled LIterate, Cod~ Town/Ward of Vo1- oCCll­ house- lUg lUstltutIonal and Cd"!"S Tribes Number lage tn PlvU holds hOll,cic,s populatIOn Hell. resl- & of dentml Town/ hou,e~ Ward in Kill'

---"-_ ---_ ~ r-- -"-_-""'\ r-- M F M F M

3 4 5 6 8 9 10 IJ 12 13

TOI,t/ NA 689 1,464 7,741 3.881' 3,860 3.832 3,8-19 273 RU'


MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non-workers Nallle of vIllage/ Location ------~------. WorkcTh Town/Ward Code Total mam Cultlvators Agricultural Household Other Workers N"mb~r workers (I) labourer> Industry (III, IV, V(O) (I. [Xl (II) Manufacl- & VI to IX) unng. Pro- cessing, ServiCing & Repalr~ (V (a» ,-----A______" ,---..A.----" ,-_..A.._, f~.A.____" ,__,..A..__,...... _--.. r __ ..A.._, ,-_.A._-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

2 503 2,573 2,187 2569 3 1 113 3 32 54 I 346 1,233 Total 2,503 2,573 2,387 2,569 3 I 113 3 32 54 1,346 1,233 Rural " Urban 24 30 24 10 II 14 Hapuk 25/3/4/1 104 101 104 101 45 48 Loa 25!3/4/2 61 73 61 73 22 20 Bogu 2513/4/3 20 29 19 29 23 J3 DurpaJ 25/3/414 52 78 52 78 4b 42 Lmcha 25/3/415 83 100 79 100 4 4 10 88 73 Rubt 2513/4/6 44 58 42 58 2 6 38 43 Sonam 25/3/417 57 64 57 64 47 40 Tamuk 25/3/4/8 91 99 89 99 2 56 27 Gimba 25/3/4/9 14 10 14 10 7 5 Pinor 25/3/4/10 68 47 68 47 14 5 Turner 25/3/4/11 30 21 30 21 13 14 Nyodo 25/3/4/12 75 94 72 94 64 61 Guchi 25/3/41 I 3 55 66 54 66 48 46 Giba 25/3/4/14 20 27 20 27 17 14 Boa 25/3/4/15 11 10 11 10 11 130 Songo 25/3/4/16 12 19 12 19 8 2 Magnia 25/3/4/17 89 89 86 89 53 58 Raying 25/3/4/18 48 54 47 54 29 30 Kore ~5/3/4119 15 20 14 20 12 11 Nongklyor 25/314/20 47 52 47 52 35 41 Dolle 25/3/4/21 27 28 27 28 14 10 Jha 25/3/4/22 34 34 33 34 23 19 May" 25/3/4123 26 18 25 18 21 14 Gangtung 25/314/24 54 57 53 57 31 33 Lengpi 25/3/4/25 35 42 35 42 15 14 Yorda 25/3/4/26 to 10 10 10 8 6 Hyer 25/3/4/27 65 63 64 63 21 28 I10mi 25/3/4/28 12 II 12 11 3 Ranga 25/3/4/29 29' 25 29 25 9 Makme 25/3/4/30 31 28 31 28 27 20 Sodok 25/3/4/31 56 51 56 51 31 13 Doga 25/3/4/32 75 78 75 78 35 25 Mobla 2513/4/33 46 45 46 45 12 'J Hanla 25/3/4/34 40 38 40 38 19 13 Bag Ian 25/3/4/35 37 37 37 37 19 14 Ha 25/3/4/36 26 24 26 24 II 6 Neyeng 25/314137 95 103 95 103 37 39 Zara 2513/4/38 116 114 116 114 27 30 Pillla 25/3/4/39 9 8 8 8 3 4 Richik 25/3/4/40 59 83 58 83 44 40 GyapIn 25/3/4/41

~28-8 RGI/NDI84 200


2 4 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13 14

25/3/4/42 SOllgio NA 21 40 210 93 117 93 117 10 25/3/4/43 Nyache NA 6 9 48 23 25 23 25 2513/4/44 Kokcho NA 7 16 73 37 36 37 36 25/3/4/45 Gatom N4. 3 6 24 12 12 12 12 25/3/4/46 Blya NA 17 35 162 84 78 84 78 2 2513/4/47 TedulIg NA 10 22 119 56 63 55 63 25/314/48 Sepaha NA 10 17 108 53 S5 53 55 25/3/4/49 Arsang NA. 15 18 80 42 38 42 38 25/3/4/50 Koleng N/\ 9 19 81 46 35 46 35 25/3/4/51 Korapu NA 12 17 103 52 51 52 51 25/3/4/52 Haimachi NA 15 69 33 36 33 36 25/3/4/53 Rlbak~rsang NA 11 19 87 43 44 43 44 25/3/4154 Raha NA 24 33 148 80 68 80 68 25/3/4/55 Chome NA ~ 25 13 12 13 12 25/3/4/56 Mil.bia NA 7 14 60 30 30 30 30 1 25/3/4/57 Hobak NA 8 35 20 15 20 15 2 25/3/4/58 TaliHQ NA 62 68 274 153 121 109 110 44 7 201


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

45 52 45 52 18 31 30 34 Songio 25/3/4/42 10 10 10 10 13 14 Nyache 25/3/4/43 18 12 18 12 19 24 Kobcho 25/3/4/44 10 8 10 8 2 4 G

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Cin:le: Kimin Code No: 315

Location Name of vIllage! Ar

r _ ____,..-- __..A._~ ______...... , r_A~\ r___.A.._~ , ....._.A __ p M F M F M F M F

2 6 7 10 11 12 13 14

Tolal NA 539 593 2,946 1.787 1,159 30 20 482 3'15 1.154 304 Rural NA 539 593 2,946 t.l87 1,159 30 20 4B2 395 1,154 304 Urball

25131511 &10 N.I. 10 20 79 34 45 34 45 4 250}512 Comaseli NA 30 17 B 16 10 :; 2Sj31513 1)\11"[10 N.\ II 68 31 3S B 35 9 I 251 3;514 Jurn' N'\' 23 26 132 7} 59 61 47 g 1 25 13 1515 Kako Fore,l Real NA 4 4 15 6 I 4 4 2513/5/6 Upper Sher NA 16 21 105 49 56 .j.! 56 23 25/31517 Lower Shet NA 14 17 157 116 41 104 38 96 25;3;518 Upper Lichl NA 6 9 54 32 22 n 22 25/315/9 Lower Li<;}u NA 3 5 38 20 18 20 18 25 1315/10 Ioh.ing Fore,t Beal NA 3 3 II S 25:315r 11 JUIl11 Fore&t Beat NA & 26 16 10 251315/12 p.gra Forest :Beat NA 16 13 70 42 23 4 19 2513/5113 BogmOOI Forest Beat NA II 11 21 13 3 251315114 SIOgra FONS! Boal NA 3 ~ 6 2 25)315115 KlminHQ. NA 412 424 2.134 1,326 808 30 20 127 114 970 285 203



~---~----~----~----~~----- Name of vlliagel Locallon Total main CultiMtor> Agncultural Households Other workers Town/Ward Code workerR (I) labolln" Industry (lILlV, VI!) MargInal Non-",Ol kers Number (1- IX) (II) Manuf,~c- & VI to IX) workers tunng, Processmg, Senllcmg & Repairs (V (a)) ,--.A._-, ,---'----, ,---"-----, r- -'--·~-I ,.-_../...._--, r·-~..A.--··l r---A-~~l M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 I~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

1,096 232 132 175 85 30 13 866 26 691 927 Total 1,096 232 132 175 85 30 13 866 26 691 927 Rural " Urban 21 31 20 31 J3 14 Belo 25/3/511 9 I) 4 6 8 7 Comasekl 25/3/5/2 13 21 10 21 20 14 Durpa 25/3/5/3 36 5 26 4 4 1 6 37 54 fuml 25/3/5/4 4 2 2 3 2 7 Kako Forest Heat 25/3/5/5 27 30 19 30 8 22 2fi Uppt.r Sher 25/3/5/6 21 25 10 25 11 95 16 Lower Sh~r 25/3/5/7 20 19 20 19 12 3 Upper Llehl 25/3/5/8 8 13 8 13 12 5 Lower Llehl 25/3/5/9 3 2 6 Johing Forest Beat 25}3/5/IO 15 9 12 8 2 1 1 JUlUI Forest Beat 25/3/5/11 31 14 23 14 8 11 14 Dlgra Forest Beat 251315/12 11 8 5 3 2 Boginodl Forest Beat 25/3/5}13 5 5 Slngra Forest Beat 25/315/14 872 52 14 26 37 13 808 25 454 756 KlllllnHQ, 25/3/5/15 204


Location Name 01 village/ Are., No of No. ()f Tutal population (lOclu­ Scheduled Scheduled Llwl'lItes Code Town/Ward of Vd· occu­ house· dmg InstitutIOnal dnd Castes Tobes Number lage 1J1 pied holds house Ie" populallon Heel TeSl- & of dentlal Townl houses Ward inKm2 r---_.\._'~ ,--_..A.._...., ..-~_..A.._-"'I. PM FMF M F

4 6 7 8 9 10 JJ 12 13 I'

Total NA 6Y3 1,181 6,727 3,350 3,377 6 2.868 3.241 774 16\ Rural NA 693 1,181 6,727 3,350 3,377 6 2,868 3,241 774 161 Ulban

25/317/1 Karol NA 9 29 215 104 111 103 no 20 25/3/7/2 Socho NA 5 10 79 36 43 36 43 4 25/31713 Deb NA 6 20 130 63 67 63 67 9 25/3/7/4 Tarso NA 5 13 73 30 43 30 43 3 25/317/5 Longpar NA 25 25 153 69 84 69 84 4 25/3/7/6 J.ljlngtapo NA 3 4 23 12 II J2 II I 25/3/7/7 Jotc NA 7 5] 24 27 24 27 1 25/31718 Meb NA 12 12 56 28 28 28 28 .2 25/317/9 Balapu NA 20 30 192 116 76 69 67 30 25/3/7/10 Quengte NA 4 32 12 20 12 20 25/3/7/11 Tamang NA 6 54 26 ~~ 26 28 2 25/3/7/12 Laptap NA 14 43 222 109 113 102 111 24 25/317/ 13 Moa NI\ 23 39 195 110 85 51 78 22 25/3/7/14 Momtong NA 5 5 39 15 24 15 24 25/3/7/15 Pcachoj NA 3 6 33 14 19 14 19 5 ]08 ~5/3/7116 Rach NA 9 50 58 50 58 10 25/3/70 7 Tablo NA 3 4 46 20 26 20 26 1 25/3/71 18 Pang NA 2 2 33 11 22 11 22 25/3/71 19 Ngudal1g NA 10 50 20 30 20 30 25/3/7/20 Yalang NA 11 14 99 44 55 44 55 7 2513/7/21 ChulUdoog NA 40 16 24 16 24 2513/7122 Sala NA 6 40 18 22 18 22 2 25/3/7/23 Khy Ate NA 10 21 101 43 58 43 58 5 25/3/7/24 Galhindum NA 9 21 125 60 65 60 65 7 25/3/7/25 Khembhng NA 12 22 161 R3 78 83 78 13 25/3/7/26 Gotatu NA 10 20 139 60 79 60 79 9 25/3/7/27 Luogching NA 8 22 121 53 68 52 68 6 25/317128 Dedolo NA 16 91 43 50 43 50 7 14 35 192 87 105 25/3J7/2~ Bobia NA 87 105 11 4 2513/7/30 Hote NA 1 5 34 12 22 12 22 1 25(317)31 Raike NA 7 16 95 48 47 48 47 2 25/3/7/32 Rachl NA 12 31 182 90 92 90 9.2 11 25/3/7/33 Lengding NA 10 20 134 64 70 64 70 11 2 25/3/7/34 Tabio NA 11 38 201 91 110 91 110 10 25/317/35 Rechlog NA 5 21 101 50 51 50 51 4 2513/7/36 Sango NA 15 36 201 91 110 91 110 15 251317/37 Chengfmll NA 5 9 61 26 35 26 35 ZS/3/7/38 Apop NA 10 26 118 50 68 50 68 'J.S/317139 Apopsango NA 5 22 104 45 59 45 59 25/3/7140 Pareng NA 18 33 191 84 107 84 107 25 4 205


MAIN WORKERS --_.. ------LocatIOn Total main Cultivators Agricultural Household Olher workers Marginal Non-wvrkers Name of village/ till, IV, V(b) worken. T()wn)W"rd Code Workers (I) labourers Industry Number (I - Il() ((I) Manufact. VI to IX] uring, Pro- cossing, ServIcIng & Rep~irs [Via)] r-__ ..A.... __ r---._..A.__ ~_--., r-.A'-----.-... r--.A.--~ ,-_..A.._~ r-__..J...~~ 1 ...-"--, M F' M F M F M F M F M F M F

!5 r6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1,874 1,748 1,327 1,704 2 4 542 42 2 210 1,474 1,419 Total 1,874 1,748 1327 1,704 2 4 542 42 2 210 1.474 1,419 Rural .. Urban

45 52 44 52 59 59 KarOl 2513/7JI 15 26 15 26 21 17 Socha 2513/7/2 26 39 26 39 37 28 Deb 2513/7/3 13 20 13 20 17 23 TaTSo 2S/3!714 39 41 39 41 30 43 LongpM 2513/1/5 8 8 8 4 3 Jajinglapo 25/3/7/6 15 17 IS 17 9 10 Jote 25/3/717 18 16 18 16 10 12 Meb 25/3/7/B 80 4 41 4 39 43 36 29 Balapu 25/3/7/9 8 12 8 12 4 Quengte 25/3/7/10 18 21 18 21 8 Taman!! 25/3/7/11 64 13 59 13 52 45 48 Laptap 2513/7/12 91 33 30 30 61 14 19 38 M(}a 2513/7/13 8 16 8 16 7 M(}mtong 2513/7/[4 8 8 8 6 11 Peacho) 25/3/7/15 19 32 18 ~1 31 26 Rach 25/3/7/16 8 12 12 12 14 Tab\o 25j3/7j11 3 13 JO 3 8 9 Pang 25/3{7fIS 14 20 14 20 6 10 Ngudang 25/3/7/19 21 31 18 31 3 23 24 Yalang 25/3/7/20 13 19 13 19 3 5 Chumdong 25/3/7/21 12 14 12 14 6 8 Sala 25:3/7/22 34 38 34 38 20 Khy Ate 25/3/7123 28 43 27 43 32" 22 Gathindum 25/3/7/24 29 40 28 40 54 38 Khembling 2513}7/25 22 41 22 41 38 38 Gotatu 25)317126 26 44 23 44 3 27 24 Lungching 25/3/7/27 31 40 36 40 6 10 Dedolo 25}3/7128 53 78 53 78 34 27 Bobia 25)3/7129 5 9 5 9 7 13 Hote 25)3/7/30 22 32 21 31 26 15 Raike 2S13J7/31 53 62 53 62 37 30 ltachl 25/3/7/32 40 49 39 49 24 21 ~ngding 25/317133 18 59 38 58 ., 53 51 Tablo 25/3/7/34 28 33 28 33 22 18 Rcching 25)3/7/35 45 72 4S n 46 38 Sangv 25)317/36 13 23 12 23 13 12 Chengtlng 2513/7/31 29 46 29 46 21 21 Apop 25j3J7/38 27 34 27 34 18 25 Apopsango 25/317/39 34 67 31 67 3 50 40 Pareng 25/3/7/40 206


2 4 10 II 12 13 14

25/317141 Taw NA 4 9 57 25 32 25 32 4 25/3/7142 Sema NA 6 57 24 33 24 33 J 2513/7/43 Totpu NA 13 103 50 53 50 53 6 25/3/7/44 Tar NA I 2 9 4 4 5 25/3i7/45 Gengtung NA 4 6 37 16 21 16 21 2513/7/46 Kheel NA 24 16 129 76 53 37 33 22 25/3/7/47 Toru NA 11 II 85 58 27 5S 27 26 25/317148 Kungl0 NA 4 4 24 & 16 lIi 251317/49 Dakte NA 2 2 25 II 14 11 14 2513/7/50 Mapsoro NA 6 53 22 31 22 31 25;317151 Pepso NA 18 19 94 50 44 45 44 15 251317/52 Peach NA 19 118 43 75 43 75 8 4 2513/7/53 Omp,,11 NA 6 2 6 2 2513/7/54 Depa NA 9 52 21 31 21 31 25/317/55 Laporiang NA II 16 67 33 34 27 30 12 25/3/7/"16 Yaya NA 5 6 35 15 20 15 20 25/3/7/57 Baklehoj NA 11 20 79 50 29 24 29 37 5 251'J/7/58 Ompohhoj NA 2 2 11 5 6 6 2 25/3/7/59 N,mtc NA 13 !5 105 45 60 42 54 10 2513/7/60 Joha NA 2 4 18 6 12 6 12 25/3/7161 Galhiku NA 5 II 62 30 32 30 32 3 25/3/7162 Geram NA 23 28 In 73 40 44 40 9 25/3/7/63 Habia NA 7 17 109 44 65 44 65 25/3/7/64 Rate NA 6 6 50 25 25 19 24 2 2513/7/65 Bokoriang NA 9 9 183 131 52 125 51 127 48 25/3/7/66 Rigo NA 5 8 42 21 21 21 21 I 25/3/7/67 Sengari NA 4 6 29 18 11 18 11 3 25/3/7/68 Yayi NA 8 12 72 42 30 16 30 17 25/3/7/69 Jo-rjee NA 4 8 47 26 21 26 21 5 25/3/7/70 Saga[ee HQ NA 94 104 385 213 172 122 107 107 39 25/3/7/72 22nd Mtle NA 15 15 37 36 2 9 25/3/7/73 19th Mtle NA 4 19 18 2 9 25/3/7/74 Her Camp NA I I 2 2 1 25/3/7175 15th Mile Camp NA 7 7 50 47 3 24 1 25/3/7176 10th Mile Camp NA 11 II 44 29 15 17 2 207


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

14 17 13 17 II 15 Taw 25{3{7/41 18 21 18 21 6 12 Serna 25/317/42 23 25 23 25 27 28 TOlpU 25/3/7/43 4 2 4 2 3 Tar 25/3/7/44 13 16 13 16 1 5 Gengmng 25/3/7/45 48 21 14 11 34 10 10 28 22 Khcel 25/3/71~ 10 1 6 4 7 47 19 TOIu 25/3/7}47 5 11 5 11 5 Kunglo 25/3/7/48 6 9 {; 9 5 Dakte 25/3/7/49 II 20 11 20 11 II Mapsoro 2513/7/50 27 29 22 29 5 23 15 Pepso 25)3/7151 19 18 19 18 18 24 39 Peach 25/3/7/52 1 2 2 3 Ompoh 25/3/7/53 12 19 12 19 9 12 Depo 25/3/7/54 17 18 10 17 7 16 16 Laporlang 25/317/55 10 12 10 12 5 8 Yaya 25/3/7/56 4(j 18 15 18 31 4 11 Baktehoj 25/3/7157 2 5 2 2 I Ornpolihoj 25/3/7/58 23 32 20 12 3 22 28 Nimte 25/3)7/59 6 7 6 7 5 Jona 25/3/7/60 13 19 13 19 17 13 Galhlkll 25{3/7/61 49 13 15 12 34 13 24 14 Geram 25/3j7162 21 36 21 36 23 29 Habia 25/3/7/63 17 13 6 II 4 7 2 12 Rate 25/3/7/64 9 1 1 ? 122 50 Bokonang 25/3/7/65 8 12 8 12 13 9 Rigo 251317166 10 8 9 1 8 3 Sengari 25/3/7/67 36 18 10 18 26 6 12 Yayi 2513/7/68 13 13 13 13 13 & Jo-rJee 25/317/69 143 42 12 22 131 20 41 70 89 SagaleeHQ 25/3/1170 36 36 22nd MIle 25/3/7/72 18 18 19th Mile 25/3/7/73 2 2 Her Camp 2513(7/74 46 46 2 15th Mile Camp 25{3/7/75 27 27 2 44 10th Mile Camp 25/3/7/76

29-8 llGI/NDI84 208

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Circle: Doimukh Code No; 3/8

LocatlOn Name of village/ Area No. of No. of Total population (in- Scheduled Scheduled Literates Cod" Town/Ward of vll- Oecu- house- eluding institutional Ca~tes Tribes Number lagein pied holds & house less population) heet. rcsi- &of dentinl Town/ houses Ward in Krn' r-__.A. __ -, r-----"-----, r-_..A._~ ,---"-_-, p M F M F M F M F

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Total NA 551 604 3,118 1,754 1,364 812 742 713 265 Rural Ni\ 551 604 3,IIR 1,754 IJ64 812 742 713 265 Urban

25/3/8/1 Upia NA 11 16 93 46 47 42 47 9 25/3/8/2 Tigdo NA 10 15 93 44 49 40 47 11 1 ~5/3/8/3 Nunpo NA 4 5 19 12 7 10 7 6 2 25/3/8/4 Medpu NA 35 38 214 137 77 56 53 37 25/3/8/5 Chiputa NA 11 18 97 60 l7 60 37 10 4 25/3/8/6 Sopo NA 9 17 79 39 40 39 40 25/3/8/7 Lekha NA 18 20 97 54 43 25 26 10 4 25/3/8/8 Gurnto NA 36 48 275 136 139 105 114 55 26 25/3/8{9 Bmch! NA 47 51 358 196 162 69 63 35 14 25/3/8{lO Holokban NA 12 12 76 31 45 13 21 4 25/3{8/11 DOirnukh NA 35 35 177 93 84 43 36 18 8 25/3/8/12 Rano NA 16 19 118 57 61 56 61 14 13 25/3/8/13 DoimukbHO NA 307 310 1,422 849 573 ?54 190 503 189 209


MAIN WORKERS Name of VJ]lage/ LocalIon -----~------Town/Ward Code Totalmatn Cultivators Agricultural Household Other workers Marginal Non·\'iorkers Number workers (I) labourers Industry [III. IV, V(b) workers (I. IX) (II) Manufact. & VI to IXl urmg, Pro- cessing, Servicing & Repairs LV (a)l ,_.A._, ,...._..A-._., r_..A.._-.... r---~-I r_..A-_·-, r---"-----.... r- .A._l M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

948 395 314 299 82 50 4 4 548 42 59 803 910 Total 948 395 314 299 82 50 4 4 548 42 59 803 910 Rural .. Urban 27 22 21 22 19 25 Upla 25/3/8/1 23 24 21 23 21 25 Tigdo 2513/g/2 10 6 6 6 3 2 Nunpo 25/3/8/3 95 36 25 35 70 42 41 Medpu 25/3/8/4 29 27 29 27 31 10 Chiputa 25/3/815 26 24 26 24 13 16 Sopo 25/3/8/6 28 21 9 17 12 4 7 26 22 Lckha 25/3/8/7 81 12 49 2 32 10 59 54 68 Gumto 25/3/8/8 99 68 33 33 45 34 21 1 97 94 Emchi 25/3/8/9 15 13 13 13 2 16 32 Holokban 25/3/8/10 49 41 33 34 4 4 11 2 44 43 Doimukh 25/3/8/1 \ 30 41 26 41 4 27 20 Rano 25/3/8/12 436 60 23 22 14 7 396 28 2 411 513 DOlmukhHQ 25/3/8/13 210

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Cifcle: Balijan Code No: 3/9

Location Name of village/ Area Nv. of No. of Total populatlOn (mclud- Scheduled Scheduled Literates C,ode Town/Ward of VII- Occu­ home- mg Institutional and Castes TrIbes Number lage in pled holds house less populatIon) heel le,l­ & of dential Town/ houses W,lrd inKm' ,--___-...A.. ___ ~ r--..A._~ r--~.A.__~ ~_.A.__-, PM F M F M F M F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

Tolal NA 938 J.I03 6,368 3,415 2,953 12 1,761 1,698 751 163 RUf .. 1 NA 938 1,103 6,368 3,415 2.953 12 1,761 1,698 751 163 Urban

25131911 Ch.lkma BL-[ NA 45 45 279 143 136 2 14 25131912 Chakma BL-ll NA 23 23 178 93 85 14 25131913 Chakma BL-Ill N;\ 23 23 166 95 71 18 ~51319/4 Chakma BL-IV N "- 24 24 169 87 82 15 25/3/9/5 Chakma BL-V NA 43 43 248 127 121 12 4 25/3/9/6 Chakma BL-Vl N.\ 10 10 52 n 20 2 25/3/9/7 Chdkma BL-VII NA 24 24 173 101 72 40 12 25/3/9/8 Chakma BL-VlU NA 18 18 132 65 67 4 25/3/9/9 Chakma BL-IX NA 22 22 119 61 58 25/3/9/10 Chakma BL-X NA 15 15 107 49 58 11 2513/9/11 Kokila NA 35 35 285 142 143 142 143 36 III 251319/12 Kukila St"jf NA 19 19 48 33 15 2 24 7 25/3/9/13 Changmara F/Carnp NA 2 2 2 2 2 ·333- 2513/9/14 Chessa NA 51 53 176 157 170 154 73 15 25/3/9/15 Chessa FICamp NA 6 6 28 25 3 18 2 25/3/9/16 Sonjuh Farm NA 39 43 119 69 50 (\ 4 37 13 25/3/9117 Forest Colony NA 8 9 37 19 18 7 6 7 5 25/3/9/18 Garu Bandha FICamp NA - 9 9 17 13 4 2 7 I 25/3/9119 Balljan HQ NA 54 64 288 229 59 100 28 127 24 251319/20 Lanka NA 25 26 149 72 77 55 69 11 25/3/9/21 Tengbari NA 12 12 58 29 29 25 28 4 ~5/3/9/22 Balljan NiShi NA 15 15 98 48 50 43 48 10 25/3/9/21 Tasung NA 16 18 119 65 54 53 45 9 2513/9/24 Bahjan Karbl NA 44 44 322 206 116 HI 57 21 96 21 25/3/9/25 Dafiagarh F/Calilj1 NA 12 14 55 .12 23 I 2 10 25/3/9/20 Dlphu F/Camp NA 4 4 5 5 2 25/3/9/27 Ramghal F/eamp NA 13 14 31 18 J3 2 8 2 25/3/9/28 Dulumg NA 8 4 4 3 " 2513/9/29 Dariabil NA 13 13 76 40 36 27 31 4 2513/9/30 Holongi Karbl NA. 20 20 166 88 78 22 15 25/3/9/31 Holongi FICamp NA 11 11 74 38 36 27 27 11 5 2513/9/32 Kachubari NA 6 9 43 23 20 18 14 2 2513/9/33 Pempela NA 17 20 142 69 73 53 62 12 25/3/9/34 Townbll NA J5 15 80 42 38 30 23 3 25/319/35 Bormal Karbl NA 20 20 96 54 42 2513/9/36 Bormal Nishi NA 19 29 147 66 81 43 60 1 2513/9/37 Upper Taraso NA 19 2X Ll2 fi9 63 41 42 4 25/3/9/38 Lower Taraso NA 31 40 194 114 80 87 65 6 25/3/9/39 Jote NA 13 18 118 66 52 66 52 19 25/3/9/40 Rakab NA 5 10 5S 29 26 29 26 5 2lt


MAIN WORKERS Name of Village! location ---~ ------.-~----- Town/Ward Code Totalmalll Cultl,ators Agricultural Household Other workers MargInal Non-workers Number Worl

1,;\5 965 1,323 933 56 IS 336 l? 21 355 1,679 1,633 Total 1,715 965 1,323 933 56 15 336 17 21 355 1.679 1,633 Rural .. Urban

.56 I 55 59 87 76 Chdkma llL-l 25/3/9/1 45 35 45 35 48 50 Cnalma BL-II 25/3/9/2 33 34 32 34 62 37 Chakma BL-UI 25/3/913 36 36 36 36 51 46 Chakmd BL-IV 25}3/9/4 57 58 57 58 70 63 Chakma BL-Y 25}3/9}5 12 10 12 10 20 10 CIMlrna BL-Vl 25/319}6 43 27 38 27 5 58 45 Chakmu BL-VII 25/3/9j7 23 23 26 42 41 Cnakma BL-VIlI 25/3/918 28 28 24 33 34 Chakma HL-IX 25/3/9/9 28 22 27 22 1 21 36 Chalma BL-X 25/3/9/10 62 3 59 2 3 58 80 82 Kollla 25/3/9/11 25 25 15 Koklla Staff 25/3/9}12 2 2 ., Changmara F/Camp 25/3/9/13 77 41 74 41 3 11 96 105 Ch'_;"a 25/3/9/14 21 21 2 Chessa F/Camp 25/3}9/15 45 G 4 41 24 44 Sonjult Farm 25/3/9/16 13 2 11 6 18 Fore.! Colony 25/3/9/17 9 1 1 ~ 1 2 2 2 Garu Bandha F/Camp 25/3/9/18 127 6 2 2 1 2 124 2 102 53 BaltJanHQ 25/3/9/19 36 2 30 2 4 2 35 75 Lanka 25/3/9/20 16 2 14 2 2 13 ~7 Tongoan 2513{9/21 24 23 24 50 &hjan N"h, 2513/9122 35 27 24 23 11 4 30 27 Tasung 251319/23 79 56 1 23 2 120 113 Balljan Karbl 25/3/9}24 19 6 19 6 12 17 Datlagarh F/Camp 25/3/9/25 5 5 Dlphu F/Camp 25/3/9126 15 14 13 Ramghat FjCamp 25/3}9/27 3 2 1 Dulumg 25/3/9128 24 1 16 6 2 19 15 16 Dariabil 25}3/9/29 36 31 35 31 1 52 47 Holongl Karbi 25/3/9/30 15 17 11 17 4 23 19 Holongl F/Camp 25/319/31 10 2 - 7 2 2 1 10 13 RachuBan 25}319132 42 6 32 4 7 3 2 36 26 31 Pempeia 25./319/33 23 2 20 1 3 16 18 20 Town Btl 25/3/9/34 41 32 41 32 13 10 BMll1al Karsi 25/3/9}35 43 52 43 52 23 29 Bormai NIshi 2513}9/36 46 41 40 38 4 2 23 22 Upper Taraso 25/3/9/37 70 52 66 52 3 44 28 Lower Taraso 2513{9/38 24 36 23 36 42 16 Jot~ 25/3/9}39 15 21 15 21 14 Rakab 25/3/9/40 212


2 4 6 7 9 10 II 12 13 14

25/3/9/41 MOlng NA 4 16 8 8 8 25/3/9/42 Rllo NA 4 5 43 17 26 17 26 25/3/9/43 Poma NA 12 21 JJ6 57 59 49 59 9 25/3/9/44 Carung NA 3 9 70 33 37 33 37 2 25/3/9/45 Ba~ap NA 4 12 85 38 47 38 47 25/3/9/46 Belenkd NA 4 5 38 17 21 17 21 25/3/9/47 Gangey NA 2 2 12 4 4 8 25/3/9/48 Moda NA 4 8 50 22 28 22 28 25/3/9/49 Tanying NA 1 3 20 10 10 10 10 25/319150 Dume NA Z 2 13 4 9 4 9 25/3/9/51 Lenka NA fi 29 10 19 to 19 25/3/9/52 Tu1pumc NA 2 9 4 5 4 5 25/3/9/53 Raik NA 3 14 7 7 7 7 25/3/9/54 Dewasa NA 3 6 27 13 14 13 14 2 25/3/9/55 TW1ngso NA 2 6 38 20 18 20 18 25/3/9/56 HabJa NA 4 18 120 48 72 47 n 6 25/319/57 RegIa NA 8 8 55 27 28 27 28 25 13)9/58 Tapla;o NA 10 14 70 34 36 33 36 25}319/59 Palapolap NA 4 0 58 32 26 32 , 26 25}3)9/60 Lao NA 6 13 7y 38 41 38 41 2513/9/61 Rushi NA 2 3 17 6 11 6 II 25/3)9/62 MoPop NA 1 2 14 8 6 8 6 25/3/9/63 Byate NA 4 7 33 17 16 . 17 16 25/3)9/64 Longdung NA 3 6 41 21 20 21 20 25/319165 Yakang NA 6 8 43 23 20 23 20 25/3/9)66 Bam NA 6 9 "51 26 25 26 25 25/3/9/67 Ba&arnalo NA 7 8 63 31 32 31 32 6 25/3/9/68 Indrojuh NA 5 7 47 7.5 22 25 22 5 25/3/9/69 Mabiaso NA 2 4 21 9 12 9 12 25/3/9(70 Rupung NA 6 7 36 18 18 18 18 4 25/3(9/71 Basarnalo Camp NA 9 II) 40 28 12 25 12 25/3/9/72 Kanebu NA 9 52 22 30 22 30 213


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

7 7 Mains 25/3/9/41 9 14 9 14 8 12 Rlla 25/3/9/42 29 33 20 33 2 28 26 Poma 2513/9/43 18 23 18 23 15 14 Garung 25/3/9/44 21 28 21 28 17 19 Ra~ap 25/3/9/45 9 12 9 12 9 Belenka 25!3/9/46 3 6 3 6 2 Gangley 25/3/9/47 13 21 13 21 7 Moda 25/3/9/48 4 4 7 6 3 Tanying 25/3/9/49 4 4 4 5 Dume 25/3/9/50 5 5 II Lenka 25/3/9/51 2 2 2 2 Tulpume 2513/9/52 3 5 4 2 Rmk 25/3/9/53 7 10 6 4 Dewasa 25/3/9/54 10 11 10 11 9 7 Twingso 25/3/9/55 24 23 37 24 35 Habia 25/3/9/56 12 ~ 12 15 15 13 PegIa 25/3/9/57 21 23 20 23 13 13 Tapiaso 25/3/9/58 19 17 19 17 13 9 Patapolap 25/3/9/59 24 29 24 29 14 12 Lao 25/3/9/60 4 6 4 6 2 5 Rushi 25/3/9/61 6 5 6 5 2 1 MoP

PRIMA.RY CENSUS ABSTRACT Circle: Mengio Code No: 3/10

Location Name of ~llJage/ Area No of No of Total population (mc1ud- Schedule(l Scheduled Llterate& Code Town/Ward ofVil­ occu- house- mg inslitullonal and Castes Tribes Number lagem pied holds houseJess population) heel, reSl- &uf dential Town/ houses Wl'rd In Km' ~____ A __~ r_A__ ~ ~ __A~_~ r __A _-\ PM F MF M F M F

2 4 9 10 11 12 13 14

Total NA 284 684 3,274 1.621 1.653 1,615 1.653 133 17 Rural 284 fi84 3,274 1,621 1,653 1,615 1,653 133 17 Urban

25/3/10/1 Nakar NA ') 45 24 21 24 21 2 25/3/10/2 Sengem NA 2 20 1<1- 6 14 6 3 25/3/tO/3 P,lIa NA 16 34 191 93 98 92 98 17 25/3/10/4 Neopang NA 15 2R 153 68 85 68 85 11 7 25/3110/5 "'rung NA 11 11 65 33 32 33 32 3 25/3/10/6 Sil NA 2 2 7 4 4 25/3/10/7 Sango NA 7 14 84 40 44 40 44 4 Z5/3/10/8 Sarchca' NA 17 37 159 81 78 80 78 4 25/3/10/9 Mate NA 6 14 56 26 30 26 30 25/3(W/IO Kusurn NA 6 11 46 28 18 28 lR 25/3/10/11 Pun NA 7 19 95 50 45 50 45 25/3/10/12 JajlngTapo NA 4 10 47 _ 2~ 21 26 21 25/3/10/13 ,Iacho NA 10 24 103 49 54 49 S4 25/3/10/14 Norgong NA 14 51 214 104 110 104 110 25/3/10/15 Machlng NA , 9 36 17 19 17 19 25/3/10/16 Bong NA 5 17 86 40 46 40 46 3 25/3/10/17 Kammng NA 12 30 150 95 55 94 55 50 2 25/3/10/18 Domlsarang NA 2 6 28 14 ]4 14 14 25/3/10/19 Meng10 NA 6 34 124 49 75 49 75 25/3/10/20 Sorung NA 12 61 31 30 31 30 25/3/10/21 RigiD NA 14 37 171 81 90 81 90 25/3/10/22 Birup NA 10 5 4 25/3/10/23 Pami NA 7 17 82 33 49 33 49 25/3/10/24 Kulung NA 9 24 120 57 63 57 63 25/3/10/25 Tapo NA 11 39 129 73 56 73 56 25/3/10/26 Paga NA 5 18 89 45 44 45 44 25/3/10/27 Lenge NA 11 17 78 36 42 36 42 4 25/3/10/28 Sa"iang NA 9 14 70 38 12 35 32 11 25/3/10/29 Lekiang NA 7 9 41 20 21 20 21 1 25/3/10/30 Pacho NA 3 7 35 14 21 14 21 1:5/3/10/31 Pinte NA 4 12 57 33 24 33 24 25/3/10/32 Kagitago NA 32 163 77 86 77 86 4 25/3/10/33 Dlh NA 14 25 132 60 72 60 72 25/3/10/34 Kamp NA 6 23 102 57 45 57 45 25/3/10/35 Pdku NA 4 7 29 11 18 11 18 25/3/10/36 Takhu NA 3 3 23 9 14 9 14 25/3/10/42 Tablo NA 15 36 173 87 86 87 86 3 215

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTR ACT Circle: Mcngio Code No : 3}10

------_------~-- MAIN WORKERS Name of viUagel Location -----...... _---_._ ------~---~-~--~-__,~- Town/Ward Code Totalmam Cultivalors AgflculruT.1 Householu Otller worker, Number wJrkers 0) labourers Industry [Ill, IV, V(b) Margtnal Non·workers (I. IX) (1]) Munufactu· & VllolXI workers rIng, Pro- cessing, Servicing & RepaIrs rVla)] r- ___A~ r-_,A.---, ,-_ _A._~ ,__.A.-l ,-___.....~-_,l ,----t.A._, ,--__"'_~-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

990 1,089 963 1,087 4 ~3 21 54 604 510 Total 990 1,089 963 1,087 4 23 27 54 604 510 Rural -- Urban

15 17 13 17 2 9 4 Nakar 2513/10/1 8 5 6 1 Songem 2513/10}2 51 59 45 59 6 42 39 Pilla 25}3/IO}3 40 53 40 ,3 28 32 Neopang 25/3/10/4 23 22 23 22 10 10 Arung 25/3/10/5 2 2 2 2 1 2 SII 25/3/10/6 19 26 19 26 21 18 Sango 25/3/10/7 48 51 47 51 33 27 Sarchcal 25/3110/8 14 26 14 26 12 4 Mute 25/3/10/9 19 15 19 15 9 3 Kusum 25/3/10/10 31 24 31 24 18 19 Pan 25/3110/11 II 10 11 10 14 10 Jajing Taoo 25/3/10/12 27 35 27 35 22 19 Jacho 25/3/10113 64 72 64 72 40 38 Norcong 2513/10/14 10 15 10 15 7 4 Machmg 25)3/10/15 23 33 23 33 17 13 IlQng 25)3110/16 14 37 31 37 61 18 Kamrung 2513110/17 9 10 10 4 Domlsarang 2513/10)18 47 72 47 72 2 3 Menglo 25/3/10119 23 22 23 22 8 8 Sorung 25/3/10/20 78 86 78 86 3 4 Riglo 25/3/10/21 4 5 4 5 .. Birup 25/3/10122 30 42 30 42 Paml 2513/10/23 36 44 36 44 21 19 Kulung 25/3/10/24 54 39 54 39 19 17 Tapa 25/3/10/25 35 33 35 33 10 11 Paga 25/3/10/26 19 19 19 19 5 ]6 18 Lenge 2513/10/27 17 10 9 10 8 12 15 10 Sakiang 25/3/10)28 '0 14 10 14 I 1 9 6 Leklang 25/3/10/29 2 4 4 11 4 10 Pacho 25/3/10130 19 8 19 8 11 9 Pinte 25/3/10/31 39 47 ,38 47 1 7 31 32 Kagitago 25/3110/32 35 41 33 39 2 25 31 Dlli 2513/10/33 28 23 28 23 29 22 Kamp 25/3/10134 9 12 9 12 2 6 Paku 25/3/10/35 5 4 Takho 25/3/10/36 48 55 48 55 39 31 Tablo 25/3/10/42

30-8 RGl/ND/84 216


Circle: Old Itanagar Code No : 3/11

Locahon Name of village/ Area No. of No. of Total populatlGn (in- Scheduled Scheduled Literates Code Town/Ward of Vii· Occu· house· eluding insl itutlonal and Castes TIibes Number lag~rn pied holds houseiess population) heet. resi· &of denlial Town/ hOlL~es W~r" mKm' ,--_..)...~-~ ,--__...._~ ,------~ ,-___/... .____....., P M F M F M F M F

2 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------Total 1\1,1" 2,411 2,562 10,407 6,320 4,087 173 120 1,609 1,342 3,935 1,582 Rural NA 547 621 2,697 1.752 945 5 603 42H 1,108 306 Urban NA 1,864 1,941 7,710 4,568 3.142 168 120 1,006 914 2,827 1,276

25/3/11/1 Papu NA 17 20 89 51 38 20 34 17 25/3/11/2 Sood NA 47 26 21 26 21 2 25/3/11/3 Tarajoli NA j 7 47 13 24 23 24 2513/11 /4 Burum NA ') y 55 28 27 28 27 2513/11/5 Mopop N·\ 4 5 37 17 20 17 20 25/3/11/6 Hostalam NA 1 5 27 15 12 15 12 2513/11/7 Naharlagan NA 33 33 204 98 106 81 98 29 24 25/3/11/8 Lckhl NA 34 34 184 87 97 64 81 9 I 25/3/11/9 Nirjuli NA 188 225 790 489 301 105 89 274 106 25/3/11/10 Karsingsa NA 19 42 78 6J 15 10 2 49 8 25/3111111 Bandardewa NA 212 212 1,080 815 265 5 207 19 705 163 25/3/111l2 Tarajuli Forest NA 20 21 59 40 19 .. 22

Old Itanagar "Treated us Census Town". 217


Circle: Old ltanagar Code No : 3111

MAIN WORKERS Name of villagel Location -----.. ~------__,------~-----___.-- TownlWard Code TotJI'1'lalJl Cuit,vJloJS Agrlcultu ....al Hou~chold~ Other \Vorkers Numbtr workers labourers Industry [III, IV, V(b) M

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

4,190 506 201 207 20 40 3,929 289 20 27 2,110 3,554 Total 1,212 215 152 172 9 5 1,106 42 477 725 Rural 2,918 291 49 35 11 4 35 2,823 247 17 22 1,633 2,829 Urban

30 14 12 14 18 21 ~4 Papu 25/3/1111 10 12 9 12 16 9 Sood 251311112 8 10-- 10 IS 14 Tarajoit 25/3/11/3 12 11 12 JI 16 16 Burum 2513/11/4 9 7 9 7 13 Mopop 25/3/11/5 6 6 9 4 Hostalam 2513/11/6 53 60 41 59 12 45 46 Naharlagau 25/3/11/1 51 52 40 51 3 8 2 34 45 Lekhl 25/3/11/8 317 22 14 6 4 293 22 171 278 Nirjuli 25/3/11/9 50 2 50 2 13 13 Kalsmgsa 25/3/11/10 700 17 698 17 115 248 Baudardewa 25/3/11/11 26 26 4 14 15 Tara)uit Forest 25/3/11/12 --- 218


Location Name of Town/Wal d Area No. of No. of Total population (includ- Scheduled Scheduled Ll(erntl\ Code (Enumeral1on Block) ofvll· Occu- hou~c· mg 1Il,ltlullonal and CJstcs Tnoo, Number lage 111 pled holds hOllseless populatIOn) heet. lllst- &of dentml Townl houses Ward LuKm' r-----_,A--~ ,-_A___ r- __ -A -_----.--, ;------..J.-_------, p M F M F M F M F

2 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


25/3/1 Old Itanagar t .. wn NA 1,864 1,941 7,710 4,568 3,142 168 120 1,006 914 2827 1,276 25/3/1/1 Naharlagan Na. 145 145 597 362 235 129 106 !92 61 25/3/1/2 Seclor 'A' NA 96 96 470 269 201 24 7 114 113 t3l 52 25/3/1/3 Sector 'B' NA 186 200 818 542 276 6 6 103 80 297 56 25/3/1/4 Sector 'C' Block.-I NA 144 161 732 458 274 74 50 98 74 238 62 25/3/1/4 !;eClor 'C' Block-2 NA 114 127 460 269 191 13 12 21 16 187 132 25/3/1/5 Sector'D' NA 186 190 730 403 327 15 83 73 333 232 25/311/6 Se<:tor 'E' Block-1 NA 159 160 657 369 288 4 4 50 54 261 171 25/3/1/6 Su"'or 'E' Block-2 NA 98 100 3(,8 210 158 3 4 29 33 139 79 2513/1/7 Sector 'F NA 33 57 241 145 96 2 2 30 28 88 37 25/3/1/8 Seclor '0' NA 173 173 681 393 288 1 2 61 57 273 123 25/3/119 'G' Exten;ion Block-1 NA 156 158 625 332 293 25 126 130 165 68 25/3/1/9 'G' Exten,iuil Block·2 NA 199 199 709 436 273 94 89 328 IS2 25/3/[/10 Barapani NA 175 175 622 380 242 9 10 68 61 195 51

Nom Senal No of Ward and Enumeration Block arc same. 219


MA1N WORKERS Name of Town/Ward Location --~~------~- laoourers Industry (Ill, IV, V(b) Marginal Non-workers (I. IX) Ill! Mallllfdctu- & VIto IX, workers nng! Pro- cesSing, ServIcing & Repairs (V (a» r~.A.-~-.. ,---"------, r- A_-, ("_~..A.. .--, ,-. __ ...A___. __, r----..A--.. r--..A.---~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

-15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

2,918 291 49 35 11 'I 35 2,823 247 17 22 1,633 2,829 Old [tallagar Town 25/311

228 9 4 1 9 '2 213 134 225 Nahar1dgan 25/3/[/1 137 9 4 2 9 123 7 13 125 179 Stct,,[ 'A' 25/3/1/2 413 35 12 15 401 19 7 122 234 Sector 'B' 25/3/I/3 292 12 4 279 10 166 262 Sector 'C' Block. -I 2513/1/4 156 19 156 19 113 172 Sector 'C' Block.-2 25/3!I14

267 60 " 2 267 58 136 266 Sector'D' 25/3/1/5 224 42 10 4 213 38 2 143 246 Sector '£,' Block·1 25/3/[/6 126 11 126 II 84 147 Sectur 'E' Block-2 25/3/1/6 74 7 2 71 5 71 89 Sectm 'P' 25/3/1/7 221 22 2 217 19 172 266 Sectol 'G' 25/3/[/8 213 22 2 210 20 119 271 'G' ExtenSIon Block-l 25/3/1/9 293 16 290 16 142 257 'G' ExtenSIon Block-2 2)/3/1/9 274 27 6 12 257 20 106 215 Burapanl 25/3/IjI0 220


Circle : New Itanagar Code No : 3/11

Loption Name of village/ Area No. of No. of Total population (tnclud- Scheduled Scheduled LIterates Cod" Town/Ward of Occu- house- lng Instlluttonal and Casle, Tribes Number VIII- pied hOlds houseless popillation) age res]- lD denllal h~ct & houses 01 Town! Ward III Km 2 r-___ ..... _~_A __, r-__A_-. ,-----.A, - .-., r--_.A..__ , p M F M F M F M F

2 4 6 7 9 10 II 12 13 14

Total 2,013 2,049 6,896 4,410 2,486 116 49 886 709 2,616 930 Rural 78 91 490 241 249 1 187 220 45 11 RURAL Urban 1,935 1,958 6,406 4.169 2.237 116 48 699 489 2,571 919

25/3/12/1 Stngpung NA 6 35 16 19 11 14 '15/3/12/2 Dat NA 7 43 21 22 21 22 25/3/12/3 Bat NA 4 6 23 12 l! 12 11 25/3/12/4 Jalang NA 8 8 76 36 40 36 40 3 25/3/12/5 Chlml NA 8 8 55 26 29 25 29 4 2 25/3/12/6 Ganga NA 33 37 186 87 99 75 95 26 8 25/3/12/7 Ganga Lake NA 19 19 72 43 29 7 9 10 New ltanagar "Treated as Cemus Town". 221


Circle : New ltanagar Code No. : 3/12

MAIN WORKERS Name ofvillase/ Location Total main CultIvator, AgncuHu- Household Other Workers Town/Ward Code workers (I) rallabour- rndu~try- [lIT, IV. V(b) Marginal Non-workers Number (I-IX) ers Manufaclur- & VI to IX] workers (Il) ing, Proces'- Jng, S(,!rvlc~ Ing & Re- pair~ fWa»)

r-~ _A__ ----. r-___.}-.-l f-..A..~ ,..---"- ,,"' r--- --~.}...--l r-_~_.A.~-... f-.A.-l 1 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

3,077 489 101 118 4 2,967 370 10 12 1,323 1,985 Total 132 119 84 108 48 11 1 109 129 Rural 2,945 370 17 10 4 5 2,919 359 10 11 1,214 1,856 Urban

9 Ii 7 11 Singpung 25/3/12/1 13 13 12 13 8 9 Dat 25/3/12/2 5 7 5 7 4 Ba[ 25/3/12/3 - 17 18 17 18 19 22 Jalang 25/3/12/4 11 16 9 16 2 15 12 Chinn 25/3/12/5 41 44 31 44 10 46 55 Ganga 25/3/12/6 36 13 4 32 10 7 16 Ganga Lake 25/3/12/7 222


Loc,ltlon N,lmc of Towll/WJ.nl Arc;l Nt) of No of ['ot,d ]lnpul~"()11 (IIIc1ud- Schedukd Scheduled LIterates Code (EnumeratIon Bluck) uf ncCll- House- IIlg Imtitutlnn.ll .Ind Cd~tc; Tribes Numher vllI- plcd hold~ housele

4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14

FRB \N New Tta- nagaf Tuwn Toldl NA 1.935 1,958 6.406 4,169 2,237 116 48 699 489 2,571 919 (2513I IT )

25/311l11 Sector 'A' NA 89 89 21)8 174 94 14 5 16 10 84 26 25J1!11/2 Sector 'N NA 15 15 62 33 29 1 4 6 20 7 ExtenSIon 2513/11/3 Sector 'B' NA 51 51 144 87 57 4 5 61 31 25/3/11/4 Sector'D' NA 195 195 696 411 285 24 J6 73 53 305 165 25/3/JI/5 Rajniw8s Complex NA 79 79 243 150 93 6 16 10 73 35 25/3/11/6 Bazar Area NA 105 106 428 310 118 82 58 181 18 25/3/Jl/7 Sector 'C' NA 239 219 787 501 28~ 103 74 277 111 2511/[[/8 Ttnah NA 62 63 215 114 101 2 2 56 53 55 18 2513/11/9 Fore,t Coly NA 152 163 524 144 180 62 37 182 46 25/3/TT/10 Sector 'E' NA 97 97 318 220 98 53 33 144 33 33 25/3/11/11 S~ctor 'F' NA 44 44 154 95 59 6 7 5 71 25/3/IT!12 Sector 'G' NA 223 223 764 529 235 29 8 56 47 297 98 25/J/Ili13 Sector 'H' NA 104 104 405 254 151 15 29 -21 199 113 25!3/TT/14 Mawb II NA 145 146 457 305 152 49 20 210 82 BL-I 25/3/Il/14 Mawb-lI NA 76 84 212 137 75 3 16 7 89 33 BL-2 25/3/lTil5 Sengk h i VI ka NA 60 60 160 146 14 2 119 25/3/I1116 LoOl NA 76 77 211 129 82 15 15 57 14 56 25/3111/17 Sanga Da7ar NA 123 123 35B 230 128 15 9 56 J5 147

Note: Sertal No of Ward and Enumeration Block; are same. 223



-~~--~------____'~-~------~~-"-----~----- N~me of Village/ Location Total main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other WOlkers Town/Ward Code workers OJ labourcr~ Industry- [Ill, IV, Y(bj Marginal Non-worker; Number (I--IX) (II) Manufactur- & VI to IX] workers tng, Proces,- lng, Servic- Ing & Re- paIrs [VIa)]

,--_..A.__, r---"----, r-";'__l ,-_.A..__,) ,.-_.A..-1 ,.-_J,..._-. '---"""---1 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 J7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

New Hanagar 2,945 370 17 10 4 5 2,919 359 10 11 1,214 1,856 Total Town (25/3IIIJ

140 27 140 27 33 67 Sector 'A' 25/3/II/l 20 20 13 28 Sector 'A' ExtcMlon 2513/ITI2

62 10 62 10 25 47 Sector 'B' 25/3!J1/3 241 50 241 50 170 235 Sector'D' 25/3/Il/4 105 16 105 16 45 77 Rajmwas Complex 25/3/1115 222 11 5 217 11 87 107 Bazar Area 25/3/lI/6 349 41 349 40 9 151 236 Sector 'C' 25/3/ll/7 62 22 9 57 13 1 52 78 Tlnali 25/3/11/8 225 46 255 46 89 134 Forest Coly 25/3/11/9 152 13 151 13 65 85 Sector 'E' 25/3/11/10 65 9 65 9 30 50 Sector 'P' 25/3/11/11 413 51 413 51 116 184 Sector 'G' 25/3/11/12 169 32 4 165 32 85 119 Sector 'H' 25/3/II/I3 202 23 202 23 102 128 Mawb II 25/3/11/14 BL·l 90 6 90 6 44 69 Mawb-T1 25/J/II/14 BL·2 134 134 12 14 Sengkhlvlka 25/3/11/15 98 4 98 4 31 78 Lobi 25/3/11/16 166 8 II 155 7 64 120 Sa nga Ba711r 25/3/11/17

31-8 RGIIND/84 224


Circle : Koloriang Code No : 3/13

LQcatlon Name of villagel Area No. of No. of Totdl porulatlOn (in{ Iud- Scheduled Scheduled Literates C

2 4 6 10 II 12 n 14

Tutld N!\ 594 1,190 5,419 2,86() 2559 2,710 2.466 400 III 61 Rural NA 594 1,100 ~,419 2,860 2,559 2,710 2,466 400 Uman

25/3/13/1 Chum; NA 6 11 91 54 39 54 39 ~5/J/I3/2 ~h(ltc NA P 14 58 36 22 36 22 25/31J3/3 R..lte NA 5 r. 36 21 15 21 15 25/3/13/4 Rakre NA 2 3 24 10 14 10 14 25/3/13/5 Fua NA 6 7 44 24 2ll 24 20 25/3/13/6 Reclung NA 6 14 66 32 34 32 34 25/3/13/7 Kachangtcna NA 6 34 13 21 13 21 25/3/13/8 Tamia NA 4 8 27 J4 13 14 13 25/3113/9 Nguitudar NA 2 6 26 13 13 13 13 25/3/13/10 Biyallg NA 13 27 113 62 51 62 51 25/3113111 Dame NA I I 6 3 2 3 25/3/13/12 Begfing NA 7 16 66 39 27 39 27 25/3/13/13 Chela NA 17 J9 197 101 96 101 96 2 25/3/0114 Tabuma NA 15 34 J3I 67 64 ~7 64 25/3/13/15 Sangchi NA I 2 12 II 10 I 25/3/13/16 Nyalo NA 12 21 117 56 61 56 61 25/3/13/17 Taba NA 4 12 64 32 12 32 32 25/3/13/J8 Nlkza NA 9 25 124 59 65 59 65 ~5/3/13/19 TapIa NA 6 9 52 26 26 20 26 25/3/13/20 Niluha NA 12 60 30 30 30 30 25/3/13/21 Ha., NA 3 5 23 12 11 12 II 25/3/13/22 Papin NA 5 9 49 27 22 27 22 25/3/13/23 Ramboo NA 5 8 30 15 15 15 15 25/3/13/24 PMgging NA 8 21 83 37 46 37 46 2513/13/25 Tayang NA 13 28 129 69 60 69 60 25/3/13/26 Mara NA 10 17 61 30 31 30 31 25/3/13/27 Tapah NA 3 10 47 23 24 23 24 25/3/13128 Radeng NA 5 17 80 41 39 41 39 25/3/13/29 Furi NA 6 6 31 13 18 13 18 25/3/13/30 SoJleng Tarh NA 8 44 20 24 20 24 25/3/13/3~ Papu NA 14 76 44 32 44 32 25/3/13/32 RIte NA 10 27 107 53 54 53 54 25/3/13/33 Nongram NA 24 59 262 139 123 137 I2J 34 25/3/13/34 Sangsar NA 4 6 25 9 16 9 16 25/3/13/35 Harang NA 11 18 89 45 44 45 44 1 25/3/13/36 Sangkung NA 9 27 !O7 64 43 64 43 25/3/13/37 Tapin NA 6 12 56 31 25 31 25 3 225


Cirde : Koloriang Code No. : 3/13

MAIN WORKERS ------_-----___..------_ Name of vIllage/ Location Total main Cu1Uvatofll AgrIcultural Household Other Worker:; Town/Ward Code wOlkers (I) labourers Industry- [UI, IV, V(b) MargInal Non-workers Number ll-IX) (Il) Manufactur- & VI \0 IX} work~rs 109, Process- mg, Scrvlc- IngkRe- PaIrs [VIa)]

,...--'----, ,--..A.....-..., ,-.._A_-. ,...--'--_____., ,---A-....-, ,-_..J.._~~ r-__...A.._~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 27 28 2

1,557 1,276 1,359 1,261 7 191 15 79 235 1,224 1,048 Total 25/3/13 1,557 1,276 1,359 1,261 7 191 15 7Y 235 1,224 1,048 Rural

" Urban 30 29 30 29 24 10 Chomi 25/3/13/1 21 ($ 21 18 15 4 Chote 25/3/13/2 9 11 9 II 12 4 R.ltc 25/3/13/3 4 9 4 9 6 5 Rakle 25/3/13/4 14 10 14 10 10 10 fua 25/3/1315 3 15 3 15 29 19 Ree1ung 25/3/1316 4 4 8 8 13 Kacllangtena 25/3/13/7 5 6 4 6 9 7 Tamla 25/3113/8 2 7 2 7 II 6 NgUltudar 25/3/13/9 8 29 29 54 22 Blyang 25/3/13/10 1 2 2 2 Dame 25/3/13/11 25 !& 25 18 14 I) Begfing 2513/13/12 59 59 59 59 42 37 Chela 2513/13/13 44 36 44 36 23 28 Tabuma 25{3/13/14 10 1 6 4 I Sangcht 2513/H/15 30 34 30 34 26 27 Nyalo 25/3/13/16 21 20 21 20 II 12 Tabd ~5/3/13/17 43 16 43 16 13 16 36 Nikza 25/3/13/18 16 14 16 14 10 12 Tapia 25/3/13/19 18 23 18 23 12 7 Nllaha 25/3/13/20 10 9 10 9 2 2 Hap 25/3113/21 25 13 25 13 2 9 PaplO 25/3/13122 9 11 9 11 6 4 Ramboo 25/3/13/23 26 20 25 20 11 26 Pengging 2513/13/24 34 41 34 41 35 19 Tayang 25/3/13/25 22 19 22 19 8 12 Mara 2513/13126 16 15 16 15 7 Tapah 25/3/13/27 31 28 30 28 10 J1 Radeng 25/3/13/28 11 IS _ 11 15 2 3 Furi 25/3113/29 15 18 15 18 5 6 SoUeng Tarh 2513/13130 33 24 33 24 11 8 Papu 2S}3113/31 12 12 32 12 2 21 19 21 RlIe 2513/13/32 64 7 62 7 2 40 82 35 34 Nongram 25/3/13/33 4 3 4 3 10 4 3 Sangsar 25/3113134 28 2 28 2 24 12 18 Ha,mg 25/3/13135 35 35 9 33 211 9 Sangkung 2513113/36 14 14 6 13 11 11 Tapm 25/3/13137 226


Circle: Koloriang Code No: 3/13

4 6 7 10 II 12 13 14

25/3/13/38 Tarp,. NA 50 21 19 21 29 25}3/13m Renchl NA J3 41 164 80 84 ~o 84 25/3/13140 Rare NA 4 8 34 19 15 19 15 25/31 13/41 Panl NA 4 15 64 31 33 31 33 15/3/13/42 PagbJ NA 13 63 33 30 33 30 2~/3/]J/43 Mange NA 14 66 37 ~9 37 29 2 25/3/13/44 Tumlal11 NA 20 48 199 113 86 113 8~ 10 25/3/13/45 Kelc NA 13 18 54 24 30 14 30 25/3113/46 Blgll NA 8 47 18 29 18 29 25/3/13/47 Pdrl NA 30 no 65 65 65 65 2 25/3/13/4~ Byal" NA 41 20 21 20 21 2513/13/49 Hiba NA 18 46 194 102 n HH 92 11 25/3;13/50 Leb" NI\ 17 88 42 46 42 4fi 25/3/13/51 Hd(d1l1 NA 10 45 27 18 27 18 25/3IB/S2 Nlbi NA 7 16 73 41 32 41 32 16 2513/13/5 3 Chc~1 NA 12 38 181 87 94 87 94 10 2513/13/54 V,el NA 35 92 393 196 197 189 192 48 9 25/3/13155 Dangba NA 18 18 84 34 50 34 50 2 25/3/13/56 Yarchang NA 4 12 48 20 28 20 28 25/3/13/57 Koloriang HQ NA 125 146 717 458 259 310 171 222 45 25/3/13/58 Ke,l'd. NA 2 7 35 17 18 17 18 227


Circle : Koloriaog Code No : 3/13

15 16 17 18 19 ,0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

7 4 5 4 2 7 16 9 Tarpu 25/3/13/38 57 59 55 59 2 23 25 Renchl 25/3/13/39 II 6 II 6 8 9 R.u" 25/3/13/40 20 18 20 18 11 15 Pan! 25/3/13/41 15 18 15 18 18 12 Pagba 25/3/13/42 16 19 16 19 21 10 Mange 25/3/13/43 71 63 70 63 41 22 Tumlam 25/3/13/44 8 9 8 9 5 II II 10 Kele 25/3/13/45 9 13 9 13 9 , 16 Blsa 25(3(13/46 41 48 40 48 2 24 15 Pari 2(1/13/52 47 57 47 57 40 34 Cheki 2513,! 3/53 14 128 103 128 II 82 69 Lell 251~/13/'q 22 32 22 32 12 18 Dangthl 2513l 11/55 13 15 13 15 7 13 Y,w;hang 25/3/13/56 195 45 28 30 {, 161 15 6 262 208 Koillriang 25/3/13/57 8 9 8 9 9 9 Keya 25/3/13/58 228


Circle : Sarli Code No : 3)14

Location Name of 'Illage/Town/ Area No. cf No. of Total population (mclud- Scheduled Scheduled Literates Code Ward of Occu- hou;e- ing InsUtutional & house- Castes Tnbes Number vIII- pied hold~ less population) age reSl- In denttal heet. houses & of Townl Ward in Km 2 r-~---.)....---' r--"---, ,--___..A..--l '-____"""-l P M F M F M F M P

2 4 6 9 10 II 12 13 14

Total NA 424 471 2,564 1,386 1,178 1,230 1,134 264 64 Rural NA 424 411 2,564 1,386 1,178 1,230 1,134 264 64 Urban

25/3/14/1 Liehlla (upper) NA 10 14 70 35 35 35 35 2 2 25/3/1412 LtcbJ1a (Lower) NA 5 5 38 17 21 17 21 '2513/1413 Fee NA 9 15 81 34 47 34 47 25/3/14/4 Nade NA 19 19 119 52 67 52 67 25/3/14/6 Lantase NI\ 2 2 11 6 :5 6 -5 25/3{14/S Furang NA 22 30 125 66 59 66 59 25]3114)'1 Phasang NA 1 4 2 2 2 2 25/3/14110 Rerung NA 27 15 12 15 12 25/3/14{11 Koronu NA 3 3 14 10 4 10 4 25/3/14112 Kedolu NA 6 6 86 44 42 44 42 25}3114/13 Tal NA 8 8 44 29 15 29 15 2 25)3/14/14 Heleng NA 6 6 36 13 23 13 23 25/3/14/15 Topah NA 4 4 25 12 13 12 13 25/3/14/16 Roktepu NA 9 10 100 49 51 48 51 2 25/3114/17 Chachlng NA 2 3 23 12 11 22 11 25/3/14/18 Haklam NA 4 7, 44 26 18 .(6 18 25/3/14/19 Sowaring NA 1 9 56 28 28 28 28 25/3/14/20 Potungla NA 3 3 8 4 4 4 4 25/3/14121 Sipe NA 4 4 23 13 10 13 10 25/3/14/22 Nam]o NA 10 5 2 25/3/14/24 Wazu NA 4 6 37 22 15 22 15 4 25)3/14125 Wabla NA 3 6 35 17 18 17 18 25/3/14/26 (''hane NA 2 24 11 13 11 13 25/3/14127 Wablk NA I 4 2 2 2 2 25/3/14/28 Pulo NA 2 :1 JO 4 6 4 6 25/3/14/29 Taperino NA 5 2 3 2 3 25/3114/30 Wabll11g N,I,. 4 11 7 4 7 4 25/3/14/31 Quhk NA 2 2 9 Ii 3 Ii 3 25/3/14/32 Shnrna NA 6 6 30 14 16 14 16 25/3/14/33 Kapo NA 12 12 66 30 36 30 36 25/3/14/34- Mokoksal NA 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 2513/14135 Riya NA 2 3 -13 8 8 5 25/3/14/36 Vetezin NA 11 11 54 30 24 30 24 25/3/14/37 Warn NA 24 24 140 67 73 67 73 25/3/14/38 Chula NA 14 14 71 40 31 40 31 25/3/14139 Ma1.hame NA 8 9 65 37 28 37 28 9 25/3/14/40 Milli NA 12 19 80 38 42 38 42 8 2 229

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Circle : Sarli Code No : 3/14

MAlN WORKERS Locanon ------~-----~- ---~-- Name of Village/ Total maIO Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Worker. Town/Ward Code workers (I) labourers Industry- [Ill, IV. V(b) Margmal N on-workers Number (I-IX) (II) Munufactur- & VI to IX) workers ing, Process- mg, Servic- ing &Re- palfS [Wall r-___ r------.A.---, .-___...A--"""l r-___'...A..~ ,_...A__"'l ,--_..A.._~ ,_.A. __ -, ..A.._-. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

702 522 509 514 4 1 1 189 6 10 26 674 630 10tal 702 522 509 514 4 1 1 189 6 10 26 674 630 Rural UrbaD

22 15 22 15 3 12 17 Llchila (Upper) 25/3/14/1 9 J3 9 13 8 8 LichIia (LowN) 25/3/14/2 17 10 17 9 12 17 25 Fee 25/3/14/3 34 3() 34 30 1& 36 N1.dc 251311414 6 5 Lanla,e 25/3/14/6 43 33 41 33 2 23 26 Furang 25/3/14/8 2 2 Phasang 25/3/14/9 7 5 7 5 8 7 Rerung 25/3/14/10 5 2 5 2 5 2 Koronu 25/3/14/11 35 38 35 38 9 4 Kedo!u 25/3/14/12 21 14 21 14 8 1 Tai 25/3/14/13 9 13 9 13 4 10 Heleng 25/3/14/14 8 8 8 8 4 5 Topab 25/3/14/15 36 34 32 34 4 13 17 Roktcpu 25/3/14/16 6 (, 6 6 3 5 Chachl11g 25/3114/17 II 11 Il 11 15 Haklam 25/3/14/18 13 15 11 15 2 14 12 Sowaring 25/3/14119 - 4 2 4 2 2 POlungla 25/3/14/20 8 6 6 (, 4 4 Stpe 25/3/14/21 1 I J 4 4 N~mjo 25/3/14/22 9 10 9 10 13 4 Wazu 25{3/14/24 10 8 10 8 10 Wabia 25/3/14/25 9 6 9 6 2 7 Chane 25/3/14/26 1 1 I 1 Wablk 25/3/14/27 2 2 5 2 Palo 25/3/14/28 1 1 2 Taperino 25/3/14/29 6 6 1 Wabung 25/3/14/30 6 3 Qulik 25/3/14/31 14 16 Sharna 25/3/14/32 \ 29 36 Kapo 25/3/14133 2 2 2 2 .. Mokoksai 25/3/14/34

. .- ~ .. 8 5 Riya 25/3/14/35 }O 24 Vetezin 25/3/14/36 67 73 Waru 25/3/14/37 2 2 38 31 Chula 25/3/14/38 17 17 17 17 20 11 Macbame 25/3/14/39 19 27 18 26 19 15 Milli 25/3/14/40 230


Circle : Sarli Code No : 3/14

2 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 14

25/3/14/41 Game NA J 5 16 9 7 9 7 25/3/14/42 Bala N-\ 2 2 11 7 4 4 25/3/14/43 W"".ang NA 2 9 4 5 4 2511114/44 Ban NA 9 34 18 16 18 16 2 25/3/14/45 Malo NA 9 43 18 25 18 25 25/3114/46 Sape NA 25 25 n6 68 68 68 68 II 14 25/3114/47 Haralho NA 10 10 35 19 16 19 16 25/3/14148 TOYing NA 4 23 9 14 9 14 I 2513/14/49 Sate NA 36 38 205 108 97 108 97 2 2513/14/50 Sarli HQ NA H6 R6 450 316 134 161 90 198 40 231


Circle : Sari Code No : 3/14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

4 6 4 6 1 Game 25/3/14/41 2 2 2 2 5 2 Bala 25/3/14/42 2 2 Wazang 25/3/14/43 10 14 10 14 8 2 Bari 25/3114/44 12 13 12 \3 6 12 Malo 25/3/14/45 34 31 34 31 34 37 Sape 25/3/14/46 12 10 12 10 7 6 Haratho 25/304/47 5 5 4 5 4 9 Teymg 25/3/14/48 67 76 66 76 41 21 Sate 25/3/14149 186 26 10 21 176 4 4 8 126 100 SarliHQ 2513114150

32--8 ROIJND/84 23:!


Circle : Damin Code No : 3/15

LocatIOn Name of village/ Ar~a No. of No. of Total population (includ- Scheduled Scheduled Literates Code Town/Ward of Occu- house- mg 1nslltutional & house- Ca~tcs Tribes Number village pied holds less population) In resi .. heet. d.m,i"l & of houses Town/ Ward in Kill'

2 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13

Total N\ 483 952 4,547 2,318 1,219 2,201 2,207 277 Rural NA 48J 952 4,547 2,318 2,229 2,201 2,207 277 2 Urban

2S/?ilS/1 Barbm NA 7 14 66 37 29 37 29 25/3/15/2 I[[~ang NA 6 18 80 35 45 35 45 2513/15/3 CUll1poi~akopc NA 3 25 12 13 12 13 25/3/15/4 N~koriang NA 4 11 49 24 25 24 25 I 25/3/15/5 Rachl NA 9 17 83 40 43 40 43 4 25/3/15/6 Leneriang NA 4 6 30 15 15 15 15 25/3/15/7 Tumbia NA 7 19 87 47 40 44 40 5 25/3/15/8 Mongpo NA 12 2S 126 62 64 "2 64 25/3/15/9 Pape NA 6 13 76 34 42 34 42 I 25/3/15/10 Monglo NA 14 . 4~ 174 79 95 79 95 4 25/3/15/11 Chote NA 6 16 7(, 41 35 41 35 25/3/15/12 Hmk NA 5 8 31 16 T,· 16 15 25/3/15/13 Nampe NA 9 16 70 32 38 n 38 25/3/15/14 Himum NA 6 14 68 30 38 30 38 25/3/15/15 Serang NA 7 16 87 51 36 51 36 25/3/15/16 Sutlyang NA 3 - 6 21, 12 9 12 9 25/3/15/17 Subuk NA 3 4 20 7 11 7 13 25/3/15/18 Tarba NA 5 8 40 18 22 18 22 25/3/15/19 Rumu NA 4 7 32 19 I3 19 13 25/3/15/20 Bam" NA 8 20 72 40 32 40 32 25/3/15/21 TaJla NA 7 13 68 30 38 30 38 1 25/3/15/22 Fubd NA 12 21 101 50 51 50 51 4 25/3/15/23 Rane MA 2 8 6 2 6 2 25/3/15/24 Rao10 NA 2 6 2 6 25/3/15/25 Chate NA II 21 102 54 48 54 48 2 25/3/15/26 Shamorlang NA· 7 JO 46 24 22 24 22 25/3/15/27 Kopl1a NA 10 18 87 44 43 44 43 2 25/3/15/28 Tbhrarmg NA 4 7 45 19 26 19 26 25/3/15/29 Subu NA 4 6 34 15 19 15 19 75/3/15/30 Morma NA 3 5 21 10 11 10 11 25/3/15/31 Slriang NA 4 15 76 36 40 36 40 25/3/15/32 Dado NA 15 34 179 95 84 95 84 6 25/3/15/33 Yarba NA 9 28 155 87 68 87 68 5 25/3/15/34 Sera NA 8 26 116 63 53 63 53 25/3/15/35 Taram NA 11 34 169 85 84 85 84 8 25/3/15/36 Reangchiporiang NA 22 55 283 140 143 140 143 24 25/3/15/37 Leya NA 7 21 75 38 37 38 37 25/3/15/38 Dalang NA 4 9 41 21 20 21 20 2 233


CiriJ : Damin t:ode No : 3/15

MAIN WORKERS -~------~----~-- "------Name of Village/ Location Total main Cultivators Agricultural HousehQld Other Workers Town/Ward Code workers (1) labourer~ lndu,try- [Ill, IV, V(b) Marginal Non-worf.ers Number (I-IX) (ll) Manufac(ur- & VI [0 IX] workers j ng, Procc,s- mg, ServIc- ing &Re- paIrs [V(a)] .-__ ..-A.___ -... ,- ______.A. __ --. r-_A.---, r-_..A.._-... r_..A.._, r--___...A.. __ , ,_..A.. ___ , M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

1,433 1,439 1,227 1,437 2 204 2 8 884 782 Total 1,433 1,439 1,227 1,437 2 204 2 8 884 782 Rural ..' Urban

24 19 21 19 13 10 Barbla 25/3/15/1 '17 25 27 25 8 20 HI~ang 25/3/15/2 5 9- 5 9 7 4 CompGlyaknpc 25/3/15/3 15 16 15 16 y 9 Nekonang 25/3/15/4 20 26 20 26 20 17 Rachl 25/3/15/5 9 11 9 11 6 4 Lenenang 25/3/15/6 28 26 25 26 19 14 Tumbla 25/3/15/7 26 35 25 35 36 29 Mongpo 25/3/15/8 18 26 18 26 16 16 Pape 25/3/15/9 50 60 47 60 3 29 35 Monglo 25/3/15/10 25 27 23 27 2 16 8 Chote 25/3/15/11 13 10 13 10 3 5 Hmk 25/3/15/12 20 24 20 24 12 14 Nampc 25/3/15/13 20 24 20 24 10 14 HImum 25/3/15/14 28 24 28 24 23 12 Senang 25/3/15/15 7 6 7 (j 5 3 S,ltlydllg 2513/1:5/16 6 8 6 :5 Subuk 25/3/15/17 12 15 12 15 (, 7 Tarba 25/3/15/18 12 8 12 8 7 5 Rumu 25/3/15/19 28 25 27 25 12 7 Bamo 25/3/15/20 17 23 17 23 ' 13 15 Tarla 25/3/15/21 26 34 26 34 24 17 Fubn 25/3/15/22 6 2 6 2 Rane 25/3/15/23 3 1 3 3 Raolo 2513115/24 35 33 35 33 19 15 Chate 2513/15/25 14 12 14 12 10 10 Shamonang 25/3/15126 29 25 28 25 14 15 Knpila 2513/15/27 10 15 9 IS 9 11 ThuraTlng 25/3115/28 7 11 6 11 8 8 Subu 25/3/15/29 6 4 6 4 4 7 Morma 25/3/15/30 27 25 . 26 25 9 15 Siriang 25/3/15/31 54 60 54 60 41 24 Dado 25/3/15/32 4~ 48 48 48 39 20 Yarba 25/3/15/13 46 40 46 40 17 13 Serd 25/3115/34 46 56 46 56 39 28 Tdram 2513/15/35 75 103 74 103 65 40 Reangchlp(1riang 25/3/15/36 22 24 22 24 16 13 Leya 25/3/15/37 9 14 8 14 12 6 Dulang 25/3/l5j'l~ 234


Circle : Dantin Code No : 3115

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

25/3/15/39 Dore NA 18 30 J23 59 64 58 64 8 25/3115/40 Taug NA 2 7 25 9 16 9 J6 25/3/15/41 Taba NA 21 39 206 93 lJ3 93 J13 4 25/3/15!42 Loak NA 3 5 24 14 10 14 10 25/3/15/44 Jah NA 5 16 81 37 44 .. 37 44 25/3/15/45 Papu NA 12 16 I,ll 53 58 . 53 58 25/3/15/46 Moru NA 9 18 Jl4 55 59 55 59 25/3/15/47 Saltan NA 4 6 48 23 25 23 25 25/3/15/48 Lubapu NA 9 17 87 37 50 37 5u 7 2 25/3/15/49 Damm NA 13 23 103 51 42 51 52 4 2 25/3/15/50 Machang NA 19 21 114 66 48 65 48 23 8 25/3/15/51 Makra NA 4 2 2 2 2 25/3/15/52 Kdtuk NA 2 3 12 6 6 6 6 25/3/15/53 Rala NA 10 23 91 41 50 41 50 25/3/15/55 Huri NA 2 4 15 5 10 10 25/3/15/56 P aU'S1 Parla NA 9 12 49 25 24 23 23 7 25/3/15/57 Pipa NA 10 41 19 22 19 22 2 25/3/15/58 DalUlnHQ NA 68 88 372 253 119 143 98 132 6 235


Circle : DamiB Code No : 3/15

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

34 42 33 42 25 22 Dorc 25/3/15/39 9 9 2 7 Tdug 25/3/15/40 63 81 63 81 30 32 Taba 25/3/15/41 7 7 7 7 7 3 Loak 25/3/15/42 23 29 23 29 14 15 Jail 25/3/15/44 36 43 36 43 17 15 Papu 25/3/15/45 .l{) 41 39 41 15 18 Moru 25/3/15/46 9 14 6 14 3 14 11 Saltan 25/3/15/47 23 10 21 30 2 14 ~O Lubapu 25/3/15/48 35 35 35 35 16 17 Damm 25/3/15/49 32 32 31 32 34 16 Machang 25/3/15/50 2 2 MaMa 25/3/15/51 2 5 2 4 Katuk 25/1/15/52 ~7 33 25 33 2 2 14 15 Ra1a 25/3/]5/53 4 6 4 6 4 Hur1 25/3/15/55 13 16_ 10 16 3 1~ 8 Pans1 Parlo 25/3/15/56 12 15 10 [5 2 7 Plpa 25/3/15/57 193 44 19 42 174 2 60 72 DammHQ 2513/15/58 236


Circle : Nyapio Codr No : 3/16

We"lIon Name of villagc/ Area No 01 No. of Tutal populatIon (tnclud­ SChcJufed Scheduled code Town/Ward of Occu­ h )use- 109 InstItutional any hou- C~'tes Tube; Number Village p'ed holds seless populatIon) in rc~t- heet. dcntkil & of ho~es Town/ Ward 111 Km'

5 9 10 II 12 13 14

Total N<\ 814 2,000 9,510 4,694 4,816 4.576 4,164 259 73 Rural NA 814 2,000 9,510 4,694 4,816 4,576 4.764 259 73 Urban

25/3/16/1 Rowa NA 16 65 266 139 127 139 127 25/3/16/2 Langro NA 9 26 101 58 43 58 43 25/3/16/3 Gengrt NA 17 35 166 86 80 85 80 2513ilbl4 Byas, NA 24 57 237 HZ 125 III 125 25/1/16/5 G,dJ-1 NA 7 20 110 52 58 52 58 25/3/16/6 G.da-II NA II ~ I~ m M 70 85 25/3/16/7 Kaun NA 6 24 106 49 57 49 57 25/3/16/8 Tumlang NA II ~ In 6 " 89 99 25/3/16/9 Yaki NA II 34 147 79 68 78 68 7 2513/16/10 Chlllgliang NA 7 28 121 51 70 51 70 25/3/16/11 H'rt Pungrung NA 19 40 165 87 78 84 78 25/3116{12 Pagba NA 41 104 467 227 140 225 240 4 2513116113 Nyangpa NA 5 9 69 36 33 36 33 1 25/3118115 Taltlangpo NA 6 6 101 46 55 46 55 25/3/16/16 Kambak N';' 8 30 118 5S hO 58 60 25/3/16/17 Pcel NA 17 99 46 53 46 53 2513/16/18 Hotc NA 2 4 16 7 9 7 9 25/3/16119 Boxo NA 3 32 17 15 17 15 2513/16/20 Pajl NA 7 22 93 52 41 52 41 2 2513/16/21 Rate NA 4 1~ 65 30 35 30 35 25/3/16/22 H,yd NA 42 149 578 283 2'15 ~83 295 37 25/3/16/23 Lumtc NA 8 21 ,1)6 57 49 57 49 25/3/16/24 Yuba NA 16 39 232 109 m 109 123 25/3/16/25 Longteloth Nil. 44 117 632 310 322 308 322 6 25/3/lbI26 Dolo NA 16 58 265 127 118 127 13& 25/3/16/27 Gangec NA 10 36 151 76 75 76 75 25/"1/16128 Laba NA 23 28 300 136 164 135 163 10 2 25/3/16/29 Leying NA 7 23 110 52 58 52 58 25/3;16/30 Tabyang NA 4 60 25 35 25 35 25/3/16131 Gyamar NA 31 121 562 254 308 252 307 14 25/3/16/32 Panong NA S 11 49 21 28 21 28 25/3/16/33 Sango NA 19 68 364 178 186 178 186 25/3/16/34 Chebang NA 2,} 69 378 182 196 182 196 25/3/16/35 Rmgo NA J3 7S 39 39 39 39 2513/16/36 Yaydo NA 8 48 25 23 25 23 25/3!16j37 Malo NA 10 37 157 70 87 70 87 25/3/16/38 Pmch, Sulung NA 4 46 27 19 27 19 25/3116/39 Gangtc NA 4 II 64 28 16 28 36 237


Circle : Nyapin Code No : 3/16

MAIN WORKERS Location ------.- .- ~-.. --.. ----~~------....__.------Name of Village/ Total mam Cultl,MMS Agricultural Household Other Worker, Town/Ward Code _workers (I) labourers Industry- [III, IV, V(b) Marginal Non-workers Number (I IX) (II) Manufdclur- & Vito Xl workers mg, Process- ing, ScrVIC- mg& Re- pans [Via)] , __..J..._~ r __A ___l r_-A..._-. f______...A.--., r--...A.-1 r-·-..A-----1 r--_.I...--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

2,686 2,130 2,427 ',liS 3 2 254 14 61 630 1,947 2,056 Total 2,686 J2,139 2,427 2.lIS 3 2 254 14 61 630 1,947 2,056 Rural Urban

88 23 86 23 2 4 68 47 36 Rowa 25/3/16/1 40 8 39 R 20 18 15 Langro 25/3/16/2 63 13 62 13 I 43 23 24 Gengn 25/3/16/3 69 I 64 1 5 72 42 52 ByasJ 25/3/16/4 26 35 26 35 26 23 Glda-J 25/3/16/5 40 51 40 51 30 34 aida-I[ 25/3116/6 34 29 34 29 IS 28 Kaun 2513/16/7 63 64 62 64 26 35 Tum1ang 25/3/16/~ 49 39 48 39 30 29 Yaki 25/3/16/9 33 47 32 47 18 23 Chingllang 25/3/16/10 53 53 41 53 12 34 25 Biri Pungrung 25/3/16/11 151 144 H4 144 7 76 95 Pagba 25/3/16/12 19 23 17 23 2 17 10 Nyangpa 251 3/16/13 24 31 20 32 4 22 23 Taitlangpo 25/3/18/15 34 40 32 40 2 24 20 Kambak 25/3/16/16 23 31 23 31 23 22 Peel 25/3/16/17 4 7 4 7 3 2 Hote 25/3116/11\ 10 12 10 12 Boxo 25/3/16/19 35 28 34 28 17 13 Pajl 25/3/16/20 20 23 19 23 10 12 Rate 25/3/]6121 149 115 143 115 6 14 70 120 110 Hlya 25/3116122 26 21 26 21 4 31 24 LUlllte 25/3/16/23 51 43 49 43 2 2 56 75 Yuba 25/3/16/24 162 94 143 94 19 8 92 140 136 LGngtcloth 25/3/16/25 63 64 63 03 64 74 Dolo 25/3/16/26 48 54 47 54 28 21 Gangee 25/3/16/27 64 8 63 8 6 69 150 Laba 25/3/16/28 34 34 35 18 20 Leying 25/3/16/29 J3 13 12 25 Tabyang 25/3/16130 145 :!O2 - 139 202 6 109 106 Gyamar 2513/16/31 13 6 13 6 8 14 Panong 25/3/16/32 95 110 94 110 83 76 Saugo 25/3/16/33 120 138 lIS 138 2 62 58 Chebaug 25/3/16/34 15 19 15 19 24 20 Rlnso 25/3/16/35 11 11 4 15 10 8 YaYdo 25/3/16/36 48 60 47 60 22 27 Malo 2513/16/37 16 15 16 15 II 4 PlOch1 Sulung 25/3/16/38 14 14 22 11 13 Gangte 25/3116/39

.... -- .. ~ --- 238


Circle : Nyapiu Code No: 3/16

2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

25/3/16/40 Palang NA- G II 60 26 34 26 34 2 25/3/16/41 Lengcha NA 16 34 181 92 89 91 89 3 25/3/16/42 Payu NA 10 11 64 36 2R 3fi 28 25/3/16/43 Ganggang NA , (, 27 14 \3 14 13 25/3/16/44 Rlyokdoh NA 1 3 20 11 9 11 9 25/3/16/45 Gaga NA 6 20 122 64 58 64 58 25/3/16/46 PalIng NA 5 13 62 38 34 38 24 25/3/16/47 Maching NA 13 56 28 28 28 28 25/3/16/48 JlplUg NA 4 8 37 17 20 17 20 25/3/16/49 Kumayer NA 2 4 16 7 9 7 9 25/3/16/50 Slngram NA 55 119 530 275 255 254 247 20 25/3/16/51 MozarIang NA 3 5 28 15 13 15 13 25/3/16/52 Hojuriang NA 2 Ii 28 13 15 13 15 2513/16/53 Leya NA 8 18 92 46 46 46 46 2 25/3/1615$ Rasis NA 1 3 16 9 7 9 7 25/3/16/56 PllIgpO -NA 1 2 6 4 2 4 2 25/3/16/57 Gangtong NA 1 5 2 2 25/3/16/58 Alyer NA 2 3 17 9 8 9 25/3/16/59 Peetak NA 11 47 ~7 20 27 20 25/3/16/60 Dllung NA 14 51 26 25 2fi 25 25/3/16/61 Pinch! NA 36 83 443 209 234 207 234 5 25/3/16/62 NyaplIl HQ NA 116 124 552 306 246 238 214 95 32 25/3/16/63 Touba Camp NA 4 4 4 3 1 2 1 I 25/3/16/64 Paya Camp NA I L 3 1 2 ./ 1 2 25/3116/65 Pinte NA 3 10 6 4 5 3 25/3/16{66 K M. Sangram NA 8 4 4 25/3/16/67 K.M."O'Polllt NA 9 10 23 16 7 2 ---- 239


QreIe : Nyapill Code No : 3/16

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 2

14 2 14 2 IS 11 17 Palang 25/3/16140 55 13 52 13 1 45 36 31 Lengcha 25/3(16(41 16 2 14 2 2 4 13 16 13 Payu 25(3(16/42 8 9 6 9 2 6 4 Ganggang 25/3/16/43 7 5 6 5 4 4 Riyokdoh -25/3/16/44 28 25 28 25 S 13 31 20 Gaga 2S/3/16/45 21 21 16 17 8 Patlng 25/3/16/46 21 IS 21 15 7 13 Machina 25/3116/47 11 11 11 11 6 9 Jiping 25/3116/48 5 1 S 1 3 2 5 Kumayer 25/3/16/49 171 160 131 IS9 40 104 95 Sangram 25/3/16~ S 5 2 6 8 6 Mozariang 25/3/16151 9 9 10 4 5 Ho,iuriang 25/3/16/52 26 26 3 34 17 12 Leya 25/3/16(53 7 S 7 S 2 2 Rasia 25/3/16/55 3 2 2 .• Pingpo 25/3/16/56 1 1 2 I Gangtong 25J3{l6(" 4 6 4 3 Aiyer 25(3/16/58 IS 14 IS 14 lZ 6 Pcctak 25/3/16(59 21 17 21 17 S 8 Dilung 25/3/16/60 117 144 114 144 3 91 90 Pinchi 25/3/16/61 138 41 32 30 lOS 11 168 205 NyapinHQ 25/3/16162 3 1 3 .• ToubaCamp 25/3/16/63 I ] PayaCamp 25/3116/64 2 2 -2 2 Pinta 25/3/16/65 3 3 4 K.M.Sangram 25/3/16/66 13 13 3 7 K.M. '0' Point 25/3116/67

33-8 RGI/ND/S4




URBANjVJLLAGE PRIMARY CENS(JS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total, Scheduled Castes and Scbeduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-wise

Locallon code No. Name of Town/Ward/Urban block Total Popula- Scheduled Scheduled Hon castes TribeS

2 3 4 5

3/1 OLD ITANAGAR TOWN 7,710 28B 1,920 3/1/1(1 ) Naharlagan 597 235 3/1/2(2) Sector 'A' 470 31 227 3/1/3(3) Sector 'B' 818 12 183 3/1/4(4) Sector 'C' Block-l 732 124 172 3/1/4(5) Sector 'C' Block-2 460 25 37 3/1/5(p) Sector'D' 730 22 156 3/1/6(7) Sector 'E' Block-I 657 8 104 3/1/6(8) Sector 'E' Block-2 368 62 3/1/7(9) Sector 'F' 241 4 58 3/1/8(10) Sector 'G' 6XI 3 118 3/1/9(11) 'G' ExtenSIon Block-I 625 33 256 3/1/9/(2) 'G' Exten"on B1ock-2 709 lR3 3/1/l0(J 3) BdrapaOl 622 19 129

34-8 RGJ/NDj84 244


Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-UrbllJl Block-wise

Local ion code No Name of Town/Ward/Drbe" Block Total Scheduled Sch~dl]lea PopulatIOn Castes TrIbes


3/II NEW ITANAGAR 6,406 164 1,188 31II/HI) Sector 'A' 268 19 26 3/IJ/2(2) Sector 'A' E~tcn~ion 62 10 3/IT/3(3) Seclor 'B' 144 1 9 3/II/4(4) Sector'D' 696 40 126 3/Il/5(Sl RaJnlw", Complex 243 - 26 3/11/o(6) B"zar Are'l 4~8 140 3/lJ/7(7) Sector 'C' 7g7 177 3/1J/8(8) Tina1r 215 4 J09 3jIl/9(9) Felcst Colony 524 99 3fJJ/IO(l0) Sector 'E' 318 86 3/II/ll(J I) SeCl01 'F' 154 9 12 3/IIJI2m) S"ctor '0' 764 37 !()3 3/I1/13(11) Sector 'H' 405 18 50 3III/14(l4) Mawb-I! Hlock __ l 457 fi9 3/T1/14\IR) Mawb-II BlocK-l 211 4 23 3/11/15(15) Scngkhr View 160 2 llJJ/16(16) Lohi 211 30 3111/17m) Gangubazar 358 24 91 245


Block No.1 the western pal t of the block. The eastern border oj the block IS lagan rIver. MLA Hostel. Imdad Bhavan On the south eaSle!'1 part of the block is Naharlagan Model Village. Western side of the block are cowr­ Circuit House, Vegetable Market, Co-operative Store. Pakh Hotel are locat~t! Just western part of the block cd by hills. The heIJpad rmul IS sItuated on the north eastern sidt: of the block. Banderdewa-New !tana­ gar road passes through Jmt middle of the block. Block No,S Craft Centrc, lndust"ial Estate S.E's (E) Office and The Pachin flv:r IS covwng the north eastern SIde Petrol Pump and some residentIal quarters aro: locat­ of (he block. ltanagar- New Itanagar road is on the ed 11l thIS block. weslern SIde of t~c blOck. One kuch" road startlllg from the ltunagar-·1\ew Itanagar road goes JUSI Block No. 2 northern SIde of lh~ blo~k towards castc'rn directIon HeJipad road is passing through on the south and turn to south~rn direction and goes north east­ eastern side Police Station road is passing through ern corner of the block 1 G.P·s Office, 011 the nOllll wesl and Central School on the south west part of the on the northern Side. 1 here IS a nver on the casklil bl()ck atc located. SIde and Banderd~wa-ltallagat road goes lhro~g~ the southern part of the block. A kaeha ruad OllgI­ natlllg from the pucca road has crossed towards east­ Block No. 6 ern direction upto the boundary of the block. One The bloek IS h()U·l.kd b', Bandetdewa· ··New Ila­ temple, one cinem~ ha~l, Congress Office and A.P.P. nagar road on the nLr:h and Pachi'l river on the west. Station are_Iocated 1.1 thIS block. The southern part of the block are covered by hIlls and Polo Park IS on the ea"'t,;rn SId.: of the block. BICX!kNo.3 Arunachal Marg, Co-operative Appex Bank, L G's Itanagar-New Itanagar Road passes on the sou­ Quartcr Milllster's Quartcrr A D.C's Quarter and one thern SIde of the block The Secretanat road startmg kmple arc located in this block. A pucca road conn~cts from the point of Itanagar-New ltanagar road is many other pucea and Kueha road within the block passing through on eastern corner of the .block. The The temple is located on the south eastern part of the block and Aru113c'hal Marg is located northern border road goes towards the northern SIde coverlllg t~e Se­ of the block. cretariat compound and turn to the western sld,~ to­ wards-Engineaing omc~ and some quartel~ of· Medical Departm:nt the road agam turn to the sou­ BfockNo.7 thern side and meets the Itanagar-New ltanagar road just south westall corner of the block near the The block is bOUJ1r1~Ll by the Bandcrdcwa -New Ita­ nagar road on t~lc north block No. 9 on th~ south, Civil Hospital OIll:: puce I road s(artmg from the Ita­ nagar-New ltanagar road by the eastern side of Block No 8 on the cast. Oll~ road startmg from the Banderdcwa~-New [tallagar road passes jUst along the foot ball ground towards northern di;ecti?J1 goes southern boundary of the blnck. Another few roads upto community ani tur,l ~o eastern dlfcctI?1l and meets at a point of Secretanat road near Poli<:e Sta­ are connected WIth tillS road aIle Nallah starting from tIon. Another pucca road startlllg frum ltanagar - GJS1CI n boundary bifurcates (he blllck just southern part at the block. Almost all the pal Ls of the block New Itanagar road by the wesl7rn .sIde of the ~oot are surrmdcrcd by Government quarters Siva temple, bali ground towards northern d Ircctlon goes straIght Kali temple, Engineering Godown are loca,tcd in this upto Government Pr~ss awl tUIl1 ~outh east dlrectloll block. covering one park meets at a point of former road near community hall. Block No.8 Secretariat Offi':e. A.D C's Office, Assembly House, The Baoderdewa·- New Itanagar road is on the Super Market. DaJiy Bazar, Cooperative Store, Post northern slde of the block Block No. 9 (nine) is on and Telegraph Office, Telephone Exch?nge •. State Bank southern slde of ihc block The eastern side of th.: of India. Government Press, Engmccnng Office, hlock are covered by hills and the western sIde block State Transport Bus Ollice. Commulllty Hall, 3 (three) No 7. One Nallah starimg from the Banderdewa-New Nos. of Parks. Foot Ball ground, CIvil Hospital and I tanagar Just eastern part of the block towards south­ few Nos. of Gov~lllment qua 1tels are localed in this ern direction turn to WcSkrn directIOn Just south-east block corner of the block. Another Nallah starting from the south·eastern corner towalds northern direction Block No.4 meets at a point of south-eastern corner o( the block. A kucha road '1t lIling from til,' Banderdcwa- -New On the northern side of the block. block Nu. 5 and Itanagar road Just mIddle of the block towards sou­ Lagan river. On the southern side lIanagar- New Ita­ thern direction go~~ upto southern part of the block nagar road is 'Ituat,.'d. The Ttanagar-New Itanagar and (urn to eastern direction and nat again turn to road (urn to westel n side n~ar Circuit House through nortbern directitln \tpto north~rn part of the block 246 and then turn to western direction and meets the f(lf­ the block passes through the northern part of the mer road. Another rO.ld startmg from the H:lndcr­ block and goes up10 the eastern border of the block. dewa-New [tanagar road just western border of This kucha road meets another kucha road. This the block goes towards SOUl hern direction upto the kucha road ~oming from eastern part of the block Nallah. Some o:h'l roads conneds these mo road~. goes towards northern direction. Agalll anGtlwr kucha Some Government residential quarters are located in road starting from this kucha road in Wt·,tClll direc­ thIS block. tion gO(;5 upto the middle of the block and meets for­ mer road at a J omt near Co-operative Store. Again one road startmg from the middle of the block to­ Block No. 9 wards Bonthem diredlon goes uplo the border of the block. One Co-operative Store, Water Tap and Gov­ Water tanks urc Oil th~ north-east ~ide of the blo(;k Lagan is on the southern side of the block and ernmwt resld::atial quarters are located hlto the nwr block Ballderd.:wa-··Ncw Iwnagar road is on the block No. IS 011 lhe eastern Side of the block. 10 A northern SIde ot th,: block. Block No. 10 is on (he kucha road IS coming from the power house passes east and Block No. 12 IS the West. A kucha road through the block and g02S upto block No. An­ on to. starting from the purea road goes towards south other kucha mil! ~lartin6 from the middle of the t:astern directIOn along the south eastern bonier t f the kucha road pa~se\ along (h~ ,oulnel II border and meets block. 011 lhe ~olllh ea,(crn part of the blo,k ont: Hal­ [lie Lagan nVCI. Again another the pucca-kucha road starting trom a pamt ncar Power House aUlI goes lah bifurcates the block. A kucha road starting from south eastern p~ rt of the blcck goes towards westenl up to th" Water tunks on the northern borJer oj the duection and meets at a pomt where the Nallah block. crosses the south eastern directlOn road Another kucha road starting from the middle of thiS kucha Block No. to road goes towards south cast dirc<.tion upto the part. Again one road starting from this kncha road goes The north I side: of tht: blOl.:k 10 block No.9. cas' _" towards north easlt:rn dm:clion upto the eastern boun­ Block No 11 is IJil lb' south casteD! Side of the block. On the west ,ide a kucha road goe~ upto block No dary. One Pail;: ar.d some Government quarters are II. A kucha lOad starting from the western border of located III this block 247


Block No.8 Block No.1 Sector 'B' IS healed on the northern part of thl~ There arc h;ll mea on the northern sjd~ of thIS block. RIver (",nga is pUbsmg lhrou)l.h on the w~st­ hlock Bazar ale~ Is_]o(uted on the southel'll side of ern side of this block Nakum-fcstival grounu is SI­ the block. A G0V.o! nn,ent StorG IS situutl'd on south­ tuated on S011lhci'll part of thIS blo.:k ~fctnr 'F IS eastern corner of thi; block. located on the eastern side of this block. BlockNQ.9 Block:'llo. 1 Sector 'D' awl Fo~cs: Colony ale located on the northern SIde of this block River Ganga is passing A road is pa3Sing through on the Ill)) lhcll1 ~,de 01 tins through on the southern SIde of thIS block. A mam block (0 Raj-Nlwas. A Nullull flows on the south sIde road 1S passlllg th~oug0 on the middle part of this. of thiS block. A main road i;, passJn,~ 1hrough Oil ihr block to 'east-west dlf~cllOn western part of ;h~s block

Block No. 111 Blo(kNo.3 A Nallah I): !'"uncled un the tLrce SIdes ut thiS block Thac are valky aro on nOl then pan o( thiS ie, alld thiS block. A load is passing through on the middle part east-west southern SIde of block. Bus Stop and CPWD Store arc situated on the northern of thIS block lu RUj-Nlwas Complex. Sector 'B' IS lmie of thiS blOCK. A wad IS also pas,mg through on located on the SOI.HhciTi sid: of this blocK. thL nOlth SIde of Ihls block. -

Block No. 4 Block No. 11 Raj-Niwas Complex Halipad and valley alea are A road is bounded on the northern SIde of this block. located on nOl'tb~rn slde of thIS block. A road is K. G School and Co-operatIve Store arc lo~ated on passing through on the southern side 01 1h;s block tbe northern SIde nf th's blOtk. A Canal is bounded Bazdr is situated on eastern part of this bloc.:k, There on t.he eiistcrn side of this block. River Ganga IS are valley area on the westel11 ~jde ot thIS block. A passmg lhrough all the w~stcrn Side of th;s bluck. power house is situated ill this block. CPWD Store IS lo·:atcd III this block.

Block No.5 Block No. 12 Raj-Ntwas Comple'( area IS located on the north­ There arc 11111 alca on the northern sick of lhis ern Side of ,his block. Hullpud is ,lluateJ on wes(­ block. C1!1~IIla Hall. Pohc.:e StatIon, Co-op<;:rative Stan: ern side of tllis blOCK A roa 1 is pa;smg thr"ugh on arc located on the north-west corner of this block. the middle part 01 thIS block. S.S B Cnmp and K. G. School arc silUated on the. north-east side of this b'ock. A road IS passmg through Dn the fllldd'e part of the Block No. 6 block R K Mlsslon Hospital is situated in t~IS block. Bus ~tand is l\)cated on the middle pom! Sector 'C' is located on the southern SIde or thIS Ol thIS block 1 runspOII Station is sltuul~d I'n the block and also eastern side. CPWD Office is situated south·west WIIl,'r of this block. Ganga fiver ii> ~ur· on the northan side of thiS block. A CilKma Hall rounded on souihern boundaries of this block is situated on the mld'lk point of this block. Co­ operatIve Store, Post Office, Telegram Office and S.B.L arc sltuHtd on the southern Side of thIS block. mock No. 13 Vijaya Bank IS located 111 the block, Police StatIon, LB. and DIspensary are situateu on th~ south-cast­ c.P.W 0 Store is located on the northern side of ern part or this blm.:k thIS block, Gung~ Bazar is locat~d on the eElstern part 01 thIS block. River .Senki is passing through on the southern SIde of thIS block. A nalliah is passing Rlock No. '1 through on th~ western part of thi, hlock. Entire Thel e are ror~st Reserve on the north Side of this block IS rcsldt!ntial area block and also Microwave Centre. A Water t:..nk and CPW!-> labour camps are located on the w.ostcrn side Klock No. 14 of thl.s block &ctor 'D' is locat~d on the eastern part of this block, hlfcst Park IS on the south side of this ArchItect Ottic~, K.G. S.:hool. B S I Office ur~ loeat­ block. A Petrol rump is located on the south-eastern c~ on th". nOlth·ea,t cnrll,'r o[ this block. Nirman part of this block. IS slluat~d on the western side oC this block. 248

B1uck Nil'. 15 BIock NO. 17

Then; arc fore;! area Oll the llurthern side of Ihis S~nki River is passing on the 1101 th·western side block. Lakc road is passing towards western side ot of this block A nallan is flows on the eastern side this block. a.s.!. Office, and G.S.!. Park are located of this block. Saw Mill road is bounded on south on the northern part of this block. Old Hahpad Ground side of this block. Saw Mill I, located m the block. is situated on eastern Side of thiS Block. River Ganga CR.P. Camp area IS situated on the nuddle of this IS, passing through on the southern border of this block block. from cast·west direction.

B~k N", 18 HJ(J~k N~. 16 Niti Bihar and Nitman Bihar are located on the There are HJll area on thl) northern side of this northern side of this block. On the ea ~tern side. Sec· block. CPWD Store is situated on the north.w~s.tern tor 'C' is located. Niti BIhar IS located on the western corner of this block. Entire area of this block IS reo ~jde Sector '(" IS located on the southeru part of thiS sidential area. block Entire area of th IS block IS residential area. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED CASTE

249 250

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