National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS) NMHS Annual Progress Report- Pro forma Kindly fill the NMHS Annual Progress Report segregated into the following 11 segments, as application to your project nature and outcomes. 1. Project information 2. Project Site Details 3. Project Activities Chart w.r.t Timeframe [Gantt or PERT] 4. Financial and resource information 5. Equipment and Asset Information 6. Expenditure statement and utilization certificate (UC) 7. Project beneficiary Groups 8. Project progress summary (as application to the project) 9. Project Linkages (with nearby Institutions/State Agencies) 10. Additional (Publication, recommendations, etc.) 11. Project Concluding Remark Please let us know in case of any query at:
[email protected] NMHS Progress Report (Period from 1.04.2018 to 31.03.2019) 1. Project Information Project ID: GBPNI/NMHS-2017- Sanction 22-02-2018 18/SG-27 Date: Project Title: Documentation of Indigenous knowledge system of selected major tribes of Arunachal Pradesh and the relevance of Intellectual property right to IKS. BTG: Infrastructure Development PI and Govinda Pangging, Department of Forestry, North Eastern Affiliation Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Deemed to (Institution): be University, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh. Name & 1. Prof. C.L. Sharma, Department of Forestry, North Address of the Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Co-PI, if any Deemed to be University, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh 2. Prof. M.B. Sharma, Department of Forestry, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Deemed to be University, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh. Structured Documentation of traditional agricultural practices of Abstract- Monpa and Wancho tribes, handloom practices of Nyishi, detailing the current year Monpa and Wancho tribes and handicraft practices of progress [word Nyishi tribe were completed.