Day by Day Current Affairs (November 06 2019) | MCQs for CSS, PMS


November 06, 2019: National Current Affairs

1. Cabinet approves electric vehicles policy to cut oil import bill

• The federal cabinet on November 5, 2019 approved an ambitious national Electric Vehicles (EV) policy under which a target has been set to convert 30 per cent of four and tri- wheelers in the country into electric vehicles. • The cabinet meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan, also endorsed his decision on visa and passport-free entry of Sikh pilgrims into from India through Kartarpur corridor on the occasion of 550th birth anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikh religion, on Nov 9. • To solve people`s problems and take measures to control price hike in the country, Mr Khan gavea three-month deadline to the ministries concerned

2. Navy test-fires land-based anti-ship missile

has test-fired land-based anti-ship missile ‘Zarb’ as part of a training exercise from the coastal region. • The missile successfully followed its preplanned trajectory and accurately engaged the target at sea. • Chief of the Naval Staff witnessed the exercise as chief guest. • Pakistan’s pursuit for peace and stability has to be taken in the context of our quest for maintaining a peaceful coexistence in the region and not to be construed as our weakness

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3. Lodhi takes over coastal command

• Rear Admiral Faisal Rasul Lodhi has taken over the command as Commander Coast of Pakistan Navy. • An impressive change of command ceremony was held at the PNS QASIM on November 4, 2019. • Muhammad Fayyaz Gilani handed over the command to Rear Admiral Faisal Rasul Lodhi. • Commander Coast is the overall Commander of all units and establishments of Pakistan Navy along the coastal belt and creeks areas who also heads Special Service Group (Navy) and Pak . • Rear Admiral Faisal Rasul Lodhi was commissioned in Operations Branch of Pakistan Navy in 1986. He has a distinguished career with wide ranging Command and Staff appointments. His major Command appointments include Commanding PNS TARIQ, Director Pakistan Navy Tactical School. Whereas his major Staff appointments include Fleet Operations Officer &Chief Staff Officer to Commander Pakistan Fleet at Karachi, Director Naval Warfare & Operational Plans, Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Personnel), Naval Secretary and Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (Operations) at Naval Headquarters, Islamabad. Prior assuming the duties as Commander Coast, the Admiral was serving as Sea Training at Karachi.

4. Pakistan among worst countries for internet freedom: report

• The Freedom House has declared Pakistan `Not Free` in terms of internet use for the ninth consecutive year, with the country score decreasing from 27 to 26 out of 100 in 2019. • The international watchdog on November 5, 2019 released its Freedom on the Net (FoTN) report for the year 2019, titled `The Crisis of Social Media`, recording an overall decline in global internet freedom between June 2018 and May 2019. • The report placed Pakistan at 26, out of 100 (100 being the worst)one place down from last year`s ranking. The country scored 5 out of 25 for obstacles to access, 14 out of 35 for limits on content, and 7 Out of 40 for violation of user rights index.Globally, Pakistan is among the worst 10 countries in terms of internet and digital media freedom. In terms of regional ranking, Pakistan emerged as the third worst country after Vietnam and China

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5. Minorities allowed to vote for reserved, general seats

• The provincial cabinet on November 5, 2019 approved amendments to Punjab Local Government Act, permitting local bodies` elections to be held through political party or electoral panel and allowing religious minorities to vote for reserved as well as general seats. • Held under Chief Minister Usman Buzdar, the amendment allowed returning officers to announce the results and in case of any complaint, election tribunal will decide the matter under the election act. • The meeting accorded approval to amendments to Punjab Village Panchayats and Neighbourhood Councils Act, 2019. Delimitation of local areas under Punjab Demarcation of Local Areas Rules, 2019 and establishment of succeeding local governments under Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 were given approval as well. As many as 455 local governments would be constituted in the entire province.

6. SECP launches startup portal

• The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has launched an exclusive startup portal to encourage technology innovation in Pakistan. • Speaking at the `Startup Grind Pakistan` conference in Islamabad on November 5, 2019, SECP Commissioner for Information System and Technology Shauzeb Ali inaugurated the portal. • It features list of startups, simplified user experience for registration, access to mentors and incubation centres, online guides and video tutorials for young companies. On the occasion, Ali said the startup portal will be a gateway to information and collaboration, and help uplifting the existing and future entrepreneurs to connect and excel

7. Yemeni govt, separatists sign power-sharing deal

• Yemen`s internationally recognised government signed a power-sharing deal with southern separatists on Tuesday, in a Saudi brokered initiative to end a conflict simmering within the country`s civil war. • Unrest in the south, which saw secessionist forces seize control of Yemen`s interim capital Aden, distracted the Saudi-led coalition from its battle against Houthi rebels and raised fears the country could fall apart entirely. • `This agreement will open a new period of stability in Yemen. The kingdom of Saudi

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Arabia stands with you,` Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said at a signing ceremony in Riyadh aired on state television. • The deal will reportedly see the secessionist Southern Transitional Council (STC) handed a number of ministries, and the government return to Aden, according to officials and reports in Saudi media.

8. Iran to resume enrichment at underground plant

• President Hassan Rouhani said on November 5, 2019 that Iran would resume uranium enrichment at an underground plant south of Tehran in its latest step back from a troubled 2015 agreement with major powers. • The suspension of all enrichment at the Fordow plant in the mountains near Qom was one of the restrictions on its nuclear activities that Iran accepted in return for the lifting of international sanctions. • But Washington`s abandonment of the deal in May last year followed by its re imposition of crippling sanctions prompted Iran to begin a phased suspension of its own commitments in May this year.

9. Turkish forces in N. Syria capture Baghdadi`s sister

• Turkish forces in northern Syria have detained a sister of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the militant Islamic State group who was killed in a US raid, a senior Turkish official said on November 5, 2019. • `Turkey has captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi`s sister` in a raid near the town of Azaz, the official said. • He named the woman as Rasmiya Awad, and said she was born in 1954. • The woman was accompanied by her husband, her daughter-in-law and five children. • `The three adults are being interrogated at this time`, the official said

10. US formally starts pullout from Paris climate accord

• The United States has formally notified the United Nations that it is withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, triggering expressions of concern and regret from other major powers

Downloaded from | 4 Day by Day Current Affairs (November 06 2019) | MCQs for CSS, PMS on November 5, 2019. • President Donald Trump went ahead with the pullout despite mounting evidence of the reality and impact of climate change, with September the fourth month in a row with near or record breaking temperatures. • Washington presented its withdrawal letter to the UN on the first possible date under the accord negotiated by Trump`s predecessor Barack Obama, making the world`s largest economy the sole outlier from the agreement

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