MSF MONITOR JAN,2019 Table of Content
MSF MONITOR JAN,2019 Table of Content Pakistan Maritime Outlook News Blogs, Opinions, Reports, Columns Indo Pacic Maritime Outlook News Blogs, Opinions, Reports, Columns Global Maritime Outlook News Blogs, Opinions, Reports, Columns Conferences, Exhibitions MSF MONITOR | JAN,2019 Summary of India’s undersea Nuclear Weapons’ T he Maritime Study Forum (MSF) and Abhay Kumar Singh wrote Monitor endeavors to bring all aspects ‘Emerging Contours of Maritime of maritime concern to our readers in a Security Architecture under the Belt and glimpse. The Monitor covers the Global Road Initiative’. maritime outlook, with special attention on Pakistan and the Indo-Pacific region. In the global scene we saw the Republic News, Opinions, Events, all things of of Korea (ROK)’s Navy conducting interest are covered. maritime drills in western waters; the Sri Lankan Navy recovering over 114 Kg The month of January has been an excit- of Kerala Cannabis in Point Pedro ing one for Pakistan – Pakistan’s Kund during special mission; the Russian Malir beach was featured among Asia’s Navy’s plans to Deploy 30 ‘Poseidon’ top 50; China, Pakistan’s all-weather Strategic Underwater Nuclear Drones; a friend is building advanced Naval War- Blue Economy boost as €2.4m was ships for Pakistan; ENI charters awarded to a marine start-up and the US Saipem 12000 for Pakistan drilling; Navy Chief calls on Japan and South Qatari Naval Forces and Pakistan Korea to hold constructive talks and Navy (PN) conducted joint exercise; Davos Panel discussed the Ocean Econo- Gwadar’s status has been approved as a my. And in the strategic front, the US tax-free zone and the Saudi Energy Min- Navy Chief called on Japan and South ister visited Pakistan’s Gwadar Korea to hold constructive talks.
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