Newport Villa Owners' Summer Visitors' and Residents' Guide to the Reliable
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. (SMITHSONIAN DEPOSIT.) ^'^ Chaj). \ Shelf \{lV\% UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Price^ 1^ Gents [COPYKIGHT, 1883.] DOE, HUNiNEWELL & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF FiRST-CLiss mmm MANTELS, MIRRORS, Drapery Curtains, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, &c. Importers of Upholstery Goods. SPECIAL ATTENTIONS GIVEN TO FURNISHING APARTMENTS THROUGHOUT, INCLUDIXG THE STANDING FINISH, NEWELS, DOORS, DECORATIONS, DRAPERY, CURTAINS, FURNITURE, &c. 577 & 579 Washington St. E. K. HINNEWEO. BOSTO^NT. H. F. BlKCHSTEAn. NEWPORT VILLA OWNERS' ^m\\\tt fmi$n' a«4 "l^t^idjfnte' aXJIDE TO THE RELIABLE BUSINESS INTERESTS OF THE CITY, FOR 1883. Together ivith a List of all the Cottage Rentals, and Villa Owners who will occupy their residences during the Summer of i88j, compiled to date, and other miscellaneous information. PUBLISHED >!V W. G. MORRISON & CO., „ If 3S3 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. Copyright, 1883. NEWPORT VILLA OWNERS PORTABLE A% ELECTRIC LIGHTER PRICE S5.00. A Scientific and Economical Apparatus for Lighting for Home, Business, Office, Mining and Manufacturing Purposes. Complete in Itself. The Electric Current Being Produced by Chemical Action. This apparatus, by our adjustments, for which we make extra charges, can be adapted to use as a Burglar Alarm, Medical Battery, Call Bell, OR FOR AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC GAS LIGHTING. Our Burglar Alarm is so constructed that the intruder is imme- diately confronted with a light and a bell-alarm at the same instant. Reliable agents wanted all over the country. Enclose stamp for circular. Portable Electric Light Company, 22 WATER STREET, BOSTON. Chartered under the laws of Massachusetts, December, 1882. " A Portable Electric Lighterfor $5 is being extensively sold by the Portable Electric Light Co., of i^ Water Street, Boston.
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