Issued T jesday Thursday Saturday T he Courier-Gazette Entered as Second Clasi Mall Mattes Volum e 9 4 ...................Num ber 77. Established January, 1846, By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, June 29, 1939 TWELVE PAGES Art Miller, “good will man" trav­ I EDITORI AL1 The Courier-Gazette eling a week ahead of Downie Bros.’ THREf-TIMES-A-WEEK __ MAINE'S NEW BRIDGES UNDER A RIVER AND OVER IT circus was a visitor at The Courier- Editor Maine is swinging inlo a very creditable position, so far WM. O. FULLER Gazette office Tuesday. The show as the construction of new and permanent bridges is concerned, .A ssociate Editor took to the road April 6, and ran With “The Sleepy City” On One Side and Wide PRANK A. WINSLOW the fact being emphasized by the dedication of the new bridge into the Pennsylvania coal strike, between Deer Isle and Sedgwick. The day of covered bridges, of Subscriptions 83W) **r year payable Awake World’s Fair On the Other la advance; single copies three cents. a streak of hard luck which was creaky bridges and narrow bridges is fast disappearing. In no Advertising rates based upon circula­ tion and very reasonable. followed toy poor weather. The other way does a community gain such a favorable impression NEWSPAPER HISTORY i circus carries 560 people and travels as it does through its bridge structures. The Bangor Chamber (By The Roving Reporter—Fifth Installment) The Rockland Qazette was estab­ of Commerce has lately been flooded as to statistics on Maine lished ln 1846 In 1874 the Courier was I In 75 motor buses. It has no pa­ concentration of statuary is cen- established and consolidated with the bridges and responds with the following data; Gazette ln 1882 The Pree Press was rade, but makes up for It in its tered op Constitution Mall, Every- e»*abllahed ln 1855 and In 1891 changed 1 three rings, and with its wild ani­ Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge—High level suspension bridge. Its name to the Tr’bune. These papers Overall length 2500 feet. Main span 1080 feet; two side spans where the sculptured works fit into consolidated March 17. 1897. mal cage. 484 feet each with remote anchorages; two continuous deck the Fair's general theme, giving 1 expression to the particular section at ♦ ♦ ♦ Chief Engineer Van Russell re- ( girder approach spans, each approach. 65 feet each; two 65- foot continuous deck girder spans, south approach, on rear I of the Exposition in which they are Z Whst a thing friendship i s - ~ ' Quests all merchants to co-operate I located. end cf cable anchorages; vertical clearance 85 feet above mean world without end. Browning ••• in the elimination of fire hazards The colors to be seen on the Fair sea level. S ««******.«.«.*at over The Fourth by cleaning up l grounds are gorgeous in the ex­ Waldo-Hancock Brtdge—High level suspension bridge. ------------------ . their properties, inside and out. treme—the scheme being based Overall length 2040 feet. Main span 800 feet; vertical clear­ Read The Courler-Oazette disposing of all inflamablc material upon the spectrum. The Perisphere ance 135 feet above high water. and Trylon, at the center of the Maine Kennebec Bridge—Overall length 1237 feet. Four Patrons of the World's Fair are fair, are alone done ln pure white. truss spans, each approximately 200 feet long; swing span 176 no sooner within the gates than At night the Fatr is a glowing spec­ feet, providing two 69-foct clear openings for ship channels; The Bridegroom The B rid e they make a bee line for the tow­ tacle visible for miles around. two 50-foot steel I beam approach spans, Richmond approach; ering, streamlined building which Saturday, June 17, the day we three 50-foot steel I beam spans, Dresden approach. To the home of a former Rock-1 years by Parrel & Co., leaving that DAILY EXCURSIONS contains the marvelous display of visited the World’s Fair, and It Carlton Bridge-Double deck steel truss. Overall length land pastor went a popular young concern lb J°*n the staff of the the General Electric Company. Our was devoted to the dedication of the T O TH E highway deck 3100 feet; highway traffic upper deck—rail­ , . .. Burpee Furniture Company which couple yesterday and there the . .. guide told us we would find them Iceland Pavilion in the Hall of Na­ road traffic lower deck; vertical lift provides 135-foot clear­ he is mast capably serving as credit words were spoken which made j standing in line, and though the tions. The lorty structure was ance for navigation. manager SESQUI-CENTENNIAL hour was early there must have dominated by the heroic statue of According to figures compiled by the Chamber of Com­ Crosby Loy Ludwick and Miss Doro- Tllf, bride is a daughter of Dr. been 500 persons waiting admit­ Lief Ericson, a reproduction of the merce. the longest bridge in (New England is the Mt. Hope thy Elizabeth Parker man and wife. ' and Mrs. Charles F. Parker <de- tance. statue presented by the United bridge, connecting Rhode Island with the mainland. This is The ceremony was performed at 4 ceased) and she was a resident of The Guide Book which we pur­ States Government to the Govern­ 5019 feet long, the record-holder in New England and when p. m , the officiating clergyman be- North Windham. She Is a gradu- chased at the entrance tells lots of ment of Iceland in 1930. opened ranked as the 13th longest bridge in the world. Its cost ing Rev Walter S. Rounds, former I ate of Bates College, and soon popu- interesting things about the World's Always Something Doing was $4,000,000 and it was opened in 1929. It has three lanes pastor of the Congregational. larized herself ln this city as teach- Fair, and for the benefit of those But while I have said it was Ice- and Its towers rise to 284 feet. Church in this city, and now min- i er of English, Dramatics and Pub- ister of the Federated Church in lie Speaking in Rockland High who are going, and for those who | land Day, It was far more than Lewiston. School. During the past year she unfortunately are not destined to that. I find by the program hand­ The bride was very attractive in has been on the staff of Northamp- have that privilege, I am passing ed to me that It was Arkansas Day. A HOLIDAY WARNING DeMolay Day. national Retail a white suit with blue accessories, ton (Mass.) High School, with the along some of the highlights. First Liquor Package Stores Association The coming of another Independence Day and the desire and carried orchids. same subjects. Her work in Rock­ as to the financing of the big show. Day, American Museum of Health to express one's jubilation semewhat mildly, brings to mind Members of the two families were land was featured by her success World's Fairs Coot Money Day, Purple Heart Day. Quota Club the dangers which unfortunately beset not only those who are in attendance. with the one-act plays, one of which Careful estimates indicate the en­ International Day. Independent doing the celebrating, but the innocent bystander who is prone The destination of the honey­ landed the Rockland team in sec­ tire project involves the expend!- Order of Foresters' Day, Elks Day, to be the victim hardest hit. Danger to limb and danger to mooners was not announced. After ond place in the New England con - tude of between $150,000,000 and and New York Business and Pro­ property stalk hand in hand on Fourth of July and the sev­ July 5 the couple will be at home test $160,000000 Of this sum the City fessional Women's Day. eral preceding days which are now seized upon for the purpose ln the Bicknell block. 511 Main Present at the ceremony were of New York's expenditure totals And If you don't think there Is of venting surplus enthusiasm. Watch out for your own street. Miss Ruth Parker, Mrs. Herbert De- approximately $26.700000; a part something doing at the World's Fair safety, and do not have upon your conscience the knowledge The bridegroom is the only son of Veber, Mr and Mrs. C. Earle Lud­ of this money is devoted to the every second drop around «ctr.c day, that you may have been the means of maiming some Innocent Sheriff and Mrs C. Earle Ludwick. wick and Miss Marion Ludwick building and operation of the city's buy your 75 cent ticket and pass STEAMER W. 8. WHITE person It furnishes amusement if you frighten somebody Graduating from Rockland High Refreshments were served by Mrs. own exhibit at the Fair. The far through the turnstile. This comfortable, well officered and well manned steamship will by throwing a giant cracker under his feet, but it is too late School in 1931 he was employed two : Rounds. greater part was spent on basic im­ leave TIUsons' Wharf to repine if you have injured or destroyed som ebc#’s sight. provements at the site and in the My thoughts turn back to our own DAYLIGHT TIME w tO 'U u «N THIS ADVERTISEMENT surrounding region. Much of the State of Maine building and to the SATURDAY, JULY 1—9 00 A. M. AND 3.15 P. M. attention it is receiving from every BUNDAY, JULY 2—9.00 A. M. (ONE TRIP) work of building sewers, roads and visitor to the fair.
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