Pughs Alman-Dir Queensland 1864
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PUGS' S QUEENSLAND ALMANAC, DIREOTGRY AND 14 108 186 BEING BISSEXTILE, OR L SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND: Printed and Published by Taxornaos P. Puea, at bis General Printing Ollee , Queen Street (next the School of Arts ) ; and Sold by him, and by all Agents in Town or Country. PRICE- Three Shillings and Sixpence. ANTICTPATING that remarks of an unfavourable character may be provoked by the lessened bulk of this publication, and the absence from it of the Map by which it has been accompanied during the last two years, the Pub li sher begs to state that the work has never yet repaid him for the labor and expense bestowed upon it, and he has, therefore, determined to make it a less costly - but he trusts not less useful-compendium of information. The Country Directory has been very materially and extensively altered and amended, and the Publisher will, as heretofore, be grateful for any corrections or alterations supplied by country residents. TABLEOF CONTENTS. PAGE Articles of the Calendar 1 Eclipses.. .. ... ... it. The CALENDAR Law Arrangements for 1864 26 GARDENING CALENDAR 28 Meteorological Observations 35 Rainfall for 1860,1861, & 1862 ... 40 Royal Family of Great Britain 41 GOVERNMENT DEPART3IENTS: - Executive and Legislative it, Colonial Secretary's Department 44 Administration of Justice 50 ColonialTreasurer's Department 51 Lands and Works Department 55 Auditor General's Department 58 Commission of the Peace M. Municipal Councils 67 List of Barristers, &c 69 Commissioners forAffidavits 70 Physicians, Surgeons, and Chemists .., 71 Mina 's of Religion 72 Banking Establishments 74 Public Societies 76 Literary Institutions 78 Newspapers 79 Masonic and other Lodges 80 Charitable Institutions 83 Building and Investment Societies 84 Public Companies 87 Military and Volunteers 88 Misce ll aneous 89 Registration of Births, &e. 90 Electric Telegraph Regulations it. PORTS AND IIaoeao R8 Moreton Bay 96 Wide Bay 103 Sandy Cape to Cape Gloucester 107 Port Curtis ... Ill Keppel Bay 112 Broad Sound 113 Pioneer River it. Port Denison 115 Port Albany, &c. 116 Torres Straits ... lip POSTAL INPoRMATION 120 Arrival and Despatch of Mails 124 List of Acts, &c. 135 PastoralLeases Act of 1863 141 Agricultural Reserves Act of 1863 159 IT. CONTENTS. PAGE. Immigration Regulations ... ... 163 Population Returns 107 PASTORAL AND AGRIODLTuRAL:- Return of Live Stock ... 169 LAMndunder Cultivation ... 170 Table°for Agriculturists ... ... 171 Sugar Cultivation ... ... 172 TRADE RETURNS:-- 176 178 Produce exported in 1860,1861 , 1862 ... 180 Flourimported 1860, 181 Expo rt of Cotton ... ... ... ... 182 Imports and Exports 1860, 1861, 1862 ... ib. Customs' Revenue... ... ... ... ib. CouNTRY DIRECTORY - Brisbane and Cleveland ... ... ... 185 Brisbane and Casino ... ... ... 186 Brisbane and Moggi ll ... ... ... ... 187 Brisbane and Marlborough ... ... ib. Brisbane and Ipswich ... ... ... ... 188 Ipswich and Drayton ... ... ... 189 Ipswich and Warwick ... ... ... 190 Toowoomba , Warwick, and Maryland ... ib. Toowoomba and Goondlwindi 191 Warwick and Leyburn ... ... ... 192 Toowoomba and Dalby .., ... ib. Toowoomba and Nanango 193 Dalby and Condamine ... ... .. .. ib. Dalby and Goondlwindi .., 194' Dalby and Auburn ... 195 Condamine and Taroom ... 196 Condamine and Roma... ... ib. Roma and Maranoa 197 Condamine , Surat, and Yarrows ... 198 The Warrego ... ... 201 Retreat and Nindigually ... ... 203 Ipswich and Gayndah ... .. ... 204 Gayndah and Taroom ... ... ., ... ... 205 Taroom and Roma ... ... ., . 206 Gayndah and Walla ... .-. ... ib. Marlborough and Gayndah ... ... 207 Maryborough and Gladstone ib. Gladstone and Rockhampton ... ... 208 Taroom and Rockhampton ... ... 209 Banana and Gayndah ... ... 210 Rockhampton and Orion Downs ... ib. Rainswo rt h and Gordon Downs... ... 212 Spriugsure and Barcoo River ... 213 Marlborough and Peak Downs ... ... 215 Rockhampton and the Gold Fields ... 217 Rockhampton and Port Denison, &c. 218 Errata ... ... ... 223 Addends and Corrigenda ... ... 227 ADVERTISEMENTS ... ... ... ... .. ... 233 PUGH'S ALMANACAND DIRECTORY FOR 1.864. ARTICLESOF THE CALENDAR. Golden Number. ....................... 3 Ilominical Letter ................. CB Epaot ................................... 22 Roman Indiction ................. 7 Solar Cycle .............................. 25 Julian Period........................ 8677 -T - ECLIPSES. in the year 1864 there wi ll be two Eclipses , both of the gulf, neither of which will be visible in the inhabited port ions of this Colony- -L--An Eclipse of the Sun , ( total , except near the positions of central beginning and ending ), May 6th, 1864, II,-4n annular Eclipse of the Sun, October 30th, 1864. NOTESFOR THE CALENDAR. --.-- TIM Moon's Age is given at noon, and is the mean time elapsed since the Moon's ecliptic conjunction with the Sun , or since the Sun and Moon had the same longitude . The numbers in the " Moon 's Age" column are calculated for Brisbane , and are expressed in days and decimal parts of a day. The diRerence in time between high water at the Bar and Brisbane is one hour ; between Brisbane and Ipswich, three bours . This applies as a general rule, but the actual time of high water is frequently in fluenced by strong nort herly and easterly gales, and violent freshes in the River. When the Sun is south of the Equator , the day tides in the southern hemisphere are the highest; when north of the Equator , the night tides are highest . These changes will take place about the second or third spring tide after the sun has crossed the Equinox. The day tides wi ll be the highest until the first spring tide in April, when the night tides will take pre cedence until the new moon in October , after which the day tides will again take precedence. B 2 JANUARY, 31 DAYS. TEDSPERATIIRE ( 1863). Mean maximum shade ......................... 87.1 Mean temperature ....... .. ... .. ... 78.4 Greatest diurnal range (from 66 6 to 91.6) . 25 NoTE.-Summer has now fairly set in ; weather hot and oppressive; often accompanied by rain, squalls, thunder, and lightning. OCCURRENCES, &C. A A 1 F . Govt. Resident first appointed at Moreton Bay, 1853. 2 S Queensland electorates proclaimed, 1860. 3 S Northern Argus established, 1863. 4 M Ipswich Assizes. 5 T First N. S. Wales Constitution Act proclaimed, 1843. 6 W Epiphany- 7 Th 8 F First general public meeting held in Brisbane in favor 9 S [of separation from N. S. Wales, 1851. 10 S Heavy floods at Ipswich, 1844. 11 M Toowoomba Assizes. 12 T 13 W 14 Th First transports reached Botany Bay, 1788. 15 F 16 S 17 S Highest flood known in Brisbane and Ipswich, 1841. 18 M 19 T 20 W 21 Th Ship Fortitude arrived in Moreton Bay, 1849.-Re- 22 F mains of Burke and Wills interred with 23 S great pomp at Melbourne, 1863. 24 S Septuagesima Sunday.-Seve re floods in the Fitzroy, 25 M Princess Royal married, 1858. [1863. 26 T Anniversary of N. S. Wales ; founded 1788.-Steam 27 W communication first commenced between 28 Th c Brisbane and Sydney, 1842. 29 F I First shipment of cotton hence, 1854. 301 S 31 , S JANUARY , 31 DAYS. 3 PHASES OF THE MOON. D. H. if. 9. D. H. Last Quarter 2 5 51 26p.m. Perigee ............... 10 Noon. New Moon .. 9 5 57 56p.m. Apogee ............... 25 7a.m. First Qr. ... 16 9 18 20a.m. Full Moon... 24 8 14 50a.m. SUN Moon's nigh water on Bar. REMARKS. A Rises Sets Age. Morn. Aftern. H. M. H. M. D. T. H. M. H if. SPRING tides occur 1 5 14 6 54 21 2 5 34 3 56 on the 4th or 5th, and 2 5 14 6 54 22 2 4 20 4 45 on the 19th or 20th, 3 5 15 6 54 23 2 5 8 5 32 of this month. 4 5 15 6 55 24 2 5 54 6 18 5 5 16 6 55 25 2 6 40 7 0 6 5 16 6 55 26 2 7 22 7 45 MEMA.FOR aex ., 1863. 7 517 655 272 8 5 8 26 The Weather,&c - The greatest heat in 8 5 17 6 55 28 2 8 50 9 12 the shade was 920, 9 5 18 6 55 29 2 9 40 10 0 and in the sun, 118.4. 10 5 18 6 54 0 8 10 20 10 42 Evaporation, about 6 22 inches. N.E. winds 11 5 19 6 54 1 8 11 0 11 prevailed ; the wea- 12 5 20 6 54 2 8 11 48 0 10 ther being generally 13 5 21 6 54 3 8 0 30 0 54 hot, cloudy , and op- 14 6 54 4 8 1 18 1 40 pressive , with fre- 5 22 quent showers. Heavy 15 523 653 58 2 5 2 30 gale from the E.N.E. 16 524 653 68 254 3 20 on the 24th,25th, and 17 5 25 6 53 7 8 3 42 4 6 26th. 18 5 26 6 53 8 8 4 30 4 54 Health.-Like the two previous months, 19 527 653 98 516 5 40 much sickness and 20 5 28 6 53 10 8 6 0 6 22 many deaths. Cases 21 5 29 6 52 11 8 648 7 15 of febrile debility and gastric remittent 22 5 30 6 52 12 8 7 45 8 10 common, with diar- 23 5 31 6 52 13 8 8 40 9 10 rhoea and wasting in 24 5 32 6 52 14 8 9 45 10 12 children. 25 5 32 6 52 15 8 10 40 11 4 Rain fall.- 6.48 in., ,26 5 33 6 51 16 8 11 30 11 54 in 19 days. 27 5 34 6 51 17 8 0 16 0 36 Bertha.-Males, 27; 28 5 35 6 51 18 8 0 56 1 16 females, 29; total, 56. 29 5 36 6 51 19 8 1 40 2 4 Deaths.- Males, 26; females, 24; total, 50. 30 5 36 6 50 20 8 2 26 2 50 28 were children un- 31, 537;650 (218 312 3 32 der 2 years.