Pughs Alman-Dir Queensland 1864
PUGS' S QUEENSLAND ALMANAC, DIREOTGRY AND 14 108 186 BEING BISSEXTILE, OR L SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND: Printed and Published by Taxornaos P. Puea, at bis General Printing Ollee , Queen Street (next the School of Arts ) ; and Sold by him, and by all Agents in Town or Country. PRICE- Three Shillings and Sixpence. ANTICTPATING that remarks of an unfavourable character may be provoked by the lessened bulk of this publication, and the absence from it of the Map by which it has been accompanied during the last two years, the Pub li sher begs to state that the work has never yet repaid him for the labor and expense bestowed upon it, and he has, therefore, determined to make it a less costly - but he trusts not less useful-compendium of information. The Country Directory has been very materially and extensively altered and amended, and the Publisher will, as heretofore, be grateful for any corrections or alterations supplied by country residents. TABLEOF CONTENTS. PAGE Articles of the Calendar 1 Eclipses.. .. ... ... it. The CALENDAR Law Arrangements for 1864 26 GARDENING CALENDAR 28 Meteorological Observations 35 Rainfall for 1860,1861, & 1862 ... 40 Royal Family of Great Britain 41 GOVERNMENT DEPART3IENTS: - Executive and Legislative it, Colonial Secretary's Department 44 Administration of Justice 50 ColonialTreasurer's Department 51 Lands and Works Department 55 Auditor General's Department 58 Commission of the Peace M. Municipal Councils 67 List of Barristers, &c 69 Commissioners forAffidavits 70 Physicians, Surgeons, and Chemists .., 71 Mina 's of Religion 72 Banking Establishments 74 Public Societies 76 Literary Institutions 78 Newspapers 79 Masonic and other Lodges 80 Charitable Institutions 83 Building and Investment Societies 84 Public Companies 87 Military and Volunteers 88 Misce ll aneous 89 Registration of Births, &e.
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