1893. Congressional Record-House. 1591
1893. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1591 table, I move that the Senate proceed to the consideration of county of Hamilton and State of Tennessee, in the place of John executive business. W. Stone, removed. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the William Y. C. Hannum, to be postmaster at Maryville, in the consideration of executive business. After fifteen minutes spent county of Blount and State of Tennessee, in the place of James in executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 5 o'clock P. Edmondson, removed. ~d 25 minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Wilson G. Harrison, to be postmaster at Milan, in the county Wednesday, September 20, 1893, at 12 o'clock m. of Gibson and State of Tennessee, in the place of Robert F. Hann, removed. Isaac H. Dungan, to be postmaster at Humboldt, in the county NOMINATIONS. of Gibson and State of Tennes£ee, in the place of John B. Cullen, E~recutire nominations received by the Senate Septernbe1· 19,1893. removed. Joel J. Jones, to be postmaster at Fayett-eville, in the county ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT. of Lincoln and State of Tennessee, in the place of Hugh M. William B. Hornblower, of New York, to be associate justice Eakin. removed. of the Supreme Court of the United States, vice Samuel Blatch William H. McLemore, to be postmaster at Tullahoma, in the· ford, deceased. county of Coffee and State of Tennessee, in the place of John B. Strong, removed. AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY. Fletcher W. Thomas, to be postmaster at Dyersburg, in the James J.
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