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° cloud-net Sunday, October 25 5-7 pm

A solo exhibition Consuming by Chilean artist ' (Qfr and poet Cecilia Vicufla Passions _ > I $20.00 advance $25.00 door J _

` ,f _,__a __ __ ff- __ ;_- ___ -<,_¢_ _=_=_ An eV°"'"g of P' o tive art'S umptuo" s 26-November 1998 .. we //t ,t _ September 7, af'\- ..,;/g, ~; f _ Y"°" 2-rsz;2= f00d and ele ant dr1nk_ We have Combined

' the ver finest Of Wmes and S I10rS "" Plflts, - Hallwalls x2l1er¢=11°r0S=_f=~' _ Organized by Contemporary Arts , d and the finest _->_<=z:= oeuvres, desserts that the best DiverseWorks * =-'==;;s='* _ Center; Artspace, __ ,___-.4 _ P'€§.§§§;''-'~'--»-Ia e:-2 TEEE5' restaraunts m Buffalo have to offer. Jom us

& Art in General - ;g§;,__§;j 5,_;_;¢;;;;;;;§;_.WéB=§;__ _ ;___=_=_55 ___ _,_.:_:::§¢_ ;::_,=.én ld§._§ €5_ V 3,__v_,;= _.- for a compelling look at food, art and culture. This me that Hours: 11 a.m.~6 special Gallery p.m_, Tuesday-Friday, = ~ - ~ thi'é5d'§§'5tHé'?§2fsf §€"s5ysii§§£ =" f°"""'d '°' ' "ms 'ms and during all evening events '°°"5 .D°" °PP°""""y __ to all the wine and food heart ` enjoy your '=¥ff2§;§§:§?f~;_1 4€§§j¢e3E'fixtiiiidti"` _;_ ;§;jeif'gl__agua;_ ' ' d°S"°S' '"' h° °°""'""' of g°°" fr''°" dS a" d Chilean-bom visual artist, performance - » ~"_u1=r»=i1; ;z;.___ '°"=fS °f af" artist, and poet Cecilia Vicuna uses weaving, " ESQ: _f'an"actignites§2§e§ei 2s ~-=_;1=_____I_I_ =§; <-fT_4§§f " ff" eff? iiioiiiénti§'dé1éambio'5 _ thread, and knots to connections . explore CALL FOR WORK: ` -255 4sE="'==°" _. _?==e _-='=:' 42¢ ~:2*-2 :"__22f'112: - between and :22=2a§=E€§E '=" '»==_ _;? ;- ff' - - weaving language. By making __.=2f=f > §;§;___- 'f '2§2 ;- _;E_afé=_ _2;e;;§2=;f;§- _; "ri-nz' B\1ff==\I0 Afflsfs' Sllde Pr¢S¢Hf2U°" works that are as as words in the ephemeral ' _ in New Ygrk Vicuna transforms indoor and outdoor City air, __ environments, challenging Westem notions of 5§sS§2§= 1 HallwallS'ViS11aI An Committee invites ell """' art and language with an Andean 7i'f i'}'ii'3" §=;=' Westem New York artists to send documenta- perspective. " - -e*='>"" ' _ ____ 3% Her work is <~* tion of their work for a slide of filled with " seemingly minimal, ' s=;:2:;: =;5=_- $5 presentation _____=f» = "='=:i=' __==' =- ._____.. _ _ ;E= ' _=: * _ - ___s====i===_-- - " " J i"

""' - at;-; Buffalo amsts Whlch Wm "ke at Aff H1 feminine references of and Pla¢° weaving _ sewing. _ ;2= _ _ ea~ '_ <'_§;2;f;-_= _ _ ig. ___ ._ The line is a General in Manhattan in the of 1999. for the knot for =:z:s:a:§:=s:=:5e§====~=-' SED; ____: Spring metaphor time; ~' '~=~=~§= -f'=:===~=__-= ' _ _ ,~ ¢ / 2:5=f-"'s255E§i§E§§5s~=2_e=--'§§=.?===-3=§aE?555?i5§5='5ein:aa . ,<= , , its constant These _;~_:-_><_- _,_ das # was announced to take changing. gentle gestures = (This previously place '_ ~

hide powerful political commentary and calls :-- _- In the fall, but due 1° the low tumour, we for f action. - ___.__ cloudea'_ 5 » ._.___._ -__ __ dwded'OP°S'P°"<=the__Qr=S°n'af1°"->_ _ _ .asa -.__=_____=_a- _,_ The WIII be an - __ The exhibition as a whole takes a layered,

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who crosses barriers dis- __-EQEESQEEEQSQS' :J made fr0nf2€¥I;;§}¢§¥§\lfg?"W'N?'¥§"S1iGé':fFi]¢_rf:-__ by weaving together ¥ E§=s1§2i35=` ==a = _ =="' _ f ¢:2?_=_:2===§=¢=_===_:¢%3:§e~5-_ -¢rE='i_f_l=1'¢=:f£i_--:1_£§;1§E";";¢E'~__r_'_'~__5E1E_:= =:;=_=§$==2=_=z__

_ __ All parate media, particularly visual art and lan- Visual Her work is a fusion of a invited to guage. powerful ; ; _ _~ £51 32 _;§5§:;§¢,::;,:_=_,`»::s<_'-#'¢_ ' _ _ 252211'-<=;:=-Z=::~__;=~`__;ZsS2 _§§E=E§_-:_===:_-:=`=;~=§'";*=1=fi;52;:~='=:2§-'1'22§§'Z=;~_-%=§5?='='=;;§§§§s§§;2;a;¢;5§5§:

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of a 2 - knowledge colonial Chilean and local '=?= _»:'p}{"' 1- =~_;=_i_1;_1_-_i=~':-~ 1~¢__~:;= £15222--=;2»"'£=iE'f_`2f1§~E2E1I§E-'I'E'E--If-12.52."~2Ef-: =¢:2~_=___:-____~_;__i1:;3;2 Andean culture and the for a 8 quest global 2295-:_:=E' _-e-s:»éE&5=E I -_ '"b1¢d)» `-'aft-:-:a;t< ; f"'E;E;E;3E3Ej§E;E5E;;; "fa: =_;_-r:_-': _' -12:11 =_ -I-23:53-j'=E¢5-::E=E¢s:'=;=53=,;2-__;:=E=;5E=:=E;E;E§;E;E£=-"' __-=-=¢<""~'-'_f_ :__ - = '5 1 "j__ ¢E§:;:,:,.¢:;E:: -.2121 "£=f~'-r '=_ Z:-_"="'E;E==rIf_ ;;_'_:f-'_-:Er _-.-:r==¢- and a SASB=f9§_tI1e;'Ie€!1m'=_0E2=¥0U¥'¥It=>'1§x33TS_. avant-garde.The collaborating organizations -»°' ' 2 :¢::=;r=r;r;¢ -- __;=;=;=;£=;2;=:=:=, _ '=;2:¢:r;=;f;=;=:= ;1;=;=;1;=:=:1:1¢;=:=:=:r:=:=:=:__<-?fE=:' ;1:===;=;=:=:=;- _=¢' =;:¢ are working with Vicuna on developing a unique, full-color artist's book/post-exhibition

_ _ _ __._ ~ e- _ which will be in Summer _ _ _ _._ catalogue available 1.-¢._.1¢;-wsysvg-~.==- ~4-=~ __-.»»-~ _ ln this collaborative at'tl§l the _ _ _ : Installation, AEST installation , tie research will ;;_¢ '_ 1999. The catalogue will include documenta- ":__: ;i;a:: »i__;_.- --_;_~'=;__1;:~_:___~_=-;§;=;5__=____;= ___':__§;5, Mary Lum (Hornell, NX) and architect culminate in a new bookwork. tion ofthe project at all three sites, as well as Beth Tauke will This ' and exhibition -' (Buffalo, NX) employ - four commissioned residency '-=;=;=;1. <==:__~_r¢_:-='_>'_=-'-- -;'1='¢¢»__ 2- ~'<-=-=_'-=-;==* -=:=: ;;_;_ essays. the space in the back two galleries at have been supported by major grants from Hallwalls as a carrier for remnants the National Endowment for the This has received physical Arts, project major grants from 'iiz of work. found -1'i Through objects and found a federal agency, and The Andy Warhol the National Endowment for the Arts, a texts, several questions will be asked. Foundation for the Visual Arts. federal agency, and Lannan Foundation. What happens to work? How does work construct the identity of a place and the CALL FOR WORK:

people in it? What remains after a tile is HALLWALLS' 2000/01 SEASON discarded, a is closed, a worker building All visual artists are invited to send docu- retires? the of Beyond tangible products mentation of their work for consideration remnant/referent work, what is left when all is said and for the 2000/01 exhibitions season at AH*§§e=Z31t9¥§1<1a@:f'%!lfP@§£?°1P§f1f§_Wt¥i h@§f§lf§§e An done? In one room, the floor is covered exhibition and residency with Hallwalls. Independent curators are also with hundreds of file folders packed wall Mary Lum and Beth Tauke encouraged to send proposals for exhibi- to wall. ln the second room, job titles from tions. All proposals will be reviewed for 011 the September 26-November 7, 1998 obituaries have been pasted together in group exhibitions, solo exhibitions, and res- ful over 100 nine-foot strands. idencies. Please send a résumé, up to 20 feet, and This collaboration grew out of discus- slides (all labled), a brief artist's or cura- Once sions between Lum and Tauke about the tor's a ' statement, catalogues, and sase for Anita will India _ `f nature of late urban and have;;;iri£1?_:_9&Igliry.;'l;§ri;rta_ 20th-century space the retum of materials. Work not for sale. V your _ ' partic- - _ '~5"'~' '~ Tj ' /!~-..»/ ..., if I "_\.»: ~ _ its characteristic of " structure, abandonment, ';. _" }"_¢1§' _ ~g,<.' _ retumed immediately will be kept on file ipants. and its relationship to work. Buffalo Using for further review. All artists will receive a '"°"'° 3 I be

._ as a Plaiifiiifflfllifiiillg"%§%£lf?§ii¥lEf§%E¥?"'1I ,-_ , Lum and Tauke will " ;_/ :_ _:Q 35, ':'*?:_ ,; _.,_ model, study response within 3 months of receipt. scheduled th¢;;_§a;;}e:_;§geelr,end,_tfggneegigd. For ' in which and iden- -er ~' ways occupation, place, .V "§.{'_: _>_ __ best a-I: _:_ results, Ilzs left on are VSIIIIAI1 Committee: Lenore Deborah Weeks ,/"if Ilggf.. --.Q z z §>__ _ tity interrelated the recontex- Bethel, Carson, through a minimum Patricia Carter, Alice Dudko. Jackie Felix, Keller. ,,, turization of remnants of work. Craig Becky Koenig, Catherine Linder, Mark Lavalelli, Polly Little, ends; if Of Visit the billboard at Roberto Pacheco, Catherine Pardike, Beth f__¢_<__f- remnant/referant 888 Pedersen, /;5,§);_ ;_____ Kathleen Sherin, Diana Slann, Myles Slatin, Alfonso Volo, Y°"f YO" Main _ _ _ _ _ St. of Oct. 10. ._._, ____ .__,,______,_,._ __,_,__ .__ ,_ (South Allen) starting ____, _ _,,,___ __,__ .___ _,:. ___,. Mary Weig, Thea Zaslempowski. home)

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Saturday Oct. 31 ° 12 noon-3 pm FOUND FOOTAGE WORKSHOP WITH JULIE MURRAY _ .ft _ 2 ?fE_»§ gt ggr, ,,

At 175 Elmwood Ave. » Squeaky Wheel,

$8 general, $7 SW & HW members , 1, Q, ,ef-,_.,¢. ny/,

_ 0. ._ Artist fee Television Center , ..»a»>.._'F.=¥~ support provided by Experimental gt. ,rs_.<;¥--Za


is a to make a , This hands-on Halloween film " fe. ' r g? workshop unique opportunity found-footage ' _ -g , ti nn; aj;-',';2;i :;; with talented New York-based filmmaker will be her Julie Murray. _ ;'- , _ *; (Murray presenting ,J ~ <; f=2i§;2Z,:~*i§.';.:;» f ~ f 2 - ._ 1 _ . _ casa; '=e:,¢;- ' - . . ffr* ;.=f: , _';~,. films at Hallwalls the Oct. 30 at 8 As of the at ' before, . night Friday, p.m.) part workshop "'" _ t Squeaky Wheel, Murray will share her own techniques for working with found footage, and will work with participants to complete a short, found-footage film for Halloween. We

*- » _,___ ,~ ; _,_-_ __ za.: f.,`""' ~:';;-,4a,;;¢', _ 1 ta. V ` - - will the found The film will be screened that at ~'=='_ f.; a 1' V » ' supply footage. completed workshop evening - ===.f~=-fm-.-i.$a-sas. _ , 8 p.m. at Cornershop's Halloween extravaganza, Fashion Giants, celebrating one year of 1+ ,._;,-.= Nita; - the storefront gallery and performance space and featuring fashion displays and Halloween art. Come in costume. Comershop is located at 82 Lafayette Avenue (the Niagara Street

- ._ end) at Dewitt St. For further info. on Comershop or Fashion Giants call 884-8330. Call Squeaky Wheel, 884-7172, to register for this special workshop.

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Thursday Oct. 1 ° 7 pm

` Youth Video Art: Hallwalls' 2nd Annual _ Sb-' 1. Youth-In-Residence Screening

80-minute followed artists' ~' ~ . screening, by reception ._,. .,

This exciting event highlights the third year of Hallwalls' Youth In Residence project, a pro- gram of video production workshops led by local video artists and teens, run collaboratively 'with neighborhood community centers and youth service agencies. Approximately 40 youths 'have taken part in this year's workshops, producing creative, high-quality videos that incor- porate-and challenge-a variety of genres. "Selections from 1997-98 projects will include collaborative projects with youths from the National Inner City Youth Organization, the Girl Scout Council, the PS3 After School ~ .~ Video Club, and the Bennett Park Montessori Center After-School Video Club. Video workshop leaders for 1997-98 were Jorge Fiedler, Jody Lafond, Robin Smith, and Dwaine Ten'y. l Hallwalls' Youth In Residence project has been made possible by a grant from the Cultural Incentive Flmding Program (CII-`P). The CIFP is supported by funds from public agencies, charitable foundations, and private corporations, and is administered by the Arts Council in Buffalo & Erie County.

Oct. 10 ° 8 Saturday p.m. ' Saturday Oct. 24 8 pm


1 presents 7 Odean Pope Trio Women from Buffalo: Art and Life Odean Pope, tenor saxophone Susan Stoltz In Person Tyrone Brown, bass (100 min.) Craig Mclver, drums Hallwalls Black 'n' Blue Theatre We are pleased to join with Women In Limbo (WIL) to present a work-in-progress screen- ing of the television program created at Hallwalls through WIL's eight-day residency with $15 general, $12 students & $10 members Susan Stoltz and Melissa Burch of NYC-based Big Red Productions (BRP) in the Fall of 1997. Using photographs, artwork, artifacts, and handmade slides, ten women artists from "A tenor saxophone/bass/drums can define the core of post-bop jazz, the way that Count Buffalo intimately portray the joy, struggle, and necessity of living and maintaining a cre- Basie's band defined the core of swing; and from the Odean Pope 'I\'io's opening bars at the ative life. These presentations were videotaped before a live (interactive) audience as part of Regattabar [in Cambridge, Mass.] on Wednesday [March 11, 1998], listeners knew that they the culmination of the WIL residency for inclusion in BRP's second television series were being taken deep into the core" (Bob Blumenthal, Boston Globe). After a 1960s Buffalo combines with 20 hours Women, Art & Creativity. The videotape shot in of footage apprenticeship in the pit band of North Phillie's Uptown Theater, backing up such R&B leg- on the theme of "Women and Art" from seven WIL shows at the Knitting Factory in NYC, ends as Aretha Franklin, , the Temptations, Gladys Knight, and , which will be edited together into a five-part Women In Limbo PBS series. Check out the Odean Pope's big jan break came in his teens when asked him to sub for WIL interactiveweb-site (www.womeninlimbo.com) which will include a Buffalo web page. him in the Jimmy Smith Trio. In 1967, Pope joined 's quartet, and has been tour- Susan Stoltz will retum to Buffalo to introduce the program. Stoltz & Burch's Fall 1997 ing and recording with Roach's quartet and Double Quartet for most of the 30 years since. HARP residency and this follow-up presentation were funded by The Andy Warhol He toured with Roach and Dizzy Gillespie in 1989, and in 1996 toured Europe as co-leader Foundation for the Visual Arts and the New York State Council on the Arts. of a quintet with David Murray. He has also performed with Coltrane, Miles Davis, Chet Baker, McCoy Tyner, and Elvin Jones. In addition to his own trio, Pope is founder and Buffalo artist/presenters: 'D-aci Arkeilpane, Anne Borden, Judie Champlin, Cathy leader of the Saxophone Choir, a big band with nine saxophones and full rhythm section Pardike, Lydia 'Irombetto-Haupt, Jody Lafond, Gail Mentlik, Dona Michelini, Eileen that Pope modeled on the big Baptist choirs of his South Carolina youth. As a saxophonist, Pleasure 0'Brien, Sheila M. Petrocy. Moderator: Kelly Spivey. Pope is known for his virtuosic, highly personal improvisational style characterized by relentless rhythmic propulsion and a thorough mastery of circular breathing and multiphon- SPECIAL WORKSHOP ics. "Pope has a sound on tenor sax that is all his own, big at the top and even bigger as he moves into the lower "I tried to what it would sound ° register" (Bob Blumenthal). imagine Sunday, Oct. 18 ?-? p.m. like ifl played at the bottom range of my instrument like Coltrane played at the top" 'SADIE BENNING (Odean Pope). Bassist 'I`yrone Brown, who also plays with Roach's quartets and Pope's VIDEO WORKSHOP WITH GLYS YOUTH Saxophone Choir, has been said to do so "with the flair and passion of a Flamenco gui- tarist." Curated by David Kennedy. Cosponsored by Squeaky Wheel & Hallwalls, in assoication with the Central New York Programmers Group (CNYPG)

This special, one-day workshop with Sadie Benning is being held in conjunction with an ongoing 10-week video workshop with Buffalo's Gay & Lesbian Youth Services (GLYS) led by video artist Robin Smith. (The GLYS workshop is being cosponsored by Squeaky Wheel and Hallwalls' CIFP-funded Youth In Residence Work local project.) produced by 6 eneral ° unless otherwise noted GLYS youth in this workshop will be screened during Hallwalls' 6th biannual Ways In Being Gay festival next month (November '98). Sadie Benning screened her new tape Flat is Beautiful (which was the hit of the NYC Video Festival) at Hallwalls last March to a packed (largely youthful) audience. She retums to Buffalo to work closely with local GLYS youth helping them to develop their projects for Ways In Being Gay. "My total desire is to reach kids. But they don't come to museums, galleries, and independent festivals. I've done shows at high schools. I really want to think of new ways to reach that audience-without MTV" (Benning). While Sadie's workshop is limited to GLYS participants, we do encourage peo- ple interested in observing to attend. Call Squeaky Wheel for more info.at 884-7172. Sadie Benning is an intemationally celebrated Videomaker who has been creating "Pixelvision" videos exploring adolescent inner life since she was 15 years old. We are plan- ning a month-long residency with the artist in 1999 (subject to funding), which will include All visual art aller o enin s are free her again' working with local youth. URBAN ARTS presents a new play The Meeting 2 performances only! Friday October 30 & Saturday October 31 ° 8 pm

° Black 'n' Blue Theatre Saturday Nov. 14 8 pm The a new premiere of prison drama by Alley Laughlin which exposes the differences and The Performing Arts Center at Rockwell Hall surprising connection between two men-one old, one young- imprisoned by innocence Live from presents, Pittsburgh, and guilt. They unwind their own tales of botched robberies, lost loves, irresponsibility and Squonk Opera dysfunctional families. The Meeting, young with old, father with son, surprisingly brings each to his own destiny. at Rockwell Hall, Buffalo State College, 1300 Elmwood Ave. 8,8,5,5,22(20%discountforHallwallsmembersl) 5,5,22(20%discountforHallwallsmembersl) 22(20%discountforHallwallsmembersl) discount for Hallwalls (20% membersl) October 31, 1998 Saturday A

Hallwalls joins forces with The Performing Arts Center at Rockwell Hall to El Museo-Dia de los at Muertos ~ co-sponsor '~ ~ » we . 2 ¢ sf~ w this acclaimed from A and interdisciplinary perfomrance troupe Pittsburgh. "wry, witty, El Museo is holding its first Dia de los Muertos/Day of the mix of Dead/I-lalloweerrParty, wacky" music, theatrics, and perfomiance art, Squonk Opera has been Come shocking, and enjoy tricks, treats, delicious food, live music, dancirtgyand much ribaldl? and audiences at festivals across the U.S. for five delighting impressing major years. Come in or come as celebrating. costume you are as Hallwalls transformed is _Q l delivers a that "shatters the boundaries ` Squonk Opera performance between music and the- for this first annual El Museo traditional celebration of Halloween. , atrics," weaving dance, comedy, and ingeniously fashioned props together with elements of

A medieval chant, opera, jazz, rock, and is a and fun com- ' rap. Squonk Opera young, creative, October 31-November 28, 1998 pany that takes a no-holds-barred approach to entertainment ("We'll steal good ideas from 5' lts members are anyone"). interdisciplinary artists who have won acclaim and awards nation- Dia de los Muertos Altars . , in ally and intemationally in the fields of music, visual art, theater, and J filmmaking. Exhibition of ofrendas, or altars, in the Mexican of deblos tradition Dia Muertos. A has been the Baltimore Sun to '5;.;, Squonk Opera compared by "Philip Glass, Ravi Shankar, Artists and patrons have been invited to create altars in memory of a loved one for this Gertrude Stein, [and] Richard Wagner," and by the Chicago Reader to "Laurie Anderson, exhibition. The opening at El Museo is at 8 pm at Allen Street. Join us for the Kurt The Buffalo News has called them Weill, [and] Debussy." "Rust-Belt Dada," and the Dia de los Muertos Altars opening on Saturday, October 31st 8 pm. theater critic for Pittsburgh's City Paper called their show "the best damn piece of original theater I've ever seen on a Pittsburgh stage." For tickets, go to the Rockwell Hall box o]§'ice, or call 878-3005. JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center in Buffalo, New York is accepting applications for the full-time position of MEDIA PROGRAM DIRECTOR. This is both an artistic/curatorial and administrative posi- GOODBYE, GAIL, & THANKS! tion which secondarily but importantly requires technical expertise (video production and post-produc- tion; film projection) and entails some grantwriting responsibilities. (There is a part-time Technical on staff to the technical needs of media The Media Director Hallwalls Media Director Director support programs.) Program plays Program Gail Mentlik--who has run our film and video pro- a key role at Hallwalls, which-coequal with its programs in the visual arts-is also a media arts center grams for the past three years-left Hallwalls in early September to take a teaching job in recognized nationally and intemationally for its pioneering programs and projects in the media arts, as Jamestown, N.Y. Even before joining the Hallwalls staff f1ll time in Gail had January 1996, well as locally as one of the area's main exhibitors of altemative independent cinema. Our eclectic film curated the popular Skin Flicks and Kino our third festival of Polish films in and video program Polski, programming includes experimental film, video art, independent and repertory film, interna- with the Polish Center in cosponsorship Community November 1995. Since then, Gail has tional film and video, and documentary, frequently with in-person presentations by visiting filmmakers scores of film organized and video programs, worked on the team that put together our suc- and media artists. Hallwalls also supports extended artistic and community residencies by media artists cessful NEA on grant application for Year 2 of HARP (which will include her pick, documen- an ongoing basis through ArtsLink (a program of exchange between the U.S. and Eastem Europe) and tary videomaker Austin Allen), and oversaw residencies by Women in Limbo, Shawna HARP (Hallwalls Artists in Residence Project), which for the past two years has variously received from the Warhol the and Chase Dempsey & Lorri Millan, and others. She also oversaw the first phase of our video archive funding Andy Foundation, NYSCA, NEA, Manhattan Bank. Because Hallwalls is an artist-nm who are themselves media artists preservation project and organized the popular Women on the Verge (in India) series which organimtion, applicants and/or filmmakers are particularly encouraged to apply. Responsibilities of the include and played to sold-out houses in January of this year. Gail is herself an accomplished filmmaker position selecting individual film and video and a booking films; programming screenings; conceiving curating thematic and graduate of UB's Department of Media Study. In Jamestown, Gail will be serving as series; writing program notes, monthly calendar copy, press releases, and grant narratives; arranging for Media Education Consultant for the Chautauqua County Arts Council's Empire State and hosting personal appearances by visiting artists; supervising graduate and undergraduate media arts Partnership (ESP), a major arts-in-education initiative offering intensive instruction in docu- intems; covering or providing coverage for (usually weekend evening) film and video screenings; pub- mentary video production to high school students, employing a model the developed by licity and audience development (in conjunction with our P.R. director); maintaining contact with Educational Video Center. Before in addition to this month's film departing, programming diverse communities locally and the field of media arts nationally; and working with the Executive and video Gail curated film and video for next month's Director to presentations, programming 10-year write grants to funding agencies and to develop new sources of funding for ongoing pro- anniversary edition of Ways in Being Gay, as she did in 1996. We thank Gail for her hard grams and special projects in the media arts. work for Hallwalls, and for the local media community, and wish her the best of luck in her This position requires a broad knowledge of contemporary film and media; hands-on experience of new position. programming, exhibiting, and projecting film; a commitment to alternative culture and independent media and to making these available to wider audiences; a high degree of organizational skill and atten- tion to detail; excellent writing and public-speaking skills; and an ability to work collaboratively with a small, team-oriented staff in a flexible but fairly high-pressure work environment (press and grant dead- Hallwalls Staff: Edmund Cardoni, Executive Director, Sara Kellner, Visual Arts Director, lines, A/V troubleshooting, capacity crowds, etc.). If this sounds like the job for you, please submit a Polly Little, Administrative Director, Margaret M. Smith, Director of Development, résumé and cover letter to Edmund Cardoni, Executive Director, Hallwalls, 2495 Main St., Suite 425, Public Relations, & Performance, Chris Borkowski, Technical Director, Buffalo, NY 14214. Deadline is November 20, 1998. Position is expected to begin some time after Anne Borden & Jody Lafond, YIR Project Coordinators, January 1, 1999. Hallwalls is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Gala Garrels, House Manager & Development Associate

Board of Directors 1998-1999: Richard Wicka / President, Bruce Adams / Wee President, John Ryan /Treasurer, Kathleen Hassan / Secretary, Dorothy Bergman, Chuck Brunelle, Patricia Carter, Mary J.S. Davis, Alan Feller, Lucinda Finley, Eric Gansworth, Jeffrey M. Goldfarb, William Graebner, Debbie Hill, Jamie Lembeck, Catherine Linder Spencer, James Mullenhoff, Wendy Pierce, William Sidel, Donald Warfe 7 Assistants, Interns, & Volunteers: Rebecca Alvarez (exhibitions), S. Gray (media/events), Carly Hill (gallery), Conn Keogh (web design), Wilson Lamar (admin./house), Tara Lisoy (Artwaves), Kim McCullough (exhib.), Tim McPeek (development/p.r.), Paige Séez (videog- raphy), Kelly Spivey (media/events), Rob Sweeney (media), Janelle Toner (exhib.), Janine Trusello (house), Masashi Yabe (exhib.).

- To be put on the Hallwalls mailing list call (716) 835-7362 Thurs. 1 Youth-In-Residence Screening 7 pm Would you like to receive our monthly calendar by e-mail? Fri. 2 ° We have an e-mail notification list that keeps you advised about upcoming events, schedule changes, The World ofApu 8 pm grant opportunities, calls for work, and general announcements. - E-mail us at [email protected] to let us know. Sat. 3 Mehendi Workshop 2-4 pm The Main Gallery, The Black 'n' Blue Theatre and The Paul Sharits Cinema are available for rental for - private & community functions. For more infonnation and details call Margaret Smith at 835-7362. Sat. 3 The World ofApu 7:30 & 9:30 pm

Thurs. 8 - Don't Look Back @ UB Center for the Arts 8 pm Major support for the 1998-99 season has been provided by the New York State Council on the Arts Fri. 9 » Films by Vincenzo Mistretta 8 pm

.v a state The Warhol , (NYSCA) agencyJ Andy Sat. 10 - Women from Buffalo: Art and Life 8 2 ft: A N Foundation the VisualArts I for I County ofErie pm 3 Tri:-rhaih Buirozrtc Cultural the National 3 _ Funding, Endowment for the - Fri. 16 Moon Over Broadway @ UB CFA 7:30 & 9:30 pm Arts a the lllll STRET DUIIIIUIII + (NEA), federal agency Members of Hallwalls, City ofBuffalo Cultural Funding, Sun. 18 ' Sadie Benning Video Workshop ?-? pm Community Foundation for Greater Bujfalo, Sat. 24 ' Odean Trio Lannan Foundation, Cultural Incentive Funding Pope 8 pm Directions: Hallwalls is located in North CIF ArtsLink Program ( P), - Buffalo at 2495 Main Street, fourth floor, in Partnership, Sun. 25 Passions 5-7 Mid-AtlanticArts M & Consuming pm the Tri-Main Center, between Rodney and Foundation, TBank, Jewett. Entrance at rear of building on Chase Manhattan Bank, the County Initiative Fri. 30 & Sat. 31 - The Meeting 8 pm Halbert. Take Metro Rail to Amherst station Program (CIP) of the Arts Council in Bujalo & Erie and walk one block south, or take #8 Main ~ and donations Fri. 30 Films Julie 8 Street Metro Bus to Jewett. Parking: County generous from individuals by Murray pm Available on Halbert (lighted at night) and local businesses. Sat. 31 ° Found Footage Workshop 12 noon-3 pm O ~ Hallwalls Gallery Hours: Hallwalls Calendar Sat. 31 Dia de los Muertos Altars Opening @ El Museo 8pm 2495 Main Street, Suite 425 Editors: Hallwalls Staff Tuesday through Friday N EA Sat. 31 - Dia de los Muertos Party @ Hallwalls 10pm Buffalo, New York 14214 from 11 am to 6 pm., during Design: Keller Graphics Phone (716) 835-7362 events, and by appointment. Printer: Buffalo Newspress Fax: (716) 835-7364 Admission to the gallery Mail House: Niagara is free. Frontier Vocational Rehab N Y Sat. 14 - Squonk Opera at Rockwell Hall 8 pm