St Ambrose 1948 Football Review
AmbRoskm Oaks DavenpoRt^Iowa dedicated t6... Rt. Rev. Ulrich A. Hauber, P.H.D. Rt. Rev. Ulrich Hauber Fourth President of St. Ambrose College To Msgr. Ulrich A. Hauber, wise teacher, warm friend and patient counsellor of the students for forty-one years, scientist and author of merit whose textbooks are now being used in twenty-six colleges, constant servant of God and Man who possesses the strength, wisdom, and dignity which typify the true Ambrosian spirit, the editors sincerely and proudly dedicate the 1949 Oaks . "Servant of God and Man admirustftatxon building "Shirley" and "Mike" "Bev" and "Bernie" "Tillie" *Gfe*** an<* Jean Library Reading Room MOST REV. RALPH L. HAYES, D. D. Bishop of Davenport President of the College Board of Control 9^.^admfnfstRatto n Rt. Rev. Ambrose J. Burke, S.T.B., Ph. D., LL.D. President of St. Ambrose Rev. Harry J. Toher, A. B. Vice-President Business Manager and Athletic Director Rev. Leo C. Sterck, S.T.B., A.M. The Very Rev. E. M. O'Connor, S.T.B., Ph. D. Dean of Studies and Registrar Philosophy Rector of Ecclesiastical Department \msm Rev. Bernard M. Brugman, A. B. Rev. Bernard M. Kamerick, A. B. Dean of Men Spiritual Director Rev. Fred A. Verbeckmoes, A. B. Rev. Lawrence H. Mork, A. M. Mr. Robert J. Taylor Assistant Business Manager Librarian Business Office Manager Rev. Gerald A. Lillis, S.T.B., Rt. Rev. Ulrich A. Hauber, Ph.D. Rev< w. F. Lynch, S.T.B., Ph.D. Biology Biology Ph.D. Chemistry Rev. John T. Kennedy, Ph.B.
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