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W . WEDITESDAT, AVGUST S I, 1S46 « D aflj CiraBlaUaa Tk* Wcaihar f A t S E E IG B T E E ir 1 Mmub «t Mir. W8* F h m u * e« C. a. Waotlm on a customer on Main street aad 8,909 Cl eody sirtth seatkewt Bght About 20 membara of the Man-1 Manchester .Veterans’ Odd Accident left that place fo go over North.' •fcewen toalghti Friday chaatar Klwania club went out to t Dista Governor Serrice CeaUr While making the turn from Main aad eoel. About Town FHaidant Harold Cairlty'a cot-, • » UMHar atroro fitraet east on North Main atraet, taga at Coventry I ^ e yeaterday | (Neat t « Mmaelpel BvlMUigl A t N o rth E n d ;he suffered a fainUng spell and Clearance Sale afternoon for the annual picnic | Rotary Guest I lostcofUrol of hi* car, which atruck* Manchester-—’A City of ViUnge Charm ^ William r. Noren, 8 1-c. of M Dinner waa aervad at aU o clock ; TelepboM *818 M * 8441 a oar owned by Robert McConnell by Catarar Arnold Paganl. It waa of 84 BlsselTs(treet and one owned MvartMay aa Faya 18> MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY. AUGl^ST 22, I^IC (8IXTBBN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS McLoui^lin. WT 3-c. of 118 Director—Nathan B. Caleb- Man Faints at Wheel iby Fire Chief Jphn Merz, of 48 .VOL. LXV.. NO. 275 C«nt«Mrti*ot, were honorably dle- a chicken and aphagetil dinner Ia^o Coldeii .Sprak** Br- Of A ll ell. Woodlawn street. aiartad from Naval aervice Moi^ with all the aide diahea. Assistant Director — WaJtei And ' Smashes Into! at the Naval Peraonnel Sep­ fore lAiral at iIh* (•'oril, The airident was witnessed by aration Center at LUlo Beach. Lon* The Democratlr Toruh l ommll- .Senetary — Margaret Dll- Two Parked Autos j Sergeant John McGlinn on dut;y at tae will meet tomorrow night In iloimiry riiih Depot Square, who had the injur­ Two Die as Coast-to*Cqaat Plane Crtahed taland. worth. the baaement of the Municipal , Mark Haber, 81, of 12 Kenwood ed man iemo\'ed to the Memorial Summer Dresses Hole Blown Below I The ManihP-'lcr RoUrv ' li'h (.'ounaelllng; 10 to 12 noon; 1 Considering Sending building at which time they will hospital when- his condition was Mr. and Mra. Jacob Lipp. of 118 | to 4 p. m.; 8 to 12 on Satur­ street, Wethersfield, received minor oonaitler candidatea to be nomi­ entertained Dlalrl-• partment w-aa To Make Voters over part of the green and the Rchahihtatlon and Training called out on a atlll alarm at T.IO laM$. oiTicer— John Fox, available To Protect Planes This waa Dial I let Governor oy appointment only. Swimming Saboteiura laat availing to extinguiah a pile Selectmen Harold Turklngton of rubblah fhich waa burning in .Senetary—Ruth Cow. L obby Law and Raymond Hagedom W ill rep- Coklen'a flrat offnlal vlalt to the One Group at $5*00 Uae Mine to Blast Um roar of the Cheney Brothera i rlub •inrr his Vlediort th«t fn* United States May De­ vfOUfiwwiaa OH Hartford Road, eaat leaeAt the Selectmen at tha meet- Are. Hr Irft no ‘lonbt in thr Hole Eight Feet Long Not Clear of Waat etiaet. ______, Ing with the Town Clerk tomorrow' minds of those ptf’-sent that he h well aa interesting and Instructive. And Three Feet Wide Byrnes Sees Advisors cide to Guard AU evening from 5 until 8 o'clock for well qualifled to fill am h an ini- The ■ Itih was honored to have him the purpose of making votert. All rtant poal Hia a|- Jabaaea, who paated away Auauet 21, Such a long experiem e on manv — Swimming saboteurs using; fPiih Lobbyists as Leaves Peitce Confer- IMO. the Primary elecUona to he held Funeral Home Envoy Taking lute Ban on Flying September 10. Ifoportant ne but aot forcotlen. 'hila la the laat opportunity to ! him an unuaiial hnekgroimd for eight feet long and three feet j hla present taak. He knows how to 2.1 Main Street Over Area to Stay Frank Jokniien and family. be made and enrolled aa a voter In wide below the waterline of Uncertain on Terms Aelt Convenes; Ulti­ time for the primaries In Septem­ get his message over witb^plentv Rhone 52A9 One Group at $2-00 Along Demand ber, •of humor tp make it snappy'aa the British troopship Empire matum Tops Ail Else Wsfihinffton, Aug. 2 2 * - - < J P ) Rival in Haifa bay shortly Washington, Aug. 28—(iP)— A l­ On Tito Visit — ^The United States U eon- VALLES TO S12.9B before midnight last night, though empty of lawmaksra Capi­ Parifl, Aug. 22.— {A V '^U . 8. dering flghtSr plane protec- but failed to sink her the gov­ tol hill swarmed with lobbyists to­ Secretary of State James F. ALL SALES FINAL bn for American transport ernment announced today. day. Byrnes left the Peace confer­ Patterson Seta Out for planes which may have to Naa- TItfesta of Vloleaca Thtir quest: How to comply ence fiesaion almost as loon Muw near the Yugoelav bor­ Th e announcement came only a Headquarters Near with the 20 day old law raq'ulrlng as it had convened thifi morn­ er while flying the Austrian- abort time after Britiah troopa them to register with Congrass. moved into the all Jewish d ty of Many were confused and uncer­ ing to confer with his advis- Austrian Border to De* 'talian route, top diplomatic AUGUST FUR SALE tll€ J W H A L C CORK Tel Aviv and four other towns In tain over: ori on the Yugoslav altua- livin’ U. S. Ultimatum authorities reported today. ~ Palestine in the wake of new 1. Just what information la This is the wreck of a Trans-Luxury airliner which broke open as It crashed while attempting to roach tion. Hifi action emphafiixed Woirid B oM a m e a n t Bm M AM CHISria COHM> Jewi.ih underground threats of wanted and how detailed ahould it Moline, ni., airport for an emergency landing, on a charter flight from New to Sisn Francisco. how the United States' blunt Balgnda, Yugoslavia, Aug, 22 T ba plan under oooaldaraUoB Violence. .>»- be? Pilot James Steen of Coral Cables, Fla., and Cu-Pilot Marvin Fok of Elifitra. N. Y., were killed, and 48>bour ultimatum to Yugoalavia —-ijei— U. Ambaaaador Richard would retain tba proaaint abaoluto “ Three swimmer* were observ­ 2. Just who is a lobbyist and 10 paaaengera were injured.— (A P wirephoto). a. agalnat any ed around the stern of the ship ovarahadowad all alaa among tha ban agalnat any Amarleaa fllghta thus subject to the act? C Pkttanon aat out by plana for over Yugoalav tanrltovy and would and the military guard aboard dlploinata aaaamblad In Parta to SpeOa 0 «t Own DefUttona Manhal ’TUo'a baadquartera near ba doolgnad to proUct Anwrloaa opened fire on them, though ap­ write Europe’a peace traatlco. The measure apclla out ita own Byrnaa cloaeted himaalf at hla tba Austrian border today to aircraft fromn attack by Tim^Mlav parently without effect,” the an­ definitions. But many lobbyists Fighter Planes figbtar planaa which might van- HALE’S SELF SERVE nouncement said, in describing the Warning Given Balkans headquarters with Charlea B. liver the United Btataa ultimatum The Original In New England] told the officials involved that a Bohlen, State department advtaor turo over Austria. attempt to sink the Empire Rival, lot of quaetione remain unanswer­ demanding release of American Tha whole oooalderaUon la baaad which had just returned from on aaatam. European affnlra and ed and they ere at aaa about what Appear to Be Samuel Reber, odvioor on Euro­ fUara within 48 houra. on a point made In tha ultimatum transporting a second load of Il­ to do. A wall-lnformad military aourca to tha Tugoalav govonunant lata legal Jewish refugees to Cyprus May Be Peace Threat pean affairs. AND HEALTH MARKET Senate Secretary Lealla Biffle ■old Yugoalav attacks on two un­ yaatonlay In which tha United “ Approximately a half hour lat­ U M s P wapact of Onmiwaaf a . JWtIiaMcOM end Houac Clerk South Trimble Yankee Made armed American trannmrta, which Stmtoa ooldi that the two otrplanaa er two explosions took place and There appeared little Immedi­ gave rlaa to tha atlff State Depart­ already attacked hy Tugoalav the after hold of the Empire Rival did their best to help answer Ques­ r tion No. 1, by handing out two , Chief of Lkruiiiiun Dele- ate proapen that there would tw ment demand, apparently u fightara may not have boon ovoc THURSDAY SPECIALS! began to fill with water. The bulk­ any official comment from the made In Russian-manufactured 'ugoalavla at aU. iJ.'//." Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! heads which had been closed held forms with specific blanks for in­ Eyewitness Says Sound ga.i„„ Take. Ski. ProW eih C ould dividuals to fill in. Still another Yugoalav Peace conference dele' Stomorilt fighter planes. ' m AAmerican not#, and the next hold remained clear gallon on the ultimatum, which of water.” form for groups and organizations O f Motors and Lines Snn— sna Tan Bxpert nloaoe a t any of tha 18 paraona la Flllhbury'A was due today. Albania in Airing ForCC C oUncll damandad that Yugoalavia rolaaaa Ito aummomd hla No. 1 for­ the two planaa who are *Mtlll No Casualties Reported American nirmen foroad down in I Since the first forms were made Convinced Him Attack­ Dispute With Greece eign rolatlona axpart, Gen. Vladi allva,’’ dodarad that for tha tlnm A fter an investigation by divers Yugoalav territory within 48 being tba United atatoe mokaa “no 3 Lb. Bay available yeaterday more than 600 mlr Volablt, to be preaant at the f h i ; ' Flour 39c the 7,045-ton veuel moved Into ers P-51 Mustangs houra or face action before tha maatlng at Bled. With ValaMt, ■tatoment aa to what tha exact to- < J < ‘ ' have been dletiibuted to lobbyists United Nations Sacurtty Council shallow water under her own pow­ Paris. Aug 22-(;P)_The Sh ow doW H Yugoolavta’a deputy forolipi robi' cation of the two planoa when they er. No immigrants were aboard at Ked Mill (Coattaaed on Page Eleven) Trieste, Aug. 22—<>P) -A n Amer­ Ukraine warned the peace Although high Yugoalav delega­ lotw, want Mlrko Bnmer, a For­ were attacked.” the time and no casualties were re­ tion members w en buay on Paria eign Office eecKtary. VelaMt at­ ported among crew members. ican who saw the U. S. J^rmy conference today that “once Delegations Cautious in Acheeoa ChBa In Jehaeen angles of the tense altuatton, one tended the San Frandaco confer' Underaeentary of SUta Aeheaepi Peanut Butter 10 Oz. Jar 23c Military and police sources ex­ transport shot down at the Yugo­ more the Balkans may be­ Yugoalav saaieti said “ the mat­ Speculating on What enoa and la regarded aa tha Yugo­ today called In Amhaaandor Hero pressed belief that the attack was slavia frontier Monday said today come the powderkeg of Eu- ter la In tha hands of Marahal slav ehlaftaln’a Um peraonal ad- Stand by Hagana’s Palmach, the Sept. 9 Set aehel Johnson for a oonfanneo. t'iunpbell the Yugoalav fighter planes ap­ i^ope” and threaten world Might Happen Ijf Amer- Tito,*' IndloaUng all action and vlaor on foreign affau*. preauraably to diocuM tha yeetS^ striking force of that Jewish un­ peared to be of American manu- statmanta would eocna from tka Twa U. a. Qravaa Raglatratlon derground organiution. and ad­ peace Taking the side of A l- blUtlea o f ftUpi ----- 'paaeofl4- facturo. itnn Demand ignoned kaad of the government. ropraaontatlvaa, n n t U eu t ^ la t h a U . c ... vanced the theory that it haiLbeen , For Slashing jUiainst Greece, In the 'Than was no twMoattan-inli latiit again More 36” “Videne” Tomato Soup'*’ '' 3 25c Yugoalavia received 228.800.000- OMtflat O. Provow and Prtvata [. Baeurity 11 tt ^ Tugo- carried out** as u>g«atuK to show ar the ultimatum would be accept­ of war auppliea, including planes, airing of Balkan quarrels be­ New York, Aug. 22—OP) — The Gooiga DaMaot, wont In Pattar- alavag do not eomply with tha 4S> the military It could be done.** a plenary session of con- ed or rejected. Tull Can Arniour’a under the lerrd-lease program dur­ fore the aon’a plana. hour ultimatum. Meanwhile, the military conduct­ Meat Prices feren'-e, Diniitri Manullsky, chief United States ultimatum to Yugo­ ing the war. Protest Sevoml Weeks Ago CHvea PerwIaalnB ta Soarali A n a The axadt tlma tha ultimatum ed a spot Identity check in asv- of the Ukrainian delegation, de­ slavia Uiroatens to confront tha Telephone lines throughout the An unofficial Yugoalav source period ends haa not been offlclaOy A ll Plastic Film Evaporated Milk 3 Can^ 35c eral quarters of Jerusalem short­ clared : United Nations Security council Provow and Damaol w an given ly before noon today, throwing up American and Britiah Occupation ■aid ha did not balieva tba Amer­ parmlaelon to search the area near determined. The question la wheth­ “Can Endanger Peace of World” i ^ h a problem which could bring roadblocks of barbed wire manned Porter Names Date Re­ Zone A in this territory, disputed ican press reaction to the shooting Bled for the bodies of Uirro Amer­ er the time beglna to run from the the whole peace organisation to a No. 2 Can Van Camp's by Bren gun carriers. Traffic was between Italy and Yugoslavia, "W e now see hoy/ the declara­ down of the two American trana- ican A ir Force peraonnel believed hour at which tha Tugoalav For­ tail Ceilings Will Ap­ bitter showdown which may hinge Jammed on several streets while were unusually buay today and tions made here by Greece really port planes would have been to have been killed Monday when eign Office received the cabled text many high ranking officers were can endanger the peace of the upon the Big Five veto power. strong if equal publicity had been a C-47 transport waa shot down In Cans soldiers checked identities and ply Again; Promises In Plain Color* 2 5 « y**- Beans 2 27c searched cars. absent from their deska, indicat­ world We know how wars have Council delegations were cau­ given to the Yugoalav note of sev­ flames. The wreckage wee re (Ooatlnned on PHia a$|M> The roadblocks were moved from Black Market Drive ing unaccustomed activity. been prepared.** tious today in speculating on what eral weeks ago protesting agalnat ported found about two milea In- Seal I’ak 1 place to place every half hour or /'i^the Allied military and politi­ Greek Premier Constantin TsaG might happen if the Yugoalav gov­ Alliad planes maiklng unauthorised ■Ide Yugoalavia from the Auatrian ernment i^ o re d the American de­ flights over Yugoalav tsfritory. RED — BLUE — UREEN — ROSE — CLEAR so under a new practice of making Washington, Aug. 22—(P)—The cal figurea, who may not be nam­ Claris earlier announced he sought border. “ surprise” checks. ed, expressed the opinion that to amend the Italian treaty to mand for release of airmen held That note waa delivered two (The original of the American cost of coal and oranges is going prisoner by the Tito government weeka before the first plane waa Oven Baked Beans ' Harbor Aroa Under Curfew Washington might go so far ax to award, northern Epirus (southern ultimatum waa delivered to the up, but lower meat prices will go following the shooting down of un­ ■hot down," he aaid. Yugoalav diplomatic repraaenta V ID E N E — The waterproof, all plastic, all purpose film, The Haifa harbor area was un­ break off diplomatic rclationa with Albania) to Greece. He said (3reek into effect SepL^. armed U. 8. transport planes. A apokesman for the Britiah live in Washington last night.) Flashes! This is the lime to select your fiirM. . when furs now available by the yard in gay colors. Easy to sew, Cans der curfew from the early morn- Yugoslavia over the downing of claims to the area went back sev­ 2 35c two C-4T transport planea by that eral centuries and were baaed on Would (live Supreme Teat delegation denied a report pubitah Theodore Hc^enthal, U. S. con easy to clean, stain resistant and dustproof. in ghours until 8 a. ra., reportedly Naming the date when roUil (Late BallaMHS el the UP Wlro) •re specially priced, our selections arc at their meat ceilings are to apply again, country. e “ practical and ethnical point of However, It waa conceded that ed in that Foreign Secrc' sul at Zagreb, waa Informed to­ because of the imminent depart­ view .' the American threat to appeal to tary Ernest Bevin expected to ate Del Monte Vacuum Packed ure of another transport, the Em- OPA Chief Paul Porter also pledg­ The eyewitness, a former soldier day by officials at Yugoslav Fourth peak and styles are most exciting! ed an all-out drive against black Manullsky eharply criticized the Security council should Yugo­ Army headquartera In Ljubljana In i^aaiwlna-**4l?t.r slavia fail to comply would give Noariy Tear Speat Spylag- markets. (CoBOnned oa Page Two) Tsaldaris' claim on southern Al- (Continued on Paga- Ten) northern* Yugoalavia that no trace Dozens of Practical Lb. 38c (Contlaned on Page Ten) the council its supreme teat of au­ Piankfart, Oewnaay, Aag. S$— Coffee Aa this campaign developed, btnla and said “ the presentation had been found of two mora Amer thority to settle disputes paclfical- lean craw members of the C-47 who O P h -n a U. 8. Arasjr aaid today Featuring Uses OPA authorized a price boost of of these claims has resulted in an that a Baaalaa oceiol poUea agent, ^ttf^^SaMSberfan' SO cents a ton for hard coal and were eeen to parachute from the increase oif incidents” along the Mra. Lena Hors Brnponke, had for coke, and aa incroaac of 18 Up to now the council never has Hindu-Moslem blazing plana. This Information W.S." Kadi'oral DRAPERIES 1 Lb. Jar 4 4 C Strikers W ill Trimuin Now Greek-Albanlan border. epent noarljr a year apytag ta the Uban Coffee cents a ton for soft coal. been faced with such an emergency added to feare that they may also «a»hal>i7~ iKay*con ba| "These acta of violence mean as might be brought before It were have been killed. AnMrtcan aeae of oeenpanM. 8ha a^daoiTwith plain M i^ SHOWER CURTAINS Baqulrod by Ksw Law that someone is seeking to cause the Yugoslavs, stiffened by Rus­ Fights Spread was turned ever to Uoleoe oSICaro MUSKRAT COATS Vote on Pact These retail price hikes, effective At Bexmuila Still lleM by Vugoelava trouble on" the Albanian frontier," sian backing, to Ignore or reject of tbe Rnaelon Arm y la Fm iikfnrt APRONS Lb. 39c tomorrow, are required by the new he added. "Once more the Balkans Seven other Anierlcane and three foday. Tbe Buealon wemoa poged 5anka Coffee the American ultimatum. non-American paeeengera of an un price control law, OPA said. may become the^powder keg of oe a Qerman aad a doctor la order LINGERIE BAGS The Yugoslav case, if it reaches armed C-47 transport, 'which waa FlNEQUALm; Ir Hope for Settlement ^ On orangss, maximum, prices In Yacht Docks at Naval Europk end all this may have a the council, is confidently expected Bengal, Bihar and As­ to ebUlo an UNMIA Job. tbo ao- Plu* Tax n u n stores will climb a t ^ t a half forced to land by Yugoalav fight- nouacemeat eald.' She woo eeW Childrcii’a, Miatm* All Kinds of Boxed Cheese Operating Base; Sec­ In informed U. N. quarters to fit sam Provinces Scenes EXCEPTIONAL VALUEl MAKE-UP CAPES Rises as ‘Tentative Un­ (C'ontinnad on Page Ten) the pattern of conflict between to have confeased to faktag Iden­ 299 (Coattauad so Pago Elevea) (Contlnued on Page Ten) and Growlnf Girb* O f Violent Outbreaks tity papen for otbera, preaumably GARMENT BAGS i-Lb. - 2-Lb. and 5-Lb. Boxes derstanding' Reached ond Foreign Visit Russia and the western powers over the Iranian and Spanish cases agents, and roportlag refpilarly to The new muskral coal.s are creati^ng a sensalion Ibis seaiion! They’re so Treasury Balance still languishing on the council's Bombay, Aug. 22.—Op—<3om- her "N K V n superiors’’ on tbe po­ SHOE BA G S Detroit, Aug. 22— HIP) — Hope Bulletin! L o w V i ^ i t e expensive- looking and so luxurious! How beautiful the new sleeves are! agenda. munal claahe* between Hindus litical attitude ef dispivoed p?r- rose today for imminent aetUe- Duress Charge Hamilton, Bermuda, Aug. Washington, Aug. 22— The Warning Shots ■ona la Amerlroa camps. Full parachute and push-up sleeves, t^ide turned haek cuffs . . . rippleil BLANKET BAGS All Kinds of Jar Cheese May Prove Deciding Factor and Moslems- which cost approx­ ment of the eight-dey-old Great 2* — ijP) — President Truman position of the Treasury Aug. 20: The veto power vested In the Big imately 3,000 live* In . CMcuttS * * * SNEAKERS backs . . . style features that you expected lo st>e in much-higher priced HAT COVERS . Lakes shipping strike with an­ arrived In Bermuda today Receipts, 8212.571.254.15; ex- Five, which Russia thrice Invoked laat week-end—were reported Tlirht Control Relnvoked y Fired in Korea furs. Visit Hale's as sn as you can for the largest selections. nouncement that a ''tentative un­ . Made at Trial aboard the presidential yacht pendlturea, $102,484,015.48; bal­ roreading today through Bengal, Washington, Ang. 32—i.Fi— "Pie N on-Markiny Soles! RAINWEAR Fresh Tomatoes 3 lbs. 25c derstanding” had been reached be­ Wiiltaunaburg and then decid­ ance, $11,061,817,594.20. (Continued on Page Ten) Bihar and Aaaam province*, with Coast Onord Ima reinvnked tight tween negotiators for the National ed tb spend “ several days” of fo|ir person* dead and a score in­ control over, movement of foreign OTHER FEATI HEI) M RS INCLUDE: aMpa Into American port* In or­ SHOWER HOODS Maritime tmion and Standard Oil Japs Defense Council hla vacation here. Presidential jured. Hodge DenifM Report of AI*o Youths' and der to assure United States Invea- Fresh Pie Apples . 4 lbs. 25c Co, of Indiana Press . Secretary- Charles O. In Dacca and Raniganj, both In l^ re e - Day Skirmisti; 0 rev Coney ...... $99 BOWL COVERS Government Conciliator Noel P. Implies Russian Pres­ Boss, greeting, repofters at Bengal, elaborate police prefau- tlgatora full oppertunily to chock Boys' High Sneakers Poliomyelitis Experiments on pasatmgers, crews dad contento Black .African K idskin...... 119 Fox disclosed InJThicago late Wed­ sure Put on the U. S. Naval Operating Uona were taken to prevent fur­ Apology Sent to Reds BOOK COVERS nesday that union members there hoae. where the Williamsburg ther outbreaks of violence which of the veiwels. The control la .aiii'iBH'« Ml 1 lit: Fresh .Cabbage .3 lbs. 10c would receive the agreement for a docked, said Mr. Truman killed two persons In each, town. exercised under authority of Ocelot Stenciled Liipin 1:19 Acoul, AUg. amendments lo the antl-esplanage BIRD CAGE COVERS ratification vote today. Tokyo, Aug. 22— The de­ ‘ Would devote most of his stay May Result in Vaccine Other clashes weie reported at Gen. John R. Hodge, although de­ act of 1817. During the war It icumn^seiu Urey Indian Lamb I’aw ...... 159 He declared the terms would not fense for Japan's war-time leaders here to - walking, swimming Banka, in Bihar provincs, and ISylhet, In Assam Troops *nd. nying _ a Waahington coliimnlat's uas enforced strictly, but after ttoroaAUTrf be made public until the union Implied, today that Henry Pu-Yi, and sunbathing. a three-day Russian- Yellow Onions 3,lbs. 10c membership has voted. The com­ Baltimore, AUg. 22.—IP)—A , Um*, all became temporary car- armed police Here on duty In both! the shooting stopped control waa Mink Blended Muskrat...... 299 fallen puppet emperor of Man­ American aklrmlah ip Korea, an­ pany aarJier this week turned down vaccine,.against pbliomyelltla mey rier*. tboae places. relaxed somewhat Another Shipment! churia, was offering his prosecu­ Hamilton, Bermuda. Aug. 22— one of these days be found at .the. nounced today that last July 1 • a • a union offer to accept a 44-hour ‘They remained carriers through Bloody Rioting (.'ondemned - Silverblue Dyed .Muskrrft...... 299 tion testimony under Russian (S’)—Vacationing President Tru­ Johns Hopkina hospital and, if so, •varnlng shot* had been fired by Seven Injured In Blast work u’eek instead of its original the nornial polio period of two or Moslem and Hindu leader* In duress. man came today, to Bermuda, fam­ both U. R. and Soviet troopa after Nllro, W. Va., Aug. 22—00 treat of this delicacy! The Health Market Is always Duluth, Minn., and a company ap­ many, laat August for the “ Big DecHnea to Olva Particuiara C^hampanzeea were used In the up bodies and clearing away the Hodge, commander of U. 8. • • •

i ■ * HAKUHESnCK Kn WPKI VKRALD. MAHCHBETBl. 00*11, THUltSDAT« AOTFOST X I. 1949 P A a B T B m ■AnCUBffl B** BVBWinO neilAUUt MAJNlJilCSl *'**''^^***» THURSDAT, AUGU5T,22, I94fc elation oa oollectivs bargaialag of whom are ex-aervlcemcn of dtately after tha war Tufoalavla | in a body at St. James’s church ogont last weak and 4#ol«t pi«y- ft waa reported without confir I Hartfaed SS tVni* Town Committre to Or* ground .n.l Mt. Nrbo. Th^ to^^n Meeting Republican Town com- Reiiiaiii on Sloop R e f u s e to Sign Con* slate of offlcera for preMntstlon Comfortable Cabs Yankee Made ”/ IH! nunee. Municipal btilldlng at S. Father ^'oo«l Delivers for nomination at the rorthcom-{ haa born Wllrd for **'*“^- , ! American and Brltlah forcea in the Sent by Nor* Japanese to Man inicff To Enlarge Its Ing prim ary elections win be held | Thr money hnvlng all bK n apent rn d a y , Aug. gg D iadoses Details of T en-| MaMlMrtfr VdUraa^ t r a c t s Rec Con*«n*W'* Did Not Tieate area had been called to con­ Public hearing on charter revi- AddreMH Before the Miami. Fla.. Aug. 2S — (A5 — t^orrow night et 8 d\lock In the i JOSEPH M. ORnXEtLI, Prop. bv tha Rerreatlon roramittee there i ference at ISth corpa headquarters School Board e m b e m h i p Include $4,500 for (OsaHaned from Csge Ooe) aion. Municipal building at S DenlSd the right to land on Amer-: tative Fivo-Year $120,-: ggrrtcd CaaUr w a l k S Municipal buUdlng instead of to-] now no funda ayailable to ^ y In Diilno. Coliiinliian Squires lean soil, 18 aea-golng refugees. dB OMlor Street 106 Liberty Ships night as wo* pre\1o:hil^an-, for the bleacherR Thia experience In Italy o'clock. Portable Seats The TT. B. SStb division'paraded Sunday. Aug. tB Including a pretty dve-year-old 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 B u i l d i n g I (Next to M M Utpal M l Mag) Norwalk, Aug. 22—<8V-Norwalk The RepuMlcen Town Oommlt- nounced. the town will be railed upon to, who . asked ... that . .his ------nsmeu- not be within view of Yugoslav blnocii- make an additional appnVprtation Kail Field Trials, Manchester ••We miiiit love even those We ; girj. from the little republic of [ TOtaplMM StfS M d M 41 teschen. In affect going on strike .Son Francisco, Aug. 22— Iff)— tee aiactcd at the caucus Tueodsy uaed. said the sound of the planra’ larS here Monday and Lieut. fJen Division, C.S.A., a t TalcottvUle dislike.' K*-v. Robert J. Wood of { Estonia, remained aboard their 3B-| Planat 3-Year Study! Tile first Japanese_ __ ssUi lors to visit night will meet tonight at eight The Recreation committee haa of 94.B00 for the bleachers.rs.\ motors and their lines ronvinred lohn f ranking Amertrsn Dtroetor— Nathan & Ootch- in demands for higher wages and There are no old ^ I d * in T lbe\' MANCHISTER^?t/CI)MP,\NY Flats. 8L Jam es’* c hurch told members j foot sloop In Blscayne bay here to- ] the West coast siDce befors Posrl o'clock St the Municipal building Merrisgea are arranged by faml-^ luhmittcd to the Selectmen lU him that they were Anirnran P-BI commander, called the review * ... Monday, Aug. M of Brown-I.aGare cirde, Columbian day. nortford. Au*. tX-i/Py-Om . | sU. recognlUon of their association oa Harbor day will arrive in Septem­ O p p o » 111 Si. J * tii c s C ii u t I ti Mustangs. "rominclng demonatratlon of Al- to organise. The committee named ly contract, and'oometlmee s men fwigoe for next year which K. of C. Carnival through Sept. Squirea. at their meeting last night Without a valid ImmigraUon I Koymend B. BaMwm loot ni«ht j ~Aaristaat Director — Woltoi a ooUectiv* bargaining ogont, sold ber. takes all the daughter! of e house­ ShoMcr Is (iiveii Tha Amerlran said he witnessed | lied military might.” <1 at the Knights of Columbus home. St Tuoadsy night’s meeting con- amoonU to IM.TBO. This la an permit In the group. It appeared dioelooed tlM detoila o t m tanUUva j Ford. their contracts for the, coming The Japanese crewmen and of* ■lata of 86 members, only atven hold os co-wlvea. I 893 Main StMnnchestRr. Cnnn increase of o\*er last year . I f « i - the Incident from a hotel window] FuiH-tlon Purely Defensive Last date on which to file nomi­ Father Wood took as hia aubjact that they would have to push'’ pn Boorotsiy — Mxfgorat Dll- fleers will .- man 1Q8 lib erty F o r B rin<*-rji<*clj In Bled after hr was attracted by H^.^ver, It waa evident that fhra.yoar. flJO.OOO.OOO public world j sci^l year would be nturned, un­ bTdom not include the nations for party primaries. the First C^pmmandment and | ^fter replenishing thefr auppUea. worth. signed, today to the Board of Ed­ fiLightera wblcb were loaned to the noise of the fighter plgnca function of the western Allied stressed the loVe of neighbor and that was appropriated as an addi­ Tuesday, Aug. t 1 The little ship, which depend* i taptdUBi; proerom which ha ooid OounsolUng: 10 to U noon; 1 ucation. the defeated government for r ■MONTGOMERY WARD tional amount for portable bleach- ' P***lng overhead. j forces hers was piiraly•y defensive Democratic town caucus. Hollis- charity covered by It. on sail almost entirely for powef. WM Dm rosult of a throo-yeor study t a 4 p.a.; StoUoa Bstur Their ocUon confronted the pstristlon of their nation* ‘ and Mlaa CSecflia Wandych of Oak- ’ IxMid r.»pl«Hii»ii» Heard , Across the Morgan nne, which street school at 8:16, - ”We must never taunt another reached Miami yesterday after oC tlM oUte’a ooeda b> malntalnliy day. School board with the olternoUve are niw being Bailed hack to the TWa Account la sure to result In land______street____ waa^ pleasantly aurprls- He added that hr hiniseif heard | separates American-Btitlah troops because his race or religion is dif­ voyage from .Sweden that lasted fan onploymant during the poaG VotoronF Administration of reopeiUng negotiations with the United states. Saturday, Aug. 81 ferent than ours. Chriat told ua to Each ship win be manned by 85 e o n ^ ra b le study by the Select- ^ Wadneailay evening with a mla- no sound of sh^mting. but that oth- j from Yiigoalav occupation forces Aquatic meet a t GJobe Hollow almost three months. I war locoaveiBlon period. Contact RtprasenUDvoo - Norwalk Teschen association, ipen tomorrow night y'V ' cellanaoua shower "given In her er witnesses In Uic street told him tin the dlaputod area, were numeii- love all men and that means that Ihcliided in the group besides > F.ASTWOOh ' The bulk of the planned con­ TbomM J. Swoenay. ir , dolly, Japanese. The ships will soil in which npnoents virtually all of small convoys uQ 52.25 Al tht Center **On tho l.,eYcl Al Cenlor and Hrmd'* when their e.seort ship, the Niivy’.s 607,000; Bridgeport armory, $780,- At Any Price. 4.75 - 5.00-19 ...... 10.80 2.45 happen so often without tome mighty good reasonil 000; WllUmanUo SU te Teachers M9-S41 Main Street ’’Weiss” esnie hbreast of the y.'rcht. 5.25 -'5.50-18...... I2.0.5 ■2.65 Puts on Bwimming Trunks college, $670,000; pork develop­ Later, with a bright sun and a m ent $50,145; stste-oldM public 5.25 . 5.50-17...... 1.1.20 2.75 NOTE: Atk about Words “MIRACLE” Inner Tubot. The tubes Kiel calm sea, the piesident put on ochool buildings, $2,000,000; main MANCHESTER 6.00- 16 ...... 14.40 2.95 « swimming trunks for another of his cottage S t Connecticut State hos­ the best-looking moke tires tofer . . . longer- wearing I I frequent sunbaths. pital, Middletown, $652,000, and MEMORIAL 6.25 • 6.50-16...... 17.50 3.55 I TTie length of Mr. TnmiHn'.s stay HERIDAN expansion of facilities at Mans­ 7.00- 15 ...... 18.7.5 ;L45 i In Bermuda haa not been disclosed. NOW PLAYING field State hospital and Training I Nor hns Presidential Press Soerr- PRESENTS FOR YOUR 'DANCING PLEASURE school, $628,000. COMPANY 7.00- 16 ...... 19.27 3.65 tary Charles G. Ross told reporters Omni r /oaadl proeoaN Oarage at Middletown State hoa- A. Almettt. Fnip. WHITE and GRAY | i where Mr. Truman will make his IRENE REX LINDA pltid, $44,000; laundry building St O N THE STREET Plus Fodarai Tax next call during the gulf stream Middletown State hospital, $180,- OOB. PBAHL AND HAMUBON eriiise. The piir^v Is not due hack DUNNE • HARRISON • D A R ^ 000; State police barracks at West­ BTBECTB I* (ItM 4.S0-IS onS loraar, iU¥*rsid*i or* *e« ART McKAY ■Md* wlHi RAYON cardl SaraSar flt*i conliiw*' brook, $186,000; four cottages, em­ in W’ashington until Labor day, A N N A AND YMI- AND HJS ORCHESTRA TELEPHONE 7717 OB flBSI Is ta o< fliwit eoUM cord. 821-^28 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Hept. 2. ployes’ dormitory, boiler house and kitchen at Odorcrest oanitarliun, HUMAN HAIR NETS | Presiimahly the president will Kli\G O l' SIA/W V, THIS EVENING! DANCING FROM 9 TO 1. OpM .i M flaya. $285,000; boiler house a t Long look over the big Berniiida Naval :-'*l ' ItMe . . . . |||I| f .ikHU ... o STEAKS o LOBSTER • CHOPS o A LA CARTE SERVICE Lens farm, $178,000; building for Buy pireel aaS Save M«uayl We need hardly remind von t hat ba.se. one of tho.se the ITnited PLUSI HELECTEI. SHORTS! HUMAN HAIR NKTS are one States scqtiireil under 89-yeur DINING ROOM OPEN FROM 11 A. M. IX) 12:30 A. M. disturbed patients at Fairfield lease in exchange for 50 over-age NO COVER OR MINIMUM CHARGE! state hospital, $750,000; building of the hardest to gel of the destroyers. STARTS TUESDAY: WE INVITE WEDDING PARTIES. BANQUETS. ETC. for Rex Brooher bird pointings, hard-to-get items today. Hnt $280,0(>0; administration building James' Beauty Salon — ever “NIGHT AND DAY” for stats form for women, $116,- 000; . and mlocellaoeous building alert to get you what yon want Siii).«iot ('oiiiiril 613 MALN STREET TELEPHONE 3802 Imimvements and minor new —has them in stock now. Re*- structureo, $3,846,008. ier get some today! . 'Uo AUomI Riles Read Herald Advs. THE COMPIETilY AUTOMATIC i f Wennnsh Mary Humphrey of Pickets Prevent Sunset Council, Degree of Poco- hnntas hss asked that all of the ' Speech by Smith HOME LAUHDRY... nienibei's of the council meet at . Also Available In the home of Mr*. Katherine Rutlf- gers, of .38 C.HKl'-n street, on Frl- Minneapolis, Aug. 22— (85 — da.v- night. At thi* time Mrs. Rutt- ] Three-hundred placard - bearing I m i B r u l l gers wilt have a full report on the { pickets who atorined the Learning- 'LIGHT BROWN chartering of g bus to take the WE WILL GIVE ton hotel ballroom here Wednesday members of the oi ganl2Uition to the night forced cancellation of a Mail to the Sunrise ceremonies to speech by Gerald L. K. Smith, De- be held on the .Mohawk Trail, Sun­ troiL director of the America First day, September 8. This will be en party. 'MEDIUM BROWN ot)on air affair for members of thq, Smith at a later press confer­ councils, their families, and friends. ence termed the dleorder, marked .Sun.set Council is planning thla as by broken doors to the meeting It* annual outing. It Is requested plaace and a few hurled choira, "a ' B L A C K that all memher* of the council be GASH ehsmeful exhibition of lawleoaness preaent and show their Interest in ahd hoodlumism.” He sold he was •ff vttv •’* this trip. TO TIIK l*KRSON W HO SL’B.Mi rS ,\ SUITABLE NAME FOR THE NEW NIGHT leaving today for a conference •ft V There will he no meeting of the 5rith his party leaders in Omaha • • -r'. ' • ' t . . 5353234823532348534848484853482323 roiincll on Monday, September 2, ^ ’IvURJR IIIC.H W ILL BE OPEN AI 11 DEPOT SQUARE. and would speak to a Denver Labor Dav. young peoples’ rally Sunday. a n d Both pickets and Smith's audi­ I f ’ . 1 tors were asked to clear the ball­ TNIOC-TAt SHINGLES Duress (lliarge YES room by Glen McLean, Minnea­ I \VF ARE ENLARGLM. VND REMODELING COMPLETELY THE ___ polis police chief, reinforced by 80 of his offlcera, and left peace­ ' 0m w iM0*w 8 •SPECIAL" Matle at Trial i ably. The shingles ore llie fhickej,f where rhe 1 Bottle FOM Lather 1 BdUIe TKRGENT RAY FLUFF Cream — (Conllniird friiin ?aga One) IDEPOT SQUARE GRILLs Oil Shampoo and 2 Cream Lather Sham­ Blast at Jet Unit waor h (he gn o M sf. The thick butt ShamiMK) (tube or jar) = lengr "I -told tllC truth OJ t IT WII I HF OPENED EARLY THIS FALL AS A SWANKY NIGHT CLUR AND WE WANT While or Gray Human poo (Contains Egg Al­ II WH.L BK SO. BE SI RE TO E.NTER THIS I.IRERAL CONTEi^T. NO OR- creates o shadow line tor roof beaulyl and 2 White or Gray SS; know it " \ NEW NAME FOR IT Hair Nets — Value bumin) and 2 White . s s P\|-Yi \vn.. "Inought here In the Plant Kills Eight or Gra.v Human Hair Human Hair Net.t— ~ liope that he would shed light on LIG.ATIONS! HEXAGON SHINGLES fU O . • \etfl—Value $1.35. \’alup$1.20. — the plotting , of Japanese mlUtar- A$uao. Calif- Aug. 22.—(ff)— let* after the seisure of Man- ADDRESS TO! V g h t persona were dead opd 20 ALL FOR ALL FOR ^Eirhuna. but so far his testimony ALL FOR OPEN TO ALL! SEND AS MANY 1’4>NTEST EDITOR. laJvRed today after a fire and ex- flMBwNSta.8, SEI ha.s not lieen very productive. ploolon ireMcrdsy wrecked the SS i * _ X N A . M E S A S YOU. LIKE! DEPOT SgilARC DRILL Aero-Jet Englileem g Oorp., mok- I 44 De|»nl Hqiinre » .Mtslnhig “('oninion Touch” Use Thi* era of Jet-oailsted take-off unite Eosy to apply 11 • » notch and tongue $1.00 $ C'nnvriileni \ .Manchesler, Cnnn. 1.00 $1.00 for Navy fighter and bomber on oltdmo^ endHOtsure perfect, olign- S O’klsluunii City, Okla. — (db — Contest Closes A ug. 31 Entry Blank plonea. Cause of the fire, which sppor ment * • • gives permanent ■ beouty« Furniture ^ 5 Kni(>eror H’lohito's tamsd white i IN' THE E\"ENT OF MORE TH.AN ONE *tsihon. Hatsushimo. la attaining I MOULD UKE TO 8UDDE8T: ently licked its way into a vola­ the "common touch" t’JO Hatau- WINNER. DUPLICATE PRIZES WILL BE, tile fluids mixing planL remained and Music = ahinio wp* left among .•» motlay a»- AWARDED. . tindisclosed as Navy suthorttli >oitmert of fiitui nuimala on a took charge of the plant. The DECISIONS OF JUIHJES W Il.l. HE EIN AL! A S A SUITABLE NAME FOR blosL w’bicb blew some of the vol­ ~ raiK I) near heie when hi* new ALL ENTRIES BECOME PROPERTY OF yoru NEW NIDIIT CUB Aik about Wands JMoaSdy Poymenl Mbn JAMES’ = owner. Du k Ryun of Lo* Angelea, unteer flre-flghtora 60 faeL pound­ a s WH» railed hack to the coast while THE DEPOT SQUARE GRILL. It DEI'OT ed holes la bufldlnga 80 feet away, s s en route to the Natlunal ahow In SQUARE. destroyed the plont’e Are engine |.St, taiiiis. "Hat.ay” rubbed no*e« and equipment, and wros heard at 763 Main StreGt BEAUTY SALON s , with other farm horses, juat Uks ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNER WILL BE Wrigley field in Los Angeles, 25 "Where It’a Convenient To Park” S ! be belonged. MADE IN THE HERALD ON SEPTEMBER m M d istent 5, 1946. It WM several hours befors tbs Tel. 5680 74 EAST CENTER ST. TELEPHONE 4201 ~ The building* of the Unlverolty a, i»4». ' p y dead, on local rooidente, ware tden SSt of Virginia were laid out accord- tided. Borne wrere dismembered 824-828 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER 53232353484848314823232353234848535348484848235353482348485323484848234848535323235323— ling to * plan drawn by Thomas tar the foree of the explorion. i.liRl Jefferson. •

■ - v ' V / / I ' ____ _ ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIANCHESTER, C0NN.7 THURSDAY, AUGUST 22.1949 — - P a m n o r C* BTHNirm iTBICALD. MAIfCIlMTBIl, OOlflf, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28,194f ff A O B fO T J l ChartM lif^ Cooke, Jr„ cominaator vy eroaa and elothlng by her attor- aba dropped her divorce action tageous Bltoa of varytu raqulra- then. ments for tnduatrisa sseking to lo­ of the U. fi Seventh Beet now ' “ •y- Aerial Survey FENDER AND ChineseReds Fails to Get Tm very relieved It Ts all over," cals in Connsctlcut. The photo­ operating In Chinese watore. "le thla all I get out of it t " graphs will also be made available Thomas Urges It ^ pivaumed they lUeCTiaaed No Evidence of Klan I baked the S2-year-otd Marine Mie told newsmen after the hear­ BODY WORK Where Good Will Idea Works ing. Thank God I had those re- Shows Sites for reference by other state de- Dm whole tense C h l i ^ " l i * * * ^ $8,800 Back fighter "Who ia going to pay partmonto, local offletola and the SOUMBNB 4 FLAGG Disoiss Peace and the position of U. 8. Marlnaa the inoome tax?” e e ^ " New Orieans* fntei’naiional House Opens Trade Gales general public. m e Merger Action ta North China. - Activity in Michigto Omrgaa INaaalBaad By Jtaig* *X>aatratulaUons.'' Boyington M OMtot M. 9W. i i n SM Divisions la Battia Itoa Boyington Salvages Hi§ The .... obarges— were— dlemieeed------by- mdtterod, aa she passed the coun­ More 'T h a n 100 Milefi Prf>*Governmeiit Paper cil table where he and hie wife , Prior to the new survey. Regers ByNlris Krcrgrr A Communist Yenan broadcast proposes Tmnuui Order were sitting. — j Along State’s RailrosH explaintd, no adequate maps hsvs AP Scwsfcalercs (Jiarges Gas Used eharxed thst the goveraaMnt had J VOHV State and Local Police British Recapture K m iy Cro,. .nd 'Oclh. SSSSS'SSSS." existed for a l a ^ part of the New Orleans—Want to sell a 2 Ban Diego, Calif., Aug. 33—(T)— Nanking, Aug. 22—W')—Two Oovemment Minister of XnfOr- Hmser'e The M a g charging abebe wrongfully impropna- Beqoired To Betuad Depo«lte Connecticut Development com­ solete from t^vlawpotnt of show­ speaklng nurse for your child? Call Chinese Coromuniat leadcra dla- nation Peng Hseuh-Pel asaertad dally CUng to Life Ueut•feveev. Ool.-ww. Gregory— "Pappy’’ —rww Boy- - ted ^,5uu^.800 OXof nearlynesriy 920,000 he nv hadiw ing currently ektattng industrial OF Wuhlaftoe. Au». *3—tr)—s«B. Singapore. Aug. 32— Seven mission has completed an aerial •tor «lb «t TtoBiM (D-UUh) pro- International House. 'cuaaed the iasue of peaca for China that "enormous numbers" of Com­ of 362 Britleh peiwtroopere chxrg- Ington salvaged his NaYy cross and ^ entnisted to bar while he was ov' Hartford, Aug. il2—uFi—James locations. poa«d to^ajr that. Praaident Tru* Maybe you're Interested In ex­ munist troops had fought into (r«vth of Sto Artteleel •d with mutiny eacsped Uat night a suitcase of clothes today out of | erseas. She maintained she had survey of more than 100 miles of The area covered by the project DR. J. J. A L U S O N today with the U. 8. amhaaaador Tatung’s outskirts. T. Sullivan. OPA rent director has he eald, is that moat deficient in ■Mm order Into immodloto offoct • porting baby chicks to Ecuador, By Arthar W. BwreM from the prison camp in which bU romance with Mrs. Lucy Mai- ««> « ** *®® existing and potantlal industrial MrtUt BMrgw of Andy and Navy amid a tumult of civil wac^runKM, Peng said the government poM- EAT BETTEII ALL WINTER they were confined but were re­ Issued warnings to landlords who sltea along the stole's railroad up-to-date mapa. and future sur­ 875 MAIN STREET o r shoes to Greece. Or P**'*’*P* Detroit, Aug. t i —(dV^OfflcUU colmson and wondsred out loud | Boyington in connection ntncUona you’re looking for a Latin dancing Including a charge the Oomnua- tlon was "very critlcaL" captured early this morning. collected security depoeits from lines, which dspicto the terrain In veys will be needed to complete At Peiping. a Communist a t Cetholte, Jeeriah and Negro or- ail the industrial aactiohs of the IS CLOSED *nMinai; who a chairman of tht partiwr with plenty laU had resorted to poison gaa. who was going to pay the inoome | with their marriage plana, tenants during the July 1 to 25 ps- greatsr dstail than any previous spokesman at BxecuUve (truce) geaUmtlona aay there I»m been i)P The fugitlvM, firmly handcuffed, state. Sonato' IClUtary committee, told It’s etlll all In a day’s work for thU The wholly unsupported allega' WlUVlwVevidence Wof mltjf«ny va^»aaa«p^’aaorgaxlxed Ku Kluk were wvtw ImmediatelyMRlMi^wa^a^ ■.••awaataken •aawvinto-the waam tax on 98,800 be didn’t get back, i Dtvoroe Aetloa Dropped riod when OPA rent controls survey. Commission Chairman UNTIL a reporter he is draftlny a letter tion came from the pro-govern­ headquarters denied that Tenan The aubum-halred wife of an, The marriage didn't come off. lapsed, that they afe requested to Willard B. Rogers said today. unique institution. * had Issued s genera] mobilisation loan activity in Michigan in re-1 courtroom where they are on trial to that effect which Mr. Truman ■. Bometlmea the variety of activi­ ment newspeper Ta Kung Paq of Australian businessman was clsar Boyington married hie present reriind deposits before Aug. 26. 'The purpose of the survey, he Murals excavated upon the site order, which would bo the signal cant yaara. State and local police before a military court together -1 of Pompeii—deatfpyed in V9 a .D. THURSDAY, kwUl find on his desk when he re­ ty SUtprisea the practical Tientsin, which asstrtad tna Oom- confirm their atatementa. with the other alleged mutineers. ed yesterday of Boyington’a charg- { wife, Franeea Baker. Hollywood Sullivan also reminded Isn^lorda stated, was to provide sr< urate leans buaincaa men who orgsnleod munlsts had used it in their siege for full-scale clvU war. wnowho rMiwuraised rentsiT'ni* forlor periodspvncMU afterKxxrr end anu up-to-date photographic maps —depict inhabitante of that ill- turns from hts vacation at sea. B BUS UOHNMIB' However, an official in a poalUon ea that she had embcxsled the i actress, on the day MrO. Malcolm- fated'City wearing hats and bon­ SEPTEMBER 5th, Speciflcatly, the senator said he International House about it of Tatung, coal' and rail cantor money. ; eon said she was to have received July that they muit make refundf 1 for ffervltinf tnqulrieff received by of author!^* In Detroit told The Cleopetra wee of Greek ances­ nets. win appeal for establishment of months ago. Their prime object more than 150 miles west of Pel- Aaaoclatod Preaa that it would be try and Egyptian only by birth. Afterward she sent him the Na- j her Reno, Nev,, divorce. She said to tenant! before Aug. 26. 1 the commlsaion concerning advan­ a council of national defense such was In promoting foreign trade for ping. “ fpiaznature” .to describe tha Klan ae a called for In pending merger the Mlsslaalppl valley through the U. S. Ambassador John l R. Norris China—Lieut. Oen. Alvan C. Oil- T h e United Bona is no) nowj Congress to decide the issue when bespectacled Prof. lem, Jr., Army chief, and Admiral bed. He required a partner. A per partiea in touch with each oth­ Shreve, Purdue university chem- and never has been connected with it comes baclr next January. Spanlan-apeaklng secretary was There have been reports that er, and the deals were made. lat and atom acieiitist, on a visit to the Ku Klux Klan." Induced to try the assignment. She The organlMtion occupies a ten- this old gold-mining area, took a J A police file in Detroit de-1 Mr. Truman discussed such a realgned, exhausted, after' one scribes an official of the United course at a recent meetipg of atory building »n downtown New "panning" trip with J. Price Bris­ night Thla was one of Internation­ Orleans. Reference llbrarlea, meet­ coe, local mining operator. The Sons as a man who has “carried Army and Navy leaders and Un­ al’House's few failures on the actlvltlea of the Ku Wux dersecretary of State Acheeon at ing rooms, a reascarch staff, tem- professor got traces of gold in his The men behind Inte'metionsl iiorary office apace and bl-llngual first attempt - to pan the creek, laan." Neither the United Bona the White House. House' resllie that goodwill and nor its leaders has been aesused While Thomas said he did not aecretariea are at the aervtce of In­ then nearly missed a couple of understanding must go along with ternational traders-ana at nuggets on hla second, blit Briacoe any uidawful activity. know whether the movr actually healthy trade. Heiice they're wllH tlirMiIn daclined to say whether is under consideration by the pres­ coat. hurriedly pointed them out. He had Ing to help, even when nobody Is ''to, Briscoe confessed later. He had PLENTY of QUALITY MEATSI he had ever been a Klansman. ident, he added he believes the trying to buy or sell anything. Members Pay the Bill g;^:..ONUTOPQUAUTY G R A D ES AA&A Tkere are recurrent reports of need for at least a partial merger Nor la there a charge for any "salted" the stream from his own Buslnesa the Purpose > peraonal nugget collection. ' Klan activity within factoriet— is gnpving dally. Of course, moat of the organlsa of the other functions of Interna­ espoelally the big auto plants. A . "Tile only spot whore we have a tlon’a activities me more directly tional Houae. ' All expensea coma g to rtd ji»y in Detroit is currently ] There are 187 cities over 50.000 single head of military police Is related to buslnese. For example, from dues and feek paid by mem­ „ S 9 * Inquiring into auch allegations. in Japan, where Oen. Douglas a bridge ’ company in Nashville, bers, who now number more than population in the United States. Porterhome SI'All OffiriaiR of the CIO United Auto MacArthur is supreme Allied com­ Tehn., had been requoated to quote 1,000 individuals and firms of va­ 7 INCH CUT ROAST Workers report no Important evi- U 6 9 ' Rih mander,” the Utah senator de­ a price on a span in Colombia, and rious types, in America and abroad. T-Bone Stenk denoe of large-ac*l® “cells. clared. “The succeM with which asked International Houae for ROAST LB Hie KKK appeared in Michigan The principal idea which Inter­ 9 9 ' FeceRenp Oeneral MacArthur la meeting In some pertinent data. By return national House aeeka to. Inatill Ctab Steak U BONt- after the Flret World war. ' attaninistering policies there Illus­ mall the company received detail­ throughout the Mtsslsaippl valley Fancy Brisket uss PdbUe Meetinga Oottowed trates the need'for unification else- ed reports on. dorumenta required, and In foreign countries Is this— Sirioin Steak u 5 9 ' In 1928 the Michigan Legisto- . where." Inland rail rates, bcean freight that most of the valley's foreign RomI turti aiming directly at the Man, Thomas said he Is suggesting charges, forwarding feea and ex commerce can be handled 'more „43> BoneleitRanp outlawto public meetings of I to the president that a council for port packing procedure. economically through gulf porta Ckack Steak iziaaked persons. cotninon defense be set up with An Ecuadorean merchant wrote than through either aealward, par­ Cheek Roast By 1924 the KKK was credited % by newspapers with controlling Seerstary of State Bymea as" its that he had built up a good bust ticularly In trade with Latin C e n u ife Spring •gSJ'.^Roeet chairman. neaa In Importing Xmerlcan baby America. . Pot ■ 200,000 votes in Michigan. Borne under terms of the merger bUl, chicks but was having difficulty In yeara later a national Klan officer The Idea of International, Houae' i . B 9 ' BONILISS I* members of the council also would finding Strong, healthy specimens. LAMB Stew Beet said that 1924 was Its heyday in .include the proposed new secretary He was placed in contact with i Loin Chop* the state and set its membership LB 5 < 9 ' in that year at 115,000. for common defense, undersec re- Chicago firm, which is now ahlp' LAfAl tarlee toe the Army. Navy and Air ping the chicks to him. They arrive PROMPT Rib Chop*,, The state Man waa disbanded Vnm and the chairman of the pro­ three daya out of the egg. l. 4 9 ' C o U L In 1924, but teatlmony in a court posed national security resources Heahag War's Trade Wounds DAY and NIGHT Shoulder Chops cam diaclose that it continued „ 4 5 ' Mard. Many requestf reflect the effects « 3 3 ' LWerwortt under the guise of the SYMWA OmM fUve Beard Authority of war. A Greek Importer needed Lanh Foret club, letters of which stood for | We Work—Savingly a 4 5 ' "Bpend Your Money With Amerl- Thomas said that if Mr. Truman LB 25' Rolepa chose he could name representa- SUYfIng lomh CSv** I tviea for each of theae divisions The thing to dn about Gener­ « 4 5 ' Tha nations! Man set emlsaar- and clothe the reaulting board with OIL BURNERS ator Imahle la—come to na and RIND- 55* gieeed Ha« les to Michigan in 1925, and the ead Itl We have the linnwi- uss LB KUut was revived and Incorporat- [ •utheclty to cocddlnato;aII defense tn filfilM and Serviced Strip Bacon SKINLESS 1 . 4 5 ' activities of the goverahtent. edge, tools, parts tor quick, dor F r a a k f e r t a Pamacea (Cleaned prndable Generator Repairs A Detroit mayor once accused As the merger bill proposes, he / B U R K E @1 LB'4 9 ' j said the board also could be charg­ Come to ns once, and roo'll re­ V a a l L o a f the KKK of fomenting race riots. ed with appraising "the objectives, Henry Parent turn tor any needed Auto Eire- LiVt CHICKtN Former Mansmen were Identl-j iwiPl CfNIlRSI NAN(MI,,r't (0«« trieal aertice. Once ■ tor - nil, fled aa members of the Black Le- eomnsltments and risks of the Telephone 2-018S LB 5 9 ' United States In relation to our L learn that top-grade work and L o b a t e r t fio u ltiu f,’ — gion, a terrorist organisation of | actual and potential military pow­ materlata prove lowest-priced, the 1980a ' . ’___ tn the end! Ou TO 4 5 « Never Proven Guilty of Crimes er in the Interests of our common FANa SLICED average IB defense 55' Chieken Smart 'women evtrywhere turn to A&P ior There were Man demonstra- ‘ Further, Thomas said he Is sug- LB '■ tlona in the '30s, croMea wera | H a l i b u t Superb quality meats they know the aatis- burned and a few minor atrocities fsstlng that the proposed security iaction that eomee irom buying whwe skilled rsaources board be set up by If You Are Planning a W edding NORTON meat man take aaba core in preparing the were blamed on the Man, includ­ exeentlva order with authority to ing one kidnaping and bramU^. choice heavy eleer beat eteoks or toosis ior However, it was never proven that pass on questions of manpower, O r Party, the G arden G rove Is the EI-E dent could effect a merger of chose at the A&P Super Market Amp-Navy functions which awuld A. PAGANI & SONS Mansman boasted that the knights ■top Just short of the more contro- CATERERS were still .active In Femdale, “ Tsmal legislative proposals for Detroit suburb. , welding the aervicee into coordi­ P H O N E : 5790 O R 5769 Aa tots as 1942 poUUcians ae- nate branchee under a single aec- eused the Man of attempting to setary for common defense. PLATES U. S. NO. 1 - NEW inject a rel^ou* Into a I cainpalan whicli landed Harry K. He obeerred that a tew months LOW PRICE - SO LB BAG 1.39 ICED TEA! at operations under such an execu­ POTATOES Flavor tastMl for lastw| Kelly, a Catholic, in the govern- tive aedar might demonstrate to or’i chair. * Concraas the fSasIbUlty of com- CALIF. Q refresliMeRi During the war the Man slip­ the unlfioation by leglsla HARTFORD ROAD FANCY EATING A LBS ped into obscurity. | BARTLEH PEARS (TuEuorrow- Charter revoked | amoi RESTAURANT & GRILL U. 0. NO. 1 NATIVE HALF LB In OaBfomla.) ONIONS MOm GROWN 10I MCaH*8AQ 339 TN0-ILUEBERNIE9 tvi ‘^ x fa a * S78 Hartford Foad Telephone .'IS 13 ’/ PKG P E A C N E t 3 tea 28 * CUT CORN ■moacvi ‘ When YonVe Hungry . . . Remember! MOMI GROWN Kemp Introduces X CORN PRCSH PICKED DOZ 39 * PEAS&CARR0T9 amoaiYE A tten tion ! HOMI QSOWN OLD HUfitmeO .WE SERVE SPECIAL DINNERS TOMATOEa LASOt SIZE 3 tea 19* IC E CREAM AU nAVORi . Automatic Washer | Garages ond Repaired E V E R Y D A Y JToubUessly the readers have ‘ read the forecast of events and iervice Stotions! . ■■■ '' Wines . . . Beers . . . Liquors have gotten well posted through the advertisements for several We Do the Following In 3 H ours rOrULAS BRANDS' A - P m RE*M0VER Bp'f 17* . Dblin FOOIS tnontha of this fine new washer, Blachine Shop W ork: Ponnd Cakot* C lg a r it t e t 2 PKGS 33* hut now'lhe time has really come If you are bothered with I LB PRICED FOR Caada tILVCR P o l i i t I S * l i t t s r aiLVERaROOR l.7 8 * when it can be seen by all who Valvea Repaired CUT 2 9 « CTN 1 .6 5 CONN. ONLY SUNNVBROOK your dental plates have VegsUbIss "«> 12' have waited so long. It is now at Blodta Reaeatcd E ggs PRESH—tAOat •0188* them made over in the Suar-NitLoif Vo?r' 33* Kemps. ' , Water Pumps Rebuilt itoz Strls(Bsass-L.2&°>.:23' EdamCliaeae t>57* This I-aunderall is made by the F. new beautiful n a t u r a R fM eOCOANUT R i l f LOAP 43. W|issMtsCleasser..,a' IONA ANO'ZttAAp L. Jacobs Cto., for nearly thirty- PKG CitSsstt FANCY g2’^’’-*“ CANf Aaierlcaa Clieeaap% 58* five years one of the largest man­ Paeaenger Car and Track S U P E ia O R Kum-color pink plastic. OP V I S ' O M O stek Citantfff 2 CANS 15* MOTOR Oil. 2 0AL.f we SiiUwleh Rills • llAmnll M«rinlti»To LB. A -P a a i NO.aO CAN l . g l ufacturers of supplies of fine pre­ Brake Drums Turned ffryn* R W U l HafiBtAFabilct PKOlV* Bordei'a 22* cision parts of automotive and oth­ C t ffM C a lw rtiltd *CAKt » « 2 5 * (Trudm a Specialty) •NO IMPRESSIONS Mells-Wbeat A7. BlaeM aaa.V::nK15* er industries. This company em­ N a b lu t COA^KERS VkQ 23* KRAFT'S ploys over 5,000 men and women NECESSARY O riiitJiica V n* 5 3 * t a N iy fle M A980Ptm*nl PKO 19 * CHfISi Brake Shoes Relined S E R V U m NaU tetiooaBrai P*KQ 20* V elveeta w h ^ outstanding work and ef­ 40 OZ ficiency have won them the Army Popular Brake Shoe Seta anipifriItJilei CAN 35 * M astafR annpaqe V** ^5* •FREE ESTIMATES R I e e P i f f i ^ T d^ 12* and. Navy B award. It is a multi- in Stork T i M t i J i l e e ^Vn* 2 7 * C id er Vlaagaro'^jTRreoT 16* A-Peaa> C lea aer OAL. 49* million dollar corporation that GIVEN LAsar S a lt ORANDUOTHER t BAG 8* ANN PAGE a OZ staVida behind the Launderall. E v M .M iik MONOGRAM . CWarVlaegar QAl.JUO C arlo ■ OT g#* King Pins Fitted HO. 7 ,t#CH .EACH 'OP” This Launderall has features Have your dental plates n VuhOft that make it the outstanding wash­ Piston Ptes Fitted . paired by men who have made Pn H W JlIO a quart'iot 28* !l|2jU||Pgigilnr S a d a W a ter CDHtt. *e’o? l2 9 * S ilb s eo WATT EACH11* ESSO * er of all times, it holds about 10 a life study of It — And ea' 11 2'IR Spruce St.-Cor. Eldridge eiQCHlEP eachI* aa much ae 50%. IdeaUars SJ5 83* SS 73* F ly R ik lN a pounds of clothes, which may be Armatarea/Tamed^ 47* ‘JUNKET” BRAND loaded ia from the top, you put in MasaaJara rzVn'BS* I*f**“ *:!! Fly Swatter WIRg EACH 10* the soap, set the controls, then go aad Uadercut Phone 3829 ANN PAQ6 12 OZ GROUND PK°G* 12* RENNET TAIIXTS about other business and forget M aaaaJara ^V.‘h 5 5 * M la p lM CAN 19* O ra M For AAsLing Rennet- PKG about the washing. Tour Launder­ Generators and Starters ANN PAQg Oittatds & Ice Oean OM2 II' Gimplete Front End and Shock Abaorher W . J. J a r Rlaffa oooo mex ooz 5* M ia t a f i GROUND 16* W ladex 2 S o ? l2 5 * all fills with water the right tem­ Rebuilt perature, (hot or cold aa required); Service, Wheel Balancing, Camber, Caster "OUZ DOES washes the clothes; drains itself; FO R R E N T affd Toe*ln Correction. Let our skilled me­ double rinses the clothes again in Ridge Reamer and . FAGAN IVORY PUKES 23‘ DUZ EVERYTHING" clear water the right temperature; chanics save you tire wear. “When AvsUsbte" •■■When ■ AvAUnhIe” drains itself; spina the clothes Wheel Poller Prop. «m p-dry; drains itself; then shuts MED WHITE MED, 1 - j e Itself off. There you have your Come In and Consult Our Also complete engine tune«up and brake Expertinert Dental Technieiaa laundry completely washed wlth- CAKES FLOATING I CAKES * Doctor o f M otora— SO Years Experi 17‘ SWAN SOAP eut touching yotir hands in the service. All work guaranteed. IVORY SOAP"When ArslUbU” “Whenn Available” John ITAddrio Offlco llnurs! B A. M. to • F. i wqtor.or supervising the opera­ Tires — Batteries — Accessories — Expert Lube I No Appointment Neeseaary. tion in any way. Mr, Kemp believes th ^ since CXIME IN ANY TIMS • SHORTENING JAR"■28‘ ;.?80‘ SWAN FLOAHNG SOAP 3c^^s29' pioneering the Automatic washers Service CRISCO “ When Available" CAMPBELL -.yrheo AvsUsble" in Manchester since their concep­ 33 ASYLUM STREET tion; that this, Launderall is the AUTO SUPPLY Owned and Operated by Opposite Asidna finest piece of mechanism thst he 29 BtoeD Street Room t Hartford, Oean- the 6REA1 ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY has everlseen. Henry Michalak - Robert Oliviw. ‘ The new Launderall is oA our TcleplMMw2-1139 Floor Above Savltt the Jewalat fl9or for your insMciroiu (AB Wa rtffM to

V , r •'[; i 7., .a ■' ■ j y

W'v HAJMCm i s s iu k fiVEmivU HRKALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22.194® P A G E S E V E N MANUMEari E n e v e n i n g REKALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THUR8DAT, AUGUST 22.1 9 4 ® H I T III I I' ; appointment of Allertoa C. Hick- Investment committee, has toen fib IWhim to Hide I mott of Hartford and Thomas L. announced by Oox-ernor Baldwin. TA U . CRDAffs It !■ Uls gaBifftWin now Uvlitf Pallofti Becomes New Niraes of Stamford aa memton of They will serve three-year terms Iced Tea—Easily Made f ilattri^Htfr aiktoh k u ban iatad to maka, for Connecticut Kof'kville V. tiM . Leads to Death tha State Savings Bank Railroad from Aug. A t t a ^ tba choice batwaau the aur> % -V WDRO—1266 Today's Radio W U N ^ U Ifi Maka laa as uauaL but douUe Btiangth to flUow for Coimittg ^rralb tha daatnictlon of clvlH- Hartford Strong Man Eastern UnjrUghi JacksonvUle, Fla.. Aug. '22.—(A^ Bingo aaaltinff loo. Wkila atill hot, pour into glaaaoa fiUad ’ r u w 4«MBi> iff rum Wa rauat not only make i Nurses Plan •KRAU) PUimNU CU tNU COLUMN —A child's whim to hide himself with emekod loo.... Add Bugat and laiBon totaala. deciaion auraalvaa, but wa Yankee fronx hla playnatea under an old u aMMO IlfMt Bp A. H. 0. 4:00—WDRC — House Party; Roimdup: WTHT — Rayme ■ Orange Hall UMW. oiiraahiea muat auflcr or enjoy Ita News; WKNB—News; Vaughn d lJ Une Democraiic Or- neaxlpapet' led to the death here iiiaow . ago, hauled them by ahtp to a bar­ I Benefit Parly Swing; WTIC— News ol ’t>. yesterday of two-year-old Rich­ ooMa^uancaa. By Edwta i . Oennwald Monroe: WTHT—Jack Berch; World. _____ »i*t _ tra r Hal Bayla) ren Ulaad In the Sea of Marmora g e n iz a t i o n «41sO O v e r - tlned for replacement by PaUotU'a ard C Danese.' Or«iter t IM ■> Vttr ua to run with what aaama Wa ware at aome paina, back in wnc—BacksUga Wife. 7:30—WDRC— Mr. Ksan: WONa , . ^ . ' "revolutionaries," the obaervera ToMorrow Night latanbul, Turkey, Aug. _ 23— fft- and abandoned them to an unhap- 4:15—WKNB — Birthday aub; Tto drlwr of ao automobile June, to deacribe one of the nu-' —Arthur Halt; WTHT -Pro- thrown in W aterbury; predicted. awertod to avoid Mtting a child to be tha normal Uda of huinaii Talking abooT w ts,' m avanhody py fata. Left without food and Rockville OrganizBlIon WTHT — Olrand’s Music HaU; fassor Quix; —Symphony 3S REGULAR GAMES 25c meroua "daya of declaion" in Gov­ doea here, thara are people with without accaaa to tha mainland. wnc riding a scooter on a flouthalde u«iM *1 Meeeewi*. Oanm.. m affaire wUl amount to nothkic laaa To Hold Event at the W TIC-SteUa Dallas. of Malcidy. In Primary Elections Oreetlng* CaMed Urtignay 7 S P E C I A L GAMES ernor Raymond E. Baldwln'a ca -' more than tkalr abai^of getting tha doga aimply devoured each oth- 4:30—WDRC — Give and Take; street and ran over a newaparper than an open choice of war and 7:45—WONS—lastda of Sports. about three feet from the' left SWEEPSTAKES raar. Wa told how, that morning, i around tha world who obntend that er Uhtil. it may to reaaonod, only Elks' Home WKNB — Unete Dave; WTIC— 8;0O-WDRC — Suspense; WONS “"auSouPrioKiuTW daatmctlon. Natleoa and paoplaa the roiitlno of being Oovamor i latanbul baa more eata to the door- one dog renwnedhnd w aha, By The Associafed Press Hartlord. Aug. 33—(A5—Cona- curb. Under the newspaper waa ' WEEKLY PRIZE Lorenso Jones. —Carrington Playhouse; WTHT cctlcut'a greetings to the republic SAUDI muat riaa above paat hlatory a ^ the Danese child, aon of Mr. and MONTHI.Y PRIZE ^ ICsii ♦•«••••••••• I 5 aaamod particutarly drab and atep than any other dty in any ppeaumably atarvad to dmUi. At Rockville, Aug. 22—(SpeciaH — 4:45—WKNB — Across tha Foot- —Lum^oand Abnar; WTIC — . Old line DemocVaUc organisa­ paat' ataadarda conduct, and do waartag. W# told how, towarda * country. laaat thara are no doga today on of Uruguay on ths l2lot oanlver- Mra'. Francis T. Danet*.- iSitirtp Cbm ...... •••••• V Ugbto; WTHT— Hop Harrtgmn;- Olmatead Playhouse. tions In Hartford and Waterbury sary of its Independence, Aug. 26, W A R B U N D ^Oeli««fM Om T*«» .••••■ i f noon, the gubernatorial achedule' ■ - ' There are no flgurae to confirm' the island which, not at all The Rockville Public Health Njira- Joung WIddsr Brown. g:85_ WD RC- FBI In Pesos sad A ttK'hnIcal charge of man- TO B S DRAWN At'U. M WtWitftm Mat** aiM. *TO ItXOD it now, if they are to aacapa the vmc — “ _ “ Were overthrown In primary elec- were cabled to the South American TEA provided for an eacaiie Into the thla, but a glanoa up and down any atrangaly, acquired tha nanw of Ing Aasociatlon will hold a benafit 6:00—WDRC—Main Street, Hart­ W sr; News; WONfi —Vic snd ■laughter, Sergt. W. B. Keene praaalnf danger of war in our latanbul atraat la enough to cOn- "Dog'laland." There u no tourist ford; WKNB-News; The Mall-| Ilona last night with Former republic by Governor Baldwin last said, was lodged against the MWimiM «>• beautiful hills of western Con- card party on August 38th at two Sade; WTHT —Amerlcsn Town night The cablegram, addresaed P:. / I'MA AlWtNlATKI' t'tiiat* tlma. Bvarythlng flne we think necti«.>ut We told the story of vlnoe tha douhtw that there ia trad# there, cither, b a j; WTHT — Terry; WTIC — Alderman Rocco D. Pallottf driver listed at police headquar­ o’clock on the grounds of the Elks’ MceUng of tto Air; WTIC — to Termin Silveira Zoral, chairman ters aa Jack A. Pagpnis. 46, pend­ rat A«i>e»al*a Piaaa la Mcluatvaly about our own nation atrengthena how, driving along through one coma OMrlt in the argument. I Do*** Warry About Itog* Home on North Park atreet. Rfea- When a Girl Marries. { Meredith Wilson. em'erglng aa the new strong man •ot’ttad to tiM uM 3t r«»u»('eatio« el of tha ihoat beautiful of all daya, WaO In ffTTrua Of Ample So latanbul'a caU don’t worry 8:1IV—WDRC — Top Tune Time; of the Ifiter-Amerlean Develop­ ing aa inveatlgatlon. Ml na«a 4»•• aueliatoa tore. being chased aciW the flelda by a ' wllUng to haaard oven a rough : whatever worrying there la to to tls Faces Life. cut salutes Uruguay and aeada sin­ Reappointed By Baldwla effort-to build that atrong peace players are asked to bring their ter. News; w n C —Music HslL (Tony) Zazsaro. cere feHcltationa for Independence dog, and how the sharp guberne- guess on the city's feline popula- done. Whereas canines usually are own cards. There will be prttea 5:80—WDRC-Old Raoord Shop; 0:15—WONB —Real Btories from All rifau ••• r*n»t»**ui'qa aitonai A«ene*-Nea Ona-'reada the United Statea apartment house fitopa while the; port from municipal ^ e s which tion on Park street Melody; Sporta by Harry Wla- ?..»« iialm'l «ea ■•••Ion. I have got to see," said the Gover­ number /at roving parents in no- takas care of such mattera related Tennessee Jed; WTIC — Front Third district state senatorial note to Yugoatavla- an plain The following comprise the com­ Page Farrell. er; WTIC —Jack Halay with . nomination but ita power spread nor, and clambered out of hla car wise dlminlabad. that In Juna tba office ’’disposed' mittee : General chialnnan. Mra. M hkmxkh aitius ua ■ Hpoken and aa openly angry a j.ond across the fields to a cloaa and of 137 stray dogs and only aeven Evenlsg Eve Arden. Into the Second district where the COM-I'I Ari,.Na Istanbul is a eat paradise, one George J. Coleman; prizes. Mrs. lO.'OO—WDRC — That’a Lite; note ae modern diplomacy has intimate view of the situation. of the reasons being tost there are cats. 6:00—News on si IstaUoas. old party forces of Former Mayor F. H. Burke, Sr., chalrnaan. Mrs. 0:15—WDRC — Spotlight on WONS— CalifomU Malodiea: Thomas J. Spellacy and Peter J. l‘li« Marate Kniilina Mwiwur. iBe.. ever known—with a complete . ‘Fbtn, Impulsively, but still In few dogs to disturb normal cat. Tha ’Turks Just don't Uka doga, E. A. Roure, Miaa Delia Partridge, Msumsa M/ Sbaanst rsewma'OU'ty tui rdaponss to a long-buUdIng deci­ find t^ t’s that CaU are eome- Sporta; WKNB — Croos-Vlawa WTHT—Harry Kogan’s Ocehao- Oonnerton lost four of the six tywamtoXeai •aaeeHoe,ii> as- sense of imminent disaster until routine. Miss Mabel Conrady: refresh­ or Sporta; Newt; WONS—Jim tra; WTIC— VaugM llonroa. .X aerltaemaate The moat perilous assumption There will to no further meet­ the week. mann, Mr*- John N. Keeney, Miaa Music; WTIC — Bob Staele; WONS— Benny StrongTa Or- with, the United Statea Govern­ of the Oovemor’a Intenlloss Mae Hatheway: tickets, Mra. Paul - A l ____ «M ______A '' vsrtffvft bury Democratic machine. A total beUig made m present discussion with regard to public office. For ings of members of the local chap­ Miaa Ida Hanaon of Cheshire is Weather Forecast; cheatra; WHT —Evantng Devo­ ment will call upon the Security Canfield, chairman, Mra. Allen tion; w nc — HarkBaaa of of 3,178 votes was cast In the of tbs world’s plight is the as- the woodchuck that spared ter of the Red Cross until further vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. 6:45—WDRC — Robert Trout Fourth and Fifth wards which 0>imci| of the United Nations to notice. >■ Frank Spencer and family. Dresser, Mra. Clarence Paynn, News; WKNB — Uttle Show; Waohlngton. Bumptioo ttist the world is safe Head on to ravage the fields of MUs Betty Gesaay; reservations, comprise the district. meet promptly and to take appro­ the farmera of Connerticat. and Miss Margaret Jaoobaon, atate Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wenner- WONS — Easy Aces; w n C — 11:80—WONS—Louis Prlma’a Or- from war because the policewoman, is . at home for a Mra. MsrUn V. B. Metcalf; pub­ cheatra; Nawa; WTHT —Muale; New Group to Assume Control priate action.’* whoever would thus spare a berg have aa a guest their nephew, Lowell Tbomaa. various nations are not ready to week's vacation from her duties at Russell Hanaon, of Sprln^ield, licity, Mra. George J. Coleman. 7:00— WDRC— MyaUiir of the w n c—Concert of National Hartford observers said thfit, as "irhere, almost ss an after- j woodchuck obvioualy feels be­ At Veteran’s Center fight such a war. Obaervera are yond nil future need of the farm the Stafford State Police bar­ Mass. Week: WKNB—Newa; Twilight 12:00—WDRC— Oriff WUUaiBS’ a result of the upsets, an entirely thought In this tragic unplsasant-; racks. At the fireman’s meeting Mon­ Howard 8. Plank of the Vet­ Serenade; WQN8— Fulton Lew­ Orcheatra; WTIC —Newa; De­ new group would assume control repeatedly making fdracaata which vote. ’That was the ntory of the erans Administration is at the ness with Yugoslavia, is the thin i day of derision bmlk In June. The marriage of the former day evening, which wras called for is, Jr.; w n C ^ u p p e r Oub. sign for Liatanlng. , of the party in the city for the Nowl tha batter^thon-aver germldda solution, say that the aituatton today la the purpose of getting delegatee Veterans’ Center every Thursday 7ri5_W DRC—Jack Smith Show; 13:30—WONS —Lea Elgart’a Or­ thread of reliance upon the proc-1 Now thero has been another Misa Virginia Roae Barry of this Arat time In a political generation. DAZZLE, U TR iM X-nLTERED far antra quita as bad as It looks, but that day of declalon In the Governor's town and Peter McManus of Lab- to attend the fire training course and Friday for the purpose of In­ WONS—Famous Songs; Muolcfil cheatra. Tn winning hla overwhelming vic­ PLUAAP, M EATY, TENDER tbera Is no real daiagar that the ess by which this world has a l-, life. anon took place at the parsonage at Storra. quite a number signified terviewing veterans concerning tory, PallotU piled up 3,618 votes purity! It*s a blaaeh spot-an4-ataIn remover for tha ORANOES Somehow, It was bruited all mattera handled by the Vet­ world win come to blows for at ready pledged Itself to avoid fu- about In advance that this partic- of the Warrenvllle Baptist church their Intentions of attending some to 2.042 garnered by the party's laundiy... a doodorant for tho ico>box, tho ture wars. iilar day was to to a day of decl- Saturday afternoon. The ceremony part, It not all, of the course. It erans Administration In Hartford. candidate,^,,,AIderman Joseph J. PEAS least •\*e yaars. And, the other The report of last week’s call In M instrel Show Comes Back Again this summer irnall oranges are mighty good. Thin If there were not inch an or- ■ **®"’ • circumstance which led the was performed bv the Rev. George was also voted to hold a fire drill Faullio. farbago-pail. • .a sonltlsor for the bathroomt HABOOOK 1201 8KC 27- day, C L, Sulxberger of the New C. Chappell, pastor.-!) A reception tomorrow evening with members reference to subjebta ia as follows: Education, apprenticeship and on There wa-s no clear-cut victory skinned !Sweet! Packed with vitamins. BurfiOng with health­ F Q V V L u ^ 3 ' _ Toria Tbnaa. one of the beat In- .“‘f. i r„ i S r . ' 2 ? o V ' to‘‘ corner the followed at the Hungarian hall in of the company to meet at the To Radio Saturday Night In the Second district where none fionaad American obaervera what would be the United SUtea Governor In and during the deci­ Warrenvllle. firehouse at 6:45 p. m. in prepara­ the Job training, 21. Rent, bous­ of the three aenatorial candTdates ful juice. Perfect for breakfast or refreshment any time. GRAPEFRUIT SmUmi recourse In the present eltuaUon? The choir of the First Congre­ tion for It ing and loans, 3; priorities, 1; FOR BROIUNC er R0ASTIN €-2*A.3 LB AVC sbgasd, wrote a- long article In sion pnuese. But the Governor's pensions and medical treatment, Won a majority of the diatrict’a Put two small oranges in the Itinch box for an ideal des­ The effectlvenega of our protest whereabouU on thIa particular gational church meets for. rehears­ 38 delegates to the city convention DULANV .H-Ol nCG 29- which to held that sjfectilatlon of al at 8 p. m.. at the vestry on 8; photo copies of discharge pa­ New York, Aug. 22—(AV- The amoves to ,8:80 in raplacamant for se rt Children will go for them between fneals, too. ______Yugoslavia would dapend upon day were a baffling mystery. Ap­ next week. Capturing the Third, tnmadlate war la not Justified. parently he was nowhere to be Thur.sday evenings. pers, 13; insurance, 9; miecellan- radio brand of minstrel show, so | Jonathan Trimble Eaq., which anda Fifth and Sixth wards, former AI- eoua counoeling. 12. popular la the earlier network ' September 7. Dawl* fiifcfifp ■UY A MO tAO FULL and save. Ask for Sunkist finest STRAWBERRI^ In support of this theory, military force with which wc found. From early morning until Delegates elected at the Repub­ Tolland demuin Alfred F. Wechsler. as­ //«/p« JliptI were able to back it up. if our ul- '■ery lata In the afternoon, there lican caucus Tuesday evening at Hearing Sept. S daya. ia being revived on at least' The minstrel also will include sured himself of 18 delegates. For­ CHICKENS “dS Sulabeigcr cited a The aele<^tmen of the Town of Ettm from 14,500 cooperating Califomia-Arizona citrus growers. Sisr A Fsirmonl Sliced MDZ PKG^^* Umatum wgre refused, aa it la^''^!? "® •*'y hind, the firehouse are: To the State one chain, MBS having decided to Jack Arthur as M.C. and Ray mer Alderman Samuel Leban cap­ long Met of material factors. He The regular Sunday school curr Vernon, Emeat A. Schindler. Vin­ give It another fling. Bloch’a orchestra. Kind rf until. u, b.. „ Convention to be held In Hart­ I tured the 11th and 12th wards for BOI quoted army experts to the ef- ford, September 9 and 10, Dr. Wil­ riculum will be back to normal cent F. Jordan and John Romp The program la to bear the title ' Meanwhile CBS ia replacing two 14 delegatba while Alderman Si­ Ibct that Russia wUI not to capa- no cwrae open but to go to war I the gubernatorial lltnouaine had liam L. Higgins, Eugene W. Lati­ Sunday, September 1, after the will hold a hearing at the select­ of "(Sold and Silver MlnatreU,” | of lU morning serials with a half- mon Bematein, winning the Fourth CAUrOBNIA SIOLISS men's office in the Memorial build­ 7 fcj/: F/it//r£. vsffrr/iBics Ua et aupporttog another war for with Yugoalavta' In order to ob- i "Mn crouching panther-ilke mer, Leon H.’ Austin and Charles aosembly program in the auditor­ with the comedienne, "Gee Cfee" ! hour program listed as "Jo# ward, gained six delegates. ing on Tuesday evening, September James, sometimes described aa ; Powers of Oakvlll*,’’ starting at at Mfist twenty y^ara. Ho point­ tain (he Justice we seek. i *''*‘** • Litchfield county mead- Helmold; alternates are J. LeRoy ium of the Federated Church in- Ward Wins All Delegate* Schweyer. Mrs. Ivah M. Standlsh. August. Next Sunday, August 3. at 7 p. m. on the application of the "Female Rochester,’’ to head 9 a. m. Next Monday, to run flva . S u n k i s t ed oift that Britain is bard up for Francis Boudreau for approval of Alderman-at-Large Patrick . J. BLEACHES GRAPES th^u^n.^" N u 4?lan:u“n ‘T*''.uih Walter S. Haven and Mra. Henry 25 the Sunday school will be Omit­ the cast. It will go In at 8 p. m. times a week. Each show ia to to Ward overwhelmed John F. Mon­ troops. He could also have pointed ino United Rations organlutlon, j curlouB ^rcumstance, and the Reed, respectively; to the Congres­ ted as the program for "Old Hohie the location at Vernon, Conn., for Saturdays beginning September'f. a complete drama based on tha CALIFORNIA ORANOIt NONEYDEW MELONS « the repairing of motor vehicles, the ahan, a Navy veteran, in the First FASTER THAN SUNLIQHTt aut that tto United States Army at least a pretense that the Rentl-men of the press were sional convention. George W. Day” will fill the day with activl- 14, when “Leave It to the Girls’’ > broadcaster. ______, district, winning all 38 delegates. world’s troublesome bualneaa can I dlamliw it aa mere Irre- Jac()baon, George A. Cour, Mre. tlea with Tolland daya revived and business to be known as Boudreau’s REST rO RJUICI-fffw Vjgsyfiw / Is down to a million men. For all Garage. Sideline observers saw in the CAMTAIOUPES * 2 us 3 5 to settled by other nteans, not by ■ Henry Reed. John E. Kingsbury; greeting of old friends and former tremendous Pallottl tlctory the Get this houaahold claanMr with tha noise that Marshal Tito’s 'Yu- But atlU later, at the begtli- the County convention. Goodwin acquaintances. Plans are In To Graduate thered-and-whitacheckered label the military force of one nation ' Miss Lillian F. Miller and Miaa end for State Statute Revision goalfivia is making, he found nlag of evening., tto report, sud­ W. Jacobson. Ernest Evans. George progreaa for a full day and a Commissioner John M- Bailey and and “Dazxle*' your houa# today! PEAS FBfSN WI6TIRN 2 29 alone, but by the comblned'~murnt j denly seemed worth some atten­ Klngtoi^y. Arthur J. Vinton; the large number to be present. Florence E. Trapp of this city are only aome 60,000 Yugoslav troops both members of the graduating Mrs. Mary Tyszka on the Demo­ VnCMIA ELKRTA force of all nations, it la right tion. For, , along about six Senatorial convention. Mra. Maud The Federtaed Church school is cratic State Central Committee. Read directions carefully! in tha Trieste area, and concludep o'clock, the goberaatortal limou­ L. Murphy. Mrv.^ Jessie Cowles, to leave the church Monday mom- class at St. Francis Hospital SQUASH NATIVI ViUOW MiAAMia ^ that the, United States, wlilch' School of Nursing. The formal C a l l S 1 4 1 Bailey was a supporter of Wechs­ that they wouldn't dfire try any sine drew proudly and tri­ Mra. Henry Reed a'htl Charles Hel­ Ink at ID o’clock for Columbia ler and aa, such, the observers pre­ coup. He obaervea that although played such a part In the creation i umphantly up to the Capitol, mold. To serve on the Towm Com-i time for an all day picnic, if the .graduation e.xerclsea take placa — f o r — MIUIONI ABI NUNOBYI BONY WAin S009I on September 1. dicted, would be ousted by Pallot- I. L PflISCflTT Cfll, rfltSAie. Niff IH 8IT • 16 YIAflfl IB ■■SiNISS PEACHES it la in tto region between Greece of thia organisation, should turn | sleek and powerful aa ever, and mittee are, as chairman, Eugene weather permits. The pionic was CARROTS •“"«««■ 2*‘"*13’ to It In Its own first showdown ! adorned with la new touch, W, Latimer and Mrs. Ivah M. postponed from Monday. August Scouts Activities find Iran thfit moat danger of real The members of l^roop 14. Boy controversy with another nation, i which was a woodchuck tall Standlah, vice chairman for the 19 on account of that day being militoiy action Ilea, possible Rus­ (lying as a pennon. The farm south end; Charles Helmold, chair­ stormy. Scouts will hold their final swim C I T Y C A B BEETS ■UtIVI TOUNO 2 KH5 |3« 3 u$ 33< sian BitUtary activity in that xone It is light that we should seek our vote had been asked to forgive man, and Mra. Henry Reed, vice Miss Carol Needham and Miss of the season this evening at Rau’a at Crystal Lake. They will meet at is hampered by poor railway and victory in this controversy not on ' and forget. Baldwin would run chairman for the north end. Jane Riley are employed' at the the baala of our military strength, | for Henator. The 4-H piub Town Fair and Fox department store In Hart­ their hefidquartera on Vernon ave­ SAFE, COURTEOUS DRIVERS ONIONS NBW ViUOW ^ IIS ^ e road aystema in the Caucasus. nue at 6:30 p. m. In case of rain but on the belief that the Justice | exhibit will (>pen ai 1;30 tomorrow ford and commute dally. OPEN AIX NICHT lABILin And troro such factors Corre- afternoon with agricultural and Mr. and Mra. Preston Meacham a dog roast will be held at tha of our position cannot be Ignored apondant Sulstorger draws hla homemaking exhibits on display with their daughter Margaret and Scout headquarters on Mile Hill. Philadelphia Bahy The members of Troop No. 92, POTATOES 10 * 31 opimoo that fh.,.,, there I. is no Immediate •’y ‘"y of «» nations, from that time on. Qamea and held son George attended a family re­ THE COMPIETELY AUTOMATIC F**® Nations organization day programs are scheduled to to union at the home of Mrs. Mea- Boy Scouts will hold a business PEARS proopact of war. meeting thia evening at the Union was founded on the theory that: 1.S Born ill Store { held from 3-fi with the supper to cham’a father, Mr. .Weismuller of t o m a t o es 2 “* 15* RuMla, he believes, ia engaged church social rooms. any nation which committed war- j — -— ~- i be served at 5:30 and 6:45. The New London. ia a war of nervea, and will go as I evening program le to follow be­ Miss Ida Wllllam.s of Waycross, Elka to Meet One reason for the preference for the Watkins like acts would find lUelf faced iPhiladelphia, Aug. 22.— Exalted Ruler John J. Yaskulka HOME LAUNDRY... 2 2 3 far as her testing leads her to to- ginning totween 7:30 and 8 p. m. Georgia, came Tuesday at the Funeral Home is that its complete appointments LETTUCE 2'"* 23* u s An interesting time has been plan- | home of Dr. and Mra. Samuel and hla officera will be In charge Uave she can go safely. Russia, he not only by the partlcuUr nation 1 , X d t V ' L K n d of the August meeting of the Rock­ and dignified atmosphere provide a truly impres­ against whom It committed such right in the middle of a downtown ned and undoubtedly a good time \ Simpson and will assist in the toUevas, will employ Infiltration ville Lodge of Elks to be held this sive setting for the last memorial. acts, but by the rest of the world, j f’lilladelphla department store. will be had by those attending. home. PWIAST 1IDZ TIN and fifth column metbcxla short .of Guests for this week at St. { Mr. and Mra Harold Waldo of evening at eight o’clock. There will GERBER’S t o m a t o JUICE The United State! IB, M It mother. Mar>’’s rectory are Mrs. John Wol- i Glaatonbury were gueata of Tol­ be a report on candidates, ballot­ war, BO far aa Russia darea. Rua- torn ...1I1IW.V fiu * aa. a Mts. Hemilna Pac*\TiBki. bv snr- BABY FOOD to. wil ing to put that theory to she had gone downtown to lenbei'g and children, Juliette and ; land friends Wednesday afternoon. ing on candidates and a class Ini­ ala, to baUevas, is angagad in hit- Jackie of Farmington: Margo and ; Aug. 21st. tiation. Preceding the meeting a MNAIT 14JJAII. the teat when Its own honor Is In- ] pav « bill, supper will be served at 6:30 3 4K-OZIAIS 39> PEANUT BUHER torio axpanaionist moves which volved. John O'Meara of West Hartford: ' Home gardeners are complain- have always been part of Russian j in^thc Stfawbri'dB^^anl^^^c?lm^^^ ‘1"^ Dorothy and Sister j Ing of the slow maturing of sweet o’clock Arsenins. | corn and several report the blight Meeting Tonight 13Dt hli Cent!, ambition. But, he thlnka, Ruaala infiemury whore Dr. Radiol Wil The Ladies Auxiliary of the AOH 142 EAST CENTER ST. GERBER'S CLUB SODA 5 ta capable of limiting these ambi­ Farnham A Candidate llama reported It was the nisi .Mcnibera of the 21 Club met at j has affected their tomatoes. Cold , PHONES 3I96»2-I364 J o the home of Mrs. Phyllis Wood- and wet seem to retard the growth will hold a meeting this evening at »o THf NBW WAV TO tions U tto going gets too rough. birth In the store and "I’ve been eight o’clock In Rod Men’s Hall. CEREAL Ms’.iy Republicans throughout hers for 38 juara." ward. Oak Grove, Tuesday evening. I to maturity. OaiNK YOUR VITAMIPM HI JAR Wa hava cited hla laaaonlng in the First Congreoatonal District Strs.i Alice Boufard was guest of | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kraw Missionary Benefit HEMO Rqnald ta going to get a corn- A benefit chicken dinner and O g. OAnUAlwIMlIY ■oma datall, baeauaa it parallels have for some time been con- flete la.vette—a gift by the store, honor at a baby shower and re- j czyk of Hartford were Sunday odvrd many nice and uaeful gifts ^ guests of their grandmother. Mrs. supper la being held today at the auT THANH ^ -vab a a»« cam.^ ' tto raasexUng of ail those who say to Ita unex|>ectcd godchild. tMeaae\iTT 2 packages 2 3 - PUMIDA 4 6 0 t TIN vlnced that they owe It to them- from the club, A* forty pound pack- j Laura .liidson.____ horns of Mrs. Frances Wright of lonb iiiT ^am [aooeaasi i canN ORANCE JUICE that there may be war ahead, but j selves and to their party to noml- cueus roam wcia- 6BT TNtM ACi Al PMEHUKIGROtfROK. age of clothing, mostly Infant’s Mrs. Ida Gold and daughter ami 12 Park atreet for the M s.sionary CND I'U NCtD SOME ,OHt (Toaa. BBB that It will not come now, that It!hate for Congress some Individual s'ze. was packed for shipment to ! friends of Hartford were Sunday society of which Mrs. .Wright is or rHt»t itTRsy — preaidanL ' I 'oOH’t la. liutead, somatblng to which we [ v ho win be capable of ending the tlieir adopted family, the OeUing's guests of Mrs. Gold's parents. Mr. TtUMl YOU caa PKG ’’•‘G iLO . Rfiltoii cats, in Holland, and was sent from ahd Mrs. Jacob Chorches. | Funeral COUIGE WAFERS— »c-4»,24< TEABAGS 0(48 J# C olIOO O 7 C may look forward aome five or | p«rpet»*al eee-aaw which has been The funeral of Mrs. Stephanie , ^ AU THtll Willlmantic yesterday. I — '------At ON^ QT ITL T $c yfiara from now.. Perhaps | the result of the monntonouN races Tliq Republican caucus was iieiii Mrs.Mrs. M. M. Knapp, Knapp, of of the the Bronx,. Bronx,.' The piojected Yangtze river Ciuchta. 56. wife of Joseph Ciuchta, (HEESE-IT SUNiNtNi dOZ PKG 1 4 c DAHLE 27- of 153 Union street was held this ' ***• routine touch in all his | between Messrs. Koppieninnn and 1 uesuay night in the Comniumix-' York, is spendingSP' ■ _ two weeks dam m (''lima will Irrigate 10,00(1,- 7QOZ TIN 2 0 c argument is that Russia does not; Miller. It has seemed hall with Ray Coconi hcIIuk .with her ron, Charles, and family 000 aeies and prov'dc triple, the morning at -the While Funeral | You have seen the senMiloiial new I.aundcrall PREMIUM CRACKmS NaMsce HI PKG 23- YOR g a r d en p ea s — *______---- I chairman. The following dol.Kit.K home and at St. John'^i Pftlish Na- ’ now of Waterfront Park. Mr. and Mrs. power of Boulder. Grand Coulee recently advertised la leading magazines. SPINACH 270Z TIN 14« im to poBsess the atomic that tha Republican party ought were appointed: For the State I’.m Wilbiii- Rottmnnn and daughters. and Shasta dams combined. tional church In Maneliester. Burial fENDERONI VAN CAABM B ^-OZ PKG PINAfT 'to be able to find a candidate who : mention, Thomas W. WllNon. Mis waa in St. John's Pol'sh National NOW you can oec Launderall for youraelf! cemetery In Manchester. Besides SAUERKRAUT PW4A6T 77-OZ TIN 1 4 c Moat of thU argument reminds j could establish a record strong Pearl Broil The same del.ciUi^ See bow Launderall washet, rinses, and spin RENNET TABLETS AMKITf PKG 1|c M of the type of reasoning which enough and good enough to draw were appointed for the Congu; her husband Mrs. Cliu hta lea\-t;s la v ia ■tonal convention. two daughters, Mr.s. Fearvante dries clothes In a series of completely auto­ PRUNE JUICE ■ n c H 32DZ ITL 24c frequently heard In 1938 and ! that Indapendent support which You will hnd Plnehurst a mighty convenient spot ._nnd MARMALADE c - Cedfinree KIJAr27< ’ For the - CouDt.v convoiiiiun !\oted Russian Soprano Vlcht .of Manchester and Mrs. we do everything we can to help you. Plnco yogr order matic operations . . . how It eMmlnatea tha tpuohaUl |W» Then Hitler, too, for a Repub- 1 Mqnyhon, Anthony AivssM. Thomas Shepard of Rockville, also for week-end meat, and It will be ready apy time yon call for IL need for pre-eooltlng . . . bow tte action Is JAR RUBBERS «—■— 2 13- v e n k e m a id 15H-OZ TIN 1 6 c wagjng a war of neo es. Then Uicmn victory In presidential elec-1 Senatorial conventioii son, John Vermlnski of Rockville. Our Block Chuck Pot ^ a s ts are proving very popedar. U thorough enough to get clothes really clean, yoc .Softball IIDZ TIN T 5 c Hitler didn’t haye^ oil enough to •tion yafirfi. ' Harry j. Millar, Charles Willett Vacationing in Coventry} you want extra flne ground m eat.. .Just full of flavor...aab ter gentle enough for your abcereet garmental Boo WHOLE PICKLING SPICE «<^9- g rapefr uit juice .n." ' I Probate convention, Edsmi I' The Scouts and Englert softball Cgbl.,,-* . war. vTlien Hitler was Pineliurst Frebhly Ground Ch-jck. We gu aran ^ It to pleas* Launderall’s gleaming modem beauty. Notlcfi Tnoae of them who have,watch-, Herrick. Norma 'Tedford. —:—— ------; teams meat this evening at 6:15 at you! LEMON JUiG 3’»-"'"«27- otymiad by the Maglnot Une. ed hla conduct and noted hls- ree-i Town commlttM. Thomas W .•^lulh Coventry. Aug. 22— (Spe-' cntele which alie handles at her i the Recreation Field in the Senioix^ how little space It takes. In spite of ito oitra WHITE VINEGAR °' 12- Then there could to no war be- ord In the state legislature think' " ‘•“ou. chairman. Norma Todfoni eial I Your coi respondent was stiMio in New York city ahd which j League, TCRN IN YOUR WASTE FATS . . . ww pay yoa 4o a pound " large capacity—It pounds of clathae, dry weight. CIDER VINEGAR O'" 16- BLENDED JUICE 21212^ 4401 Tin 45- causa Bhigland was' not prepfirad ■oi I'.in.ite in having the pleasure Is comprised only of the definitely i ^ for thlh fat. Wish we coold offer yon alt kind* of Soap and Pow­ that RapruenUttve Harry. F i You'll recognise the quality of Jacobs* engineer- to taks up1 theine cballenga.cnaiienaa. Inin short,snort. wamUaM n,. j J"- Herrick, John Swanson, Mamie v! a persoimli interview with Don- talented artists In her line. Her ^ _ _ _ _ der . . . but that will conve n " - you turn la enough of the tat. GRTO , ID 2 ITt 24c SNACK SACKS Tldytietifa PKG 3 c lU oxlc^ M It Maneggia. Mlhcael Pesco. im I’aola Novikova, the dlstln- ■ wonderful philosophy of Ufe has , Right now, however, w.e sBxr i s .vou try a pound or two of onr ing that means years of dependable operation. war »M ^ ’ toT ^ ^ J' now. ,’ [be tueb a candidate, a candidate. The Congregational church w■ill guished Russian soprano and her made her the aucce.as she la and ! Bulk s a better Job. 2 p“SI9« ‘««=23- Novikova, with William Singer. the bell, come here to BOX QTs < D o z .m < at of Uia practical raaaona I’aome aenUmental sense of obUga- given by the Grange in the Com­ the Ftlwtn estate. He truly has a Sliced (fo** sandwiches) WHCH AVAIIAHI 73 63 wby a war should not to fought Uon to an Individual who has A- munity hall last night. A snoml ucconipanlst. . , beautiful voice. . Prasciriptioo Headquar­ now, but In whatevar capacity wa hour was held after the supper noniia Novikova is a moat Roth the, Madam's husband and ters. Skilled pharmacist; Cooked Salami Fresh Fish peatedly been itohored by the par­ have to buUd a peace which will ty In tha past. Such sentiinentHl To Withdraw by Nov. 30 of nniijic.'a wonderful background ists. the former Is also vacatton- fresh, potent drugs; fair MED PKGS IGE PKG bi itaalf to strong enough to dle- pricefarcalways assured. FILLET OF H.ADDOCK . • ••••#■•«••••*«#■•• Iba' ^2^ Inartla will, we suppose, present and capably experienced In teach-. ing in town, while the latter is I CAMAY DUZ pei Imman inotincts toward war. some die-hard delegates to Mr SlngaiJore. Aug. 22..—(■•Pi — -A ing some of the greatest opara on a six weeks’ vacation from her ...... lb. ,39c For Future Delivery British military spokesman said smger.s of the time, both In thia dutie.x a.s assistant concert pianist STE.AK C O D ...... SO A e Mfitartal factors have never yet Miller. WHEN AVAILABLE ^ today that present plans called country and Italy, where aha con- at the .Metropolitan Museum of WEl.iK)N DRUG CO. . .lb . S 4c kept nationa from war— c ( ^ AT TFIF CENTER S 39-541 MAIN STREET PHO NE .3733 terroristic activities.’’ Twenty-two cabnlarv. showing extensive edu- i "took Uiem by storm" also, ffhattMT or Dot our grandetaUdreh ia under no obligation to bind it- others were senteneeff'‘to Itnpils- WE RESUVE THE RIGHT TO UMIT QUANTITIES PRICES SU6JECT TO CHANGE DUE TO MARKET FLUCTUATIONS a’lon il hacltgiound. - •‘^he is most grateful to the • 3 0 2 MAIN

J ,

Vl,,. ^ *'^“**’' ''' ' * 4- • 'Jm ’ • ( *

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22,194« PAGH NINB I MAKVUBS’lC * B v tru w u nCAALiU, MAWUltCS’*'*^** WWW.*. THURSDAI^: AUGUST 22, 19^® PAGE EIOBt deaths aS'"murder end suicide." Piiblir Heconb Vets Advised *Swivel Chair’ Landing Gear May Kills His W ife, - I Police said the ahooting followed Plans Services Music Program a scuffle in the apartment. . Square Dancera Swinging Rartnera Around Country Sandier said that after Green ' CRAFTSMAN Polish Pastor On Insurance Solve an Airport Building Problem Then Himself ahot hia wife, he aat down bcalde Out of Doors Tha J A S Realty Company to' At West Side her dead body and fired a alug ' To Give Talk rtorence Ford d.b.a.. the Modeme through hia own right temple. The , By ArlMir " " ’ f . Beauty Salon, least of three rooms By Marc J. Pareons bullet paaaed through Green's AUTO BOOT SHOP State Commissioner NEA Staff Corrrepeadeat Double Slaying OeciiPfl A P Writer In the building at 905 main etraat Free EntertRimiient of head, said Bendler. and Imbedded Conrordia .LiilherRU to Hagerstown, Md,—The flrst time' Itself in the w'ell of the room. DlIKETI BRU'l'HERS Naw York -It'i Vi»P the«e '•, for Sve yaar* at rental of $564 an­ ^'ams Agfdnst Drop* In Third Floor Walor* To Speak at Annlver- ■ Mjiiar# dancer, Holfl Rites in Wappiug nually. Modem mod Westera you see a small airplane "crab- Only witness to the tragedy, po-. I to be a aquare . bury .apartment lire said, was Duchess, s five-vear- Harrantee Deeds *g U. S. Protection blng" down an airport runway, iu •ary of Insurrection Songs fisted Tonight old collie owned by Mr. and.'Mra. ' Expsrf Painting and Color that la. , I Grove on Sunday Beaufort R. Dabc et al to Clar­ noito pointed off In one direction Franklin LawTence m-rupanta of Polka frhm wven to 70 are dia- ence Lt. Vincent, two Iota of land Hartford. Aug< 22—Insurance end Its wheels cocked off 10 to 30 Waterbury. Au*. 22 - i6»<- Mrs. Next Sunday the apartment where the ahoot- i covartnx the fun of For the first time Ip «ev« on Durant street. Flip and his Connecticut Wrang­ Cocnmistloner Allyn today leaned degrees in another, don’t wait for Angellne Green,. 24, mother of Blending. Complete Refinishing. ■wins your partner in a nationwida lers will appear In person tonight ' Inga occurred. ^•gibart vt the PoHah National years the Concordia Lumtri the following advice to veterans the crash. Run up and take a look J three children, was shot and killed I bts^ ow n aquare dance revival. church will conduct an out of(dool-a at tha West Bids OvaL Tha popu­ at those wheels because they may ! The Lawrcncee were on vacation All Types of Wrecks Completely Rcraired Like New I CaUMlte .church o f St. John, wUI j tBa^JITBaaTi^yinV In pl«cc* where concerning their Goremmept In­ Wednesday night by her estranged In Bridgeport. Lawrence la a step- : service. The service will be h eld il> 2 ^ lar radio broadcasting orchaagra save the L. S. taxpayera miUlona husband. Calvin, 23, said Chief Po­ W elding eonmeinorata the Sind annlver- J gyd| cap«ra once were conalderM will gira a frea performanea from surance: brother of the dead man, police i Biinday at, 11 a. m. at Andrulot'a i D lS |[ Jil¥C*l* 6 £ i S 6 S of dollars and give private flying lice Inspector Joseph R, Bendler. aary of the Aufuat Sth. 1»14 Pol-1 hick e tu ff-ln cltlea Denver 7:20 to 8:50. "Last April I appealed to World its needed shot in the arm. aald. 127 SPRUCE ST. Grove In Wspping. Prior to tha | *■ War U veterans of Connecticut to After killing his wife, said Bcnd- Bendler aald the Greens had been JKL. 2-1.348 U^lnaurrecUob. next Sunday at Philadelphia. Boeton. war this was an annuel event for The affair has been arranged by ' Chances are the plane will be Nick Angelo, Ty Holland and Phil keep their National Service Life ler. Green then *hot and killed hlm- married for about five yeara the WhIU Eagle hall. 7l North Paao. New York end the chiir'h. but due to war condi-I a Fairchild PT-19 low-winged aelf with the aame .22 caliber rifle . Or aa Variety, hawiboiled, eophletl- In All Budgets Waddell. Music will begin immedi­ Insurance, pointing out the many Funeral arrangement! were In­ tlons and lack o f a proper place to I monoplane being experimented with whirh he shot his wife. Supper will be aerved at 3;30 p ., cated ahow buelneea Bible eeld m a ately following the haseball game advantages of this coverage which with here, or e Piper Cub that complete. conduct an affair of this typa It is paid for In part by the Govem- The double slaying occurred In a m. Rav. P. KoalowakI will apeak on : typical page one head. 'Square was discontinued until this year. between the West Bide C<, Tim­ Goodyear ts w’orking on. third floor apartment where Mra. NprpIv All Departments ers and tha Yannigans. All pro- tnenL At that time I referred to "Pound under Soviet domination.” Dance Click in „ In addition to the service the par­ The problem ie to ffnd eome Green had been living with frienda proposed changes which would way light planes ran lend cross- IM aald today: Cuea New National Terp Vogue ish and all friends who attend will Ai-^ Aakinir Additinnitl i »*»a who Were reported by police to be How To Hold "ThU annlvereary' U obaerved All aorta of reaaona are offered fire ASKing fiam ilO llH l phonograph Fund of the West Bide make thts.insurance even more at­ wind. As it stands now all such enjoy a ful! day’s outing, tractive than it was then. vacationing at Bndge^rt at the vearly among freedom loving Pofca for thle cunent dancing binge, ai- Funds This Year R*;®- planes, unless there is a crack time o f the ahooting. FALSI TEETH j The Sunijay School o f the _ Both popular and old fashion "Congress haa now made these pilot at the controls and he's Cew'orM ow r. aa a ramlnder that though to watch Bendler aald that Green climbed More Firmly In Place tyranU may aubjugate a nation. | plea o f all agea airut io (he ■ church will also Imld Its annual \ J , . tunes will be played aa well aa the changes. The World War 11 veter­ willing to take a chance on a ' __ A I picnic In conjunction w‘“ ‘ a 40-foot ladder ahortly after 9 I Do your falac teoUi annoy and Cm- iMt thay cannot atrangle Ua fre e -; "awing your pertner once or ^ Ice. 1th the out-1 Nearly all of the departmenU ,*tcat western numbers. Victor and an may name aii beneficiary whom­ ground loop, muat take off and barrau by alippinz. dropping or wab­ AUTO CRASH? j Ing..,There will o’clock and forced hia way Into the dem loving aplrlt. It was demon-1 give her a klaa. aho a not my wife, Sauarr dame rraae has hit the big cities. At left, caller Ralph Page putt a Boston party thrnngti same the town government have pre- j Bruno Dubaldo ol Mancheater are soever he pleases; he may have hia land headed, iilto the wind. This bling whon you eat. laugh or talk? Ju»l fancy paces. Right, a glimpse of some of the 1B,S0S New Yorkers who do-ae-do weekly rlgkt In the heart spor.ts for all ages and an enjoy­ insurance payable in a lump sum apartment w-here hia wife wraa iprinkir a little FAItTERTU on your atrated In that Augtiat Inaurrec- • you’d think the wonderful time pared their budgeU. They will all members of the band, means that even the smallest aione. The Greena had been aep­ of tha Mg d tp , aa Riverside l>ri«e. able^ (lay has been planned for all. No admission will be charged. instead of in installments; he may fields must have at least two and (•lalea. Tbia alkaline (non-arld) powder tkm. wtiara, after 1S7 yeara of po-1 that the dancera are having la ha considered at a meeting of the 4-' arated for more then a year. The hnida false toeth more firmly and more Utlcal alavery, paraecutlon, martyr- j rcaaon enough, Those planning to attend are re- have additional installment op­ preferably three landing atripa to i-omforlahly. No gummy, gooey, poaty PANTALEO'S que-itcd to bring box lunchee. How­ Helectmen tomorrow night. In tions; he baa the choice of three be usable under all normal wind couple’s children live with rele- dom, o f tbouaanda of PolUh p a -' l5,Sd# At One Thne Uvea, eaid thr police. taata or fadllng, Ooea not aour. Chrrka ever, for those who do not; there each case an . increase la a.sked endowmenL forms of contracts as conditions. . Coming ia on a wing aad a easier] Plane la photo above is Ibadlng "Plata odor" (danluro breath). Qet trtota, tha PolUh nation haa rUen About 1.3.000 New \ orkera, for . Glaini Bugle Calls Dr. Herald F. Morrill, aealatant U5ED AUTO PARTS wilt he coffee, hot dogs, soda, ice and while the total budget will well as ordinary life, 20-and 30- FASTKETII today at any driig atoro. againrt ita oppraaaora. to ahow tha example, trip the aquare fantastic j Backed By CA.% croaq-waya to the runway because of cross-wind rondttton, but new medical examiner, described Uie HORACE STREET TELEPHONE .1348 awrld that Poland aUll lived. every Monday •’v e n in g ^ Rirei> , cream and other refreahmenU for ’ "®t he known for a few days there payment life contracts; and he may But if a method can be devel- landing gear will awivrl the aircraft Into the right direction when It Ima everymvvmares renaon—^~ ■ — to6^ feel#^^1 6b««k6that It16 willss-llf Disturb Sleep add disability income to his policy. "Oontamporaneoua Poland was aide drive. Another a.OOO gather, j oped that will permit planes to hits the deck. Tke sketch shows you the basic Idea. WILL PAY THE TOP DOLLAR FOR SMASHED OR fmrttfA up by RuaaU. aeparated i every Saturday afternoon on the ; (,’ata will leave the church at the be at least $150,000 more than T)ie insurance is also liberalized j land either crosa-wind or headed DERELICT AU1XI8! from the woatarn family of nations.! Central Park Mall. There a a q^ re I corner of Winter and Garden last year's. Bridgeport, Aug. 22.—(/Pi— In many other parttculara. ' into the wind, construction end A t Teharan and Yalta ahe waa ■ dancing in hotels. Y a, adult socUl streets at 10:15 a. m. for thoaa re­ The school budget alone has claiming that their a'cep "la con- "Unfortunately, altogether too I land costa o f airports can. he cilt ■ucceasfuL 'would bq suitable for = = USED PARTS ...... thrown into the lap o f toUUUrian ' cluba. private house parties and i quiring transportation. T^t out­ shown an Increase o f about $67. - 1 tlnually disturbed" bv bugle calls. many veterans have already drop­ from a third' to a half, airports dollars for ita cross-wind project most wing-mounted landing, atruta. but ended with e (Jongreaslonal ing will be held rain nr shint. In 000. When the town voted $35,000 ^ martl il music and the rolling of ped their Insurance, even though It can be built closer to population ' I / o g 6 j power, aa ad appeaaemant. Today even In a night club or two. (Goodyear is trying to find the appropriation of $150,000. Not all ARE EASY TO FIND IN behind an iron curUin. the Polish , The rediscovery'of square danc- increaae In salary and an adjust­ drums at the Eastern Military is a bargain—a fact which the life centers, and valuable land will be case of inclement weather It haa ment In wages was made, it answer to the problem In planes of this has been allocated'for the peopie are being ayatamatcUlly l Ing began at leaat ten , academ.v, three reeidenta of Stam­ insurance companies and their savod for other purposes. PANTALEO’S PARTS YARD been planned td ho)d the featlvl- meant an Increase between. $55.- whose landing struts extend from experiments and other plane- destrayad. forced into the Commu- Ed Durlacher, president of the ! I ties In the spacious clubhouse at ford’s fashionable Shippan Point agents freely concede in urging The problem is pressing right CABINETS 000 to $60,000 In the salary Hat today sought Injunctive relief in the veteran to keep thla insurance. now. The federal government, the fuselage (jistead of the winga. builders may develop models of nUtIc ways of life. , American AaaocUtion of ^ Square . the Grove. It started by building a'dummy their ownv, alone. Superior court here. . Thla insurance Is being dropped cooperating with state and local "But fan spite of those diaadvant- ' Dance Callera, who luna the opru*; which W’ould simulate a Piper The idee Isn’t new. Some 35 The Police budget le Increased They complained that "familieqjr | during the readjustment period governmenta, plana a multirmil- ages, that unfortunate nation will j air dancea in New York, thinks It, Cub on the ground. Thla is towed years ago Louis Bleriot. a pioneer SSit for freedom and their Inde-• ell started back In 1M 2 when a • 114,000, according to the recom­ cannot occupy their homes in when many veterans need the lion dollar airport expansion a* ^AaatWA.-M g*fPt\A*n WCFll . mendations of the Police Commis­ around under varying conditions flyer, flew the English channel In pendent existence.' southern college crowd peace and comfort, are aroused maximum protection which Is af­ program which will swell the sioners a.s the salarie.s for this de­ from their sleep and have their number of the naU^n’s fields from with various types of swivels to e plane equipped with . cestered town with the Big Apple. forded by their term insurance at find one that seems suitable. Then partment alone are estimated to I Sunday peace and relaxaUon pi e- low cost. about 4,000 to I.OOO.' moat of them main wheels. But he wasn’t plan­ DO YOUR FALL PLANTING NOW ! "That took the country by this swivel will be installed on an ning on using them for a cross- atorm." Durlncher explalna. 'Peo­ Sand be 17,200 more than the entire > vented or disturbed." . "Tha Veterans Administration la designed^ for small feeder lines Consider Sending appropriation last year. I They asked for the injunction end private flyers. Army Piper J-3 and further tested. wind landing. In thoae days they ple wanted to dance In groups and making it eaay to reinstate Na­ The CAA wanted a million flew only In a dead calm. let their hair down. They found Tha parit department is also to compel the academy, until re­ tional Service Life Insurance and As John H. Geisse; Assistant Evergreena For Sale taking for a large Increase. t centlv a sedate girls’ school, to Civil Aeronautics Administrator, Fighter Escorts j that In Joining hands they had Q— What country marketa 98 the veteran ahould take advantage ’ something In common. Then oh One o f thq selectmen who h as' (bate auch "nuiaancea” aa bugle o r thla opportunity. Moqt National puts it: "W e must find the answer of the g r i d 's Jute sup- ; seen some of the flgurea, this | calls at 6 a. m.. “ loud shouted 199 WEST CENTER Tel. their varstlons, the city people Service Life Insurance coverage to our question before W'e begin To Guard Planes : morning remarked that next commanda," the “rolling of drums to spend millions of dollars on air­ micKirrioiii I ssw' a similar dance a square A —India, with , is on the term plan and tha only STREET an annual 6 ve- j year’s Manchester budget sa now ■ and attending noises,” and the requirement to reinstate In the ports.” THESE E. A. BERNARD 7585 I dance In the small towns, and billion-pound crop. I recommended by the different de-! pUvlng of martlar airs by the The CAA is pushing the experi­ tOeattaaed Praai Page One) ; asked to learn." normal case is a simple statement When you bring u pre­ Central Park Mall la filled every Saturday aftemnon with square dancers of all ages. L^ft, a soldier ipartments, resembles the national ] academy band. aa to insurability and the payment mental program. Fairchild was j The M’orld's Fair 11««>«I Q—What was the life span dur- debt. scription hare to be filled Bring e snapshot or plot pbin of your homo and let ue help aolTe your land* swings hIs partner In proper style. KIght, caller Ed Durlacher leaves the hand stand to ahrhv. the city of two months’ premiums. Consult one of the first to undertake the from tU Washington embassy, or The final push, he believes, came ing Holy Roman Empira tlmas? Dies of Broken Neck work under a CAA contract. Southern Fried Foods .von know it In in reliable scape problems. Eapert advice given on grading —- dry walla rdek gar* when the American embaasy in folk how to get In and out of the next figure, the Veterans Administration for with the World's Fair |n 1939-40, A —21 years. It la now 65 yeara details. If you have lapsed your Fairchild engineers have de­ AS PREPARED BY bends w— that only the dena and drivewaya. Ralgidda daUvers It. In the U. a. when a callers' Jamboree touched 1 . t Middletown, A ug.. 22—(4*)—Sa* insurance, I urge you to reinstate signed e cestei^ landing wheel, purest ingredients arc Stata' department offtciaU told off a aeries of weekly dances which calling dances dui'ing the summer, point out, the Hquare dance is a fun. Ralph Page, who started call baatlnano Lisitano, 63, a World PYRAMID ARBOR*VITAE HYBRID RHODODENDRON n p o rto n tbore probobly w’ould bo it now because this Insurance is a much like the caetered wheel drew 3 1-2 per cent of the paid a d -; ■ Hyman starts his tyros on the jnsciiliarly Ameiicsn form ot ing when he waa a boy, says he'' Q —Who Is chairman o f the Re­ War One veteran, died Instantly on an office swivel chair. Free CLIFTON GREENE used. PFITZER JUNIPER aorao dotoimlnatlon o f the time elo- bargain." DARK PYRAMID ARBOR-VITAS mlsalons of the Fair. "Folks saw ] simplest of steps, adds one new dancing makca up a tot of hia rhymes as he publican National Ooromlttae? of a broken neck today when, po­ swinging, it lines itself up with WILL SATISFY THE MOST CRITICAL! GREER JUNIPER arents Uter In the day. square dancing being done right | figure with each set. end has peo- In the days of the early settlers. goes along. In the middle of ‘The A —Carroll Reece. Hollywood lice said, he flung himself from a the airport runway even if the GLOBE ARBOR-VITAE GOLD PLUMB CYPRESS Cbaalderable Interest waa manl- In the big city," Durlechcr adds, pie who- never got up on a floor It was difficult fdr an Irisliman to Little Brown Jug" he’s likely to third floor window in his home. plene’e nose ia headed on in the • BARBECUED SPARE RIBS , fbatad by offIcUU here Ip reports SIBERIAN ARBOR-VITAE tlaiu'c with .1 Pole, or iiii Knglijsh- sing out somelhliig like "take your Medical Examiner Carl C. Harvey 40q000 Geriilaiis wind. As soon as the plane is on • SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ^ CENTER UPRIGHT YEWS Uwt American-made fighter planes Q - -What Is the value of prop­ Caller Ralph Page, whose home fore the night is over. nian to find paces that a German partner and promenade, and how By Qif€ HANDSAKW listed the death as a suicide. the runway, it is steered in the PLUME CYPRESS SPREADING YEWS reaching Yugoslavia through lend- erty destroyed annually by forest' • BARBECUED PORK territory Is New Hampshire, and The square dance Is a blessing could do. So the square dancea you'll swap and how you'll trade, i ' conventional manner. lease channMs may have been In.- fires? Work in Poland • SHRIMP CREOLE PHARMACY who travels around the country from the ladies’ point of view be­ were pul together—;S bit of one , your now wife for my old maid." i Hollywood—Watch that atouch, tVIvM Get Lowest Rating ! So far the PT-19 has shown ex­ volved In tha shooting down of A —30-45 million dollars. Graiiinf and Planting Financed Under F. H. A. Home Improvement frpm one dance to another 340 cause it does away with the bane national dance here, a hit of an- ' Both Page and Durlacher have lady . . . Beware of too much lip­ cellent landing and take-off char­ Professtoaal Pharmacloto American transport planes on Aug. FOR FOODS OP DISTINCTION— days a year, thinka the erase had other there, and finally there , written hooka on square dancing I stick . . . Your eyas arc too close Chicago—< *—Sweethearta rate Warsaw, Aug. 22—(6*i—A gov­ acteristics in test fight) but en­ t and Aug. IP. However, a State of all aoclst d an ces-th e wall Q—What nation produces the 6 1 ALWAYYS CHOOSE E. W. Brown, PhamuMdet Loan—*No Down Payment— 36 Months to Pay. ^ ‘ its atari during the depression, flower. The men circulate In the emerged s pot-pourri that had a and have recorded the calla and ' together? Then part your hair In higher than wives at the state po­ ernment spokesman estimated to­ gineers admit that there still la daaartment Informant said the on­ most molybdenum, eubatitute for day that there still are approxi­ much to be accomplished on prob­ 487 MAIN 8T. TEL. 4258 when higher-priced entertain­ course of the dance, and everyone little of evcrylliiiig in it. ! music so tliitt folks at home can tungsten in making hard steel? the middle and comb It back In lice station in surburban Blue Is­ ly i^ n a s lend-leased to YugoaUvIa ment waa out of the quest inn, and Different parts of the country I have their own square dances with land. Lieut. Carl Relli issued an mately 40,000 German prieonera of lems consisted with taxiing. DELIVERY OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS w a n throe trainer and one email gets a chance to shine. A —The U. S., nine-tenths of waves; thle gives an llliulon of people had Io do .something to During the war, .square dancing lean to different kiiid.s of square ' the right putter and music. Pago order limiting peraonal calla of hit War In Poland, practically all of It isn't all aa simple as install­ cargo craft If any American- world output. Jehol Province of more apace between the orbs. whom are working on reconstruc­ amuqe themselves. got a big pii.sh In USD clubs and i dances and different types of call- : sticks to the traditional aquare If your trouble Is too little chin, force as follows; To new girl ing a pair of oversized furniture CAVEY’S GRILL BUda pUhea are now In Yugoslav China haa been found to be rich tion projects. —'■ But the callers — and anyone other sorvh-e renters. Barney ing — New Rngland has the ; dancing music, while Durlacher friends, one minute; to sweethearts rasters, these engineers claim. poaaeaaton, aomo diplomats aug- in molybdenum, however. Mexico, don't wear your hair in an up- The spokesman said about 30.- In the first place, they're having 33 EAST CENTER ST. PHONE 3801 who ever has attempted a do-se Hyman conducted regulnr classes "prompter ruller, " who delivers the i haa his Top Hands slip In popular eweep. BunCh It In a bun behind two minutes; to fiancees, two and gaated. thay may have got there by directions In a somew'hat stilted numbers like "Sioux City Sue’ Chile. Korea, Canada, Norway 000 are being used to work the I a hard time with shimmy in the “The House of Qimlity” — "Trrr do—agree on the square dani'c's for recreation dlrectora at these produce some. your neck. one-half minutes; to wives, one- way o f Russia. The Soviet union manner, then there's the singing ''Bell Bottom Trousers." coal mines, about 5,000 are helping i wheels ani things like "caster received thousands o f U. S. combat appeal. As Durlacher put Its. "If | centers, and did some railing hliUr These tips I hand along after a half minute. to rebuild Warsaw and 5,000 are Kitchen Open From 11 A. M. To 12 P. M. you can walk, you can square ' self at soldiers' functions, caller of the ea.“t. .south and we.st The callers have bigger and bet­ angle" and "trail distance.” draft during tha war. Q -What animals gre most sus­ goggle-eyed tour through a school employed on farms. Falrchild'a caatered wheels, if dance." Jitterbugs ss well as their ; None of the experts believes the coast, and finally the ''patter-call­ ter plana to give more folks an op­ Rxpaetal Tb Rapart Oa Trip er” of Colornilo, Wyoiniiig and the portunity to do-sc-do. Barney H.v- ceptible to lead poisoning? for models. A lot of gals are tak­ In addltloa to achsdullng a con parents enjoy It, and It’s not un-: square dance will endanger the A —Cattle. ing models’ training these days uaual to see a set of eight dancers ■ position of other forma of sckdal : Rocky Mountain area man is teaching kids in New York faranco with Herschel Johnson. Square dance calling Is an art. high .schools how to square dance, with never a thought of becoming Aeheson also arranged a meeting all from one family. The dances i dancing- Aa Durlacher puta It, "in models. Uncouth bobby soxers. for are eaay to learn, especially xvltli : every generation there Is a new as any amateur who haa tried it and reports they love it. And Dur- Q— What is the chief cause of today with Polish Ambaisador Da­ forest flies? Instance, who ar- almost literally Emergency will admit. Although the calls Inchcr and the callers as.socintlon kar Lange, who la serving thle thoUfht-mit teaching nicthorls dance that becomes part of the dumped through the front door. In like the ones used by Barney , American folk dance. The LIndy, themselves can bo memorized, the would l»kc to teach the calling art A - Smokers cause 25.5 per cent. month aa praaident of the United blue Jeans, pulled-out shirts, and Hyman, a physical education In- for Instance, la nbw definitely an patter and' the rhymes that go to at least one member of each of Nations Security council. However. ■addle shoes, by exasperated par­ structor In New York City who , American folk dance, and will along with them are highly Indi- the big name bands 'round the Q What form of government THE It waa eonatdeTM likely that any vidunl, and make for a lot o f the I country ha.s Guatemala ? ents who say, in effect, "Here, do '•> - ' .“.L U diacuaslon o f Yugoslavia by Lange travels around to vacation spots i stay." At the same time, callers CaUs A —Republic. what you can for her." and Aeheson would be incldentel to So I waa told, in an alluring ■ ^ ' down, the American note formally the main purpose o f Lange's visit. to unauthorized flight over Yiigu- ugatnat apporsing Rii.sala and “It la apparent that they (acta of i Southern drawl, by Miss Peggy - ' ■ ■ put Its demands. They were violence) represent a calculated ' Q—What i* the origin of the He baa Just returned from Poland alav territory. The Ameriran cn.ee cgaln.st a further spread of Soviet term "dog days” ? Wilder, manager of the Patricia POLICE Iheae: attempt to discourage the presence and said.he expected to report on la baaed on the contention that the liominatlon over amaller and Stevens Models Finishing School. weaker coiintrleR. 1.., "The government of the of Americans near Soviet dominat­ A —Ancients used it to describe VERNON FARMS hU trip. Yugoalava had no right, however, the period o f the year of the rising By the second or third lesson the Officials here have emohaslaed If that policy la to come up for United, States demands that, you ed seetors of Europe and China," to ahoot down American aircraft of the dog star. Sirius, which In­ careless chicks are hep to neatness 4343 all along that the United States la a quick teat, the lusue was nn- Immediately release the ogoupunts adding; which might have flown over their cluded about 40 days of the warra- and wouldn’t think o f having a not making any claim to the right territory by miatake. To thla posi­ IOkie I In last night’s blistering of thn.sa planes now In yonr luts- "I hope that such incidents do note to Yugoslavia. tody. and that you insure their not Induce the American public to e.st part of the year. stocking'seam even slightly off the tion the uitlmatum added the ad­ beam. FIRE ditional point that the Yugoalava Shorn of the tfaditlnnal dipln- safe passage beycnul the borders urge the withdrawal of our troops liPgal Nntirra Q -What organization do the WAYSIDE STAND had no right to send fighter craft inatlc salutations, it was couched of Yugoslavia. fmm Europe snd China. That is In language perhaps without prec- 2 "The governniPh-t, of the precisely______what______Russia would_____ like___ _ I 'ultials ILO stand for? Say you want to be a m od els NORI'H (OWNED AND OPERATED BY STANLEY DAWIDOWICZ) I.iqrOB PRRSIIT beyond Yiigoalav boundaries to Labour i or Just want to enhance your KOTU'C o r arru cA T in w ahoot down American craft prop­ etlent In pcacottnie cnnimnnlca- tinited States also deniau(ls th a t' us to do , . , Ametican servdeemen ' A The International charm to get your man. The first ■ •■ '3 \ t - erly qver Auatrla. I tlons from thi.s i''mnlry to nnothpr' its rrprefu'ntatives be permitted | did not set the Rising Sun of .lapan Office, with headquarters in Mon- 5432 l ‘/2 MILES PAST ROTARY IN VERNON Tills Is to sivo nolVco thst T. AN’- ; nation. to communicate with any of the to have a Red alar rise as a p6- Ueal, Canada. thing they do is measure you at THONT J. KOeVM of 35 Westinliistcr Htanda Ready for Hhowdoun Im-ldeiila Termed “ Outrageous" the Important places. (The steps ON THE ROAD TO ROCKVILLE occupants inf the two planes w'hd | tential menace to world peace." SOUTH ON ROUTE 83 Boad. Manchester. Conn., hare (lied an Ag the 48 hour ultimatum tick­ It stemmed from two "inci­ are alll) alive." | Mould End Relief .Shipments Q— Who devised the term Op- wore dsmonstrabeed for me with 'application dated Auaust 14. IMS. with <3 J tha Liquor Control Comiiilssloii tor a ed away.athe ^United Statea atood dents” termed "outrageoii.s" in the 11 gave Yugo.slavts one choice— ] Myers called for immediate te r -] •ration Crossroads? _ ^ ths help of Kay Christopher, 22, a copocity with coW». Bter Ptrmlt tor the sale of alrohnflc ready— If neveaaary—for a ahow- ultimatum. or ol.se minatloa, of releif shipments to A—Vice Adml. W.H.F. Blsndy, sharp- blondt number who is now 4321 liquor on the premises. S79 East Csn- down Involving the whole atruc- | On* was the avtlou of Yugoslav "If. ' the note said, "withtir 48 Yugoslavia pending an answer to J its commander. an RKO actreia and w’as fornterly ttr strset. Msnehester. Conn. hours from the receipt of this note a model and before that a UCLA JUST ARtUYED! The husintss Is owned bv ANTHONY ture of world peace. hghters Aug.’9 In tiring upon siul the .Amei'ican „notc about attacks i ------J. KQCCM, nr 36 Westminster Rosd. In a grave and angry indict- j fiil'iing down nn American plane, hv the YngibilHV governmfnt the.se on unarmed U .'S. planes. j Q— 'What famous southland and Northwsstem University AMBULANCE ManellMter, Conn., snd will he con­ ment. thla nation set tomorrow ! whose crow and pa.swngcis then ilenianda are complied with the Karlicr it had been announced : beach's water is colder in summer drum tnajorettc). A n r i P O - ducted ANTHONY J. KOCl^M. of night aa the deadline for the were impeisoned. United State.- will determine Ha the Legion would consider a resolu­ than winter? They show you exercises that J 3't J II WaaUulnsttr Road, Slanchesler, ( K U H k Z I J|L JEf I'oni'.sc In the light of the evidence Conn., as permittee. Soviet-backed Balkan state to (1) | The second Involved aimttii-r tion u.sking the American govern­ A —Daytona Beach. 6'ls. Theory will whittle your hips and thighs. ANTHONY J. Koa-M. free littpriaoned Ameriran airmen iiu.s.senger plane ten days later. then secured ami the efforts of the ment to take steps, short of war. is that midffummer winds blow They teach you to hold your tupi- Ziated August 14. 1146. of one plane attacked by Yugo- The State department said it had Yugoslav government to right the to halt further attack.- on U. S. | warm aurfac# water out to asm, my taut In a flat, "six-inch spread ” i 6868 Iji-cn inf'irmed that thla plane v, as wrong done.” air. raft in foreign lands. ' allowing dhep, colder water to alav lighter craft, and i 2 i permit . between hip bones and lowest' (HOI.U)KAN) V^hen yoo'haor my k>u^ U. S. dtplomata to investigate a tliol down and "aome If not air uf ' Rut, it added: Slate t^onima'ndcr ______.lames U,_ ...... M m -: come .to ______surfsc*. In-...... winter. prs- ribs. ThU takes cere of postuic. Manchester second incident of a plane shot | Its (1 enpants killed. "If, howe.vci. williin that time ! m\ ileclared auch attac k.- "a whole vailing winds blow shoreward. (These expert! hold that, the fa­ 3060 MELONS down'near Marshal Tito's summer | iJcipatches from Bclgiade Hiud Iliese demand- aie not complied year .-efU'-r a state of peace w as! ------miliar book-on-the-head routine the wreckage o f the ciall was with, the United States govern- j presumed to have been reached” Q—What U the chief occupation only fives a gal an awkw ard. stiff­ Evening Heralil home. i g i i i s H ) It wgrtted that unles-s those ' de- fonnil only about two miles fioni incnl will call up on the Security tend "to create anti-American dis- In the Falkland Islands? necked bearing.) b « » oh.' fw « **■* M a ym. ••*- mandg” are met within the time the.A.islrian border. t imm il o f^ lie I’ niled Nations to j unity" and de.scribed them as "pre- A —Shasp raUlng. ClasBifled Advertisements I The United States claiineil tiuit $ g ;0 0 MMI -vr limit—roughly about rl p. m., e i meet proin^lv to t-ke appropriate i meditated sets by iiK'.sponsihle in- If heading for modeldom. you 4340 • Count drs srertst words to s llns. ,0 the planes were forced nft ih. n numb.) „ying * • * « " * * IhUlals. pumbers snd sbnrsvistlons a. t.. Friday—the I'lriti^ States action. I dividual-. Q—Where, was the flrst Ameri­ learn how to pot your hair up iiontos hv had weather. _ aarb count’ at s word snd compound government "will tsll uj^i the Se- j IJiiIck t'apilol Hill Support •Were not going to tell them can offensive of World War II? most attractively (for posing in I Yugo.slavta' haa disputed tin's, ^ « h i | . y p y «• k I words as two words. Minimum cost curlty council of the United Na-'- There was quick Capitol hill w liat to do,” Murray-said. "We just I ■ y —Guadalcanal, on Aug, 7, formal. clo'thss) and down (for •s prica ot three lines. taking the poslUon tliat the want them to do something to stop HOSPI Lins rstes per dsy for translsnt tlons to meet promptly and to i' ptanes were over Yugoslavia Hie- support for the ultimatum. 1842. ■porta things). You must savvy ads. the needle.ss killing of OI.s still Kn.» I" *• ^ bo»y mornina take appropriate action. " ■gaily and in violation of its tem- Chairman Bloom (D., N. Y.) of make-up for black - and - white • EtacMts Marrb II. IS3I the Mouse Koreign Affairs com ­ over.sens” Q—What new crown colony has Would Pose nearcul Test ; tory. photos, another for color shots. 51 Cash Charge mittee told a reporter It Is "high The '.ronvention opened formally been addad to the British empire? FRUITS and VEGETABLES It’s okay to ebps your ankles • COBSecutlvs Da;s ....| 7 cls.l 9 cla This would pose a clearcut test Taking .sharp note of. the Yuci>- la.st night with a somber but eoloi- KW ily tCdiisscutire Days ....1 # cu.lll eta time we stopped p'lisay-footlng." A—British North Borneo. when aittlng, but you’ll get a zero of the. Security council to funclum slav explanations. the t'mu-ii ftil memorial program honoring the 1 Bsy ...... HI cU.113 CIS. Rloom endorsed the plan to lay in ths course if you cross your WATER DEPT. I?. All orders for irregular Intamons aa an International agency for Stales termed them "wholly im- senicemen who died in World tiic issue before the Security coun- Q_W hat percentage of vegsta- 'lUiess unlsas posing for cheese- etdl be charged at tbs one tuns rats. preaerving peace'in the face of satisfactory to the governmeirt "■-r.« 1 and II. I ll in the event the ultimatum ts bles listen In the U. S. are grown caks art. "Before; ” "during" and OF ALL KINDS! 3 I. < .. Special rates foi long term srerp and stiocking to the people of the 3077 6ar adrartlsing giran uPon request. veto powers held by the Big Five defied, sa.ving the United States, In faniily gardens? nations. United Klates." "after" movie ahota and record­ Ads ordered cancelled before the as a nation which obeys Istvs, has /L-Approxlmat#ly ont-hsif. ings show your improvement In FRESH EGGS DAILY (FROM OUR OWN FARM) •re or Sth day wiu be charged only , There were strong fears in "Theae ■yuitiageous acts have (AllnieM.) lio other course. poise, carriage and speaking voice. ogoin- .'il-;:*,.;,'.;'' for the sctusl niiro^r of times the American dlploiniuic quarters of been perpetrstefi by a gov'ein-' Bahv Born Q—-What are the two South incnl that profbages to i'e a- "I wouldn’t dilly-dally over It at Ex-Model Christopher says the ad appeared ' charim>g et the ret# poaalblptYifgoalav detiance of the American countries which have no J earned but do tllosrance or returns friendly nation," thb^idtnuaium nil." Rloonl added, "and you can object le really very simple; "To 7868 ultimatum—and with that possi­ can be made on six time ads stopped said. imiUc that a? strong as you like.” Vl BimmIoI Todav asa. coast? after the flftb day. bility the chance that a Rimslan Bolivia and Paraguay. be com pletely natural, at ease in An Abundance of Canning... No "tut forbids"; display lines not ClteH Fuel FUneo I iianned The exact'lim e the ultimatum all altuations.” bold.' veto of Seciirlly council action will expire was not immediately IP would have to be met. f.'iting the fact that the plain s Biisto'., .Aug. 22 lA’i— A 15 and MANCHESTER Tbo Herald will not bo rosponsible cle a r -r*! for qioro tbon on# Incorrect Inser- Btit there wM no Anterlcan gov­ were unarmed, - it declared that e-half pound baby was born In Stasseii lo Give Peaches Pears Tomatoes Pickles ttoo el toy odsortloemcnt ordered for Viikn-do was humled the hole at Damages Sought ernment l•elu(/tanle to meet that then- flight "in no way coii.siiiut- th Rrist.ii hospital this morning WATER CO. MORAU YeuHl gat battar Mrvica on •ore ttioo one time. ed a Uireat to the sovereignty ol c t' HI It’ s, t.), but its reledsc for Tbo laadoortenl omission of incor­ challenge. Keynote Speech YngoMlaviB." Then ll addeil, aig- piihlii-iilioii was delayed titittl VO. and -'a.- described by Mrs. Flor- For Loss in Fire rect publicattoD of advortliing will be Even before somber-laced Yugo- p. Ill, to permit him io relay It to 8319 • ,t * . ■ 1 r > both local and out-of-town colit if you niflcantly; ciwe Sanborn, superintendent.- as a roctIBod only 'by coDcellatioo of the •lav Charge d'Affalra Seigije Ri'lgrmic. ^ YES! WE DO HAVE BANANAS! charge awdo for the servico roodorod. Makiedo was handed the note late "The iise of force by Yugoslavia hi'iiv.; the largest baby ever bom Hartford. Aug. 22 - i(fi—8tat# moka thf m bafera 9:30 in tha morning All adrertiooiuonu mutt confurm under the circumstances was with­ 'Vlu-thci-it could he pul into code in !hi' local hospital. Chairman Harold E. Mitchell sn- Bridgeport, Aug. 23— Supe tq st>lo. copy and typography witb yeiterday. Secretary of Slate iind till' traiismis-lnii completed by After 5 P. 'M. out the slightest Jiisliflcalion in The (i.vrents of the baby, which nounced today thst Harold C. rtop court attaches today deaertbed reguUt.eas aotercaa by the puDhsh- Byrnes In Pans ordered Under­ that time could not he determined. aa "unusual and IntsresUng In lU —or during tha oftarnoon. , aro aad thay raMrrt the ngnt to international law, was . clearly in­ Is a h,>y. are Henry G. and June Stassen. former governor of Min­ secretary Aeheson to begin pro- T h r Yugo.«!nv embassy said it had allegations.’’ a suit in which a Nor­ 5022 or 3668 It Will Pay You Tb Tako Ton Minutos Moro To Drivo Over To p6il rteioa or reject say eqpy eea- consistent with relations between Ruveii .\very of Case street, nesota. vvtil keynote thr .Republic­ paring the American caae and to no commenl. It > OOOS1 dared efejdetienebio. friendly nations, and was a plain Farmir.gtnn. It is the couple's an State convention which opens folk woman driver U asked to pay CLOSING HOURS-aaasifltd ads to be ready to present It personstly damages based on an alleged Say- Our Stond! bo publlsbod oomo day must bo ro- tb the Security council. violation of the obligations re.st- first - hi;il. according to Mrs. San­ here Sept. 9. GAS CO. ing upon Yugoslavia under the born who added that the father In accepting the invitation to vllle, U I., fire loaa. oowod by 11 b'cloeb noon, gaturdsys Churues Hiisaia C uilty Beatrice C. Bourne of Sayville It;g0. Two Other 5laJor Dexrlupiimnts charter of the United Nations not was HI the service four years and come to Conncoiicut. said Mitch­ charges that while firemen were 5075 WHOLESALE! V * That fact underscored teth the ' to use fdre'e except nil self dr- i f f ' (r /fi « / V i o l e i i r e * was n piiironer of war In Europe ell. Stus-icn'expressed pleasure that RETAIL! Telephone Your Want Ads anxiety and the determination to combatting a blaze at her home on t(;n.sc." i I’ hihulclphia, .Vug. 2'J -tJPi U. ' ope .year. . Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin - had ads ore ovcopUd over ttaeI Uktclo- have the issue out. It had been re­ Moreover^, the document put in to sieisk the senatorial nom­ May 89, 1946. M rs (Jlalre Simons aaono at the CHa RUB RATE give given S Senntoi Fnincis J. Myers (D - j fathet of the baby which of Norwalk drove her car over hose ELECTRIC CO. Open 9:00 A. M. Te 10:30 P. M. Daily flected leas than 24 hours earlier this indictment: i’a.i charged lodnv that Russia fi<** '’een named Henry, Jr., was a ination rather than carry out his above as a coavaaioDot to advartisarq.Xlsoe by‘ two other major diplometic de­ lines in eueb a manner aa to ham M the CAM RATES ^ l bo oceopt- "The deliberate firing without wa.s gui|lty of "deliberate acts o f' resiUeiu of this city until sntsr* previously announced Intention to ad aa FULL FATMBNr If paid et the velopments warning op the unarmed poasen- retire from pollUce. par tha efferta o< tba nremaa to 5181 violence;'!' in precipitating the "6C- ing the service. The mother hM extinguish the flamee. hoMsass dfflea oa or hatore tha aovanth 1. A Arm sUnd by the United ]ger pl^nea of a fSendly *»- e u m■ ^ ' ' ‘ ' Incidents I always lived in Farmington. She Btasaen, for yeara a close politi­ TELEPHONE ROCKVILLE 1793 faliairlBa tha arot leoertlon of llUtas against Ruaala’s demands'in the Judgment of the Ihuted [rv h .ch Im r se, cal ally of Governor Baldwin, was She alleges that a $7,529.74 fire ad otberwtaa tha ch a ku b hate In Europe I- L"J -r.l the father ‘if. loss resulted and a.sks a Judgment Evenino HeraM a# oellaatad. No rctpansibtiity fm ■*’**'® tonlfol atales, an offense agalTtst the law ami in Hp. Far Fa«t Ivivec been »ub- - reported to be among the party j j ^ ra la tolaphonta ada will bo aa- Daitlanclles. „ f natluns and the‘ liriitelples ot jeAcd " isaders who peisuaded the Con­ in that amount against Mrs. Slmr jocted." ■ The -o-called horns on * ons and hsr husbknd, G. O. Simons T accuracy eaooot bo 2. Disclosure by'|:hose high in ; humanity.’' MveMMyei.s told Ut-he Pennsylvania , girqffe'.s hr'ad are really soft tufts necticut chief execiitlvs to change 5121 soianimeot of a firm new ooUevi With arrsy of charges Uid i Ameraan Legion convention that I of skin end faL his mind. Jr. . . t I' MANUHE5TBB CVEmWO flCKAl^O* •AnvUC^Tl'B^ THURSDAXt AUGUST 22* 1940 MANCBBVI'BB cySM NO nBRAL.O. MANCHEaTER. CONN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 194f

.Baekgiance Back Seal DHver$ Warning Given Problem Could Sept. 9 Set party last night et the Publtck ivoj I'akiiig ■raATS YOU, MR& HOUSEWIFE! Enjoy Outing House in Bturbrldge, Mass. Mrs. Eliminated in Auto The Doctor Says: Steele le leavlag u ortly to make Balkans Threat For Slashing her home In Cellfomla. Force Council In Berkshircs The first fall meeting of the lo­ [Alone Demand Diplomatic Ghosts at Peace Parley tajwttaaa a tiOB of the over-active bone mar- cal club la acbeduled tor Friday Chicago, Aug. 22.—(FI— fram Page Oue) Pvt. Charles Breed guaran. ' row which causes the Increeae u> evening, September 18, the piece To Showdown Meat Prices to be announced later. A t this teed against bark seat drivers red blood cells. The aKemative .’■r 4 On T ito Visit nefarlotu effect on International from tha.woods and vineyards of By W nnaa A . 0*Brleii. M. D. ; treatraant has been to bleed the Members o f Local So* time the new officers will etsume by building an auto with two By daeqaaa AnMUii-Fravest rslatlona the south suburbs of Paris and m WritIWM for N B A Ssrvtca ' patient when his blood vessels their poeltJonA M rs EUiabetli f m t ends. ( Osatlaosd trsos Fag* U ) jtCoattooed Fraoa Page Ooe) roptimist Club at an Fag* Om ) TJaMe to Create Trouble" AP NewalastWM Henry IV s second wife, the ftodlo-oetiva phoopborus pro- beoame too full. Ubert oucceedB Mtas Lola Webster Breed. 19. of Paw Paw, Paris — If (hoata of bygone Mich., made hU mechanical "Tha conditions prevailing In Italtan-hom queen Marie de Me­ In the Spanish eaaa, may weU dueod by tho deuteron bombard­ Radio-active pbosphorus ts used ' cent e pound es soon es grocers Ail Day Affair as president; vloe preetdent, Mra. I 10 A im mutter, stm were held Greece are liable ts create trouble peacemakers are Intoraated In the dici, becoming a widow, bought prove the detiding factor should ment at either ordinary red phoe- in treating polycythemia becauae receive supplies et high prices eu- Leone Reed; recording secretary. monstroeity bv altclng la half treaties and new mapa that their Thierahr autboritiM. two 1929 Model A Fords and In the Balkans.” the land and built the present the Yugoslav c sm come before the pborue upon e copper target ta the I of its Internal radiation effect. j thorlsed for producers, A group Of the So^tlmlet club Mrs. Marjorie Peterson, end cor- 'V e lm t teft Belgrade for Bled Manutlaky asked that the con­ successors contrive, there m u«-b« Luxembourg Pslace. council. extenol chamber of the cyclotron The solution. Injected into the roepondlng aeoreteiy. Miss Jsesa- welding both front ends to­ many a cold breath down the i But even while the parade of membsre bod a dellgktlal sU-dsy Pattaraon la the American ference "take Into account the Should ths United States fall to or 02 on Mm pboepbide prolM plac­ ' vein, lodges in the bone marrow price Increases ' continued. OPA Rilae Smith. New committeae frilt gether. necks of the delegataa at the peace DeOenited by Rubens I outing ta tha BsrksMree yester­ be announced at the comtiur a special 0 4 7 tram- ESach end is complete with abnormal altuatlon which stin receive a eatlafactory reply from ed ta a deuteron etreom hoe been and In the rapidly-growing red went ahead with eh eselgnment it conference in hiatorto Luxem­ Marie, sponsor'of Richelieu, had meeting. a hood, windshield, headlights prevails In Greece.'' the palace decorated by Rtibena. Belgrade within '48 hours after the eueeeeefuliT need in the treetment bleed cells, wbere It glvsa o ff its rarely handles any more—a price day. A fter a dallclouBsdinner st ^ ' r o j o ! ^ the coafetence wtth bourg Palace. at polycythemia (InereoM in red rays. the Morgan House In Ln^lMasa., and stMring wheel. There Is He acknowledged the truth of Poussin and Philippe de <^am- ultimatum U delivered in the Yu­ cut !tbe TugMAar chief of sUte, Pet* Another famoua peace confer­ cells at the blood). Radio-active ptaospbbrus Is ideal, the perty motored for' miles only one engine at present but Tsaldaris* charge that the Alban­ palgne. but she did not live there goslav capital, the American gov­ Porter reaffirmed at a news con­ teraon arranged to fly to Oeneva. ence aspiring to relocate European Other ertlfieially radio-active j for internal use, too. because It through the October Mountain Breed plans to install another ian Parliament once voted support long. Her son. Louts X IIL sent ernment is expected to aak the ference that the new mdet ceil- Bwltaerland. to tefael. and then boundaries wfia held In the same ehemieol elements used In treet- i loses half Its strength In the first state forest, a port of which was so he can go in either dJrec* o f Mussolini, adding "hut other bar Into exile after ^ e plotted president of the Security council. honis lifts restrictions on the milling of NORTH COVENTRY out of Byrnes’ door. “True greatness is one which arrived too late to catch him. tation o f the subject itself, viiich, D1 This Old IVealment Often ‘.were reported to have been given aaylng.,that otherwise "posterity the marrow spaces are filled with has been used in other conditions wheat, perhaps this fall. > Bsjagg H y p y JReitef Othera who have conferred with limits Itself; true strength, one Tom Paine Held There aocprdlng to one authoritative FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 iatrengthened protection for the will- Jilidge ua with leverlty." red marrow. The blood vessels In which ths X-rsy also is of Te "Throw Book" At Black Markoi the American secretary of state which moderates itself." The palace was turned into a source, would open the way for a Ib an average heusehsid there are six t e t T s ^ l s h N w M even pilots by the addition of armor ’''At the same time a proposed But Napoleon held the veto of council debate on procedure. are engorged wtth the extra value, its most beneficial effect is AS for enforcement of meat ceil­ year! To get enough soap fee this staggering tssh, save every dree ef MENU t Chickon Salad • Com Frittoni • SUttad Tobm* plating. are Edvard Kardelj, Yugoslav!^' amendment to the Italian treaty munitions factory and small arms blood; which gives the patient a in polycythemia. It must be used ings. Porter said OPA plans to vice premier, and Maj. Oen. H<^'R. the day. aald "No,” and made se­ Tlila source said the rules are uMd coehing fa t Turn it ever te the meat dealer for four eente per to«M and Cncambers • Com on tho Cob • Rolls and Cof* ^ The best Information here was preamble wan made public which were made w)iere the peace­ striking appearance—his skin ts with care, but up to' the present "throw the*book" at black market­ pound ee thst industry can turn bock te yeu the oeap yew need. i wmM mtafiWMaS. Bull, chief of staff of tl^«U. fl cret treaties with Austria to suit makers deliberate today. Hien the somewhat vague on procedun, for feo * We. , that the two transports were not will be moved by China on behalf himself. bluish rod. time no serious reactions have eers. . . weeSeullahaseim. I attacked by lend-lease-planes since Army of Occupation In-Uermany building was used as a prison for the situation ts unprecedented In Price 51.25 ChiMrtn Under 12, 75c of Belgium, Brazil. Canada. Cfhina Of course, the ghost of Talley­ the brief history of the council, The polycythemia victim is usu- been observed in any case. "There Is no substantial basis,” •itho Tugoslavs were no longer be* Huebner is acned^iJed to replace political leaders. Danton, Camille • • * prices on ouch items ss milk end and The Netherlands. rand would be only oii8''of many which has never been called into aly distressed by the extra blood ho doclmred, "for reports that we a "sharp laersaas" ia parity -,'roducte such aa salad dressing Entortainmont and Dancing In tha Evaning! presidential yacht Williamsburg Fascists "under the pressure of Wraiths Identified with the place belief the American delegation heart disease worries to some ex­ ythe attrition rate from jpechani* SHADES of Napoleon and Tall eyrand smile on the Big Four. Napoleon Installed Hie Senate creases in the red blood cells. for hard coal and coke is on top end mayonnatas, at manufactur­ In ' the Atlantic and With Dean military events.” The amendment could shatter the night with a would cite Articles 34 and 38 un­ tent about his condition, and it is Meat ceilings. Porter announced, cal failure knd pilot errw^is about in the palace and after the estab­ It has been known for NlVne wdll bo restor^ first on live ani­ of an average retell Increase of |1 ing levels, Aug. SO; non-manufac­ Acheson, acting secretary of state would change this to read "in con crash of medieval sabers, scatter der Chapter V I In the U. N. char­ possible to become nervous about go per cent higher thkh some other lishment of the Third Republic time that X-rays and certain it. Have your husband follow his mals. effective Aug.. 29 and at oth­ a ton allowed a few weska ago to turing distributors of finished in Washington. sequence of the victories of the powder from wigs of the old re­ and many believed the ghost of of CTtartreux,. Then Parisians'laid ter. i A ir Forosa. There ts no astimate the ghosts had been Invented by -the Luxembourg became the per­ chemicals will destroy that por- physican’s advice. er distribution levels on this stag­ offset higher wage snd freight products. Sept 4; retaUerR Sept the total. strength of the Air Both telephone calls were made Allied forces snd with the assist­ gime.gime, rsiuerattle vus.iuichains u.of the French , the lord Of Vauvert had returned These provide that any member costs. 9. the monks to drive a good bar­ manent seat o f the French Sen­ gered basis.* (Force av^U&ble here. after Byrnes talked with Kardelj, ance of the democratic elements of Revolution and rise to a crescendo ; for nocturnal orgies. Others maln- may ask the Security council to The rise of 18 cents a ton on gain. ate. A t packing houses. Sept. 1; Gretas and feeds—Soybeono, The cm verM Um U to Who reportedly disclaimed knowl- the Italian people." of Nazi machine guns, for the talned that a gang of crooks were "investigate any dispute, or any penses snd details about what they soft coal la in addition to a re­ Sept 8; flsxsetd. Sept 8; mixed Rides Parris Irnq, through her minister. using the abandoned chateau for Eventually the Due de Piney- When the Nazis cfiptured Paris situation which might lead to in­ Hindu-Moslem are to cover. wholesale. Sept. 8; retail. Sept. 9. Patterson presumably will be [ edge of the Incidents of which the Luxembourg has known them all. This, plan w,as substituted for cent average boost of 50 cents a feeds, Aug. 26; by-product feeds, Whaoi United States complains, but Tohsln Kadry, oakod to be ad­ their headquarters and were cele­ Luxembourg bought the property. the Luftwaffe made this present ternational friction or give rise to n>e other forth for Individusla Interpreter, since the marnhal When this' part of Paris still general recontrol beginning Friday ton, authorized for the same rea­ Sept. 3. BiMtths Chalr*D* only Russian and German promised to Inform Ills govern­ mitted to the conference to give was countryside beyond the limits brating frequent holdups. He built a new chateau and im­ peace palace Its headquarters for a dispute, in order to determine calls for an accounting of all son. western Europe. Behind 30 tanks Fights Spread in order to "clean out over-celling in addition to bis native Berbo- ment and ask for a “ fill In" from her views on the peace treaty with of the old city, a sinister aban­ The place soon acquired such a proved the grounds so well that whether the continuance of the money received and expended, the O PA Increased producers' ceil­ Iceland Is believed to have Bingo PfaUM Italy. the place became permanently and 150 men they held out In the dispute or situation la likely to en­ meat” which dealers have on hand. L officials in Belgrade. doned (Hiateau de Vauvert occu­ fearful reputation that King Louis names of any publications ta which Porter said. ings an oranges 87 cents e stend- been colonised originally by tho Frr and Tactical Raala "Not Made Clear” XI ordered the castle demolished j Identified with his name. Luxembourg as tltelr last strong­ danger the maintenance of inter­ (Ceatiaued From Page One) Ts Present UItjImntum An announcement said Byrnes pied the property. At nights be­ the registrant had articles publish­ erd box to reflect what It termed Irish. Door Prig# F raU c (Paris di^iatches said an In- “ sent for" Kardelj and “ talkeeltlger- citement by the accidental explo­ They added that rosponslbilitjl for Loan—Preah Ground! .. ene.v of Italy. the same building and la now be­ honor. She wore a frock of blue strike-bound. . ' < ^ eee sources also said that usually has been a lign ed w ith sion of a boiler In a mill, caii.sing of the department’s Middle East­ CARTER ST. TEL. 7519 determining the right answer LARGE SELECTION OF CARDIGAN AND POUND ing occupied. The remaining ern divlsioni "I think It would be starched chiffon made with large ;Premler Constantin Tsaldaris had Britain and America In the first "If" Italy was one of the aggi-es- a roaring fire which continued to rests squarely on the individual. End Will Be Very Searcef apartments will be ready in about a salutarj' thing If Mr. Loy Hen­ puffed sleeves and a bouffant The ancient Greeks ' and Ro­ FORD SLIPON SWEATERS ■veifiiod to Cankar's complaint con- bum while British patrols and mo­ weeks of the peace conference. sor nations, she was also one of two weeks. The ■ fourteen car skirt. Her head-dresa was a tiara Alao in question, according to ''ceming Greek press attacks on the countries that contributed. In a bile police units drove through the derson's resignation were request­ mans named the period between “This won’t help," he said when brick garage in the rear ts also of matching blue and she carried Mms officials, Is Just who will sn- July 3 and August 11 tho deg RETAIL SALESROOM laasheeto Tito's regime by stating that the appraised of the ultimatum. siibstnntlnl manner to the Mctnrv." streets. ed," Crum said. Henderson too de­ to fta Uie mMsure. It provides pen- completed, and men are laying a clined comment. an arm bouquet of pink rapture days because during that period Greek press was free but that he he said. - "It la In (his considera­ No Explnnlvea Found roses. altlos up to a $8,000 fine or a year Roast PORK| new driveway to the garage to- O um said that during an ex­ Sirius, the dog star, rose in Scon Towels had appealed to newspapers for tion that she should he treated. To Earlier a furore wal caii.seci by ta Jail, or both, but doesn’t say the 10c ! day. amination of secret State depart­ William H, Blackbuifn, of Hart­ NEED A NEW east with the sim. Fsstraint on the subject. Conn€dly and Byrnes treat her In any other msnner an anonymous telephone call to the ford, brother of the bride, was &OW vtolationa shall be checked. Manchester Knitting Milk Lean—Frosh! ment files he and his fellow com­ For Bale Cleaalngt < Oankar had dinner last night would )»e to depart from the prin­ north police station In Tel Aviv the best man for Mr.'Moon. Among applicants for forms thus T o u n d 'with Oonstantifie Rodlanoff, So­ Confer Immerliately mission members found that: ciples of Justice." saying the building was about to The bride's mother wore a far nave been such diverse organl- Manchester Green, Conn. * viet ambassador to Greece, and MUFFLER? Kirkmon's Cleanser Paris, Aug.' 23.—(Fl--Seiiator The Brazilian deelared that "Ihe ^lildreil Sasse be blown lip. The premise.s were Secret Cables to .Arabs dusty-pink dress and a corsage of ssttone es the United SUtee Cham­ was scheduled to leave tomorrow OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 9 P, M. TEL. 2-1201 Tom Connolly (D., Tex.), chair­ Italian republic should he en­ evacuated and searched for two "For every promise made by the white rosea. The bridegroom’s ber a t Commerce and a branch of . for Belgrade.) man Of the Senate Foreign Affairs couraged and helpexi by the eon-,, hour.s but no explosives w-erc found. president, for every resolution pass­ mother was attired In a light blue ’37-’42 Buick .... .Sfi.95 the CIO's UnlM Auto Workers NOTICE! 5c con committee, arrived In Paris today Is Honor Guest querlng nations. The tension In Tel Aviv was fur­ ed by.,Congress from 1920 on. our auit and wore a corsage of white uniasi. Many letters have come HAM i and conferred Ininiedlatoly with •34-’42 Chevrolet . .54.45 CleoM a MUIloa Thtafe! "Our purpose Is not to make (he ther heightened by an unconfirmed State department In secret cables rosea from smell local organlMtione as THE OFFICE Pecreta'ry pt State .lames F. revival of the Ttallsn, people more •35-’42 Chrysler .. .55.45 To Bake or Boil! ^5 5 * Byrues Confers A mlacellaneoua shower was report published in the evening to the Arabs assured them nothing A small reception tor the fami­ welL Pyrnos on the tefise Yugoslav slt- difficult Our task la to lay the would be done." lies followed at the bride's home, One form being distributed is a POUND ^ Ookite 10c uatl'in. given for Miss Mildred Saose of 29 ncw.spaper “ Hadashot Ahnronoth," •35-’42 Dodge .... .55.45 OF foundations for a lasting praee." which said that not one; but three, Crum also asserted that "by with Pagan! catering, after which registration form which the law With Advisors Connally was Huinmonrd to, he a vessels filled with illegal Jewish some odd coincidence" confidential the couple departed'ior an unan­ says must b»s filed tnunediately by DR. D. M. CALDWELL APPROVED "• Small Package aunt. Mrs. Michael RegetU of Paris several days ago by Byrnes messages from President Truman all lebbylats. ,— ' ■ T V E I t i m Wants “ Kx|ultable" TrealiiM-nt East Middle Turnpike. Immigrants were appronc-liirvg .the nounced wedding trip. The bride •37-’42 Hudson ... .55.95 t<> ae.slst In Peace conference dis­ He emphasised that his cmmlry to the American members of the waa wearing a green gabardine Quaker Oats (Coutlnued From Page One) cussions, There w’cre 25 guests present -Holy -Land. ' •,37-’42 Uldsmbhile .54.95 IqfetmaRon Required . WILL tfE CLOSED lOc I I I IMIM 12-man commission were invariab­ suit with chocolate brown acces­ Cubo Steaks^ Accompaaled by Mrs Connally, would' Insist on "an equitahle" from this town and (Coventry. No indication has been given as Information requir^ includes: Edvarid Kardelj, head of the Yugo­ treatment of Italy, for "questlon.s yet n.s to when the Brlti.sh trans­ ly delivered Into British hjmds be­ sories and an orchid toraage. j •.37-’42 Packard .. .55.50 ' Name and address of registrant UNTIL Strained the senator was mot at Orly air The gifts were arranged In and fore the Americans received them. 'i he couple will reside In South Laan—Tender—^Tasty! ^5 9 ^ slav delegation and vice premier, field ny Byrnes, who broke off his of world, peace are Involved*" lie around a beautifully decorated port Empire Heywood, standing off •37-’42 Plymouth . .55.95 and his employer; the duration of POUND and warn him that BrlUsh-Yugo- referred to the "amputation of Haifa harbor with several hun­ "Toward the end of nijr visit Portland, Maine, where the bride­ his work; the amounts he it to re­ ' SEPTEMBER 8 Heinz Baby Foods discussions of the Yugoslav"situa­ i pink and white basket; 'a n d 'th e (abroad) they didn't even bother groom Is employed as a meml}er. •37-’42 Pontiac ... .54.95 alav relations were deteriorating. tion with advlsor.H lopg enough to parts of metropolitan Italy, the I house WHS decorated with paatel dred illegal refugees, woiild sail to ceive and from whom; the amounts transfer of Italian populations, the to re-seal the envelopes," he said. of the Naval Security police. The the lobbyist is to be paid for ex­ Bevin "has no appointment to greet the Texan. , colored garden flowers. deport the immigrants to intern­ see Mr. Kardelj and none is ex- loas. of her coIonleF’ envisaged In ment on the Island of ('’j'priis. bride hatT b e ^ a teacher in a local I Minced Horn 3 jars 23c • Byrnes then returned directly After the many beautiful gifts school. Bologna fiected,'' the spokesman said. to his headquarters where State the treaty, and said' this'auffieed Spokesmen for the Jewish un­ Miner la Fastest Oetting 1\> BRUNNER'S Other British sources said they department offlclnl.s were conliu- to show "the InjuaUce of lesvjrg i admired, games Veal Loaf ' were played, derground organhttition. Haganai, Absestos Prefer to.keep child Salami Real Values At the Fruit ■were not pleased with YuJ(oslav- ulng thetr study. this Instrument unchanged. clreulateii thrpiigh Tel .Aviv last so Oakland St. Tel. 5191 Britlsh relations, but they took the i A buffet luncheon was aerved THE Let Benson's Check Meanwhile. U. 8. Secretary of ’ eon.sisting of salad, .sandwiches. nighi warning emwda, that the „ Bingham, Me.— (A’l-A n Alaskan Mew thst the ultimatum to Mar­ : .State James F. Byrnes confcrnMl Ccntralla. 111..—(P) —The Cen- Buy It ||_ ^ and Vegetable Dept. rak e Screams Unsqrreastol ■ and cakes. The centerpiece was a BriUsh were'”aboilt to start new mining engineer has di.scovered as­ etralia Sentinel’s want ad column shal Tito was atrictly an Ameri­ I at his hotel this morning for i.*ii operations against, the Jews, fol­ bestos near this northern., timber Your Radio Now! can matter. ' shower cake decorated with blue carried this plaint; “ Wanted im­ LEE'S SHOE BOX In the Pleee! ' Fancy YeUoW—TsBder—Sweet Chicago, Aug. 21.— — Sam ' minutes with Italian Premier .VI- lowing lip a broadcast Tuesday by town. News of the American ultimatum , and* pink edible roaes and a blue mediately—unfurnished apartment West Hartford Center Now le the time to have needed 5 9 * cldc djp Gasperl, but it was not ■ an underground radio station that Believed an exten.sinh cif The 100 — ordering Marohal Tito’s govern­ Pecorado, Chicago park district umbrella. or house: Man, wife and daughter, STATION repair* made to hienre good Corn 35c doz. inirtiediafely disclosed what they i the operations would start with a mlles-distant Canadian Thetford ment to give the UnlUd States official, reports his 150 male life .Miss Sasae la the daughter of 8. Will dispose of dog, but prefer lleteatag on Fall and Winter talked about. "regime of the guillotine and Mines, the asbestos vein- runs MO Center St. Tel. 4540 “ FINE SHOES oatlsfacUon within 48 hours for guards fr^uenUy are' lured Into , I Mr and Mrs. Otto Sasse of 39 to keep .phild.” prognuBH. VouBg—Tender—Freeh the water by fake screams of help ' death sentences.' Fresh Dressed Native acts described ss warlike or face ' VVe.st street.. Sheds to be married through rock ledges that can be FROM FINE SOURCES” acUon by the United Nations Se­ from men trying to attract one of yoting Majority * Based next month to Carl HIckIng, son \\r a IP. prepared to meet this j reached, only, by boat and a walk the 56 women guards. The latter rcginir, ' the broadcast said, of several miles. CALL 3535 Broilers - Roasting Chick­ Summer Squoth, 3 for 10c curity council—circulated quickly ] of .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kicking complain that sometimes women On 'American Dollar'* KpprisalB Threatened The asbestos may he lifted out TKeee men, e l vefereie, ere legraing a syi tem o f lesufy Culhire among peace conference delegates ! of (,'oventrv. The Hagana speaKer.s, address­ - Hard Blpe—Native during the early morning hours. bathers pull the same stunt for Moscow. Aug. 23 — (JPI— The with a sharp Instrument. BENSON’S that wM Joed diem H w ol peyinq dlqnlffed pesHieos. Tsfce sd« ens Fryers - Fowl... ing motion picture theater crowds, Sharpest Mow to Settlemento . the male guards’ benefit. The Communist organ Pravda declared Fomitnre and Radio To Arrive Fresh From the Farni guards of both se). are getUog Bellexes Publicity Coonta urged their listeners to refuse to. e » W 4 * vsflteq# of your G.l, Bill— and find yeur future in your hsnde. Tomotoes 5c Ib. Debate —Patrolman Art Menke puahed radio contest yesterday, Misa Lee -ed reprisals if 18 young Jews un­ r inly with the effect of what known at the conference about C through a beach crowd of males, wn.s told she could have any Wish der sentence of death are execut- pomt observers considered the the Anglo-American ' mechanism, etipn®* CLIF IT TODAY age(l 6 to 76, to find a shapely, she wanted within reason. She said Sd. FOUND! Plajrroom Now *9«0TE0 FOR pharpest blow yet to hopes, for the results of each vote are not she vyanted her name inscribed in •BOte***** red-haired girl posing In the nude "In east; you should hang." scat- FIN B FOOD** A Large Voriefy of fresh Baked Goods At Tho ^ farly snd amlcanls settlements on for a photographer. difficult to ace. "declared Boris th-- sky a mile highs The radio A ptoce where von ean get REYAAANDER'S trusties, coming, as It did, on the tcretl lealV't.s aald In addressing skilled generator repairs and Knollv Piue anil Maliuj^uiiy Panels NtiW ! . "This Is for art," the photogra­ Izakov, Pravda correspondent, si>ons(f the "Idea el Hiisseini. deputy chairman what you need now. Yes, tend me your mm ceteloque and ettier pertineot infer-1 BysMS has devoted the last two they were booked on chargee of of world rule of the dollar” and VEAL CACCIATORE STEAKS BROILERS I metiea • . # a ts Inveetlgation of the clr- Log Angeles— iJF>— Col. Ralph the Arab Executive, prepared to Town Motors 29c doz. 29c ea. 29c ooe Indecent exposure. waa openly calling for Inclusion of A. Densmore. 51, w a s s civilian confel^- duj-ing the day with UeuL ABfD OTBXB OOOD TBIlfOR TO,BAT Dealer aaces suirouiiding Yugo- "all European powers -In the svs Incorporated INAMf I i^ ^ s hsldliig of sSven American .vc.sterday for just 24 hours— the Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham. Pales­ DANCE TO THE TUNES OF THE ”8WINt;8TER8” ThertB waa so little demand for tenTof American economic rule ' f,rat itnie in 28 vears. His terminal tine litch eommlssloner; following , Telephone SA.M The W. G. Glenney Co. ADDRESS' - ■ ______M prtioneri foUoiring the airplanes after World War I that 45 tyesi -(i'enlrr Street ma 1 j SHOP EARLY! AVOID DISAPPOINTMB4T! of their, piano Aug. Izakov saH Blum roaently had • i„a' e ended ye't'rdey and today s s''hod;V<'d meeting of the execu­ .3.35 NO. MAIN ST. rELi IMS 88-87 OAli STREET TEIJCFHONB m t a new plane, nevqr uncrated been a weels-end g t^ t- at U S h»' re-enlisted a« a master ser- tive ' kqunc a tiintlcpuld be purcbwed fox sbout 37s! ] Secrets^ ^ Stats Bymsa viila ^ geant. Huweini returned lu t night MANCHESTER EVENING HBRALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, AUGUST it . 194# UAlfCHESTER EVEmNO HERALD. HAHCHEa i B*** ^MURBDAr, AUGUST 29, l»4t

Bqitoii and Nelson Sug^ests Fighter \ Annual Fall Field Trials Sporis Roundup Business People Play in Portland Knocks Legion Down Out of the ‘plane* as B«v®‘'**!S«nc/ay o f TalcottvUle Flats Jr- s>Waslsy MoutoSA the U d who Nssr York, Aug- 88-(Fy-Ptou, | vsr mbMontgi Msy Get Information Portland, Ora., Aug. 2J— cei— PbrUand, On.. Aug. 88— other World War H veterans. and It la expected that the dog* i Manchester dogs In tb* three ths first time I've ever had to meet Murach, c ...... 4 Relimpiished; Detoila explaining the problema of Indi­ ______derby Bill Uebe, who fanned neatly 300 year-old son wants to lead the The 8 t Louis edrdtoals, vwho nmntng shows at tha Red Man's KonssL Douglas, local car deal­ lace North Bnda to the gam* Ing of starting one— may be able vidual taalneases like filling ata- Would favor fighter protection for will he In the spacious field until stake,:, puppy shooting. him in match play," said Barron, bataman In 18 games, signed with DMd at grid games Instead of get­ Arena. list win no dMibt decide the Ramedell, p . . . .8 6 :3 0 'in the e v ^ n g , A tT h e dose *h®otln* u d aU-age shooting, to The Initial Sports Night praoen- have bean chasing tha Brooklyn er after leafing that Bobby 8 to gat from the i tiona, shoe repairing, auto repair- Amertean military transports. racent Tam O' Shanter open wto- Caiarlott*, N. C.. for next season ting his nocs rubbed to the a ixL fourth plaee wtaacr. Oayton, lb ... .8 RockvlUe’s Englsrts caUsd up-' of the regulsuly scheduled trials hold the Interest of local paopla tatkm of the season waa marked Dodgers practically from tha start Four cards have bean prosentsd Mrach was bothered by a cold last msnt Information that will help ^ ber from White Plains, N. T. and outfielder Billy Urban with "We made a mistake taking him Itowday night has decided to |nir- A win for Lee’s wtll put them Koslowskl, Sh ..8 oo their ace mounds man, Ray the drawings for the valuable who Journsy to the with ■uocem last night when n cn- to date and it can truthfuliy bs them. Barron movto up yeaterd» by EUxabetbtown, Tenn . ; . Peru also to Navy gimes laat year,” Bruiser o f tha aeaaon, might ba occupying ohaae a robe for the East Bids Into fourth pines soUdly while a Pltkat, r f ...... 8 Ramadell, to toss up their final Within the Commerce depart­ U Baakleto Prepared prize* that are being offered by A ,***4yss ddU ■tated that as a whole they have defeating Ed Vines of San^nan- Jias a "Bleacher Jockey" club. say*. padty crowd of cloas to 500 nt> the top spot to tha National League fighter. Doug hopes that this will win for the North Ends wtll place Penumowakl, U 8 ment Is a special bureau called Tha Commerce department has the Manchester Dlvtalon will take be used to Idmtlfy t ^ d o g s to t ^ toen good. Last Monday araa the Jalbert, aa ... .8 leagus gam* last night and ha C o l u m b i a . held and their handler* and to cisco, 6 and 5. In tha afternoon Itoybe that on* la a Brooklyn deaatog Ths Caff tSQded tha program at the Amcrl- today ware It not for former tcam- prevent Bobby from catching that team Into fourth place, .588 the Office of Small Buslneas. whose prepared 18 of those booklets, some first postponsd card. Postpons- Knebel, b ...... proceedsd to down ths Amsriean Barron eliminated Fay (Aleman o f f a r ^ Mlctaigan'B Ferry Fle(4 original­ eaii Legion Home. The attalr waa colds to the future. points ahead o f Lee’s aad the Le­ 8 8 Job it is to help small businessmen o f them fairly large, which sell at At noon, ths Hartfojd Archery' give specUtora up-to-the-mtoute matea now with rival clubs. ments always hurt Aa It was, the gion. Harrteon, e f . . . .9 Lsglon ntos by a 8 to 8 acors on a prices ranging from 10 cents to 40 'news on the trials. Los Angeles. 3 and 2, after Cole­ Unanswered Qoestloa ly was purchased for 88:000 as a co-qionsored by The Legion and gate was ths best of the year this with many of their problems— al­ ’The Republlran * met in caucus Club will be on hsmd to give a The latest ax-Card to help sub­ Btuart M o a n s or Karl Kehler Kawalac, ef , . . . 8 nsat flvs hlttsr. cents. man had advanced with a 20th A report kioktng around the Na­ cricket field . . . Tom Bo8W,Jr.. The Herald. past Tuasday dsspits ths Hartford Ronnl* barleon,. former Mnn- though. of course, not all. at Yeoman’s Hall Tuesday night new publicity man at Wake Fofea( due hla form er taammatea la 81 will start for Loo's, while Max ftopkvllls’B win laft thsm to asc­ To gat one you'll have to write hole 1-up win over favored Her­ tional League la that Branch Rick­ Charley Hurlburt, Legion foot­ fight club also operating on Tues­ chastsr High school grid captain ond plaes hut tbs Leykia loss ; Suppose you’re a small buslneas- and elected the following deUgates era at the home o f coUcg*. U atlU blushing every Johnson, S8-yearK>ld pitcher o f the Rubacha wbo has worked all 18 88 6 7 81 8 8 to the Superintendent of Docu­ Commissioner man Kelser of Akron, O. ey has promised each and every baU coaeh aM a member of the day night Is continuing hU education at puahsd thsm from a tie with Lee's mim—or want to open a small to the various political conventions and Mrs. FBSbert X . Foote. on* of his Dodgers a brand new time be encounters baCkficld coach faculty at Manchester High waa Boston Bmvas, who arors n 8 t of the North Bads’ gamos will Lsgtea (8> ments, Washington 25, D. C. He SporU Schedulm But all Barron’s opponent o f to­ Several Manchester boya who Bprtagflsld oollege after asrvlee in Esso for fourth to fifth place, .038 business — and there are eome Mrs. Ernest Dtogwell of Meri­ car If the/re still In first place Bob (Jitterbug) KeUog. Bob was tho guest spoaker. Coipniander Louis uniform from *1988 through hurl for the Veterans, nb r h po sells them. coming up: SUte, RcpresenUtlve day-defending champion Nelson 1938. were scheduled to fight Including tbs Army. ’This will ba Lee’e final game, .4 points hahtod Lea’s snd .010 p<^ts guestions that bother you. You'd den la spending this .week with her when they return from their west­ -quite a back at Tulane and North Francis X Miner opened the pro- Martin, aa . . . This Is all a pretty sketchy out­ Claytons E. Hunt and Donald R. Tonight — did was go 10 under par for the the main bout were scratched while tha North Ends must face Haiigh, 8b . . . .3 shsad ot tho North Ends. Uhe, some help, or some Informa­ grandchildren Carol, CSiarles and ern trip . . . That brings the query: ^rollna Pre Flight, but the first im by greeting the aaaemblance. ’ths ntainn righthander kurued line of the kind of work the Small Old Timers vs. Yannlgans, 6 p. m. 27 holes he required to dispose o f ^ e n schedulsd fighters failed to Ths Windsor Townies that play JarviN Motora to the league finale Correntl, p .. .8 Hamsdon marred hla • perfect tion. Tuttle with Judge Bdwm S. Thom­ Muriel Warner while their parent*. If the Dodgers deliver, can Rick­ time Boat encountered him to Sntmnnder Miner then read a let­ back the Cardinals 4-3 last night Business office Is doing. But It la p.— OvaL Frank Rodla, La Mesa, (Ssllf., 8 appear. In the ssmi-pro ranks no ths Grill Sunday at ths Oval have tomorrow night. Thompson, of .3 record to ths second toning when In that case, what can you do? written to call the’ office to the as and Horace E. Little as alter­ Mr. and Mrs. Norton Warner are e y ? ' Coach Walker's' office, Tom ter commenting tho DUworth-Cbr- under the lights at 8L Louis. Ths North Ends ,vs. Lee’s, 6:30— and 7. and Larry Lamberger, the boxer or rasYiager la raquestsd to won 35 of S3 games played and Beftbna StaiMiqpi Fray, if ...., .8 6 I he walksd Fray after tbs tatter WIB Try to CHve OuMhuioe attention o f people who can use Its nates; Congressional, James H. thought Kellog wraa a student man­ noll Post dn tho fine sports pro­ dsfeat pushed tha Carda back a had fouled off seven pitche*. Thia on their vacation. , North End. home pro from Portland, Ore., 8 Bhorts And Shells fils a bond for ths appearance of are pace setton* in the GOnn. Val­ To Bellla, 3b ...... 3 1 8 Right now you can writ* to. or help but nuiy not know It exists. Phelan and Lester B. Hutchins; Although Notre Dame already Is ager . . . The "UtUe Brown Jug" gram that has -been carried on. nm e and a half to tha pace-set­ was ths first and only pass taduM Mias Beatrice Porter spent the Frktoy, Aug. U and 2. He had five birdies In each said fighter. Therefor* there ar* ley League. . W. Phelon, lb . . . ..3 visit, the Small Business offlcs In 'The Small Business office may County, Mrs. H. P. Collin* and Mr*. being tabbed aa the year's No. 1 836,000 pacing stake which wUl be Mr. Hurlburt qidho on "Value of ting Dodgera who whipped the last in -77 full toninga oh ths mound In week-end In Qoaton. North Ends vs. Jarvis, ff;S0— round. usually changM to the card thain Jaivia I I Fay, rf ...... 3 ths Cbmmerce department here in give aid like this, too: Lester Hutchins; SenstorisI, Mrs. footbaU team (are you listening, raced at Delaware, Ohio, next AthloUca'’ He touchdd on numer- place Plctahurgh Pirates 8-8 to l e ^ s play. Washington^ It has a number of Lawrence Perry has returned to North End. the afternoon. what waa advertised. Burt Lavey has been discharged RockvIUe 10 Warren, e ... .8 Help you get scarce materials, Chaunoey M. Bquler and Mrs. Don­ Amry?) folks at South Bend claim month vaa named after a horse oua axperiences whllo aiijnimd at Grill a•.,••••••••,,, 9 ’Ihs La^n draw first blood tn apedsllats who will try to give you ald R. Tuttle; Probate, Stanley An­ hla home after spending hla vaca­ Sunday, Aug. 88 that set a world racing record back an Industrial achool to laam k^u Tallarita has treated the mana­ from the Marines snd la planning which are allocated by the govern­ they’re really worried about nu-* Johnson Jotoa a host o f other ex- l^ e a 6 87 18 ^ aacond toning aa Hsnry F r ^ guidance. drews, Mrs. John Pringle. Wilbur tion on tha W est Coast, in the Fall Field Trials, Manchester satts as a faculty member, Billy OSKiNM gers and fighters well. ’The local to enroll to-the Vet's class at Man­ 8 8 8 8 ment or are distributed under nols. Army and Southern Califor­ to 1881 . . . No doubt a lot of JUg Cards who have bean directly ra- iwgloei 6 Roekvflle ...... 030 060 • walked, stol* second and aoorsd on The office her* has a staff of Smith and Mrs. Gordon Llewellyn. states o f Washington and Cali­ Div. OBA, all day—^TalcottvUle Night Games Results city race fans wUl be disappointed while In the Navy with the V5. sponslbla for 8t Louis loaaas this matchmaker waa left holding ths chester High. He hopes to gain priorities, if you can fit tha re­ nia . . . Nat Rogers, Mike- Jacobs’ blah BUly Corcoran, local mid­ North Bade ...... S Am. Legion ...... 010 000 1— 8 a atngis by Herb Phelon that went about 100. It is adding aaveral The present town committee which fornia. FlaU. to learn there’s nothing In ths Jug. Youths wero trained to make season. Mort Cooper, Johnson’s bag when three fighters who were the necessary points for entrance quirement for such hsip. matchmaker, la trying to match dleweight will oppose Bobby Es- Kaceys ...... 8 Runs batted to, Ramsdell 8, through the hole batwsen third hundred more. When they've been Is comprised of Harvey S. Collins, Albert Fogll la vlaiting at the OriU VS. Windsor, 8 p. m. — better aytators and tho (innl out­ pitching mate, oanu two triumphs slated to flght Manchester boys Into college. and abort Beat Way to Write By The AssocimtAd Pren sell of New Britain tor-th* semi­ Ntcbola, Bristol . . . . . 8 KoslowakI, Jalbert 8, Phelon 8; given special training. 'They'll be Clair L. Robinson, Horace Little, A. home of Mr. and Mr*. Gordon OvsL come of^World war proved that over the Cards and p lt^ rs Hai^ failed to put In an appearance The best way to find out whether Anserlcan lAague n final bout Monday night at the three base hit, Jalbert; stolen sent out tb the department's S7 R. Sharpe. William Bergstrom, Wolfgang In Middletown. •------^____A - ■ •ur man wore bettor than the op- ry Oumpert of Cincinnati and Al when It came time to be examined you fit those requirement la to Oeveland . . . 001 001 OOl— 8 8 2 Don Ballou who pitched the baaea, KoilowiM , Pltkat, Frsy; RockvUls same back to * their branch offices. Morris Ksplsn, MrS. Renry Hutch­ Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fogll of Man­ pooltloa,’* tho apeaker aald. He Arena. Corcofao baa yat to loa* Jurisich o f the PbUlias have on* by the club doctor. write to the Small Business office Washington . 121 000 OOx—4 8 2 to hia home town. PA’a to ttro ’Twilight League and sacrlflcaa Gayton; double ptaya, half of the second to aoore three - The department bopee to In­ ins, Mrs. John Pringle, Mrs. Gordon chester were recent callers at the went on to any that “the United victory apises. This sent Tallarita around scout­ THEY In the Commerce deportment here. Gassaway, Lemon (8), and He- town championships la In town for Jalbert to Knebel to GaMon; baaea runs and enough to win ths baU crease the number of offices to 75 Llewellyn, Mrs. H. P. Collins was home of Mr. and Mra. Clarence Differ in Claims States realised the value of athlet- Al Oreco o f Springfield nnd ing for n suitable opponenL When (Later, when the branch offices gan; Wynn and Evans. FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS Chick Ut«rinas ot Hartford vW Oscar Judd, a former member a few days. Don waa discharged on balls, Ramadell 1, Correntl 8; game. ' ’ soon. are staffed with small business of­ re-elected for the coming two Fogll, fc programs early and this proved of the Card organization and now none were to be found, he was from the Army three weeks ago. National League nS H AND CHIPS WITH,OUR NEW FI^ALATOR! feature the ten bout card, meeting forced to revise the card and In­ TAND atrikeouta, Ramsdell 8; wild pitch- Paraanowakl singled to open tbs When these branch -offlcas are fice experts, you cah apply directly years. Mrs. Sherwood Rayniond of New On Strike Effect Boaton ...... 000 020 011—4 11 to be one of the fnetora In win­ with the Phils, has beaten them While to servic* he performed with to the five round feature bout clude several changes. It is.unfor­ es. Correntl 8; passed balla, Mur- frame, Jalbert walked sending Staffed you write or visit them, there for information. J. Aksll Kyllonln of New York Britain, waS a recent visitor at St. Louis . . . 000 001 101—8 9 ning tho wnr." three times whllb Pittsburgh’s a team of pro players. Yesterday’s Essalts Our new sanitary process gives you a deiicipus, crisp, tunate that circumstances exist Bch 1; winning totehsr, Ramsdell; Paraanowakl to second. Knebte stating your problem to the (If you don’t know whether one City was presented In Justice Court the home of her father. Daniel H Johnson and Masi; Brazle, The local teacher-coach told that Fritx Ostermueller has done It E a sten losing pitcher, OorrentI; umptrsa, singled and the runners advanced specially trained men. Or you can at Yeoman'a Hall Monday night by' Waterbury, Aug. 22.—(JP)— ffolden brown food — Seais in the flavor! Conic in and but it la beyond the control of the Hartford , 4; Binghamton 0, 0. o f those offices Is near, write and Hodge. Wilks (9) and Garaglola. "Joa MoGluskey, racently appoint- twice told the Phils’ Kan Raffens- More than 50 candidates turned 8 Brainsrd, Stsvanson; scorer, Yost; one bees to load the baaea with stiU write or visit the malp office Police Officer Walter Lundgren, management snd until such time ask the Small Business offibe about Mr. and Mrs. Roger Porter of Union and management bad ad­ try them! FRIED>OYSTKRS AND CLAMS PACKED 4d fuU time (ursetor of tho local Country Qub Notes berger onch,- out for the Legion football prac- WIUtea-Bam 4, Elmira 8. time, 86 mtoutas. none out. Kawalac bit to Haugh bare la Washington. It) charged with reckleaa driving. Mr. Elmwood and Mlaa Florence Jones vanced confiictlng claims today 1 0 TAKE HOME. CALL 280.1. Y would in all probabiUty lift the as the State lays down the law to Albany 8, 8, UUea 7, 8 11 In- at third aad the runner sms forced Kyllonln pleaded guilty to the Among the. batsmen. Walker govern aeml-pro boxers, scheduled t i y laat night at Mt. Nebo. The Tha work of the small business The Small Businesa office la also of Columbia, were recent callers st Y to Its former standai^." Mr. Cooper, sold by BL Louts to the nlnga ' at the plate. With ths baaea atUl charge and was fined |38 by Trial over the effectiveness of the strike fighters will continue to be among team wtll hold a meeting tonight offtoa goes aoihstblng like this: working oUt a program—It Isn't the home o f Mr. and Mra. Mertoil FENDER AND Hurlburt said that the Y wUl bo- New Yorit Giants tor 8175,000 last Scranton 10, WiUiamsport 1. loedeJ, Ramadell won h|s own Justice Newton B. Smith. at the Rlsdon Mfg. Co. plant here. the missing on flght night. at 4:80 at the Legion Home. All Last Nighrs Fights John Jones wants to open a small complete snough for announcement Hills.. COMMUNITY RESTAURANT come an asset to the conununity. winter, twice hammered home runs Natloaal game with a atogl*. coupled with This man’s problem became one BODY W ORK candidates and any newcomers ar* businesa. Ha can’t decide whether yet—to help small contractors get Lester Hurlbutt and daughter, J. J. Carr, company vice presi­ Mr. Hurlburt also brought out to beat hla former mates. Johnny A flght fan cannot go wrong Phlladsipbia 1, Chicago 0. a bad throw that sent him to third of many two weeka ago, when on 14.2 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Invited to attend. to mako It a corporation or part- subcontracts from large manufac- Mra. Charles German, were callers dent and plant superintendent, the facts that by keeping boys In­ Mize and Buddy Blattner, also of with ten bouts being presented Cincinnati 7, Now York 8. and aoortd thro# runs. hlB way to Brooklyn' to vlait hia SOLIMENE & FLAGG By Ths Aasodfited Prcaa aanblp. And be’a bothered by a turars. st the home of Mrs. Alice Foote, terested to athletics, there would the Giants, each beat the Carda each week. A total of 84 rounds o t Brooklyn 8, Pittsburgh I. Rockville added three more ruaa wife who la vacationing there. On claimed that 67 production work­ Joe "Sugar" Hugret, former Oakland, Calif.—BUr Mlaamls, gaastlon about patent#. For many small firms such sub Tuesday evening. INC. be no time for Juvenile delinquency. this year with four-base knocks, leas, and with the many knockouts Boston 4, R t Louis 8. in the fifth on two walks, a single Route A at a point near Alex ers bad reported for work Wed­ New York U. and pro football 189, Manila, outpointed Loranao lafonaad oa DUfereBoe contracts may, in time, mean the 884 Oeater St. TeL 8101 He dtod Horinrty Brothers and aa did Carden Glllenwater and laat Ttttsdsy It waa leas, including Amarlaaa by Jimmy KoslowakI and the only *' Ha oomea to tha office here, or Zuryk'a home, hla car was seen to nesday. This was disputed by two fives and eight three round player has bean discharged from Safora, 125, Havana, 10. difference between staying In bust The Legion as examples of organi­ Johnny Hopp, both now with the New York 10, 5, Chicago 1, 4. Buffalo—ArturO Oodoy, 303 eatra baso hit o t . tho game, a writes to It, explaining his case. ness or falling. suddenly leave the road a dia Thomas Voccaro, CIO shop chair­ affairs seems enough to satisfy the Army. Sugar la now living In sations vdio have fully reallaed the Oalratta Drawtag Braves. Philadalphia 4, Detroit 1. 3-4, Chile, outpointed (Jyclon* triple to right flMd' by L a n y Jal­ Ha'a given Information on tha dlf* tance later measured to be 74 feet man, who aald that not more than the average paytog client town. Elliiivton vahM of athletics and who have The annual smorgasbord dinner Rebounding from their shutout Boston 12, St Louis 9. WllUama, 196 1-4, Buffalo, 10. bert farenca between a corporation and Death Doe to I m g OoOapea to the right, veering back to croaa 25 workers bad crossed picket made It a point to go aU out for Washington 4, Cleveland I. Joe Bollta opened the oovonth a partnerahip. And patent experts it diagonally for 73 feet and then lines during the day. Those work­ and Calcutta drawing will be held defeat at the hands of the Pirates Provldenee, It L—Tippy Lar­ youngsters to providing; equipment fltoiidlngs for the Legion with a atoglo and try to help him on his patent prob­ plunge Into the woods a distance ers, aald Voccaro, had aubmitted REAL ESTATE Saturday evening at the Manches­ Tuesday night, the Dodgera land­ kin, 144 3-4, Garfield, N. J., out- Tbs following delegates were el­ nnd tenms in nil bm naies o f Baateiv two base errors left him on third Los Angelas, Aug. 22.—(JP>—The of 82 fret. Someone reported the to the company’s "unlon-buatlng ter (Country Club. Drawing for ed on lefthander Ken Helntzel- IMltnted Bobby McIntyre, 145 6-4, lem. ected to the -different conventions sports. W, L. Pet. GBL Phelon grounded to Jalbert who ' Hare’s another man, Tom Smith. death Aug. 18 In a Santa Monica accident to both police and ambu­ tactics" by which It hoped “to MANCHESTER— teams to the Calcutta will be man and his two successors for 11 Old Timers, Yannigans be trolt, 10. ■i hospital of Mrs. Bertha Todd, 39, at the caucus held in, the Town Following the talk, three sound ficranton .... 80 88 .696 — throw wido to tho plate aa Bollta Ha wants to go into # small bust- lance driver, giving the approxl break the atrtke." 4-Room Home, like new, all We believe that while expenditures made following dinner. hiU, three by Dixie Walker, to de­ Miami, F la.-% lyde Gordon, 146, wife of Stags Producer Mike fUma wars shown entitled "Play The (Calcutta event la the big­ Ablany ...... 68 S3 .686 16 soorod. Phelon waa forosd at sec­ mate spot of ^ e accident,, but the Hall Tuesday nlgni: State conven­ Approximately 150 workers, convealentses, on boa line, near feat the cellar-dwellers. Southpaw Miami, knocked out Al Reid, 139, Todd, waa due to collapse of the tion, Representative Theodore A. shopping district. Price $6300. should vary with the means of those Ball. Bon,” “O rcltog the Basea," gest of the season among- ths Joe Hatton, although issuing six Wilkes-Barre 61 54 .586 . I t ond by Fay, Warren filed to Ka­ car stopped in just auch a position membera of Local—’251V'Wteni*- and ‘World Berios d IMS.” Greenwood, 8. C „ 8. walac and Martin waa out third ? left lung and circulatory failure that It waa hardly dtacemable Palmer, Robert E. Hyde, alternates Terms Arranged- served, quadity should alwRys remain at members and is sure to attract a walks and tagged tor eight safe­ Play at Oval Tonight Hartford .... 60 55 .518 SO Button Downer while abe was under anaesthesia, tlonui Union of Mine, Mill and Prior to tho program, membera Utica, N. Y.— Len Tagita, 180 to first to end the game. from the road and the police cara First Selectman Jarvis H. Clapp big field. ties, went the route for his eighth Elmira ...... 54 68 .498 M tha coroner’s office reported yes­ Smelter Workers (CIO) ware af- the highest level. af the Legion Junior team were victory. 8-4, Utica, and Chat V to ^ 160, and ambulance scoured the vicinity and Fred Plummer; congressional lec^d by the walkout Tuesday dub dwmplonahlp Finale Utica ...... 58 88 .449 88H Rome, N. Y „ draw, 8. terday. She was being treated for MANCHESTER— feted by the Post to the basement Ferrlas Wins No. 88 Williamsport 44 88 .898 8414 Phoenix, Arlsona, has aa etava- without finding It. They enlisted convention, Simon Cohen and Hen­ which waa caused, Voccaro said, Details As The Family Desires! Henry Smith and Mumps Foa- Former Seeks Revenge Bangor, Me.—CUnt Peny, 164, Uon o t 1,108 fast and in avsrag* a cut tendon In her hand. Todd ry L. Hayden; county convention, 3-Famlly House, In excellent In addition to members of the team Binghamton 48 76 389 88 the services of the telephone com by the company’s refusal to con condition, with all conveniences, tor will play a 36 hole match Sun­ Dave Ferriss, the Boston Red Hysnnta, Mesa., outpointed Frank' January tsmpsratur* of 61.8 4^ bad Sled suit for divorce a few Gertrude Patric and Grace Sikes; Invited guests Included Commander day afternoon for the club cham­ Sox' sensational sophomore, hurled National days before bar death. pany to trace where the call had Unue contract negotiations. located on bus line and only In Return Game; Jo^ Is Anderson, 163, Portland, Me., 8. probate convention, Marshall E. Miner, Coach Ed Kovta, Bob pionship. Both earned the' right his 22nd mound triumph, but need­ Brooklyn ....,71 44 .817 — come from and Inquired at the Th.e company claimed that Lo­ short distance from schools, Arandt, Wally Fortin and Earl Hewitt, Ray Holland, stores and after about two hours Charter, Florence'Cordtsen. George cal 251 no longer represented a to meet to the finals with great ed help after glifing up 14 hits In B y The Aaao*4at«d Prase St. Louis .....69 48 .606 1% N. Brigham and Milo E. Hayes. churches, and shopping center. Y o st Large Doilies found It. The car waa extensively majority of the plant employes Price 810300. Terms Arranged. play to the qualifying and semi­ five and one third Innings. Staked Bob Sturgeon to Hurl National League Oiicdgo .... . 61 58 388 9V4 damaged but no personal injuries Simon Cohen was chairman of final rounds. . t to an 11-1 lead over the S t Louis BatUng— Musial, 8L Louis, .369; Boston .. . 66 58 305 18 were reported. the meeting and Gertrude Patric Holly Mandly, the defending Browns after two innings. Ferrlas Hopp, Boaton, -364, Cincinnati . . 62 63 .458 19 ?-ARTHRITIS-? The district school house* are waa appointed secretary’. MANCHESTER— Yesterday*s Stars champion did not compete this was banged for six more runs he- winners to thslr first game of Runs—Muaial. St. Louis, 68; New York . . 50 64 .458 80V4 Robert E. Hyde was re-elected TED & BILL’S JNERAlHtMM: year. fore being removed in the sixth Btanky, Brooklyn^ 74. undergoing their fall clean-up and 23-Acre Poultry Farm, com­ 28 WOOOeMOfil SI MAMOIESIER the West Side World Series, the Philadelphia 48 64 .489 81H getting a new facial at the hands chairman of the Republican Town Refrigeration Service plete with 9-room bouse. 2-car Pro-Member Sept. 8 and the Box went on to win 18-9. Yannigans will be out tonight to Runs Batted In-^Slaughter. St. Pittsburgh 45 84 .41^8 88 SENEGA LINIMENT of Luther Buell and hla gang. Ma­ committee and Gertrude Patric j garage and large chicken coops, By Th« AsBdclatcd Preas The annual Pro-Member tourna­ It was Fcrriaa’ 10th victory In a Louis, 92; Walker, Brooklyn, 88. Amoricaa son Nuhfer, Tommy Jones nnd Gor­ vice chairman. Licensed. all In excellent condition and lo­ IL- Dal Ennis, PhUUas—Homered to ment will be held on Sunday. S c^ row, but his complete game streak make It two'etraight over the West Hits—Mustal, 8 t Louis, 168; -Boston . . . ..84 88 .700 BOMETHma 80MBTHDIO g^'^TER don Llewellyn. So when the chil­ The following Is the rest of the Domestic and Commercial cated only a shoR distance from the ntotta toning to give the Phils tember 8 with a large field ea- waa ended at 14. Ted Willlama, Bide Old TImera at the West Bide Walker, Brooklyn, 150, New York .... 69 49 .586 14 dren return to their class on Sep­ committee: Milo E. Hayes. Henry 1067 BurnsMe Avenue shopping center. Price 810,800. a 1-0 victory ovar the Cubs. pected. Last year Tommy Ar­ with three singles to three official Oval. A week ago the Yannlgana Doubles—Muaial, 8t. Louis, 35; Detroit ...... 84 51 .557 17 H Fenetratlag Btrengar • Me Itandsr dU Johnson, Braves—Stranded IS tember 4, the paint will be as L. Hayden. Jarvis N. Clnpp, Simon Telephone Hartford 8-8686 mour and Gene Sarazen were to Umea at b a t Ued WashInRton's Holmes snd Herman, Boston, 88. Washington 59 60 .4M 25 ______r o a REAL RELIEF OF PAINS DUB TO runners to pltohlag tb* Braves to scored a 2 to I win to eight in­ e Al bright as a new dollar nnd to make Cohen, Grace Sikes, Clyde A. the field of proa that performed Mickey Vernon for the American Triples—MusisI, 8t. Louis, 18; Cleveland .. 66 68 .471 37H • MUfiCPLAR ACHES HEBRON— a 4-3 victory ovsr the Cards. here. nings. All proceeds from this nunc e 81'PEMNf \ • MEusma their studies cheery. Cordtsen, Henry Meyers, Llnwood League batting leadership at 345. will enter the Phonograph raid Walker, Brooklyn, and Cavarretta. Chicago .... 88 . 66 .446 SOH Carpentry work has been start­ R. Campbell, Marshall E. Charter. 120-Acre Farm located ea Chicago, 7. A3 An Drag atstss main highway, old Colonial The New York Yankees swept of the West SidAItoe. St. Louis ... 60 66 .461 63 ed oh the Robert Church house on This committee waa empowered to j a double header from the Chicago Home Runs—Mlse, New York, Philadelphia 87 61 .814 46 West street, the foundation of home with 14 rooms, 4 .Ore- Owoh Bill Brennan of the Old 88: KIner, Pittsburgh, 16. HEWITT CHEMICAL CORP. enlarge this committee as It sees' White Sox, 10-1 and 5-4, winning Today’s flame* 488 NORTH aTRBBT PirrOFIBLD. MAOS. which was put In cnily In the sum­ fit after It holds a meeting. Venetian Blind places, full bath, 1,000 peach ’Timers will have Ray Holland, Stolen Bases—Reiser, Brooklyn, tree*, large bam, garage, chick­ the second gams to ths Itth in­ Bingo Sturgeon and Jock Hswttt Baatsm mer. Ike and Len German are do­ A special meeting was held in ning when Johnny Ltodell led off 87; Haas, Clnclnnstt, 19. en coop. This farm Is self sup­ raady for mound duty. Hswttt Blnghanito|i at Hartford (8- 1 ing the work. the Boy Scout rooms Tuesday r,aundry with n triple nnd after rsUsf pitch­ Pitching — High*, Brooklyn; 8:80). Newton B. Smith, president of night and plans were completed for porting. Sale Price flO.OOO. baffled the Yannlgana to hla four Rowe,: Philadelphia, and Dickson, Terms Arranged. er Earl Caldwell walked two men toning role a week ago. WUkes-Barr* at Elmira. ' the Western Bit and Spur Club re­ the weekend camping trip to Little Venetian Blinds Washed o o . » 4 purposely to load the bases, scorsd. at. Louis, n -4 — .738. |g y t T • ■ No lineup changes arc planned Scranton at WUUainspoft, ports that seventeen of the mem­ River. Melrose. Activities were out­ and Polished on pinch hitter Nick Etten’a single! Amerleaa Leagus Utica at Albany. . bers have Joined the National lined fot the fall season. The com­ EAST HARTFORD— Spud Chandler won his 18Ui to the with Gyp Gustafson ana Pst* Rodeo Fans of America. Kletcha-expected to share the back- Batting—Vernon, Washington,- Natloaal mittee hopes an athletic program We Call For and Deliver. "Large 8-Room 'Single Home. opener. i Brooklyn at Cincinnati (night) A large group attended the meet­ may be set up to Interest boys of stopptof duties for ths Old Ttmsra. and Wilirama, Boston, ,848. AU conveniences, 2-car garage. Jos DIMsggto, with a homer la Runs— Williams, Boston, 183; —Melton (6-1) vs. Vender Mssr Hard-ToJ ing of the Sailboat Aasociatlon held all ages. Make Your Appointment F riu Wilkinson, Dave Karr, ’Ty Nice lot with ga ^ n space. On , each ganw, sxtsnded hla conascu- (8-7) or B o g n (7-8), In Yeomans Hall Tuesday night. Father's. Night will be held at Now! Holland. Oil Wright, a i f f Massey Pesky, Boston, 104. bus tlae, near stores, aehools, CAR OWNERS . tivs bitting ati:!^ to 18 gsmss. Runs Batted In—Wllllsma, Bos­ Boston st Chicago— Bpahn (8-8) Membera of Columbia Grange Camp., Little. River Saturday, Aug. aad churches. Sale Price and other former West Bide favor­ will neighbor with Hampton or Lit­ 24. Each father of a Boy or Cub I The lowly Philadelphia Athletics ites will b* back in action again. ton, 109; York, Boaton, 101. vs. Schmltx (9*8). Phone 5714 After 3:30 810,(W. Terms Arranged. ; mad* it two in n row over the third i e m s tle River Grange Friday night. Scout has boon issued an invitation Vic Taggart win hurl for the Hits—Peaky, Boston, 167; Ver- Phlladsiphls at fit. Lsuls (S-day- Reasonable Rates! place Detroit .Tigers when non, Wsshtogtop, 184,' to attend the camp and take part ^ 1 1 youngsters with Eddie Wlsrablckl nlght)—Hosrst (1-6) and Raffsns- Marchlldon 'outpitched Virgil CARTER CARBURETORS In the special acUvtles which will SOUTH COVENTRY— on the receiving snd. Doubles—Bpenct, Washington, bsrgsr (6-11) vs. Dickson (11-4) Trucks 4-1 with a neat scvsn-hlt- 40; Vernon, Washington, 87. Include a watermelon feast, roust Strictly Modem 5-Room The game la sehedulsd to start at and Brtchssn (10-11) or Bsaslay ter. ’Triples—Learla, Washington, and and an old fashioned song contest. Stone Veneer Home In the coun­ • o’clock. (4-6). d m MARRAOAMHn Edwards, Cleveland, 11. Scout committeemen are also in- i try near lake, oa hard surfaced Rookia outfielder Del Bnnla’ Now York at PitUburgh—Ken­ A. C. FUEL PUMPS vited to attend c.tmp at any time ro<^. Large lot with summer g ,^ ,^ , TrWswB ninth Inning home run enabled the Home Runs— Willlama, Boston, nedy (6-7) vs. fiewell (6-7). V • George Milne, Mra. Milne 1 S3; Greenberg, Detroit, 85. from Friday evening to Sunday af-1 cottage to rear which bring* in efiw !•>< '***’ Phillies to ek* out a 1-0 victory Amsriean ami children spent the weekend n nice Income. Sale Price over the Chibs to Chicago and Softball Managers Stolen Basea— Case,' CHevcland, Bt. Louts st New York (8) — fernoon. i 87; Stlmwelss, New York, 16. Come tit ond See By Sue Barnett and Monday to Larchniont. N. V.. Mrs. Gordon Dimui k who has | 893Q0. Terms Arranged. Early Wynn pltohsd Washington to Galehouae (6-9) and Zoldak (7-9) Pitching—Perriaa, Boston. 82-4 You won’t disturb a hair the gueat* o f Mr. and Mrs. WUliara been quite 111 with the grip has re­ a 4-8 victory ovsr Cleveland at the To Meet Tomorrow vs. Sevens (14-8) and Psgh (6-6 ). Capitol last, night. The Tribe had —.646; Giunpert, New York, 6-3— Otleago at Boaton—SaUh (6-6 ) when you don this charming button Milne. c o v e r ^ and able to be about the TOLLAND- Dtintar. This soft mannered ffock Need s loan? Just do this: ^ .sM rtaM ai scored one run and had the tjring 300. ) or Haynas (4-8) vs. Hufhaon (18- STANLEY house. Her cousin. Mrs. Norman VACANT — 6-Room Home, President Herb Stevenson of ths makes the most of its curved yoke John Odell o f Rye, N. Y.. spent 1. visit or phona ISnirf today. and winning run on bases with on* 10). Patteraon of East Hartford is tak­ Ju«t »*y "I want to get a over too acre* of land within a Softball Leagus stated yesterday and sleeves and soft bow tie. Wear the weekend at tha borne of hia sis­ ing care of her. out when Wynn forced the next two Cleveland at Phtladslphia — B y Mrs. Annie Csltot ter, Mra. Robert A. Foote. loan." short distance from Crystal men to pop out In a pre-game add­ that there would be a special meat- PickfUp Racers (Ports Manager) It everywhere— shopping, the thea­ Miles H. A bom, Pharmacist'a Lake. Ideal tor camp site, also R eynolds'(10-11J v*. Fowlsr, (8- tre, on vacation. Two unusual doilies, sufficiently Mr. and Mm. Floyd Fogll 2. Give u* a few fact* »o •re ed attraction, Clevelanifs George tog of aoftbaU managsra Friday 18). large to make excellent center­ """ I mate, first class of the Naval Re- can Ot your monthly pay- noany other possibilities. Sale evening. The meeting will , bi* I^ ttem No. .8070 comes In sizes Mr. and Mra. Norton Warner ore menu to your budget. Cade outaped Washington’s Gil Detroit at Washington (night) pieces, will provide late summer search hospital. Bethseda, Md., his Price 16.006. held foUowtog the Jarvta-North For Inspections 12. 14, 16, IS, 20; 40 and 42. Size spending their vacation on a mo­ brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Coan by six feet to x special 100- — Benton (6-6 ) ya. Nawaom (11- crocheting o f a pleasant nature,' tor trip through New Hampshire 3..When application Is ap­ yard race. ' End game at the Manchestor Fire 14, short aleevas, 49* yards Af 35 Mrs. Louis C. Hollands and.their proved. stop In, sign and ADDITIONAL USTINGS 8 ). or 39-lnch. Tha 8-polnt dolly comes from and Maine and expect to be gone a pick up eaan. Johnny Hetkt pitched and bat­ Department haU at the oomcr ef All boys who ar* participating Maasachuaetta and 1* a family hejr- son, Richard of Summit, N. J„ A a’ o u r OFFICE. Cote Motors week. Main and HllDard streets. 'u. For this pattern, send 25 cents, were guests of Mr. A bom ’s and ted the Cincinnati Reda to a 7-8 In tha Rotary Club's 1946 Soap Three-fourtha of Oaltfonila te Your Pontiac Dealer loom. Composed of eight diamond­ You can get a loan on your victory over the New York Giants. ‘ All managers or repreasntatlvs*^ Box Derby on September 7 are re* to coins, your name, address, size shaped sections, it measures 19 Mrs. Carl Geltaerler and ^Mrs. Holland’s parents. Mr. and .‘■iRnatura alone. A loan of F ir s t tktU rolling hUta and mountains which •I CENTER ST. PHONE 41 #4 desired, and the pattern number to Paul of Black Point, were callers Mrs. FYed M. Aborn of Main ?100 coats $30.60 when ALLEN We have recently installed the latest The 24-year-old rookie right-hand­ are u r ^ to attend as there Is minded that tomorrow ia tha day ara rich to mineral rssouross, for­ Inches across. The brand hew er allowed only seven hits snd urgent buatosaa to ha aetod upon, for the first Inspection. Truclu Bu* Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ "pineapple" dolly work* up quickly in Gilead on Mtuiday, street for a couple of 'days. promptly repaid In 13 month- est lands, and live stock graslng. ('• consecutive ' ln»t*Umenl» and most up-to-date. . . made three hliiiMlt batting to two toeludtog ths playoffs that will will pick up racers at tb* park at i ' 4 ning Herald, 1150 Ave. Americas, as there is much open space in It. A son was born to Mr. and Mi’s- Mlaa Jacqueline McKnlght. a, R EA LT Y CO. of$l0.0S each. runs. • , start nsat weak. tha Intareectlon o f Canter, West New York 19, N. Y- 15 inches In measurement. Addison Clark In Williamsburg, student at Simmons college school Loan* $10 to $300. 186 CENTER STREET Bend an additional twenty-five -Tho obtain complete crocheting Tuesday. August 20. Mrs. of nursing, is spending a vacation ‘lELEITIONE 5105 tIELD TRIAL _____ ■ center and Cooper atresta, or frost cents for your copy of the summer InslrucUoina - for the 8-point' before her marriage with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs! BEAR WHEEL A L IG N lte their esat on C ^ ts r street If rac­ Issue of Fashion—that exciting All Uhea of Insufanoe. ers are on ths aouth side of ths ed aketcK o f stitch used, send 15 1 Arlene Warner, daughter of Horace S. McKnlght o f Sadd's iMSIMiBg Ufe. and different pattern book, 52 pag­ Dolly (Pattern No. 6385) and the 1 Mrs. Norman Warner o f Mills. She. returns to her studias and street; the park wX< the toUrscc- es of speclaUy designed patterns, '^\'Rnst>nai MortoaCM Arranged. Georgie Rice Sees First MIDGET AUTO RACINO Pineapple Dolly (Pattern No. 5144) Gilead. September 15. - FINANCE CO.' Direct Wires— SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 tiona of East Center, Porter and ^ a u ty and home-making aectlona, send 15 cents Ih Coin plus 1 cent Miss Phyllis Fogll Is spending Westminster streets, and at the contest dasigna by America's tal­ Froos Hartford 2-7456 postage for Each pattern ordered. this week in Wallingford, the guest Califomia ranks next to New i t state Theater Bldg. From Wltltmantlc 105 Win at Fast Cherry Park Spruce street school. ented Juniors. Plus free slip cover Your name. Address snd the Pat­ of her grandfather, Albert Etoran. Sad Fleer Tel. SiS* BEAR WHEEL BALANCING Boys should have thalr racers at York as a consumer of floor and D. H. Havey, Mgr. .. Opea Badly, 8:80 tn 5:30. and drapery directions and a free tern Number to Anne Cabot, The M r. and Mrs. G^da^^and chil­ wall tile, accounting' for about 15 TALCOTTVJLLE FLATS one of the designated pickup spots kboulder paid pattern printed in the Closed Saturdays and Sondays. Evening Herald. 1150 Ave. Amer- dren. Dorothy and Naincy o f North per cent of total consumption in Gewge lUes 6f l^ord, out-tltont driving. It’s true that he’s by 4:80 tomorrow afternoon. boeds. leas. New York 19, N. Y. Hollywood, Cal., were wwent call- the United States. EQUIPMENT Trucks will taka ths racers to tk* standing midgst race driver In the I company on the Avon Wilson warehouse off North Main With This Eqniprasiit Wc Can Check , Correct FREE PARKING! Nutmeg Btnte UUs season,, >»“ ‘ ^ street where the Inapsctton and Warning and Adjust Axies. been nosed out of the winning spot b„t George can matob d r l ^ m Su judging for style and mechanism to exch of hia thra* appearances a t! with any of than. will Uka place. •KNEE ACTION Avon’s fast Cherry Park Speed- Ths problem Is oos of extraettog Free Balloons for Kiddies! way, despite hla Impressive wto- a bit more power from tb* red aad •CONVENTIONAL V ntog record at the West Spring- black No. 9 which Georgs drives ^ 0 •FRAMES STRAIGHTENED field track to recent weeks. for Ray Hagsdom of Manchastar. ' Featuring Archery Exhibition! - Last Sunday George araa several It ia understood that Ray ia new . Aufo Driving iangtha behind Tsd Tappstt. the ‘‘souping up" ths ear. He has a midget meteor from Manhaaset, way of getting the last fraction of intfruefion | Prize Drawing At 6 P. M. Umd Island, when Tappett hung horsepower out of tha popeyeMe. up a new record tn artonmg the 26 and be and Georg* have been ooa- Frooi Yoor Booit lap feature. Rica also had to bs vtoced that No. 9 needs a shot In « Sponsored by omtent with ascond money to his tho arm. What wtll happen after SPRINGFIELD taro earlier feature starts st Avon, Ray performs the operation on Na REYNOLDS bshtodj BM Schtodlsr, aad again Fs Innards is anybody's guess, but SPEEDWAY 'MancheUer DivUion Connecticut arben Lloyd Christopher psosuniin the boys around Manchcotsr's ■ . aeroM tb* line by a narrow mar- ‘‘gaaolto* allay" say ths big fellows DRIVING fto. may rssaivs a ruds surprise tUs WEST SPRINGriBLO, Sportsmen^ Associution Tbs' Milford BuUot has finished SCHOOL Sundi^. "Watch Gsorgi* Sunday MA 8 8 . HARRY FANELU the wtoner's'heels eech time night.” they say: "he's tired a t Call East Harirar# 8-080# lUumith M fauU to Us «wa tirU-lplaytaf -■) -

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, IHUKSDAY. AUGUST 22.194$ MANCmTBR EVENING HERAtD^llANCHFSTEll. CONN^ THUW5DAT, AUOYJ8T M. 1«4# V" FAffll what others thought or expected, TOONERVILLE FOLKS Buitineae Semcce Offered IS Help W aatei— ffMaale 35 BuUding Matcrfala 4T Maeliiiiery •a Hi ts r U T2 but did as they pleased. BY FONTAINE l-XJX B—Ine— Scnriw H Nevertheleso, Mark Fltxgerald W ATERM AN^ personal errand OIRL TO pack aNtfaptSons. Uving TWO PLA’TB glaaa, 44“s48“ 'TRUCK AND tractor anoia plowa, MODERN aiagla, fMnr rooaao acvfcr cM ieiii«i waa to surprlae me In many ways Sen^ and * Nonsense aervloa.'Local errand*, package West sida, Staady work. Write 44"x49", aultaiblc for picture win­ aaflktng machlnaA oaraoSt mta- . dovhi, two uaflniahad up. laaul- Classified Camriffir. 1946 that summer. There wm his in­ W h i s k y W o R T u e b e a r s a C h a r m b p L i f e Qawned dow. Several thousand fast of ats, disc harrows. Dublla Tractor ntad. oil hot water heat garaga By Alict M. Lovarick Deflgera ► Flrat Sailor—I hear your blind WARM AIR FURNACES delivery. Light trucking. Auto full Information about self to Box Ntaitavtct. INC, terest In the old-fsshloned flower date waa aorta homely T J, Herald. used lumber, 4’’x8”, 8"» 8", ”9"*8”, Obmpany, WUllmantlc. Ona well landstepod lot Nice If he. dodges vara, he is a pedea- CLEANED AND R EP^ED number plate aervlce to Hartford. garden that he dug and weedevs8 because the driver didn't Any A YOUNG man for all around 4029.______1 muot have looked a little die- not have presumed to cross ita other? 9-1B89.______GLADIOLI bouquets. Thousands CharlBa CbnkUng. Tat Uaaebaa- heat and hot water. Insulated CASH AfTTKMI for your prefer ty heartened etlU, for when | pooeed threohold, even If she Inyited me Now. standing In the study door­ ; depend vhollv on hts own IntelH- LOST—Two eso in Man- work. Oood wagaa, room and tar 8978 or WlUlmaaGa 906W4. throughout Built 1988. ExcaUant Large UM of dleate waittag for way, Miss Charlotte began to talk , fence, cbMtar OMon McUoa. black ahep- of hardy plants. Fruit treas and A SMALL bramhach grand. Baau^ Hlap Chariotto in the lower balL to do 00. 1 have aald before that 1 If the bride has pimples the so­ REFRIGERATION SERVICE board to Hght party. Apply 9i raaidontial section off Euxnigh Mnglaa or double hoeaeo. For pnfl- had always stood In owe of Mark to Mark. With shining eyes, she shruba. Woodland Gardens, 168 Chestnut atrsat tlful walnut flnlah, can't be told where ehe wke arreaging flowera ciety editor doesn't mention it. h«ip dot, white feet and front, atraeta Deep lot No agente. Call Itable reeulte see •. Reals; real­ la taro tall'vaaea. ehe turned and Fltxgerald. At thle^tlme, before I told me that he planned to $ake I Man - Do .you suppose it Is had lame back lef. Telephone 6487. Umnow, Ooldapot. Croaiey, Frigid- Woodland atreet. Telephone 8474. from nek. A real bargala. Plaao tor, 44 Pina streat " aire. O. E.. and all other makqa. Gtrden— Pkrai-^IMry Shop, Pearl atraat Call 9 to 9 Manchester 9-1684 for ^polnt- loohed after me. had even met him, this would have his sabbatical year when they were I luck for'a cat to follow you? WANTED—Boy batwaen 17 and 8 9-1919. married and they would honeymoon Vlaitor—They tell me yoii’ve \ i SBL JOBT—Ikvo bird doga "aplke” Oommarclai and Domeatlc. 30 for full time dark. Apply Prodocta M p. m. only, 6883. maat ''Wobian’t you: Uke to eee the considerably understated my feel­ VVIfe It all depends dear; are won a lot of trophies? and “Penny/' Marking* brown Roofing—Repairing 17-A houee, Ceceiur* Hie asked. And ings. 1 was kctually terrified at the iri Rurope. But everything depend­ you a man or a noouse? X Grocery Dspt, First National G.L’a DEMONSTRATION now go­ BUYING or asUlngT For reaulta ed on Aunt Honora, she s^ ed seri­ Athlete--Yes; would you care and whit*. Ample reward for in­ SClENTIhTC CUCUMBERS for bread and but­ PIANO Accordions. Naw and used. ' liQinedlately I was daxxled again thought of living In the same house to iook«ver my t ollectton of hic­ REPAIR oV replace asphalt ai>ln- Store, 49T Mala Btraet ter pickles, $1.35 par buabsL OaU ing on of a pre-fabricated houM Uat your p rm rty with Buborbaa ously. No safety check-up; Too busy— formation leading to their return. REFRIGERATION CO. Service and lessons. Cbaatar Ac­ Raalty Oo„ Raattora, 48 Perlrisa by her oddly vibrant voice and with Mm. I knew that at the Acad­ cup*? ^ 87 OAK BTr PHONK 3-1338 glaa, slate, composition or tin 314 Gardner street cordion Oompany, 91 UnioB on Besex street, Mancheater, by the dlvtate fact that ah* waa speak­ emy'they laughed at hla touch of "Poor Aunt Honora. We’re too late—too bad! Oab* McMullin. Mancheater 6M1. B. J. Campbell Oo. Thle houM street, Maacbeeter. TbL 8915. roofs, chimntya, flashings and ^treet. Phone 5709. ing to me, Oeeella Hart, m If 1 bro^e, admired and respected really very worried about her.” „ Suppose we laugh more at our- LOST—Female Irtah Setter. U- HAVJDYo UR newer* ,thoroughly savaatroughn. K. V, Coughlin, 390 ALI^AROUND TOMATOES i?or Sale, tbiM ahouM cost around $5,000 com­ were aomeone of Importance. ; ^ the brilliance of his min'd. and She laid her hand on my arm. Mnn DO you think religion arid selves than at others. elaahad with oui power acwai Woodland street. Phone 7707. MACHINISTS pounds for 25c. 57 Flortnca plete If owner docs his own PROPERTY twaars-lt yoa aia I said I . would love to, but feared his sarcasm. Also, I'hsd "She’e a very sick woman, Ce­ oenae number 5-S039. Phone 3- eonelderlng eapitallalag os tiM 4 politics mix? ' dleanar. Cutting head removea all street - woriL. Phone 6343. aocretly 1 thought 1 would, prefer seen his books at the Lynchester celia,’’ she said. “ Please don't Minister Yea, usually in the 10S7.______, ROOFING —'.Specialising la re­ Wearing ApiMnI—Fan proaoat 1 aurkat ooataet ns Tour looking-gISM will tell you roots. Carl Nygren, plumber, KXTERlfAL 9RINDEUS to simply gaao.at her for the (ublic library, aerioua-Iooking mind If ahe seems -Well, a little portion of 10 parte religion and 90 what none of your friends will. LOST—Hub cap for a Padkard ataaro Otter, pump mechanic. 18 pairing roots of all kinds, also GABARDINB U. 8 . Avlatloa eov> VICINITT East Center street, at wa pay top eaab far raaidaattsi afternoon. The houSe.waa now a volumes which 1 had heard re­ cross. She suffers so much." paru poliUca. 190. Ttteaday night. In vicinity of South Btraet. Telephone 6497. new roofs. No Job too email oil INTERNAL GR1JJDER§ HoosehoM Goods •1 eralla, Navy rain coate. btua tractive modem six-room single, or ooBuaaialal piopafty. Vto mere aecondary attraction. ferred to aa a distinctive collec­ And at the sight of tears In Qulan’a drug atorc. Finder pleaae large. Oood work, fair orloa. Free denim dungaraas. BnmnariA 80 good condition. Screens and otorm quick aetloB oomnuinlnsie wits 1 managed Anally to take my tion of essays. He had, of course, Mias Charlotte's . blue eyes. I Grit says; "The honeymoon def­ can Hartford 3-8391, Hr. Q. W. RACffO need OxlngT Have It tw- aaU mates. Call Howlay, Man- BULLARD OPERATORS FOR BEDROOM relaxation, a.. Oakland atraet. Phoac 519L windows, awntngx, well Insulated, ua. Phoae 7798-6899 or M890, or eyea away from her and meekly been offered much higher teach­ would have promised to bear initely is over when he gets Into Social Siluaiiong Cheney and leoelVa reward. paired by ^aperta Pick-up sarv- chsstar 6861. Benson's grand ealectlon of fine $8,500 terms. William Ooodchlld, Write Braa-Bufs RnHty Od^ 8 followed into the dining room, ing-positions, one at Trinity Col­ cheerfully any insults Mrs. Flte- the aiitomobUe flrat." lea, guaranteed work. Bela cheek­ TURRET LATHE boudoir chairs and chalaa Realtor. 7935 or evenings, Hart­ Boutli Mata atraat, ' with its gleaming mahogany and lege In Dublin, Ireland, his own gerald miiriit heap upon me. OTIMNEYS rebuilt and repaired. ed in the home. Car radloa a OPERATORS lounges. Just arrivadi Banaon's, Waated>-T8 Boy ' U ford 3-0787. Office 15 Forest deep, soft rugs, where ahe ahowed Alma Mater. There were many H m Mtuation: A woman-whose Roofing. All work guaranteed. N. “ Come on,", she said. " I’ll show The old-timers from the coun­ A a i ■eats apeclaJty. Mancheater Radio 713 Mala atraat, next to tha street, Manchester. WANTED—Ry pHvate party, wlto me a bewildering amount of fam­ who considered such on eminent you Aunt Honors's portrait." try arrived In New York City for husband hM died wonders whether O. LaRose Co. Phone 3-0768. Call Sarviea, 7a Birch atreet Phona ENGINE LATHE A. A P. ' CASH FOR ptanos or mnateal Pi- anqila oaah, 4'to 8 room ataflo ta ily ailver, fabuToua llnena and man frightfully wasted here In And we went into the living the. flrat time and boarded a dou­ or not ehe must atop prearing her “PKATH TO ROACHES’* wiU rid 8-0840. any time. MANCHESTER O. I. come up and quiet neighborhood. Will pay dp delicate china emboaaed with tiny this little Massachusetts town of room-then, that room that was to ble-deck Fifth Avenue bus. One wedding ring. -your home of roaehaa and gnta, OPERATORS stnimente, rsgardlaaa of aga, see the house that we built to WE BUT and aell good nsad condition. Rlghaot pooalbla to IIOJEO. Would eoartdar good green ahamrockn. Her movemente Lynchester, teaching science at an my eyes so wonderful, with Its sat up above, one below. After a Wrong Way: Steputs aside her or monay refunded. $1.95 eptayer AN'ngiJES raOttUhed and repair­ ROOFING, tiding and new call­ aell for $5,900. Let ua show you were all quick and ahe used her obscure academy for boys. But, DRILL PRESS OPERATORS fumltura, combtruiUua raagao, prices The Piano Shop. 6 Pearl flat of duplex. Reasoaahle oeev- many windows and the French tew blocka the one on top came wedding ring apif etarta calling Pkg- Weldon Pharmacioa. ed, Ruah or aplint aeau replaced ings our specialty. Highest qual­ gas ranges and haatera Jonas' how to set up your own. E. J. hands a great deal aa ahe talked. as I have pointed out, the Fitz­ ity mateiiala used. Workmanship street Phona 6889. paq^ requirad. Wrlto Bos 1^ doors through which you caught ninning down the atairs and said: heraelf "Mrs.. Mary Smith" Instead Tlemann, 189 South Main atreet Fumltura Btora. 88 Oak. Pboaa Campbell, Dobaon street, Vernon, Oars of At the door of the Profeaaor’a geralds paid little or no heed to glimpoea -of marble benches and guaranteed. A A. Dion, Inc., RADIAL DRILL r tha HaraM. Old-Timer—I'm going to sit of "Mrs. John Smith." Phone .VU8. 3-1041. MANCHESTER’S oldest daalars Conn. square formal gardens. down there there's no driver up- Bight Way: She continues to | 399 Autum street 'Tel 4860. OPERATORS W a n t e d — Realdaatlal buUding In raga, magoxlnaa, paper and FUNNY BUSINESS “Here It ht,” aeld Miaa Char­ sUirti! wear, her wedding ring until the j BLEI.TRIC Motors repaliir.g and FLOOR peoblema solved with FOR SALE — Four-room brick lots with uUUtlae, la ettber A or OUARANTBED hand eleanlng of MILLING MACHINE ' scrap metals has 8 trucks to Cape Cod. 49 Durant street. Three lotte. "Of course, ahe isn't really day 6r"''sccond marriage, and she i T c rewinding. Ail work guaranteed linoleum, asphalt tlla. counter A A xones. Write, Box Lot, Herald. Snipped from an Exchange: "A also continues to use her husband's yoar flneat ruga, earpeta, uphol- Painting—Papering 21 OPERATORS call at your homo any Uma and years old, $6,700. Box - MS, my aunt, you' know. But I love I Aca Blactrlo Motor Repmra 331 Expert workmanship, fra* catl- pay you highest prices. Wm. Oa- her so much. How do you like woma.T's intuition is that unpre­ name ~ remaining "Mrs. John atarad fumltura, right In your North Main atreet, opposite Ds- matea. Open avenlnga Jonaa Herald. dictable something she uses when own home. No ftiaa, no r*aaa, no PROPERTY oamers station BROACH OPERATORS trinaky, 189 Biasell street Phona the picture?" ^mlth" instead of “ Mrs. Mary McNtatkl SrnSirdt. Imt pot entrance on* North School Paperhangtng and painting. In- Furr • -e* Oak atraet Phona 5879. I looked up at the large oil patnU driving an automobile." Smith.” Inooneenleno*. Quallded experta. atrest Phone 0848. 3-1041. EDWARD Street seven room sin­ Daan’a Pereonal Serelca none aide or outside. Large savings. AUTOMATIC LATHE gle, garage, large lot etcam Ing over the fireplace and con­ New block ceilings. Eatlmates W A (|T E D tinued to look In stupefied silence. Father—Did you have the car M08 or 6960. MANCHESTER QPERATORS HOW ABOUT a lltUa light on the heat braae piping. Phone 2-1088. out la.st night? furnished frea Phone Apes 7386. Rooma Wlthoot Board Sff For the woman In the picture waa Hm-mm! BY EDGAR MARI'fN SHEET METAL WORKS sublect? Desk lamps, floor, handsome, aristocratic, even noble­ Junior—Yea, Dad; I took some BUUTS AND HER BUDDIES Jobs for skilled workmen! Jobs bridge, bed, table and pin-up GLENWOOD Street, 4-room mod­ i AIR CONDmONTNO f u r n it u r e and meUI work rS- ATTRACTIVELY furnished isJom, N4 looking. No resemblance at all had of the boy’s fof a run • around. IMt OM.hy JOMt. 0 0 »'T VOU tWMW )t a BlX VUP% UVtV TOOK TH' AateawbOes for Sale 4 for semiskilled workmen! Scores lamps. Prices? $1.98 and up. We ern single In good condition, ask­ HOT AIR FURNACES flnlshed. Lawn and unpaInted fur­ of them are open at Pratt A Light housekeeping facilities If ing $7,300. William Goodchild, Young Mon she to the poor, shrunken creature Father—Well, tell them I’ve VM ayao <400 TO riaig% takcm X OlOkfT IPSCX XK aThO 1 have the lamp to make your read­ fouiid two of their lipsticks. »>\L>cvk aqoux •AOUOHt THat *ucH a »T%P ay be enjoying I AS PUMI AS WAYNE W. PHILLIPS PAINTING and Paperhanging, night’s rest. We have everything . (To lie Continued) her absence. I ’Vg MIT U9 WITH Open t to 9 ’niao., Thura. and Sat ter, and Pointer crossbred pups. Wanted to Rent 6 H Tl’s a special door hinged at the bnlloin for callers llic Interior and exte.'ior dacoratnra. Ready to break, 7 months old. that's good In bedding. At the Stock Place Manchester. Conn reasonable prices Call for free bo.s8 doesn't like!*’ Open 9 to • Mon., Wad. and Fri. Zimmerman, l.sike street. Phone home of good bedding. Benson's, u r g e n t l y need elx or more SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH PHONE 5761 eatlmatea Loach % Fogll. Man 8287. 713 Main street, next to the A. rooms In Mancheater or vicinity. 1994 CHEVROLET. Standard con- -cheater 8797. * P. REAL ESTATE CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER vartlhla roadater. Oood Urea and Night Emerffency, 3622 Willing to pay sufficient rent. WANTED aaotor, haatar, 9988. Phone 7491. PAPERHANOmo, Inside and out­ Write Box OS, Herald. Will pay caah for your prop­ ■njDlTntlC and Acetylene weld' IJt9 Stork—Vrhirles 42 NEW VACUUM cleaners for sals. side painting. Reasonable rates. Liberal trade-in allowance. A.B. erty — anjrwhere in Man­ 1990 BUICK chib coupe, 1981 lag. No Job too large or too SMALL RENT needed by veteran small. AU work guaranteed. Call Gilbert Fickatt^308. SIX HEIFERS, one Jersey bull 2 C. Appileaner and "Service Com­ and wife. No children. Family 10 PAINTERS chester. Rollon, Vernon or Dodge ooup* with rumble seat years old. one Jersey milker Jiwt pany, 21 Maple street Phone 1984 Chavrolat sedan, radio; 1937 Parker Welding Oo.. i66 'Ulddl* INTERIOR and exterior painting. moving out of town. Phone 7255. Sooth Windsor. No delay. Tumplka, West. Tel 3926 freshened month ago, one bull 2-1575 Dodge sedan. All in excellant con­ Also paperhanging. Prompt aerv WANTED — A flve-room apart­ T tee. Fair price. Workers compen' 14 months old. Vernon Farms, Apply dition. Tarma or trade. Broad GENERAL 'vtnerata work, retain Route 83, Rockville Road, Vernon. FOR SALE—Whitney maple crib. ment. Cheney Brothers Employ­ Howard R. Hastings Street Motor Sales. Phona 8998. aatlon, public liability Insurance Inquire .452 Main street, 2nd ment Office. 146 Hartford Road. Ing oralis, landaraplng and grad' carried D. E Frechette, Phone Tel. Rockville 1793. Real Estate SpedaHst ing. Septic tanka Inatalled. For floor. Wm. Dickson & CHEVROLET pickup. Very 76.30. DESPERATELY needed, 4r6 room good condition machanlcally. Call estimates call 3-9195. 101 Pheipe Road % Poultry and Sapplim 43 rent bv Manchester resident. Son I'HECKI.KS a n d h i s F R IE N D S ReaHHurInff Rusty I^Y MEKKIM. IILU8SER 8779. U’ SrDE AND outside painting. FIVE Burner oil range with oven Write Box B, Herald. Phones 4842 or 2*1107 - SHEET METAL WORK Reasonable rates, flrst-clasa DELUXE dressed broilers, fryers, Chll 2-1743. 5 So. Main St. Tel. 2-0920 Insnranee Mortgafca BUICK—Small fouMloor trunk work. Call Edward R. Price, C u sry, WF HAVfNt DONE A OiMCS WOSffel | RELAX )lNCff TUlS BTAUreO n MOhfr Hot Air Fumacs Repairing roasters. Delivery Wednesday OF flUSiaiefiS AT TUB FOUNTAIN TDOAV / ' - - > JUST M BACK 1b sadan. Ovarhaulad recently. Very 2-1003. and Saturday. Phone 3-0617. FOR SALE—Hot air furnace and LT ran MMCHAN- OftUO OOUMT8B. AND clean. After 4 p. m. 81 Drive B, New Hot Air and Air Conditioning gas hot water heater. Inquire 8 _ Off8B AT 9 . . vouK. uTTiff n os Silver Lane Homes. Furnaces Inatalled. INSIDE AND outside painting and Cottage street. Telephone 6351, OFFfR M PiACt/ paperhanging by experienced Artirlea for Sale 45 IRES/ Eaves Trough and Conductor men. For estimates call E. Ther FOR SALE— Universal washing S f AstosBobiles for Exchange 5 Repairing. ault. Phone 3.158. FOR SALE—Vt H. P. motor. Jig machine with pump. Recently FOR SALE ------7 saw, 8” table saw. Stamp collec­ overhauled. Telephone 2-0210. FOR SALE Ym Xi SWAP clean 1937 Packard NORMAN BENTZ tion. Chicken coop, 30’x33’, fully Four Room Cape Cod, 8 rumble Seat coups for sedan 977 Spruce Street Private Insfractlons 2^ Insulated and electflcally wired. Furnace heat. Laundry aama year. Prefer Dodae, DeSoto Tkl. 8966 Telephone 7594. WHITE gas *tove, side oven. Call Large 6-room house in "Zone A neighbor­ or Plymouth. Need larger car. ELOCimON — Diction, clear 8423. room and play room in Can 8888. LAWN Mowers, hand and power, speech, vocabulary. Private les­ FOR SALE—Three year old milk- basement. Larfie lot. Sit­ hood. Steam heat, new roof and wall Bid­ sharpened, repaired. Elnglnea son In algebra, geometry, phone- Ibfir Rost. Very good milker. Has FOR SALE—12-tube Oruno Tele- uated on Deepwood Drive. iiinnwpnwi serviced. Garden'tractors repair­ dial radio, floor model, good con- ing. Lot 85x306. Immediate occupancy. Aato Aecennorloo—Tires 6 Ucs, reading. White Studio (John no horns and Is very gentle as a I ed. Knivaa. shears, hair clippers, son Block), 709 Main atreet. child's pet. Also a small two lid dition, 135. Inquire 150 McKee Shown only by appointment. mowing ‘machinea and blower Phone 2-1893. all-porcelain oil heating and cook­ street. NEW TIRB8 . saw recape, used knives sharpened. Saws filed and Two Room Cottage and ttras and tubes Expert vuicania- ing Stove with hot water attach­ BENGAL combination oil and gas Unfinished Two Car Ga­ 1 1 " set. Band saw blades welded and ment. Phone 5951. Call Manchester 8343 . £ iV j Ing. 8 houra rseappUic aarrtca for sale. Capitol Grinding Com­ 51 usiral— Oramat ic 29 range cre|im and green, perfect rage. About one acre of Maaeheeter lire end tlecappmg pany. Phone 7958. condition. 184 South Main street. RED RIDER Ufly Prospect B> FRED HAKMA.N Ownpeny. Brood Htroet Tele- PIANO TUNINQ and repairing. DOWN WITH prices. We eell land. Electricity and pbona 8889. Open t to 7. Player plaOM specialty John many -hard-to-get Items Includ water. Located on French ALL MAKES of sewing machinea Ing roll . fllm, sclseore, pocket expertly repaired. Singer Sewing Cockerham, 98 Rtgelow street Road In Bolton. . td i nEH viHO knives, photographic supplies, riUNOlfffO Machine Oo., 832 Msib straat Dial 4219. KAThER a« e Mtttorcychss—Btrycles 11 TeL 8883. phonograph records, golf and ten­ KXCKLLENT piano tuning, re­ nis bails, athletic supplies of all Residential •T ill at FOR S A U l— Glrl’a bicycle, pre­ Both these places are pairing and rebuilding. All work types. All price* below OPA cell­ VacanL MALE HELP WANTED (I war. In good condition, original guaranteed. Estimates cheerful­ ing. Write for our free cata­ Painting tjvea. Call 3167 after 6 p. m. . ' See INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK ri**i ST am lamat. ae. t. ■ »te. u .«t, an. B-XX coS*. 1S4S ey mu u *vkc. mc. t. m sto. u. s. ear an 8-22 We are now in n position to ly given. The Plano Shop, « Pearl logue. Sarah Palfrey Cooke En­ imd street. Phone 6389. Open 6-9 p terprises, America's No. 1 Wom­ Good Pay! Permanent Work!, VacatiM With Pay! "We’re attracting quite a lot of attention—I never did take additiona-I servite on re­ an Tennis Player, 60 Beaver Sfuarf J.^Wosley **An* I 9UPP08C if I gotcha Ui* readin’ lamp, the next MOTORCYCLE for sale In gockl m. only. f Paperhanging Life, Sickness andj Accident Insurance Free! ring you’d want would be a book !* . like this loud shirt you bought me!’’ condition. Phone 5909 or 4971. frigerators and washing ma­ street. New York, N. Y. 765 Main S t^ t '3941 HARLET-DavIdaon motor- Help Wantcd-»Peniale .. 35 FOR SALE — Brown Reflex (Quality Workmanship! Telephone 6648 Apply VIC FLINT I Cop a CoTvboy Idea 'cycla, 74 overhead deluxe. 142 chines. Only genuine parts camera, synchro model. Ckn .also BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY and RALPH LANS WANTED Two aromen. Excellent he used with flashlight attach­ nft> jump .out of that tree and. Charter Oak atreet. *- used. B. I). Pearl's Appli­ G. S C H A L IN working' condition. Apply in per­ ment. Call 3835 or 14 Depot The Orford Soap Co. run would be fatal. 1b hide son. New Model Laundry, 73 Square. 113 Autamn St., Tel. 2-1243 wa$ impossible. fiiMtcS Aata»— ance and- Furniture Center. Summit streat’' 75 Hilliard Street' Estimated! * ^tisfaction! Motorr yclcb .1 2 Read Herald Advs. X 64!) Main , Street. '• PhfTUe WOMEN, wouldJd you like to make f-llNS SHOOriNO ntiuney from a bualneasbuali of your WANTED—19?3 or 1934 Plymouth 7690. nSH IN A Oiri OUR WAV BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING BOI SE l\IA.It)R HIMIPLE or Dodge coach In fair corulltion. oytpi?'Write Box NO, Herald. BAMILMNWI.^ INSURE IM Cash. Inquire 302 Oak Grove SAI.£S CLERK for full time em- 7 THAT DO0 flUT SURELV,VOUS; HOriOR, / riEUL, I ’UL HAMALL THE street after l p. m. No dealera. With WATCMNfi.1 SEWING Macnmei. vtciium clean- ploymcnt. Apply Marlow’s, S67 •09S. isvicog*. •tHlS PAIR CriV bOEfebi'T ) <^f TO LET VOU OPF- )'[ /UA30R‘S era and small appliances repair­ Main street. , EASY. X 60ESS

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