![Considering Sending Fighter Escorts to Protect Planes](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
- __ W . WEDITESDAT, AVGUST S I, 1S46 « D aflj CiraBlaUaa Tk* Wcaihar f A t S E E IG B T E E ir 1 Mmub «t Mir. W8* F h m u * e« C. a. Waotlm on a customer on Main street aad Cl eody sirtth seatkewt Bght left that place fo go over North.' 8,909 •fcewen toalghti Friday About 20 membara of the Man-1 Manchester .Veterans’ Odd Accident chaatar Klwania club went out to t Dista Governor Serrice CeaUr While making the turn from Main aad eoel. About Town FHaidant Harold Cairlty'a cot-, • » UMHar atroro fitraet east on North Main atraet, taga at Coventry I ^ e yeaterday | (Neat t « Mmaelpel BvlMUigl A t N o rth E n d ;he suffered a fainUng spell and Clearance Sale afternoon for the annual picnic | Rotary Guest I lostcofUrol of hi* car, which atruck* Manchester-—’A City of ViUnge Charm ^ William r. Noren, 8 1-c. of M Dinner waa aervad at aU o clock ; TelepboM *818 M * 8441 a oar owned by Robert McConnell by Catarar Arnold Paganl. It waa of 84 BlsselTs(treet and one owned MvartMay aa Faya 18> MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY. AUGl^ST 22, I^IC (8IXTBBN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS McLoui^lin. WT 3-c. of 118 Director—Nathan B. Caleb- Man Faints at Wheel iby Fire Chief Jphn Merz, of 48 .VOL. LXV.. NO. 275 C«nt«Mrti*ot, were honorably dle- a chicken and aphagetil dinner Ia^o Coldeii .Sprak** Br- Of A ll ell. Woodlawn street. aiartad from Naval aervice Moi^ with all the aide diahea. Assistant Director — WaJtei And ' Smashes Into! at the Naval Peraonnel Sep­ fore lAiral at iIh* (•'oril, The airident was witnessed by aration Center at LUlo Beach. Lon* The Democratlr Toruh l ommll- .Senetary — Margaret Dll- Two Parked Autos j Sergeant John McGlinn on dut;y at tae will meet tomorrow night In iloimiry riiih Depot Square, who had the injur­ Two Die as Coast-to*Cqaat Plane Crtahed taland. worth. the baaement of the Municipal , Mark Haber, 81, of 12 Kenwood ed man iemo\'ed to the Memorial Summer Dresses Hole Blown Below I The ManihP-'lcr RoUrv ' li'h (.'ounaelllng; 10 to 12 noon; 1 Considering Sending building at which time they will hospital when- his condition was Mr. and Mra. Jacob Lipp. of 118 | to 4 p. m.; 8 to 12 on Satur­ street, Wethersfield, received minor oonaitler candidatea to be nomi­ entertained Dlalrl-• <i!Wci.n,or l-co Injuries at 4 o'clock yeaterday a ft - ' reported improved later. A call was Keanay a t ^ t »»«'® |nated for election to town offleea. day. sent to hiH home in Wethersfield Uiiilas Mr. Upp a aiatera and their OoMcn at dinner *1 the .Manelwa- Veterans' AdminlatraUon ernoon when he fainted at the The meeting haa beep called for wheel of hla car, which he was ; and his w ile later came to the hoa- huabanda. Mr. and Mra. I ter Country rinb la»i evening at f'ontai.t Repreaentativea — One Group at $8.00 Waterline of Ship •an of Denver. Colo., and %lr. and | 8 o'clock. driving east on North Main street, plta|. Mra. Chartea Unberger of Canan­ Thtrty-ori' llolniiana ami Thomas J. Sweeney. Jr„ dellv- Haber le noted for his collection H.r',t»-,'i:(iO p. m.; Seturday. striking two cars perked nearby. Fighter Escorts daigua, N. Y. Both of the women eight giieala -nl down !'• Hte ban­ Haber, a aaleaman for a cash of meihaniial banka, of which he k .tti-lL’ , Howard Plank, Tuea- has s large collection at his home. are former locaf realdenta. Final quet table In Ibe Unit ri m-pon h ol day-Kriday, 8:30-5:00 p. m.; register concern, had been calling Carrying Refugees the Country <’ldh whieh Inoka out .Saliirdbys. 8:30-12. One Group at $6-00 Hoae Company No. 1 of the South Manchcatar Fire l>partment w-aa To Make Voters over part of the green and the Rchahihtatlon and Training called out on a atlll alarm at T.IO laM$. oiTicer— John Fox, available To Protect Planes This waa Dial I let Governor oy appointment only. Swimming Saboteiura laat availing to extinguiah a pile Selectmen Harold Turklngton of rubblah fhich waa burning in .Senetary—Ruth Cow. L obby Law and Raymond Hagedom W ill rep- Coklen'a flrat offnlal vlalt to the One Group at $5*00 Uae Mine to Blast Um roar of the Cheney Brothera i rlub •inrr his Vlediort th«t fn* vfOUfiwwiaa OH Hartford Road, eaat leaeAt the Selectmen at tha meet- Are. Hr Irft no ‘lonbt in thr Hole Eight Feet Long United States May De­ Not Clear of Waat etiaet. ___________ _ , Ing with the Town Clerk tomorrow' minds of those ptf’-sent that he h well aa interesting and Instructive. And Three Feet Wide Byrnes Sees Advisors cide to Guard AU evening from 5 until 8 o'clock for well qualifled to fill am h an ini- The ■ Itih was honored to have him the purpose of making votert. All rtant poal Hia a|<ldieaa waa a,a their guest on this occasion. One Group at $4*00 In Empire Rival in On Details Transports P a a a i ng aed on the Kour f)i0eita of Rot pMVonal Notice* votera who are made at. the meet­ K Near Yugoslav Bor^r ing tomorrow night will have an I tarV whieh lie made efrai and Int- Haifa Bay in Night | On Yugoslav Situation opportunity to reglater with either jportant in the diillv life of every While Flying Austrian- In Memoriaai ' FtOtarlan floveinor Colden haa Hill Suforming the Republican or the Democratic Jerusalem. Auy. 22.—<A») | In loeing memory of Mr», Uydla r. been a Rotatiiin foe 27 yeara One Group at $3.00 Italian Route; Abs4>- Jabaaea, who paated away Auauet 21, party and will be able to vote in LECLERC the Primary elecUona to he held Such a long experiem e on manv — Swimming saboteurs using; fPiih Lobbyists as Leaves Peitce Confer- IMO. Ifoportant <nmnillleea haa given Funeral Home limpet mines blew a. hole Envoy Taking lute Ban on Flying September 10. Many Confused and ence. Almost as Soon Ck>ne but aot forcotlen. 'hila la the laat opportunity to ! him an unuaiial hnekgroimd for eight feet long and three feet j hla present taak. He knows how to 2.1 Main Street Over Area to Stay Frank Jokniien and family. be made and enrolled aa a voter In wide below the waterline of Uncertain on Terms Aelt Convenes; Ulti­ time for the primaries In Septem­ get his message over witb^plentv Rhone 52A9 One Group at $2-00 Along Demand ber, •of humor tp make it snappy'aa the British troopship Empire matum Tops Ail Else Wsfihinffton, Aug. 2 2 * - - < J P ) Rival in Haifa bay shortly Washington, Aug. 28—(iP)— A l­ On Tito Visit — ^The United States U eon- VALLES TO S12.9B before midnight last night, though empty of lawmaksra Capi­ Parifl, Aug. 22.— {A V '^U . 8. dering flghtSr plane protec- but failed to sink her the gov­ tol hill swarmed with lobbyists to­ Secretary of State James F. bn for American transport ALL SALES FINAL ernment announced today. day. Byrnes left the Peace confer­ Patterson Seta Out for planes which may have to Naa- TItfesta of Vloleaca Thtir quest: How to comply ence fiesaion almost as loon Muw near the Yugoelav bor­ Th e announcement came only a with the 20 day old law raq'ulrlng Headquarters Near as it had convened thifi morn­ er while flying the Austrian- abort time after Britiah troopa them to register with Congrass. moved into the all Jewish d ty of Many were confused and uncer­ ing to confer with his advis- Austrian Border to De* 'talian route, top diplomatic AUGUST FUR SALE tll€ J W H A L C CORK Tel Aviv and four other towns In tain over: ori on the Yugoslav altua- livin’ U. S. Ultimatum authorities reported today. ~ Palestine in the wake of new 1. Just what information la This is the wreck of a Trans-Luxury airliner which broke open as It crashed while attempting to roach tion. Hifi action emphafiixed Woirid B oM a m e a n t Bm M AM CHISria COHM> Jewi.ih underground threats of wanted and how detailed ahould it Moline, ni., airport for an emergency landing, on a charter flight from New York to Sisn Francisco. how the United States' blunt Balgnda, Yugoslavia, Aug, 22 T ba plan under oooaldaraUoB Violence. .>»- be? Pilot James Steen of Coral Cables, Fla., and Cu-Pilot Marvin Fok of Elifitra. N. Y., were killed, and 48>bour ultimatum to Yugoalavia —-ijei— U. Ambaaaador Richard would retain tba proaaint abaoluto “ Three swimmer* were observ­ 2. Just who is a lobbyist and 10 paaaengera were injured.— (A P wirephoto). a. agalnat any ed around the stern of the ship ovarahadowad all alaa among tha ban agalnat any Amarleaa fllghta thus subject to the act? C Pkttanon aat out by plana for over Yugoalav tanrltovy and would and the military guard aboard dlploinata aaaamblad In Parta to SpeOa 0 «t Own DefUttona Manhal ’TUo'a baadquartera near ba doolgnad to proUct Anwrloaa opened fire on them, though ap­ write Europe’a peace traatlco. The measure apclla out ita own Byrnaa cloaeted himaalf at hla tba Austrian border today to aircraft fromn attack by Tim^Mlav parently without effect,” the an­ definitions. But many lobbyists Fighter Planes figbtar planaa which might van- HALE’S SELF SERVE nouncement said, in describing the Warning Given Balkans headquarters with Charlea B.
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