Churches One Other Additional Fact Was Nots- -W Onders of the Universe- Ihmtdfp0tpr ■Raloottvule Congregational Worihy
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/ / y - y .' . ■ 'cf FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1967 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Hanrljpatpr lEwiftting liifralb Average Daily Net Press Rim For The Week Biided The Weathier Sunny and hot today and te> / A limited number of tickets May 20, 1967 morrow, high in the 90s: fair will be available at the door for 12th Circuit A bou t Tow n and wu'Tm tondgfct, low in tUS a Near East Dinner Sunday at 60a Mre. AtUc« Joke of 384 Lake 7 p.m. at the KotfC Home.. The St., Bolton waa anion^ 22 dorm- Court Cases 15,210 event is sponsored by the Syrian Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm Mwry housecnotheirs ^ the Uni Lebanese-American ’vVomen’s versity of Connecticut to com MANCHESTER SESSION Club of Greater Hartford. Tick MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1967 (Clamifled Advertialng on Page U ) PRICE SEVEN CENH p i l e a course in shelter man- ets nmy ailso. be obtained from Gerald Hodge, 40, of 75 Union VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 213 (FOUR'TEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) ngoment there. The course is >Mrs. Martin Aroian, 126 Con St. pleaded guilty to delivering ALL DAY SAT.! Inciuded in Uconn's civiJ de way St., or Mra. Frederick Nas- liQuor to minors and was fined fuse progmun which recently siff, 33 Norman St. $50. He was arrested after he l^ e iv e d a $109,124 grant to ex bopght some beer and screw tend ^ progiraim next ‘year'. *St. Margaret's Circle,' Daugh diivbr mix. and gave it to tWo^ i ters of Isabella will meet Tues youths, one of them his nephew, The Women's Guild of Trinity day at 8 p.m. at the KofCj Home. he said. Of the fine, $10 was le- Covenant Church will meet to Mrs. Mary Degan of the State mltted. 9:30 to 5:30 night at 8 in Fellowship Hall of Circle of Daughters of Isabella, The case of Donald F. Cos'.el- (While Quantltlea Last) the church. The Rev. K. Ejnar and Miss Mae Connor, past su lo, 28, of 117 West St., dvar-ged Rask, pastor, will speak. Host preme officer of the national with indecent assault, was con esses are Miss Ellen Johnson, organization and past state of tinued to June 15 for plea. Mrs. Ernest Johnson,-Miss Amy ficer, will preside at the meet John W. Everett Jr,, 28, of no Olson and Mrs. Charles Robie. ing. Mrs. Jbseph Schauster is in certain address, pleaded not charge of refreshments. guii’.ty to a charge of risk of in Dr. Katherin^ B. Neilson, jury to a minor female and the Nasser Will Stay On education curator at Wads The Little Theatre of Man Receives BA case was bound over to the next Cites Fight in Syria worth Atheneum, Hartford, will ses.-lon of Superior Coui'l, Hart- chester will have auditions for Marion P. Gorman of be guest speaker at a dinner singing, dancing and acting fond County. Everett waived a 62 Linden St. was awarded a probable hearing which meeting of the Manchester roles in the musical, “ How to oachelor of arts degree from Israelis Attack Syria As Reason for Break Qarden Club Monday at 6:30 Succeed in Business Without had been scheduled for yester ihe College of Our Lady of the day. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Doug Really Trying," Tuesday at 8 Kims. Chicopee, Mass., during MOSCOW (A P )—The Soviet Union informed Israel las Roberts, Bolton Rd., Ver p.m. at 22 Oak St. The musical Everett was ariosted several today it had decided to break diplomatic relations be commencement Sun w^eelfs ago as a resnlt of his al non. Her topic is "A Painters will be produced in November day, June 4. 16 VALUABLE COUPONS that save you cause of fighting in Syria and warned that unless Is Garden.” Mrs. John Obuchovv- at Bailey Auditorium of Man leged actions with a 14-year But Also Talk Truce A sociology major and edu old girl on South Main St. rael immediately halte' all military actions, the Krem ski is chairman of the event. chester High School. cation minor, Miss Gorman Donald Kohaya, 18, of Bolton By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lin “ will take sanction against Israel.’’ Mrs. Edward Adams and mem wa.s a member of the Sociology plenty on every day n e | d s for faMily and hoMe The development was report The Men’s Fellowship Club of pleaded guilty to a .substitute uty Foreign Minister ’Vasily 'V. bers of the hospitality commit Club, the Connecticut Under U.N. observers reported ed by Tass, the official news the Salvation Army wull have a charge of breach of pe;ice and Kuznetsov to Ambassador Ka- tee are in charge of arrange graduate Club and the stu EXTRA SAVINGS FOR EARLY BIRD SHOPPERS! CLIP. COME. SAVEl three Israeli air attacks agency. It said a note on the ments for the buffet. business meeting Monday at 7 was fined $35. A c'mige of triel Katz at the Foreign Minis dent government. She served tampeiang with a motor vehi F**»*.*?»*«| around the Syrian capital Soviet decision was handed to t _ „ p.m. at the citadel. Refresh .1- T II ~v, Tur.ic try here, an Israeli spokesman as chairman of Residents’ cle against him was noJled. In of Damascus Saturday and the Israeli ambassador in Mos- ^ The Rev. Douglas Theuner of ments will be served. said. He said Katz had no com- Council and was Senior Fund a companion ca‘ e, Wii'ma Sauer said Israeli troops were in cow. The Kremlin threatened to Bt. George’s Episcopal Church, VALUABLE COUPON ment. co-chaiiman. of Bo’.'ton al.='o pleaded guilty to sever ties earlier in the week Bolton, will conduct a radio Hillstown Grange will spon the vicinity of the city. "We are packing now,” the breach of peace and was .simi MEN’S REGULAR 2.58 SANFORIXED unless the Israelis ceased fire in Borvice Sunday at 8:15 a.m. on sor a public Monte Carlo whist RtGULAR 3.98 CG.-?cE The reports to U.N. Secre spokesman said 50 minutes aft Membens of the Mental Aid larly fined, while a charge the Middle East war. Station WINF. The program is card party Tuesday at 8 p.m. tary-General U Thant said, er the note was handed" over. Fellowship Social Center will aginst her of being an acces Tass said this was the note at the Grange Hall, 617 Hills however, there were no at Asked when the Israeli diplo sponsored by the Manchester have a picnic Tuesday. They sory to larceny wa.s nolled. Broadcloth Pajamas COATS or DUSTERS handed to the Israeli ambassa matic staff here would leave the Ministerial Association. St., East Hartford. , She and Kohaya were arrest with coupon . gn tacks on the capital itseif, will meet at the center at 6:30 with coupon dor: Soviet Union, the spokesman p.m. Membership in the group is ed on May 2- Kehaya was orig Cotton nylon acetates. Button as Israel and Syria kept the "The news has just reached replied, "As soon as possible.” limited to people who have un inally charged with larceny Coat and middy styles in a and gripper fronts in solids Middle East war going a z . U o here that Israeli troops, ignor- But a member of the Israeli wide variety of colors and and prints, s, M, I. dergone psychiatric care. over $50 and under $250, when sixth day. ing the U.N. Security Council’s Embassy said it would probably Yes Folks — Native Produce Is Now Here!! de.siring further information police found them on Colonial patterns. Sizes A-B-D. 1.88 Israel announced to the U.N. •A decision on the termination of be several days before they left. NATIVE: Asparagus, Ik-ets, Beet Greens, Spinach, Boston, about the program or how to Dr. after some car pai-ts had Rnmaine Lettuce, Radishes, Scallions and HOT HOI'SE TO Security Council that Gen. military operations, are pro Kuznetsov did not fix a deflnit* become a member may contact been taken from Pantnleo’s MATOES. Moshe Dayan, Israel’s defense ceeding with these operations, time by ,which they had to b« the Capitol Region Mental Auto Parts yaid on Parker St. FRESH: Bing Cherries, Strawberries, Mangoes, Red Grapes, minister, began m e ^ n g in seizing Syrian territory, and are out of the country, the diplomat Health Association, Inc., 217 Also involved were a 12 and Seedless Grai>es, UglI Fruit, Tangerines, Coconuts, Red Jerusaiiem with the chief U.N. Israeli artillery positions are shown in Upper Galilee, Israel, where heavy advancing in the direction of said. Farmington Ave., Hartford. 13-year old boy fi-om Bolton Bananas, Cantaloupes, Limes, Pears, Pineapples, Watermelons, truce observer, Lt. Gen. Odd fighting went on yesterday after the United Nations called for a cease-fire. Damascus. The Soviet Embassy in Israel Navel Oranges and CRISP AIRE MACS and RED DE- who were referred to juvenile j m VALUABLE COUPON S f e S VALUABLE COUPON Bull, to arrange a cease-fire Picture was released by the Israeli army. (AP Photofax) “ The Soviet government has also wUl be closing, and th* LICIOl’S APPLES. The Women’s Alliance, authorities. WWma Sauer was with Syria. The Israeli an MEN’S REGULAR 8 FOR $1 RcGLLAR 2/77c wajimed the government of Is- government might not press th* VEGETABLES: Belgium Endive, Peas, Green, Yellow Squash, Group 518 and the Polish Na charged as being an accessory nouncement said the meeting Cauliflower, Corn, Chinese, Savoy Cabbage, White Sweet Po after the three youths told po rael that it beairs aill the burden Israeli Embassy too hard be- tional Allionce will meet Sun began at 8:15 EDT.