Province Launches Mobile Vaccine Units in Hot Spot Workplaces FRONTNATIO NPAGEAL Friday, August 21, 2020 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, MayJune 7, 2, 2021 2017 VolVol 27, 23, No. No. 19 22 PM: 40025701 Restrictions Eased In Long Term Care Homes, page 7 China’s Tibet Infrastructure Push Worries India, page 8 Brampton Transit’s E-buses begin operations, page 13 Province Launches Mobile Vaccine Units In Hot Spot Workplaces With Boost In Supplies, Ontario Expects To Administer First Doses To 65 Per Cent Of Adults By May-End TORONTO — With the arrival in our efforts to get more people have been completed or are un- of increased vaccine deliver- in priority areas vaccinated as derway. ies from the federal government conveniently and as quickly as In partnership with Peel Pub- starting this week, the Ontario possible,” said Solicitor Gen- lic Health, Loblaw Companies, government is further expand- eral Sylvia Jones. “These mobile Walmart Canada, HelloFresh, ing its COVID-19 vaccine dis- units are designed to be rapidly Magna, Air Canada and Purolator tribution plan with the launch of deployed to a diversity of small Inc. are also setting up workplace mobile vaccine units for small to to medium-sized workplaces and vaccination clinics this month for medium-sized businesses in hot will help strengthen our capacity workers who cannot work from spot communities. These mobile to reach areas where the need is home. A workplace vaccination units will begin offering vaccina- greatest.” clinic will also be operationalized tions in Toronto, York and Peel at Starting May 7, an initial roll- at the Ontario Food Terminal, the select businesses that have em- out of up to five mobile units is largest wholesale fruit and pro- ployees who cannot work from planned with a possible expan- duce distribution centre in Cana- home and have a history or risk sion of up to 15 units once the da, starting May 10.
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