Promising system delivers chemo drug straight into tumors with fewer side effects

stealthy new drug-delivery system developed by Professor ANathan Gianneschi disguises chemotherapeutics as fat in order to outsmart, penetrate, and destroy tumors. Thinking the drugs are tasty fats, tumors invite the drug inside. Once there, the targeted drug activates, immediately suppressing tumor growth. The drug also is A modified chemotherapy drug hitches a ride through the bloodstream on human serum albumin. lower in toxicity than current chemotherapy drugs, leading to fewer side effects. (HSA), which carries molecules, including In the study, the researchers used the “It’s like a Trojan horse. It looks like a nice fats, throughout the body. drug delivery system to carry a common, little fatty acid, so the tumor’s receptors The body’s cellular receptors recognize FDA-approved chemotherapy drug, see it and invite it in. Then the drug starts the fats and proteins supplied by the HSA paclitaxel, into tumors in a small animal getting metabolized and kills the tumor and allow them inside. Quick-growing and model. Disguised as fat, the drug entered cells,” said Gianneschi, Jacob and Rosalind hungry, cancer cells consume the nutrients and completely eliminated the tumors in Cohn Professor of Chemistry, Materials much faster than normal cells. When three types of cancer: bone, pancreatic, Science and Engineering, and Biomedical the cancer cells metabolize the hidden and colon. Engineering. drug, they die. Even better: the researchers found they To develop the targeting system, “It’s like the fatty acid has a hand on could deliver 20 times the dose of paclitaxel Gianneschi and his team engineered a both ends: one can grab onto the drug and with their system, compared to two other long-chain fatty acid with two binding sites one can grab onto proteins,” Gianneschi paclitaxel-based drugs. But even at such — able to attach to drugs — on each end. said. “The idea is to disguise drugs as fats a high quantity, the drug in Gianneschi’s The fatty acid and its hitchhiking drugs are so that they get into cells and the body is system was still 17 times safer. then hidden inside human serum albumin happy to transport them around.” FROM THE CHAIR

spaces, Professors Vinayak Dravid their commitment to scholarship and Rosaline Cohn Professor of Dear Friends, and John Rogers have moved and inspirational mentorship. We Chemistry, Materials Science their research groups to newly are grateful to the many former and Engineering, and Biomedical ummer always ends too constructed labs in an “in-fill” students and colleagues who Engineering, who moved to quickly, but as the fall quarter space between the A and B wings traveled to Evanston to share their Northwestern in 2017. Sapproaches at Northwestern, in the northwest corner of the heartfelt remembrances of this If you will be visiting campus for we’re looking forward to welcoming Technological Institute. On the remarkable couple. We continue to Northwestern’s Homecoming on new students and new spaces. Chicago campus, the Simpson be inspired by their example. Friday, October 26th, please stop Construction is proceeding Querry Institute, directed by As you’ll read in this issue, by the department office in the rapidly on renovations to the Professor Sam Stupp, will expand research efforts continue apace in afternoon to see the new space and Department of Materials Science into the new Simpson Querry a wide range of materials-related visit with old friends. and Engineering’s (MSE) teaching Biomedical Research Center, the areas, including biomedicine, Lastly, thank you to all who so lab, and we anticipate completion largest biomedical academic computational materials, and generously contributed funds to in time for fall classes. Relocated research building in the US. materials for computing, energy, the department, the Fine Lecture, to the main Cook Hall corridor, Professor Rogers, Professor Mark colloids, coatings, and more. These Jerome Cohen Professorship, and the renovated space will increase Hersam, and Professor Nathan efforts have been recognized with the Weertman Graduate Fellowship. MSE visibility to passersby. Gianneschi are among the MSE significant awards. MSE faculty The main teaching space is faculty part of this effort. led two teams that earned two designed to better facilitate active While we look forward to the Department of Energy Ten at Ten learning and small group work, innovations emerging from these Awards celebrating a decade of the with experimental stations new spaces, we have also taken Energy Frontier Research Center around the perimeter of the main time to honor the department’s program. In addition, faculty are room and two adjacent support legacy. Sadly, we lost both Hans and pursuing research in emerging rooms for materials processing, Julia Weertman within months of areas. Professor Hersam and synthesis, and characterization. each other in 2018. The Weertman Professor James Rondinelli, for The space is bright, modern, and Symposium, held last November, example, have received support to will enhance the MSE learning highlighted the breadth and depth explore quantum computing. experience at all levels. of their work in materials and The cover story introduces Erik Luijten In addition to new teaching geological sciences, as well as Professor Gianneschi, the Jacob Department Chair

Northwestern Awarded $3.6 Million to Study Quantum Computing

US Department of Energy calls field ‘next frontier’ in the Information Age

group of Northwestern Mark Hersam, Walter P. Murphy University engineers and Professor of Materials Science and Quantum Information Science uses chemists have been awarded Engineering, and James Rondinelli, Morris the next generation of computing and $3.6 million from the US E. Fine Junior Professor in Materials and information processing. ADepartment of Energy to support their Manufacturing, are co-investigators on the work of creating better qubits, the Basic Energy Sciences grant project. of uses in the fields of medicine, science, smallest unit of a quantum computer. Possible long-term QIS applications and national security. Additionally, The grant is one of 85 research awards, include quantum computers capable of quantum computing is expected to totaling $218 million, focused on the solving large, extremely complex problems revolutionize the field of encryption, emerging field of Quantum Information that are beyond the capacity of today’s which is key to cybersecurity. Science (QIS), which is expected to lay most powerful supercomputers. Quantum The awards were made in conjunction the foundation for the next generation of systems also could be used to create with the White House Summit on computing and information processing. extremely sensitive sensors, with a variety Advancing American Leadership in QIS.


Soft, flexible sensors provide clinical-grade measurements, allow physical bonding between baby and parent

n interdisciplinary Northwestern University team led by Professor John Rogers has developed a pair of soft, flexible wireless Asensors that replace the tangle of wire- based sensors that currently monitor babies in hospitals’ neonatal intensive care units and pose a barrier to parent-baby cuddling and physical bonding. The team completed a series of first human studies on 70 premature babies at Prentice Women’s Hospital and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. The researchers concluded that the wireless sensors provided data as precise and accurate as that from traditional monitoring systems. The Above: Professor John Rogers outside his lab on the Evanston campus. Left: By placing a sensor wireless patches also are gentler on a on the baby’s foot, doctors can measure core newborn’s fragile skin and allow for more and body temperature. skin-to-skin contact with the parent. Existing sensors must be attached with scientists, engineers, dermatologists, adhesives that can scar and blister and pediatricians. premature newborns’ skin. Rogers estimates that his wireless “We were able to reproduce all of the sensors will appear in American hospitals functionality that current wire-based within the next two to three years. sensors provide with clinical-grade With support from two major nonprofit precision,” said Rogers, the Louis organizations, Rogers’s team expects Simpson and Kimberly Querrey Professor to send sensors to tens of thousands of of Materials Science and Engineering, families in developing countries over the Biomedical Engineering and Neurological the other sensor wraps around a foot. next year as part of an international effort. Surgery. “Our wireless, battery-free, (The chest sensor measures 5 centimeters skin-like devices give up nothing in terms by 2.5 centimeters; the foot sensor is of range of measurement, accuracy, 2.5 centimeters by 2 centimeters. Each and precision — and they even provide sensor weighs about the same as a “WE WERE ABLE TO advanced measurements that are clinically raindrop.) This strategy allows physicians REPRODUCE ALL OF important but not commonly collected.” to gather an infant’s core temperature THE FUNCTIONALITY The benefits of the new technology as well as body temperature from a reach beyond its lack of wires — peripheral region. THAT CURRENT measuring more than what’s possible “Differences in temperature between WIRE-BASED SENSORS with today’s clinical standards. the foot and the chest have great clinical PROVIDE WITH The dual wireless sensors monitor importance in determining blood flow CLINICAL-GRADE babies’ vital signs — heart rate, respiration and cardiac function. That’s something rate, and body temperature — from that’s not commonly done today,” said PRECISION.” opposite ends of the body. One sensor Rogers, who co-led the study published JOHN ROGERS lays across the baby’s chest or back, while in the journal Science with materials

Materials Science and Engineering • Fall 2019 3 PROFESSOR EMERITUS JOHANNES WEERTMAN PASSES AWAY

Weertman was an expert ohannes Weertman, Walter P. specifically for undergraduate students Murphy Professor Emeritus of on dislocation theory, an important factor on the fatigue and Materials Science and Engineering in the study of fracture mechanics. fracture of materials at Northwestern University, “Hans was a quiet man with a powerful Jpassed away at age 93 on October intellect whose work had a profound 13, 2018. He will be remembered as a impact on both geology and materials pioneering researcher, devoted teacher, science and engineering,” said Peter and esteemed colleague and friend. Voorhees, Frank C. Engelhart Professor During more than four decades of of Materials Science and Engineering. research and scholarship, Weertman “His unfailing good cheer and sharp made several noteworthy contributions to insights into the mechanical properties of the study of the mechanical properties of materials will be greatly missed.” materials, particularly to the fatigue and Weertman also held a joint appointment fracture of metals, the high-temperature in Northwestern’s geological sciences creep of crystalline solids, and department, now the Department of dislocation theory. Earth and Planetary Sciences within the After serving three years in the United Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, States Marine Corps, Weertman attended where he continued his interest in the College of Science and Engineering glaciology, studying the migration of at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, subglacial lakes under ice sheets. now Carnegie Mellon University, where Weertman’s career has been marked he earned his bachelor’s and DSc by several accolades. In 2014, the Julia and Johnannes Weertman degrees in physics. Following graduation, Department of Materials Science and he worked at the US Naval Research Engineering established the Johannes Laboratory, where he applied his interest and Julia Randall Weertman Graduate in geophysics to the study of glacier flow Fellowship in honor of the couple’s “HANS WAS A and ice sheets. His research contributions impactful contributions to materials QUIET MAN WITH A were honored by the United Kingdom science and to Northwestern. In 2017, POWERFUL INTELLECT Antarctic Place-names Committee, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society which established “Weertman Island” (TMS) renamed its TMS Educator Award WHOSE WORK HAD in 1960, a 3.5-mile-long island off of the to the TMS Julia and Johannes Weertman A PROFOUND IMPACT Antarctic coast. Educator Award. ON BOTH GEOLOGY Weertman joined Northwestern in His other honors include membership AND MATERIALS 1959 as an associate professor within the in the American Academy of Arts newly formed Department of Materials and Sciences as well as the National SCIENCE AND Science. He taught materials science Academy of Engineering. He received ENGINEERING.” courses at both the undergraduate and the International Glaciological Society’s graduate levels and served as chair of the Seligman Crystal, the Acta Metallurgica PETER VOORHEES department from 1964-68. Gold Medal, the Champion H. Mathewson Weertman’s continued research into Gold Medal, the American Geophysical dislocations — atomic-scale defects in Union’s Robert E. Horton Award, a materials — led to his 1964 textbook, Guggenheim Fellowship, and a Fulbright Elementary Dislocation Theory (Reprint, Fellowship. He was a fellow of the Oxford University Press, 1992), which he Geological Society of America, ASM co-authored with his late wife, Professor International, American Physical Society, Emerita Julia Randall Weertman. The American Geophysical Union, TMS, and the work stands as the first book written American Academy of Mechanics.


Daylong symposium honored emeriti faculty, who both passed away in 2018

any will remember Julia and Memories and honors shared during the perpetuated through a trail of students, Johannes “Hans” Weertman symposium are proof of the Weertmans’s papers, and books. And the way I see the as an academic power couple legacy, said Julio M. Ottino, dean of Weertmans playing a role in Northwestern whose materials science Northwestern Engineering. and materials science is that they are Mresearch at Northwestern Engineering “An institution is defined by its part of the compass that guides what the spanned decades and garnered them intellectual leaders,” he said. “The beauty department aspires to be.” multitudes of awards. of academia is that your memory is But the legacy they left when they passed away in 2018 also includes stories of professional dedication, mentorship, personal passions, and friendships — stories like Julia’s letter-writing campaign in support of a Cuban dissident, and Hans’s quest for the perfect emerald for Julia. Dozens of friends, family, and colleagues gathered at Scott Hall on November 16, 2018 for a daylong symposium and remembrance in honor of the Weertmans. More than 24 colleagues and former students from universities and research institutions around the world shared research experiences and personal stories. Such a turnout was “a real testament to the impact the Weertmans had on our Friends, family, and colleagues gathered in November 2018 for a daylong symposium and department,” said Erik Luijten, chair of remembrance in honor of the Weertmans. Speakers included (from left to right): Carelyn Campbell, the Department of Materials Science and Paul Sanders, Helena Moens-Van Swygenhoven, Jeffrey Eastman, Linn Hobbs, Stuart Stock, Engineering. Carolyn Aita, William Nix, Peter Jemian, Koichi Tsuchiya, Bill Nieman, David Cole, Lynne Karabin, Howard Sizek, Gabrielle Long, James Conley Colleagues spoke of how the Weertmans’s success in research into the properties of materials and nanomaterials did not make them unapproachable. When David Dunand, professor of materials science and engineering, joined the EGU Medal The European Geosciences Union Cryospheric Sciences department more than two decades ago, Division medal, awarded to individuals in recognition of he was “in awe of them,” he said. “Very Changed to outstanding scientific contributions to the study of the quickly this awe changed when I realized Honor Julia cryosphere on Earth or elsewhere in the solar system, how gentle, self-effacing, generous, and Johannes has changed its name to the Julia and Johannes and scholarly Hans and Julia were.” Weertman Medal. The change aims to highlight the That generosity was evident in Julia’s Weertman Weertmans’s joint contribution to the development of willingness to provide mentorship to the the field, both in education as well as basic research. next generation of female engineers.

Materials Science and Engineering • Fall 2019 5 Electron-behaving Nanoparticles Rock Current Understanding of Matter

Discovery will lead With this discovery, the researchers introduced a new term called “metallicity,” to new methods for which refers to the mobility of electrons in a materials design metal. In colloidal crystals, tiny nanoparticles roam similarly to electrons and act as a glue that holds the material together. rofessors Monica Olvera “This is going to get people to think about de la Cruz and have matter in a new way,” said Mirkin, who led made a strange and startling the experimental work. “It’s going to lead to discovery that nanoparticles all sorts of materials that have potentially Pengineered with DNA in colloidal crystals spectacular properties that have never been — when extremely small — behave just like observed before. Properties that could lead electrons. Not only has this finding upended to a variety of new technologies in the fields the current, accepted notion of matter, of optics, electronics, and even catalysis.” it also opens the door for new possibilities in materials design. “We have never seen anything like this before,” said Olvera de la Cruz, who “THIS IS GOING TO made the initial observation through GET PEOPLE TO computational work. “In our simulations, THINK ABOUT MATTER the particles look just like orbiting IN A NEW WAY.” electrons.” The findings by Professors Monica Olvera de la CHAD MIRKIN Cruz and Chad Mirkin could lead to new methods for materials design.

Fluid-inspired Material Self-heals Before Your Eyes

Coating for metals water flows readily. We were inspired to realize that fluids, such as oils, are the rapidly heals over ultimate self-healing system.” scratches and scrapes Huang and his team created a system comprised of oil and a network of to prevent corrosion graphene capsules fluidic enough to flow automatically, but not so fluidic as to drip rofessor Jiaxing Huang has off metal surfaces. When the network is developed a new coating for metal damaged by a crack or scratch, it releases that self-heals within seconds the oil to flow readily and reconnect. when scratched, scraped, or The coating not only sticks, it sticks Pcracked. The novel material could prevent well — even under water and in harsh tiny defects from turning into localized chemical environments. Huang imagines corrosion, which can cause major metal that it could be applied to surfaces that structures to fail. are normally submerged in water, like The novel material could prevent tiny defects from turning into localized corrosion, which can “When a boat cuts through water, the bridges and boats, as well as metal cause major structures to fail. water goes right back together,” Huang structures near leaked or spilled highly said. “The ‘cut’ quickly heals because corrosive fluids.

6 Northwestern University • McCormick School of Engineering MSE Faculty and Students “THE BIGGEST THING I TOOK AWAY WAS

Teach in Uganda discussed the impending challenges AN APPRECIATION involving climate change around the world. FOR WHAT I HAVE JUAMI convened Department of Materials Science and ACCESS TO AS A Engineering professors Sossina Haile, more than 60 materials GRAD STUDENT IN G. Jeffrey Snyder, and Jiaxing Huang THE UNITED STATES” science students taught during the 2018 program. Beyond lectures and labs, a main LUKE PRESTOWITZ from around the world component of the program revolved around continuing facilitating global he Joint Undertaking for an research collaborations. For instance, African Materials Institute one team including Luke Prestowitz, a (JUAMI) presented its third fourth-year PhD student in materials workshop in December 2018 science and engineering, looked at using Tat Makerere University in Kampala, local resources like clays and mud in Uganda, for more than 60 students from Uganda to develop better water filters. universities all over the world, including “The biggest thing I took away was an Northwestern. appreciation for what I have access to The program included seminars, as a grad student in the United States,” poster sessions, hands-on labs, and Prestowitz said. “It was motivating to see collaborative projects on topics such all of these students who are working as photovoltaics, thermoelectrics, and hard but don’t have access to all the nanoparticles. It also included a plenary resources we have access to. It was good talk by Sir David King, senior strategy encouragement to work hard and have Luke Prestowitz works with a team member during adviser to the president of Rwanda, who an attitude of hope and optimism.” a JUAMI lab activity.

To Create a High-temperature Scientists agree one important atomic characteristic of cuprates that leads to Superconductor, Try These Materials superconductivity is the presence of an electronic property called a single correlated d band in the low-energy spectrum. Researchers identified To find materials with this characteristic, 14 compounds with Wolverton turned to his Open Quantum Materials Database, which houses the specific electronic trait thermodynamic and structural properties of more than 600,000 materials. The orthwestern Engineering researchers developed a new process researchers have identified 14 involving screening materials and running compounds that could potentially calculations based on the materials’ be good candidates for chemistry, symmetry and structure, Nhigh-temperature superconductivity. electrons, and thermodynamic stability. “These materials could exhibit interesting Chris Wolverton In the end, the researchers identified and potentially exotic properties, including 14 compounds. Thirteen were copper superconductivity,” said Chris Wolverton, scientists and engineers don’t completely compounds — including bromide, oxide, Jerome B. Cohen Professor of Materials understand the quantum mechanisms selenate, borate, pyrophosphate, hydrogen Science and Engineering and co-author of behind superconductivity. In 1986, scientists phosphate, and pyrosilicate chemistries — the research. “By finding these compounds, found that materials called cuprates — and one was an iron oxide compound. we are telling our experimental colleagues ceramic compounds of copper and oxygen which candidates to test in the lab. — exhibited superconductivity at what was ”The search for high-temperature considered a high temperature of 35 kelvins, superconductors has been difficult, since or around -397 degrees Fahrenheit.

Materials Science and Engineering • Fall 2019 7 HILLIARD SYMPOSIUM 2019

he 32nd annual John F. Hilliard Symposium, organized by Professor Jiaxing Huang, was held on May 16. Alumna Ruth Schlitz (PhD ’12, Lauhon), delivered the keynote address. After graduation from Northwestern, Schlitz went to UC Santa Barbara as a postdoctoral researcher, where she studied Tn-type organic thermoelectrics under the supervision of Professor Michael Chabinyc. She joined electrochemic glass provider SageGlass in 2014, where she focuses on developing machine vision for quality inspection.

Speakers Hadallia Bergeron (Hersam) “Electronics Lincoln Lauhon and Ruth Schlitz in Two-Dimensions: Vapor-phase Growth of Ultrathin MoS2/AI2O3 Heterostructures” 1ST PLACE William J. Jeang (Rogers) “Wireless, Yvonne Chart (Barnett) “High-Performance Battery-Free, Dual-Function Neural Xiaomi Zhang (Dravid) “Understanding the Oxygen Electrodes with Multi-Scale Implant for Optogenetic Stimulation and Intrinsic Microstructure of Thermoelectric Architectures for Low Temperature Chemical Sensing” Materials” Reversible Solid Oxide Cells” Boran Ma (Olvera de la Cruz) “Materials Yaoyao Chen (Shull) “Self-Stabilized Design of Ion-Containing Polymers” 2ND PLACE Thermo-Thickening Polymer Suspensions” Ryan Paull (Marks) “Lanthanide Scandates Megan E. Beck (Hersam) “Self-Aligned Jingshan S. Du (Mirkin) “Classical Electron as Model Supports for Noble Metal van der Waals Heterojunction Diodes and Equivalent Nanoparticles in Metal-like Catalysts” Transistors” Colloidal Crystals” Kazi Sadman (Shull) “Solvation-Driven Yao Du (Chung) “Design and Development Assembly of Charged Polymers to Oil/Water 3RD PLACE of High-temperature Steels” Interfaces” Jingtian Hu (Odom) “Reconfigurable Megan O. Hill (Lauhon) “Total Tomography Fernando L. Reyes Tirado (Dunand) Lattice-Resonance Metalenses on at the Nanoscale: Illuminating “Searching for Low-Density Co-Based Coupled Nanoparticles” and Garrett Lau Structure-Property Relationships in Superalloys for Next Generation (Stupp) “Programming Anisotropy with Light Quantum Emitters” Turbine Blades” and Magnetic Fields for Robotic Function” Liliang Huang (Mirkin) “Ligand-Free Nicholas Wagner (Rondinelli) “A Data- Synthesis of High-Index Facet Driven Model for Discovery of Materials Nanoparticles” with Metal-Insulator Transitions”

Department Celebrates Recent PhD Graduates

he Department of Vuk Brajuskovic (Petford-Long) Karl Alexander Hujsak (Dravid) Nicholas Allen Sather (Stupp) McKinsey & Company Northwestern University Materials Science and Fernando Cuauhtli Castro (Dravid) Engineering celebrates Gatan Inc. Garrett Lau (Stupp) Zhiyuan Sun (Lauhon, Seidman) Lilac Solutions Apple its PhD candidates Pengcheng Chen (Mirkin) Twho graduated between UC Berkeley Alane Tarianna Ocampo Lim (Huang) Spencer Allan Wells (Hersam) Facebook September 2018 and June Yaoyao Chen (Shull) Qinyuan Liu (Barnett) 3M Xiankai Yu (Barnett) 2019. They are listed with their Matthew Lu (Barnett) Lawrence Berkeley National Shawn H. Chen (Shull) current job placements. Samuel Aaron Miller (Barnett) Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Owens Corning Technology Min Zhang (Brinson) Taegon Oh (Mirkin) Duke University Charlotte Hui Chen (Stupp) Korea Institute of Science and Shengshuang Zhu (Mirkin) Ming Du (Jacobsen) Technology Earli Argonne National Laboratory Matthew Peters (Voorhees) Jingtian Hu (Odom) SpaceX Northwestern University Kazi Sadman (Shull) Next Science

8 Northwestern University • McCormick School of Engineering CONTRIBUTIONS

MATERIALS SCIENCE Lynette M. Karabin, PhD Tao Sun, PhD MATERIALS John H. Buehler, MD and Dr. Catherine M. AND ENGINEERING and Mr. Michael E. and Wei Zhang, PhD SCIENCE AND Mrs. Bonnie L. Buehler Klapperich Mr. Dhruv Agarwala Karabin, Jr. Yan Sun, PhD ENGINEERING Carelyn E. Campbell, PhD Ms. Carolyn H. Krulee DOCTORAL Ms. Ariel Ellen Allea In Soo Kim, PhD Mr. Jin Suntivich John A. Campbell, MD Ms. Helen Kriz Marshall FELLOWSHIP Teruaki Aoki, PhD Kevin L. Klug, PhD and Ms. Lenae Tietjens and Mrs. Katherine F. Mel I. Mendelson, PhD Mrs. Kelly H. Klug PPG Industries Campbell and Mrs. Reiko Aoki United Charitable George William Nieman, Foundation Mr. Howard L. Arnson Prakash Kolli, PhD Programs Rong-Tsang Chen, PhD PhD and Ms. Rita Craig Bartels, PhD Aaron D. Krawitz, PhD Semyon Vaynman, PhD MORRIS E. FINE The Chicago Network Nathanson Mr. Piotr Pawel Blaszczak and Mrs. Natalie and Ms. Dora Vaynman LECTURE Tsu-Wei Chou, PhD North Shore Senior Krawitz Services, Inc. Ms. Jessica Anne Brownell Anil V. Virkar, PhD Rebecca Cortez, PhD Mrs. Janet Sheffer Mr. Thomas A. Langdo Ms. Bonnie Wei-Fong Kathryn Jean Wahl, PhD Coronelli Prof. Gregory B. Olson and Mrs. June Cheng Dr. William O. Gentry Chang and Bruce Nolan Dr. Elizabeth Cuneo and Ms. Jane Black Mr. Edwin Fook-Hung Mr. Young Chang Wahl, PhD JEROME B. COHEN Mr. James Etter Dr. Edward Francis and Ms. Lynn Marie Li PROFESSORSHIP O’Neil, PhD Mr. Junghyun Cho Mr. Benjamin Hunter Mrs. Debra P. Evans Wei-Chun Lin, PhD Warren Schwab Charitable Fund and Ms. Hee Youn Kim Mr. Daniel F. and Fidelity Investments Ms. Cheyenne Lynsky Bruce James Christensen, Mr. Alan J. Wasserstrom Mrs. Susan Louise Charitable Gift Fund Lyle H. Schwartz, PhD Mr. Scott D. Maxwell Baker Carroll PhD and Renee Jesse Sheldon M. Wecker, PhD Stephen T. Gonczy, PhD Prof. David N. and Christensen, PhD Bryce William and Mrs. Gail E. Wecker Ms. Shoshanah JOHANNES AND Todd Stuart Gross, PhD Mr. Edison C. Chu Meredig, PhD Mr. Andrew T. Wedepohl Seidman JULIA RANDALL Ms. Emine Begum Junji Miyake, PhD Carla Jo Shute, PhD and Dr. Phillip J. Cole Prof. Bruce W. WEERTMAN Gulsoy Ms. Donna L. Molinda and Ms. Beverly Mr. Richard H. Barnes Columbus Jewish GRADUATE Mr. Gene R. Helfrich Foundation and Mr. Mark A. Tiedemann Wessels FELLOWSHIP FUND Howard W. Sizek, PhD and Williams Mr. Kevin J. Hemker Dr. Jacqueline A. Housel James G. Conley, PhD Ms. Susan Wright Mr. Andrew Allen Mr. Thomas and Dr. Linn W. Hobbs Chantal K. Sudbrack, PhD and Mrs. Sally Crawford Philip C. Yashar, PhD Ms. Jan E. Vonuffel Mrs. Linda Mueller Ms. Susan Hufford Conley Mr. Thomas Yeh Andrews Mrs. Linda Matorin Dr. Sharon A. Myers Hitoshi Ishii, PhD Sweenie The Dow Chemical Nathan L. Yoder, PhD Richard J. Arsenault, PhD Company Mr. Christopher A. and Prof. D. Lynn Johnson Semyon Vaynman, PhD Kun Ho Yoon, PhD and Ms. Elaine Larison Ms. Shristi Dugar Mrs. Catherine A. Noble Ms. Donna M. Jurdy and Ms. Dora Vaynman Ms. Shuran Zhang Mrs. Nancy L. Bodeen Doreen D. Edwards, PhD Stephanie Chan Prof. Leon M. and Julia Ann Weertman, DDS Mr. Thomas O. and Mr. Peter and Mrs. Judith O’Keeffe, PhD Mrs. Barbara Sara Keer Ms. Jacqueline H. Wilson Ms. Michelle Florence Mrs. Ellen Soo Hoo L. Bordwell Kristen Erica Ferber Zurfluh Fidelity Investments Pappacena, PhD Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Jang-Sik Park and Donations made between July 18, 2018 and July 25, 2019. If you would like to contribute to Robert Patrick Foley, PhD Ms. Kyeung-Eun Kim MSE funds, please contact Patrick Hankey at [email protected]. Christopher Jean-Pierre Mr. Kyungjun Park Francois, MD Mr. Kyle C. Peter Danijel Gostovic, PhD Cynthia Pierre, PhD Jeffrey T. Gotro, PhD Mark S. Pucci, PhD and Mrs. Elaine M. Andrew J. Purdes, PhD Grossman-Gotro Mr. Brian Thomas Regan Mr. Binghao Guo Dr. Daniel M. Duran Addresses PhD Graduates Donald G. Gwinn, PhD and Mrs. Dina Relles and Mrs. Joanna H. Gwinn Dr. Mark Alexander Alumna Carolyn Duran (PhD ’98), Mr. William D. Hays, Jr. Rocco vice president in the data center and Mrs. Carla C. Hays Prof. James M. Rondinelli Ms. Jamie Heisserer and Ms. Jessica Tran group and general manager of Prof. Mark C. and Nguyen memory and I/O technologies at Mrs. Susan Hersam Mr. Andrew Joseph Intel Corporation, delivered the Rowberg William J. Hillegas, PhD address at the Northwestern Aaron Wilbur Saak, PhD and Ms. Kathleen Engineering PhD Hooding Ceremony Branson Hillegas and Jennifer Saak, PhD in June. She advised the graduates Mr. Peter Case Hosbein, Sr. Schwab Charitable Fund and Mrs. Allison Hosbein Dinesh K. Shetty, PhD to leverage the intellectual curiosity, Mr. Peter Willoughby Sung Chul Shin, PhD creative thinking, and problem- Hosbein, Jr. and Mrs. Won-Ki Min solving skills developed in their Mr. James P. Hughes John S. Smart, III PhD programs in order to tackle the Mr. Giancarlo Marti Izzi and Ms. Victoria O. world’s biggest challenges. Mr. William Jeffrey Jeang Smart Mr. Stuart R. Kaltz Ms. Kelsey Ann Stoerzinger and Mr. Rene Maurice Boiteau

Materials Science and Engineering • Fall 2019 9 ALUMNI HONORED

Sung-Chul Shin and Michael S. Arnold received awards at the annual banquet

wo outstanding alumni from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering Twere recognized at the 2019 Annual Alumni Celebration in May. Sung-Chul Shin received the Distinguished Career Achievement Award, and Michael S. Arnold received the Early Career Achievement Award.

Sung-Chul Shin (PhD ’84) Shin is an internationally renowned scientist in the field of nanomagnetism, having made pioneering contributions to understanding the magnetization reversal dynamics. An innovative leader in higher education, he has served as the 16th — and first alumnus — president of KAIST since 2017. Michael S. Arnold (PhD ’06, Stupp and Hersam) Arnold is a professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he directs the Advanced Materials for Energy and Electronics Group. His research seeks to overcome the fundamental challenges to exploit the transformative potential of carbon nanomaterials in Top: Sung-Chul Shin (center) with his wife, and his wife, Won-Ki Min, and Professor Erik Luijten (opto)electronics technology. Bottom: From left: Professor Samuel Stupp, Michael Arnold, and Professor Mark Hersam

Upcoming Dow Lecture: Dow Lecture: Cohen Lecture: Nicola Spaldin Andrea Liu Christopher Murray Special Lectures ETH Zurich University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania October 29, 2019 November 5, 2019 January 13-14, 2020

10 Northwestern University • McCormick School of Engineering Chad Mirkin received a 2019 Nakamura Award Yvonne Chart received the Hilliard Award for FACULTY NEWS from the American Association for Advances in Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. Functional Materials.

John Rogers received the 2018 Materials Research Society Medal “for pioneering contributions to materials for diverse classes of bio-integrated electronic systems.” He also received a 2019 Nakamura Award from the American Association for Advances in Functional Materials.

Professor Jian Cao William Jeang

Jian Cao was named a fellow of the American William Jeang (Rogers) received the Acta Association for the Advancement of Science. Materialia Inc. Undergraduate Scholarship from the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.

Postdoctoral student Jae-Yel Lee (Seidman) won the third prize Jan Evetts Award for an article that appeared in the journal Superconductor Science Professor David Seidman and Technology.

David Seidman received the 2019 Peter NSF Graduate Fellowships were awarded to Duncumb Award from the Microanalysis Society Young-Ah Lucy Lee (Odom), Stephanie Liu honoring his exceptional contribution to the (Hersam), Surabhi Madhavapathy (Rogers), Elodie field of microanalysis through improved Sandraz (Wolverton), and Garrett Watson (Luijten). atomistic characterization with atom probe Professor Stephen Carr tomography. He was also elected to the Tel Aviv University Board of Governors and Daniel Ng (Dunand) received the Hilliard Award Stephen Carr was named a fellow of the named a member of the European Union for Research and Design for his project titled Society of Plastics Engineers. Academy of Sciences. “Effect of Rafting on Tensile Creep of Single Crystal Cobalt-based Superalloy.” Robert P. H. Chang and Mercouri Kanatzidis received one of the US Department of Energy’s Jakob Reinke (Barnett), Joshua Winograd Ten at Ten Awards for creating the first (Rogers), and Cristabella Wolff were awarded demonstration of all-solid-state solar cells Menezes Summer Research Awards. using halide perovskite materials through the Center for Light Energy Activated Redox Joshua Roan (Stupp) was awarded a Meister Processes. Summer Research Award.

Ali Erdemir, adjunct professor and distinguished fellow and senior scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, was elected to ALUMNI NEWS Professor Sam Stupp the National Academy of Engineering. Jim Ciston (PhD ’09, Marks) a staff scientist Sam Stupp was elected to the National Academy at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, of Inventors in recognition of his seminal work on received a PECASE award. bioactive and supramolecular materials. Charles Kuehmann (PhD ’94, Olson) and Chris Schuh (PhD ’01) were elected to the STUDENT NEWS National Academy of Engineering.

Graduate student Megan Beck (Hersam) earned Advanced battery materials startup NanoGraf a fall 2018 Materials Research Society Gold Corporation (formerly SiNode Systems), Graduate Student Award. She also received the co-founded by Joshua Lau (’12, MS ’12) and Outstanding Collegiate Member Award from the Thomas Yu (PhD ’17), received an additional Professor Mark Hersam Society of Women Engineers. $7.5 million from the United States Advanced Battery Consortium to continue progress on the Mark Hersam received one of the US commercialization of high-energy anode materials. Department of Energy’s Ten at Ten Awards for Leah Borgsmiller received the Outstanding developing new electrode technologies for MSE Junior Award. next-generation lithium-ion batteries. The Former postdoc researcher in Professor David technology is the basis for Hersam’s battery Paul Brown received the Outstanding MSE Duannd’s group, Cong Wang, has been selected to startup company, Volexion, which he co- Sophomore Award. He also received a Meister receive the 2019 ASM Silver Medal Award at the founded with Ted Seo (’10, PhD ’16, Hersam). Summer Research Award. Materials Science & Technology 2019 conference.

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Pardon Our Dust: Teaching Lab Renovation Underway

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University is reimagining its Teaching Lab for faculty and students. Construction began this summer on a revamped space in Cook Hall that will enhance the learning experience of MSE students as well as increase the Department’s visibility to the Northwestern community.

Designed to promote an environment of active learning and facilitate small group work on both experimental and computational problems, the Teaching Lab will feature experimental lab stations around the perimeter of the main room, as well as two adjacent rooms that will house facilities for materials processing, synthesis, and characterization.

The new Teaching Lab is expected to open in time for the start of fall 2019 classes.