Syllabus PPS 280S.01; LAW 585 Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Not-for-Profit Management Department of Public Policy Studies and the School of Law Duke University Spring Semester, 2011 Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Sanford 003 Professor Joel L. Fleishman 239 Sanford Institute (919) 613-7376
[email protected] This syllabus will guide our proceedings, gently and flexibly. Although I may adjust it as we proceed, I do not anticipate major departures. I will advise you of significant changes, if any, at least a couple of weeks in advance. BOOKS TO PURCHASE: James Fishman and Stephen Schwarz, Nonprofit Organizations: Cases and Materials, 4th ed. Foundation Press, 2010. Brian O'Connell, ed., America's Voluntary Spirit: A Book of Readings. The Foundation Center, 1983. Jim Collins, Good to Great and the Social Sectors: A Monograph to Accompany Good to Great. Jim Collins, 2005. Most required readings, except for Fishman/Schwarz, O'Connell, and Collins, will be available on the course Blackboard site. The items listed “for further reading” are not assigned; they are available either in the files in my office or on the library electronic databases. As new articles of importance are published during the semester, they will appear on the Blackboard site or be circulated in class; please check the Blackboard site regularly for announcements regarding additions or changes to the reading assignments. I will also distribute additional clippings or readings every week, not intended to be assignments but to be illustrations that will inform class discussions. I encourage members of the class to communicate with one another and with me via e-mail in between class sessions so as to enrich class discussion and participation.