H-Empire ANN: Dimitris Stamatopoulos (ed.), Balkan Nationalism(s) and the , vol.3, Istanbul: The Isis Press 2015

Discussion published by Stamatopoulos Dimitrios on Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dear colleagues

I am pleased to announce the publication of a three-volume collective work entitled:

Dimitris Stamatopoulos (Editor), Balkan Nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire,vol.3, The Isis Press: Istanbul 2015

The tables of the contents of the three volumes are the following

Best regards

Dimitris Stamatopoulos

Associate Professor

Dept. of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies

University of

156 Egnatia Str.


Dimitris Stamatopoulos (Editor). Balkan Nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire,vol 3., The Isis Press: Istanbul 2015

Vol I: National Movements and Representations

Table of Contents

Dimitris Stamatopoulos, , Introduction p.7

1. Miroslav Hroch, University of Prague, Is There a Southeast European Type of Nation- Formation? p.13

Citation: Stamatopoulos Dimitrios. ANN: Dimitris Stamatopoulos (ed.), Balkan Nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire, vol.3, Istanbul: The Isis Press 2015. H-Empire. 10-14-2015. https://networks.h-net.org/node/5293/discussions/89218/ann-dimitris-stamatopoulos-ed-balkan-nationalisms-and-ottoman Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 1 H-Empire

2. Raymond Detrez, Ghent University, The Orthodox Christian Community in Ottoman Ohrid in the Pre-National Period (Late 18th- Early 19th Century, p.29

3. Evguenia Davidova, Portland State University, The 19th Century Balkan Bourgeoisie: Praised and Villified (Some Historiographical Approaches), p.47

4. Charalambos Minaoglou, University of Athens, Ottomans, Habsburgs, Romanovs, and French Revolutionaries: To Whom Were the Phanariots Loyal? , p.63

5. Ştefan Petrescu, Romanian Academy, Negotiating Political Identity: The Ottoman in 19th-Century Danubian Principalities, p.75

6. Athanasia-Marina Tsetlaka, University of Macedonia, The Rise of Greek Nationalism and the Greek-Speaking Muslims (Vallaades) in Western Macedonia, p.89

7. Dimitris Stamatopoulos, University of Macedonia, Between Middle Classes and Grand Bourgeoisie: Hegemony and Nationalism in the Greek Orthodox Community of Thessaloniki from the Bulgarian Schism (1872) to the Slaughter of the Consuls (1876), p.101

8. Nicole Immig, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen/Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Ottoman Past, National Discourses on Muslim Populations and Their Architectural Legacy in Arta and , p.143

9. Ioannis Glavinas, General Archives of the Greek State,In Search of a New Balance: The Symbiosis Between Christian and Muslim Inhabitants of the Greek State, 1912-1923, 159

10. Eleni Kyramarglou, University of Aegean, Renaming the Balkan Map: The Change of Toponyms in Greek Macedonia (1909-1928), p.179

11. John Mazis, Hamline University, Ion Dragoumis and Proto-Fascism: An Answer to Failed Irredentism and Stillborn Modernization, p.191

12. Ümit Eser, SOAS, University of London, A Versatile Text for the Propagation of Nationalism: Under the Yoke (Pod Igoto) by Ivan Vazov, p.207

13. Francesco La Rocca, Central European University, Troublesome Self-Representations: The Albanian Ottoman Past in Gjergj Fishta’s Lahuta e Malcis (The Highland Lute), p.223

14. Elias G. Skoulidas, Institute of Technology, ‘Intra-Balkanisms’: The Discourse of the ‘Other’ Among the Balkan Peoples. Aspects of the Greek Discourse Towards the Albanians in the Late 19th Century, p.240

15. Aytül Tamer Torun, Gazi University, The Balkan Imagination of Balkan-Origin Intellectuals: From Ottomanism to Nationalism, p.251

Citation: Stamatopoulos Dimitrios. ANN: Dimitris Stamatopoulos (ed.), Balkan Nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire, vol.3, Istanbul: The Isis Press 2015. H-Empire. 10-14-2015. https://networks.h-net.org/node/5293/discussions/89218/ann-dimitris-stamatopoulos-ed-balkan-nationalisms-and-ottoman Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 2 H-Empire

Vol II: Political Violence and the Balkan Wars

Table of Contents

1. Vemund Aarbake, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Uneven Nation Formation and the Disruptive Effect of the Balkan Wars, p.7

2.Tasos Kostopoulos, , Revolutionary and Counterrevolutionary Violence in late Ottoman Macedonia (1897-1912): Political Goals, Technical Patterns, and Nationalized Memories, p.23

3. Fuat Dündar, TOBB University of and Technology,“Balance of Criminality” : Recording and Observing the Ethnic Conflicts in the Mürzsteg Macedonia (1903-1909), p.47

4. Cengiz Yolcu, Istanbul 29 Mayis University, Depiction of the Enemy: Ottoman Propaganda Books in the Balkan wars of 1912-1913, p.57

5. Igor Despot, Independent Researcher, Hristofor Hesapchiev and the Balkan Wars, p.81

6. Leonidas Rados, A.D. Xenopol History Institute, The War “at Home”: States of Mind and Testimonies in Romania during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913), p.95

7. Keith Brown, Thomas J. Watson Institute, Brown UniversityHow Trauma Travels: Oral History’s Means and Ends, p.127

8. Karl Kaser, , Visual Modernity and the Balkan Wars (1912-13), p.143

9. Michel De Dobbeleer, Ghent University, Chronotopes on Wheels: Anna Karenina and the Train Episodes in Trotsky’s Balkan War, p.165

10. Ante Bralić, , Scope and Limitations of Dalmatian Politics Regarding the Balkan Wars (1912-1913), p.187

Vol. III: The Young Turk Revolution and Ethnic Groups

Table of Contents

1. Evanghelos Hekimoglou, The Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki,The Greek Community of Thessaloniki and the Challenge of the Young Turks, 1908-1912, p.7

2. Fujinami Nobuyoshi, Tsuda College,Privileged but Equal: The Privilege Question in the Context of Ottoman Constitutionalism, p.33

3. Ileana Moroni, University of Basel, The Transformation of Loyalties as a Continuous process: Ottomanism and its Different Versions in the Aftermath of the Young Turk Revolution, p.61

Citation: Stamatopoulos Dimitrios. ANN: Dimitris Stamatopoulos (ed.), Balkan Nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire, vol.3, Istanbul: The Isis Press 2015. H-Empire. 10-14-2015. https://networks.h-net.org/node/5293/discussions/89218/ann-dimitris-stamatopoulos-ed-balkan-nationalisms-and-ottoman Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 3 H-Empire

4. Euripides P. Georganopoulos, Independent Researcher, The Young Turks’ Policy Towards the Greeks of Pontus in the Elections of 1908 and 1913, p.79

5. , Independent Researcher,The Young Turk Movement and its Impact on the Thessaloniki’s Jews, p.97

6. Tina Georgieva, University of Sofia, The Young Turks Revolution and the Changes in Russia’s Balkan Policy, p.107

7. Yura Konstantinova, Institute for Balkan Studies and Center of Thracology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, The Young Turks’ Hürriyet and the Bulgarians’ Hopes, p.117

8. Zorka Parvanova, Institute for Balkan Studies and Center of Thracology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, The Policy of the Young Turks and the Bulgarian-Greek Rapprochment, 1908-1912, p.127

9. Ilir Kalemaj and Konstantinos Giakoumis, University of New York in Tirana, Oscillating Between Inclusionary Autonomy and Secessionist Independence: Identification Shifts and the Dynamics of Albanian Perceptions of the Young Turks Movement, p.155

10. James N. Tallon, Lewis University, The Albanian Villayets of the Ottoman Empire: Between Young Turks (or CUP) and Balkan Players, 1909-1912, p.173

11. Duygu Coşkuntuna, The Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, Boğaziçi University, Mothers, Spies and Signs: Unionist Perceptions of Women at Fin-de-Siècle, p. 189

12. Vemund Aarbakke, Vasileios Koutsoukos and Georgios Niarchos,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, The Independent Republic of Gumuldjina (1913): A New Test for Young Turk Policymakers, p.213

Citation: Stamatopoulos Dimitrios. ANN: Dimitris Stamatopoulos (ed.), Balkan Nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire, vol.3, Istanbul: The Isis Press 2015. H-Empire. 10-14-2015. https://networks.h-net.org/node/5293/discussions/89218/ann-dimitris-stamatopoulos-ed-balkan-nationalisms-and-ottoman Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 4