NES. E YILDIZ Harkness Hall 222 Department of Economics Rochester, NY 14627 University of Rochester
[email protected] (585) 275-5782 Employment University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. Associate Professor, Department of Economics, July 2014 - present. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, January, 2007 -July 2014 . University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, September, 2005 - December, 2006. Education Stanford University, Stanford, California. Ph.D. Economics, September 2005. Dissertation Title: Essays on Estimation of Discrete Choice Models with Endogeneity. Principal advisors: Edward J. Vytlacil and Takeshi Amemiya. Reading Committee: Aprajit Mahajan. M.S. Mathematics, September 1998-June 1999. M.A. Economics, January 1997. Bo˘gazi¸ci Universitesi,¨ Istanbul,_ Turkey. B.A. Business Administration and Economics. June, 1993. Research Publications and Forthcoming Papers \Dummy Endogenous Variables in Weakly Separable Models," with Edward J. Vytlacil, Econo- metrica, 2007, Vol. 75, No. 3:757-779. \Identifying Misspecified Propensity Scores and Program Evaluation," with Azeem M. Shaikh, Marianne Simonsen and Edward J. Vytlacil, Journal of Econometrics, 2009, Vol. 151, No. 1:33- 46. \Consistency of Plug-In Estimators of Upper Contour and Level Sets," Econometric Theory, 2012, Vol. 28, No. 2:309-327. \Jackknife CUE with Nearly-Singular Design and Many Weak Moment Asymptotics," with Mehmet Caner, Journal of Econometrics, 2012, Special Issue for 30th Anniversary of GMM, Vol. 170, No. 2:422-441. \Estimation of Binary Choice Models with Linear Index and Dummy Endogenous Variables," Econometric Theory, 2013, Vol. 29, No. 2:354-392. \Identification of Parameters in an Asymmetric Perfect Information Game," Economics Letters, 2011, Vol. 112, No. 3:243-46.