Virtual Machine Technologies and Their Application In The Delivery Of ICT William McEwan n Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology Christchurch, New Zealand
[email protected] ABSTRACT related areas - a virtual machine or network of virtual machines can be specially configured, allowing an Virtual Machine (VM) technology was first ordinary user supervisor rights, and it can be tested implemented and developed by IBM to destruction without any adverse effect on the corporation in the early 1960's as a underlying host system. mechanism for providing multi-user facilities This paper hopes to also illustrate how VM in a secure mainframe computing configurations can greatly reduce our dependency on environment. In recent years the power of special purpose, complex, and expensive laboratory personal computers has resulted in renewed setups. It also suggests the important additional role interest in the technology. This paper begins that VM and VNL is likely to play in offering hands-on by describing the development of VM. It practical experience to students in a distance e- discusses the different approaches by which learning environment. a VM can be implemented, and it briefly considers the advantages and disadvantages Keywords: Virtual Machines, operating systems, of each approach. VM technology has proven networks, e-learning, infrastructure, server hosting. to be extremely useful in facilitating the Annual NACCQ, Hamilton New Zealand July, 2002 www. Annual NACCQ, Hamilton New Zealand July, teaching of multiple operating systems. It th offers an alternative to the traditional 1. INTRODUCTION approaches of using complex combinations Virtual Machine (VM) technology is not new. It was of specially prepared and configured OS implemented on mainframe computing systems by the images installed via the network or installed IBM Corporation in the early 1960’s (Varian 1997 pp permanently on multiple partitions or on 3-25, Gribben 1989 p.2, Thornton 2000 p.3, Sugarman multiple physical hard drives.