

Foreword VII

H. USINGER Vegetation and climate of the lowlands of northern Central and adjacent areas around the * Preboreal transition - with special emphasis on the Preboreal oscillation 1

P. DE KLERK Changes in vegetation and environment at the Lateglacial - Holocene transition in Vorpommern (Northeast Germany) 27

N. BENECKE Faunal succession in the lowlands of northern Central Europe at the Pleistocene - Holocene transition 43

K. KAISER Geomorphic characterization of the Pleistocene - Holocene transition in Northeast Germany 53

K. MOLLER HANSEN/ E. BRINCH PETERSEN/ K. AARIS-S0RENSEN Filling the gap: Early Preboreal Magiemose elk deposits at Lundby, Sjaslland, Denmark 75

M. S0RENSEN/ F. STERNKE N©rregard VI — Lateglacial hunters in transition 85

C. CASATI/ L. S0RENSEN/ M. VENNERSDORF Current research of the early on Bornholm, Denmark 113

M. KOBUSIEWICZ The problem of the Palaeolithic - Mesolithic transition on the Polish Plain: state of research 133

I. CLAUSEN The antler of the Allemd period from Klappholz LA 63, Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg/ Germany. Is it a relict of the Federmesser, Brotnme or Ahrensburg culture? 141 E. CZIESLA Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic cultural continuity - or: bone and antler objects from the Havelland 165

B. GRAMSCH From the Late Palaeolithic to the early Mesolithic in northeastern Germany 183

T. TERBERGER The Younger Dryas - Preboreal transition in northern Germany — facts and concepts in discussion 203

D. STAPERT Magiemose and Duvensee: Spatial analysis with 'ANALITHIC 223

G. DALMERI/ S. FERRARI/ M. PERESANI Rise and fall in the utilization of trapezoidal during the late Upper Palaeolithic in Europe - an overview from the Italian record 243

Y. KUDO Reconsidering the geochronological and archaeological framework of the late Pleistocene - early Holocene transition on the Japanese islands 253

List of contributors 269