David Brown Book Company Riksantikvarieabetet (National Heritage Board of Sweden) Produced at 4:18 PM on Wednesday 31 October 2012

Fire, Water, Heaven and Earth: Ritual Practice and Cosmology in Ancient - An Indo-European Perspective by Anders Kaliff Archaeological excavations of prehistoric Scandinavian graves and ritual sites often reveal seemingly enigmatic and contradictory features. Interpretation from a comparative Indo-European perspective allows a partly new approach to material which at first sight seems fragmentary and anonymous. The interpretations in this book proceed from cosmological beliefs occurring in various Indo-European traditions. The author discusses mortuary practices and votive customs in ancient Scandinavian tradition in a long-term perspective, with a comparative Indo-European approach. 216p, b/w and col illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2007) Paperback. ISBN 9789172094505. Price US$36.00 Archaeology in the East and the West: Papers Presented at the Sino-Sweden Archaeology Forum, Beijing in September 2005 edited by Anders Kaliff The book presents papers from a conference that was held in Beijing on 26-27 September 2005, in collaboration between the Swedish National Heritage Board (NHB) and the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). The conference marked a fresh start for archaeological collaboration between Sweden and China. There is a long tradition of cooperation between China and Sweden in the field of archaeology and both the conference itself and the present publication are further developments in this cooperation. This book is an overview of the work done by each country and institution in the field of archaeology and neighbouring disciplines. The papers describe archaeological projects and problems, such as urbanization processes and 'Neolithization', and the special sciences pursued in respective institutions: palaeobotany, osteology, archaeometallurgy, conservation, and digital survey methods. 302p, b/w and col illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet `(Swedish Heritage Board) 2007) Paperback. ISBN 9789172094697. Price US$36.00 In the Wake of a Woman: The Pioneering of North-Eastern Scania, Sweden, 10,000-5000 BC: The Årup Settlements edited by Per Karsten Late Palaeolithic - as well as Early and Middle - material and settlement remains from the Ahrensburg culture, from a newly excavated site, are presented and interpreted in detail. The well preserved remains give new insights into everyday life and rituals. The Årup site is rapidly becoming a classic site of Scandinavian archaeology. 200p, b/w illus (Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2006) Hardback. ISBN 9789172094123. Price US$37.00 Identities in Transition: Mesolithic Strategies in the Swedish Province of Ostergotland edited by G Gruber This is a book about Mesolithic strategies in the Swedish province of Östergötland. The publication is based on the material discovered in connection with recent contract archaeology in Östergötland. In the last fifteen our knowledge of the period has grown enormously: this book is an attmept to present the current state of research. CONTENTS: The Mesolithic in Östergötland - An introduction (Tom Carlsson, Göran Gruber and Fredrik Molin); From blank spot to focal point: An eastern Swedish site from a south Scandinavian perspective (Lars Larsson); Home, sweet home: The spatial story of Mesolithic settlement organisation in Östergötland (Tom Carlsson); Leister fishing in Motala Ström during the Atlantic period: A typological study based on the finds from the Motala site, Östergötland (Thomas Bergstran); From the hunter's point of view: Animal bones from the Motala site (Joakim Åberg); Actions in quartz: Some reflections on shiny white stones in eastern central Sweden (Roger Wikell); The flint from the settlement site in Motala: A study of raw material, , and function (Nicklas Eriksson); A more human society: Aspects of Mesolithic research (Magnus Rolöf); Mörby - the oldest settlement site in Östergötland (Anders Kaliff); Between ancient Vättern and the Ancylus Lake: Early Mesolithic settlement in the Motala district in western Östergötland (Fredrik Molin); Many Mesolithic sites along the shores: Some results from surveys in Kolmàrden and Vikbolandet, Östergötland in eastern central Sweden (Roger Wikell); Newly discovered sites on the shores of the Littorina Sea (Alf Ericsson and Roger Wikell). 204p, b/w illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2005) Paperback. ISBN 9789172093867. Price US$24.00 Where the River Bends - Under the Boughs of Trees: Strandvägen, a Late Mesolithic Settlement in Eastern Middle Sweden by Tom Carlsson The publication focuses on the Strandvägen site located in the town of Motala, Östergötland, Sweden. The volume looks at what shaped the material expression at the site during five hundred years of the 6th millennium BC (5500 - 5000 B.C). Several empirical studies of the material culture are conducted and presented in order to compare their various spatial connections and social relations between individuals and groups. The changes in the Mesolithic cultures of southern Scandinavia nevertheless illustrate that these were part of a well-functioning network of long-distance contacts in which several important stimuli for change were transmitted. 380p, 65 b/w illus (Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2008) Hardback. ISBN 9789172095021. Price US$36.00 The Ecology of Expansion and Abandonment: Medieval and Post-Medieval Agriculture and Settlement in a Landscape Perspective by Per Lageràs This book tells the story of society and landscape change in a marginal upland area of southern Sweden during the last millennium. The study reveals a fascinating interplay between periods of colonization and expansion on the one hand and periods of decline and abandonment on the other. By using palaeoecological analyses in combination with archaeological data and written records, the author places the local society in a larger context. From a landscape/ecological perspective, he discusses the medieval settlement expansion, the Black Death, iron production, the Little Ice Age, heathland formation, and the introduction of silviculture - topics that are relevant to large areas of northern and beyond. 256p, 52 b/w illus (Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2007) Paperback. ISBN 9789172094413. Price US$24.00 Djurhàllning och betesdrift: Djur, människor och landskap i västra Östergötland under yngre bronsàlder och alder järnàlder by Maria Petersson From multifaceted archaeological material this book analyses and describes animal husbandry and its organization in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. The focus is on the analysis of livestock management and the structure of agriculture organization. The overall aim is to illuminate the role of animal husbandry in prehistoric society. 283p, 155 b/w illus, 11 col illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2006) Hardback. ISBN 9789172094147. Price US$26.00 Ecology and Economy in and Bronze Age Scania edited by Karl-Göran Sjögren The book presents research on past vegetation, landscape and land-use in a rural district in western Scania, southern Sweden. The investigations were part of the West Coast Line Project, a large-scale archaeological project in connection with the expansion of the West Coast railway line. Thanks to careful surveying and a well-thought strategy - both of wetlands and of archaeological features during the excavations - it has been possible to shed light on a number of interesting problems concerning the relationship between humans and their environment. Topics discussed are for instance forest composition, Mesolithic plant use, shore-line displacement, the introduction of cultivation, agricultural systems during the and Bronze Ages, and Bronze Age cosmology and society. 218p, 50 b/w illus. (Riksantikvarieabetet (National Heritage Board of Sweden) 2006) Hardback. ISBN 9789172094451. Price US$30.00 Järnàldersbönder vid Öresund Band 2: Metod- och materialstudier edited by Anne Carlie This is the second of two volumes dealing with the Iron Age of western Scania, Sweden. This volume has articles on methodology, and presents the archaeological material. In Swedish and Danish, with English summaries. 221p, b/w and col illus (Skànska spàr - Arkeologi längs Västkustbanan, Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2006) Hardback. ISBN 9789172094024. Price US$30.00 Byarnas bönder: Medeltida samhällsförändring i Västskàne edited by Mats Mogren Contract archaeology in western Scania, south Sweden, village formation and village structure, as well as societal relations in the landscape, are discussed as part of the greater context of societal transformation during the Early and High Middle Ages. In Swedish, with English summaries. 322p, b/w illus (Skànska spàr - Arkeologi längs Västkustbanan, Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2005) Hardback. ISBN 9789172094017. Price US$30.00 Gravspràk som religiös strategi: Valsta och Skälby i Attundaland under vikingatid och tidig medeltid by Gunnar Andersson An academic dissertation from Stockholm University dealing with expressions of changing funeral rites and beliefs in graves of the Viking Age and early Middle Ages just outside Stockholm, Sweden. The emphasis of the analysis is on the belief systems of ordinary people in the pagan-Christian interface. In Swedish, with an English summary. 180p, 60 b/w and col illus (Arkeologiska Undersökningar 91, Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2005) Paperback. ISBN 9789172093911. Price US$20.00 Järnàldersbönder vid Öresund Band 1: Specialstudier och syntes edited by Anne Carlie Settlement, economy, crafts and societal structure are some of the themes explored in this, the first of two volumes dealing with the Iron Age of western Scania, Sweden. Special issues discussed include the impact of the expanding Roman Empire on South Scandinavian societies. In Swedish and Danish, with English summaries. 500p, b/w illus (Skànska spàr - Arkeologi längs Västkustbanan, Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2005) Hardback. ISBN 9789172094000. Price US$30.00 Liunga. Kaupinga: Kulturhistoria och arkeologi i Linköpingsbygden edited by Anders Kaliff & Göran Tagesson A survey of the archeology of the area around the important bishop's seat and town of Linköping, Sweden, which discusses the origins of the establishment. The town is discussed within the context of the landscape. In Swedish, with English abstracts. 328p, col illus (Arkeologiska Undersökningar 60, Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2005) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093928. Price US$30.00 Tidens resenärer: Arkeologiska händelser längs vägen mellan Köping och Kolsva edited by Leif Karlenby A volume about archaeology along an ancient road in central Sweden. 14 articles deal with settlements, cemeteries and the road itself during the 3000 years that the road was in use. In Swedish. 240p, 110 b/w illus (Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish Heritage Board) 2005) Hardback. ISBN 9789172094031. Price US$30.00 Making Place in the Landscape by Magnus Andersson 270p (Swedish Archaeological Authority 2004) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093287. Price US$30.00 Stone Age Scania by Magnus Andersson, Per Karsten, Bo Knarrström and Mac Svensson Few national bodies carrying out archaeology ever attempt to synthesise their work which is a shame if this book is in any way typical of this type of approach. Published by the Excavations Department at the Swedish National Heritage Board, this book represents a synthesis of up-to-date research and re-evaluation of studies focusing on the Stone Age in Scania. Beyond its reconstruction of the cultural history of this period, it also addresses many issues concerned with the methodology of contract archaeology and how it differs from university-based research. Covering a long period from the first settlers in Scania c.12,000 BP to the end of the Middle Neolithic c.4300 BP, each chapter is written by a different author(s) and contains lots of photographs, drawings and maps. A well written and well presented study which makes you look forward to the next volume on the Bronze Age. 256p, many col pls and figs (Riksantikvarieämbetets Förlag Skrifter No. 52, 2004) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093270. Price US$37.50 Rescue and Research: Reflections of Society in Sweden 700-1700 edited by Lars Ersgard, Marie Holmstrom and Kristina Lamm This volume provides a review and survey of results from Swedish rescue and research archaeology relating to the medieval and post-medieval periods. Six chapters look at towns (4 general, 2 on Visby and Vadstena); three chapters describe methodological problems in urban archaeology; three describe economic topics; three describe rural settlement. It is a useful review elegantly translated into English by Helen Ckarke. 352p with text figs and b/w photos. (Riksantikvarieambetet, Arkeologiska undersokningar Skrifter No.2 1992) Hardback. ISBN 9789171928597. Price US$40.00 Aristokratiskt rum och gransoverskridande by Bengt Söderberg The early Medieval aristocratic setting in Järrestad, south-east Scania, Sweden is in focus for this doctoral dissertation in archaeology about the emergence of political structures immediately preceding the south Scandinavian state formation. The site with its sequence of halls shows a conspicuous resemblance especially to the Danish site Tisso is interpreted as part of an aristocratic network involving these and other sites. Swedish text. 518p, b/w illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2005) Paperback. ISBN 9789172093812. Price US$25.00 Bronsaldersbygd 2300-500 f.Kr. edited by Per Lageràs and Bo Strömberg A broad presentation of the archaeology of the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age in south Scandinavia in general and western Scania, Sweden in particular, comprising building traditions, settlement structure, landscape analyses, burial customs and ritual. Swedish Text. 560p, b/w illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2005) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093768. Price US$32.00 Byggnadstradition och bebyggelseStruktur under senneolitikum och bronsàlder by Magnus Artursson Supplement volume to Bronsàldersbygd 2300-500 f.Kr presenting the archaeological data set for the building traditions and settlement structure chapters in the main volume. Swedish text. 138p, b/w illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2005) Paperback. ISBN 9789172093829. Price US$12.00 Ett bredare falt edited by Hanna Menander and Fredrik Molin Popular presentation of the results from an archaeological project at Linköping airport in Östergötland, Sweden. Swedish text. 108p, col. illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2005) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093782. Price US$25.00 Aktuella metodfragor I by M. Lonn The first volume in a planned series of books, which presents recent advances in archaeological method, especially within the field of contract archaeology. The ten articles ranges from urban stratigraphy to surveying boglands, from soil leaching to digital documentation systems. Swedish Text. 176p, b/w illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2004) Paperback. ISBN 9789172093652. Price US$17.00 Att fora gudarnas talan by Magnus Andersson The find of three small, golden or gilded, phallic figurines from the mid first millennium AD at Lunda, central Sweden in 2002 forms the basis of a comparative analysis and discussion about pre-christian cosmology and ritual. The figurines are tentatively interpreted as representations of the pagan gods Frey and Ull. 180p, col illus, in Swedish with English summary and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2004) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093577. Price US$32.00 Forntida byggnadskult by A. Carlie The first interregional study from northern Europe of ritual and magical depositions in houses in , from the Neolithic to Early Middle Ages. This "private" cult in the individual farm context comprise rites of passage in connection with the construction and inauguration as well as the abandonment and demolition of houses, but also magical depositions for protection against evil beings, diseases and lightning. The book has an appended catalogue of ca. 330 houses from Sweden and Denmark where such depositions have been found. 366p, b/w illus, in Swedish with English summy and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2004) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093621. Price US$30.00 Gardar fran forr by G. Lindman Settlement studies with three Medieval and Early Modern farms in the northernmost part of the present-day Swedish west coast as point of departure. Culturally the area forms a part of the Oslo fiord region. Archaeological excavations and studies of early maps creates a basis for writing a settlement history. 242p, col illus, in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2004) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093584. Price US$30.00 Manniskor och kvarts by C. Lindgren The social dimension in during the Mesolithic in east central Sweden is in focus in this doctoral thesis. Technological changes around 4500 BC are seen as an indication of more profound changes in the structuring of society at this time. 310p, b/w illus., in Swedish with English summary and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet and Stockholm University 2004) Paperback. ISBN 9789172093454. Price US$22.00 Motesplats Motala by T. Carlsson Popular account of the discovery and excavation of an important Mesolithic settlement site at Motala, Östergötland, Sweden, which was partly under water. Among numerous finds are many well preserved bone implements, e.g. fish-hooks and fishspear points. 140p, col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2004) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093560. Price US$30.00 Neolitiska nedslag-Archeologiska Uppslag by J. Holm Six studies of the Early and Middle Neolithic in central Sweden, comprising articles on sacrificial deposits in settlement context, settlement structure analysis in cases of a scarcity of lithic remains, settlement structure from a religious point-of-view, quartz-knapping areas, a pitted-ware culture settlement and ceramic traditions. 140p, b/w and col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2004) Paperback. ISBN 9789172093751. Price US$20.00 Sparen i landskapet by Magnus Andersson Popular presentation of the archaeology and palaeo-ecology in a marginal, forested area of northern Scania, Sweden, where recent research has provided groundbreaking new knowledge. The emphasis is on the Mesolithic and on the Medieval and Post-Medieval periods and on the various aspects of the complementary economies of the forest. 112p, col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2004) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093645. Price US$25.00 Aderforkalkning och portvinstar by C. Arcini Arteriosclerosis and gout are two of the "welfare diseases" indicated in the skeletons from the Dominican monastery cemetery in Åhus, southern Sweden. The interesting osteological material from this site contradicts the popular notion of the Middle Ages as a period of harsh conditions. Very few women died in childbirth and a large number of individuals reached a mature age. However a relatively affluent society also entails bad teeth and different forms of cancer, which is also apparent in this material. The book is an easy read about a gruesome but fascinating subject. Swedish Text. 152p, b/w illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093133. Price US$30.00 I det neolitiska rummet by M. Svensson A collection of articles on the Neolithic of western Scania, Sweden, comprising a major overview of building traditions and settlement structure in the region, as well as studies of ceramics and sacrificial depositions. 295p, b/w and col illus., in Swdish with English summaries (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003) Hardback. ISBN 9789172092914. Price US$32.00 I Tyskebacken by Lars Karlsson The book presents results from an excavation project in an early industrial area in Norrköping, Sweden. During the 16th and 17th centuries the establishment of an arms factory and a brass foundry triggered off a development that made the town one of the largest in Sweden, second only to Stockholm. The town had a large immigrant population which also contributed to make the period a time of rapid change. 128p, b/w and col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003) Paperback. ISBN 9789172092990. Price US$22.00 Jarrestad by B. Soderberg A companion volume to "Aristokratiskt rum och gränsöverskridande" with ten articles on various aspects of the Järrestad investigations; archaeology, vegetation history, historical geography, palynology, osteology, palaeo-entomology, archaeo-metallurgy and ceramic studies. 432p, b/w illus., in Swedish with English summaries and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003) Paperback. ISBN 9789172093041. Price US$25.00 Landningsplats Forntiden by J. Anund The archaeological investigations in connection with the extension of the Stockholm-Arlanda airport are summarised in eight articles on pitted-ware culture, zoo-osteology, the relationship between prehistoric cemeteries and borders in the landscape, Neolithic settlement structure, the use of quartz and Early Modern settlement history and rural metal craft. 222p, b/w and col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003) Paperback. ISBN 9789172092945. Price US$30.00 Mittens Rike by L. Karlenby A volume of 29 articles on archaeology in the central Swedish historical province Närke, dealing with all periods from the first post-glacial colonisation to Early Modern crofters. The material comes from contract archaeological investigations during the decade preceding publication. 560p, b/w and col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093119. Price US$30.00 OstgotaPlatser by T. Carlsson Nineteen popular articles on sites in Östergötland, Sweden and the stories possible to tell about them. A companion volume to "Östgötafynd". 104p, col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003) Hardback. ISBN 9789172092938. Price US$25.00 Tagerup Excavations by Per Karsten The final synthesis of the results from Tàgerup in Sweden, one of the largest excavations of a Mesolithic site ever undertaken in northern Europe. It provides a new view of the Middle and Late Mesolithic, with interpretations of mentalities of the period never attempted before in Scandinavia, from a standpoint independent of the canon of contemporary Stone Age research. A major contribution to Mesolithic archaeology, this is a companion volume to "Tàgerup specialstudier". 254p, b/w and col illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003) Hardback. ISBN 9789172093027. Price US$32.00 Arkeologi i Vadstena by Rikard Hedvall Vadstena is a small late Medieval town dominated by the 13th century royal palace, the 14th century Brigittine double convent and the 16th century royal castle. When the latter was being built an entire part of the Medieval town was erased and its inhabitants evicted to other parts of the town. An excavation in 1995-1998 has documented the unique remains of this settlement, which gives new knowledge about the non-elite population in the town. Swedish text with CD-Rom. 140p, col. illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2002) Paperback. ISBN 9789172092860. Price US$25.00 Barnstensbaren by J. Runcis A publication of a unique Neolithic cemetery in south Sweden comprising graves of only children and youngsters buried two by two. The children were buried with miniatures of double-edged and maces. The conspicuous twin motif is tentatively discussed within the framework of some of the oldest myths of the Old World. 208p, col illus., in Swedish with English summary (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2002) Paperback. ISBN 9789172092693. Price US$25.00 Hallristarnas hem by H. Borna Ahlkvist This doctoral dissertation discusses the Bronze Age settlement at Pryssgàrden, one of Sweden's largest prehistoric settlement sites. The author uses the "cultural biography of houses" model for interpreting values and imaginary worlds and states that Bronze Age society was probably more individualistic that previously thought. 205p, b/w and col illus, in Swedish with English summary (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2002) Hardback. ISBN 9789172092419. Price US$30.00 Markvart, medeltida by Mats Mogren A collection of five articles on the archaeology of the Medieval and Early Modern periods in Scania, south Sweden. Excavations of Viking Age settlement, the Medieval town Falsterbo, the Hospital of the Holy Spirit in late Medieval Landskrona and a rural smithy are presented. 215p, b/w illus., in Swedish with English abstracts and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2002) Hardback. ISBN 9789172092853. Price US$20.00 Skanska regioner by A. Carlie Big collection of articles on the archaeology of the 1st millennium AD in Scania, Sweden. The 16 contributions deal with house building traditions and settlement structure, colonisation processes and land use patterns from archaeological, palaebotanical and geographical points-of-view, and pre-Christian ritual practice in the farm context and in " areas" where transitional and generative aspects were emphasised in the ritual actions. 688p, b/w illus., in Swedish with English abstracts and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2002) Hardback. ISBN 9789172092631. Price US$30.00 Urban Diversity: Archaeology in the Swedish Province of Ostergotland edited by Richard Hedvall With its six medieval towns, the province of Östergötland offers urban diversity. It has towns with roots in early medieval market places and assembly sites, central places for the new Christian religion and the nascent royal power, and towns with their economic background in mills and fisheries. Several of these early central placesreceived borough charters in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Some of them developed into the most important commercial towns and cultural centres of their time, while others soon declined in significance. Urban Diversity contains a number of articles reflecting the urban landscape of Östergötland, but it also gives a sample of the diversity of urban archaeology in recent years. 116p (Riksantikvarieambetet forlag 2002) Paperback. ISBN 9789172092655. Price US$22.00 Dansarna fran Bokeberg by Per Karsten About hunting, rituals and settlement by a lake in interior Scania, south Sweden towards the end of the Mesolithic. The title refers to the find of Sweden's oldest known depictions of humans, carved in antler and bone implements, which appear to be dancers. The presentation is unconventional, partly poetic, critical and funny, but entirely reliable. 191p, b/w and col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2001) Hardback. ISBN 9789172091962. Price US$30.00 Flint- A Scanian Hardware by B. Knarrstrom Studies of raw material utilization, flint technology and the function of tools in a long term perspective. Emphasizes that flint tools continued to be part of everyday life into the Iron Age and Medieval period. Doctoral dissertation. 207p, b/w illus (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2001) Hardback. ISBN 9789172092259. Price US$30.00 OstgotaFynd by K. Lindeblad Popular volume presenting 23 artifacts chosen by as many archaeologists from various sites in Östergötland, Sweden and covering the period from the Neolithic to Early Modern times. A companion volume to "Östgötaplatser". 64p, col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2001) Hardback. ISBN 9789172092198. Price US$20.00 Tagerup specialstudier edited by Per Karsten and Bo Knarrström A publication of results and interpretations of one of the largest excavations of a Mesolithic site ever undertaken in northern Europe, Tàgerup in Scania, Sweden. The site provided graves, houses and and a very large artifact and ecofact material due to the excellent preservation conditions at the site, which is presented in nine articles. The results have substantially altered the picture of the south Scandinavian Mesolithic. The book is a companion volume to the synthesis provided in "The Tàgerup Excavations". 325p, b/w and col illus, in Swedish with English summaries and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2001) Hardback. ISBN 9789172091993. Price US$32.00 Arkeologi och paleoekologi i sydvastra Smaland by P. Lageras Ten articles about archaeology and palaeo-ecology in a highland part of southern Sweden, from the Mesolithic to Early Iron Age. The archaeological landscape in this area is dominated by extensive areas of clearance which gives insights into early Iron Age land use patterns in a till region. 244p, b/w illus., in Swedish with English abstracts and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2000) Paperback. ISBN 9789172091825. Price US$25.00 Manniskors platser by Lars Ersgard A collection of thirteen articles on archaeology in Sweden, from early post-glacial settlement and lithic remains to Early Modern milling complexes. 240p, b/w illus., in Swedish with English abstracts and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2000) Paperback. ISBN 9789172091818. Price US$25.00 Porten till Skane by Fredrik Svanberg Löddeköpinge in Scania, Sweden is one of the most important early trading places in Scandinavia, dating from the 8th-14th centuries AD. It has been the object of numerous excavations for decades, but this book is the first to put the data together into a synthesis of the available knowledge on the site. The volume also includes special studies on textile production and , as well as an interpretative discussion on the -köpinge sites in south Scandinavia and an appended catalogue of sites in the area. 366p, b/w and col illus, CD-Rom, in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 2000) Hardback. ISBN 9789172091740. Price US$30.00 Senpaleolitikum i Skane by Hans Andersson An overview of the Late Palaeolithic in Scania, Sweden seen in a northwest European perspective. All the known sites found up to the end of the 20th century are presented and the climatic conditions, the fauna and the cultural contexts of the , Bromme and Ahrensburg cultures ar discussed. 127p, b/w illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1999) Hardback. ISBN 9789172091542. Price US$8.00 Carpe Scaniam by Per Karsten A set of nine articles about archaeology in Scania, south Sweden, Neolithic to Med/Post-Med. Flint technology, Bronze Age mounds, iron production and Medieval settlement are among the issues addressed. 195p, b/w illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1997) Paperback. ISBN 9789172090637. Price US$22.00 Det Starka landskapet by Lars Ersgard An archaeological study of a district in Dalecarlia, central Sweden from the Late Iron Age to the Early Medieval period. About colonisation, land use, iron production, vernacular cult and the relations to the emerging state society in central Sweden, but also about the formation and reproduction of local identities. 143p, b/w and col illus, in Swedish with English summary and captions (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1997) Paperback. ISBN 9789172090545. Price US$22.00 Regionalt och interregionalt by Lars Larsson A volume of seven thematic studies on Stone Age research in Sweden in the context of contract archaeology. Dealing with issues of Mesolithic regionality, Mesolithic stone axes, shore-line chronology, the neolithization process, the pitted-ware culture, continuity and change in the Late Neolithic and houses and huts from the Stone Age, the volume gives an overview of current knowledge up to the date of publication. 300p, b/w illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1997) Paperback. ISBN 9789172090774. Price US$15.00 Human Responses to Shore Displacement by A. Akerlund A study of littoral settlement during the Stone Age in east central Sweden. During the period this area was an archipelago and in this doctoral thesis the author shows that the material remains in this archipelago differs from that in the mainland, but also that the inner margin of the archipelago is more susceptible to change than the settlements in the outer islands. 221p, b/w illus (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1996) Paperback. ISBN 9789172090170. Price US$5.00 Medeltida landsbygd by Lars Ersgard A survey of the research history and varying problem orientation in the Swedish Medieval archaeology of rural settlement. A catalogue of excavations from 1955 to 1992 is appended. 111p, b/w and col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1996) Paperback. ISBN 9789172090071. Price US$10.00 Metodstudier & tolkningsmojligheter by H. 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Ullen A small volume of archaeological and archaeo-botanical studies on Bronze Age and Iron Age wells in central Sweden. 82p, b/w illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1995) Paperback. ISBN 9789171929891. Price US$5.00 Skenet fran det forflutna by Kaliff Popular presentation of the Bronze Age in Östergötland, Sweden with the excavations of the Ringeby site as point of departure. 112p, col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1995) Hardback. ISBN 9789171929624. Price US$10.00 Teoretiska perspektiv pa gravundersokningar i Sodermanland by Eriksson On the significance of variation within a Bronze Age cemetery and on the interpretations of graves without burials in the Early Iron Age, discussed from theoretical points-of-view. 40p, b/w illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1995) Paperback. ISBN 9789171929587. Price US$5.00 Arkeologi i Attundaland by Magnus Andersson A volume of four articles on archaeology in the early medieval "folkland" Attundaland, immediately north of Stockholm. Surveys, landscape archaeology and aristocratic graves. Swedish Text. 100p, b/w illus. (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1994) Paperback. ISBN 9789171929303. Price US$10.00 Stenskepp ochstorhog by Artelius Six articles on the theme of the religious and social symbolism of Bronze Age ship-formed graves and Iron Age large grave mounds in western Sweden. 96p, b/w and col illus., in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1994) Paperback. ISBN 9789171929334. Price US$10.00 En Vag med historia by Kaliff Popular account of the results from a large scale archaeological project in central Östergötland, Sweden comprising a Mesolithic camp-site, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement and cemeteries, and an Iron Age market place. 90p, col illus, in Swedish (Riksantikvarieämbetet 1992) Hardback. ISBN 9789171928733. Price US$15.00 Varldens aldsta tuggummi Popular presentation of archaeological results from the island of Orust on the Swedish west coast. Among the conspicuous finds are the oldest human bones from north Europe, traces of hunting for dolphins, one of the oldest known boats and perhaps one of the oldest known chewing-gums! Swedish text. Hernek, Popular presentation of archaeological results from the island of Orust on the Swedish west coast. Among the conspicuous finds are the oldest human bones from north Europe, traces of hunting for dolphins, one of the oldest known boats and perhaps one of the oldest known chewing-gums! Swedish text. Paperback. ISBN 9789171929815. Price US$10.00 Vem behover en by With point of departure in the excavations at the rural village Kyrkheddinge in Scania, Sweden, the author discusses explanations for the massive wave of village formation in the Middle Ages. For whom was the village an ideal form? The title translates "Who needs a village?" Swedish Text. Schmidt, K. With point of departure in the excavations at the rural village Kyrkheddinge in Scania, Sweden, the author discusses explanations for the massive wave of village formation in the Middle Ages. For whom was the village an ideal form? The title translates "Who needs a village?" Swedish Text. Paperback. ISBN 9789172092174. Price US$25.00