Glacier Office with Satisfactory Results." Trial

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Glacier Office with Satisfactory Results. HOOD RIVER GLAC1KK. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER C, iai7 VAN HORN OPTIM- COWS MUST BE TU GLEN COREY GETS ISTIC OVER DEAL BERCULIN TESTED MILITARY CHECK MYOTOMY ''It 'now looks as though every fruit Editor Glacier.: Judging from cor A check for $44.70 has been mailed While district would be a happy valley next Hay to office Make Red Crown's con- respondence coming this tt from the office of President W. J. spring, is the way Hurt van Horn, would seem that considerable misap- Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural Col- - tinuous chin of prominent new I or appie operator prehension exists among dairy farmers lege, to G. L. Corey, of Hood River, boiling points in. anl owner of heavy orchard holdings relative to the requirements of the law The check was drawn by the Quarter- - here and in western New York, sizes passed by the legislative assembly oi master of the U. S. War Department: sures complete' up the 1917 apple deal. pasteurization Sun Shines Iai7. which reauires the San to cover commutation the at Francisco combustion, pvery Mr. Van Horn, who arrived here of all milk and cream sold to consum of rations for the time spent by Mr. from Wenatchee, where he and his ers and all or creameries Corey in the Reserve Officers' Train-- drop gives full brjther, Willis Van Horn, annually or cheese factories if not produced ing Corps during the second semester j power. buy large blocks of the chief commer- from tuberculin tested cows. at the college. cial varieties, says that it was esti- Section 2 of chanter 332 of the gen the corps was not established at U. Mid - Summer Suggestions Include Standard OH Company mated at the recent New York city eral laws of 1917 reads as follows : A. C. until February, 1917, so that (ClliloraiU convention of the International Apple 'That from and after September 1, the sum represents the ration allow Shippers' Association, that the 1917 1917. it shall b unlawful for any per ance for but a part of one semester, crop would be 97 per cent o f that of son, firm, company, cprporation or asso- The corps will be maintained through- - Lawn Mowers, Rubber Garden last year. ciation to sell or offer or expose for out the coming college year, and the "I havebeen through the New York sale or exchange, for human consump- sum allowed for rations will be corres- - ofQualify fruit belt and other eastern fruit sec- tion, any milk from cows that have pondingly larger for each student tak-- ! Hose, Hay Forks, Rakes, tions as well as those of Washington not passed the tutereulin test, unless ing the advanced course, which is open very recently" says Mr. Van Horn, such milk shall have been pasteurized to all students who have had two Scythes, Etc. "and while it seems to me that the es- as hereinafter provided. It is under- years of military training. These stu- - timate may be a little heavy, I believe stood and expressly stated that noth dents will also be allowed free by the itis true that the fruit in every part of ing in this section shall apply to the government complete uniform of coat, the country is so clean and in such delivery of milk or cream to creamer breeches, leggings, cap, pair cotton cnoc3 condition this season that as many ies, cheese or condensed mim lactones breeches, service hat with cord, coat packed barrels and boxes will be of- bv the producer of such milk or cream. and collar ornaments, pair russet fered for sale this year as last. The or in bulklto the wholesale trade." shoes, and two flannel shirts. The COAL AND WOOD big New York district Is one place It will be noted irom tne reaung oi commutation allowance is $9 a month. PREPAREDNESS that is going to be considerably short the above that this part , of the law Students taking the course but lacking this year, because of weather condi- dos not apply in any way whatever to two years training will receive the tions working against the development any dairy larmer wno is seuing nis clothing and equipment but not the ra-- is the watch word of the day don't neglect Rock Springs and Utah Coal Best Grades Only. of blossoms and the maturity of fruit. milk or cream to a condensery, cream tion allowance. "Still everything is looking mighty ery, cheese factory, milk depot or any Fifty students received checks from that garden, we carry a complete stock of Garden good. With good values in sight grow- manuiacturing piant, out. uunueuo- - the Department foi first oavment. in Wood of all kinds special quotations on carload lots. pay good money for biu ers are ready to ery, creamery, cheese laciory, mine amounts running from $1.50 to $45, ig' Tools and prices will be found as low as first-cla- ss Crushed Rock add Sand and Gravel. " labor in the orchard and they are go- depot or manufacturing plant is held gregating $1381.20. The Department ing to prepare their product well. It responsible for the process oi pasteur- also recommends military scholarships goods be had any mail seems to me season is going can from order house that the ization. .. in the way of "small monetary allow- - to be characterized by the steady, even On the othei hand, if dairy farmers ance" to be available for advanced consumption of fruit. Growers are are making what is known as dairy students showing special aptitude for going to hasten their product to re- butter, or any other milk product and military service as officers. Relations STORAGE ceiving stations and it is.going at once selling the same directly to consumers, with the college will be much closer TRADE AT HOME to the consumer instead ot altogenter then they come under the purview of than ever before, and instead of one so Build Up Your Own Community Remember we are always at your service for any to storage, as has been the cause of this act. inspection annually a number willjbe much disaster in past years." Section 8 of this act makes provi arranged. The college is cooperating of the above items or for the transfer of your trunk sions as follows : "Milk from any cow oy onering courses in tecnnicai suo or cows whose owners or lesse shall jects with a view to their military im or any other hauling. TOWN OF SUMPTER apply to the State Livestock Sanitary portance. Board to have such cow or cows tuber CALLS FOR HELP culin tested, shall be exemgt from all Notice or Sheriff's Sale. of provisions of this act until such Blowers Hardware Co the By virtue of an execution In foreclosure time as such cows snail nave been duly iHHiied by the Clerk of the Circuit JCourt of the County of Mariou, Htatol Oregon, to cit- tested." , & Co. Headed by Sheriff Johnson, local made to me Hirer-led- dated the 1st any of aiijjiim, inn, Livery This application should be Raid Good" Transfer izens last week on receipt of appeals in a certain notion lu nid Court for The Firm That "Makes Dr. W. H. Lytle, State Veterinarian, CountylAiid Htate, wherein W. K. KeeveH, an citizens of Sump-te- r. TELEPHONE from a committee Jof Salem, Oregon. riHimiii, recovered judgment HgHiiixt Wilson 4111 Oregon city recently K. Mary W the eastern u. MicKie, WlnHii'aiid inaoH lor the mini of wiped out by rirebegan a campaign to J. l,il tnvludliiK Httoruey'H feex, on the 25tt Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts. Dairy and Food Commissioner. (1hv of June, 1HI7, with intereHt upon the same raise a relief fund. ill the rate or 8 per cent, per annum irom shKI The letter of appeal states that the itate, together with the cokuh and diBDnrne- - people of the mining town are facing meiitH of Bald suit, taxed at the aum of &H.7U. NEW ELECTRIC And it HnpeariniE from xald execution that winter, when from six to 10 feet of AT certain lands lu .Marlon County were levied snow usually prevails, destitute. upon and wild In partial aatlxfartlon of aaid year snow began on Novem- )udineul on the 2ttu day of July, 1917, and "Last that there remains due said l'latntlllfrom said ber 1," the message for help says. Today Defendants, after the application of the pro "It will soon be here. Fuel is a crave Dorothy Dalton, wonderful Triangle ceeds of said sale, the full sum of iL7.71, with Protect Your Surplus Crops problem. The impression has gone out interest thereon at ine rate oi per cent, per star , will be seen in her dramatic suc annum Irom the 2Xlh day ot July, 1U17, lo White is in se.-io- need. that Sumpter not s one oi ft I, er with the further stun of fex.70. costs and be once to cess, "Wild Wisnhip widow," It is, and help must had at made Miss Dalton disbursements taxed and allowed, pursuant prevent and acute suffering. the pictures that has to said execution and order of sale for which further favorite she is today. On the same a detlciency was duly you harvest your cutting relief work to the bone, the inn udsment entered TJEFORE After bill we.will show a one reel Triangle In said court and cause. Flour be needed Is hereby fruit, grain or hay, pro- from $7,500 to $10,000 will Komedv. "Twin Troubles," and a two Now therefore, notice elven that in order that the situation may be re- l win, on me 4iu uay ui rtepiejuuer, i:u,ai shpd in reel Keystone Kare Killer full of pret- the east front door of the court house in Hood vide a or barn which lieved." ty girls, funny boys and laughter en Kiver, In Hiaid Klver County, Oregon, at 1:80 was signed by Dr.
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