This is part two of the book Medical, Social & Political Aspects of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Crisis: A Bibliography, compiled by Donald W. McLeod and Alan V. Miller (Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, 1985). The other parts of the book can be found at the University of Toronto Library’s T-Space repository: MEDICAL, SOCIAL & POLITICAL AsPECTS of the ACOOIRED IMMONE DEfiCIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS) CRISIS: ABIBIIOBRAPHY

Compiled by Donald WMcleod and Alan V. Miller Canadian Gay Archives Publication Number 10 Gay & Lesbian Press A ABC wins ruling on AIDS show <"20/20" segment, "Deadly Blood">. Equal Time 46: 8, January 11, 1984.

ABCs of AI D S a voidance. Sacramento S ta_r 1 (17): 5, January 12, 1983.

About face- Heckler supports AIDS research. NewsQf t~ Columbus ~ and Leqbian Community 6(4): 154, May 1983.

Abramson, Larry. News from AAPHR: AIDS discussed in Boston; February meeting in Hono 1 u 1 u . Nationa 1 Coa lition Qf. ~ S T D Services Newsletter 4(3): 27-28, December 1982.

Acquired industria 1 dioxin syndrome . New York Native 72: 3, September 12-25,1983.

Acting director named for SF AIDS Foundation . ill. Area Reporter 14(9): 14, March 1, 1984.

Action and reaction to AID S across the nation . ~ News-Telegraph 2(12): 2, September 1983.

Activist encourages to donate blood . Connection 2 (22): 8, September 28- 0 dober 12, 1983.

Activist Feldman succumbs to AIDS . Sentinel 10(12): 1, June 9, 1983.

Ad Hoc Committee of Black Gay Activists to Sponsor AIDS Forum (New York). AID S forum fo!' B1 ael< gay community SGffidu led; February 1st seminar to be reId at Hunter College . New York: The Committee, <1984>. 2pp.

Adding insult to injury . ~ Community News 11(17): 2, November 12,1983.

Administra tion agrees to increase AI D S money <" AI DS funding for fiscal year 19B4 will more than double": Margaret Heckler>. Gay News-Telegraph 2(12): 1, September 1~83.

Administration's AID S request doubles to $40 million. News of the Co lumbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(84): 345, September~198~

AFL-CIO takes stand for gay rights, AIDS money . GLC Voice 4(24): 4, October 17, 1983.

Africa och AIDS. ~asin ~ 2(2): 30, February 1984.

Africans living in Belgium are found to have AIDS. Sacramento Star 11(24): 6, April 20, 1983.

95 Africans might be another risk group. The Weekly News 6(32): 6, April 13, 1983.

Agnos, Art. AIDS ex AB-l . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(23): 4-5, November 23, 1983.

AHA lawyer: hospitals can't refuse AIDS patients. News Qf the Columbus ill and lesbian Community 7(1): 40, rebruary 3, 1984.

Aid for A.I.D.S.: the circus benefit. New York City News 70: 1, May 11, 1983.

AIDS . At.alant.a 11(8): 7, August 1983.

AIDS <12 cases in t.he Net.herlands, 50 cases in Belgium>. ~ ~ Krant. 4(11): 6, November 1983.

AIDS <"within t.wo years an AIDS vaccine will be developed in t.he Net.herlands, according to the TN 0, t.he Government. Research Organisation">. ~ ~ Krant. (12): 18, December 1983.

AIDS . Homophile Association of , Ont.ario, November 1983, pp. 6-9.

AIDS . Homop-ri.le Association.2.f. london, Ont.ario, December 1983, p. 7.

AIDS . Homophile Associat.ion of London, Ont.ario, March 1984, p. 4.

AI DS . Homosexua 1 Law Reform Societ.y 59: 1, October 1983.

AID S . Info(Det. No~ Forbundet. av 1948- Bergen, Norway) 1: 2-7, 1983.

AIDS . t'J ew Gay News 13: 7, February 16, 1984.

AIDS . New Zealand Haemophilia Societ.y Newslet.ter 11(3): 1, September 19~

AI DS < lesbians and AI DS>. The 0 pen Door, 0 ctober 1983, p. 23.

AIDS . Perceptions 1: 3,5, March­ April L983.

AIDS . Perceptions 2: 6, r~ay-June 1983.


96 Zealand>. Pink Triangle 46: 3, March 1984.

AI D S . Wanganui ~ Rights Group Newsl etter 42: 3, November 1983.

AIDS <"how is AIDS passed on?">. Wanganui ~ Right.s Group 43: 3, December 1983.

AIDS- acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Newsl etter 89: 1, August. 1983.

AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome . Phalia 68: <4>,1983.

AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome (not. "GRID" or "gay plague" or "gay cancer"). Fine Print. 1(2): 4, March 1983.

AIDS act.ion alert. <28 cases in New Jersey; N.J. Lesbian and Gay Collective>. Lavender Express 6(5): 9, May 1983.

AID S Action . Has AID S affected your life ? ~ Community News 11(34): 8, March 17, 1984.

AID S Action Int.roducing t.he AID S Action Committee . Sydney, Aust.ralia: AAC, June 26, 1983. 2pp.

AID S Action Project.- Dallas . This WeEk in Texas 9(6): 11, April 29-May 5, 1983.

AIDS Advisory <\~illiam J. Kraus and Michael J. Rot.h appoint.ed>. ~ Area 14(13): 4, March 29, 1984.

AIDS and Ue AIDS of Toront.o. Phalia 72: 8, 1984.

AIDS anger . ~ Area 13(17): 7, April 28, 1983.

AIDS archives begun in New York. ~ Area 13(23): 18, June 9, 1983.

AI D S artic 1 e upset.s fa t.her of three < Brisbane man upset by AI D S article published in a high school newsletter>. Campaign 101: 9-10, May 1984.

AIDS associat.ed with t.ransfusions. News of t.he Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 7 (1): 41, February 3, 198~

AIDS At.lant.a holds second AIDS international forum . Sunset. People 3(7): <31>, February 17, 1983.

AIDS Awareness Week . Sent.inel 10(9): 1, April 28, 1983.

AIDS Awareness Week: candlelight. march Monday night. ~ Area

97 Reporter 13(17): 10, April 28, 1983.

AIDS Awareness Week, May 2-8,1983 . Sentinel 10(10): 12, May 12, 1983.

AI DS baby abandoned . GLC Voice 83: 2, December 5, 1983.

AIDS baby gets a new home < Miami>. The WeekI y News 7 (25): 6, February 22, 1984.

AIDS baby should have home before Christmas . The Weekly News 7(16): 22, December 21, 1983.

AIDS backlash in Texas . Connection 2(12): 7, April 14-May 4, 1983.

AIDS bacterium isolated at OSU ? News of tt-e Columbus ~ and Lesbian Communit.y 6(10): 450, November 1983.

AI D S benefit bombs in Hollywood <2,000 of 17,000 sea ts fi lIed in Hollywood Bowl benefit>. New Yorl< Native 73: 11-12, Sept.ember 26­ October 9, 1983.

AID S benefit cancelled . ~ Community News 11(19): 2, November 26,1983.

AIDS benefit concert feat.ures t.op gay acts . Equal Time 39: 11, October 5, 1983.

AIDS benefit features Romanovsky + Phillips, the Hav luck Trio and Tom Wilson . GLC Voice 4(23): 7, October 3, 1983.

AIDS benefits . ~~ News(Philadelphia) 7(48): 13, October 13, 1983.

AIDS bill moves throug. Senate . Sentinel 10(12): 1, June 9, 1983.

AID S bill passes state Senat.e Committee• .EU!..Y. Area Reporter 13(21): 5, t~ a y 26, 1983 •

AID S ca lIs 0 verW"'el m Hea 1 th Dept. . GL C Voice 4(19): 2, August 1, 1983.

AIDS campaign . 0 ut.! 50: 9, August-September 1983.

AI D 5 GAre cOntract appro ved <$1.2 mil lion cont.ract. with American Red Cross to provide home at.t.endant services t.o people with AIDS>. Connection 3(4): 7, December 28, 1983-January 25, 1984.

AIDS Case Finding Steering Committee . ~ational Coalit.ion~. Gay SlD5ervices Newsletter 4(3): 23-24, December 1982.

98 AIDS cases at 3,157 in U.S., 25 in Ohio. News..Q..f. the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 7(2): 61, March 1984.

AIDS cases decline in New York <"slight decline in number of new AID S cases in New York state may presage a simi 1 ar drop elsewhere in the United States">. Sentinel 10(24): 1, November 22,1983.

AIDS cases may double . Guelph ~ [quality, May 1983, pp. 1-2.

AIDS cases reported down. [qual Time 53: 13, April 18, 1984.

AIDS cases reported in VA . Our Own Community Press 7(7): 12, May 1983.

AIDS cases show big drop for last part of 1983. The WeEkly News 7(19): 15, January 11, 1984.

AI D S chain estab lished <40 cases traced to sexua 1 contact with one man, "patient 0 ">. Campaign 101: 54, May 1984.

AIDS- choices and chances . Out! 53: 8, February-March 1984.

AID S Circus winding up . Au Courant 1(23): 2, April 26~May 2, 1983.

AIDS claims Costello . Update 120: 17, October 19, 1983.

AIDS and Co. strikes back . ~ Area 13(16): 1, April 21, 1983.

AIDS Committee of Toronto. AIDS and tte AIDS Committee of Toront.o. Phalia 72: 18, 1984.

AIDS of Toronto. AIDS Awareness Week . Body Po litic 104: 12, June 1984.

AI D S conference

AIDS conference aimed at nurses . ~ News(Philad'elphia) 8(6): 3, December 22, 1983.

AIDS Media Relations Committee. This letter may sa ve your life <"safer sex"; fu 11 page ad vertisement>! ~ Area Reporter 13(25): 11, June 23, 1983.

AI,DS counseling in Sacrament.o. California Voice 5(11): ?, May 20, 1983.

99 AIDS CrlSIS requires thought, not panic <"some coverage in the gay press has been somewhat sensat.ional and negative">. Sacrament.o Star 1(19): 3, February 9,1983.

A[DS cure is flim flam scam . NEMS Q[ tte Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(8): 299, September 1983.

AIDS death notices: Allan Estes . ~ Area 14(19): 10, May 10, 1984.

AI DS deat.h notices: Scott Chapin Kingsley; William Austin. ~ Area 14(18): 12, May 3, 1984.

AIDS deat.h notices: James H. McClure, Jr. B~y Area_ 14(18): 10, May 3, 1984.

AIDS deat.h notices: Michael Shiell. ~ Area 14(17): 10, April 26, 1984.

AIDS '' dies in S.F. . Egual Time 43: 2, November 30, 1983.

AID S discrimination case reso 1 ved . GLC Voice 4(23): 2, 0 ct.ober 3, 1983.

AID S doc get.s preliminary injunction . New Yo~ Native 76: 10-11, November 7-20, 1983.

AIDS drabber: immunforsvaret. Revolt. 14(4): 20-21, April 1983.

AIDS dropping in NYC . ~ Area Reporter 13(27): 2, July 7,1983.

AID S efforts- new pitch: $40 million sought. to speed research. Frontiers 25: 7,11, April 13-27, 1983.

AIDS, '83 parade dedication. ~ Area 13(15): 2, April 14, 1983.

AID Sand ElSa 1 vador <"billions for deat.h but. pennies t.o sust.ain life for AIDS vict.ims">. Black and Whit.e Men Toget.her New York Informat.ion 4(2): 1-3, June 1983.

AIDS emergency sweepst.akes begin . Ca lifornia yoice 5(12): 31, June 3, 1983.

AID S emergency sweepst.akes begins June 1st. . ~ Area 13(22): 9, June 2, 1983.

AIDS employment. discrimination case resol ved . ~ Communit.y News 11(10): 2, September 24,1983.

AIDS 6Tlployment. discrimination case resol ved . News.Q.f t.he Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(9): 356, Oct.ober 1983.

100 AIDS- epidemier. Info: ~1edlemoinformas.ion Fra landsotyrets Arbeidsutvalg(Det NorS

AIDS examined on Channel 6 . Mom ••• Guess What! 58: 6, 0 ctober 1983.

AIDS: fact and fiction. Campaign 92: 14, August 1983.

AI DS fear in Scot 1 and. New ~ News 1: 8, August 18, 1983.

AIDS Federation formed . ~ Chicago, June 3D-July 10, 1983, p. 13.

AIDS Federation sets agenda . ,Montrose Voice 157: 10, October 28, 1983.

AI DS fil m <" Killer in tre Vil 1 age", produced by Alec NiSbett>. r-{ew ~ News 16: 5, r~arch 29, 1984.

AIDS-Flugblatt gibt's umsonst. Torso 5: 9, May 1983.

AID S forum . ~ Area Reporter 13(16): 13, April 21, 1983.

AID S forum at Franklin f-;J1ospital . ill Area Reporter 13(27): 15, July 7, 1983.

AIDS forum for blacks . Connection 3(5): 10, January 25-February 8, 1984.

AIDS forum reId . ~ Area Reporter 13(20): 11, Hay 19, 1983.

AIDS forum held in SL Louis . ~ News- Telegraph 2(12): 3, September 1983.

AIDS forum in Dallas . Out in Texas 9: 7, April 28,1983.

AIDS Forum in Nassau . Connection 2(24): 11, October 27- November 9, 1983.

AIDS forum to be held . ~ Paper 5(6): 7, June 1983 •

AID S Foundation for San Jose. .fu!.y Area Reporter 13(37): 19, September 15, 1983.

AIDS Foundation names committee . Sentinel 10(21): 1,5, October 13, 1983.

101 AIDS Foundation picks new mad . ~ Area Reporter 14(21): 1,4, May 24, 1984.

AIDS Foundation, Santa Clara County, California. Let's nail AIDS . Our Paper, Your Paper 3(5): 6, March 7, 1984.

AIDS: the funding CrlS1S

AIDS funding cut from next year's budget . San Diego Gayzette 82: 1, Harch 29, 1984.

'-\IDS fundraisers this weekend. Washington !l..l.ade 14(38): 17, September 30, 1983.

AIDS gala at Davies Hall. ~ Area Reporter 13(23): 17, June 9, 1983.

~I DS: getting our act togetJ'er . ~ Reporter 1: 6, June 2-15, 1983.

AIDS groups asked to join national fed . Connection 2(20): 10, August 17-31, 1983.

AID S groups federate in Denver; women demand parity at all levels. ~ Area Reporter 13(24): 1,12, June 16, 1983.

AIDS t-earing examines delays . ~~ontrose 'y"oice 144: 13, July 29,1983.

AIDS 'heavenly intervention' . ~ Area Reporter 13(39): 10, September 29, 1983.

AIDS hits the military . GLC 'y"oice 4(18): 2, July 18, 1983.

AIDS, hormone correlation found . Egual Time 26: 2, April 6, 1983.

AI DS rot line . Egual Time 51: 10, ~1arch 21, 1984.

AIDS rotline expands . ~ Area Reporter 13(50): 7, December 15, 1983.

AIDS hot line training packet developed by Houston's KS Committee. National Coalition Qf. ~ ~lQ Services Newsletter 4(5): 10, May 1983.

AIDS "tumor" slammed

102 committeeman Joe Casper>. ~ Windows 2(7): 4, March 29-April 11, 1984.

AID S hype hits Haiti; U.S. govt. ups funding. ~ Politic 97: 17­ 18, October 1983.

AID S ignored ? ~ Paper 5(5): ?, May 1983.

AIDS: immune deficiency in gay men . ~ Calq@ry, June 1983, pp. 10-11.

AID S in Alexandria to be subject of August 2 forum . Washington Blade 14(30): 5, July 29, 1983.

AID S in the army < letter from Virginia Apuzzo to Caspar Weinberger>. Connection 2(21): 5, August 31-September 20, 1983.

AIDS in Chicago . Connection 3(8): 9, March 14­ 28, 1984.

AIDS in the courtroom. New Yorl< Native 70: 10-11, August 15-28, 1983.

AIDS in Europe and Africa <300 cases in Europe>. Pink Triangle 47: 3, t~ ay-June 1984.

AID S in Toronto . Connection 3(8): 8, ~1arch 14-28, 1984.

AIDS in the workplace and other cases. Lambda Update, December 1983, p. 3.

AIDS incidence rose during first quarter of '83; official statistics in; more cases in more areas of the city <46 new cases in San Francisco in first quarter of 1983, compared to 23 in 1 ast quarter of 1982>• .!2.ll Area Reporter 13(28): 18, July 14,1983.

AIDS information . Fifth Freedom 13(4): 9, April 1983.

AI D S: ins richtige likicht geruckt. .!:i.n.L 10: 6-8, 1983.

AIDS issue prominent in sodomy statute appeal . Montrose 'y'oice 158: 12, November 4,1983.

AID Skills 5 in Louisiana. ~ Life 8(51): 3, June 2, 1983.

AID s/r< S Foundation receives $66,000 state grant. Bay Area Reporter 13(43): 18, October 27, 1983.

AID S/I< S Foundation seeks new board members. ~ Area Reporter 13(29): 2, July 21, 1983.

I\ID S/K S group raises funds, starts programs, opens office

103 . Sacrament.o 1(22): 4,8, March 23, 1983.

AIDS/~(S office is now open, public forum II set. for May 7 . Sacramento Star 1(24): 3, April 20, 1983.

AIDS let.ter called hoax. New York Native 70: 15, August 15-28, 1983.

AIDS-like virus found in monkeys . Mom ••• Guess \'Ihat! 64: 4, April 1984.

AIDS linked t.o blood t.ransfusions . Out! 47: 12, February- tvl arch 1983.

AI D S linked to strain of pig virus. California --­Voice 5(1l): ?, ~1ay 20, 1983.

AIDS lobbying efforts. Gay life 8(51): 7, June 2, 1983.

AIDS man dies . Pink Triangle 47: 1, ~·1ay­ June 1984.

L\IDS man transferred . Pink Triangle 46: 1, March­ April 1984 .

.L\IDS marathon . ~ Area 13(29): 10, July 21, 1983.

AID S march due r'1ay 26. Frontiers 2(1): 7, May 11-25, 1983.

AID S march: it's time to fight. back . Frontiers 2(2): 25, May 25-June 8, 1983.

AID S materia Is to be distributed . Our Own Community Press 7(10): 2, August 1983.

AIDS may be foreseen in eyes . Montrose Voice 161: 5, November 25, 1983.

AI D S may be 1 ess 1 etha 1, more common than thought . GlC 'y'oice 4(24): 2, October 17, 1983.

AID S may be transmitted by Cuban mercenaries

AIDS: t'1CC resolution . Homophile Association Qf london, Ontario Newsletter, October 1983, p. 5.

AIDS measure wins in Assembly

104 of Health Services>. Our Paper, Your Paper 2(18): 1, September 14, 1983.

AIDS t~edical Foundation. A significant step forward in the fight against AIDS . New York Native 75: 2, October 24­ November 6, 1983.

AIDS Medical Foundation. Your money or your life . New York Native 77: 2, November 21-December 4, 1983.

AI DS ~1edica 1 Foundation estab liff"ed. National Coalition Qf. ~ S TQ Services Newsletter 5(1): 42-43, August 1983.

AIDS Medical Research Foundation of South Florida. National Coalition Qf. ~ STD Services Newsletter 4 (5): 14, tv1ay 1983.

AIDS and minorities . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(3): 9, December 1, 1983.

AIDS monitor group set up in Scotland . Body Po liUc 97: 18, 0 dober 1983.

AIDS mysteries slowly yield to study. Update 109: 1, May 18, 1983.

AIDS: myths and realities . 1i...2.Y.. News(Philadelphia) 7(23): 13, April 15-21, 1983.

I\IDS: a national disgrace. T'he ~Jorks 2(9): ?, June 1983.

AIDS news . Egual Time 46: 8, January 11, 1984 •

.I\ID S news . Egual Time 44: 12, December 14, 1983.

I\IDS news \'iatch . ~i!,Y Life 9(11): 2, September 15, 1983.

AIDS news watch . IGi!,Y Life 9(13): 2, September 29, 1983.

AI DS no reason for sodomy statutes < Texas sodomy statute appea 1 >. ~ Community News 11(17): 2, November 12, 1983.

AIDS no threat to AYDS . ~1ontrose 'y"oice 139: 8, June 24, 1983.

AIDS not going 8\'iay overnight, forum told . Dallas~ News 89: 1, t'1ay 18,1984.

I\IDS not.e . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(23): 15,17, r~ovember 23,1983.

105 AIDS notes . ~ Community News 11(3): 2, July 30,1983.

AIDS now seen as worldwide realth problem: Europe's rate doubles according to a maj or ~ Times artic 1 e. §JD::. Area Reporter 13(51): 12, December 22,1983.

AIDS on increase <497 new cases in U.S. between January 1 and March 3, 1984 >. News Qf the Col umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 7 (3): 162, April 1984.

AID S on television again . ~ News(London) 262: 3, t~arch 31-April 13, 1983.

AIDS on 20/20 Thursday . §JD::. Area Reporter 13(20): 2, t~ay 19, 1983.

AI DS open forum . lli Area Reporter 14(7): 10, February 16, 1984.

AIDS open forum Long Island . Connection 2(24): 13, October 27-November 9, 1983.

AIDS outbreak reported among blacks from Africa. Michael's Thing 13(15): 54, April 11, 1983.

AIDS outreach . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(19): 13, March 22, 1984.

AIDS p age . Pink T rianq 1 e 45: 5, Summer 83-84.

AID S pamphlet, tnt line in use . ~ News-Telegram 2(11): 2, August 1983.

AIDS pamphlet well-received . Pink Triang~e 46: 2, ~1arch-April 1984.

AID S panel named . Connection 2(24): 11, October 27-November 9,1983.

AIDS panic hits SF police, fire depts. Sacramento Star 2(3): 12, June 29, 1983.

AIDS panic is over-stressed . Link/Skakel 110: 1, February 1983.

AIDS-panic robber . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(18): 1, September 14, 1983.

106 AID S panic used in campaign against gay rights bill . ~ Community News 11(8): 2, September 10, 1983.

AIDS panic: who's to blame ? National Coalition.Qf ~ STQ Services Newsletter 5(1): 37-38, August 1983.

AIDS patient may have been 'dumped' . Connection 2 (24): 11, 0 ctober 27- November 9, 1983.

AIDS patients now disability eligible. Update 110: ?, June 2,1983.

AIDS plobia in England <"AIDS-related anxiety">. Connection 2(22): 7, September 28-0ctober 12, 1983.

AIDS phobia in England <"fear of catching AIDS is causing more harm in Britain than the disease itself">. Our Paper, Your Paper 2(18): 6, September 14, 1983.

AIDS: the political and social battlefield . Pink Ink 1(4): 5, October 1983.

AIDS politics . New York Native 73: 3, September 26­ October 9, 1983.

AIDS popper theory nov; ruled out . ~ Chicago 6(13): 15, April 7, 1983.

AI D S preoccupies American gay press. Pink Triang le 43: 6, Hay-June 1983.

AIDS prisoners to go to tvlissouri. Egual Time 34: 2, July 27, 1983.

lUDS: progress, leads and protests .!2..2..Qy Politic 99: 21, December 1983.

AIDS: progress, leads and protests . Out! 53: 11-12, February-March 1984.

AIDS Project announces October meetings . GLC Voice 4(22): 7, September 19, 1983.

AIDS Project/Los Angeles. AIDS: get informed, instead of scared . Advocate 369: 63, June 9,1983.

AI D S Project progress report. ~ Chicago 6(13): 9-10,12-13,15, April 7, 1983.

AIDS Project seEking volunteers . GLC Voice 90: 8, April 2, 1984.

107 AIDS Project selects officers, plans benefit

AIDS Project sponsors benefit

AIDS reactions will be subject of planned book . ~ Area Reporter 14(6): 12, February 9, 1984.

AIDS-related bashings surge in Seattle. ~ Community News 11(5): 2, August 13, 1983.

AIDS-related educational events listing . I ationa 1 (oa lition Qf. ~ 2.lQ Services Newsletter 4(5): 14, May 1983.

AIDS-related organizations invited to join national federation . GLC Voice 4(21): 5, September 6, 1983. AIDS relative produced in laboratory . GLC ---Voice 88 : 2, March 5, 1984.

AIDS relative to speak . Empty Closet 146: 5, February 1984.

AIDS report available . Mom •.• Guess What! 55: 13, July 1983.

AID S reportab le in vJisconsin. ~ Community News 11(10): 2, September 24, 1983.

AIDS research foundation establi3"'ed . Frontiers 2(6): 17, July 20-August 3,1983.

AI D S research gets '85 budget increase . Mom •••_ Guess What! 63: 4, March 1984.

AIDS research grant awarded <$2.7 million federal AIDS grant to UCL!~ and Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center>. Mom •.•Guess What! 59: 8, No vember 1983.

AIDS research: University Hospital's Dr. Ko starts AIDS research . Homophile Association of London, Ontario Newsletter, January 1984, p. 7.

AIDS research wheels oiled by Congress, health institute . ~ Community News 1O(38): 2, April 16, 1983.

AIDS research: the year in review. The Weekly News 7(16): 8, December 21, 1983.

AIDS researchers meet with HCN directors .

108 The Weekly News 7(26): 8, February 29, 1984.

AIDS researchers need blood from non-travelers . The Weekly News 6(32): 26, April 13, 1983.

AID S researchers still need interviewees . lU!.Y. Area Reporter 13(48): 13, December 1, 1983.

AIDS resolutions introduced in council . New Yorl< Native 75: 7, October 24-November 6, 1983.

AID S resource list < list of AID S organizations in Boston area>. ~ Community News 11(3): 5, July 30, 1983.

AI DS: response t.actics . Our Own Communit.y Press 7(6): 6, April 1983.

AI D S risk in blood reca 1 1 ca lIed sma 1 1 <" factor 8" product cont.aining blood donated by AIDS victim is recalled>. Equal Time 37: 7, September 7, 1983.

AI DS-Rocrester updat.e < loca 1 event.s>. Empty Closet. 142: 4, 0 ctober 1983.

AID S roundup. Frontiet's 2(2): 11,25, May 25-June 8, 1983.

AID S rumour untrue . Pink Triangle 46: 2, March-April 1984.

AIDS scare leads t.o paranoia . OLJJ' Paper, Your Paper 2(13): 5, June 29, 1983.

AIDS scare scares customer . Equal Time 32: 2, June 29, 1983.

AID S screening offered again . The Weekly News 7(6): 14, October 12, 1983.

AID S screenings offered again in Broward . Tre WeekI);; News 7(21): 18, January 25, 1984.

AIDS: seeing some progTess in early detection. ~.!!.Y ~l..i:l.Y. Mississauga Journal, January 1984, pp. 3-4.

AIDS seminar Bay Area Reporter 13(44): 36, November 3,1983•

.1\1 DS seminar . ~ Area Reporter 13(30): 10, Ju 1 y 28, 1983.

AIDS seminar offered t.o medical pros . lU!.Y. Area

109 Reporter 13(38): 17, September 22, 1983.

AIDS services offered . ~ Area Reporter 13(32): 18, August 11, 1983.

,'\IDS slides for doctors <"AIDS, a Clinical, Immunologic and Pathologic Perspective", an audio-visual slide program developed at ~H. Sinai School of ~1edicine, New York>. News.2...f. the Co lumbus £§.y and Lesbian Community 6(8A): 342, September 21, 1983.

AIDS: some answers. Torso, Ap~il 1984, p. 43.

AIDS sparking news throughout the U.S.A. ~ Politic 93: 19, t~ay 1983 •

.'\IDS sparking news throughout the U.S.A. . Out! 50: 8, August-September 1983.

AIDS spreads to Eastern Europe . Connection 3(8): 6, March 14-28, 1984.

AIDS stampede averted, rodeo will go on . £§.y Community ~ews 11(5): 2, August 13, 1983.

AID S statistics 1 update . News Qf the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(9): 350, October 1983.

AID S statistics for Va. + U.S <22 cases in Virginia as of August 25>. 0 ur 0 wn Community Press 7(11): 5, September 1983.

AIDS statistics released by CDC <2,513 AIDS cases; 39.9?o non­ wltite>. ~ Community News 11(18): 2, November 19, 1983.

AIDS stats reveal more non-vJhite cases . ~ Politic 100: 24, January- February 1984.

AID S stories sought . Ba_y ~rea Reporter 14(12): 12, Maroh 22, 1984.

AIDS strategy is conference topic . Equal Time 30: 10, June 1, 1983.

AIDS study . ~ Area Reporter 13(37): 5, September 15, 1983.

.IUD S study . Perceptions 7: 12, t~arc~April 1984.

I.\IDS study seeks safe sexers > . .ill Area Reporter 14(9): 17, Harch 1, 1984.

110 AIDS suit settled out of court . Washington Blade 14(35): 9, September 9, 1983.

AID S support . ~ Community News 11(28): 2, February 4, 1984.

AIDS support group . GLC Voice 4(16): 5, June 20, 1983.

AID S support groups in Sacramento. ~ Area Reporter 13(25): 27, June 23, 1983.

AI D S sur v ey finds most men continue as before; many are more carefu 1 about what they do with pickups. ~ Area Reporter 13(22): 1,14-16, June 2, 1983.

IUDS survey to be distributed . Waffington Blade 14(30): 8, July 29,1983 .

.I\ID S symptoms . No Bad News 4(3): 3, March 1983.

AIDS symptoms are elusive, simple. Egual Time 33: 10, July 13, 1983.

AID S symptoms found in baby who got. transfusions; transmitted in blood? Sacramento Star 1(15): 5, December 15, 1982.

AIDS symptoms found in eight Newark kids. California yoice 5(11): ?, Hay 20, 1983.

AIDS tainted blood product recalled 01innesota>. Connection 2(21): 11, August 31-September 20, 1983.

AIDS Task Force formed . Empty Closet 144: 4, December 1983.

AIDS Task Force formed t-ere. News of tt-e Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 7(2): 103, March 1984.­

AIDS task force in Indy . ~ News-Telegraph 3(7): 2, April 1984.

AIDS test may end navy career Olilliam Kerr>. News of the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(5): 186, June 1983.-- -­

AIDS testing being done in Philly . News of the Co 1 umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(3): 95, April 1983.

AIDS total reaches 11 . Capital ~ May 27, 1983, p. 1.

111 AIDS total reades unlucky 13. Capital ~ July 1, 1983, p. 1.

AIDS total \'wrldwide over 3,200. News.£f tre Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 7(1): 40, February 3, 1984.

AIDS traced to thymus gland . Out! 48: 9, April-!'1ay 1983.

AIDS T V program presents false info . News of the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(5): 161-162, June 1983.

AI DS under siege: an open forum . ~ Area ReQorter 14(7): 32, February 16, 1984.

AIDS unit opens in San Francisco hospital . GLC Voice 4(22): 2, September 19,1983.

AIDS update. £,roceedings.Qf the Triangle Area ~ Scientists 6(1): 4, April 1983.

AIDS update . Perceptions 3: 12, Ju 1 y-August 1983.

AIDS update . Proceedings.£f. the Triangle Area ~ Scientists 6 (2 ): 2, June 1983.

AIDS update <"casual spread report was premature"; Haitians and AIDS>. The Weekly News 7(15): 8, December 14, 1983.

AIDS update . Washington Blade 15(1): 9, January 6, 1984.

AIDS update <"Denver calls hazardous waste team" in AIDS case; four other items>. The Weekly News 7(7): 10, October 19, 1983.

AID S update . The Weekly News 7(18): 8, January 4, 1984.

AIDS update . Tre Weekly News 7(10): 8, November 9, 1983.

AIDS update

AID S updat.e . The Weekly News 7(14): 8, December 7, 1983.

AIDS update . The Weekly News 7(7): 18, October 12, 1983.

AIDS update . The vJeekly News 7(8): 16, October 26, 1983.

112 AIDS update . Our Own Community Press 7(10): 4, August 1983.

AID S update . The Weekly News 7(20): 10, January 18, 1984.

AID S update . Tt-B \"ieekly News 7(11): 8, November 16,1983.

AID S updat.e . The We~kly News 7(23): 12, February 8, 1984.

AID S updat.e . The vleekly News 7(12): 8, November 23, 1983.

A.I D S upda t.e . The ~~eekly News 7(21): 15, January 25, 1984.

AIDS updat.e . The Weekly News 7(9): 10, November 2,1983.

AID S update: AID S cases increase 13.4% . Our Own Community Press 7(12): 7, October 1983.

AIDS update: th:l social and political battlefield . Pink In!< 1(4): 12, October 1983.

AIDS lJpdate: what's the latest information on AIDS ? ~ Ar_e_a Reporter 14(3): 13, January 19, 1984.

A.ID S Vancou ver. Information about AIDS . Vancouver: AIDS Vancouver, <1983>, 11pp.

AIDS via blood transfusion advances viral hypothesis. Connection 3(9): 9, March 28-April 11, 1984.

AIDS victim loses 28 Ibs. in eight days . California y'oice, April 1983.

AIDS victim was nun in Haiti. Equal Time 39: 2, October 5, 1983.

AID S victims lose she 1 ter . Equal Time 54: 1, May 2, 1984.

AI D S v ideotape produced by S an Diego's 0 wen Clinic. Nationa 1 Coalition .Q.f.MY.. sm Services Newsletter 5(1): 29, August 1983.

AID S vigil . Gai Pied Hebdo 88: 16, October 8-14, 1983 .

.IUDS Vigil draws 1,500. New Yorl< Native 67: 12-13, July 4-17, 1983.

113 AIDS Vigil low in turnout . ~ Area Reporter 13 (41): 10, 0 ctober 13, 1983.

AID S virus 'centuries 01 d' . Out! 55: 9, June 1984.

AIDS virus identified . Empty Closet 149: 1,10, May 1984.

AIDS virus research breakthrough . Outrage 13: 5, May 1984.

AIDS watch . Campaign 94: 19-20, October 1983.

AI DS: wha t you need to know. ----First Han d 3 (4 ) : 6 8- 6 9, J u ne 19 f3 3 •

AIDS: a workshop for religious outreach . ~ Area Reporter 13(21): 4, May 26, 1983.

AID S "worried" group starts . Mom ••. Guess ~·!hat! 54 : 11, June 1983.

AID S: ein wort in eigener sache. l!.n! 10: 8, 1983.

Alexander, Priscilla. Commentary: bathhouses & brothels: banning sex doesn't work. Coming~! 4(8): 4,41, May 1984.

A1 fred, Randy. Changing lifesty les, changing names. Montrose 'y"oice 163: 20, December 9, 1983.

A 1 fred, Randy. Fact and fiction . ,Montrose Voice 154: 8, October 14, 1983.

Alfred, Randy. Fact and Fiction . Sentinel 10(15): 3, July 21, 1983.

A1 fred, Randy. Look again . Mon hose Voice 158: 18, November 4, 1983.

A1 fred, Randy. Look again . Sentinel 10(21): 4, October 13, 1983.

A1 fred, Randy. t~ ore on AI DS . Senti~el 10(11): 5, May 26, 1983.

A1 fred, .Randy. Rumor contro 1 . Sentinel 10(16): 3, August 4, 1983.

A 1 fred, Randy. Sex in the age of AID S. Montrose 'y'oice 166: 9, December 30, 1983.

A 1 fred, Randy. Sex in the age of AID S. Sentinel 11(3): 3, February 2, 1984.

114 Alfred, Randy. Topic: AIDS . ~1 ontrose Voice 149: 17, September 2, 1983.

Alfred, Randy. Topic AIDS . Sentinel 10(17): 5, August 18, 1983.

A1 fred, Randy. vJhiff of truth . Montrose Voice 146: 15, August 12, 1983 .

.l1,11 star turnout at AIDS benefit . Connection 2 (21): 7, August 31-September 20, 1983.

A 11 an Estes, founder of Treatre Rhinoceros, dies of AI D S. GL C Voice 93: 8, May 21, 1984.

Alles over AIDS. De ~ Krant 4(6): 4-5, June 1983.

Alles over AIDS dee 1 III. De ~ Krant 4(9): 5, September 1983.

Alles over AID S dee 1 I V. ~ ~ Krant 4(10): 29, Oct0 bel' 1983.

Alles over AIDS dee 1 V. De ~ Krant 4(11): 23, November 1983.

Alles over AID S deel VI. ~ ~ Krant 4(12): 27, December 1983.

Alles over AID S dee 1 VII. ~ ~ Krant 5(1): 18, January 1984.

Alles over AID S deel VIII. De ~ Krant 5(2): 6, February 1984.

Alles over AID S deel IX. De ~ Krant 5(3): 6, Marm 1984.

Alternative AID S mJareness week <"al ternative prevention and treatment programs">. ~ Area Reporter 13(18): 11, r'1ay 5,1983.

Altman, Dennis. AID S: a request for ideas . Politic 104: 6, June 1984.

Altman, Dennis. Ampersands . Outrage 3: 6, June 1983.

'At·1 San Francisco' scrubs patients <1< G 0 technicians refuse to vwrk vJith people with AIDS>. .!2.i!.Y Area Reporter 13(24): 2, June 16, 1983.

A MA says repatitis vaccine does not cause AI D S. Buck Rogers' Happenings, April 1983.

Amazing idea may sol ve AIDS riddle <"AIDS may be a form of swine flu">. Update 110: 7, June 2, 1983.

American Association of Physicians for Human Rights. Dear Dr. Sil verman . San Francisco: AAPHR, April 2, 1984. 2pp.

American Association of Physicians for Human Rights. Lesbians not at increased risk for AIDS. Big Apple Dyke News 3 (3): 7, April 1983.

115 American Associa tion 0 f Physicians for Human Rights. Transmission 0 f AI DS and rill< of AI DS to tt-e genera 1 popu 1 ation. Nationa 1 Coa lition Qf ~ STD Services Newsletter 5(1): 32, August 1983.

And this little piggy had none . New York Native 72: 3,61, September 12-25,1983.

Anderson, S.M. I am recovering from AID S: one man's odyessey rejecting the doctors. ~ Area Reporter 13(40): 14, October 6, 1983.

Anderson, S.M. KS therapies kill, not KS . ~ Area Reporter 14(3): 13, January 19, 1984.

Anderson, S.M. Treatments, thoughts, facts < letter reo AID S treatment). ~ Area Reporter 13(17): 7, April 28, 1983.

Anderson, S.M. Vitamin C- cures everything . ~ Ar_ea Reporter 13(23): 6, June 9, 1983.

Anderson, Scott P. AIDS neViS updates: 8000 L.A. marchers demand AIDS action. Advocate 371: 8-10, July 7, 1983.

Anderson, Scott P. Hollywood Bowl AIDS benefit- meager crowds, major problems. Advocate 378: 13, October 13, 1983.

Anderson, Scott P.; Freiberg, Peter; Helm, Chris; Nash, Phil. AIDS news updates: Ad vocate 379: 10-12, 0 dober 27, 1983.

Anderson, Shelley. 1500 participate in national AID S vigil. Equal Time 40: 7, November 2, 1983.

Andrews, Bob. AIDS is still with us. ~ Windows 2(10): 2, May 10­ 23, 1984.

Andrews, Bob. Deceptive gentility <" Speaking 0 ut" co 1 umn>. GelY Community News 11(6): 5, August 20, 1983.

Andrews, Bob; PaUon, Cindy. Boys and girls together talking about AID S. ~ Community News 10(47): 6-7, June 18, 1983.

Animal AIDS not liri

Anima 1 league wants to protect from AID S . ~L C ..'L oice 83: 2, December 5, 1983.

Ann Landers vs. CDC on cause of AIDS. ~LC ..'Loice 4(16): 2, June 20, 1983.

116 Another AIDS panel . ~ Area Reporter 14(12): 12, March 22, 1984.

Anott-er AIDS Project meeting . GL C Voice 84: 5, December 19, 1983.

Anotrer editorial: AIDS, gay ri

Ans~'lers to the questions you ask most: a medical doctor gives relevant facts about AIDS. Link/Skakel 110: 3, February 1983.

Anti-AIDS group sends smear letter . Equal ~ 46: 8, January ll, 1984.

Anti-bias bills pUS'Bd across US . Body Po litic 94: 19, June 1983.

Anti-gay cartoon prompts protest . ~LC y'-oic_e4(8): 2, July 18,1983.

Anti-gay crackdown in Haiti . Sen tine1 10(17): 1, August 18, 1983.

APHRA Executive Director makBs statement on AID S . National Coalition of ~ STD Services Newsletter 4(5): 12-13, May 1983.

Applauding tte AIDS Taa< Force without reservations. ~ News (Philadelphia) 7(32): 13, June 17-23, 1983.

Applauding Shapiro's appointment with reservations . ~.§.Y Newfi (Phil adel phia) 7(32): 13, June 17-23, 1983.

Appleman, Rose. Homophobia, federAl lethargy and a dose of racism: tt-e AID S crisis continues. front li,1€? August 22, 1983, p. 11.

April, ~'Jayne. KS Foundation goes national; has new direction <$400,000 grant from NIH>. ~ Area Reporter 13(19): 1,11, t~ay 12, 1983.

April, Wayne. t~arch for AIDS draws large crowd . ~ Area Reporter 13(18): 1,10, t~ay 5, 1983.

A.pril, Wayne. S.F. police don maS

April, ~'Jayne. $12 million for AID S like1 Y from Congress: funds pass House; same expected from Sena teo Bay Area Reporter 13(22): 1,5, June 2, 1983.

Apuzzo, V irgina ~·1. Socia 1 Science 101: demand protection

117 reo AID S confidentiality>. New York Nat.ive 75: 4, October 24­ November 6, 1983.

Apuzzo as. Our Own Communit.y Press 7(8): 5, June 1983.

Apuzzo excerpt.s . Washingt.on Blade 14(24): 11, June 17, 1983.

Apuzzo testifies for AID S in Congress: requests $100 million for research . ~ Area 13(20): 4, May 19, 1983.

Arbonies, William. Sticking a dick < let.ter reo responsibilities>. ~ Ar~a ReWlrter 13(16): 7, April 21, 1983.

ARC announces plans t.o assist. AID S sufferers . Connection 2(15): June 1-14, 1983.

ARC benefit at. Studio 54 on Gay Pride Day. Connection 2(15): ?, June 1-14, 1983.

ARC develops plans t.o relp AIDS patient.s . Connection 2(11): ?, 'March 3D-April 13, 1983.

Are we st.il1 'an army of lovers' <"prevenHve maint.enance">? Sacrament.o 1(20): 3, February 23, 1983.

Arhus cent.rum for forskning om AID S. Magasin ~ 1(2): 28, Oct.ober 1983.

Arnal, Frank. Le Congres de Dallas . G_ai Pied Hebdo 64: 23, April 9-15, 1983.

Arna 1, Frank. Incert.ainism incert.itude . Gai Pied Hebdo 83: 14-15, Sept.ember 3-9, 1983.

Around the nation . Washingt.on Blade 14(24): 9, June 17, 1983.

I\round t.he world . Washingt.on Q.lade 14(25): 9-11, June 24, 1983.

Article provokes picket. <"Whit.ewash" article in California Magazine>. ~ Community News ll(6): 2, August 20, 1983.

Artist.s and AID S . New York Nat.ive 68: 7, July 18-31, 1983.

Artist.s dona t.e works t.o benefit gay group: auct.ion raises $140,000 . Advocat.e 396: 18, June 12, 1984.

Arvanette, St.even C. AID S hyst.eria . New York Native 67: 10, Ju 1 y 4-17, 1983.

118 Arvanette, Steven C. Applause for the animals; empty seats, but rodeo raises money . New York Native 75: 14-15, October 24-November 6, 1983.

Arvanette, Steven C. Koch relents on 13th Street building . New York Native 66: 8-9,11, June 20-Ju 1 y 3, 1983.

Arvanette, Steven C. Marching for our lives. New York Na ti v e 68: 22, July 18-31,1983.

Arvanette, Steven C. New AIDS clinic to open in Twin Cities . New York Native 65: 10-11, June 6-19, 1983.

Arvanette, Steven C. Questions raised about some medical advertising <"AIDS screening">. NEtw Yo_~ Native 75: 8, October 24- November 6, 1983•

.l\r v anette, Ste ven C. Tmusands in vigil demand mi 1 lions for AI DS. New York Native 64: 9-10, t'1ay 23-June 5,1983.

ASFV watch . New York Native 79: 3, December 19, 1983-January 1,1984.

Asher, John. A tropica 1 is 1 and for ga y men: is there a re 1 a tionship between parasites and AIDS? Connection 2(24): 19, f) ctober 27- November 9, 1983.

Atkinson, Stephen. Sense and sensation for an AIDS overdose . ~ Po litic 103: 34-35, May 1984.

Auburn, Jon. ill Men's Hea 1 th: !l Guide t~ th:l AID SYr'ldI;ome ~n~ Otter Sexual.lY. Transmitted Q}.seases . Mom •••Guess What! 58: 13, October 1983.

Avant-propos . Sortie 5: 2, ~1arch 1983.

Averill, Brett. Roundup of gays reported in Haiti. New Yorl< Native 70: 13, August 15-28, 1983.

Avicolli, Tommi. AIDS benefit is "postponed" . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(1): 3,14, November 17, 1984.

Avicolli, Tommi. AIDS forum aims at black community . ~ News (Philadelphia) 7(47): 3,11, October 6, 1983.

Avicolli, Tommi. AIDS outreach aimed at Blacks. ~ News (Philadelphia) 7(36): 1, July 15-21,1983.

119 Avicolli, Tommi. AIDS statistics released <36 cases in Pennsy 1 v ania>. ~ News(Phil ade 1 phia) 7(35): 3, Ju 1 y 8-14, 1983.

Av ico 1 1 i, T ommi. ,1\1 D S Task Force sets up ways t.o raise, dispense funds . ~ News(Phi.ladelphi.a) 9(32): 3, June 17-23, 1983.

A v ico 1 li, T ommi. AI D S Task Force, 3 clubs wi 1 1 sponsor buses to vigil . Ga News(Philadelphia) 7(45): 1,9, September 22, 1983.

Avicolli, Tommi. "Buddies" serve people with AIDS: volunteers needed . ~ News (Philadelphia) 8(16): 3, March 1, 1984.

Avicolli, Tommi. City appoints coormnator for AIDS issues <~1uriel Bell, Philadelphia Dept. of Health>. ~ News(Philadelphi.a) 7(32): 1, June 17-23, 1983.

Avicolli, Tommi. Fumo introduces legislation for AIDS funding in Penna. . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(34): 3, July 1-7, 1983.

Avicolli, Tommi. Gay monopoly fa!' AIDS . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(6): 3, December 22, 1983.

Av ico 1 li, T ommi. Green proc 1 aims AI D S mon th rere < ~1 ayor Bil 1 Green>. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(44): 1, September 15, 1983.

Av ico 1 li, T ommi. Learning to liv e with AI D S: a re 1 1 of a way to grovi up. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(42): 3, September 1, 1983.

Avicolli. Tommi. New AIDS group formed in Phila. <.AIDS t·1edical Forum>. ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(3): 3,6, December 1, 1983.

Avicnlli, Tommi. PATr expands "buddy" system . ~News(Philadelphia) 8(6): 3, December 22,1983.

Avicolli, Tommi. Red Cross blood donations decrease to all-time low <"people's imaginations have run wild with the fear of AIDS">. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(46): 3, September 29, 1983.

Avicolli, Tommi. Red Cross blood donations "near normal". ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(35): 3, July 8-14,1983.

AVicolli, Tommi. Rise in Phila. AIDS cases still below national level <"an average of two cases a month has been reported in Philadelphia, bringing the current total to 24> • .Q.~ News(Philadelphia) 7(40): 1,12, August 18, 1983.

Avicolli, Tommi. Social wo~rs sponsor AIDS conference . ~ News( Phi 1 ade 1 phia) 7 (39): 3, August 5-11, 1983.

120 AVicolli, Tommi. State worker fights Red Cross blood ban . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(23): 1, April 15-21, 1983.

AVicolli, Tommi. Support group offers help for persons with AIDS

Avicolli, Tommi. "Too many believe the threat is over", Ifft says of AIDS . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(11): 3, Janua~y 26, 1984.

Avicolli, Tommi. Union president: more AIDS funding . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(38): 3, July 29-August 4, 1983.

Av ieo 1 li, Tommi. Vigi 1 funds dispu ted . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(19): 3,14, March 22, 1984.

Avicolli, Tornmi. What do you do when a friend carnes down with AIDS? ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(41): 3,14, Aygust 25, 1983.

Avoid the queers . ~ N_e~s(Philadelphia) 8(20): 13, March 29, 1984. B Baby shunned . Campaign 96: 5, December 1983.

Bac~ Gerard. SIDA: fant,agnes et realites . Homo[i"x?nies 43: 55, May 1984.

Bailey, Dan. The numbers are ours < let, t,er reo "we ha ve the numbers to elect">. New Yorl<: Native 64: 4, t'1ay 23-June 5, 1983.

Baker, Joe. First they close the baths, t,hen the bars, then •••• Da 11 as Gay Ne'l'is 83: 3, April 6, 1984.

Baker, Joe. Other viewpoints on the bat,hs. Dallas.!l..E.Y. News 85: 5, April 20, 1984.

Saker, Joe. Texas backs out of sodomy appea 1, but new foes will t~ up case . Advocate 366: 8, April 28, 1983.

Baker, Ron. Is J.O. OK in S.F. ? New York Native 89: 9-10, May 7-20, 1984.

Baker, Ron. Leading 'Frisco ~1.D. supports closing baths . New York Native 90: 10,56, May 21-June 3, 1984.

Baker, Ron. San Francisco Hea 1 th Director bans sex in batHlouses. New York Native 88: 6, April 23-May 6, 1984.

Baker, Ron. SF gay baths must post AID S warnings. N_~w York Native

121 66: 8, June 20-July 3, 1983.

Balaceanu, Michael. AIDS s·atter skr"acki USA. Maqasin ~ 1(2): 15, October 1983.

Ballet for AIDS . ~ Area Reporter 13(25): 36, June 23, 1983.

BAPHR symposium: the Physician in the AIDS crlS1S . National Coalition .£f. ~ STD Services Newsletter 4(5): 19, May 1983.

BAPHR's guidelines for AIDS risk reduction brochure . Na tiona 1 Coa lition of ~ S T D Services NewslE;tter 4(5): 12, May 1983.

Barbara Boxer seeks $30,000,000 for AIDS. California V_oicl;! 5(10): 7, May 6, 1983.

Barbedett.e, Gilles. French notes on AID S. New Yorl< Native 67: 24, July 4-17, 1983.

Barnet, Alison. AI D S and acupuncture. ~. Windows 2 (9): 20, April 26-t~ ay 9, 1984.

Barnet, A lison. Ann Sil va: city AID S coordinator . ~ Windows 2(8): 25, April 12-25, 1984.

Ba.rrus, Tim. Notes from the underground: the po litics of anonymous sex . Connection 3 (9): 19-20, March 28-April 11, 1984.

Bassett, Gary. AIDS achieves new distinction ••• the cover of Newswea< . National C·oa 1 tion Qf ~ S T D Services Newsletter 4(5): 18, May 1983.

Bastow, Tom. F or the federa 1 AI DS support,- thank GRNL < Gay Rights National Lobby>. Waffrl..ngton Blade 15(18): 26, May 4, 1984.

Bath houses to give out AID S info . Sentinel 11(5): 1, Itv1 arch 1, 1984.

Batrhouse manager cance 1s AID S benefit . ~y Communit.y News 10(47): 2, June 18, 1983.

Bathhouse manager cancels AID S benefit . ~LC 'y'oice 4(16): 8, June 20, 1983.

Bathhouse sex banned in S.F. Mom •••Guess What! 65: 4, May 1984.

Baths pass AIDS resolution

Bay Area Physicians for Human Rights. Guide 1 ines for AI DS risk

122 reduction . San Francisco: BAPHR, <1983>. 2pp.

Bay City betraya 1 . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(24): 13, April 26, 1984.

Beardemphl, W.E. Destoying the myth of AID S . Sentinel 10(12): 5, June 9, 1983.

Beardemphl, W.E. Tt-e ethics of AIDS . Sentinel 10(10): 5, May 12, 1983.

Bebout., Rick. Is ?: looking behind advice on AIDS. B_ody Politic 99: 33-37, December 1983.

Beckm an, Phi 1 ip. Hip P0 cra tic oa t.h < 1 et. re. st. a f f t.rea t. at. Mt. Sinai >. Nl:lw York Native 64: 4, May 23-June 5,1983.

Beer bust. raises almost. $1000 for local AIDS fund . West.ern Express 2(11): 4, April 27, 1983.

Beery, St.eve. Alt.ering social pat.t.erns in t.he age of AIDS . Advocat.e 372: 34-35, July 21, 1983.

Bmar, Mark. Donor direct.ed blood t.ransfusions- new fact. of the "neo-right."?: an opinion. National Coalition.9..f ~ ~.lQ Services 5(1): 32, August. 1983.

Behar, t'1ark. Likes our AID S coverage < from NC GS T D Services>. Sacrament.o 1(24): 2, April 20, 1983.

Bellar, Mark. Report.s from t.he Second National AIDS Forum. National Coalition of ~ STQ Services Newsletter 5(1): 26-29, August 1983.

Behar, Mark. The TV int.erview . National Coalition .£f. ~ ST Q Services Newsletter 4(5): 4-6, May 1983.

Belgians st.udy African cases; US sailor beat.s navy bias . Body Polit.ic 103: 17, May 1984.

Bell, Art.hur. Lo ve with t.he proper st.ranger . Seat.t.le ~ News 10(14): 1, June 3, 1983.

Bell, Deborah. 'Gay eagle get.s AIDS from ERA' . Mont.rose y""oice 161: 17, November 25,1983.

Bellum, Dan. Days of courage, night.s of t-ell: t.he st.ory of a person with AIDS. New York Nat.ive 84: 1,20,53, February 27-March 11, 1984.

Benefit Task Force clears AIDS Foundation. Sent.inel 10(26): 1,3 December 22, 1983.

123 Benefits raise $81,000. New Yorl< Native 63: 7, ~1ay 9-22, 1983.

Bennett, Arthur. 'Like a second coming out' . Washington Blade 14(25): 20, June 24,1983.

Bentzinger, Red. The man I loved: 10m Rogers; the last hours of a gay fighter. ~ Area R~orter 14(19): 29, May 10, 1984.

Benzry, Michael. City Ha 11 kickoff for AID S week . ~ Area Reporter 13(18): 1,12, May 5, 1983.

Berg, Stanley E:. AIDS: the reality hits home. The Worl

Berkowitz, Richard. A catalyst for change . ~ Community News 11 (15 ): 5, 0 c t 0 ber 29, 1983.

Berkowitz, Richard. Getting better all the time: words delivered at tt-e VI aS1i.ngton vigil. Connection 2(24): 15, October 27- November 9, 1983.

Berkowitz, Richard. Staying a livein the year of the plague. Mandate, November 1983, pp. 18-20,29-31.

Berkowitz, Richard; Callen, Michael; ,Dworkin, Richard. H_o\':t Jo Have Sex in ~ Epidemic: One Approach. New York: News From the Front, 1983. 40pp.

Berlandt, Konstantin. Blood director grilled by Coalition: fear of stigmatization angers activists . ~ Area Reporter 13(17): 12, April 28, 1983.

Berlandt, Konstantin. 'California magazine' offices picketed <" Whitewash">. ~ Area Reporter 13 (32): 3, August 11, 1983.

Ber landt, Konstantin. The cluster phenomenon. News Midwest 1(1): 2, 0 ctober 13, 1982.

Ber1 andt, Konstantin. FDA warns against sexua 1 blood. ~. Area Reporter 13(14): 10, April 7, 1983.

Berlandt, Konstantin. Gay advisory committee holds town meeting for community unity: outsiders see rivalry unabated. . ~ Area Reporter 13(31): 4, August 4, 1983.

Berlandt, Konstantin. Judge bumps juror with AIDS . ~ Area Reporter 13(24): 5, June 16, 1983.

Berlandt, Konstantin. KS doctor contracts KS . News Midwest 1(2): 4-5, October 27,1982.

124 Berlandt, Konstantin. New York marches and rallies for AIDS . ~ Area Reporter 13(19): 4, May 12, 1983.

Berlandt, Konstantin. Out of the streets•••into t.he House . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(0): 1,20, May 18, 1983.

Berlandt, Konst.antin. SF group to study KS . News Midwest. 10): 2, 0 ctober 13, 1982.

Berlandt, Konstantin; April, Wayne. Ad-hoc group urges batt-houses to post AID S warnings: some fear pride parade visitors will spread AIDS. ~ Area Reporter 13(21): 1-2, May 26, 1983.

Berube, A llano Don't save us from our sexuality . Coming !!..P.l4(7): 11, April 1984.

Bibliography on AIDS available . Egual Time 31: 9, June 15, 1983.

Big benefit set. for Davies Hall . ~ Area 13(24): 2, June 16, 1983.

Bishop, Ted. AIDS benefit: judge for yourself . The WeEkly News 7(11): 5, November 16,1983.

Bj °ork, Urban. AI D S: NY gaymora 1 utan mora lism - det ar dags at t sluta lEka nul Magasin ~ 1(3): 19-20, November 1983.

Blood bank rethinks po licy . Pink Triangle 43: 1, May-June 1983.

Blood screens donors for symptoms, not. sexua l/affectiona 1 orientation . Nat.ional Coalition.Qf ~ STQ Services Newslet.ter 4(4): 18, March 1983.

Blood donor crisis at.tributed to AIDS hysteria . Connection 2(8): 10, July 20­ August 2, 1983.

Blood donor guide lines rest.ated . Connection 3(5): 4, January 25-February 8, 1984.

Blood group, gay and lesbian community unite to fight AID S . ~ Area Reporter 13(20): 4, May 19, 1983.

Blumenfeld, 'darren. The AIDS Action Committee . ~ Community News 11(18): 9, November 19, 1983.

Blumenfeld, Warren. "Do not go gently into t.hat good night-•• " . ~ Community News 11(6): 12-13,16, November 5, 1983.

125 Board of Directors of ARC . Connection 2(18): 6, Ju 1 Y 20-August 2, 1983.

Board member dies . Empty Closet 142: 17, 0 ctober 1983.

Board of Supervisors awards grant to Sacramento AID S/K S Foundation <$5,562>. Mom ••• Guess What! 56: 9, August 1983.

Bodies for AIDS . ~ Area Reporter 13(16): 13, April 21, 1983.

Boegen, Jim. The new scrip t < letter reo "AI DS communicab 1 e" >. ~ Area Reporter 13(31): 7, August 4, 1983.

Bogle, Edna. AIDS: the other menace <"wave of anti-gay laws and discrimination">. Texas Gay/Lesbian Ta5< Force News 3(6): 3, August 1983.

Bohannon, Carl. Let us not forget what AIDS is really about . Montrose 'y'oice 168: 10, January 13, 1984.

Bohn, Ted. t~ass media and health care priorities: a gay social worker looks at mass media coverage of AID S. Connection 2(12): lO­ ll, April 14-May 4,1983.

Bojangle's set AIDS benefit for SL Patrick's Day . Sacramento Star 1(21): 8, "March 9, 1983.

Bolan, Robert K. Community advocate for AIDS victims encouraged <4th National Lesbian/Gay Heal th Conference, Houston>. National Coalit.ion Qf. ~ STD Services Newsletter 3(5): 12, May 1982.

Bolan, Robert K. KS and PCP case-control study begins: a report . Nationa 1 Coalition Qf. ~ STQ Services News letter 3(2): 2, November 1981.

Bolan, Robert. Medical reference for gay men

Bommer, Lawrence. A dramatic look at AIDS in 'One' . Advocate 383/384: 52, December 22, 1983.

Bonyun, David. Health in our community . Gays Qf. Ottawa Info 10(3): 8, April 1983.

Book review: The AID~ Epidemic, Kevin M. Cahill. News..Qi. the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(12): 549, January 1984.

Bordeleau, Christian. Led e lire de 1 a Croix-Rouge canadienne

126 <"risk groups" and blood donations>. Gai Pied Hebdo 69: 17, t1ay 14­ 20, 1983.

Bosse-kraeft hos hetero-seksuel1e! Pan(Copenhagen), July-August, 1982, p.4.

Boston AIDS conference. ~ Community News 11(35): 2, March 24, 1984.

Boston AIDS hJtline. Gay Community News 10(49): 2, July 2, 1983.

Boston AID S ra 1 1 y and marc~ ~ Community News 10(47): 2, June 18, 1983.

8oston AI D S support group forming. Gay Communit.y News 10 (45): 2, June 4, 1983.

Bost.on changes ,IUDS policy . Gay Community News 11(14): 6, Oct.ober 22, 1983.

Bouchard, Alain. D'Anita Bryant &: SIDA . Rencontres Gaies 14: 4, September 1983.

Bowman, Chris. Lat.est CD C figures: has AID S level pea~d? Sentinel 10(15): 1-2, July 21, 1983.

Boxer, Barbara; Waxman, Henry; ~~eiss, Ted. AID S research bil Is . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(12): 4, June 1, 1983.

Boycot.t. the Times Sunday, t'1ay 3 . New York Cit.y News 71: 1, May 25, 1983.

Bradford, Jim. AIDS and vitamin C . ~ Community ~ews 11(45): 4, June 2, 1984.

Bramson, Hal. Polit.ical clout and AIDS . New York Native 64: 4, Hay 23­ June 5, 1983.

Breakt.hrough on AID S virus . Our Paper, Your Paper 3(6): 6, t1a.rch 21,1984.

Brenner benefit is postponed . The Weekly News 7(12): 6, November 23, 1983.

Brian. Looking on the side . Wanqanui ~ RicPt.s Group Newsletter 47: 1, April­ May 1984.

Brighton Gay Switchboard; Brighton Gay Community Organisation. AIDS: some questions answered . Brighton, England: BGS; BGeO, 1984.

127 British anxiety-ridden over AIDS. IMontrose 'y"oice 152: 8, September 23, 1983.

Britt, III, Burl R. AIDS case in ~lestchester jail . New York Native 75: 6-7, October 24-Novernber 6, 1983.

Britt, III, Burt R. Death of Nassau AID S man stirs controversy . New York Native 78: 9-10, December 5-18, 1983.

Britt, Harry. AID S . Ca lifornia Voice 5(7): 7, March 25, 1983.

Britt, Harry. The City responds to AIDS o California Voice, May 6, 1983.

Britt, Harry. ~lrite for fundingl < letter>. The ~ Paper, June 1983.

Britt, ~101inari ask $$$ for AIDS . Sentinel 10(9): 1, April 28, 1983.

Britt, ~101inari seek more $$$ for AIDS . Sentinel 10(24): 1, November 22, 1983.

Brochure on Kaposi's sarcoma for practitioners developed . National Coalition..Qf.~ STQ Services Newsletter 3(4): 13, February 1982.

Brochures available from AIDS Project/LA. ~ Area Reporter 13(41): 32, 0 ctober 13, 1983.

Brockway, Bruce. AIDS . T akinq it .iQ. the Streets .l.. ~ and Lesbian Pride '83. tHnneapo lis, t~ N: Gay Pride Committee, 1983. p. 23.

Brockway, Bruce. CDC doing miserably poor on AIDS work. Equal Time 37: 5, September 7, 1983.

Brockway, Bruce. Congress appropriates $26 million for AID S. GL C News 4(15): 3, June 6, 1983.

Brockway, Bruce. Making political hay over AIDS . Equal Time 35: 4, August 10, 1983.

Brockway, Bruce. Media coverage: are complaints meaningful 7 Equal Time 36: 5, August 24, 1983.

Brockway, Bruce S. No excuse . New York Native 72: 6, September 12-25,1983.

Brockway in intensive care

128 and AID S patient>. GLC Voice 88: 11, February 20, 1984.

Brown, Arch. The Facts- and nothing else . New York Native 70: 17, August 15-28, 1983.

Brown, Arch. No pulse, doctor . New York Native 81: 15, January 16-29,1983.

Brown, Bob. AID Suppers < letter reo community response>. ~ Area Reporter 13(15): 7, April 14, 1983.

Brown, Eugene A. Poppers and AIDS. New York Native 72: 62, September 12-25, 1983.

Brown, Leonard. NGTF will pursue new tack for federal ,~IDS funding. ConnecUon 3(9): 15, t~arch 28-April 11, 1904.

Brown, Leonard. Studies meet NI H funding criteria < Nationa 1 Institute of A llergy and Infectious Disease funds severa 1 ,I\ID S studies>. Connection 3(8): 7, March 14-28, 1984.

Brown, Tim. The real killers . Gay Community News 11(10): 5, Sept.ember 24, 1983.

Brown, Willie. I pledge to fight AIDS as Speaker of the Assembly <1 e t t eI' >• UPd ate 109: ?, ~1 a y 18, 198 3 .

8row~ Jr., \Hllie L. Federal AIDS research hampered

. Our Paper, You~ Paper 3(1): 4, January 11, 1984.

Brown charges i\IDS research hampered <\'lillie Brown, Jr.>. SenUnel 10(26): 1, December 22, 1983.

Brown claims research hampered . Mom ... Cuess ':fhat! 62: 3, February 1984.

Bruno-Pascal n'a pas le SIDA . Gai Pied Hebd~ 99-100: 10, December 24, 1983-January 5, 1984.

Buckman, John; ~~auser, Greg. Rats &: AIDS

Budget request inc 1 udes an increase in AI DS funding . Connection 3(7): 5, February 29-r1arch 14, 1984.

Budget reques t in eludes slight AI DS funding increase. 5 ea ttl e ~ News 11(7): 8, February 17, 1984.

Burak, Tim. Gay community's involvement in creating Seattle's AIDS assessment project. National Coalition .Qf ~ STD Services

129 Newsletter 5(3): 39, January 1984.

Burke, Pat. AIDS fund drive is urged by MCC pastor. Update 108: 7, May 4,1983.

Burke, Pat. AIDS st am pede < 1etter reo ba tt-house closures>. Up d'a te 114: 14, July 27, 1983.

Burke, Pat. 500 walk in silent protest of newspaper. Updat.e 110: 7, June 2, 1983.

Burke, Pat. Gays, mayors, t~.D's meet on AIDS . Update 112: 2, June 29, 1983.

Burke, Pat. Info-line on AID S begins service. Update 108: 7, May 4, 1983.

Burke, Pat. 145 give blood in lesbian led drive . Update 114: 1, July 27, 1983.

Burke, Pat. President loses fight over AID S research. Update 110: I,ll, June 2, 1983.

Burl. Updat.e 108: 7, t-1 ay 4, 1983.

Burnett, Bruce. T~ AIDS experience . Pink Triangle 46: 13-14, March-April 1984.

Burns, Judy. Crisisline will survey anti-gay violence, refer victims. La~sk Force Report 9(15): 1,4, November-December 1982.

Bursch, Russ. Chorus benefit for AIDS a success . liLC_ 'y"'oice 4(21): 3, September 6, 1983.

Bus, subway ads; AIDS hasn't gone away . HE WeekI y News 7(31): 6, April 4, 1984.

Bush, Larry. AID S actions taking center stage. Montrose Voice 144: 5, Ju 1 Y 29, 1983.

Bush, Larry. AIDS and the media: the questions no one is asking. Hew York Native 68: 21,61, July 18-31, 1983.

Bush, Larry. AIDS over America . Camp~aign 92: 17, August 1983.

Bush, 'L arry. Bipartisan Congress busts AI DS budget ceiling, b 1 ast.s Reagan <"Bot.h houses of Congress set increases of $12 million">. New York Native 65: 14, June 6-19,1983.

Bush, Larry. Capitol Hill: AID S spending, gay award, Meese ~aring. Mont.rose Voice 180: 7, April 6, 1984.

130 Bush, Larry. Congress close to doubling AIDS spending for fiscal '83. Advocate 371: 8, July 7, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Congress comes t.o grips with AIDS . Frontiers 2(2): 17, May 25-June 8,1983.

Bush, Larry. Congress okays new AID S budget.. New York Na t.i v e 73: 13, September 26- 0 ctober 9, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Congressional action would nearly double FY 83 AIDS funds. Washingt.on Blade 14(21): 1,28-29, May 27, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Cooke prays for AIDS vict.ims, Koch t.akes heat at. N.Y.C. meeting . Advocat.e 368: 17, May 26, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Dallying with dollars: Reagan's t.hreat.ened vet.o holds up $12 million for AID S. Advocat.e 373: 14-15, August. 4, 1983.

Bush, Larry. official hired by gay group t.o lobby for AIDS . Advocat.e 375: 8, Sept.ember 1, 1983.

Bush, Larry. A federal response: what.'s taking so long?: Weiss schedu 1 es Con gressiona 1 hearing < Ted Weiss>. New York Na ti v e 69: 12-13,63, August 1-14, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Feds' AID S act.ion lacking? Dems, GOP differ at. House hearing. Ad v ocat.e 376: 8-9, Sept.ember 15, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Fiscal year '84 AID S funding at. $42 million: grant.s announced. Ad vocate 380: 20, November 10, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Gays-as-healt.h-hazard ploy fails in House Subcommittee . Advocat.e 367: 16, ~1ay 12,1983.

Bush, Larry. Gays to meet. with Whit.e House on AIDS; \veiss t.angles with Heckler on access• .t:!ew York Native 66: 16-17, June 20-July 3, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Government has closed books on AIDS document.s, charges N.Y. Congressman Weiss . Advocat.e 372: 18-19, Ju 1 y 21, 1983.

Bush, Larry. House committee report. 1 federa 1 hand ling of AIDS crisis. Ad v ocat.e 385: 14-15, January 10, 1984.

Bush, Larry. House panel moves emergency funding bill on. New York Nat.ive 64: 17, Mlay 23-June 5, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Kennedy ca lIs for AID S hearing in Senat.e to 'alleviat.e' fears and evaluat.e federal response. Advocate 383/384: 24, December 22, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Kennedy urges spot. lighting AIDS. Mont.rose 'y"oice 159: 1, November 11,1983.

131 BUf'n, Larry. Kisses and curses . New York Native 72: 15, September 12-25,1983.

Bush, Larry. f"1edia hype: business as usua 1 is not good journa lism . Wafflington Blade 14(26): 1,3, July 1, 1983.

Bush, Larry. New social security rule may be of little benefit to many AIDS patients. Advocate 372: 19, July 21, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Notes from a Symposium

Bush, Larry. On Capitol Hill: AID S spending, no gay award, Meese hearing. Dallas ~ News 83: 1,8, April 6, 1984.

Bush, Larry. Political, medical debate over AIDS Ettifts to Denver; u.S. mayors: increase research funds for 'cause and cure'. Advocate 372: 11,69-70, Ju 1 y 21, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Political posturing over AIDS: an affliction that strikes gays, nongays alike. Advocate 374: 20-21, August 18, 1983.

Bush, Larry. He politics (and more politics) of AIDS. New York Native 67: 19, July 4-17,1983.

Bush, Larry. Proposed fed bill would speed up release of funds for AID S "Emergency". Advocate 365: 14, April 14, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Reagan administration 'dances' with AID S issue. Montrose y'oice 151: 1,6, September 16, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Reagan doub les fisca 1 '84 AID S funding proposa 1. Advocate 378: 20-21, October 13, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Reagan pI eying sre 1 1 games with AI D S funding. New York ~ative 57: 9-10, February 14-27, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Reagan response blasted in AIDS hearing. Montrose y'oice 149: 6, September 2, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Reagan response blasted in AIDS hearing. New York Native 70: 14-15, August 15-28, 1983.

Bush, Larry. Reagan sticks to AIDS proposal. He Wecl

Bush, Larry. Senator ba lks at pressing Heckler on anti-gay voting record . Advocate 365: 14-15, April 14, 1983.

Bush, Larry. $30 million emergency hea 1 th fund passes House Subcommittee; AIDS research prime beneficiary. Frontiers 2 (2): 11,38, May 25-June 8, 1983.

132 Bush, Larry. u.s. AIDS budget falls short $9 million. Montrose yoice 162: 3, December 2, 1983.

Bush, Larry. What price an epidemic? Congress eyes AID S funding for 1984. Advocate 370: 22-23, June 23, 1983.

Bush, Larry; Carrier, Allen E. House OKs record AIDS funding; gay leaders urge cooperation. Advocate 379: 8, October 27,1983.

Bush, Larry; t~artz, Steve. Kisses and curses . New Yorl< Native 70: 16,60, August 15-28,1983.

Business aids in the AID S batt Ie <$100,000 search time by American International Data Search>. ~ Area Reporter 13(32): 14, August 11, 1983.

Butkie, Joseph O. Condemning a condemner < letter reo sexua 1 contact, AIDS and the baths>. ~ Area Reporter 13(30): 7, July 28,1983.

Buzbuzian, Denise. Focusing on health, not sickness . California yoice 5(12): 14, June 3, 1983.

Byron, Peg. AIDS and the Gay ~1en's Health Crisis of New York. ~ Community News 11(3): 8,13, July 30, 1983.

Byron, Peg. AID S patient survives incident at New York hospital . New York Native 86: 7-8, March 26-April 8, 1984.

Byron, Peg. AIDS rodeo benefit herds bucks, broncos < Madison Square Garden, New York>. ~ Community News 11(13): 3, October 15, 1983.

Byron, Peg. Bare budget weasels for AIDS . New York Native 90: 7, May 21-June 3, 1984.

Byron, Peg. Complaint filed for AIDS-related bias . ~ Community News 11(7): 1, September 3, 1983.

Byron, Peg. Fears and frustrations stymie patients' allies; lesbian health workers discuss AIDS. ~ Community News 11(10): 3,16, September 24, 1983.

BYron, Peg. HoI d the May 0 . New Yorl< Native 77: 13,64, November 21-December 4, 1983.

Byron, Peg. Investigators leaning toward suicide theory . New Yorl< Native 87: 9,12, April 9-22, 1984.

Byron, Peg. SSI benefits approved for AIDS patients . ~ Community News 10(44): 1-2, t'1ay 29, 1983.

133 Byron, Peg; Arvanette, Steven C. New York shocked by proposed S.F. bath ban. New York Native 87: 7,51-52, April 9-22, 1984. c Calif. Senate may seEk cure for AIDS

Ca lifia, Pat. Women react to AID S. Ad vocate 391: 26-27,30-31, April 3, 1984.

California AIDS data released <171 new cases in first five months of 1983>. Update 112: 1, June 29, 1983.

California hospita 1 adopts "let 'em die" guidelines for AID S patients < University of Ca lifornia, S an Francisco and S an Francisco General Hospital>. GLC Voice 4(24): 2, October 17,1983.

Cal ifornia, New York &: Wisconsin require reporting of AID S cases. National Coalition Q[ ill. STQ Services Newsletter 5(1): 40, August 1983.

Call for Senate AIDS hearing . Bay 1\rea Re_porter 13 (45): 9, November 10, 1983.

Callen, Michael. Personalizing the CrlS1S . Connection, t~ay 18-31, 1983, pp. 1,31.

Callen, Michael L. Reducing risk, increasing dialogue . New York Native 83: 4, February 13-26, 1984.

Callen, Michael; Berkowitz, Richard. What causes AID S? Our Paper, Your Paper 2(13): 17-18, June 29, 198.3.

Callen, Michael; Berkowitz, Richard; Dworkin, Richard; Sonnabend, Joseph. Two gay men with AIDS talk about AIDS and promiscuity. First Hand: Experiences for Loving ~1en 3(5): 67-79, August 1983.

Campbell, Bobbi. Important to be hopeful . ~ Area Reporter 13(20): 7, May 19, 1983.

Campbell, Bobbi. 1 from tJe 1,112 < letter responding to Larry Kramer article "1,112 and Counting">. W. Area Reporter 13(15): 8, April 14, 1983.

Campbell, Bobbi. Second National AIDS Forum. Sentinel 10(13): 4, June 23, 1983.

Campbell, Bobbi. Sect'y Heckler meets people with AIDS . Sentinel 10(17): 1, August 18, 1983.

134 Campbell, Bobbi. S.F. AIDS Alliance. SentinellO(1l): 4, May 26, 1983.

Campbell, Bobbi. Trere is no 'safe sex' < letter>. Tre We6dy News 7 ( 29 ): 5, t"1 arch 2 1, 1 9 8 4.

Campbell, Bobbi. U.C.'s brand new 'Let 'em Die' guidelines for AI DS patients < doctors and nurses may withho 1 d direct mouth-to­ mouth resuscitation from peop Ie with AID S: University of California, San Francisco>. Sentinel 10(20): 1,5, September 29, 1983.

Campbell, Bobbi. Was blind, but now I see . Christoprer Street 7(8): 6, September 1983.

Campbell, Bobbi. What do people with AIDS want? Sentinel 10(10): 12, t"1ay 12, 1983.

Campbell, Bobbi; Reynolds, Bob; Wal~ Bob. Friends . Alice Reports 1(3): 6, June 1983.

Campbell, Tim. Bruce Brockway tickling the ivories once again . lil.I. 'y"oice 88: 3, March 5, 1984.

Canada AI D S Task Force has no gays. News.2i tre Col umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(6): 228, July 1983.

Canadian government sets up AIDS task force, no gay representatives appointed. ~ Community News 10(48): 2, June 25,1983.

Canadian health researchers seek clue to AIDS • .ill Niagara News 4(5): 8, May 1983.

Canadian province compels doctors to report AIDS . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(18): 6, September 14, 1983.

Canadians to report on AI D S . Connection 2(21): 8, August 31-September 20, 1983.

Cancer Institute awards to AI D S research . ~ Area Reporter 14 (3): 11, January 19, 1984.

Cancer meeting . Frontiers 1(2): 7, May 20-June 3, 1982.

Cancer virus lirkd to AID S . 't/aSlington Blade 15(16): 8, April 20, 1984.

Candlelight AIDS vigil is Oct. 8 in Washington. Egual Time 37: 3, September 7, 1983.

135 Candleli~t AID S vigil this Saturday. ill Area Reporter 13(40): 5, October 6, 1983.

Candleliljlt march &. White House call-in focus national attention on AIDS. National Coalition.£f. ~ STD Services Newsletter 4(5): 29, May 1983.

Candleli~t vigil set for October 8. GLC Voice 4(20): 7, August 15, 1983.

Cantaloupe, Fred E. While we wait . New York Native 75: 25-29, October 24-November 6, 1983.

Capitalizing on AIDS, Falwell suggests quarantine of gays. New York Native 69: 9, August 1-14, 1983.

Carey, Ronald D. As a person . ~ Community News 11(18): 5, November 19, 1983.

Carr, Adam. Tl-e AID S epidemic. Outrage 3: 4-6,15-18, June 1983.

Carr, Adam. AID S in Austra lia <"doubt about the Sydney case">. Outrage 3: 3, June 1983.

Carr, Adam. AIDS is hot politics in New York. Outrage 4: 15, July 1983.

Carr, Adam. AIDS: new theories, more panic. Outrage 4: 7, JUly 1983.

Carr, Adam. AIDS report . Outrage 10: 9, February 1984.

Carr, Adam. Assessing your risk factors for AID S. Outrage 9: 42­ 43,46, December 1983-January 1984.

Carr, Adam. 'Tl-e new old AIDS book . Out~age 11: 27, March 1984.

Carl', Adam. New US-related AIDS case in ~1elbourne. Outrage 7: 3, October 1983.

Carr, Adam. 2,000 AIDS cases. Outrage 6: 16, September 1983.

Carr, Adam. U.S. gay heal th workers meet on AID S . Outrage 5: 13, August 1983.

Carr, Adam. Victorian gays act on AIDS . Outrage 5: 5, August 1983.

Carrier, Allen E. Tt-e State of Maryland's sodomy law- and local gays' fear of prosecution under it- cou I d jeopardize the success

136 of a multimillion dollar study of AIDS. Advocate 389: 53, March 6, 1984.

Carter, David. Interview: Cranston on gay concerns . ~ Life 8(52): 1,5,7, June 9,1983.

Carter, Ivan L. Tre AIDS Vigil . Washington Blade14(26): 21, Ju 1 y 1, 1983.

Castigliano, Lucio. My night at the baths . New York Native 82: 21,53, January 3D-February 12, 1984.

Castro to Castro b~ rides will benefit AID S/K S . Sacramento Star 2(2): 4,8, June 15, 1983.

Caswell, Don. Gay at the Times . New York Native66: 4, June20-July 3, 1983.

Cathcart, III, Robert F. Tre ascorbate strategy: part I: vitamin C in the treatment of AIDS. ~ Area Reporter 14(10): 14-15, March 8, 1984.

Cathcart, III, Robert F. Tre ascorbate strategy: part II: ascorbate treatment protocol for AIDS patients. ~ Area Reporter 14(11): 14-15, March 15, 1984.

Cathcart, Robert F. VHamin C function in AID S . ~ Area Reporter 13(46): 18, November 17, 1983.

Cathcart, Robert F. Vitamin C treatment protocol for AIDS: more and more SF PWA's adopt alternative treatment on tt-e QT. ~ Area Reporter 14 (1): 14-15, January 5, 1984.

Cautious blood po licy . Washington ~1 ade 15(2): 7, January 13, 1983.

Cavin, Susan. Unverified theory: is AIDS dioxin related ? Big Apple Dyke News 3(7): 10-11, October-November 1983.

Tre CDC at risk . New York Native 72: 3, September 12-25, 1983.

CDC head researcrer understands gay comp 1 aints . ~ Area Reporter 13 (38): 12, September 22, 1983.

CDC says AIDS cases have declined. Connection 3(5): 4, January 25­ February 8, 1984.

CDC to study Hai hans, AIDS. E9-ual_ Jime 37: 3, September 7, 1983.

Cecchi, Robert L. Dear Mr. President . New York Native 64: 10, May 23-June 5, 1983.

137 Celebrities back AIDS group . Empty Closet 148: 12, April 1984.

Celebrities raise $50,000 at AID S benefits at Studio One . GLC Voice 91: 10, April 16, 1984.

Celebrities support AIDS cause <37 celebrities relp form the Nationa 1 Council of AID S Medica 1 Foundation>. Tre WeekI y News 7(26): 6, February 29, 1984.

Channel 13 loves your money, but hates you . New York Native 77: 5, November 21- December 4, 1983.

Chapman, Nancy. Norfolk turned down on U.S. AIDS grant. Our 0 wn Community Press 7(11): 1, September 1983.

Chapman, Nancy. Specialist discusses AIDS . Our Own Community Press 8(2): 1, December 1983.

Chapman, Nancy. Turndown on AIDS study is still unexplained. Our Own Community Press 7(12): 1, October 1983.

Charles, Ken. AIDS, stress and your health . Advocate 377: 79, September 29,1983.

Charles, Ken. Counting on your health . Advocate 390: 52, March 20,1984.

Charles, Ken. The illusion of health . Advocate 383/384: 85, December 22, 1983.

Charles, Ken. Shape up: AIDS and exercise . Advocate 368: 59, May 26,1983.

Charles, Ken. Shape up: AIDS and exercise . Advocate 371: 69, July 7, 1983.

Charles, Ken. Shape up: AID S and exercise . Advocate 374: 61, August 18, 1983.

Charles, Matthew. Thanks for Denver report . Coming Q.Q!, August 1983, p. 5.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. AID S federation meets

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. AIDS patient at hospital may have attempted suicide . Washington Blade 14(50): 5, December 23,1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. Bath cancels AID S fundraiser

138 Washington D.C.>. Washington Blade 14(22): 1,12, June 3, 1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. Controversy scuttles a fledgling AIDS group . Washington Blade 15(15): 1,14­ 15, April 13, 1984.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. DC officials praise cooperation on AIDS . Wmtlington Blade 14(28): 4, July 15, 1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. FY'85 AI D S budget not good enough, says N G T F. Washing ton Blade 15(5): 1,9, February 3,1984.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. Gay Repub 1 icans upset at NG T F White House meeting < Wa 1 t Whitman Repub lican Club>. Wl'l9lington Blade 14 (24): 5,6, June 17, 1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. Increase AID S funding, three gay leaders tell Congress . h'ashington Blade 14(19): 1,10, May 13, 1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. Na v y seeks to oust gay man with AI D5 . Washington .§.lade 15(6): 6, February 10, 1984.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. NGTF and GRNL leaders discuss joint AIDS project. WaslLington Blade 14(23): 6, Julie 10,1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. NGTF to file complaint over ABC blood program <"20/20" news program "unfairI y li~d AI DS patients in genera 1 and gay men in partic u 1 art 0 the pote n tiale 0 n tami f'l a ti0 n 0 f the nation's blood supply">. Washington Blade 14(27): I,ll, July 8, 1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. NGTF's Apuz-zo, l.evi meet with new head of CDC . Washington Blade 14(47): 5, December 2,1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. NIH testing of possible AIDS drug is underway . Washington Blade 14(28): 3-4, July 15, 1983.

Chib bar0, Jr. , Lou. N. Y. AIDS forum draws visits from Koch, Cardina 1 Coo~. WaSlington Blade 14(15): 5-6, April 15, 1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. President Reagan's budget for fisea 1 1985 includes a $53.9 million funding package for AIDS research. Advocate 389: 19,53, t~arch 6,1984.

Chibbaro, Jr., Low. S ai lor with AI D S wins . _Washington Blade 15(9): 6, t~arch 2, 1984.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. Scared by AIDS, local meI'Chant pulls ad . WaSlington Blam 14(30): I,ll, July 29,1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. Senate approves AIDS package; Waxman bill funding included. WaSlinq,ton Blade 14(39): 6, OctOber 7, 1983.

139 Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. S peed urged 0 n AIDS disa bi 1 it y benefits. Wa9lington Blade 14 (41): 5, 0 ctober 21, 1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. Was-ungton Times cartoon draws staff, Gay protests . Was-ungton Blade 14(24): 1,18, June 17,1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. White House, H HS aides meet about AID S with NGTF. Wa9lington Blade 14(25): 1,12, June 24,1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., Lou. White House veto threa t jeopardizes funds for AI D S. Was-ungton Blade 14(23): 1,10, June 10, 1983.

Chibbaro, Jr., LOUj Martz, S te v e. Pressure for more federa 1 AI D S dollars is increasing. Was-ungton Blade 14(18): 1,25, May 6,1983.

Chicago AID S Action Project issues second newsletter. Nationa 1 Coalihon .£f. ~ STD Services Newsletter 4 (5): 29, May 1983.

Chicago AID S funding. ~ Community News 11(26): 2, January 21, 1984.

Chicago AID S office establis.ed <0 ffice of AID S Activities>. ~ Community News 11(21): 2, December 10, 1983.

Chicago clinic gets AIDS grant . Equal Time 40: 2, November 2,1983.

Chicago statistics released <36 AID S cases>. ~ Life 9(13): 1, September 29, 1983.

Children's Hospital gets grant for AIDS study from NIH . News of tt-e Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(5): 161, June 1983.

Chimp lovers protest use in AID S research . Montrose'y'oice155: 3, October 21, 1983.

Chittock, Brian W. AIDS: a case of homophobia. Fine Print 1(3): 10-11, April 1983.

Church, Bart. Required reading < letter reo L. Kramer>. New York Native 61: 5-6, April 11-24, 1983.

Churches back AIDS research funding . Sacramento Star 2(1): 6, June 1, 1983.

Ciaccio, John J. AID S update . San Diego Gayzette 85: 5, April 19, 1984.

Ciaccio, John J. San Francisco sidesteps closings. San Diego Gayzette 84: 1,18, April 12, 1984.

140 Circus nets big bucks to fund AID S research . Body Po litic 94: 19-20, June 1983.

Cirkus fur AIDS . Revolt 14(5): 48, May 1983.

A city AIDS project for Albany . Connection 3(4): 7, December 28, 1983-January 25, 1984.

City hires AIDS staff . Washington Blade 15(13): 6, March 30, 1984.

City is concerned over realth crisis . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(30): 1,18, June 3-9, 1983.

City sets up new AIDS lab . New York Native 86: 10, March 26-April 8, 1984.

Claiborne benefit raises $100,000. New York Native 69: 6, August 1­ 14, 1983.

Claiborne raises money for AID S . Egual Time 35: 2, August 10, 1983.

Clarke would revoke licenses for refusing AID S patients . Was'hing ton Blade 14 (25): 6, June 24, 1983.

Clavreul, Genevieve M. An evaluation of "AIDS appretension" among nurses & its effect on patient care. National Coalition.2.f. Ga_y S_TQ Services Newsletter 5(2): 24, November 1983.

C lingaman, Henry. Editor's flaws < letter re. AID S patients evicted from Sea Captain Motel>. ~ay Area Reporter 14(15): 8, April 12, 1984.

Clinic opens AIDS line . Washington Blade 14(29): 7, July 22,1983.

"Close contact" theory of AIDS called ludicrous . liLC 'y"oic~e 4(15): 2, June 6,1983.

C losing the baths: two views < letters from Clinton B. Hatcher and David Kuhn>. The Weekly ~ews 7(31): 5, April 4, 1984.

Club Batte screen for AIDS . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(10): 18, May 18, 1983.

Coa lition denounces "Whitewash" . Coming.!:L.P..1 August 1983, p.2.

Cohn, Linda. Burning of AID S patient stumps po lice, hospita 1 . ~ Community News 11(38): 1, April 14, 1984.

141 Collier, Tom. Life in tt-e AIDS era. Washington Blade 14(15): 19, April 15, 1983.

Collins, Chris; Sweeney, Tim; Boring, John; Callen, Michael; Lawrence, Keith. Who knows what about us ? New York Native 66: 5,7, June 20-July 3,1983.

Collins, Evan. . ~ Politic 101: 6, March 1984.

Collins, Evan. . Homo@le Association of London, Ontario Newsletter, February 1984, p. 4.

Collins, Evan. Wants to hear about AIDS-related concerns . Gays Qi 0 ttawa Info 11(2): 2, March 1984.

Columbia settles discrimination suit . New York Native 73: 7-8, September 26-0ctober 9, 1983.

Comedian Joan Rivers is donating t-er time for two AI DS benefit performances to be t-eld at Studio One in Los Angeles on March II. Advocate 390: 19, March 20, 1984.

Comic Brenner to headline AID S gala . Sentinel 10(21): 2, October 13, 1983.

Comments on the AIDS Task Force . ~ News(Philadelpllia) 7(39): 13, August 5-11, 1983.

Committee t-ears testimony on restoring state sodomy law . Outl!:!. Texas 9: 8, April 28,1983.

Committee to Monitor the Effects of Poppers. Poppers and AID~ with annotated bibliograltD'. San Francisco: CAAEP, November 1983. 10 pp.

Communica tion and cooperation high1 ight AID S funding programs . Mom ••• GueS1 Wha t! 5 9 : 2 0, November 1983.

Community forum on AIDS <"AIDS: realities and responsibilities", sponsored by tt-e Lesbian/G ay Ad v isory Committee of tt-e Human Rights Commission>. Sentinel 10(15): 1, July 21,1983.

Comp 1 ain t charges discrimina tion at Col umbia . New York Na ti v e 71: 10-11, August 29-September 11, 1983.

Conant, Marcus A. Why so long ? Coming ~ 4(8): 3, May 1984.

Concern about AID S spurs action and concern

142 "MacNeil-LEhrer Report">. Mom .•• Guess What! 55: 3, July 1983.

Concord tackles AI DS . ~ Area Reporter 13(31): 32, August 4,1983.

Conference to address AI D S fears, concerns < Minneapo lis>. Equa 1 Time 37: 2, September 7, 1983.

Confidentiality and AIDS . Lamba Update, December 1983, p. 3.

Confidentia lity redux . New York Native 76: 3,5, November 7-20, 1983.

Confidentiality: take a number please . New York Native 73: 3, September 26-0ctober 9,1983.

Conflicting AIDS transfusion-links. News.Qf. the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 7(2): 103, March 1984.

Confused about AIDS funding <"Discussion of AIDS Funding" talk sponsored by F arum of S an Francisco>? ~ Area Reporter 14(0): 28, March 8, 1984.

Congress acts on $12 million AID S bill. Our Paper, Your Paper 2(11): 1,16, June 1, 1983.

Congress allocates AI DS funds <$41 million for research on AI DS>. Connection 30): 4, November 9-30, 1983.

Congress approves $41 million for AIDS. Sentinel 10(22): 1, October 27,1983.

Congress considers 14 bills dea ling with AI D S, nationa 1 gay lobby works hard to build support. Sacramento Star 2(3): 3, June 29, 1983.

Congress passes emergency hea 1 th fund . Montrore Voice 142: 1, Ju 1 y 15, 1983.

Congress passes $30 mil lion hea 1 th emergency fund: more money sought in new bi 1 1 s. Bay Area Reporter 13(28): 12, July 14, 1983.

Congress passes $12 million for AIDS. News of the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(6): 206, July 1983-.-----­

Congress responds to AIDS with 14 bills. Our Paper, Your Paper 2(1): 1,16, June 1, 1983.

Congressional AIDS bills plod along• ..!2...§.y Area Reporter 13(21): 5, May 26,1983.

Congress iona 1 hear i ngs on Kaposi' s/acqu ired immunode f i ci ency syndrome . National Coalition Qf.~ STD Services Newsletter 3(5): 14-20, May 1980.

143 Congressman rights advocate dead at 56 . Body Po litic 94: 20-21, June 1983.

Congressman to hold AIDS hearing . Washington Blade 14(30): 19, July 29,1983.

Connecticut considering quarantine 1 aw for promiscuous. GL C Yoice 91: 2, April 16, 1984.

Connector benefits AID S . B_ay A~a Reporter 13(27): 27, July 7, 1983.

Conservative tries to label gays public heal th hazard • Mom ••• Guess Wha t! 54: 4, May 1983.

Contingencies for AIDS control could include isolation . Connection 3(8): 6, March 14-28, 1984.

Cookson, Beth. Informed ? ~ Community News 11(1): 4, July 16, 1983.

Co-op board sued for evicting AIDS doc . ~ York Native 74: 6, October 10-23, 1983.

Co-op prevented from evicting AID S researcher . ~ Communi1Y. News 11(16): 2, November 5, 1983.

Cops suspended over AID S case . Sentinel 10(23): 1, November 10, 1983.

Cops warn Demos about AID S < letter sent to Democratic Party officials reo threat of AIDS to party national convention to be held in San F"rancisco>. Sentinel 10(11): 1, May 26, 1983.

Corn ell p u shin g gam ma in tel'fer 0 n a s AIDS t heI' a p y < Cor n ell University researchers>. GLC Voice 91: 4, April 16, 1984.

Cort, Joan. Detroit man with AID S sues b'lss for $5 million in damages over firing . Advocate 397: 20, June 26, 1984.

Cort, Joan. Researchers seek thousands of gays for AID S studies

Cotter, G. Blood's directed . ~ Area Reporter 13(31): 6, August 4, 1983.

Cotton, Paul. Poppers maker slams 'sensationalistic' report . ~ Life 9(11): 1,16, September 15,1983.

Cotton, Paul. Wisconsin sets guide lines for doctors

144 Medical Society of Wisconsin>. ~ News 9(13): 1, September 29, 1983.

Council approves AIDS grant request . Montrose y'oice 154: 6, October 14, 1983.

Counties now must report AIDS cases to State Health Dept. . Sacramento Star 1(23): 4, April 6, 1983.

Couple sues over AIDS bias . ~ Community News 11(11): 2, October 1, 1983.

Courte, Bernard. Des fonds pour Ie SIDA. Sortie 9: 21, July 1983.

Courte, Bernard. De teeter et e viter Ie SID A: dernieres nou velles. Sortie 8: 24, June 1983.

Courte, Bernard. In memoriam: Peter Evans. Sortie 14: 11, February 1984.

Courte, Bernard. Marche-t-on contre Ie SI D A? Sortie 12: 4, November 1983.

Courte, Bernard. Le SIDA et les Haltiens. Sortie 12: 7, November 1983.

Courte, Bernard. Subvention pour la recherche sur Ie SIDA. Sortie 12: 6, November 1983.

Courte, Bernard. Y aura-t-il une Fondation SIDA? Sortie 14: 6, January 1984.

Coverage of interleukin-2 trial shows media eagerness for AIDS information . National Coalition Qf. ~ STD Services Newsletter 5(1): 37, August 1983.

Tt-e cowardice of AIDS . New Yorl< Native 80: 4, January 2-15,1984.

Cowell, Sue. AID S Rochester . Empty Closet 146: 4, February 1984.

Cowe 1 1, Sue. AI DS-Roct-ester continues to serve. Empty Closet 141: 8, September 1983.

Cowell, Sue. AIDS-Rochester organizes. Empty Closet 140: 8, July­ August 1983.

Cowley, A. Discos should give money to AIDS research . Capital ~ May 13, 1983.

Coz, Audrey. Benefit concert for Klaus Nomi . Gai Pied

145 Hebdo 83: 15, September 3-9, 1983.

Crane, Rick. AID S Awareness Week . Sentinel 10(9): 4, April 28, 1983.

Crane, Rick. Celebrity status of AIDS <"overreaction" and "backlash">. Sentinel 10(16): 2, August 4, 1983.

Credle, James. Searching for dignity. New York Native 67: 31, July 4-17, 1983.

Criticism v oiced against AI D S foundation and rep I y. Nationa I Coalition Q[~ STD Services Newsletter 5(1): 36, August 1983.

Crossfire sponsors Dance-a-tmn AIDS benefit . He Weekly News 7(13): 18, November 30, 1983.

Cruse, Howard. Safe sex . Christoprer Street 7(7): 55-60, August 1983.

Cuba denies "Yankee slander" . Campaign 90: 15, June 1983.

Tre Cuban AIDS crisis . Connection 2(1l): 3, March 30-April 13, 1983.

Cubans may have brought AIDS to u.S. • .Q...§y Chicago 6(13): 7,9, April 7, 1983.

Cunningham, Terry. AI D S program and community needs support . San Diego Gayzette 90: 14, May 24, 1984.

Cuomo announCes awards for the statewide AI D S fight <$600,000 to support New York regiona 1 AI D S in forma tion hot 1 ines>. Connection 3 (8): 7, March 14-28, 1984.

Cuomo appoints AID S panel . New York Native 74: 13, October 10-23, 1983.

Cuomo signs AI D S bil l. New York Native 71: 8-9, August 29­ September 11, 1983.

Curzon, Daniel. Falwell appears on AID S program . Connection 2(19): 7, August 3-16, 1983.

Cusic, Catherine; Virga, Marc. looking forward: Tre Milk Club to Dr. Sil verman < letter reo San Francisco Dept. 0 f Hea 1 th>. Coming .!:!.£l., August 1983, p p. 4-5 •

Cusick, Tim. AID S reportable in Missouri . ~ News-Telegram 2(9): 4, June 1983.

Cusick, Tim. local groups gear up for battle against AIDS

146 City AIDS Project>. ~ News-Telegradl 2(9): 1,5, June 1983.

Cwiek, Tim. AID S auction raises $300 . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(33): 3, June 24-30,1983.

Cwiek, Tim. City council urges fed'l. AIDS funds. ~ News (Philadelphia) 7(35): 1, July 8-14, 1983.

Cwiek, Tim. Doctor at Jefferson explores hopeful AIDS treatment . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(26): 1, May 10, 1984.

Cwiek, Tim. Lesbians and AIDS: "almost homophobic". ~J:!Y News(Philadelphia) 8(9): 3,9, January 12, 1984.

Cwiek, Tim. Red Cross denounces blood program . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(20): 3, March 29, 1984.

Cwiek, Tim. Representatives of 11 cities attend AID S meeting here. ~ New~Philadelphia) 7(36): 1, July 15-21,1983.

Cwiek, Tim. vlomen urged to donate blood <"Women's Blood Donation Ivlonth", February>. Gay lLew~(Philadelphia) 8(12): 3, February 2, 1984.

Cyprien, Michel; Batal, Michel. Cancer a rien . Gai Pied Hebdo 64: 22, April 9-15,1983. D Dachinger, Penny. ~Iomen, too < letter re. lesbians invol ved in AID S issues>. ~ Community News 10(44): 4, May 29,1983.

Dallas group plans its own AIDS research . Montrose 'y"oice 143: 9, July 22, 1983.

D'Amato, Alfonso. D'Amato's reply on AIDS funding . Connection 2 (21): 5, August 31- September 20, 1983.

Dambach, Stephen. Bucking the rodeo . New York Native 74: 5, October 10-23,1983.

Dambach, Stephen. "La Cage" warms up with AIDS benefit. New York Native 68: 16, July 18-31, 1983.

Danemark: un congres pour 1a prevention. Gai Pied Hebdo 92: 7, November 5-11, 1983.

Danger money for AI D S reporters . New ~ New~ 1: 4, August 18, 1983.

Daniel, Dan. Hospital union concerned about AIDS patient.s . ~ News

147 (Philadelphia) 7(32): 1,15, June 17-23,1983.

Darrow, William W. More on AIDS/Kaposi's- Society for tJe Study of Social Problems . National Coalition..Qf. ~ STQ Services Newsletter 3(5): 12, May 1982.

David, Tom. LV. drug speculation . New York Native 76: 4,6, November 7-20,1983.

Davis, Lair. Benefit! both fun & crucial . San Diego Gayzette 35: 1,3, April 28, 1983.

Davis, Lair. Campaign to raise $50,000 in 3 mos. . San Diego Gayzette 36: 3, May 5, 1983.

Davis, Lair. Newsweek's cover story this week is about AIDS. San Diego Gayzette 34: 1-2, April 21,1983.

Davis, Larry L. The fight is on- the battle plans are drawn . San Diego Gayzette 34: 4, April 21, 1983.

Davis, Walter. Media Media . Pink Ink 1(3): 29, September 1983.

Day, Gary L. AIDS and the thymus . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(34): 13,19, July 1-7, 1983.

Day, Gary L. The reality of AIDS . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(12): 13, February 2, 1984.

DC wil 1 be site of AI DS Vigil 0 ct. 8; wil 1 be memoria 1 to thDse who've died. Our Own Community Press 7(11): 6, September 1983.

Dear brothers and sisters . San Dj.ego, Gayzette 35: 3, April 28, 1983.

Dear Go vernor Cuomo . New Yorl< Native 67: 1,3, Ju 1 y 4 -17, 1983. -- ---

Death to 1 1 stands at 213... 5 Canadians among victims! ~ Niagara News 3(9): 1,4 September 1982.

d' Eau bonne, Frangoise. SIDA et les zombies. -----Gai Pied Hebdo 79: 16, Ju 1 y 23-29, 1983.

Declaration des gais et des lesbiennes sur Ie S.I.D.A. . 1.~ Petit Berdache 2: 5, April 1983.

148 Declaration sur Ie SIDA . Sortie 7: 19, May 1983. de F lorence, Bruno. SID A sans frontieres . Gai Pied Hebdo 94: 8-9, No v ember 19-25, 1983.

Deja vu . New York Nati ve 79: 3, December 19, 1983-January 1, 1984.

Delaney, Michael D. Take to psych . ~ Area Reporter 13(17): 9, April 28, 1983.

Deli customer requests transfer of gay employee . ~ Community News 10(49): 2, July 2, 1983.

Demarest, Rich. Is indiscriminate sex the culprit ? !2...!!.Y Area Reporter 14(15): 7, April 12, 1984.

Demetrakopou los, George E. A lesson from Greece . New York Nati ve 67: 23-24, Ju 1 y 4-17, 1983.

Denia 1 of reports of jailing Haitian gays

Department of Health attacked over AIDS . Out! (New Zealand) 52: 9, December 1983-January 1984.

Dept. of Hea 1 th sponsors AID S symposium . B~y Area Reporter 13(20): 2, t"1ay 19, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. African swine fever virus: Part II . New York Native 65: 18-19, June 6-19,1983.

D'Eramo, James E. AIDS confab held in Utah . New York Native 84: 6-7, February 27-March 11,1984.

D 'Eramo, James E. AIDS contracted via heterosexual contact with hemophiliac . New York Native 81: 7, January 16-29,1984.

D'Eramo, James E. AIDS in Africa . N~w York Native 85: 11-14, March 12-25, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. AIDS notebook . New York Native 84: 16-19, February 27-March 11,1984.

D 'Eramo, James E. AID S seen in heterosexua 1 Canadians

149 brief items>. New York Native 80: 21-22, January 2-15, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. A11 about parasites . New York Native 81: 19-21, January 16-29, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. Animal models for AIDS . New York Native 74: 16­ 20,23,57, October 10-23,1983.

D'Eramo, James E. ASFV experts gather in Florida . New York Native 64: 28, May 23-June 5,1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Blind man describing an elephant; an interview with the head of the state AID S Institute . New York NaU ve 76: 16-20, No vember 7-20, 1983.

D'Eramo, James Eo Blood and sympathy . New York Native 68: 17-19, July 18-31, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Blood transfusions and AIDS . New _York Native 82: 17-19, January 3D-February 12, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. CDC changes AIDS terminology <"risk group" to "patient characteristic">. Next tork Native 71: 9-10, August 29­ September 11, 1983.

D 'Eramo, James E. A cure for Kaposi's ? New York Native 87: 16,18-19, April 9-24, 1984.

D'Eramo, James Eo Dentist refuses to treat AID S patients and gay men; State issues new dental guidelines. New York Native 82: 14, January 3D-February 12, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. Federal health officials announce cause of AIDS . New York Native 89: 7-9, May 7-20, 1984.

D'Eramo, James Eo French AIDS-linked virus sent to CDC . New York Na ti v e 85: 7, M'arch 12-25, 1984.

D 'Eramo, James Eo From the hushed realm of impropriety . New York Native 78: 17-19, December 5-18, 1983.

D'Eramo, James Eo Fungus implicated in AIDS etiology . New ~ Native 76: 8, November 7-20,1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Hepatitis-B and an AID S agent . New York Native 77: 25-28, November 21-December 4, 1983.

150 D'Eramo, James E. Honing in on a treatment for AIDS . New York Native 88: 13-15, April 23-May 6, 1984.

D 'Eramo, James E. The H T LV -3 story. New Yorl< Native 89: 14-16,51, May 7-20, 1984.

D 'Eramo, James E. Incidence increasing in Europe . New Yorl< Native 81: 17-18, January 16-29, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. Incipient AIDS may be reversible; encoura9ing new study from St. Luke's-Roosevelt. New Yorl< Native 73: 24-30, September 26-0ctober 9, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Informationa 1 lightening rod: the office of Gay and Lesbian Health Concerns . New Yorl< Native 77: 22-24, November 21-December 4, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Interferon- helps or hurts: NYC researchers look at varying levels in gay men and have more questions than answers: part 1 of three parts . ~ Area Reporter 13(43): 14-15, October 27, 1983.

D 'Eramo, James E. Is African Kaposi's sarcoma the same as AID S? New York Native 86: 15-17, March 26-April 8, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. Is African swine fever virus the cause

D 'Eramo, James E. Is there a carrier state for AID S ? New Yorl< Native 76: 21-24, November 7-20, 1983.

D 'Eramo, James [. Looking for the breakthroughs: the Academy of Sciences Conference. New York Native 78: 21-23, December 5-18, 1983.

D 'Eramo, James E. Looking for a test for AID S. New York Na ti v e 63: 15, Hay 9-22, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Machine politics . Christopher S_treet 71: 46-48, December 1982.

D'Eramo, James E. ~1ore clue&- but where are the answers ? N_~w York Native 65: 21-22,71, June 6-19,1983.

D'Eralno, James E. More pearls from a Health Commissioner . New York Native 66: 19-20,25, June 20-July 3, 1983.

D' Eramo, James E. The new French retro virus: the cause of AI DS ? N8\',I Y_orl< Native 79: 24-25,64, December 19, 1983-January 1, 1984.

151 D 'Eramo, James E. The new medical journal homophobia . New York Native 90: 9,56, May 21-June 3, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. New strategies in AIDS: a workshop at NIH . New York Native 73: 18-19,22, September 26- 0 et.ober 9, 1983.

D 'Eramo, James E. A new test for AID S . New York Native 72: 18-19,21,62, September 12-25, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. New York's blood supply to be checked . New York Native 83: 8, February 13-26, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. Not a bureaucrat . New York Native 63: 13,65, May 9-22, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Notables come out for AIDS symposium . New York Native 62: 18,22, April 25-May 8, 1983.

D 'Eramo, James E. Pigs and Kaposi's sarcoma . New ~ Native 64: 28, May 23-June 5,1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Plasmapheresis: flickering light in the darkness of AIDS. New York Native 62: 17, April 25-May 8, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Possible cure found for AID S patient . New Yo~k Native 88: 7, April 23-t1ay 6, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. Quarantine of AIDS patients proposed . New York Native 85: 6, March 12­ 25, 1984.

D 'Eramo, James E. Rare parasites in gay men . New Y_ork NaU ve 79: 21-23,64, December 19, 1983-January 1, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. Research on AIDS and ASFV imminent at Plum Island. New Yorl< Native 84: 7-8, February 27-March 11,1984.

D'Eramo, James E. Sencer says Haitians aren't risk group . New Yo~ N a ti v e 70: 6, August 15-28, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Sexual behavior . New York Native 71: 20-22,71, August 29­ September 11, 1983.

152 D'Eramo, James E. A successful treatment for pre-AIDS

D'Eramo, James Eo Treating the syndrome, not the symptoms . New York Na ti v e 69: 19,22-23, August 1-14, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Two hypotheses . New York Native 70: 18-20,63, August 15-28, 1983.

D 'Eramo, James Eo Viral agents and AID S. -----New York Native 67: 25­ 26, July 4-17, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Viral link found . -----New York Native 67: 22-23, July 4-17, 1983.

D'Eramo, James E. Viruses and the AID syndrome . !u!.y. Area Reporter 13(30): 13, July 28, 1983.

D 'Eramo, James Eo Viruses and the AID syndrome: part II. !u!.y. Area Reporter 13(31): 14, August 4,1983.

D'Eramo, James Eo What's going on at the Plum Island Laboratories ? New York Native 82: 16,53, January 30-February 12, 1984.

D'Eramo, James E. Whose guidelines ? New York Native 76: 12, November 7-20, 1983.

D 'Eramo, James E. Why can't anyone count ? !'Jew Yo~ Native 82: 20,53, January 30-February 12, 1984.

Derek Peterson, designer and ad rep. dies of AIDS. New York Native 87: 8, April 9-22, 1984.

Dern, Robert J. Letter to the mayor . !u!.y. Area Reporter 14(15): 7, April 12, 1984.

Desert benefits raise nearly $45,000: UCLA School of 'Medicine gets bulk of $'s . !u!.y. Area Reporter 13(48): 4, December 1, 1983.

Despite assurances from public health officials, AIDS is causing something of a panic in parts of the country. ~~ News (Philadelphia) 7(53): 4, June 24-30,1983.

DeS tefano, George. Courage to endure: how gay men are coping with

153 tt--e heal th menace. Mandate 9(1): 14-15,66,68,82-83, April 1983. deThuin, Richard. City, State officials issue AIDS proclamations . New Yori<: Native 61: 11, April 11-24, 1983.

Det orEkE Forbundet av 1948. AID S: ansvar for egen og andres !-else ! Oslo, Norway: DNF, 1983. 4pp.

D H S S issue AI D S warning to gay blood donors . New ~ News 3: 6, September 15, 1983.

Diablo AIDS support . ~ Area Reporter 13(44): 21, November 3, 1983.

Diana Foundation donates to KS/AIDS Foundation. Montrose Voice 145: 9, August 5, 1983.

DiGioia, Richard. AIDS anxiety. Washington Blade 14(29): 21, July 22, 1983.

DiGioia, Richard. AID S update: some good news, some not so good. Washington Blade 15(5): 25, February 3, 1984.

Dimitrius ; Maskwa . AIDS Medical Foundation formed for private research . Connection 2(20): 13, August 17-31,1983.

Dimitrius; t~askwa. AIDS update: government facts about AIDS: tt--e 1 atest info in question and answer format. Connection 2(21): lO­ ll, August 31-September 20, 1983.

Dimitrius; Maskwa. ARC defines its goa Is for AID S patients . Connection 2 (12): 8-9,33, April 14­ ~1ay 4,1983.

Dimitrius; t~ askwa. Centra 1 Park AID S vigil and aftermath: tt--e memorial lives on ••.• Connection 2(18): 20-22, July 20-August 2, 1983.

Dimitrius; t~asl

Dimitrius; ~1askwa. Debbie fires son over AIDS issue . Connection 2(18): 6, July 20-August 2,1983.

Dimitrius; Maskwa. Governor Cuomo initiates AIDS program. Connection 2 (18): 13, Ju 1 y 20-A ugust 2, 1983.

Dimitrius; Maskwa. Kenny's story: from tt--e Connection to 20/20 . Connection 2(14): 18, May 18-31, 1983.

154 Dimitrius; Maskwa. New York AID S statistics released- over 90% of AID S victims are young men 20-49. Connection 2(18): 16, Ju 1 Y 20­ August 2, 1983.

Dimitrius; Maskwa. Tffi Red Cross joins the war against AI D S. Connection 2(21): 8, August 31-September 20, 1983.

Dimitrius; ~~ askwa. Richard Locke retires: de v otes career to AI D S patients . Connection 2(11): ?, March 3D-April 12, 1983.

Dimitrius; Maskwa. State AIDS Task Force issues latest findings <"recta 1 trauma" linked to AID S>. Connedion 2(18): 23, Ju ly 2(;)­ August 2, 1983.

Dimitrius; Maskwa. State to research AIDS in prison. Connection 2(18): 17, July 20-August 2,1983.

Dimitrius; Maskwa. Trilogy to host gala GMHC benefit . Connection 2(11): ?, t~arch 3D-April 12, 1903.

Dimitrius; t~askwa. Ty's bar donates $1000 to ARC . Connection 2(14): ?, May 18-31,1983.

Disability okay for AIDS victims . Equal Time 32: 2, June 29, 1983.

Disappointed Detroit Demo to chair mayor's AID S T ask Force . Frontiers 2(2): 15, May 25-June 8, 1983.

Disease and the state . New Yori< Native 67: 27,62, July 4-17, 1983.

DJ loses job over AID S joke . Connection 2(19): 5, August 3-16, 1983.

DJ succumbs to AIDS . WaEhington Blade 14(26): 6, July 1, 1983.

Docs discuss AID S, lifesty le . Sacr<'mento Star 1(16): 1, December 29, 1982.

Doctor says interferon may be harmful treatment for AIDS . Sacramento S 1 (23): 1, April 6, 1983.

Doc tor slams funding ban < West Austra lia state go vernment ref6lses to support a national research program to investigate AIDS>. Campaign 92: 8, August 1983.

Doc tor stays pu t . Pink T riang 1 e 47: 5, May 1984.

Doctors meet in NY . Mom •.•Guess What! 61: 8, January 1984.

155 Doctors predict 600 new AID S cases in San Francisco by 185. Connection 3(9): 7, March 28-April 11, 1984.

Doctors tell heterosexual transmission of AIDS. News.Q.f the Co 1 umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 7(1): 40, February 3, 1984.

Doctors urged to report AID S cases . ~ Area Reporter 13(22): 9, June 2, 1983.

Dodge, Wayne. S T D/ AI D S anxiety. Nationa 1 Coa lition .Q.f ~ 2.lQ Services Newsletter 5(2): 23, November 1983.

Dodo . Danska reaktioner pa AIDS . Rev 0 1 t 14(4 ) : 19, April 1983.

Dolan, Tom. You can't stop living . Our Own Community Press 7(8): 9, June 1983.

Dol ce, Joe. He po litics of fear: Haitians and AI D S. New York Native 69: 16,18, August 1-14, 1983.

$ for AID S

Donlt give blood if you have AIDS symptoms. .sl.!!J~t People 3(7): 31, February 17, 1983.

Doren, Jack N. Report on activities in NYC regarding AIDS . National Co_a)ition .Q.flin2.lQ Services Newsletter 4(3): 29-36, December 1982.

'Double epidemic' spreading, says SMU professor. . Montrose yoice 147: 13, August 19, 1983.

Dr. Tom t'1cManus; Dr. Ian Murray-Lyon . Himt~onthly 58: 35, June 1983.

Dr. V&el elected president of Physicians . San Diego Gayzette 35: 3, April 28, 1983.

Drucker, Peter. Warning signs from San Francisco <"sickness and social control">. Gay Community News 11(46): 5, June 9, 1984.

Drug company acts on ~patitis <~patitis vaccine and AID S risk>. Campaign 94: 9, October 1983.

Drury, Tom. Rick Jacobi

Dubow, David. What's the latest in Britain?: "the biggest problem

156 is ignorance". ~ News 262: 15, March 31-April 13, 1983.

Duggan, John. Evangelist whips up AIDS hysteria; Prankard campaigns to close bars and ba ths. ~.Qf 0 t tawa Info 10 (7): 1, September 1983.

Dumped AIDS patient dies . Sentinel 10(22): 1, October 27, 1983.

Dumped AIDS patient dies in S.F. . News.Qf the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(1l): 486, December 1983.

"Dumped" in San Francisco . Campaign 96: 9, December 1983.

Duncan, Bil lie. Reports of AI D S breakthrough 1 abe 1 ed 'premature' by medical researchers . Montrose Voice 182: 8, April 20, 1984.

Dunlap, Tad. Disgusted <~AR's letter coverage and faulty information>. ~ Area Reporter 13(20): 9, May 19, 1983.

Dupire, Luc-Daniel. Le SIDA est en Belgique. Gai Pied Heb_do 72: 17, June 4-10, 1983.

Dykes, Jim N. Mora lit.y, promiscuity and AID S. Campaign 99: 8, March 1984. E Earlier AIDS victims­ 1976-1977 . News of the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(5): 164, June 1983. -­

Ear 1 Y Grotto OJ dies of AID S . News .Qf tre Col umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6 (7): 251, August 1983.

Earth to Anna t-1ayo and Dan Drake . New York Native 77: 3, November 21-December 4, 1983.

East Bay AIDS forum <"Prevention of A;-DS" forum, University of California, Berkeley>. ~ Area Reporter 14(13): 18, March 29, 1984.

Eddie~1urphy accused of bigotry with AID S jokes. Mon trose ---Voice 171: 7, February 3, 1984.

Eddie Murphy's Aidsphobia . Connection 3(6): 9, February 8-22, 1984.

Eddie Rosenberg dies of KS . New York Native 79: 7-8, December 19, 1983-January 1, 1984.

Edel, Yves. SIDA: Reagan s'en melee Gai.Pied Hebdo 74: 20, June 18­ 24, 1983.

157 Edel man announces AID S clinic . ~ Area Reporter 14(12): 10, March 22, 1984.

Editoria 1 . Campaign 88: 4, April 1983.

Editorial . Campaign 90: 4, June 1983.

Educationa 1 campaign for safe sex . Coming .!LPJ.4(8): 12, May 1984.

Edwards, John. CDC death-camp horror . Hilll Monthly 58: 40-41, June 1983.

Edwards, John. Crisis & conspiracy. Him Monthly 58: 34-37, June 1983.

Edwards, John. The hope & the hype: the AIDS racket. Him Monthly 58: 37-40, June 1983.

Effort to close gay businesses underway . G_ay Community News 11(23): 2, December 24, 1983.

8 children AIDS victims far back as 1979 . News .2.f. the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Commqnity 6(5): 189, June 1983.

8 new AIDS cases every day. News.2.f. the Columbus G_~y anq Lesbian Community 6(8): 301, September 1983.

Eight new AIDS cases in city. ~ Chicago 6(16): ?, May 19,1983.

83/84 San Francisco's budgeted spending for AID S. ~ Area Reporter 13(32): 10, August 11,1983.

$83,000 raised to cope with AID S . Update 112: 5, June 29, 1983.

Elevated Alpha-l serum thymosin levels associated with AIDS . National Coalition.2.f. ~ STD Services Newsletter 4(4): 28, March 1983.

Eliot Hurst, M.E.; Jacobs, David. Coverage knocked . "y"~CC News 4(5): 5, t~ay 1983.

Endean, Stephen R. GRNL supports October vigil . GLC Voice 4(22): 3, September 19, 1983.

England, Michael E.; Sandmire, James E. Supes need letters . ~ Area Reporter 13(20): 7, May 19, 1983.

Epidemiologist to work on AIDS in ~1innesota . Equal Time 37: 8, September 7, 1983.

158 Ernie Brown to present award . Mom ••• Guess What! 54: 9, May 1983.

Esophagea 1 candidiasis most common, most treatab Ie part of AID S. News.Q.f.. the Co 1 umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(12): 521, January 1984.

Esquer, Richard; King, Sonny. Positive Action League < letter from AIDS Positive Action League reo batttlOuse closings>. ~ Area Reporter 14(15): 7, April 12, 1984. ­

European AIDS cases rising . GLC Voice 89: 2, March 19, 1984.

Europeans confer; increase slows in US . Body Politic 101: 17-18, March 1984.

Europeans urge intergovernment AIDS research . Hom ••• Guess ~Jhat! 63: 4, March 1984.

Evans, Robin. 'AIDS Alert' draws gay protest, police 'regret'. Lights With Current 12: 3,5, September 3D-October 13, 1983.

Evans left legacy of struggle against ignorance; profile: Peter E vans • Rites 1 (1 ): 9,11, ~1 a y 1 9 8 4 •

Experts to fie 1 d ca 1 I-in questions on AI D S: Viacom series . ~ Area Repo~ter 14(3): 10, January 19, 1984.

Exp 1 oding the AID S fear: part one- restaurants . Sentinel 10(12): 11, June 9,1983.

Exploding the AIDS fear: part two- baths and private clubs . Sentinel 10(14): 8, July 7, 1983.

The extermination of homosexuals . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(34): 13, Jul y 1-7, 1983. F "Face-saving" blood program initiated in Wisconsin . National Coalition.Q.f.. ~ ~lQ Services Newsletter 5(1): 33, August 1983.

Fact or science fiction ? Him Monthly 58: 34-35, June 1983.

Facts about AIDS

159 Pizer>. ~ Community News 11(16): 16, November 5,1983.

F acts about immuno-deficient syndrome; what to look for and where. Sacramento St_ar 1(5): 4, July 28, 1982.

Facts on AIDS . Lambda(Carolina) 9(4): 7-8, May-June 1983.

Fain, Na than. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: the medica 1 facts about the hea 1 th scare. H0 n cho 6 (1 ) : 6 2, 6 5,7 7,7 9 , 8 0, 81 , 8 3 , April 1983.

Fain, Nathan. Aftershocks from the Say area ; about the retro v iruses; no tes about Pa tient Zero. Advocate 393: 14-15, May 1, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. AIDS and the mind: psychological aspects of a mysterious disease . Advocate 379: 22­ 23,32-35, October 27, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. AID S, the go 1 d rush; monster study at Ya le to begin; more flak on ma ligned Haitians; internationa 1 forum in Denmark. Advocate 374: 23, August 18, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. AIDS in the world; passive anal intercourse; amebiasis and AIDS; helper-suppressor T-cells and AIDS. Advocate 378: 22-23, October 13,1983.

Fain, Na than. Crea ti v e responses from all 0 vel'; more books, yet more on the way; less murk about amoebas. Advocate 381: 22-23, November 24, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. Denver IUDS forum; turf fights, compassion and inaction; SSC, PBS AIDS programs; gay opinions about AIDS; ASFV and AIDS. Advocate 372: 20-21, July 21, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. Deux livres pour un virus . Gai Pied ~ebdo 116: 20-21, April 21-27, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. Europe convenes first AIDS conference . Ad vocate 389: 20-21, ,-1 arch 6, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. FARO confronts medical and political issues of AIDS . ~ News(Phil ade 1 phia) 7(42): 1,10, September 1, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. "Fighting For Our Lives" in the revolution of 1983; flawed by new developments, new AIDS book still a readable, reasoned account of epidemic; Tut, Tut, Doctor Ferrara. Advocate 373: 16-17, August 4, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. The good men and women do; help for hepatitis B; getting it all down in print . Advocate 391: 10-19, April 3, 1904.

160 Fain, Nathan. How infectious is AIDS ? Advocate 370: 25,27, June 23,1983.

Fain, Nathan. Information update: more on AIDS . Advocate 368: 20-21, May 26, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. Is it safe to sniff? The poppers controversy. Ad vocate 368: 20-24, May 26, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. Major AIDS conference scheduled in NYC; tt-e dotty and the dangerous ; so, here come the French . Advocate 380: 22-23, November 10, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. t--1edia hypes AID 'breakthrough' at NIH; AIDS research and the wealthy foundation; summer reading on AIDS. Advocate 375: 14-15, September 1, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. More Federal AIDS research grants; promlsHlg trea tmen ts, quack cures; the enemy surfaces. Ad v oca te 371: 18-19, July7,1983.

Fain, Nathan. More notes on 'the test'; antibodies to HTLV-Ill. Advocate 397: 30-31, June 26, 1984.

Fain, Na tha n. 1984: AII') S & 0 rwe Ilia n peSSlmlSm: fu t ure possibilities. Advocate 385: 21, January 10, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. On calling whom what ; what about poppers?; how do you get AID S? Advocate 379: 20-21, October 27, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. On the trail of the retrovirus . Advocate 369: 14,58, June 9, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. 0 verlooking possibilities; and now for the fast quote ; is promiscuity really "profound"? ; enter Inspector Liebowitch . Ad v oca te 390: 21, t·1 arch 20, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. Political, medical debate over AIDS ~fts to Denver; "People With AIDS" make presence felt at gay t-ealth forum. Advocate 372: 11,71-72, July 21,1983.

Fain, Nathan. Prevention and more prevention; what about closing the baths, then?; late tip on the origin of AIDS . Advocate 387: 16-17, February 7, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. Rating the crisis coverage; AIDS and the media. Advocate 377: 24-25,73, September 29, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. Researchers track down virus they believe is AIDS' cause . Advocate 395: 8-9, May 29, 1984.

161 Fain, Nathan. Rumbas and pandemonium ; idiocy in journalism: the "Screw" affair . Advocate 385: 17, January 10, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. A summer of sex and disease . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(42): 2-3 , September 1, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. The toll so far ; one network wins a round ; New York City AIDS funding and support; and finally, total disbelief . Ad vocate 386: 20-21, January 24, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. Welcome t:re grand alliance ; helping out the hot line. Advocate 377: 22­ 23, September 29, 1983.

Fain, Natharl. When will it all end?; what does it all mean? Advocate 394: 18-19, 1,1 ay 15, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. Where do we go from here ? Advocate 396: 20-21, June 12, 1984.

Fain, Nathan. Who gets AIDS, and how? Advocate 376: 16-17, September 15, 1983.

Fain, Nathan. A year with something for everyone . Ad vocate 383/384: 26-29, December 22, 1983.

Fake AID S letters surface < letters sent out indicating that recipient has had sexual contact with a person wit.h AIDS>. ~ Area ReRorter 13(37): 11, September 15, 1983.

Fa 1 lowe 11, Duncan. AI D S is here. New ~ News 3: 8, September 15, 1983.

Fallowell, Duncan. AIDS is here . j\Jew Gay News 4: 12,58, September 29, 1983.

False representation on AID S cure . News..Q.f. the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(9): 403, October 1983.

Falwell blames Reagan for AIDS spread . GLC Voice 4(24): 2, October 17,1983.

Falwell: close t:re bath3 . Wmnington Blade 14(27): 9, July 8, 1983.

Falwell fumes about AIDS . Sentinel 10(19): 1, September 15, 1983.

Falwell fumes over batH-1ouses <"thousands would die" unless the

162 batHlouses are closed>. Egual Time 39: 2, October 5,1983.

Falwell sounds off on AID S . Sentinel 10(14): 1, July 7, 1983.

Falwell wants to close gay batthJuses. Montrose Voice 142: 3, July 15, 1983.

Family defenders wants bathhouses closed . liLC 'y"oice 4(22): 2, September 19,1983.

FDA docs say hepatitis B vaccine is safe, effective. Sacramento Star 1(20): 6, February 23, 1983.

Federal AID S funding may double: local funding develops. ~ News­ Telegraph 2(9): 4, June 1983.

Federal proposals on blood donation trouble gay activists . Advocate 365: 9, April 14, 1983.

Federation of AIDS Related Organizations invites others to join. National Coalition.2.f.~~lQServices Newsletter 5(1): 25, August 1983.

Feinberg, Diane. AI D S/hea 1 th; po 1 itics/hea 1 th . ~ Community News 11(19): 8-9, November 26, 1983.

Feinstein, Dianne. Combatting the AID S hysteria: a statement by M1ayor Dianne Feinstein June 30, 1983 • .m Area Reporter 13(28): 10, July 14, 1983.

Feinstein approves proposal for AIDS residences . ~ Community_ News 10(38): 2, April 16, 1983.

Feinstein bl asts cost of AID S . Sentinel 11(3): 1, February 2,1984.

Feinstein hails Heckler's commitment to "so 1 ving the AID S mystery" . Sentinel 10(13): 1,9, June 23, 1983.

Feinstein to chair Mayor's AIDS group. Mom ••• Guess What! 54: 4, May 1983.

Feldman, Mark; Helquist, Michael. AIDS: a personal story. Our Own Community Press 7(6): 6, April 198.3.

Felson, Arthur. AIDS suicide: my partner's death was triggered by AID S broadcasts. Connection 2(15): 15, June 1-14, 1983.

Felson, Arthur. Whose viewpoint ?

163 New York Native 77: 4-5, November 2l-December 4, 1983.

Felson, Arthur; Srernoff, Michael. AIDS groups find solidarity in Denver. New York Native 67: 28-29, July 4-17,1983.

Fields, Russ. AIDS, safe sex and gay politics: the "Whitewash" debate continues < letter reo D. Horowitz California article>. San Francisco ~ Guardian, Ju 1 y 20, 1983, p. 3.

1500 march in AI DS vigil < Wamington, DC>. ~ Community News 11 (15 ): 3, 0 c t 0 ber 29, 1983.

Film about AIDS "not a gay story" . ~ Life 9(13): 3, September 29, 1983.

Fina 11 Y U SP HS requests those at risk not to give blood . News 0 f tre Col umbus ~ and lesbian Communit y 6(5): 183, June 19~--

Finding the virus is just the start . Bay Windows 2(10): 11, t"1ay 10-23, 1984.

First AIDS . Pink Trianqle43: 6, May-June 1983.

First AIDS death . Out! 55: 8, June 1984.

First British straight . ,~apital ~, May 13, 1983.

Fischer, Michael. The last crisis . New York Native 67: 5-7, July 4-17, 1983.

Fisher, Richard B. AID~ Your Questions Answered. London: Gay Men's Press Publishers, 1984. 128 pp.

Fisher, Richard B. 0 ur hea 1 th: AI DS & repa titis <" Crossing the pond": AIDS in America>. Gay News 262: 14, March 31-April 13,1983.

Fishman, Jim. Epidemic proportions . ~ Community News 11(7): 5, September 3, 1983.

Fishrnan, Jim; Linde, Rhonda. Informed consent: making appropriate etDices about AID S from an informed perspective. ~ Community News 10(42): 8-9, Hay 14, 1983.

$5.25 million more for AID S research. News Qf. the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(7): 286, August 1983.

5,000 calling AIDS hot line . Equal Time 38: 2, September 21, 1983.

Fleiss, David. Medical imperialism . New York Native 64: 4, May 23-June 5,1983.

F lint, Mike. Littlejohn shut down

164 Larry Lit.t.lejohn>. ~ Area 14(15): 6, April 12, 1984.

Florida being bil led 0 ver AI DS transfer . Sentme1 10(26): 2, December 22,1983.

F lorida dumps AIDS patient on SF . Sent.inel 10 (21 ): 1, 0 c t. 0 ber 13, 1983.

Floyd, Morris L. L ymphadenopat.hy syndrome: another AI D S uncertaint.y. Equal Time 47: 9, January 25, 1984.

Focus on health . ~.Q.f Ot.t.awa Info 10(14): 3, May 1983.

Foiles, St.eve. Administ.ration lies . Seattle ~ News 11(5): 5, February 3,1984.

Foiles, Steve. AIDS a plot against. U.S. gays? Seattle ~ News 11(18): 5, February 24, 1984.

F 0 1 lowup on I< aposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis carlnu pneumonia in gay men. Nahonal Coalition of ~ ~ T D Services Ne\'isletter 3(2): 2, November 1981.

Fontaine, Stepten. Support on life's BTl 0 tiona 1 ro ller-coaster . Body Politic 103: 11, May 1984.

Fonville, Terry. Local responses to the AIDS crisis. Task Force Report 9(4): 3-4, August-September 1982.

Forest, Jean. The man behind the statistic: a public reading for a poet . Connection 2(24): 14, Oct.ober 27-November 9, 1983.

Forester, Chuck. A lone in the ba ttl e < 1etter reo 1 esbian co v erage>? ~ Area 13(32): 6, August 11, 1983.

Former Congressman to head AIDS lobby . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(11): 1, June 1, 1983.

Former Congressman to t"Ead special AIDS lobby . ill Area Reporter 13(22): 11, June 2, 1983.

Former Representative heads GRNL AIDS Lobby Task Force . Sacramento Star 2(3): 3, June 29, 1983.

Forum: AI DS impact . Perceptions 4: 4-5, September-October 1983.

Forum heralds new phase . Campaign 93: 19, September 1983.

Forum on AIDS will beheld . Our Own Community Press 7(10): 3, August 1983.

165 Forum on sex in tre age of AIDS . ~ Area Reporter 13(45): 12, November 10, 1983.

Foster homes won't accept AIDS baby . Montrose 'y"oice 163: 13, December 9, 1983.

Fotheringham, Philip. AIDS in Europe: an overview from overseas . New Yorl< Native 83: 14­ 15, February 13-26, 1984.

Fotheringham. Philip. European AI D S conference attended by 15 coun tries . .Q...§.Y News(Philade 1 phia) 8(15): 1,10, February 23, 1984. ­

4 AIDS research projects approved by NIH. National Coalition Qf. ~ STD Services Newsletter 4(5): 17, May 1983.

4th of July marathon for AIDS drive . Update 112: 6, June 29, 1983.

$4,000 for AIDS . Sacramento Star 1(20): 1, February 23, 1983.

Fradette, Jacques. Reflexions . Sortie 8: 24, June 1983.

Fradkin, Howard. Your menta 1 heal th <"obsessed with worrying about AIDS">. News of. the Columbus Gay and Lesbian Community 6(6): 236, Ju 1 y 1983.

France, David. AIDS vigil . Pink Ink 1(5): 11-12, December 1983 -January 1984.

France, David. "Dumped" AIDS patient dies in San Franc:isco . Gay Community News 11(16): 3,15, November 5, 1983.

France, David. Florida AIDS man dies after being dumped in California 010rgan McDonald>. New Yorl< Native 76: 12-13,60, November 7-20, 1983.

Franchi, Linda M. So, what do you really know about AIDS? Angles 1(1): 28, December 1983.

Frank, Hal. AIDS: what's next ? San Diego ~Gayzette 87: 2, May 3, 1984.

Frank, Haro 1 d. An open letter to our brothers and sisters in Sl'ln Diego . San Diego Gayzette 34: 1,4, April 21, 1983.

Free AIDS workshop planned . Mom •.. Guess It/hat! 61: 8, January 1984.

166 Free support services for peop le dea ling with AID S < Omega Institute and Lesbian and Gay Counselling Service>. ~ Community News 10(45): 4, June 4, 1983.

Free symposium for AIDS epidemic to be reld in SL Louis• .G..2..Y. News­ Tel e gr a ph 2 (11): 2, Aug ust 1983.

Freedman, Evelyn. A gay sheriff's victory over AIDS . Update 112: 1,12, June 29, 1983.

Freiberg, Peter. Advocates for better malth care- NGHEF . Advocate 372: 13-14, July 21, 1983.

Freiberg, Peter. AID Sand lega 1 prob lems. Advocate 391: 23­ 25,47,54, Apri 1 3, 1984.

Freiberg, Peter. Civil liberty in NY . Advocate 375: 20-21, September 1, 1983.

Freiberg, Peter. Cuomo to introduce AIDS funding reso 1 ution at governor's meeting . Washington Q.lade14(28): 5-6, July 15,1983.

Freiberg, Peter. New York sues over AIDS eviction . WaSlington Blade 14(39): 8, 0 ct.ober 7, 1983.

Freiberg, Peter. NY Legislature OKs $2.8 million for AIDS research, services; Cuomo yields to pressure. Advocate 393: 10, !--lay 1,1984.

Freiberg, Peter. NY's Koch creates $50,OlJO-a-year gay hea 1 th post. Ad vocate 365: 8-9, April 14, 1983.

Freiberg, Peter. Pat Buchanan's nasty nature . Ad vocate 373: 18-19,64, August 4, 1983.

Freiberg, Peter; O'Loughlin, Ray; Nash, Phil. AIDS news updates . Advocate 378: 17-19,68, October 13, 1983.

Freiberg, Peter; Schweililart, Gary; KuliB

French discovered AIDS virus a year ago . Da llas ~ News 88: 4, May 11, 1984.

Friday, Wayne. Boxer gets credit for AIDS funding . ~ Area Reporter 13(22): 12, June 2, 1983.

Friday, Wayne. Tre national AIOS lobby. ~ Ar_ea Reporter 13(40): 16-17, °etober 6, 1983.

Friday, Wayne. Reagan & AIDS. ~ Area Reporter 13(24): 16-17, June 16, 1983.

167 Friedman, E van. Mayor Koch un veils new techno logy for research into the cause of AIDS . Connection 3(9): 17, March 28-April 11,1984.

Frivold, Lars Helge. Immunsvikt . Lovetann 1(83): 38-39, 1983.

Frohwein, Norm. Power Plant receives thanks for AIDS donation . Mom ••• Guess What! 54: 2, ~1ay 1983.

Fromer, Margot Joan. Research on AIDS: no miracles yet. Washington Blade 14(29): 1,25, July 22,1983.

Fromer, Margot Joan. Researching AIDS: an overview. Washinqton ~lad~ 14(28): 1,25, July 15,1983.

Frost, Margaret. A lice focuses on AID S: Britt eases stand on AID S bill . ~ Area Reporter 13(19): 3, May 12, 1983.

F u 1 1 medica 1 care for AI D S airman: Air Force backs down. !:L§.y Area Reporter 13(38): 2, September 22, 1983.

Fund for Human Dignity. New York governor announces interagency task force on AID S at gay awards dinner . New York: NG T F Fund for Human Dignity, t'1 ay 25, 1983. 4pp.

Fundraiser launches local AIDS foundation . Sacramento Star 1(19): 6-7, February 9, 1983.

Fund-raising . Him t~onthly 58: 38, June 1983.

Fuori!: Movimento di liberazione degli omosessuali. Tutta la verita su AIDS (sindlrome di immunodeficienza acquisita): informazioni, notizie e situazione in Ita lia. Turin, Ita 1 y: Fuori!, September 1983. 8pp. G Gail and James: the effect of AIDS on a family. Empty Closet 142: 10-12, 0 etober 1983.

Gainesville "dumps" AIDS patient . GLC Voice 88 : 2, March 5, 1984.

Gala au profit de la recherche sur Ie SIDA . Gai £ied Hebdo 99-100: 11, December 24, 1983-January 5, 1984.

Galbraith, Larry. Closing the San Francisco battTIouses••. the echo of jackboots. Campaign 102: 12-13, June 1984.

Gallup poll on fear of AIDS <"thirty-four percent of the American public think that AIDS can be contracted by using public

168 restrooms">. Connection 2(24): 11, October 27-November 9,1983.

Gallup poll shows widespread fear of AIDS epidemic. Frontiers 2(6): 13, Ju I y 2o-August 3, 1983.

GaIotti, Victor. Tre strugg Ie before the baths < letter re. baUhouse closings>. ~ Area Reporter 14(15): 6, April 12, 1984.

GanczartJ<, Samuel R. Solve all realth care problems . ~ Area Reporter 14(15): 7, April 12, 1984.

Garber, Eric; Merle, Martin. Eddie Rosenberg: an affectionate remembrance. New York Native 80: 14, January 2-15,1984.

Gardiner, Ben. Ben on T V SlOW . ~ Area Reporter 13(30): 9, July 21,1983.

Gardiner, Jamie. Sez who? . Outrage 4: 7, July 1983.

Ga't', Hugh. Tre rea 1 epidemic: fear and despair . 0 ut! 50: 14, August-Septffllber 1983.

(Gay?) Afghan in CA sues for $301'1 over rumors he has AIDS . News Qf the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(11): 486, December 1983.

Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Colorado. AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome . Denver: The Center, <1983>.

Gay and Lesbian Health Alliance of Denver. Health

. Guide tv1aqazine3(1): 4, January 1983.

Gay and lesbian presence high at Reag,an counter reception . 1!..LC yoice 4(16): 1, June 20, 1983.

Gay bashers Slouting about AIDS . GLC yoice 4(20): 2, August 15, 1983.

Gay blood ban: right motive, wrong metmds . Sacramento Star 1(21): 2, t~arch 9, 1983.

Gay blood caution . G_flY Reporter 1: 8, June 2-15,1983.

Gay cancer and I poppers' are not I inked < Grea t Lakes Products>. Him Monthl Y 53: 12, 1982.

"Gay cancer" no longer confined to gays only. Gas Niagara News 3(5): 8, lv1ay 1982.

169 Tre "gay cancer" scare. ~ Niagara News 3 (2): 1,3, February 1982.

Gay clinic awarded AIDS grant . ~ Communit y News 11 (15): 2, 0 ctober 29, 1983.

Gay doctors give gay realth facts to local college student realth centers . Sacramento Star 1(13): 4, November 17,1982.

Gay doctors on blood . ~ Area Reporter 14(1): 15, January 5, 1984.

Gay doctors recommend steps for blood donation, 'realthful' sex. Ad vocate 366: 10-11, April 28, 1983.

Gay rea 1 th con ference < Na tiona 1 Lesbian/G ay Hea 1 th Con ference>. Lambda(Carolina) 9(4): 6, t~ay-June 1983.

Gay rea 1 th conference in Den ver June 9-12 < Nationa 1 Lesbian/G ay Conference>. NewsQf. tre Columbus~ and Lesbian Community 6(4): 146, May 1983.

Gay realth directory available . ~ Community News 10(47): 2, June 18, 1983.

Gay Health Fair aims at AIDS prevention . Update 118: 4, September 21, 1983.

Gay Health Fair May 22 . New Yorl< City News 70: 2, ~1ay 11, 1983.

Gay-infested pool drained in Tulsa . News of the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(8A): 342., Septembe~~198~

Gay leaders tell House Committee AIDS funds needed . Sacramento Star 2(1): 1,3, June 1, 1983.

Gay lobby puS'es $40 million AIDS bill . California 'y"oice 5(10): ?, May 6, 1983.

Gay Medics launch info campaign . Capital ~, May 13, 1983.

Gay men's realth class in Castro. ~ Area Reporter 13(20): 4, May 19, 1983.

Gay Men's Health Crisis. GMHC update: AIDS: a punishnent from God ? New York Native 79: 23, December 19, 1983-January 1, 1984.

Gay Men's Health Crisis. A letter from your Gay ~~en's Health Crisis . B1 ueboy 79: 70, May 1983.

170 Gay Men's Heal th Crisis. 3,000 and counting fast . New York Native 81: 15, January 16-29, 1984.

Gay Men's Health Crisis "political postcard projectll . National Coalition.Qf ~ STD Services Newsletter 5(1): 44, August 1983.

Gay officials meet with Medicare on AIDS issue . Montrose 'y"oice 158: 12, November 4,1983.

Gay Physicians of Montreal. Dear fellow members of RAGLAM . Montreal: Montreal Gay Physicians' Group, February 26,1983.

Gay physicians object to term 'promiscuity' . ~ Men's Heal th Crisis Heal th Letter 2: 3, February 1984.

Gay Pride Day 1983 . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(13): 1, June 29,1983.

Gay protest.ers march on "AIDS" <"Fighting For Our Lives">. ~ Niagara News 4(6): 13, June 1983.

Gay right.s adlvocates win AIDS settlement . Gil C Voice 88: 2, February 20, 1984.

Tre Gay Rights National Lobby . Lesbian News 8(6): 31, January 1983.

Gay Right.s Nationa 1 Lobby 1983 st.rategy will target more funds for AID S research. Sacramento ~ 1(20): 5, February 23, 1983.

Gay rodeo called "realthhazard" . Equal Time 35: 2, August 10, 1983.

Gay task force report.s rash of anti-gay violence . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(21): 1,5, October 26, 1983.

Gays fear blame in Orange County AIDS epidemic <2 deat.hs, 12 patients>. Sacramento Star 1(19): 5, February 9, 1983.

Gays hold forum on AIDS . Manitoba ~ Coalition News, August 3, 1983, pp. 1-2.

Gays, local Red Cross discuss AIDS effect.s . Our Own Community Press 7(7): 1, May 1983.

Gays organize to lobby Congress on AIDS . Mom...Guess What.! 56: 6, August 1983.

Gays reta liate and boycott Eddie Murphy

171 jokes>. Seattle ~ News 11(7): 15, February 17,1984.

Geary, Jim. Personal indulgence . Coming .1!.£.l4(6): 3, March 1984.

Geographic dist.ribution of AIDS <70% of gay pat.ient.sare from New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles>. News Qf t.he Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(8A): 342, September 21, 1983.

George, Perry A. Adjust.ed cruising t.echniques . California yoice 5(12): 3, June 3, 1983.

GGBA awards $2,500; AIDS group gets $800 . Ca lifornia yoice 5(9): 7, April 22, 1983.

Gilbert.son, Fred. AIDS politics . YGCC News 4(6): 39, June 1983.

Gilbertson, Fred. Doct.ors rebut AIDS smear. Angles 1(1): 9, December 1983.

Gilbertson, Fred. Forum fans fears . yG CC News 4(4): 41-43, April 1983.

GHeck, Lenny. How a couple copes with AIDS. Advocate 391: 20-21, April 3, 1984.

Glandular defect. tied t.o AIDS . ~ Life 8(52): 2, June 9, 1983.

GLCSC opens AIDS clinic . Frontiers 2(38): 11, April 11-18, 1984.

G MHC $100,000 < for AID S research, diagnostic equipment., information agencies>. New York Native 75: 9, Oct.ober 24-November 6, 1983.

Godin, Jean-Gilles. Variations sur la peur. Sortie 11: 15, Oct.ober 1983.

Godwin, Marie. AIDS and the new morality. ~ Community News 11(5): 6, August 13, 1983.

Godwin, Marie. 0 ur right to know < let.ter reo AID Sand t.he media>. ~ Community News 10(46): 2, June 11, 1983.

Goldsmith, Larry. AIDS is new issue in right.s bill hearing. ~ Community News 11(36): 1,6, March 31, 1984.

Goldsmit.h, Larry. Boston official roast.ed for AIDS "joke". ~ Community News 11(35): 1, March 24,1984.

Goldsmith, Larry. New studies further speculation on AIDS . ~ Community News 10(43): 3, May 21, 1983.

172 Goldsmith, Larry. Possible AIDS remedy tested • .Q.n Community News 11(3): 1, July 30, 1983.

Goldsmith, Larry. Possible viral link to AIDS • .Q.n Community News 11(9): 1, September 17,1983.

Goldsmith, Larry. Red Cross issues new blood donation guidelines• .Q.n Community News 10(37): 1, April 9, 1983.

Goldsmith, Larry. 600 rally and march for more AIDS funding • .Q.n Community News 10(49): 1, July 2, 1983.

Goldstein, Michae 1 T. No t.est for AI D Shere < letter>. New York Native 70: 4, August 15-28, 1983. -----

Good friends raising funds for AID S . Advocat.e 374: 25-27, August 18, 1983.

Good hea 1 th for spring! Black and White Men T ogether/N ew York Information 3{l0): 7, March 1983.

Goodman proposes state AIDS commission . New York Native 64: 69, May 23-June 5,1983.

Goodstein, D.B. 0 pening space . Advocate 394: 7, May 15, 1984.

Goodstein, D.B. Opening space . Advocat.e 374: 7, August 18, 1983.

Goodstein, D.B. (} pening sp ace . Ad v ocat.e 367: 8, May 12, 1983.

Goodst.ein, D.B. 0 pening space < lifesty Ie etenges>. Advocate 371: 6, Ju 1 y 7, 1983.

Goodstein, D.B. Opening space . Ad vocate 383/384: 7, December 22, 1983.

Gordon, Kevin. Religion, moralizing and AIDS • .Q.n Community News 11(22): 6, December 17, 1983.

Got.t.lieb, Richard. St.ate funds AIDS programs over Cuomots reject.ion. New York Native 88: 6-7, April 23-May 6,1984.

Gottlieb, Richard. Why Cuomo accepted t.he AIDS bill. New York Native 68: 8-9, Ju 1 y 18-31, 1983.

Gould, Ron. No funding for AIDS research at Yale. Montrose 'y"oice 153: 5, Sept.ember 20,1983.

Go v. signs AI D S research budget item . Updat.e 114: 1, July 27,1983.

173 Government funds for AIDS . Connection 2(24): 9, October 27-November 9, 1983.

Governor and mayor endorse AIDS Awareness Week in Minn. . Equal Time 55: 1, May 16, 1984.

Goyette, Martin. Reasons for closing • .§lu:. Area 14(15): 6, Apri 1 12, 1984.

Graham, James K. AI D S forum draws meager crowd, but. good speakers . Sacramento S 1(26): 1,4, May 18, 1983.

Graham, James K. AID S kills primates at UCD; Cancer Society t.o fight KS. Sacrament.o 1(19): 1,12, February 9,1983.

Graham, James K. Blood bank 'defers' gay men . Sacrament.o Star 1(20): 1,5, February 23, 1983.

Graham, James K. Blood bank rep fails to satisfy RCBA questioners . Sacrament.o 1(24): 1, April 20,1983.

Graham, James K. Immuno-deficient. syndrome is epidemic, awareness urged for gay men . Sacramento Star 1(5): 1, Ju 1 Y 28, 1982.

Grant appro ved for AI D S pa tients <$250,000 to est.ab 1 ish eight. residences for AID S patients without. homes- San Francisco>. Connection 2(12): 7, April 14-May 4, .iL983.

Grant. to AIDS agency . GLC yoice 90: 2, April 2, 1984.

Gray, Ron. Screen blood, not donors ! Mom ••• Guess What! 54: 2, May 1983.

Greco, Stepren. Strong bodies gay ways: a new sel f-image . Advocat.e 371: 20-23, July7,1903.

Green, Bill. Bi-partisan effort <·letter reo government. funding>. Advocat.e 371: 7, July 7, 1983.

Gregory, Dianne. AID S a topic in Hong Kong news • .§.&.y Area Reporter 13(42): 13, Oct.ober 20, 1983.

Gregory, Dianne. Forum airs lesbians and AIDS • .§lu:. Area 13(39): 2, Sept.ember 29, 1983.

174 Gregory, Dianne. My night on t.he AI DSward: st.anding by as a dying gay man stands a lone . ~ Area Reporter 13(43): 15,18, Oct.ober 27, 1983.

Gregory, Dianne. Women st.ep in as gay blood donors: clubs seek to up blood bank accoun ts as gay men defer. ~ Area 13 (37): 1,3, Sept.ember 15, 1983.

GRNL adds new AIDS lobbyist. . News.Q.f t.he Co 1 umbus ~ and Lesbian Communit.y 6(6): 228, Ju 1 y 1983.

GRN L ca lIs for co-sponsors t.o AID S research bill. ~ Area 13(21): 5, May 26, 1983.

GRNL calls for new bill to fund AIDS research . Cruise Newsmagazine 1 (l): 9-10, Apri 1 29­ May 5, 1983.

GRNL forms AIDS task force . ~ News­ Telegraph 2(9): 5, June 1983.

GRNL seeks co-sponsors for AIDS funding bill. The WeEi

GRNL seeks co-sponsors for AIDS research. Our Paper, Your Paper 2 ( 8 ): 2, April 20, 198 3.

Gross, Sarah V. Chicago comment. < letter reo Howard Brown Memorial Clinic and AIDS Action Project.>. Advocat.e 368: 7, May 26,1983.

Grossman, Rick. 'Beware of quacks' < reo AID S services and treatments>. Mont.rose 'y"oice 150: 20, Sept.ember 9, 1983.

Group for AID S-rel ated conditions < Mission Mental Heal th>. ~ Area Reporter 13(45): 9, November 10, 1983.

Group want.s to organize nationa 1 march on AID S . Mont.rose 'y"oice 141: 5, Ju 1 y 8, 1983.

Groupe des Medecins Gai-e-s de Mont.real. Avis des medecins gai-es . Sortie 6: 38, April 1983.

Grubbs. Excuse us, but. we have more sensational news t.o cover ! New Yorl< Native 73: 10, September 26­ October 9, 1983.

Grzesiak, Rich. Rechy sounds off at. crit.ics &: AIDS "conspiracy" . ~ News(Philadelpma) 7(35): 12,15, July 8-14,1983.

Guadagno, Luigi. AID S foundations relps friends desert. < letter>. Mont.rose Voice 160: 15, November 18, 1983.

Guards seek protection from AIDS . News.Qf.

175 tte Col umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(6): 226, Jul y 1983.

Guarino, George. He AIDS Vigil . WaSlington Blade 14(26): 21, Ju 1 y 1, 1983.

Guidelines for individuals for reduction of risk for developing AIDS

G ui 1 foy, Christine. AI D S: organlZlng, reporting, testifying . ~ Community News 11(18): 3, November 19,1983.

Guilfoy, Christine. AIDS relat.ed complex: social, medical conundrum. ~ Community News 11(33): 6-7, Mardl 10, 1984.

Guil foy, Christine. AI D S reportabi lity: con fiding in go vernmen to ~ Community News 11 (27): 6, January 28, 1983.

Guilfoy, Christine. Blood donor drive unsettling to Providence ; AIDS, blood and homophobia. ~ Community News 11(21): 3,6, December 10,1983.

Gui 1 foy, Christ.ine. Boston hires city AI D S coordinator . ~ Communit.y News 11(32): 1,7, March 3,1984.

Guilfoy, Christine. Confronting Boston newspapers on AIDS: activists meet with ,Q.lobe representatives. ~ Communih News 11(40): 1, April 28, 1984.

G uil foy, Christine. Confronting Bost.on newspapers on AID S: Transcript co I umnist distort.s blood donor issues. ~ Community News 11(40): 1,7, April 28, 1984.

Guil foy, Christine. ConnectJicut quarantine law out of commit.tee . ~ Community News 11(42): 3, May 12,1984.

Gui I f 0 y, Christ.ine. Media in dic ts wom an rumored to ha ve AID S. ~ Community News 11(35): 7, Mardl 24, 1984.

Guil foy, Christine. Quarantine bill passes in Connecticut . ~ Community News 11 (45): 3, June 2, 1984.

Guilfoy, Christine. San Francisco batttlouse debat.e rages; Health Department considers closing baths. ~ Communit.y News 11(38): 1,6, April 14, 1984.

Guzman, Kat.e. AIDS update . Mom ••• Guess What.! 64: 10, April 1984.

Guzman, Kate. AIDS update . Mom••• Guess What! 65: 10, May 1984.

176 Guzman, Kate. Foundation updat.e . Mom ••• Guess What! 61: 8, January 1984.

GWU doing 'pre-AIDS' study . Washingt.on Blade 14(39): 17, October 7,1983. H Haber, Steven. Are the bat.hs washed up ? New Yorl< Nat.ive 70: 4, August 15-28, 1983.

Hadden, Stan. The AID~ Epidemic . Mom ••• Guess What.! 55: 10, July 1983.

Hadden, Elizabeth Harrison, MD AIDS/KS Foundation pat.ient. services coordinator. Mom ••• Guess What! 55: 10, July 1983.

Hadden, Stan. Jackson Peyton, Hand t.o Hand Project volunt.eer coordinat.or . Mom ••• Guess What! 55: 11, July 1983.

Hadden, Living one day at. a time: a Sacrament.o man speaks abo u t. 1 i v in g with AIDS. Mom ••• Guess Wha t! 55: 10-11, Ju 1 Y 19 83 •

Haggart.y, Timothy J. S.F. cops issued protective masks, gloves for AIDS. Manifest 5(13): 59, June 1983.

Hagin, S. Christ.opher. AI D S cases underreport.ed: comp lain t.s lodged against. CDC. ~ Area 13 (38): 14, September 22, 1983.

Hagin, S. Chris t. 0 pher. AID S prompting Club Bath chain president. t.o diversify (Jack Campbell>. Montrose Voice 152: 7, Sept.ember 23, 1983.

Hagin, S. Christ.opher. AIDS statistics from CDC being questioned . Montrose yoice 151: 3, September 16, 1983.

Hagin, S. Christopher. CDC may be shaving AIDS figures. New Yorl< Native 71: 8, August 29-September 11, 1983.

Hairdresser fil es suit for $10 mi Ilion . Out! 53: 11, February-March 1984.

Hairdresser files $10 million suit for wrongful AIDS sacking . Pink Triangle 46: 5, March-April 1984.

Haiti cracks down on gay scene in AI DS scare. New ~ News 4: 11, Sept.ember 29, 1983.

Haiti et Ie syndrome. Gai Pied Hebdo 107: 7, February 18-24, 1984.

H-aiti purges gays . Mom ••• Guess What! 59: 6, November 1983.

177 He Haitian connection . New York Native 65: 3, June 6­ 19, 1983.

Haitians fight. back <800 protest in New York City>. Pink Ink 1(5): 13, December 1983-January 1984.

Hait.ians found wrongly labeled, but hyst.eria still fuels biases. Guardian(New York City), August 10,1983, p. 9.

Haitians, homosexua 1 s asked not. t.o gi ve blood . ~ Niagara News 4(2): 4, February 1983.

Haitians prot.est AIDS label. Equal Time 41: 2, November 2, 1983.

Haitians removed from AIDS high risk groups. Connection 2(19): 5, August 3-16, 1983.

Haitians removed from New York City AIDS risk list.. ~ Communit.y News 11 (7): 2, September 3, 1983.

Haitians resent AIDS stigma. Connection 2(20): 8, August 17-31, 1983.

Haitians resent AI D S stigma. Montrose .y.. oice 147: 10, August 19, 1983.

Haitians with AI DS report. sex with Americans . Connection 3(1): 7, November 9-30, 1983.

Hall, Charles E. Healer's forum at. Valencia Rose gratifies organizers . RFD 35: 13,14, Summer 1983.

Hall, Charles E.; Stamps, Jerry. Cancer . RFD 34: 24-25, S pring 198 3.

Hall, Rid'ard. Computers, AIDS and literat.ure <"AIDS will affect what we write and read about gay life">. Advocate 376: .~4-35, September 15, 1983.

Hamble, Ray. The stat.eside epidemic . Zipper 41: 27, 1982.

Hamburg, Harvey. AIDS: reluctant. reporting . Body Politic 97: 7-8, October 1983.

Hamilton, Richard. Handballing . ~ Area Reporter 14(15): 9, April 12,1984.

Hammarlund, Jan. Wan, sex och AIDS. Revolt 14(4): 54-55, April 1983.

178 Hander, Cecil. To Deborah Gee, KG 0 producer < reo Jerry Falwell>. ill Area 13(31): 8, August 4, 1983.

Hansen, Jctn. AIDS again linked t.o virus . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(44): 8, Sept.ember 15, 1983.

Hansen, John. AIDS rate drop may be temporary . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(10): 1, January 19, 1984.

Hansen, John. AID S scandal charged . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(8): I,ll, January 5, 1984.

Hansen, John. AI DS spreading t.o genera 1 popu 1 aHon <6 of 7 fema 1 e monogamous sexual part.ners of men with AIDS>. lin News (Philadelphia) 7(29): 1,16, May 27-June 2,1983.

Hansen, John. Bay City bans gay sex in baths, bookstores . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(24): 1,20, April 26,1984.

Hansen, John. Bay City sex ban adds fuel to batmouse controversy. ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(27): 1, May 17, 1984.

Hansen, John. Carcinogenic virus linked with AID S . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(28): 1,15, May 20-26,1983.

Hansen, John. Gallup poll: AIDS has harmed gays' public image <21 percent of respondents are less comfortab Ie with gay friends since AIDS crisis began>. ~ NewS::Philadelphia) 7(39): 4, August. 5-11, 1983.

Hansen, John. Gay Pride Day celebrations honor persons with AID S. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(34): 4, July 1-7,1983.

Hansen, John. Gays and feds lock horns at. Weiss hearing <"homophobia is blocking adequat.e money for AID S research">. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(40): 1,10, August 18,1983.

Hansen, John. Groups seek to ban gay blood donations. ~n News(Philadp.lphia) 7(12): 4, January 28-February 3, 1983.

Hansen, John. Haitian 1 ink with AIDS re-ex amined by researchers . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(51): 1, November 3, 1983.

Hansen, John. Have researchers finally found the cause of AIDS ? ~ News(A1i.ladelp-ua) 8(25): 1,12, r~ay' 3, 1984.

Hansen, John. House approves $12M for research on AIDS . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(30): 1, June 3-9,1983.

Hansen, John. lL-2 test.s: partial solution ? ~

179 News(Philadelphia) 7(37): 1, July 22-28,1983.

Hansen, John. Maj or urban demonstra tions focus na t.iona 1 at. t.en tion on AID S. ~ News(Philadelp-u.a) 7(28): 4, May 20-26, 1983.

Hansen, John. National gay leaders urge House t.o up AIDS funding • .li~ News(Philadelphia) 7(29): 4, May 27-June 2,1983.

Hansen, John. Na tiona 1 hea 1 t.h group speeds gran t.s for AI D S research . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7 ( 2 3 ): 4, April 15- 2 1, 1983.

Hansen, John. On t.he AID S front <"Ann Landers says ass fucking may cause AID SII>. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(31): 4,15, June 10-16, 1983.

Hansen, John. On the AIDS front . ~ News (Philadelphia) 7(33): 4,14, June 24-30,1983.

Hansen, John. On t.he AIDS front . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(37): 4,15, July 22-28, 1983.

Hansen, John. On t.1-'e AIDS front . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(38): 4, July 29-August. 4, 1983.

Hansen, John. On the AIDS front. . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(39): 4,15, August 5-11, 1983.

Hansen, John. On the AIDS front. . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(40): 14, August 18, 1983.

Hansen, John. On the AIDS front. . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(43): 4,12, September 8, 1983.

Hansen, John. On the AI D S front . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(44): 4,15, Sept.ember 15,1983.

Hansen, John. On the AILJS front. . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(47): 4, Oct.ober 6,1983.

Hansen, John. On the AIDS front . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(48): 4,15, Oct.ober 13, 1983.

Hansen, John. On the AIDS front . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(50): 4,8, October 27,1983.

Hansen, John. On the AID S front . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(51): 4,16, November 3, 1983.

Hansen, John. On tlhe AIDS front . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(7): 15, December 29,1983.

180 Hansen, John. On the AID S front . fuu'. News(Phil adel phia) 8 (8): 14, January 5, 1984.

Hansen, John. On the AID S front . fuu'. News( Phil ade 1 phia) 8 (9): 14, January 12, 1984.

Hansen, John. On t.he AI D S front . ~ News( Phi 1 ade 1 phia) 8(12): 10, February 2, 1984.

Hansen, John. On the AID S front. . ~ News( Phi1 ade 1 phia) 8(16): 14, March 1, 1984.

Hansen, John. On the AID S front . fuu'. News( Phi 1 ade 1 phia) 8(19): 4,14, March 22, 1984.

Hansen, John. "Prevent.ion" and "curesll exp 1 oit. fear of AIDS. ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(21): 1, April 5, 1984.

Hansen, John. Researchers find "best lead yet. II in AIDS riddle . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(27): 4, May 13-19,1983.

Hansen, John. Sex-linked AID S data "suppressed" . ill. News(Philadelphia) 7(35): 1, Ju I Y 8-14, 1983.

Hansen, John. Simian AIDS virus isolat.ed . ill. News(Philadelphia) 8(18): 1, March 15, 1984.

Hansen, John. Spread of AIDS report.ed slowing down in New York. ill. News(Philadelphia) 7(35): 4, July 8-14, 1983.

Hansen, John. Tempers flare over charges of suppression of AIDS info. ill. News(Philadelphia) 7(36): 1,14, July 15-21, 1983.

Hansen, John. Thymus gland implant.s may help persons with AIDS . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(2): 14, Na vember 24, 1983.

Hansen, John. Thymus key t.o AIDS t.reat.ment.? News(Philadelphia) 7(31): 1, June 10-16,1983.

Harris, David. Ad hoc group discusses AIDS education . New York Na t.i v e 81: 8, January 16-29, 1984.

Harris, Paul. Acquired immune deficiency- first victim here. Campaign 88: 5,14-15, April 1983.

Harris, Steve; Gough, Tom. Local AIDS count. rises t.o nine; 30 volunteers st.udied locally; funding needed for lab work. Out (Pittsburgh), May 1983.

Hart, Bob. AIDS in the quiche < letter>. ~ Area Reporter 13(32): 7, August 11,1983.

181 Hartman, Pau I-Francis. Debbie and friends sing and swing for AI DS benefit . J2..!!.y Area Reporter 13(26): 1,13, June 30, 1983.

Hartman, Paul-Francis. Star to take AIDS show on tt-e road: June Davies Hall gala nets $43,000 . ~ Area 13 (34): 1,4, Aug ust. 25, 1983.

Harvey Mil k Gay Democratic Club. AIDS Education and Information Committee. "Can We Talk?" . San Francisco: HMGDC, 1983.

Hass, Robert. Connection . San Francisco ~ Guardian 17(40): 3, August. 3-10, 1983.

Hat.cher, Clint.on B. Bathhouse response insult.s intelligence . Tt-e Weekly News 7(33): 5, April 18,1984.

Hayes, Lorie. Texans regroup for sodomy law fight. . ~ Community News 10(44): 3, May 29, 1983.

Haynes, Dean. AID S updat.e: Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, ~1ontreal. Pink Irk 1(3): 11, Sept.ember 1983.

Haynes, Dean. Dying of red t.ape . Pink Ink 1(3): 9-10, September 1983.

Heacock, J. Chills and t.hrills . New Yorl< Native 62: 4, April 25-May 8, 1983.

"Healers" present holistic t.reatment for AID S/K S <" a l ternatives to chemo tt-era py" >• .§2....Y. Area Reporter 13 (24): 15, Ju ne 16, 1983.

Hea 1 th club opposed by AID S victim . Cruise Newsmagazine 1(1): 6, April 29-May 5, 1983.

Heal t.h Conference reId i.n Denver . Our Own Community Press 7(9): 9, July 1983.

Health dept.. orders AIDS warnings . BaX Area Reporter 13(22): 4, June 2, 1983.

Hea 1 th dept. says new AID S statistics for st.ate show effect.s of earlier . Sacrament.o 2(3): 10, June 29, 1983.

Health dept.. urges AIDS policy . Dur Own Communit.y Pr-ess 7 (6 ): 1,11, April 198 3•

Hea 1 th Education Council pays for AID 5 seminar . Capit.a 1 ~ April 22, 1983.

182 Hea 1 th Education Resource 0 rganization. Plain ta 1 k: sa fe sex and AID S . Bal timore: HER 0, 1984.

Health expert.s warn against transfusions . ~ News-Telegraph 2(B): 2, May 1983.

Health group may buy building for AIDS . ~ Community News 10(47): 2, June 18, 19B3.

Heal th hazards of homosexuals- a reprint from Medical World News. National Coalition.£f. ~ STQ Services 3(4): 14-lB, February 19B2.

Health menace: Eddie Murphy . Equal Time 4B: 2, February B, 19B4.

Healt.h officials tracking down plasma from Austin AIDS Mont.rose Voice 158: 20, November 4, 1983.

Hea I t.h panel passes AI DS bill, Roberti to add funding . Sacrament.o 1(24): 2, April 20, 1983.

Hea 1 th subcommit. tee hears AID S testimony < V. Apuz zo, Dr. R. En low, Dr. D. Ostrow>. lin Communit.y News 10(45): 2, June 4, 1983.

Heckler donates to show its safe . Equal Time 35: 2, August. 10, 19B3.

Heckler, Feinst.ein correspond on AIDS. Sentinel 10(18): 1, September 1, 1983.

Heckler to boost. funding request . New Vorl< Native 71: 11-12, August 29-September 11, 1983.

Heckler's AID S mtline swamped. !!.ll Area 13(3l): 17, August. 4, 1983.

Heidon, Asl an Brooke. San Francisco's bat.hs will stay open. Front.iers 2(38): 9, April 11-18, 1984.

Heim, Chris. AID S Awareness Mont.h in Chicago . Advocat.e 395: 10, May 29,1984.

Heim, Chris. AI D S news upda te: American Hospita 1 Association guidelines for care of AID S patient.s. Advocate 386: 14-15, January 24, 1984.

Heim, Chris. AIDS news update: Chicago Office of AIDS Activities. Advocate 385: 12, January 10, 1984.

Heim, Chris. AIDS news update: epidemiologist states t.hat AIDS "is rapid I y becoming the 1 eading case of deat.h is our prison systems" . Advocat.e 3B2: 12, December 8, 1983.

183 Heim Chris. Chicago Medical Societ.y (CMS) and new telephone tape on AID S. Advocat.e 390: 14,19, March 20, 1984.

Heim, Chris; Fain, Nathan; Anderson, Scott. P.; Bush, Larry; o'Loughlin, Ray; Bond, Ken; Burke, Pat. AID S news updates . Advocat.e 375: 10-11,17, September 1, 1983.

Heim, Chris; O'Loughlin, Ray; Freiberg, Peter; Stroll, Ted; Baker, Joe. AID S news updat.e . Advocate 381: 16-18, November 24, 1983.

Help in tte fight. against AID S . Homophile Association of London, Ontario, January 1984, p. 5.

Help yourself . Guelph ~ Equality, June 1983, p. 3.

He 1 quist, Michae 1. AI D S and grief; a persona 1 experience . Montrose 'y"oice 162: 16-17, December 2, 19 83. ~

Helquist, Michael. AIDS and grief: a personal experience . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(21): 3,12, October 26,1983.

Helquist, Michael. AIDS and women: a report. Mom ••• Guess What! 59: 8,14, November 1983.

Helquist, Michael. AIDS coverage . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(15): 4, July 27,1983.

Helquist., Michael. AIDS expert.s: tackling sexual behavior changes. Waffiinqt.on B1 acE 15(19): 11, May 11, 1984.

Helquist., Michael. An AIDS journal: Marl<: Feldman's personal battle . Advocat.e 379: 26-30, October 27, 1983.

Helquist, Michael. AIDS update: who's got tt-e ret,rovirus?; the stat.e of tt-e science. Coming llQl4(8): 12,40-41, May 1984.

Helquist., Michael. AIDS workshop: exploring "safe sex". Sent.inel 10(8); 1,2,12, April 14, 1983.

Helquist, Michael. A eulogy for Mark Feldman. Our Paper, Your Paper 2(13): 2, June 29, 1983.

184 He 1 quist, Michae 1. Facing tt-e gay hea 1 th CrlSlS . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(7): 2,20, April 6, 1983.

Helquist, Michael. FARO faces growing pains . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(3): 1,5, December 1, 1983.

Helquist, Michael. Helen Schietinger: San Francisco rea 1 th activist and AIDS worker. Colorado ~ and Lesbian News 3(2): 7-8, April 1984.

Helquist, Michael. Media drive for "safe sex" complicated by politics: Bay City saga continues. ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(28): 1,4, May 24, 1984.

Helquist, Michael. Notes for coping . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(22): 12, November 9, 1983.

Helquist, Michael. A perspective on AIDS: one year later- an interview with Bobby Reynolds . Coming ~4(8): 13,39, May 1984.

Helquist, Michael. Tre state of tre science . Coming .!:!..Q.L 4(8): 12,40-41, May 1984.

Helquist, Michael. Taking care of our own: Sha'ar Zahav responds to tt-e AI D S crisis. Coming QQl, June 1983, pp. 1-2.

He 1 quist, Michae 1. Women and AI D S: first-of-its-kind forum t-e 1 d in San Francisco. Was-ungton Blade 14(37): 5-6, September 23, 1983.

Helquist., Michael. Women consider AID S epidemic . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(19): 2, September 28, 1983.

Helquist, Michael. A year of AIDS. Coming .!J..Ql4(4): 7,27, January 1984.

Helquist, Michael; Osman, Richard. AIDS and baths issue rages in San Francisco. Washington Blade 15(14): 1,6, April 6, 1984.

Helquist, Michael; Osman, Rick. Tre batttlOuse controversy: a time for action: we really need to think carefully. Coming .!:LQl4(7): 8­ 9,36-38, April 1984.

Helquist., Michael; Osman, Rick. Interview with AIDS expert MD Abrams . California yoice 6(18): 2,25, May 3-9, 1984.

He 1 quis t. , Mi c ha e 1 ; 0 sma n , Rick. Nose x in baths, says San Francisco. Washington Blade 15(15): 5, April 13,1984.

185 Helquist., Michael; Osman, Rick. San Francisco officials move t.o limit bath sex. ill. Windows 2(9): 27, April 26-May 9, 1984.

Hemingway, Dave. Mainst.ream media discovers AIDS. ~ News­ Telegraph 2(7): 8, April 1983.

Hemingway, Dave. discovers AIDS . ~ News-Telegraph 2(9): 11, June 1983.

Hemophilia foundation seeks gay blood ban . Sacrament.o 1(18): 1, January 26, 1983.

Hencken, Joel D. Sad t.o be alive . New York Native 72: 4, Sept.ember 12-25, 1983.

Hencken, Joel D. T eke action . ~ Communit.y News 10(44): 4, May 29, 1983.

Hennepin Count.y medica 1 staff de vel op AI D S precautions . GLC ~oice 4(19): 4, August. 1, 1983.

Henry, Pat.rick. Philadelphia group claims hepatitis bigger menace t.han AIDS, at least in t.he long run. ~LC ~oice 89: 10, March 19, 1984.

Hep B vaccine effect.ive, safe. Outrage 4: 9, July 1983.

Hepatitis B vaccine . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(30): 13, June 3-9, 1983.

Hepatitis B vaccine is safe. Sacrament.o 1(8): 1,3, Sept.ember 8, 1982.

Hepatitis vaccine sales sluggish . Equal Time 36: 7, August. 24,1983.

Heranney, David. A call to action . ~ Area 13 (12): 6, March 31, 1983.

Hermann. Bericht uber AIDS- t.eil 1: Amerika. ~.!.lgemeine Homosexuell e Arbeitsgemeinschaft Info( Ber 1 in), May-June 1983, pp. 8-10.

HERO supports AIDS victims . ~ Paper 5(6): ?, June 1983.

Hets miss out on gay blood . Pink Triangle 43: 1, May-June 1983.

Heyl, St.ept-en. Alive and well .

186 Washington Blade 14(18): 20, May 6,1983.

H.H.S. AIDS grants . Washington Blade 15 (14): 9, April 6, 1984.

Hiers, Mark. Researchers announce major breakthroughs . Our Own Community Press 8(7): 1, May 1984.

Hippler, Mike. AID Sand t!"e baths: to go or not to go••• ? ~ Area Reporter 13(19): 14-15,18, May 12, 1983.

Hippler, Mike. AIDS- a personal exploration: t!"e new gay ward at. San Francisco General . ~ Area Reporter 13(42): 16-17, October 20, 1983.

Hippler, Mike. AIDS- a personal exploration: part. II: learning about Ward 58 at. SF General. ~ Area 13(44): 18-19, November 3, 1983.

Hippler, Mike. AIDS- a personal exploration: part III: Pat.rick Walker, patient. on Ward 5B. ~ ~r~ 13(46): 20, November 17, 1983.

Hippler, Mike. AIDS- a personal exploration: part. IV: t.he nurses on Ward 5B. ~ Area 13 (48): 18, December 1, 1983.

Hippler, Mike. AIDS- a personal explorat.ion: part V: deat.hs in t!"e famil y. Bay Area Reporter 13(49): 14-15, December 8, 1983. '

Hippler, Mike. AIDS- a personal exploration: part VI: conclusion. ~ Area 13 (50): 21-22, December 15, 1983.

Hippler, Mike. And now, a word from your local bat.1i1ouse. New York Native 61: 36-37, April 11-24, 1983.

Hippler, Mike. "Don't. fuck with me, Mary": t.!"e t.oll of one man's tricking life . ~ Area Reporter 13(16): 14­ 15, April 21, 1983.

Hirsch, Michael. Raising ruckus < reo L. Kramer>. New York Native 61: 4, April 11-24, 1983.

Hist.oric meeting: Ohio Department of Hea I th addresses AID S problem in seminar/workshop. News.Q.f. t!"e Co 1 umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(7): 285, August 1983.

Hjort., Chris; Purnell, Kenn. White House line . ~ Area 13(20): 6, May 19, 1983.

Hockenberry, Clint.; C!"eatam, Carlene. Being "AIDSed out.": this is not t!"e t.ime. Washingt.on Blade 14(38): 23, September 30, 1983.

Hodge, Robert.. Recourse t.o justice < let.ter reo AID S and disability right.s>. New York NaU v e 73: 4, September 26- 0 ctober 9, 1983.

187 Hog st.udy may help AIDS fight: OSU research into Kaposi's sarcoma . News.Qf the Col umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6 (5): 189, June 1983.

Holleran, Andrew. The spectacle at t.he bottom of t.he d"laft . New York Native 64: 18-19, May 23-June 5, 1983.

H011 obon, Joan. Canadian hea 1 th researchers seek clue t.o AIDS . ~ Niagara News 4(5): 8, May 1983.

Homopt-obes organize <0 all as Doctors Against AID S>. Sen tine 1 10 (9): 1, Apri 1 2 8, 19 8 3•

Homopt-obic backla91 among Dallas physicians . National Coalition of ~ STD Services Newsletter 4(4): 19, March 1983.

Hood, Hollis. Famous Shanti Project is making a move into Texas. Montrose ~oice 154: 5, Oct.ober 14,1983.

Hood, Hollis. Gay rights activist. Schwab honored in memoria 1 service. Montrose ~oice 168: 8, January 13, 1984.

Hood, Hollis. In memoriam: Robert. Schwab. Montrose V_oice 168: 9, January 13, 1984.

Hood, Hollis. KS alt.ers name; president. describes foundation. Mont.rose 'y"oice 134: 7, May 20,1983.

Hood, Hollis; Freiberg, Texas at.t.orney, act.ivist. M. Robert. Schwab dies of AIDS: archit.ect. of landmark sodomy law case. Advocat.e 386: 11, January 24,1984.

Hospital alt.ers AIDS policy . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(22): 6, November 9, 1983.

Hospital changes AIDS policy . Connect.ion 3(1): 11, November 9-30,1983.'s guidelines on AIDS . Montrose ~oice 145: 12, August 5, 1983. l'Hot.el de ville refuse de repondre aux besoins de communautee . Gays.2.f.. ottawa Info 10(4): 2, May 1983.

Hotel evict.s AIDS patients . WaS1ingt.on Bl ade 15(13): 10, March 30, 1984.

Hotlinehot.t.est number in town- AIDS hot.line logs 5,000 callsa day! News Qf. t.he Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(9): 392, October 1983. .

188 Hot.line volunteers needed . ~ Area Rep 0 r t. er 13 C3 2 ): 11, Augus t 11, 1983 •

House, Judge; Early, Jim. Candlelight. AIDS Vigil held in nationls Our Own Communit.y Press 8(1): 3, November 1983.

House Demos blast. AI DS program: Repub lican opponents say "not. so" . ~ Area Reporter 13(50): 13, December 15,1983.

House panel criticizes the federal response t.o AIDS . Connection 3(4): 4, December 28, 1983-January 25, 1984.

House panel: $41 million for AIDS . Washingt.on Blade 14(36): 7, September 16, 1983.

House panel knocks AIDS efforts . Sentinel 10(25): 1, December 8, 1983.

House passes $12 mil lion AI D S funding increase for '83. Sacrament.o 2(2): 8, June 15, 1983.

House report criticizes go vernmen ta 1 response to AI DS • .Q...§,y Community News 11(24): 2, December 31, 1983-January 7, 1984.

House $41.1 million for AID S in 1984. Our Paper, Your Paper 2(20): 3, October 12, 1983.

House votes $41.1 million for AIDS in 184 . Sentinel 10(21): 2, oct.ober 13, 1983.

Housing needed for men with AID S • .fu!y Communit.y News 11 (6): 2, August 20, 1983.

Houst.on pledges AIDS support. . Connection, May 18­ 31, 1983.

Houston's mayor in trouble over AIDS allocation . ~ Community News 10(50): 2, July 9, 1983.

How to lose a million: controversy over tte Hollywood Bowl AID S/K S benefit continues. Updat.e 118: 11-12, September 21, 1983.

Howard Solomon, theat.rical producer, dies of AIDS. New Yorl< Native 83: 11, February 13-26, 1984.

Hoyer, Bill. •••not grief, but gratitude . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(20): 4, October 12,1983.

189 Huberman, Ron; Jones, Cleve; Kraus, Bill. Three gay figures join the AID S debate: to speak out, or keep quiet. !L§y Area 13(21): 4, May 26, 1983.

. From the president: AIDS . Homothile Association Qf London, 0 ntario News let ter, February 1984, pp. 1-2.

The Human Rights Campaign Fund. The AIDS crisis may spread faster through fear than any other way . New York Native 65: 59, June 6-19, 1983.

The Human Rights Campaign Fund. Join the two-front war on AIDS . New York Native 68: 39, July 18­ 31, 1983.

The Human Rights Campaign Fund. The $30,000,000 solution to AIDS: federal funding . New York Native 66: 33, June 20­ July3,1983.

A human side of AI DS . ~ Area Reporter 14(9): 22, March 1, 1984.

Human T-cell leukania virus implicated in AIDS. National Coalition .Qf ~ S T D Services Newsletter 4(5): 17, May 1983.

Humm, And y. Aid for AI D S: the circus benefit. New York City News 70: 1, May 11, 1983.

Humm, Andy. AIDS: circus and consciousness <"neither the Times, News, nor Post ran a story on the circus">. New York City News 70: 7, May 11, 1983.

Humphrey, Laud. Close the churches, no t the ba ths < 1 e,t t,er>! Frontiers 2(38): 8, April 11-18,1984.

Hump-u-ey, Laud. I love him, but, he leaves articles on AIDS on my pillow <"Gay Plus" medical column>! Update 112: 14, June 29, 1983.

Hunter, Ian. AIDS news: Melbourne, Adelaide. Outrage 6: 5, September 1983.

Hurst, Hank J. Hitting the Times ....r.ere it hurts . New York Native 67: 4, July 4-17,1983.

Hutton-Wil liams, Lynn. Deconstructing a syndrome: AID S. ~ Information(Austra lia) 13: 30-38, Autumn 1983.

Hyde, Robert. "AIDS Play Safe Week": conquering the killer. Montrose Voice 151: 1, September 16, 1983.

Hyde, Robert. Gay acti vist 8 t torney Schwab dies of AIDS . Montrose y"oice 164: 1, December 16, 1983.

190 Hyde, Robert. Gay activist attorney Robert Schwab dies of AIDS. Our Paper, Your Paper 3(1): 1,16, January 11, 1904.

Hyde, Robert. KS/AIDS gets $15,000 from Art Colony, Dianas . Montrose 'yoice 16·5: 1, December 23, 1983.

Hyde, Robert. Lord Mac: in the winter of his years . Montrore Voice 186: 1-3, May 18, 1984.

Hyde, Sue. AIDS budget doubled. ~ Community News 11(7): 1, September 3, 1983.

Hyde, Sue. AIDS quarantines, t.he government. and us. ~ Community News 11(35): 3, March 24, 1984.

Hyde, Sue. Bost.on conference looks at AIDS criS1S: AIDS politics, healt.h politics, personal politics. ~ Communit.y News 11(42): 1,7, May 12, 1984.

Hyde, Sue. Boston women meet., discuss AIDS. ~ Community News 11 (11): 1,17, 0 ctober 1, 1983.

Hyde, Sue. Canadian government sets up AIDS t.ask force, no gay appointed. ~ Community News 10(48): 2, June 25, 1983.

Hyde, Sue. Health Commissioner: fear subsides . ~ Community News 11(37): 1, April 7, 1984.

Hyde, Sue. Men with AIDS: "dying of red t.ape". ~ Community News 11(5): 1, August. 13,1983.

Hyde, Sue. Task Force t.o meet wit.h presidential aide . ~ Community News 10(47): 1, June 18, 1983.

Hysteri i England. Magasin ~ 1(2): 28, October- 1983. I IBM gives $3500 grant to local AIDS chapter. Our Paper, Your Paper 2(25): 1,6, December 21, 1903.

Identification of suspect virus raises quarantine issue . Body Po 1 Hie 104: 21-22, June 1984.

Ifft, Nick. FARO oversight.s < letter reo Nathan Fain article>? ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(46): 13, Sept.ember 29,1983.

Ifft, Nick. Ifft. disputes PATF artie Ie, writer rep lies < let.ter from President. of Philadelphia AIDS Task Force>. ~ News (Philadelphia) 7(48): 10-11, October 13,1983.

Ifft., Nick. Myths of AIDS . ~ News(Philadelphia) 8(14): 9, February 16, 1984.

191 Ifft, Nick. Philadelphia AIDS Task Force. National Coalition of ~ S T D Services News letter 4(3): 19-20, December 1982.

IG/\, conference on AID S. New ~ News 9: 7, December 8, 1983.

IGHC offers "war chest" to San Fran. bath houses . Equal Time 55: 2, May 16, 1984.

Immune function depressed with exposure t.o sun light &: commercial U V irradiation . National Coalition .£f. ~ STQ 5(1): 26, August 1983.

In Kansas Cit.y: AID S out, rea 1 th in . ~ News- TelegraFh 3(8): 2, May 1984.

In memorium: Kenny Ramsauer, 1954-1983. Connection 2 (15): 13, June 1-14, 1983.

In memorium: Evans. Sortie 15: 11, FebrLtary 1984.

In memory of my dear friend . New York Nati ve 78: 4, December 5-18, 1983.

Inaccurate AID S co verage. Empty Closet ·140: 8, Jul y-August 1983.

Indy media distorts AIDS problem. The Works 2(9):?, June 1983.

Infant's death linked to AIDS t.ransfusions . Connection 2(19): 5, August 3-16, 1983.

Information deficiencies ? ~ Community News 110): 2, Ju 1 Y 30, 1983.

Information on AID S. First Hand 3 (6): 68, Sept.ember 1983.

Ingram, Richard L.; St.eward, David P. AIDS/KS Foundation Our Paper, Your Paper 2(18): 2, September 14, 1983.

Initiative t.o close bat.hs pending in San Francisco. £LC yoice 91: 8, April 1984.

Int.eragency t.ask force on AID S announced at. New York Gay awards dinner . GLC Voice 4(16): 3, June 20, 1983.

Int.erferon effective in half KS patient.s. Update 109: 1, May 18, 1983.

Interferon may rurt. AID S patient.s . News.£f. tt-e Co 1 umbus ~ and Lesbian" Community 6(6): 241, Ju 1 y 1983.

192 Interferon used for AID S . Our Paper, Your Paper 2(10): 3, May 18,1983.

Interim AID S lobbyist retained . Washington Blade 14(31): 9, August 5, 1983.

International Gay Association (IG A). European AID S (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) Conference. January 20-22, 1983 . Helsinki: IGA, <1983>. 2pp.

International Gay Association (lGA). IGA statement on acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Helsinki: IGA, July 1983. <2pp. mimeograph>.

Intestinal parasites . National Coalition Qf. ~ STD Services Newsletter 2(20): 7, October 1980.

Introducing the new Da vid memberships David 9(39): 60, February 18,1983.

Ireland, Doug. Une mard-e pour la vie . G ai Pied Hebdo 79: 14-15, July 23-29, 1983.

Irvine, Janice. National AIDS vigil: coming at a low time? ~ Community News 11(12): 1-2, October 7,1983.

Is it safe to go to the Liberty Baths ? ~ Area Reporter 13(24): 36, June 16, 1983.

Is there still a health crisis?: gay class offering . ~ Area Reporter 14(2): 13, January 12, 1984. J Jackson, Ed. Fed's AI D S task force inc 1 udes risk groups <32 cases in Canada; 10 cases in Toronto>. Body Po litic 94: 14, June 1983.

Jackson, Ed. Grassroots action; governmental vagueness . Body Po litic 96: 15,19, September 1983.

Jackson, Ed. Nationwide AID S report: checking up on the experts. Body Politic 95: 12, July-August 1983.

Jackson, Ed. Not a victim: a 'person with AIDS' . Body Po litic 97: 28-29, 0 ctober 1983.

Jackson, Ed. 0 ntario remo ves Hai tians from list of high-risk groups. Body Politic 99: 8, December 1983.

J a ckson , Ed. Red Cross backs off donor restraint po licy . Body Po litic 93: 11-12, May 1983.

193 Jackson, Ed. Wa 1 kat.hon feet drag, but research funds fort.hcoming. Body Politic 98: 14, November 1983.

Jackson, James C.; Thomas, Jim. Pride Week successfu 1 in midwest. . ~ News-Telegraph 2(10): 1,4, July 1983.

Jelly blamed for AIDS . The WeekI y News 7(19): 6, January 11, 1984.

Jerry Falwell on AIDS <\Iclose gay bath houses">. GLC Voice 4(19): 10, August 1, 1983.

Jerry Falwell speaks on AIDS . Egual Time 33: 2, Ju 1 Y 13, 1983.

J/O klubbar••• ? Maqasin .fu!y 1(2): 26, 0 ct.ober 1983.

Joan Rivers, Studio One raise AID S funds. Front.iers 2(38): 10, April 11-18, 1984.

Johnson, Edwin Clark (Toby). AIDS as myt.h, AIDS as blessing. ~ Ne'(Ls(Philadelphia) 8(10): 5,12, January 19,1984.

Johnson, Edwin Clark (Toby). Johnson on AIDS . ~ News (Philadelphia) 8(16): 13,15, March 1,1984.

Johnson, Frederick G. The crap of it all . ~ Area 13(17): 8, April 28, 1983.

Johnson, H. John. Healt.h officials, gays disagree a,t D.C. conference . .fu!y News (Phil ade1 p-u.a) 7(46): 9, September 29, 1983.

Johnson, H. John. What. t.he Phila. Conference means . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(37): 1,10, July 22-28, 1983.

Johnson, Toby. AIDS and moral issues: will sexual liberation survive ? Advocate 379: 24-25,30-31, Oct0 ber 27, 1983.

Johnson, W. Then there are gay fascists < let. reo AI D S caused by refugees to America>. ~LC 'y"oice 4(19): 5, August. 1,1983.

Johnst.on, B.1 air. CJSB Radi 0 dist.orted AI D S issue; comp 1 aint. uphel d by CR T C . Gays.2..f. 0 t t.awa In fo 10(1): 1, December 1983-January 1984.

194 Johnston, Mark. AIDS conference looks at new virus and new concerns . ~ Windows 2(10): 10-11, May 10-23, 1984.

Jones: AID S panic hits SF . Sacramento Star 1(14): 1, December 1982.

Jones, Brian. AIDS conference called disappointing • TheWead y New s 7 (37 ): 3,20, May 16, 1984.

Jones, Brian. The AIDS epidemic. Equa 1 Tim e 28 : 1 , 10, May 4, 1983.

Jones, Brian. AIDS: when gay men die does America care? Equal Time 31: 1,8-9, June 15, 1983.

Jones, Brian. The doctor and the props: politics is t.he art of fixing blame for unsol vable problems . ~Area 14(15): 6, April 12,1984.

Jones, Brian. House passes $12 million for AIDS research. Equal Time 30: 1, June 1, 1983.

Jones, Brian. Safe sex explored/exploded in sout.h of Market sex pen: a list.ens, reacts and resol ves. ~ Area 14(10): 1,12, March 8, 1984.

Jones, Brian. San Fran ba tHlouses fighting back. The Wea

Jones, Brian. San Fran baths wi 1 1 st.a y open. The WeEkly News 7(31): 3,13, April 4, 1984.

Jones, Brian. San Fran out 1 aws sex in ba ths. The Weekly News 7(32): 3, April 11, 1984.

Jones, Brian. V D rate drops for gay men: int.erpreting statistics at root of sex club confusion . ~ ~reE! 14(15): 1,12, April 12, 1984.

Jones, Jeff. AI DS marches, 1 obb ying gain po 1 Hica 1 ac tion. A1 ice Reports 1(3): I,ll, June 1983.

Jones, Jr., John Eo AID S news updates: Ohio Department of Heal t.h hires consultant. on AIDS and set.s up AIDS hot line. Advocate 387: 11, February 7, 1984.

Jones, Jr., John E. Columbus AIDS Task Force formed. Advocate 390: 19, March 20,1984.

Jones, M.A. . No Bad News 4(3): ?, March 1983.

Judel 1, Brandon. Klaus Nomi: an origina 1 remembered

195 AIDS>. Advocate 382: 54-55, Decenber 8,1983.

Jurrist, Charles. The man who beat AIDS (lrHe was only 23. He didn't fit the profile. But he had AIDS. In this time of tragedy, t-ere's a true st.ory with a happy ending- and hope for us a 1 111>. Stallion 3(1): 18-21,81, April 1984. K Kahn, Arnie. NIHM has funds for AIDS-relat.ed psych research (Nat.ional Inst.itut.e of Mental Health>. National Coalition .£f. ~ S T D Services Newsletter 5(1): 29, August 1983.

Kaiser Foundation $5,000 to l A AID S Project. ~ Area Reporter 14(2): 14, January 12, 1984.

Kansas City AIDS Project.. ~ News-~raph 2(12): 2, Sept.ember 1983.

Le Kaposi peut gros. Gai Pied Hebdo 68: 18, May 7-13, 1983.

Kaposi's, pneumocystis, &: ot.her opportunistic infections represent. acquired immunodeficiency: an interview with Dr. Dan William, New York Gay Men's Healt.h Project. National Coalition £.f. f..§.y ~lQ Services Newsletter 3(4): 9-12, February 1982.

Kaposi's sarcoma brochures . O_u tHere! 3: 6, 1983.

Karakashian, Stephen. Ground rules' (letter reo larry Kramer art.icle>. New Yo!.:k Native 62: 4, April 25-May 8,1983.

Karlsson, Anders. AIDS. Magasin ~ 1(1): 31, September 1983.

Kasel, Mark. AIDS benefit a real agape (Minnesota AIDS Project.>. GIi.. C Voice 82: 5, No vember 21, 1983.

Katz, Art. AID S misquotation of Art Katz (letter reo Sacramento Bee art.ic Ie>. Mom ...G!.Jess What! 55: 4, Ju 1 Y 1983.

I. Bay Area Reporter 13 C3 0 ): 8, Ju 1 Y 28, 198 3 •

Kaye, Richard. AIDS hit.s prisons. New York Native 67: 14-15, July 4-1i, 1983.

Kaye, Richard. Boycotts urged of New York Times . New YOft Native 65: 7, June 6-19,1983.

Kaye, Richard. Cuomo announces gay initiatives . New York Native 65: 6-7, June 6~19, 1983.

Kaye, Richard. Debates continue on AIDS funding. New York

196 Native 66: 13,68, June 20-July 3, 1983.

Kaye, Richard. Gays meet wit.h Times . New York Native 68: 11-12, Ju 1 y 18-31, 1983.

Kaye, Richard. Kochmeet.s with AIDS Network. New York Native 63: 7, t~ ay 9-22, 1983.

Kaye, Richard. Times shows sudden interest. in gay st.ories; boycot.t still on . New York Native 66: 11, June 20-July 3, 1983.

KC's GOA L produces new AI DS pamp,l et . ~ News- Telegraph 3(6): 4, March 1984.

Keen, Lisa M. AIDS author honored . Washington Blade 14(29): 6, July 22, 1983.

Keen, Lisa M. AID S not yet a problem in Alexandria, gays are told . Wa£hingt.on BlacE 14(31): 4, August 5, 1983.

Keen, Lisa M. CDC and gays in tug-of-war over AIDS reporting. Wasl1ingt.on Blade 14(23): 1,10-11, June 10, 19B3.

Keen, Lisa M. Citing budget., Hardaway won't pledge AID S funding level . Washingt.on Blade14(47): B, December 2, 1983.

Keen, Lisa M. Conservative st.udent. paper runs AIDS jokes, but. few are laughing . Wasl1ingt.on Blade 14 (37): 16, Sep t.ember 23, 1983.

Keen, Lisa M. D.C. AIDS task force meet.s; votes committee structure. Washington Blade 14(18): 7, t'1ay 6, 1983.

Keen, Lisa M. F al well AID S message gets rocky greeting . Wa£hingt.on Blade 14(28): 3, July 15, 1983.

Keen, Lisa M. First-of-a-kind AID S forum for black gays reId at Cluth::luse . Wa£hingt.on Blade 14(3B): 17, Sept.ember 30, 19B3.

Keen, Lisa M. Heckler, Dr. Brandt rap AIDS coverage. Washingt.on .§..l ade 14 (36): 1,10, September 16, 1983.

Keen, Lisa M. Methodist. leader to read AIDS group . Washington Blade 14(35): I,ll, Sept.ember 9,1983.

Keen, Lisa M. Na tiona 1 AIDS group stU 1 trying to get. off tre ground . \"'a£hington Blade 14(46): 7-8, November 25,1983.

Keen, Lisa M. N.E. couple awakens to unwelcome surprise ., Washington Blade 14(30): 1,10, July 29, 19B3.

197 Kehoe~ Chris. Researchers identify AIDS virus . San Diego Gayzet te 86: 1, April 26, 1984.

Kelly, Jill. Tt-e plague on our house: women and AIDS. Mom •.• Guess What! 59: 3~ November 1983.

Kelly~ Joel. Tt-e death of a couple . New York Native 61: 21, April 11-24, 1983.

Ken. AIDS has international scope . Mom ••• Guess What! 54: 4~ June 1983.

Kennedy, Brian. AIDS: how should we react? Capital ~, May 6~ 1983, p. 5.

Kennedy calls for AIDS t-earing . Connection 3(2): 4, November 30-December 14,1983.

Kessler~ Ken. Doctors ponder AIDS failures and successes: from herbs to chemotherapy, all get a pitch at conference on "alternative therapies". ~ Area Reporter 14(16): 2, April 19, 1984.

Kessler, Larry. AID S: a community responds. ~ Windows 2(8): 21­ 24, April 12-25~ 1984.

Kessler, Larry. Continuing the fight for all our lives. ~ Community News 11(20): 5, December 3, 1983.

Key AIDS bills . ~ News­ Telegraph 2(10): 10, July 1983.

Key West, Florida publisres monthly AIDS . National Coalition ..Qf. ~ ~IQ Services Newsletter 5(1): 43, August 1983.

Kight, Morris. A perspective on the San Francisco batJ-house debate. Frontiers 2(38): 15,17~ April 11-18, 1984.

1T Kikel, Rudy. "In the arms of some extraordinary force•.• : a talk with Fred. ~ Windows 1(8): ?, Sept.ember 15-0ctober 15, 1983.

Killinger~ Marc. AIDS circus fete sells out Garden . ~ ~(Philadelphia) 7(26): 1~13~ May 6­ 12, 1983.

Killinger~ Marc. AIDS forum <"Media M'edicine AIDS Story", Jefferson University>. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(31): 3, June 10-16,1983.

Killinger, Marc. AID S ta9<. force elects officers . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(39): 3, August 5-11,1983.

198 Killinger, Marc. AIDS updat.e . ~ll News(Phil adel phia) 7(24): 13, April 22-28, 1983.

Killinger, Marc. AID S updat.e. ~ News(Phi.ladelphi.a) 7(26): 11, May 6-12, 1983.

Killinger, Marc. AIDS update . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(29): 13, May 27-June 2,1983.

Killinger, Marc. AIDS updat.e . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(31): 13, June 10-16,1983.

Killinger, Marc. AID S update <"people with AID S" ratter than "AID S patients" or "AIDS victims">. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(33): 13, June 24-30, 1983.

Killinger, Marc. AIDS update . ~..§..Y News(Philadelphia) 7(35): 13, July 8-14, 1983.

Killinger, Marc. AID S update . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(37): 13, July 22-28, 1983.

Killinger, Marc. AIDS update . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(40): 13, August 18,1983.

Killinger, Marc. Conference examines AID S from a nursing perspective . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(48): 3,10, October 13, 1983.

Killinger, Mark . Looking back from Gay Pride '83 . Body Politic 95: 18, July-August 1983.

Killinger, Marc. Tre Phila. AIDS TaskForce: coming of age. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(47): 5,12, October 6,1983.

Ki 1 linger, Marc. Shapiro chairs rea 1 t.h officia 1 s concerned about AIDS . ~ News( Phil ade 1 phia) 7 (35 ): 3, Ju 1 y 8­ 14, 1983.

Killinger, Marc. Social ~'ork conference: AID S' non-medical angle . ~ News( Phi 1 a de 1 phia) 7 (47): 3,15, Octa ber 6, 1983.

Killinger, Marc. 300 at tend Phi 1 ade 1 phia symposium on AI D S crisis . ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(33): 1,15, June 24-30,1983.

King, Sonny. Who really cares ? Frontiers 2(6): 10, July 20-August 3,1983.

Kinsman, Gary. AIDS deport.ation . Pink Ink 1(5): 12, December 1983-January 1984.

199 Kinsnan, Gary. AIDS update: Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal. Pin< Iii< 1(2 ): 12, August. 19 8 3 •

Kinsman, Gary. AID S updat.e USA. Pink Ink 1(2): 11, August. 1983.

Kinsman, Gary. Oct.. 8th AIDS march . Pink Ink 1(4 ): 10-11, 0 ct 0 bel' 19 83 .

Kinsman, Gary. "Whitewash" t.he moral panic. Pink Ink 1(4): 12-13, October 1983.

Kleinberg, Seymour. Cha 1 lenges of AI DS . Ne'o\' Yorl<: Native 77: 10-11, November 21- Decem bel' 4, 198 3 •

Kleinberg, Seymour. Dreadfu 1 night. Christ.opher Street 7 (4): 38-46, May 1983.

Kleinberg, Seymour. How AIDS volunt.eers are t.rained. Advocat.e 391: 21-2 2,31, April 3, 198 4.

KNBR/NBC to air special on AIDS. ~ Area 13(29): 16, July 21, 1983.

Knight.s give to AIDS/KS . Mom ...G uess What.! 62: 9, February 1984.

K0, Hon- S urn. AI D S < let. and reprint of "N 0 need for panic about AID Stl, Nature 302: 749, April 28, 1983>. Homophile Association of London, Ontario Newsletter, July 1983, pp. 4-5.

Koch, Edward 1. Off-the-cuff coverage . New York Native 67: 8-9, Jul! y 4-17, 1983.

Kohler, Tom K. t~ore gay catholic involvement urged in AIDS crisis. California 'y"oice5(lU:? ,May 20,1983.

Kontof, Joseph S. AIDS is not an "act. of God" against gays, says reader . ~ Life 8(52): 4, June 9,1983.

Kooden, Harold. The rebirthing of a community . New York Native 66: 22-23, June 20-July 3,1983.

Kootz, F. SIDA: du nouveau . Samourai 8: 9, June 1983.

Kopchak, John; Ryan, Caitlin. Updat.e: Federation of AIIuS-Relat.ed Organizationsmeet.sin New York . National Coalition of ~ STD Services Ne'o\' 5(2): 15, November 1983.

Kramer, Larry. AID S crisis: your life is on line . National Coalition Qf. ~ STD Services Ne'o\'sletter 4(5): 25-29, May 1983.

Kramer, Larry. Larry Kramer responds . New

200 York Native 61: 6,60, April 11-24, 1983.

Kramer, Larry. The mark of courage. New York Native 67: 30, July 4­ 17, 1983.

Kramer, Larry. 1112 und steigend. A.H.A. Info, May-June 1983, pp. 11-12.

Kramer, Larry; t~ass, Lawrence. Gay Men's Health Crisis grants for AIDS research and care . New York: GMHC, <1983>. 5 pp.

Krickl er, Jr., Kurt. All es uber AIDS: medizin fur uns . Lambda Nachrichten 15/16: 14-21, May 1983.

Krieger, Martin. Range of harms . ~ Community News 11(11): 4, October 1, 1983.

Krivitskiy, L. Health problems of the gay community: dealing with AIDS- new theories might ease pub 1 ic fears. News.£f. the Col umbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(8A): 344-345, September 21, 1983.

Krivitskiy, L. Health problems of the gay community: progress in AIDS research-- the cause of the dead 1 y syndrome may ha ve been found . News of the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(11): 483, December 1983. --

Krowka, John F. Understanding your . Edmonton: J.F. Krowka, 1983. 8pp.

KS/AIDS announces services . Montrose Voice 143: 7, July 22,1983.

KS/AIDS Foundation forms new boards . Montrose Voice 140: 16, Jul y 1, 1983.

KS/AIDS Foundation of Houston. AIDS plaly safe week . Montrose 'y'oice 150: 2, September 9,1983.

K S in hogs may aid research . Sacramento Star 1(24): 6, April 20, 1983.

Kuhn, Werner. Cuomo liason predicts more AIDS funding and Task Force appoin tments within a few weeks . Connec tion 3(8): 16, March 14-28, 1984.

Kulieke, Stephen. Bad taste and bad manners: Benson's bomb . Advocate 373: 18-19,65, August 4, 1983.

Kulieke, Stephen; Fain, Nathan. CDC's Curran says he was misrepresented on baUtmuse closure. Advocate 390: 16-17, March 20, 1984.

201 Kun z, Christian; W0 1 f f, Klaus; S tacher, Al ois; Brandsta t ter, Reinhardt; Dekan, Walter. AID~ information . Vienna: Homosexuellen Initiative Wien, March 1983. :;pp. L LA AIDS jobs . ~ Area Reporter 13(28): 11, July 14,1983.

LA AIDS S-OW called a flop . Equal Time 38: 2, September 21, 1983.

LA sets major AIDS research project <$2.7 million grant to UCLA and the Gay and Lesbian Community Ser vices Cen ter>. ~ Area Reporter 13(41): 17, October 13,1983.

Labonte, Richard. AIDS role of clinic critical to many . Update 132: 5, April 4, 19 84.

Labonte, Richard. Bowlers set second strike at AIDS . Update 132: 4, April 4, 1984.

Labonte, Richard; Burke, Pat. Bath closings possible Friday. Update 132: 1,10, April 4, 1984.

Lachapelle, Renee. Nouvelles actions des gais contre Ie SIDA. Sortie 10: 6-7, September 1983.

Lacombe, Francis. Bilan d'un gala . Gai Pied Hebdo 105: 8-9, February 4-10, 1984.

Lacombe, Francis. Un virus en circuit ferme. Gai Pied Hebda 91: 5­ 6, October 29-November 4, 1983.

Lake Michigan gay resort town sponsors AIDS benefit . National Coalition.9.f. Ga_y S_TD Services NewsleHer 4(5): 14, May 1983.

Lamaire, Marco. Clest dur d'etre un eros ! Gai Pied Hebda 61: 17, March 19,1983.

Lambda board member dies of AID S . ~ Community News 11(10): 2, September 24, 1983.

Lambda board member falls victim to AIDS . He Weekly News 7(6): 14, October 12,1983.

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. Fact Sleet . New York: LLDEF, <1983>. 2pp.

Lambda Volunteers help people with AIDS in Southern Florida . National Coalition.9.f. ~ STD Services Newsletter 5(1): 39, August 1983.

202 Lamb Ie, David. City Hea 1 th Director bans batmouse sex: more questions than answers . ~ Community News 11(39): 1,6, April 21, 1984.

LambIe, David. The closing of the Sutro . ~ Community News 1l (46 h 7, June 9, 1984.

LambIe, David. The decline of the baths in San Francisco. ~ Community News 11 (46): 7, June 9, 1984.

LambIe, David. Playwright Robert Chesley: waking up to t.he dark side a f roman ce in "N ight S wea t" <" Ches 1 ey refuses to 1 a be 1 Night Sweat, a play that is concerned with AIDS">. Advocate 395: 48-49, May 29, 1984.

LambIe, David. Red Cross to screen blood: AIDS test planned. G~ay Community News 11(46): 1,3, June 9,1984.

LambIe, David. San Francisco official fights to close gay baths . Dallas~ News 83: 7, April 6,1984.

LambIe, David. San Francisco official fights to close gay baths . MontroEE Voice 180: 6, April 6, 1984.

LambIe, David. Three SF batmouses close as Public Health Director prepares "no-sex" rules. Dallas ~ News 88: 6, May 11, 1984.

LambIe, David. Three SF batiTlouses close as Public Health Director prepares "no-sex" rules. Montrose 'y"oice 185: 11, May 11,1984.

Lancaster, Roger N. What AI D S is doing to us. Christoprer Street 7 (3 ): 4 8,50- 51, 5 3- 5 4, April 198 3•

Landesman, Sheldon H. lihe Haitian connection: AIDS in persons of Haitian origin . New Yorl< Native 65: 15-17, June 6-19, 1983.

Lane, Roy. Safety first . Blueboy 79: 82, May 1983.

Lankewish, Vincent.. "Fear" of vaccine said exaggerated . New Yorl< Native 66: 12-13, June 20-July 3, 1983.

Lankewish, Vincent. Gay groups sign leases for space in community center . New YQJ;t Native 72: 10-11, September 12-25, 1983.

Lankewish, Vincent.. Hea 1 th fair booted from schoo 1 . New York Native65: 7-8, June 6-19, 1983.

Lankewish, Vincent. Hippocratic oa fs . New Yorl< Nat.ive 63: I,ll, May 9-22,1983.

203 Larouche, Jacques. Peter: comment vivre avec Ie SIDA . Sortie 7: 13-14, May 1983.

Lassel1, Michael. When death is too much with us. ~ Po litic 101: 35-36, March 1984.

Lassell, Michael. When death is t.oo much with us . The Weekly News 7(10): 16, November 9,1983.

Lassell, Michael. When deat.h is too much with us . The WeekI y News 7(11): 18, November 16,1983.

LaUl, Chery 1. You can impro ve your immune syst.em . Update 108:?, May 4, 1983.

La Voie, Richard. Roberti presses for passage of measure t.o combat AID S . Mom ••• Guess What.! 54: 17, June 1983.

Law, Debi. AI DS lobby and education project proposed. ~ Community News 10(50): 3, July 9, 1983.

Law, Debra. Denver health conference . ~ News- Teleqraf,il 2(9): 3,7, June 1983.

Lawrence, Keith. Good science & your good name < reo confidentiality>. New York Native 75: 4, October 24-November 6, 1983.

Lawyers move to aid AIDS patient.s . Updat.e 108:?, May 4, 1983.

Lazar, Ernie. AIDS debat.e IV . California 'y"oice 6(18): 4,25, May 3-9, 1984. lease, Carol. AIDS Project. develops in Denver . National Coalition .Qf. £§.y ~ID Services Newsletter 4(5): 19, May 1983.

Leatrer club boost.s AIDS appeal . Capital ~ April 22, 1983.

LeB lanc, Denis. AID S Wa lkat.hon successfu 1. Gays.Q.f 0 ttawa Info 10(9): 3, November 1983.

LeBlanc, Denis. Focus on health . Gays of Ottawa Info 10(4): 3, May 1983.

LeBlanc, Demis. organize for gay health . Gays.Q.f.. 0 ttawa Info 10(9): 3, NOVEmber 1983.

LeBlanc, Denis. New hope for AIDS victims . ~ of 0 tt.awa Info 11(3): 1, April 1984.