This is part two of the book Medical, Social & Political Aspects of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Crisis: A Bibliography, compiled by Donald W. McLeod and Alan V. Miller (Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, 1985). The other parts of the book can be found at the University of Toronto Library’s T-Space repository: MEDICAL, SOCIAL & POLITICAL AsPECTS of the ACOOIRED IMMONE DEfiCIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS) CRISIS: ABIBIIOBRAPHY Compiled by Donald WMcleod and Alan V. Miller Canadian Gay Archives Publication Number 10 Gay & Lesbian Press A ABC wins ruling on AIDS show <"20/20" segment, "Deadly Blood">. Equal Time 46: 8, January 11, 1984. ABCs of AI D S a voidance. Sacramento S ta_r 1 (17): 5, January 12, 1983. About face- Heckler supports AIDS research. NewsQf t~ Columbus ~ and Leqbian Community 6(4): 154, May 1983. Abramson, Larry. News from AAPHR: AIDS discussed in Boston; February meeting in Hono 1 u 1 u <Gay and Lesbian Physicians of New Eng 1 and>. Nationa 1 Coa lition Qf. ~ S T D Services Newsletter 4(3): 27-28, December 1982. Acquired industria 1 dioxin syndrome <editoria Ire. AI D Sand dioxin>. New York Native 72: 3, September 12-25,1983. Acting director named for SF AIDS Foundation <Ed Power>. ill. Area Reporter 14(9): 14, March 1, 1984. Action and reaction to AID S across the nation <nine short news items>. ~ News-Telegraph 2(12): 2, September 1983. Activist encourages gay men to donate blood <Daryl WilsQn, New Zea 1 and>. Connection 2 (22): 8, September 28- 0 dober 12, 1983. Activist Feldman succumbs to AIDS <Mark Feldman>. Sentinel 10(12): 1, June 9, 1983. Ad Hoc Committee of Black Gay Activists to Sponsor AIDS Forum (New York). AID S forum fo!' B1 ael< gay community SGffidu led; February 1st seminar to be reId at Hunter College <press release>. New York: The Committee, <1984>. 2pp. Adding insult to injury <Denver policeman overreacts in AIDS case>. ~ Community News 11(17): 2, November 12,1983. Administra tion agrees to increase AI D S money <" AI DS funding for fiscal year 19B4 will more than double": Margaret Heckler>. Gay News-Telegraph 2(12): 1, September 1~83. Administration's AID S request doubles to $40 million. News of the Co lumbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(84): 345, September~198~ AFL-CIO takes stand for gay rights, AIDS money <calls for federal government to provide comprehensive plan and more money for AIDS research>. GLC Voice 4(24): 4, October 17, 1983. Africa och AIDS. ~asin ~ 2(2): 30, February 1984. Africans living in Belgium are found to have AIDS. Sacramento Star 11(24): 6, April 20, 1983. 95 Africans might be another risk group. The Weekly News 6(32): 6, April 13, 1983. Agnos, Art. AIDS ex AB-l < reo use of AIDS hyst.eria to block passage of proposed California bill>. Our Paper, Your Paper 2(23): 4-5, November 23, 1983. AHA lawyer: hospitals can't refuse AIDS patients. News Qf the Columbus ill and lesbian Community 7(1): 40, rebruary 3, 1984. Aid for A.I.D.S.: the circus benefit. New York City News 70: 1, May 11, 1983. AIDS <reo AIDS Medical Foundat.ion>. At.alant.a 11(8): 7, August 1983. AIDS <12 cases in t.he Net.herlands, 50 cases in Belgium>. ~ ~ Krant. 4(11): 6, November 1983. AIDS <"within t.wo years an AIDS vaccine will be developed in t.he Net.herlands, according to the TN 0, t.he Government. Research Organisation">. ~ ~ Krant. (12): 18, December 1983. AIDS <reo Dr. Hon-Sum Ko's request. for gay volunt.eers for AIDS st.udy>. Homophile Association of London, Ont.ario, November 1983, pp. 6-9. AIDS <Dr. H.-S. Ko study at. Universit.y Hospital, london, Ont.ario>. Homop-ri.le Association.2.f. london, Ont.ario, December 1983, p. 7. AIDS <reo Evans; st.atistics>. Homophile Associat.ion of London, Ont.ario, March 1984, p. 4. AI DS <AI DS and the media in New Zea 1 and>. Homosexua 1 Law Reform Societ.y 59: 1, October 1983. AID S <with report. from Newsweek, April 18, 1983>. Info(Det. No~ Forbundet. av 1948- Bergen, Norway) 1: 2-7, 1983. AIDS <reo biochemica 1 marker t.o dia gnose AI DS >. t'J ew Gay News 13: 7, February 16, 1984. AIDS <reo meeting t.o discuss disease>. New Zealand Haemophilia Societ.y Newslet.ter 11(3): 1, September 19~ AI DS < lesbians and AI DS>. The 0 pen Door, 0 ctober 1983, p. 23. AIDS <reo blood donations, symptoms>. Perceptions 1: 3,5, March­ April L983. AIDS <no confirmed cases in Prairie provinces>. Perceptions 2: 6, r~ay-June 1983. AI DS <S ociet.y for t.he Promo tion of Community S t.andards and Air New 96 Zealand>. Pink Triangle 46: 3, March 1984. AI D S <reo discrimina tion against gays>. Wanganui ~ Rights Group Newsl etter 42: 3, November 1983. AIDS <"how is AIDS passed on?">. Wanganui ~ Right.s Group 43: 3, December 1983. AIDS- acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Newsl etter 89: 1, August. 1983. AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome <reprinted from .!:1AFIA, December 1982>. Phalia 68: <4>,1983. AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome (not. "GRID" or "gay plague" or "gay cancer"). Fine Print. 1(2): 4, March 1983. AIDS act.ion alert. <28 cases in New Jersey; N.J. Lesbian and Gay Collective>. Lavender Express 6(5): 9, May 1983. AID S Action <Boston>. Has AID S affected your life <ad v ert.isemen t reo support./t.herapy ser v ices>? ~ Community News 11(34): 8, March 17, 1984. AID S Action Int.roducing t.he AID S Action Committee <press release>. Sydney, Aust.ralia: AAC, June 26, 1983. 2pp. AID S Action Project.- Dallas <Oaklawn Counselling Center>. This WeEk in Texas 9(6): 11, April 29-May 5, 1983. AIDS Advisory <\~illiam J. Kraus and Michael J. Rot.h appoint.ed>. ~ Area 14(13): 4, March 29, 1984. AIDS and Ue AIDS of Toront.o. Phalia 72: 8, 1984. AIDS anger <let.ter reo gay lifest.yle>. ~ Area 13(17): 7, April 28, 1983. AIDS archives begun in New York. ~ Area 13(23): 18, June 9, 1983. AI D S artic 1 e upset.s fa t.her of three < Brisbane man upset by AI D S article published in a high school newsletter>. Campaign 101: 9-10, May 1984. AIDS associat.ed with t.ransfusions. News of t.he Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 7 (1): 41, February 3, 198~ AIDS At.lant.a holds second AIDS international forum <February 8>. Sunset. People 3(7): <31>, February 17, 1983. AIDS Awareness Week <San Francisco, May 2-8, with list of event.s>. Sent.inel 10(9): 1, April 28, 1983. AIDS Awareness Week: candlelight. march Monday night. ~ Area 97 Reporter 13(17): 10, April 28, 1983. AIDS Awareness Week, May 2-8,1983 <reo week's activities>. Sentinel 10(10): 12, May 12, 1983. AI DS baby abandoned <Miami>. GLC Voice 83: 2, December 5, 1983. AIDS baby gets a new home < Miami>. The WeekI y News 7 (25): 6, February 22, 1984. AIDS baby should have home before Christmas <Miami>. The Weekly News 7(16): 22, December 21, 1983. AIDS backlash in Texas <Dallas Doct.ors Against AIDS using AI D S CrlS1S to reinsta te anti-gay 1 egis 1 a tion in Texas>. Connection 2(12): 7, April 14-May 4, 1983. AIDS bacterium isolated at OSU <Ohio St.ate University>? News of tt-e Columbus ~ and Lesbian Communit.y 6(10): 450, November 1983. AI D S benefit bombs in Hollywood <2,000 of 17,000 sea ts fi lIed in Hollywood Bowl benefit>. New Yorl< Native 73: 11-12, Sept.ember 26­ October 9, 1983. AID S benefit cancelled <Philadelphia>. ~ Community News 11(19): 2, November 26,1983. AIDS benefit concert feat.ures t.op gay acts <Minnesota AIDS Project.>. Equal Time 39: 11, October 5, 1983. AIDS benefit features Romanovsky + Phillips, the Hav luck Trio and Tom Wilson <Minnesota AIDS Project>. GLC Voice 4(23): 7, October 3, 1983. AIDS benefits <editorial>. ~~ News(Philadelphia) 7(48): 13, October 13, 1983. AIDS bill moves throug. Senate <Senator David Roberti's bill for AID S research funding>. Sentinel 10(12): 1, June 9, 1983. AID S bill passes state Senat.e Committee• .EU!..Y. Area Reporter 13(21): 5, t~ a y 26, 1983 • AID S ca lIs 0 verW"'el m Hea 1 th Dept. <up to 13,000 ca llers a day>. GL C Voice 4(19): 2, August 1, 1983. AIDS campaign <World Health Organization will launcha EurQpean campaign against. AID S>. 0 ut.! 50: 9, August-September 1983. AI D 5 GAre cOntract appro ved <$1.2 mil lion cont.ract. with American Red Cross to provide home at.t.endant services t.o people with AIDS>. Connection 3(4): 7, December 28, 1983-January 25, 1984. AIDS Case Finding Steering Committee <APHA meeting in Montreal>. ~ational Coalit.ion~. Gay SlD5ervices Newsletter 4(3): 23-24, December 1982. 98 AIDS cases at 3,157 in U.S., 25 in Ohio. News..Q..f. the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 7(2): 61, March 1984. AIDS cases decline in New York <"slight decline in number of new AID S cases in New York state may presage a simi 1 ar drop elsewhere in the United States">.
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