VFL Record Rnd 22.Indd
VFL FINALS WEEK 3 PRELIMINARY FINALS SEPTEMBER 14-15, 2013 $3.00 GGrandrand FFinalinal sspotpot uupp fforor ggrabsrabs WWerribeeerribee TTigersigers 119.10-1249.10-124 d CCaseyasey SScorpionscorpions 112.12-842.12-84 Give exit fees the boot. And lock-in contracts the hip and shoulder. AlintaAlinta EnerEnergy’sgy’s Fair GGoo 1155 • NoNo lock-inlock-in contractscontracts • NoNo exitexit fees • 15% off your electricity usageusage* forfor as lonlongg as you continue to be on this planplan 18001800 46 2525 4646 alintaenergy.com.aualintaenergy.com.au *15%*15% off your electricity usage based on Alinta Energy’s published Standing Tariffs for Victoria. Terms and conditionsconditions apply.apply. NNotot avaavailableilable wwithith sosolar.lar. EDITORIAL Multiple winners again FOUR young men – George Cameron, Ben Cavarra, Jacob Chisari and Josh Scott – were consigned to the annals of TAC Cup history last Sunday night when they tied for the honor of Morrish Medal winner. One week after there was a three-way dead-heat in the As well as celebrating the Morrish J.J. Liston Trophy, the Peter Jackson VFL’s best and fairest, Medal, North Ballarat’s Louis the Morrish Medal count, the highest individual honor in Herbert was presented with the the TAC Cup, produced an historic result. TAC Cup Coaches award, judged on the votes of the Never before have four players shared a Morrish Medal, coaches after each home and away game. whose history dates back to 1947 with the VFL Under 19 And, the TAC Cup Team of the Year was unveiled, refl ecting competition and whose honor roll includes Brownlow the players whose impact over the course of the season medalist Tony Liberatore.
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