Biological control of mauritianum Scopoli () in South : a review of candidate agents, progress and future prospects

T. Olckers ARC - Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X6006, Hilton, 3245

The South American Solanum mauritianum Scopoli (Solanaceae), naturalized in the higher rainfall regions of South Africa for over a century, was targeted for biological control in 1984. However, progress has been constrained by the problem of expanded host ranges of the candi- date agents during host-specificity tests in quarantine. Despite identical problems in projects against the congeneric weeds Solanum elaeagnifolium Cavanilles and S. sisymbriifolium Lamarck, releases of insect agents on these two weeds in South Africa during the 1990s have set a precedent regarding the interpretation of routine host-specificity tests. This new approach of using risk assessments to overrule conservative evaluative methods has similarly advanced the prospects for releases on S. mauritianum. These developments influenced the introduction of several new candidate agents during 1994–1998, including defoliating, -feeding and stem-boring species. However, the recurrence of unacceptably broad ‘physiological’ host ranges in captivity has disqualified several of these and only one species, the leaf-sucking lace bug decoris Drake (Tingidae), was deemed suitable for release. Permission to release G. decoris was granted in early 1999. This paper reviews the biological control programme against S. mauritianum, including (i) the types of agents prioritized for release, (ii) those introduced and evaluated and (iii) procedures that may reduce the risk of rejection of otherwise suitable agents. Despite the inherent problems, prospects for the biological control of S. mauritianum have improved considerably. Key words: Solanum mauritianum, biological weed control, insect agents, host specificity.

Solanum mauritianum Scopoli (bugweed, woolly dispersed seedlings in cleared areas. Biological nightshade; Fig. 1) is a perennial tree from South control was thus invoked to augment conven- America that has become naturalized in Africa, tional control methods and render integrated Australasia, and islands in the Atlantic, control sustainable. Indian and Pacific oceans, presumably via the Attempts at biocontrol of Solanum weeds in Portuguese trade routes in the early 16th century South Africa were reviewed by Neser et al. (1990), (Roe 1972). The plant has been in South Africa for Olckers & Zimmermann (1991) and Olckers at least 135 years and has invaded agricultural (1996), but much of the focus was centred on lands, forestry plantations, riverine habitats and Solanum elaeagnifolium Cavanilles and S. sisymbrii- conservation areas, particularly in the higher rain- folium Lamarck (see Olckers et al., this issue) and fall regions (Fig. 2). The status of the weed in South the problems constraining these programmes. Africa was reviewed by Olckers & Zimmermann The programme against S. mauritianum has also (1991) and Olckers (1996). The success of the weed been plagued by problems relating to the host in South Africa is largely due to its excessively high specificity of imported agents, in particular the fruit set and long-range seed dispersal by well-documented phenomenon of expanded host frugivorous birds, some of which prefer the fruit ranges. The susceptibility of cultivated species of of S. mauritianum over those of indigenous . Solanum, in particular S. melongena Linnaeus (egg- Control is dependent on chemical treatments, as plant, aubergine) but also S. tuberosum Linnaeus mechanical control is ineffective on its own be- (potato) to a lesser degree, has made releases of cause of rapid regrowth from severed roots and agents on S. mauritianum extremely difficult to stems. Although S. mauritianum is easily killed by justify. Despite these obstacles, agents have been herbicides, this is negated by the extent of current established on the congeneric S. elaeagnifolium and invasions and the rapid recruitment of bird- S. sisymbriifolium since 1992 (Olckers 1996), with 66 African Entomology Memoir No. 1 (1999): 65–73 100 mm

Solanum mauritianum. (Drawn by G. Condy, National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.) spectacular results in the case of S. elaeagnifolium CANDIDATE AGENTS PRIORITIZED FOR (Hoffmann et al. 1998; Olckers et al., this issue). RELEASE ON S. MAURITIANUM These recent developments have raised hopes of Searches for potential agents of S. mauritianum a solution for S. mauritianum and South Africa is were initiated in 1984 and were continued oppor- currently the only country that has imported and tunistically for the next decade. Several short sur- tested biological control agents for this weed. veys were carried out in northeastern , In this paper, the biological control programme southern , and , mostly in against S. mauritianum in South Africa is reviewed, combination with surveys on other weeds of with special reference to (i) the types of agents that South American origin. Although these identified have been prioritized for release, (ii) the biologies, some 80 phytophagous species on S. mauritianum host specificity and prospects of all the insect and closely related plants, very few were suitable agents that have been introduced and evaluated for introduction (Neser et al. 1990). Indeed, a lack so far and (iii) procedures that may reduce the risk of demonstrable host specificity was experienced of rejection of otherwise suitable agents. with the first three agents that were introduced Olckers: Biological control of Solanum mauritianum 67

Distribution of Solanum mauritianum in South Africa. (Drawn by L. Henderson, Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria.) and the project was later suspended in the early can reduce growth rates as well as the density of 1990s. However, there have been considerable existing populations. Defoliating insects with high advances since 1994, when the S. mauritianum reproductive and feeding rates and high rates of programme was resumed. Since then, at least population increase were chosen for this particu- three collecting trips were carried out in South lar purpose. Additionally, the stress of high herbi- America, the most recent in early 1998. vore loads and defoliation could indirectly reduce The first three agents were opportunistically flowering and fruit set. The relative ease with selected because of their relative abundance and which folivorous agents can be cultured and obvious damage and not in any particular order of screened in quarantine permitted the first real priority. However, since 1994, agents were priori- progress after 14 years of effort. The availability of tized according to their desired impact on weed several stem-boring species has also provided the populations. It has been proposed that agents that option of debilitating plants through structural reduce fruit set or destroy seeds should be used as damage, but these are more likely to be effective in the first line of attack in a biocontrol programme the latter stages of the programme. Ultimately, the (Hoffmann & Moran 1998) and this is particularly objective is to establish at least three agents repre- appropriate in this situation. The extremely high senting the abovementioned feeding guilds so incidence of fruit set and seed dispersal of that the stress on plant populations is maximized S. mauritianum populations in South Africa has (e.g. Hoffmann & Moran 1998). However, unique necessitated the use of agents that reduce fruiting, problems associated with clearing the agents for as these can limit reinvasion and long-range seed release on Solanum weeds have influenced the dispersal. Flowerbud-feeding weevils were priori- direction of research. tized for this, but difficulties in culturing and testing temporarily shifted the focus to other INTRODUCTION AND SCREENING OF promising species. CANDIDATE AGENTS The high rate of vegetative growth of S. mauri- Some 15 insect species have so far been imported tianum plants also requires the use of agents that into quarantine in South Africa for observations 68 African Entomology Memoir No. 1 (1999): 65–73 and screening as potential agents (Table 1). Two host range (Medal, pers. comm.) and they will not species were rejected before any tests were be considered any further. conducted because, once their identity was con- firmed, they were linked to other plant species in Acrolepia xylophragma (Acrolepiidae) . Six species were subjected to Caterpillars of this tiny moth cause blotch mines host-specificity tests but later rejected because of that destroy the leaves of young, vigorously grow- attacks on cultivated and native Solanum species, ing plants in shady habitats. The moths were while only one species was deemed suitable for imported on several occasions, starting in 1984, for release. The remaining six species are still under biology studies and host-range evaluation (De consideration. The biology, host specificity and Beer, unpubl.). Eggs are laid singly in the layers of status of these candidate agents are reviewed leaf trichomes on the lower leaf surfaces. The below in the order of their introduction. neonates enter the leaves, causing small linear mines, which later assume the typical blotch form. Nealcidion bicristatum (Cerambycidae) The larvae are fully developed 15–17 days after This stem-boring beetle was originally imported oviposition and pupate within coccoons that are in 1984, but the cultures were destroyed when attached to either leaf surfaces, stems or objects on host records from Brazil (Silva et al. 1968) indicated the soil surface. The moths emerge after 10 days a host range including several plant families and and oviposit within a few days. Although the five cultivated species of Solanaceae. The authen- moths are restricted to the genus Solanum, larvae ticity of these records was later questioned and a developed completely on several non-target colony of the beetles was reintroduced in 1995 for species, including eggplant, potato and some further observations. The adults are bark feeders native plants. Despite strong oviposition prefer- and cause severe scarring of the stems. Eggs are ences for S. mauritianum during choice tests, some inserted below the bark and early instar larvae eggs were laid on these non-target species, initiate small surface tunnels. Later instars bore making it very difficult to advocate release. into the pith of the wood where they complete Research was suspended in the early 1990s when their feeding and development after six weeks. the S. mauritianum project was temporarily discon- Adults emerge from the pupal cell after two weeks tinued. The moths will not be re-evaluated until and chew their way out of the damaged stems. agents with higher ratings and potentially Larval damage weakens the plants structurally narrower host ranges have been tested. and causes branches to break off. The beetles were finally rejected because the adults fed on tomato Platyphora spp. (Chrysomelidae: and eggplant during exploratory choice tests and Chrysomelinae) because recent host records from Argentina The spectacular defoliation caused by chryso- (di Iorio, pers. comm.) confirmed that they feed melids released on S. elaeagnifolium in South Africa and develop on plants in families other than (Hoffmann et al. 1998; Olckers et al. this issue) led Solanaceae. to the introduction of five species of Platyphora Gistel from South America in 1994 (Table 1). Corythaica cyathicollis (Tingidae) Besides having very localized distributions, all five These lace bugs are particularly abundant in species display very similar and highly specialized South America, where both adult and nymphal biologies in the field, including viviparity, feeding causes extensive leaf damage. Also im- monophagy and sensitivity to food quality and ported in 1984, the cultures were destroyed before microhabitat (Olckers 1998, in prep.). Batches of any studies were initiated because of doubts about larvae are deposited on the lower leaf surfaces and their host specificity (Olckers & Zimmermann these pass through four instars lasting 16–18 days. 1991) and the insects were never reintroduced. The late instars burrow into the soil for pupation Host records from Brazil (Silva et al. 1968) indi- and adults emerge after 19–26 days. cated that C. cyathicollis feeds on several genera of Despite their specialized lifestyles and apparent Solanaceae, including four cultivated species, and monophagy in the field, all five species displayed this was confirmed by surveys in Argentina in considerably broader host ranges in captivity, 1998 (Olckers & Gandolfo, unpubl.). Furthermore, which included eggplant, potato and several recent studies in Florida, USA, aimed at evaluating native Solanum species. These results contradict their potential for release on Solanum viarum perceptions that Platyphora species associated with Dunal, have confirmed their unacceptably broad Solanaceae have very narrow host ranges and do Olckers: Biological control of Solanum mauritianum 69

Table Candidate agents that have been introduced into quarantine in South Africa for biological control of Solanum mauritianum.

Agent Year Origin Damage Status

Corythaica cyathicollis (Costa) (Tingidae) 1984 Argentina Leaf-feeding Rejected1 Nealcidion bicristatum (Bates) (Cerambycidae) 1984 Argentina Stem-boring Rejected1 1995 Argentina Rejected2 Acrolepia xylophragma (Meyrick) (Acrolepiidae) 1984 Argentina Leaf-mining Rejected3 Platyphora conviva (Stål) (Chrysomelidae) 1994 Brazil Leaf-feeding Rejected3 Platyphora biforis (Germar) 1994 Brazil Leaf-feeding Rejected4 Platyphora nigronotata (Stål) 1994 Brazil Leaf-feeding Rejected4 Platyphora paraguana (Jacoby) 1994 Argentina Leaf-feeding Rejected3 Platyphora semiviridis (Jacoby) 1994 Brazil Leaf-feeding Rejected3 Acallepitrix sp. (Chrysomelidae) 1994 Brazil Leaf-mining Not cultured 1997 Brazil In culture, undergoing tests 1998 Argentina Gargaphia decoris Drake (Tingidae) 1995 Argentina Leaf-feeding Released4 Anthonomus santacruzi Hustache (Curculionidae) 1994 Argentina and Brazil Flowerbud-feeding Not cultured 1995 Argentina Cultured but lost 1998 Argentina and In culture, undergoing tests Paraguay Anthonomus morticinus Clark 1998 Argentina and Flowerbud-feeding Culture destroyed5 Paraguay Adesmus hemispilus (Germar) (Cerambycidae) 1995 Argentina Stem-boring Cultured but lost 1997 Brazil Under observation Conotrachelus squalidus Boheman (Curculionidae) 1995 Argentina Stem-boring Not cultured 1998 Argentina and Not cultured Paraguay Collabismus notulatus Boheman (Curculionidae) 1995 Argentina ?Shoot-galling Not cultured 1998 Argentina Not cultured

1: not tested but rejected on the basis of host records. 2: accepted different genera of plants in the Solanaceae. 3: restricted to Solanum species but accepted potato, eggplant and many native species. 4: narrow host range in the genus Solanum, but accepted eggplant and some native species. 5: to prevent mixing with A. santacruzi. not attack cultivated Solanum species in South moulting into adults. Newly-emerged females America (Jolivet & Hawkeswood 1995; Jolivet, oviposit after three weeks and adults survive for pers. comm.). Despite these obvious laboratory several months, resulting in an overlap of genera- artefacts, all five Platyphora species were deemed tions and high rates of population increases. unsuitable for release because of their broad Extensive feeding causes the leaves to discolour, ‘physiological’ host ranges but also because they desiccate and abscise prematurely. seemed unlikely to establish over the entire range In contrast to the other agents evaluated so far, of S. mauritianum in South Africa (Olckers 1998). G. decoris has a narrow potential host range within the genus Solanum and is unable to survive on Gargaphia decoris (Tingidae) potato. Despite survival on eggplant and some Unlike C. cyathicollis, these lace bugs are particu- native , which were largely inferior larly rare but also inflict extensive foliar damage. hosts, G. decoris displayed very strong feeding and Gargaphia decoris was imported from Argentina oviposition preferences for S. mauritianum in in 1995 and has shown great potential during choice tests (Olckers, in prep.). Host records from quarantine evaluations (Olckers, in prep.). Batches South America (Silva et al. 1968; Cordo, pers. of up to 900 eggs are laid on the leaf undersides comm.) also provided no evidence of attacks on and neonates emerge after 10–14 days. The solanums other than S. mauritianum. Permission nymphs feed gregariously in large clusters and for the release of G. decoris was sought in 1998 and undergo five instars lasting 17–20 days before this was granted in February 1999. 70 African Entomology Memoir No. 1 (1999): 65–73

Anthonomus spp. (Curculionidae) growing in shaded or semi-shaded conditions. These flowerbud-feeding weevils occur The beetles were first cultured in late 1997 when throughout the range of S. mauritianum in South seven specimens, collected in southeastern Brazil America where they contribute to the compara- for identification, fortuitously produced high tively low levels of fruit set. Two species, Anthono- numbers of offspring in quarantine. The beetle is mus santacruzi Hustache and A. morticinus Clark, considered to be an undescribed species of have so far been identified although others may Acallepitrix Bechyne, near to A. basilepta Bechyne occur on S. mauritianum. Both species coexist in the and A. aegida Bechyne, which also occur in south- field and have been collected at the same localities eastern Brazil (Furth, pers. comm.). Adults feed on (Clark, pers. comm.). Anthonomus santacruzi is the leaves, causing the ‘shot hole’ damage typical currently in culture. of flea beetles. Minute eggs are deposited in The weevils were cultured and studied for the depressions made on the upper leaf surfaces and first time in late 1995, when a small founder colony covered with frass. The neonate larvae tunnel into of 18 adults was imported from Argentina. Earlier the upper epidermal layers and feeding by these attempts at culturing failed because of excessive and later instars causes serpentine leaf mines. The mortality during importations. The tendency of larvae develop in the leaves for 20–25 days and S. mauritianum plants to abort their flowerbuds in then vacate the mines and drop onto the soil for quarantine necessitates that developing larvae pupation. The prepupae burrow into the soil and be transferred to fresh flowerbuds, rendering adults emerge after 18–20 days. Extensive adult culturing labour-intensive. The weevils feed feeding and leaf mining causes abscission of leaves mainly on the and flowerbuds, causing and early indications are that this species may also high levels of abortion, but also on the young leaves be able to suppress plant growth rates. Host- at the shoot tips. Eggs are inserted into the anthers specificity tests have so far revealed that the of maturing buds and the developing larvae con- beetles are restricted to Solanum species and that, sume the entire bud contents. Usually one larva despite some oviposition and development on develops in a bud, but occasionally two or three native species, they may be suitable for release. larvae occur together. Feeding inhibits the opening of buds and the larvae complete their develop- Adesmus hemispilus (Cerambycidae) ment in 10–18 days. The larvae pupate inside the These stem-boring beetles are uncommon and excavated bud and adults emerge after 4–10 days. occur mostly on younger plants growing in Although the culture was lost in 1997, the intro- shade or semi-shade. Only a few adults have been duction of some 200 weevils from Argentina in introduced into quarantine for preliminary obser- 1998 has allowed host-specificity tests to commence. vations. The adults, which damage leaves struc- Although there are several species of Anthono- turally by chewing out the midribs and veins, are mus associated with Solanaceae, none are reported solitary and act aggressively towards others as pests of Solanum crops in South America (Silva except during mating. The females store sperm for et al. 1968; Clark & Burke 1996). During collections lengthy periods and oviposit repeatedly, long of insects associated with eggplant in Argentina in after mating. During oviposition, the epidermal 1998 (Olckers & Gandolfo, unpubl.), there were no layers on sections of the stem are chewed away, recoveries of weevils despite their presence on S. eggs are inserted singly into the pith and the sites mauritianum growing adjacent to the cultivations. are covered with masticated plant material. The Field studies on the host relationships of these orange-coloured larvae are easily distinguished weevils were initiated in Brazil in 1998, in coopera- from the white larvae of N. bicristatum and spend tion with a local university, to provide further evi- 7–12 months boring inside the pith of the stems. dence of narrow host ranges in their natural The final instars construct a pupal cell in the habitats. Host-specificity tests in quarantine have tunnel from masticated wood fibres and the adults so far indicated that the weevils are restricted to chew their way out after five weeks. Adesmus the genus Solanum and that, despite oviposition hemispilus currently has a low priority and is un- and development on native species, they may be likely to be tested in the near future. suitable for release. Conotrachelus squalidus (Curculionidae) Acallepitrix sp. (Chrysomelidae: Alticinae) Adults of these stem-boring weevils, which are These small leaf-mining flea beetles are uncom- abundant on S. mauritianum in South America, mon and occur mostly on S. mauritianum plants were first introduced in 1994. Although the Olckers: Biological control of Solanum mauritianum 71 females oviposited in quarantine, the larvae were ‘worst case’ scenario. Ultimately, interpretation of not reared to adulthood, possibly because they the spectrum of results obtained becomes para- require the more succulent stems of younger mount and agents should not be rejected on the plants or coppice and are not suited to older, basis of negative results obtained during one type woodier stems. The adults, which appear to be of test only. Fortunately, the regulatory authorities crepuscular or nocturnal, feed on the leaves, caus- in South Africa have so far been amenable to the ing considerable damage. The eggs appear to be arguments presented in explanation of ambigu- laid below the auricles and the resultant structural ous results (Olckers et al., this issue). damage of the stem-boring larvae is comparable to In the case of Solanum weeds, much emphasis that of the two cerambycids already discussed. has been placed on host records from the agents’ Although biological data is limited, C. squalidus is country of origin and the results of choice tests on the most promising of the stem borers. A small closely related test species. Starvation tests have founder colony was reintroduced in early 1998 for been conclusive in the case of test species that are further observations but this also failed to initiate a either unrelated (different families) or distantly culture. related (other genera) to the target weed, since these have clearly demonstrated that the agents PROCEDURES FOR REDUCING are not polyphagous. So far, survival on agro- AGENT REJECTION nomic Solanum species during starvation tests has The problems experienced with conservative not resulted in the rejection of agents, provided host-specificity tests will always remain an obsta- that they display strong feeding and oviposition cle in the clearing of agents for release against S. preferences and avoid the crops during choice mauritianum. Expanded host ranges typical of tests (Olckers et al. this issue). agents evaluated so far have often included po- Studies on priority agents in their country of tato, a phenomenon not observed with agents origin, including open-field tests (Clement & tested on the other two Solanum weeds (Olckers et Cristofaro 1995), can also provide strong evidence al. this issue) and which poses considerably of host specificity. For example, Balciunas et al. greater problems than the instances of attacks on (1996) demonstrated that a stem-boring weevil, eggplant. Because of the very high agronomic which displayed a broad ‘physiological’host range status of potato, feeding on this crop inevitably in laboratory tests, had a narrow realized host results in the agents being rejected. Despite these range in the field, allowing it to be released on problems, realistic interpretation of the results Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle in Florida, USA. generated by different testing procedures and the Field studies on the flowerbud-feeding weevil use of quantified risk assessments can provide (A. santacruzi) in southern Brazil, in which its field justification for overruling obvious laboratory host range and the incidence of attacks on culti- artefacts and advocating releases of apparently vated solanums is currently under investigation, non-specific agents. could similarly facilitate its release in South Africa.

Interpretation of results Risk assessments There have been several attempts to develop Potential risks that might accompany the release testing procedures that minimize the likelihood of of agents must be thoroughly assessed and ambiguous results (e.g. Wapshere 1989, Clement & weighed against future predictions of the weed’s Cristofaro 1995). In reviewing the behavioural impact. Although ecological risks, notably attacks phenomena that affect the results of current test- on native plants, are difficult to predict (e.g. Louda ing methods, Marohasy (1998) proposed a new, et al. 1997), these should be acknowledged and but as yet untested, approach that compensates addressed. In this respect, preintroduction sur- for the behavioural mechanisms that influence veys have provided considerable information on host location and acceptance. Although this the insect herbivore communities associated with method may yield the desired results in most exotic, native and cultivated species of Solanum in situations, there is always the possibility that South Africa (Olckers & Hulley 1989, 1991, 1994, weeds with several congeneric relatives (e.g. 1995; Olckers et al. 1995) that can facilitate such S. mauritianum) will remain problematic. In any predictions. For example, the fact that very few of event, the traditional testing procedures (starva- the native solanaceous insects attack S. mauritia- tion and choice tests) provide strong evidence of num in South Africa (Olckers & Hulley 1989, 1991, host suitability, even though this may represent a 1995), despite its abundance, provides some justi- 72 African Entomology Memoir No. 1 (1999): 65–73 fication for arguing that imported agents are also biological control of S. mauritianum thus appear unlikely to exploit and inflict serious damage on promising. native Solanum species. In an attempt to quantify potential risks, Wan & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Harris (1997) developed a scoring system whereby I thank R.L. Kluge, M.P.Hill (both Plant Protection an insect’s performance on a non-target plant, Research Institute) and J.H. Hoffmann (University during different stages of the host selection of Cape Town) for comments on the manuscript, process, is measured as a proportion of its perfor- S. Neser (PPRI) for opportunistically collecting mance on the natural host. The product of the candidate agents during surveys in South Amer- different measurements indicates that sequential ica, and colleagues at PPRI and other participants reductions in fitness on a non-target plant, at each in our annual Workshops on Biological Control of stage of the selection process (e.g. feeding, Weeds for useful discussions. I am grateful to the oviposition, survival), should select against that following persons for opinions and information: plant’s utilization. This system incorporates all of H.A. Cordo, D. Gandolfo, O. di Iorio (all from the the standard evaluative tests, both conservative South American Biological Control Laboratory, and otherwise, and thus provides a balanced per- USDA-ARS, Buenos Aires, Argentina), J.C. Medal spective based on all available data. This protocol (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA), D.G. was used to assess the lace bug G. decoris and indi- Furth (Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., cated that, despite an expanded host range, the USA), W.E. Clark (Auburn University, Auburn, risks to non-target Solanum species were extremely USA) and P.H. Jolivet (Paris, France). The following low (Olckers, in prep.). This approach may thus organizations provided financial support for this provide a solution to the conservative nature of research programme: the Directorate of Agricul- host-specificity testing. tural Resource Conservation (National Depart- Ultimately, post-release evaluations of agents ment of Agriculture), the ‘Working for Water’ already established on other Solanum weeds in Programme (Department of Water Affairs and South Africa should provide the strongest evi- Forestry), the World Wide Fund for Nature (South dence, by demonstrating that earlier predictions Africa), the Hans Merensky Foundation, H.L Hall about their safety have been realized. & Sons and the Municipality of Durban.

CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES The biological control programme against S. BALCIUNAS, J.K., BURROWS, D.W. & PURCELL, M.F. 1996. Comparison of the physiological and realized mauritianum in South Africa has been ongoing for host-ranges of a biological control agent from Austra- some 14 years, but progress has been limited com- lia for the control of the aquatic weed, Hydrilla pared to that on other Solanum weeds (Olckers verticillata. Biological Control 7: 148–158. et al. this issue). This was largely caused by the CLARK, W.E. & BURKE, H.R. 1996. The species of opportunistic nature of the programme during its Anthonomus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) associated with plants in the family Solanaceae. first 10 years and the unique problems that have Southwestern Entomologist Supplement 19: 1–114. plagued all programmes against Solanum weeds CLEMENT, S.L. & CRISTOFARO, M. 1995. Open-field for more than two decades. However, advances tests in host-specificity determination of insects for made with the S. elaeagnifolium programme, and biological control of weeds. Biocontrol Science and subsequently with that against S. sisymbriifolium, Technology 5: 395–406. HOFFMANN, J.H. & MORAN, V.C.1998. The population have intensified the efforts on S. mauritianum since dynamics of an introduced tree, Sesbania punicea,in 1994. The suite of potential agents that are avail- South Africa, in response to long-term damage able for evaluation includes several promising caused by different combinations of three species of species (Table 1) and it is believed that a complex of biological control agents. Oecologia 114: 343–348. flowerbud feeders, defoliators and stem borers HOFFMANN, J.H., MORAN, V.C. & IMPSON, F.A.C. 1998. Promising results from the first biological con- need to be established in South Africa to ensure trol programme against a solanaceous weed (Solanum biological control of S. mauritianum. Indeed, the elaeagnifolium). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environ- programme against Sesbania punicea (Cav.) Benth. ment 70: 145–150. in South Africa, where the sequential release of JOLIVET, P.H. & HAWKESWOOD, T.J. 1995. Host-plants three agents (a flowerbud feeder, seed feeder and of Chrysomelidae of the World: an Essay about the Rela- tionships Between the Leaf-beetles and their Food-plants. stem borer) resulted in complete biological con- Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. trol, has provided an exemplary case history LOUDA, S.M., KENDALL, D., CONNOR, J. & (Hoffmann & Moran 1998). The prospects for SIMBERLOFF, D. 1997. Ecological effects of an insect Olckers: Biological control of Solanum mauritianum 73

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