Lesleyan, 1940 Lesley School

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Lesleyan, 1940 Lesley School Lesley University DigitalCommons@Lesley Yearbooks Special Collections and Archives Spring 1940 Lesleyan, 1940 Lesley School Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/yearbooks Recommended Citation Lesley School, "Lesleyan, 1940" (1940). Yearbooks. 17. https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/yearbooks/17 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections and Archives at DigitalCommons@Lesley. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Lesley. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Foreword INpresemmg this Yearbcok 1t 1s our smcere wish that 1t tt·1II help to recall what we hal>t: ach1m:dat Lesley m knowledge, m the makmg of 11ewfriends, a11d111 the apprec1at1011of each other. May the memories of our )'ears here together be kept aln,e by these pages. L E S L N f or PAO£ 2 Lesley School Song We •mg thy praise fa,r Lesley, We sing thy praise fair Lesley We will uphold thy name, We will uphold thy name, And carry to the ends of earth And carry to the ends of earth, Thy everlasting fame. Thy everlasting fame. Thy cla.. ,c halls and culture Thy clas,ic halls and culture Grace memory·• fairest page, Grace memory·s fairest page, The light that gleams from thy clear torch, The light that gleams from thy clear tO<cb, Shines on from ag, to age. Shines on from age to age. Time comes when we must leave thee, Our 6rm foundation laid, Bravely we face the future, Dauntlru, undi!mayed. Bonnie Lesley 0 saw ye bonme Lesley The Detl he could na sca1th thee, "l had perished, had I not persisted." As she gaed o·er the border Or aught that wad belong thee; She's gane, like Alexander, Hed look into thy bonnie face, THE uslty Coo, of Arm, hang111gIll tht "'"""'' hall To spread her conquests farther. And say, "I canna wrong thee." "tht Coo, of Arm, of the Udey Family. A, early a, tht mgn of James II. Kmg of Scotland from 1437 1460, 1ht family wa, tstablosh<dm Scot· To see her is to love her, The Powers aboon, will tent thee; land. In ,ht re,g,i of Jome, IV, S,r Al<xandtr L..slcy And love but her forever; M,sfortune sha na ,teer thee; became a famous gcnaal unde-rGusrat'«S Adolphus. For Nature made her what she '"· Thou 'rt hk, themselv,s sae lo,·ely, K mg of Sweden. Jtt 1638 It, rtrurnd to Scotland and And never made amtber! That 111they ·11ne'er let near thee. nm,dcd England from Scotland. He wa, crcarcd Earl ltsley m 164 L Whtn iht School uas foi,>Jdcdm 19()1), the family Thou art a queen, fair Lesley, Return again, fair Lesley, ga,, p,nnimon for 1/t, Coo, of Ann, «> bt used by tht Thy subjects, we before thee; Return to Caledon,e ! Schooland tht name became .. L..slcySchool.·· Thou art dl\'lne, fair Lesley, That we may brag, we hae a lass The heart o· men adore thee There·s none againsae bonnie. Roel!RT Bu1t~s Dw.r girls of 1940: I send this personal message to you as you leave us to go into the world to seek your fortunes. We have over two thousand graduates and they are scattered all over the world. I wish I could tell you all about them because you will meet many of them some day. They are your "big sisters" and you should know them. At our annual Banquet in June of each year we have three special celebrations, for at that time the girls come back to tell us what has been happening to them. The five,year girls have a great deal to tell because many of them have married and their families have begun to grow. Others have been deciding upon their life work and getting settled mto a pro­ fession or business. The ten-year girls have grown more mature, and although many new things have happened, still they are now building upon what has gone before and "making a name for themselves" and for their Alma Mater. We have begun to celebrate the return of our twenty-five­ year-old graduates. We have been fortunate in gathering together at the Alumnae Banquet time many of the girls who left us so many years ago. There is a thrill always in any new adventure; life is the biggest adventure of all. Our love and best wishes go with you. May you be happy and successful; remember that we are here waiting with the latchstring hanging down ready for you to come along and give it one good pull. Until we see you again, sincerely your friend, EotTH LESLEY WotPARD ) I )- - FACULTY EDITH LESLEYWOLFARD, Director GERTRUDE MALLOCH, Principal PRANCES PAY HARRIET H GREENE MARJ< V. CROCKETT SMtth Co\k._'t, A 6 JULIA A BERUBE Ot-.rrhn.MA U\•jl Nornul School. ~J.:hlft, lb~:'T:~~~11~~-AJ,-M C'1c,,ust"",0.t"ttou. Soc1olor, H..r,·,rJ. Columbu. ChK.llg<> Sulfol\ t..w S.:hool,LLB Pmna,, Mcthodi, Rccsd1na: Mcmhtr of Mn~hUltU-t Bu Ltctur,rr on Gove.mment ;and Uw, SutfoU1Umvoeo1t.>· ln"'tru.:.tor, ~ton Tu.de!:School &onontlCJ, Got~m.tnr, Huror) ANN BROOKSGREEN WILLIAM GREENE Brown, Ph.8 ALICE BRADLEY LURA 0. CUSHMAN L<,lcyNomul 5<hool O'(forJ Um,..er~aty. M A Mu~.;hu..'<tt, S::hoolof J\rt Bo.ton C,oolmg ~hool. M l.T .• 6.S. ln•tru.;tor on •u.if of M1• Profc"',rof En~li,h. M.I T CollJmbu. Pnncip;al, M1-.s flrmcr's&hool of Cooker)' Va;pr:r ~t:t Art &hoot f.rQ)ff"t School o( Co:Jtc-ry C,aJrs Cooli,1t111 Fc>0tk~rranon MARION A GUILFORD GRACE M DONELAN R,dd,lf< Coll,!!<, A 8 f1t.;hl'M.1r!{NotM,J.I School Boe.tonUmvoer~1ty, A.M Hyinm, Nonn41S.:.hool Cnuc Te;a.:her, bton S.:hoolCk~rtment M1ft1>1try f,igl1.!"hL11muurc: PAC! 9 MIRIAM WOOD HASELTINE ESTHER HYLAND RITA MAHER MADDOCK DOROTHY H Mc-CABE Smith \..olliti,:,c,A B P.ad:Colk~. A B L<•l<y S.:hool M1JJkhury C...olk~.BS R,J.hlf, A M Ho&tonl 1m•,cr~1ty,eJ.M PurJut Un1\·(r•1ty. M.S Cnhc Tc.ic'1CT C-oll<,c<. Foods.HO'm(: Ma'll"g<m<ttt H..1.r\'uJ Gr,.Ju.ttC:So.;hool Pam1f"Rtldh(>-r'lslups of EJu,,;:.ioon H~l,('1W,&hooil Hral1III PniNtffl-', Bwloe,. E~t<1.rv Sc""'t (.\'.ahHC" StuJ'J l 00:-,/AlD W MILLER Colby Colk,c<. SB Pt,jhod)' Coll.:!<,'<,AM MILDRED S. M.cCOY H.1.r,·a.rJUnmrr~t)', Corndl Un1"-tr~1ty Butf.1loMu,wm of &:,cn.:e ALMA BAKER KOGER EJM.fJ.D. NATALIE SAVILLt HEWITT Tr .m'lu\g S.:hool lr1b.:iduct'°'1 m EJ16'c1twm. Mi . ,chu,,ttt• S:hool of Art Unl\'t"ra1ty of ~lifornu, 8.$. GtWJR,af1'1\ SJ>c«h Moit4f H~1ertc, Tor"- Ps'.l""h.->LT,i MARTHA LITTLEFIELD OLIVE McVICKAR L'm1,,"t"r"1tyci Vermont Wheuon Collot~. A.6 H.r,-irJ s..ifl'ut.tt S:hool Nurto:r)' Tr.umng 5.;hool £.lu.:.1t100.llOmxtor, fb.ton fk,,,u-nt4~ EducatM.'m Nur9tfy for mmJ &hie~ Xunn:-, Sch-"11,IProctJuu PAG! II PAo• 10 JAMES E. SHAW GLADYS M SUUIVAN HELEN MURPHY LYLE RULAND RING H.r\-..rJ Umvtr•1ty, A 8. "3\'litr Um\~u1ty. A .B M.ua.:hurottu $,;hool ol Arc B.S-in P..d. Dirt.,tor of Mu~K. &Ame: and Pl'1:,gl'Ol'ndG1o11"Ks Arr l\f:'1'T«Wt1\l'!1,&l.c~rotJrJ RcmitdwalReading Whttl0<k School, Dr<1r,nnR:.Drnirn Dtrc..:tor.Simmons Coll,cgc GI« Oub M1oac, M141CAf'tl'itc1111tcm, Fo~ Do"'1111t DOROTHY G SPRAGUE JANE I\ TWEED MARGARET C. SEAVER StmmomO:,I.Lc~. 8.S. Art Mu,rum S..:hool BostonT~cheu C'.olk~c: CkitJimg,H.mat Ot('Oraoo11. H()ffl( H.1.rnrJ Summer 5.:hool LUTHER R. PUTNEY New Yori: Dt.:or.n1,~An Sd>OOI Bry~nt tr Stratt on School ln,.tru.:tot. TM Woodw.u-d School P!d,ou11;:;:.Srkct""1. Tt"~t11u, G4mitj, Pia~1,,.,,ionrnu P,.xrl(:eH01Asc \'.ttJkM.<>r\ Boo\\<<l"•S ELVIE 6. WILLARD CAROLYN SEYMOtJR Emcuon Colk~of Or.1.rn1·)· Lc,lei•School ChitJrcn·, Llraarurt', Ani~ra01t Seo," Td/01.g PAC! 13 PAG! 12 MARGARIT CRQS;MAN IX)R IS C. REED Sm1thC"..ollf:~, A 8 Somrnoru(".,olle-g('. R.S. Add Srcrct,;1ry MARION WILSON Simmons C.01\<t~B.S. Rq»trar 'ro the Faculty We owe a great debt tO those who have shaped our course as we have made our way through the years of swdy here at Lesley. You have not only guided us academicallybut have also been an msp1ratt0n m all our other act1111ues. In the words of an anciem bard whose name has not been made l{nown. ·· ·Twas not the bcx>ks,nor maps nor sc.ripu Dunng our years at Lesley this little man has Which gave me what I know lighted our way. May he ei-er c011t1nueto do so. 'Twas the helping hand, and i:u1ding hght Of my teacher that made 1t ,o." PAC! 14 J.ri:sr No, ro, MmAM SrAa, ~Olli:MA Tu.cl! B!TT1sA Ntel't Roi;,o.toso O'Nr1L P11t1'-.1tLAK..:OTT Huts Hou.u" M1LDaro \Votc:ra &ATaln ~faltt•t'1 MAa,011;1~ U~un P,uucu WALLN.:r lr.,,;trn Bu:n A4,.;n111:nHu.:1G Lesleyan Staff Ed,t<Yr·m-ch,cf PATRICIA WALLACE As.s1.stat1t£d1cOT.s ..
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