EGYPTIAN RESEARCH ACCOUNT, 1901 SEVENTH YEAR. MAHASNA AND b£t khallAf BY JOHN GARSTANG, B.Litt. READER IN EGYPTIAN ARCHEOLOGY AT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL. WITH A CHAPTER BY KURT SETHE, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF EGYPTOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GOTTINGEN. LONDON: BERNARD QUARITCH, 15, PICCADILLY, W. 1903. 51 LONDON I PRINTED BV WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STREET, W. DUKI STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL 1 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE closed with stone doors. 28, Entrance of Introduction 1-4 the burial chamber. 29, The shaft by which the chambers were reached. 30, The surface Sect, i, The season and site of work. 2, Boun- deposits and objects found on the stairway. daries to the district explored. 3, Special 31, Copper and flint implements. 32, indications; Alawniyeh. 4, The necropolis Objects from the chambers. 33, The seal- of Mahasna. 5, Main results of its excava- ings and royal names. The alabaster tion. 6, One elaborately furnished tomb. 34, vases. 7, Exploration continued northward ; the Der at Bet Khallaf. 8, Real nature of the structure; a great tomb of the Illrd CHAPTER IV. Dynasty. 9, Architectural features ; the earliest arch. 10, Other neighbouring tombs. The Tomb of Hen Nekht (K 2) . .1 1-14 11, The step-pyramid at Saqqara. 12, The traditional burial-place of Neter-Khet. 13, 35, Appearance and identification. 36, Ana- The tomb of Neter-Khet.—Bibliography. logy with the Step Pyramid. 37, Details of plan and section. 38, The remains of the King. 40, State of the burial chamber. Details of CHAPTER II.
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