The Life-Boat, Or
THE LIFE-BOAT, OR JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. [PmCB 6n. VOL. V.—No. 52.] APEIL IST, 1864. ISSUED QDiETEKLT. AT the Annual General Meeting of the EOYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION held at the London Tavern, on Tuesday, the 15th day of March, 1864, the Eight Honourable Sir JOHN S. PAKINGTON, Bart., G.C.B., M.P., in the Chair, The following Eeport of the Committee was read :— boats of inferior description, or obsolete cha- ANNUAL REPORT. racter, by others embodying all the latest ON this the fortieth anniversary of the improvements. ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, To one of those gifts the Committee have the. Committee have the satisfaction to pre- much pleasure in drawing especial attention, sent to its supporters and to the British not alone on account of its large amount, people, the Annual Report of their pro- but as one springing from the very highest ceedings—once more have they to place order of motives on the part of a commer- on record the success which, with the cial firm, and which cannot but be appre- Divine blessing, has rested on their labours, ciated in this great mart of commerce, while and to express their gratitude to a liberal it is invested with additional interest as pro- public for its continued support. ceeding from members of one of the most In their last Annual Statement, the Com- highly respected native communities amongst mittee had to report a falling off in the our fellow-subjects in India. The splendid previous year's income, as compared with gift to which they allude, is that of 2,0001.
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