Wal-Mart Draft EIR Part I
CITY OF SUISUN CITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PUBLIC NOTICE - NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF THE WAL-MART WALTERS ROAD PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (SCH# 2006072026) September 17, 2007 TO: RESPONSIBLE AGENCIES TRUSTEE AGENCIES OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES SUBJECT: NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF THE WAL-MART WALTERS ROAD PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (SCH# 2006072026 ) OVERVIEW: The City of Suisun City has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) to consider the potential environmental effects of the proposed Wal-Mart Walters Road Project (generally located on the northwest corner of Walters Road and State Route 12, Suisun City, CA). The proposed project requires the approval of a Site Plan and Architectural Application No. 06-08, Parcel Map 06-02, Sign Application No. 06-04, and Encroachment Permits to Local Streets. The project consists of approximately 230,000 square feet of commercial activities on approximately 20.1 acres. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: The DEIR found significant impacts related to Aesthetics, Light, and Glare, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology, Soils, and Seismicity, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Land Use, Noise, Public Services and Utilities, Transportation, and Urban Decay. Many of these impacts were reduced to a less-than-significant level through the implementation of mitigation measures. However, even with implementation of applicable mitigation measures, the DEIR found that the project would still result in significant and unavoidable impacts to Aesthetics (Visual Character) Air Quality (Long-Term Operational Emissions, Cumulative Impacts, Greenhouse Gas Emissions), Noise (Construction Noise, Stationary Noise Sources, Operational Noise – Vehicular Sources), and Transportation (Intersections Operations, Long-Term Intersection Operations, Queuing).
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