Social and Spatial Production of Atatürk Boulevard in Ankara
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SOCIAL AND SPATIAL PRODUCTION OF ATATÜRK BOULEVARD IN ANKARA A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF THE MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY FERYAL AY ŞIN KOÇAK IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY MARCH 2008 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Kayhan Mutlu Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Mehmet C. Ecevit Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Kurtulu ş Kayalı (A.Ü., DTCF) Prof. Dr. Mehmet C. Ecevit (METU, SOC) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ça ğatay Keskinok (METU, CRP) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mesut Ye ğen (METU, SOC) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Helga R. Tılıç (METU, SOC) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Feryal Ay şın Koçak Signature : iii ABSTRACT SOCIAL AND SPATIAL PRODUCTION OF ATATÜRK BOULEVARD IN ANKARA Koçak, F. Ay şın Ph.D., Department of Sociology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mehmet C. Ecevit March 2008, 235 pages Space is a social product and produced socially. For a social analysis, it is therefore necessary to put equal emphasis on conceptualisations of time and space and to analyse the production process of space. This thesis aims to analyse the production of capitalist space and it is based on Lefebvre’s conceptualisation of ‘production of space’ within the context of Marxist urban space theories. It is based on the argument that every mode of production creates its own spaces and the new spaces call for new social relations. In the analysis of space, historical geographical materialism and realist geography are used. In this thesis, the production of urban space of Ankara is analysed with an emphasis on social relations of planning and architecture. Ankara as the capital city is a spatial representation of nation state and national identity. Spatial representations and practices are analysed in terms of Atatürk Boulevard and the iv squares of Ulus, Sıhhıye and Kızılay. Within this scope, public buildings and monuments, housing, transportation and commercial spaces are examined by drawing on Lefebvre’s conceptual triad of ‘spatial practices’, ‘representations of space’ and ‘spaces of representation’. In the production process of the urban space of Ankara, history of space is considered as the history of its forms and representations and the production of urban space is examined in historical periods. The exploratory type of research used in this study is primarily based on documentary-historical data. Keywords: Social production of urban space, Spatial practices, Representations of space, Spaces of representation, Ankara, Atatürk Boulevard. v ÖZ ANKARA ATATÜRK BULVARI’NIN TOPLUMSAL VE MEKANSAL ÜRET İMİ Koçak, F. Ay şın Doktora, Sosyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Mehmet C. Ecevit Mart 2008, 235 sayfa Mekân, toplumsal bir üründür ve toplumsal olarak üretilir. Bu nedenle, bir toplumu anlamak için zaman ve mekân kavramsalla ştırmalarına eşit derecede önem verilmesi ve mekânın üretim sürecinin çözümlenmesi gerekir. Kapitalist mekânın üretim sürecini çözümlemeyi amaçlayan bu tez, Marksist kentsel mekân kuramları kapsamında, Lefebvre’in ‘mekânın üretimi’ kavramla ştırmasını temel almı ştır. Bu temel, her üretim biçiminin kendi mekânlarını yaratması ve yeni mekânların yeni toplumsal ili şkiler olu şturması iddiasına dayanmaktadır. Mekân çözümlemesinde, tarihsel co ğrafi materyalizm ile realist co ğrafya yakla şımlarından yararlanılmı ştır. Bu çalı şmada, Ankara’nın kentsel mekân üretim süreci, planlama ve mimarinin toplumsal ili şkileri vurgulanarak çözümlenmi ştir. Ba şkent Ankara, ulus devletin ve ulusal kimli ğin mekânsal temsilidir. Mekânsal temsiller ve pratikler, Atatürk Bulvarı ile Ulus, Sıhhıye ve Kızılay meydanları kapsamında çözümlenmi ştir. Bu vi çerçevede, kamu binaları ve anıtlar, konut, ula şım ve ticari mekânlar, Lefebvre’in kavramsal üçlüsü olan ‘mekânsal pratikler’, ‘mekânın temsilleri’ ve ‘temsili mekânlar’ kavramları aracılı ğıyla incelenmi ştir. Ankara’nın kentsel mekân üretim sürecinde, mekân tarihi, onun biçimlerinin ve temsillerinin tarihi olarak ele alınmı ş ve kentsel mekân üretimi, tarihsel dönemlere göre incelenmi ştir. Bu çalı şmada kullanılan ke şfedici ara ştırma biçimi büyük ölçüde dokümanter-tarihsel verilere dayanmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kentsel mekânın toplumsal üretimi, Mekânsal pratikler, Mekânın temsilleri, Temsili mekânlar, Ankara, Atatürk Bulvarı. vii To My Family viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am very grateful to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Mehmet C. Ecevit for his precious advices and comments. He encouraged, inspired and supported me throughout my work from the very beginning times of my thesis. I also would thank to my friends in his dissertation group for their contributions to my thesis. I would like to thank the examining committee members for their suggestions and constructive comments. I owe the deepest gratitude to Gül Ulu ğtekin for her sincerity and friendship. I thank her for devoting her time to help me whenever I needed and for editing my thesis. She has been supportive and critical of my study in a positive way. I am very grateful to Nadide Kargıner for reading all parts of my thesis and encouraging me to improve it. She provided a valuable help for long hours of work in writing the critical parts of my thesis. I particularly would like to express my gratitude to Aynur Özu ğurlu for her valuable support and comments. She dedicated her time in constructing the main framework and the methodology of my thesis. I am very grateful to my husband Selçuk Turhano ğlu for his love, emotional support and trust in me. He encouraged and helped me and provided peaceful working conditions for me throughout my work. ix I owe very special thanks to my dear family who strengthens me with their love. I am grateful to them for their encouragement and support during my academic life and throughout my study of the thesis from the very beginning until the end. x TABLE OF CONTENT PLAGIARISM …………………………………………………………………iii ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………..……..iv ÖZ …………………………………………………………………………… ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ……………………………………………………viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………ix CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………1 2. HISTORICAL PATH OF SPACE: GEOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL THEORY………………………………………………………………………...9 2.1. Introduction …………………………………………………………….…9 2.2. The Integration Process of Geography into Social Theory …….…..…...10 2.2.1. Modernist Perspective of Social Sciences …………………….….11 Differences versus Homogeneity ……………..…….……11 Simultaneity versus Sequentiality ……………………......13 2.2.2. History of Developments in Discipline of Geography .…………..14 1950s: The Approach of Regionalism as Areal Differentiation ………………………….…………………………15 1960s: Positivist Approach as Quantitative Revolution ….15 1970s: Structuralist Approach as Radical Geography …....17 1980s: Structure and Agency Debate and New Geography…………………………………………………………21 Postmodernist Approach and Geography ………………...25 xi 2.3. Conclusion ..…………………………………………………………….26 3. MARXIST THEORIES OF URBAN SPACE ……………………………..27 3.1. Introduction ……………………………………….……………………..27 3.2. Classical Roots of Urban Space: Marx and Engels ……………………..27 3.3. Contemporary Marxist Approaches on Urban Space ...…………………30 3.3.1. Space as a Social Product: Henri Lefebvre ……………………….30 The Urban Revolution ……………………………..….….31 Survival of Capitalism ….………………………………..35 Production of Space …….……………………………….39 3.3.2. Urban as a Space of Reproduction of Labour: Manuel Castells ....51 3.3.3. Urban Space as a Capitalist Accumulation Process: David Harvey56 3.4. Conclusion …………………..………………………………...………...59 4. METHODOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE …………………………………...62 4.1. Introduction …….………………………………………………….…...62 4.2. Analysis of Space as a Methodological Concern ……………….….…..63 4.3. Theoretical Propositions and Problem of the Study ………….….……..66 4.4. Method of the Study ……………………….…………………….……..68 4.5. Limitations of Methodological Perspective ……………………………..71 4.6. Conclusion …………………………..………………….…………….....72 5. ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL AND SPATIAL PRODUCTION OF ATATÜRK BOULEVARD .....…………………………………………………….………73 5.1. Introduction ………………….………………………….………..……..73 5.2. Construction of Nation-State: Project of Ankara as a Capital City...…....74 5.2.1 Establishment of National Capital: Spatial Reasons of Republic.....75 xii 5.3. Historical Investigation of Social and Spatial Production of Atatürk Boulevard and Squares....................................................................................79 5.3.1. Early Republican Period (1923-1950) ...……………………..…...80 5.3.2. Democrat Party Period (1950-1960) ………………………….....103 5.3.3. Planned Economic Development Period (1960-1970) ……….....123 5.3.4. Economic Crisis Period (1970-1980) ……………………...…....135 5.3.5. Neoliberalisation Period (1980-1994) ………………………….146 5.3.6. Neoliberal Conservative Period (1994- ) …………………….…164 5.4. Conclusion ………..…………………………………………………...181 6. CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………….…..188