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PAGE THIRTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Mon., Dec. 11. 1972 Solon Seeks Transit District Seeks More Days The Weather I May Tentative Target Tl Snow changing to rain tonight, possibly heavy at times, ending S! lEiiPtttttg RpraUi Details On State Bus Plan CtiristRias: late Wednesday. Low fami^t in Tax Exemption For Silverstein Center « the 30s, high Wednesday in the in the 40s. — The head of a fund drive for Sisterhood and its form er presi­ Youth Center, he explained, WINDSOR (AP) - The Hart­ Sion plan for A n u lgu n ated have said tluy will not go biM± MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, DEf^aUBER 12 VOL. XCH, No. 61 MANCHESTER A City o f Village Charm For Lotteries erecting a Silverstein ' Youth dent, died in April 1970. would be an adjunct to Temple ford TVansit District may meet Transit Union employes. to work unless subsidies for TWENTY PAGES PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Center on the grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Schwedel, long­ activities and, in addition, again this week to consider ad­ — A guarantee that the tran­ ConnCo operations are ditional details of a state Manchester’s Temple Beth time friends of Mr. and Mrs. would include community par­ sit district would get stuck with arranged In all three cities WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. funds;” and to help states in­ Transportation Department served by the company: Hirt- Sholom said today be is aiming Silverstein, in addition to i n ­ ticipation, no m ine than 75 per cent o f the g . - • V Representative Stewart B. crease revenues. for May 1973 groundbreaking ducting the fund-raising drive, Schwedel said all con­ offer designed to end the $375,000 annual operating ford. New Haven and Stamford. McKinney, R-Conn., said today McKinney’s bill to exempt (Connecticut Co. bus s&ike. ceremonies. ' are contributing all costs in­ tributions will be tax-deductible deficits which have been New Haven Mayor he will re-introduce his bill in state lottery winnings from Nat H. Schwedel and his wife, volved. They said that all of the and that a. placque will be At a town ball meeting Satur­ projected. Bartholomew Guida has beM a the next congressional session federal taxation was referred in Gertrude, Manchester funds raised will go for placed at the center’s entrance, day, representatives of the dls- — A guarantee that the state strong opponent of subsldiziag to exempt state lottery win­ the 92nd Congress to the House residents, are conducting a architect fees, and construction listing the individuals, families trict rejected what the would spend $225,000 to the line with local money, and nings from federal taxes. Ways and Means Committee drive to raise $125,000, the es­ and furnishings costs. and organizations contributing Transportation Department promote bus ridership. the Stamford Board of “ Passage of the bill,” he which did not hold hearings on timated cost of the Living Schwedel said letters, an­ $1,000 or more. had called its “flnal offer” to The state offer includes state Representatives rejec^d. Astronauts Frolic On The Moon said, “ could put the bookies out the measure. Memorial to Saul M. and R i^ nouncing the drive and asking split up subsidy payments with payment for all ConnCo deficits Friday night a second attenfpt o f business entirely. More im­ “ The fueling in Washington is the transit district and get the to create $ transit district- in Silverstein, who helped co­ for contributions, have been He was-quick to add, “ Every through next September. portantly, however, I believe that 1973 will be the year of tax found Temple Beth Sholom and sent to all Temple Beth Sholom buses rolling again. But the Union d r iv m and mechanics that city. we have to speak to the issue of contribution of whatever size Scientific Camp reform,” McKinney said of the representatives nonetheless who served it tirelessly until members, to other residents of will be welcome and will be credibility in government. It 93rd Congress. “ If this is so, asked for further details and their deaths. Manchester, and to various peo­ acknowledged. Please help can be rather deflating for a this bill ^ould be the number clarifications of the Mr. Silverstein, former chair­ ple in 40 states of the United honor the memory of the lottery winner who wins $50,000 one priority,” he said. department’s proposal. man of Rogers Corp., the States and in about 40 countries Silversteins and help young peo­ Set Up After one day and then loses almost A family of four with an an­ Bus d riv o s and mechanics, Temple’s first president and its of the world. ple grow to be good citizi^.” half of it the next day to taxes.” nual income of $12,000 at stan­ represented by the head for 11 successive years, He said contributions o f any He said contributions may be The Fairfield lawmaker said dard deductions, Wbuld be Amalgamated Transit Union, died last May in Tasmania, size, however small or large, mailed to Temple Beth Sholom- the biU has three purposes: to required to pay $22,000 in have been on strike against Perfect Landing while on his 10th trip around the will be accepted from anyone Silverstein Youth Center, 117 remove Inequity involved in one federal income taxes on win­ ConnCk) since Nov. 25 in a con­ world. Mrs. Silverstein, a wishing to honor the memories Adelaide Rd., Manchester, governmental entity giving out ning a $50,000 lottery prize, ac­ tract dispute. The company founder of the Temple of Mr. and Mrs. Silverstein. The C^nn. 06040. SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - In the valley of money and another one taking it cording to McKinney. says it can’t offer the woiters a away; to eliminate the disadr “ To that kind of family, $22,- satisfactory contract witlxHit Taurus-Littrow, a gray geologic wonder dotted with auto­ vantage held by illegal 000 represents about two years’ receiving some form of sub­ sized boulders, two Americans rested on the moon today. numbers’ rackets which income; to the federal govern­ Vandals Drain sidy. Tonight they search a lunar landslide for perhaps the most “ doubleteam the state lotteries ment, it’s a drop in the bucket,” McGovern Backers Costly Chemicals Sen. Lewis Rome, R- ancient rocks ever seen. and pay off with untaxed he added. Hartford, a member of the Astronauts Eugene A. Cernan and Harrison H. Schmitt From Trucks legislature’s Transportation Using List To Committee, said the represen­ slept late in their craft, (Jiallenger. They were bone-tired BRANFORD (AP) - Vandals tatives indicated they were in from a near-perfect lunar landing and nearly seven hours Kennedy To Discuss broke into the Don J. King trucking company Sunday general accord with the state’s setting up a sophisticated scientific camp and scouting the Raise 1974 Funds proposal. surrounding terrain. evening and opened valves that But the representatives were MHS Requirements let several thousand gallons of Tonight, the 11th and 12th — the first step of Apollo 17 to all said to.have wanted to discuss chemicals pour from two tank and perhaps last — men to visit those who made it possible.” Dr. James P. Kennedy, WASHINGTON (AP) - While the following points further on budget preparations, the called to congratulate him. trucks, according to garage the moon in this century, will Then, like children in an un­ superintendent of schools, is the forces of defeated with the state: closing of school Nov. 5, funding But sources close to manager Hal Presley. drive their electric-powered believably exciting playground, expected to submit the ad­ Democratic presidential — Immediate resumption of of the Robertson School McGovern said there has been Presley said the chemicals car. Rover, to a mountain slide Cernan and Schmitt frolicked, ministration’s recommendation nominee George McGovern bus service. project, a 197^73 MHS profile, no decision on whether to make did not give off hazardous on the South Massif which laughing and singing and on a proposal to increase decide whether to turn over to — Clarification of several and the status of the school the list available to the party fumes but that they could bum spilled rock debris across the gliding with tippity-toe freedom requirm ents for graduation party leaders a 700,000-name terms in the state’s offer: physician position. leadership or to keep possession persons on contact. valley in some ancient time. in the light lunar gravity. from Manchester High School Last month, the superinten­ list of contributors, they are promotion, ridership, deficit of it for the senator’s own use The spilled chemicals, of.four There, they hope to find rocks “ I’m out here. Oh, my golly. when the Board of Education dent said that it might be im­ using that list to raise funds for arid revenues. and for candidates.and causes types, were worth $45,000i ac­ created in the process by which Unbelievable! Unbelievable! ’ ’ convenes Monday night. The McGiovem’s own 1974 Senate — Negotiations on who would possible to obtain a physician - he wishes to back. cording to Presley. the moon was formed and shouted Cernan. race in South Dakota. pay the bill for an existing pen- meeting will be held at 45 full time and that the work in­ “ It could be real sticky,” one Representatives of the shaped, material dating “ We’ve got a different breed School St. at 8. volved in the position m i^ t By renting it to liberal aide said in discussing the Department of Environmental perhaps to lunar beginnings 4.6 Schmitz Sees War of rock up here,” said Schmitt, The proposal was submitted have to continue on a part-time organizations and magazines matter, noting that the list was Protection advised garage billion years ago. a Harvard-trained geologist and and the rationale given by high basis. seeking subscribers, they hope built up by McGovern over the workers in cleaning up the As One Way To Overhead, alone aboard the the first American scientist in Scientific Project On The Moon school personnel at the b ir d ’s The board will hear reports to raise from $200,000 to $2M,- past 2 ^ years and belongs to chemicals. End Oil Shortage command ship America, the space. “This is a geologist’s Nov. 13 meeting. If from the buildings and sites and 000 within the next few weeks. him, rather than the party. third Apollo spaceman, Ronald paradise If I ever saw one.” Astronauts Eugene A. Cleman, right foreground, and Harrison H. Schmitt, go about their recommended by Dr. Kennedy the educational policies and The list of persons who gave The aide said the going rate STRATFORD (AP) - The E. Evans, also rested. Tonight reientlfic projects during their first moon walk Monday night. Ceman is drllUng a core in and approved by the board, it communications committees, an unprecedented total of more for rental of such a list is $35 American Party presidentiai he will operate an array of They unloaded the little lunar the lunar surface while Schmitt deploys an instrument package. (AP Photo) will tacrease tee present 13 and act on two professional ap­ than $14 million in small con­ per 1,000 names, meaning that Two Killed candidate this year, John science instruments and rover and turned on a television graduation requirements to 14 pointments and a request for a tributions to the McGovern rental of the full list could bring Schmitz, says the only accep­ cameras which study the moon camera, giving Mission (Control for this year’s junior class change In the status of another campaign, thus making it a close to $25,000. In Accidents table choice for America from orbit. the first view on earth of members and 15 for position from full to half time success in the financial sense, Such organizations as the because of increased American In one of the most accurate Taurus-Littrow. HARTFORD (AP) - Two sophomores. for the remainder of the school would be useful to Democratic American Civil Liberties use of Arab oil is to find an moon landings ever achieved, MHS Graduation Standards men were killed Sunday night in ,t ■ Watching Dad On The Moon The valley was everything Dr. Kennedy will also report year. party leaders even though Union, the National Association excuse to declare war and take Cernan and Schmitt brought two separate Hartford area ac­ \ and more than they had many on it were personal sup­ for the Advancement of Colored over the oil sources. Challenger to rest only 300 feet cidents. Tracy Ceman, 9, watches her dad, Apollo 17 Ck)mmander Eugene Ceman.and fellow moon expected. Boulders larger than porters of the South Dakota People, and Conunon Cause are Schmitz, spewing at Strat­ from their aiming point. Increased By Board Thomas Fitzmaurice, 24, of walker, Harrison H. Schmitt, unfiifl the United States Flag on the moon Monday night. She panel trucks, coated with glass Louella senator. renting the list, the aide said. ford High School Saturday, said A few hours later, (}ernan, Safe Holiday Waterbury died when his car was in the NBC Houston studio for the event. (AP photo) and pitted from the impact of The party’s new national It is a common practice in that was one of three choices then Schmitt, climbed down a By JOHN A. JOHNSTON Under the second, a student slammed head on into another meteorites, choked the valley tion be tabled at that time, pen­ Urged By chairman, Robert Strauss of fund-raising to rent lists others America will have in six ladder to start the first of three Parsons on a Hartford street at 11:15 floor like icebergs floating on a (Herald Reporter) who completes graduation ding clarification of some Texas, said he anticipates little have put together, seeking to months due to the oil use by the surface excursions which will requirements at the end of his pm . gray, dead sea. By a 5-2 vote, with the chair­ points that had bean raised. In Commission difficulty in gaining access to bring a sufficient return so that U.S. cover more than 20 miles of the junior year will receive his Glastonbury police said man abstaining, the Board of Wply 4o a letter from Arthur Rites Set the list, although the matter the rental cost is exceeded by The other two choices, he moon’s surface. They will diploma upon compietion George Sassano, 48, of East Cernan and Schmitt will stay Edi$qation ^Ipst night adopted Glaeser, Manchester Education HARTFORD (AP) - The didn’t com e up when McGovern new contributions. said, would be to become highly collect some 200 pounds of ro<^. -ciSR jdng a normal load with a I m HOLLYWOOD (AP) - “Tell Hartford was fatally injured at on the niqon until Thunday, two proposals governing Association president, Connecticut Safety Commission dependent on the Arab coun­ W h ^ first plahtedJhis C or better grqde in each it to Louella” was the order 11:18 p.m. Details were sketchy when thejr ri>cket away In the Manchester High School requMiing postponeiment of has released what it calls tries or to cut back America’s fool oti the moon, he skid co u fs e -o f his freahroan year in' movie producers u8ed to give but police said he fell out of a upper stage of (Judlenger to graduation requirements. The board action and “ December Facts” to urge level of technological develop­ solemnly, “ I’d like to dedicate college. their actors and actresses. rejoin Evans. recommendations were made teacher involvement in dls- < state residents to have a safe vehicle and it ran over him. ment. by Dr. James P. Kennedy, A number of high school cussions, the board’s And tell they did: of Christmas holiday. They will make a third sur­ marriage, divorce, birth, scan­ Need For HEW superintendent of schools, students were present at the educational policies committee The commission says that 12 face excursion on Wednesday dal — the stuff that made BETTE QUATRALE : A subsequent check of the following explanation of the meeting. The ^scussion was met with faculty members in pedestrians w ere killed in and sleep a third night In the Louella Parsons the first and ^ . Corre8|MHidenl town’s retro coverage for April, rationale by high school ad­ rather lengthy, but calm, the interim. (Connecticut in December, 1971, Peace Talk valley of Taurus-Littrow before most powerful Hollywood Leadership Seen 1973 “ was another disaster,” ministrative personnel at the among high school teaching and Mrs. Eleanor Coltman, four more than the monthly Thfe Travelers Insurance Company has notified Vernon they leave the moon. gossip columnist. McCoy told the council, with Nov. 13 meeting. administrative personnel, stu­ educational policies committM average for the rest of the year. m ic r o w a v e /o vcn town officials of its decision to cancel all of Vernon’s in­ Apollo 17 will spend two more Mira Parsons, who died in a HARTFORD (AP) - getting people off welfare and' Vernon owing the insiu'ance Tempo The first will increase to 14, dent representatives on the co-chairman, reviewed ttot Also, the conunission says, six days in lunar orbit and then board, and board members. All convalescent home Saturday at Reminded that he once into jobs. White said that surance coverage, effective Dec. 18. company another $50,000 to from the present 13, the number meeting and then spoke In favor persons were killed in auto ac­ rocket toward the earth on 91, lived long beyond the age suggested that the federal despite the public impression { Tte announcement received yesterday by Town At­ $56,000. of credits required to graduate of it dealt with the pros and of board adoption of the new cidents during the three-day Quickens Saturday. when stars fe a r ^ the goksip Department of Health, Educa­ that he’s “ stingy,” Connecticut | made only by yxmaiia It was at this time Travelers for members of the present cons of the first proposal. Dr. graduation requirements Christmas holiday in 1971, four torney Abbott Schwebel was prompted |>y a dispute columnist’s influence. tion and Welfare should be has ended up with a “ most threatened the town with Splashdown in the South junior class; and to 15 for Kennedy was originally proposal. more than In 1970. between the town and Travelers over the amount of funds PARIS (A P ) - Henry A. A rosary will be said ’Tuesday burned to the ground, state magnificent program.” cancellation of all its insurance Pacific and the end of the last members of the present Scheduled to submit his Gaiw Segal, an MHS student, Shoppers as well as motorists Kissinger and North Vietnam’s at the Church of the Good Welfare Commissioner Henry He said the controversial flat i owed to ’Travelers under a “ retro-rate” type of insurance coverage effective Dec. 18. Apollo flight will com e on sophomore class and all classes recommendation at the Nov. 27 last night presented a petition, are accident-prone, says the Le Due Tho opened the 14th Shepherd in Beverly Hills. White said Sunday he hopes to grant welfare system has{ policy which Vernon carries. ' The town presently pays Tuesday, Drc. 19. that follow. meeting but requested that ac- signed by some 800 students, as commission. see new leadership from HEW meant more money for 70 per. meeting of their secret peace a reaction to a paper that he What the stars didn’t tell. Schwebel teimed Travelers Town officials were confident Travelers an annual premium “ Large number of people are under a new administration. cent of the families on welfare talks today in a villa in subur­ said he wrote relative to the Miss Parsons often found out actions "am azing” and the situation would be rectified. of $70,000 plus another $38,000 on foot in heavily congested ban Gif sur Yvette where Tho anyway. and added that the welfare! scheduled a meeting t^ a y with for fire insurance coverage. board’s Nov. 13 discussion. areas. Their attention is A telephone call Friday, from acted as host. Once, it was said, Debbie “ I guess I did say that,” he department’s medical program' the State Insurance Com- Chesterton Appointed Relative to the petition, Jef­ McLeod proved otherwise. diverted from traffic by “ is probably number one.” ; (See Page Twenty) frey Stone, student represen­ Reynolds denied to her that she said. missioper at the State Capitol. Kissinger earlier unexpected­ sidewalk congestion, by window tative on the board, commented was pregnant. But a few hours “ I do feel that they (HEW) Probably no one on the TV pan- j Mayor Frank Mc(3oy, Schwebel ly dropped in on a subcom­ displays, and by concentration Allan B. Chesterton Jr., On the motion of Paul Dr. Kennedy said that both later, the actress’ doctor was are prone, more than prone, to el has “ the medical benefits and a representative of the mittee of the top negotiators’ that the emotional opposition on their main concern—shop­ director of state and federal Greenberg, its chairman, the line and program budgets will on the phone to Miss Reynolds issuing all sorts of memoran­ that people on welfare do,” he town Insurance Advisory (}om- was the result of lack of ping.” deputies discussing details of a funds for the Board of ^ u c a - building and sites committee be ready for the board’s Jan. 8 dums concerning areas of said. m it^ will attend the meeting Weicker Spells knowledge, distorted facts, and with the positive results of a possible agreement. Tho was tion since 1967, last night was was authorized to form a 25-30- White also said that whoever meeting. misunderstanding. pregnancy test. A laboratory social reform from somewhere as Will representative from not present. appointed director of pupil per­ member citizens’ advisory replaces him as commissioner Nevertheless, he recommended assistant had tipped Miss Par­ down in the bowels of the Travelers. sonnel services. He will assume committee to study the long- R a y Demers, business sons. Court Asked organization rather than let should get tough immediately The town will not go without At the end of the subcom­ manager, said that a request that the board postpone its deci­ Out Proposed the 11-month post, at a salary of range building program. The sion until a program of educa­ and "maintain the posture of mittee meeting, Kissinger and Miss Parsons shared the them filter up to the top where insurance protection, even if $19,775, when a replacement is responsibility for selecting the has been made for 50 per cent of To Halt Sale promoting self sufficiency the other participants drove the tion could te carried out for private lives of movie stars the talent is,” White said on the situation with Travelers obtained for his present posi­ citizens will be the building and state reimbursements for con­ WnC-TV’s “ Face the State.” among welfare recipients.” SEE AN AMAZING cannot be resolved, Schwebel 12 miles to Gif sur Yvette. verting the original Robertson students and teachers. with millions of readers for 40 Of Term Papers tion. sites committee's, after infor­ years. Under the new administra­ He said his .successor should hastened to explain to members Shield Law It was the first time in four School building to central ad­ On the same tack, M. Philip The board, by unanimous vote mal discussion with the entire “ be faster in being tough than I years of secret negotiations Susag said that he was dis­ She considered her greatest HARTFORD (AP) - Atty. tion appointed by President o f the Town C ^ncil at the end of the eight members present, board. ministration offices. When the did.” He defined “ tough” as LIVE DEMONSTRATION NEW YORK (AP) — Sen. Lowell P. Weicker ‘Jr., R- that Kissinger and Tho set up turbed by the fact that about scoops to be the 1935 breakup of Gen. Robert K. Killian has Nixon recently, he said, "we* o f last night’s meeting. Binder approved the appointment, Greenberg said that the money is received in town, he "pushing for the employment of subcommittees to discuss two years ago, the board ap­ Douglas Fairbanks and Mary asked Superior Court to dis­ might get some direction from coverage can be arranged with Ctonn., said today he will introduce in the next Congress a which was submitted by Dr. citizen group’s main added, he will request the those employable” and said his details of a possible accord im­ parently concurred with moves Pickford, an “ ideal” couple in solve Papers, Inc., a company the top.” THURSDAY DEC. 14 another insurance company. newsmen’s “ shield bill” designed to protect the public’s James P. Kennedy, superinten­ assignments will be to review Board of Directors to transfer successor would also “ have to mediately before a plenary at the high school to increase Hollywood’s golden days, and that he says has been selling He pointed to last week's an­ Asked what town coverage dent of schools. Chesterton present and future needs for |t to the Board of Elducation. keep the administrative end of 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. constitutional right to a free flow of information through meeting. The quickened pace study time (lengthening the the pregnancy in 1949 of Ingrid term papers to Connecticut nouncement from HEW’s wopld be affected by the succeeds Nathan Joy, former secondary facilities; analyze Dr. Kennedy said that the the business in order.” COME IN AND MEET the media. suggested that the talks were school day to eight periods, and Bergman by Italian director college students. regional office that Connecticut canqellation, Schwebel replied, Lincoln School principal, who the reasons for the defeat of target date for moving offices Asked why he didn’t in­ He said his “ News Media Source Protection Act” differs approachikng a clim ax, but increasing class hours from 22 Roberto Rossellini when Miss Killian charges in his lawsuit could lose $2.7 million because “ e v ^ th in g .” This includes the was named acting director of two school referendums and from 45 School St. to Robertson tervene on tehalf of welfare both sides maintained their per week to 27). It would seem, Bergman was married to that the term paper business in­ of exisitng fraud and ineligibili­ town’s fire insurance and its in­ from numerous bills already introduced because it defines pupil personnel services Oct. lessons to be learned; recom­ is now the April recess, rather recipients who, according to a blanket of secrecy. he added, that in the meantime, anoUier man. terferes with the “ contractual ty among its welfare recipients. surance covering the schools as “ the complex legal questions of what protection would be 16. mend immediate actions, with than Christmas vacation. recent court orfer, were being LIND THOMPSON, there has been no communica­ Stars often came to the relationship” between state The statement was “ based on well as basic coverage. granted and to whom. emphasis on solutions that overcharged for rent in New Chesterton has been Mi«cellaneou» tion by the administration with columnist’s home, or stopped colleges and their students. 1971 fig u r e s and th is is IS town’s retro-rate policy, meet the roa "It is now evi­ Haven’s public housing. White HOME ECONOMIST associated with the school The board acted on three faculty and students. by her restaurant table to offer The attorney general says the ridiculous when we have a 100 was adopted in 1966, on the ad­ Weicker made his remarks in only in cases of "murder, forci­ dent that th|e'i)esition (full-time said,“ We have no responsibility system since 1961. After ser­ professional positions. It ap­ Mrs. Roberta Walnum of the news tips. She attended as Commission for Higher Educa­ per cent review going on” to SHE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO vice of the Insurance Advisory a speech prepared for delivery ble rape, robbery, aggravated Truman’s school physician) will not be over housing.” ving as teacher of Grades 5 and proved the appointment of Mrs. Cooperative Occupational many as four parties a night to tion sought his help in fighting eliminate fraud and ineligible CUT COOKING TIME BY 75 % Committee and the agoit of to attorneys with the Associa­ assault, burglary, larceny of filled for the balance of the “ Surely you could have done 6 at Bowers School until 1963, he Dorothy Hardy, a resident of Education Program at MHS, • ferret out inside gossip. sellers of term papers. recipients. White said. COOK A 5-LB. ROAST IN 39 MINUTES. record, Jack Mason. tion of Life Insurance (Council. more than $50, auto theft, kid­ Night school year,” Dr. Kennedy something,” his questioner was appointed principal of Manchester, to. teach spoke briefly but submitted to At her peak, the “ Tell It To To get evidence against The commissioner’s resigna­ BAKE A POTATO IN 4 MINUTES, The tom is liable for all “ This legislation is not a naping, airline hijacking and reported. Consequently, he said, adding that the com­ Buckland School, where he also mathematics, part time, at the board members a number of Louella’’ column, Sunday Papers, Inc., according to the tion was accepted by (3ov. COOK HOT OOQS IN 20 SECONDS. claim s .nnd judgments up to newsman’s privilege law, major breaches of national added, administrative action missioner was known for taking ^Unstable’ taught Grades 3 and 4 until 1967. high school, effective Jan. 29. points in opposition to the in- features and special articles suit, an assistant attorney Thomas J. Meskill Friday. A $11,900, but must also pay for though that’s what it may be security.” has extended the contract of a hard line against cheating by A native^of Jonesport, Maine, She received her BA in creased graduation appeared in 1,200 papers around general posed as a student and successor has not been chosen FREE Travelers attorneys and called by some — because' it’s —“ Protection be limited to Dr. Robert Galvin, who has KANSAS a T Y (AP) - Harry Chesterton received his chemistry and mathematics in requirements. Among her the world. and no date has been announced welfare recipients. business expenses in lesser not for newsmen, it’s for you — ‘legitimate’ members of the been rendering the service asked the company for a paper S. Truman’s respiration, pulse elementary school and junior 1957 from the University of arguments were that requiring Miss Parsons had been for White’s departure. “ I am responsible for welfare CRYSTAL STEMWARE court^rdered settlements, the American public,” Weicker professional media.” since 1967. on “ the Significance of the Bat­ and temperature were unstable high school certificate from New Hampshire. Salary, $7,725, more credits would be plagued since 1962 by a series of Perhaps best kno\ra for his recipients cheating but I have Schwebel explained. This can said. —“ Only sources of informa­ tle of Antietam on the Civil overnight, the former Washington State Normal pro-rated. “ punitive” to the unwilling and ailments which included strong stances on saving money no authority over housing,” result in the town baying to pay He said the bill would not tion and background informa­ War.” ’The official says in an af­ president’s doctors reported School, Machias, Maine, in Also, Miss Corinne Zanetti, a learning disabled students; pneumonia, shingles of the op­ in the welfare department and White answered. about $2,900 for a court ordered protect newsmen but would tion that would reveal the iden­ fidavit that he was sold the today. 1951. He earned a BS in 1956 and resident of Danbury, to teach already tight space would be tic nerve and fractures of the $2,000 settlement protect a “ constitutional right tity of a source be protected.’’ paper for $3.50 per page, plus A spokesman at Research a master’s in elementary ad­ elementary music, part time, further taxed; 13 credits are hip and shoulder. Although the town has been we all have in the free flow of —“ Absolute protection be $1.72 sales tax. WITH PURCHASE Hospital and Medical Center ministration and supervision in effective Jan. 2. She received a normal for a three-year high Her career began in Chicago, receiving refunds from news. granted before grand juries, said at 10 a.m. EST that the 88- 1961, both from the University BA from the University of school; and learning takes where she wrote her first OFRADARANCE Travelers over the past few “If newsmen are forced to congressional committees, Life Printing f year-old Truman’s “ vital signs of Maine. In 1963, he received Connecticut this year. Salary, place in other that the column for the Record-Herald. Ciioicest Meats In Town! years from the policy, a recent reveal their sources, there, is commissions, etc., where became somewhat unstable his sixth-year certificate, also $7,725, pro-rated. traditional classroom. ’That paper failed, and she AT DEMONSTRATON five-year review Vernon’s every danger that some of those specific crim e has not yet been Plant May # during the night. Respiration, in elementary administration The board approved the joined the New York experience rating, resulted in a sources will dry up. That will established.” This would pre­ She also suggested alter­ pulse and temperature in­ and supervision, from the request of Mrs. Clara Smith, Telegraph, switching to Be Affected i $49,000 debt owed by the town to infringe upon your right to bear vent, he .explained, “ fishing natives to increased TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! SI creased. Blood pressure University of Hartford. elementary music department requirements for use of William Randolph Hearst’s Travelers. the full story. expeditions” and the use of the OLD SAYBROOK (AP) - remains within normal limita.” Before coming to head, to change her assignment presently unassigned time and New York American in 1922. Qsnulne “Wayb0$t" McCoy and the town attorney “ That is what we are protec­ press as an investigative arm of The demise of Life magazine The spokesman did not Manchester, Chesterton was from full time to half time for further discussions involving a She was bom Louella Get- met Thursday with John ting,” Weicker said. “ We are the government. Dec. 29 might have elaborate and did not supply supervising principal and the remainder of the school representative cross-section of tinger in Freeport, HI. Chicken Breasts McLeod of Travelers and protecting a constitutional “ To abridge the source ramifications here. specific pulse, temperature and teacher of mathematics, year. parents, students, and faculty. Mason, to discuss the problem. right, not somebody’s protection, the prosecution She is survived by her It was a “ fair asstunpUon” blood pressure counts as has The board voted to request B B R N t B Vernon officials advised privilege.” ^ science, and social studies at Stating that he does not con­ daughter, Harriet, bom by her would have to establish that un­ that the printing plant of R.R. and Legs been the practice in previous the Rose Gaffney School in the Board of Directors to es­ sider the proposal first marriage to John Parsons, Travelers it was almost im­ He said bis bill basically covering the source would Donnelly & Sons would be briefings. Machias from 1956 to 1961. tablish a $68,103 washout ac­ “ unreasonable,” Principal who died in 1919. Her second Your Cholco, Mix or Moteh possible to com e up with the provides that: provide evidence of direct affected by the death of the The hospital’s three ad­ count to fund Project Head George Emmerling of MHS marriage, to Jack McCaffrey of TV & APPLIANCE full $tt,000 halfway through the —“ (2ualified protection will relevance, that there is no magazine, said company Presi­ visories Monday described CSiesterton is married to the Start for the 1973 calendar year, said that the action has not been (Tiicago, failed. budget year, offering to pay be granted under very strict alternative way to get that dent Thurman Fribw ee Satur- HIGHLAND PARK MARKET Manchester Parkade Store Only Truman as resting, but doctors former Jayne Padfield. With as authorized by the Depart­ taken overnight nor in the last ' In 1939, she and Dr. Harry $20,0(io now and the balance circumstances once the case evidence and that a major day. Tol. 643-9561 cautioned that his condition their three children—Lisa, 17, ment of Health, Education and few months. He added that in when the new budget was gets to the trial stage.” He said crim e or breach of national Martin, a physician for 20th 'The firm prints copies of the 317 Highland St., Manchester—Phone 646-4277 ^ “still is serious and will con­ Tami, 15, and Mark, 12-they . Welfare, Office of Child OPEN MON. - PRI. 10-9 SAT. 10-6 adoptled. disclosure could be compelled security is at issue.” (See Page Twenty) Century-Fox studio, were magazine for East coast dis­ tinue so for an indefinite time.” live at 83 Hillcrest Dr., Vernon. A. B. Chesterton Jr. Development. married. He died in 19B1. tribution. i « «

I 5 > ir'

a^NCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchegter. Conn., Tues., Dec. *12, H72 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Cohn., Tues., Pec. U, lO T - PAGE THREE, • Sheinwold on Bridge Words An Authdr Hates EXPERTS SEE WAY South dealer See flBturdBai*a TV n t r t U t < By HAL BOYLE Willoughby, but he always astrology that won’t make a shows up first at the firm’s TO DEFEAT EXPERTS East-West vi'ilnerahic te r Oouplote lU O atit. NEW YORK (AP) - profit.” Christmas party whether he’s By ALFRED SHEINWOLD NORTH Remarks an author tii^ of “He went to the book store When today's hand was A K 9 2 hearing: invited or not. So don’t put out for an autographing session, — 6 i0 0 — the food fco' an hour — or there played as part of a match A 10 9 3 “Why don’t you write a cook and ail the people whO' had between four professional 0 K Q (3-8-22) NEWS won’t be any left for the real bought his book showed up and * A 8 64 book? Evetyooe else has.” athletes and the Dallas Aces, (18) 12 O’CLOCK HIGH “I’ll tell you why I think you guests.” demanded their money bad:.’’ WEST EAST (24) ZOOM “Why don’t you write a novel “Whoever gave Willoaghby a J i bridge team champions of the ahould use a nom de plume — world in 1970 and 1971, the ♦ Q 7 4 A 103 (30) TO TELL THE TRUTH about astrology, Willoughby? typewriter didn’t do literature 9? None because I don’t think anyone athletes were allowed to in­ <:? J 8 7 6 4 2 (40) WILD WILD WEST Nobody can write a book on much of a favor, did he?” fi- 0 lOH 6 5 4 O 97 could make WUloughby Wilber- spect each other's cards for 15 * K Q J 10 7 * 5 3 2 — 6»30 — force Willoughby a household (3) CBS NEWS All ice cream on premises seconds before the bidding and SOUTH name.” n sT'^ again for five seconds before A AJ865 (8) ABC NEWS “You didn’t put enough sex in the play (if they were CP KQ5 (22-30) NBC NEWS It.” defenders). The results were O A J 3 2 (24) MAGGIE — EXERCISES “You put too much sex in it.” often more hilarious than ■ $ * 9 — 6i55 — “I bear they are going to give instructive, as today's hand South West North East (40) NEWS a cocktail party when your new demonstrates. All Pass novel comes out — but they’re 6 ♦(!) — 7iOO — South dealer Opening, lead - 4> K going to bold it in a telephone Order roar new Color TV or Appftonc# Now tor ChrMmee Savings. Choon from Famous Brand Nemee — All wHh Sooclel Otters Elast-West vulnerable (3) WORLD OF KRESKIN booth.” (8) TRUTH OR 36 F L A V O R S - 6 0 V A m E T ie S Opening lead — King of Clubs “I must say I haven’t read a CONSEQUENCES Tim McCarver, star catcher toward dummy for a safety word you’ve written. But I have of the St. Louis Cards, had seen (18) DICK VAN DYKE play. (22-30) NEWS read all the reviews of your I his partner's cards and books, and some of them didn’t GIVE A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING t: ‘ Unsafe Safely Play therefore saw no reason to bid (24) DEAF CITIZEN When West plays low on the (40) ABC NEWS sound W bad.” SALE less than six spades at his first second round of spades, “What dp you do besides turn. — 7.30 — write books?” declarer should finesse with (3) I’VE GOT A SECRET West opened the king of clubs dummy's nine to guard against “Why don’t^ you write a book (8) THIS IS YOUR LIFE qn ecology?OlOf Ecology’s big right K i t c h e n A i d to dummy's ace, and McCarver Q-lO-x-x in the West hand. If the (18) MOVIE Westinghouse refrigerator finesse happens to lose to the now.” MADE BY THE WORLD’S OLDEST AND LARGEST wasted no time in leading “Cruisin' Down the River” f t M I T H ten (as it would in this case), “I wish my wife were here to MAKER OF COMMERCIAL DISHWASHERS dummy's king of spades and (1953). Audrey Totter, Billy then continuing with a spade for only one trump remains out; meet you. ^ e ’s the one in the Daniels. family who’s gaga over literary 8' i Stop bsing the dithwsthor. Bst a new KItehonAM NOWI Minau a finesse with the jack. West and declarer can later draw won with the queen of spades, that trump with dununy's king. (22) I DREAM OF JEANNIE lions.” 17.1 FT.^FROST-FREE but McCarver easily had the In this case, however, the (24) FAMILY GAME “Willoughby, this one really rest. athlete who held the East cards (30) GOLDDIGGERS would have knocked them dead INSTALLED would know that his partner Guest: Rosey Grier. SO years ago when the Saturday We expected fireworks at the was void of hearts. After (40) DRAGNET Evening Post was going stixmg. 18 other table of the match winning the safety finesse with What do you plan to do with it Clear Pak Jrsi AT NO EXTRA COST — 8.00 - because Los Angeles expert Ed­ the ten of spades East would now — bury it?”’ Ws will install your new Kitchen Aid In your Separate die Kantar bad constructed the (3) “I told you 'tefore you started Fresh Carvel ice cream ICHSOiAACOIOR return a heart to defeat the wiring and fronts at no sxtra cost hand in such a way as to trap UConn Huskies vs. UMass the book I didn’t like the idea in with tasty fruH topping. Controls slam. Minutemen. the experts. The fiendish trap didn't work Looks at America the first.place. Now that you’ve (8-40) TEMPERATURES written the book, I don’t like the At the other table of the since at the second table the RISING Twin Aces failed to bid the slam. The Alistair Cooke stands in front of the Raleigh Tavern in idea in the second place.” Choose from match, the Aces were going to The staff wants to get rid of “Hack writers are a dime a for hold the North-South cards. athletes won the six-hand the new head nurse. Williamsburg, Va., one of the many places he visits during Custom Crispers match much to the amusement dozoi, but when they’re as bad They Would bid six spades, Kan­ (22-30) HALL OF FAME Making a Revolution,” the third segment of NBC-TV’s as Willoughby they are a dime a PORTABLES tar expected, but declarer of all who watched or Special — Richard Harris and “America” Series. The documentary airs tonight at 10 on Imperial participated —< including the baker’s dozen.” Glide Out would take the ace of clubs and Jenny Agutter star in “The Channels 22 and 30. “We’ll be glad to send you« Reg. 8 For $1.00 would then lead a spade to Ue very sporting Dallas Aces. Show (joose,'' a drama of an Superior TABLE Daily Queallun your royalties, Willoughby, as Rollers ace and a low spade back orphan girl and a deformed soon as they amount to more MODELS Ah dealer, you hold: artist. than the postage it would take S|ittde», K-9-2; Hearts, A-IO- (24) FOURTH ESTATE 9-3; DiamondH, K-Q; Clubs, Musidan Recalls to mail the letter.” SALE CONSOLES - r 8.30 — “Why don’t you (write a book A-8-6-4. (8-40) MOVIE Whal do you say? on Abraham Lincoln and the SAVE : ^ “ Pursuit” (1972). Ben women’s liberation movement, Latest Models s; t Answer: Bid 1-NT. This bid Gazzara and E. G. Marshall Television Entry promises 16 to 18 points in high Willoughby? No one else has.” / I r play adversaries in a crime “Why don’t you spend your We will install your cards, strength in at least three By VICTOR STANTON “I know I could have never New Features Batter than Qodlathar drama. winters on the Fren^ Riviera new Kitchen Aid in­ NBC TV-Chicago suits and balanced distribution. (24) BILL MOYERS TORONTO (AP) — Gor­ found a more favorable niche in Copyright 1972 like most successful writers cluding plumbing and ■ t. ij. “America for Sale,” a report don Robinson found his the world of music than the one do?” General Features Corp. I have for many, many reasons. Dffer good with this coupon wiring *318 on land-buying. “niche in the world of THE VALACHI My style of thinking in music “I’m afraid you’ll have to go music” 20 years ago. just fits exactly and Liberace back to driving a cab for the Clear Pak Jrs.^— I P A P E R S (R ) It came about while the Tor­ himself trusts me thoroughly. Christmas season, Willoufdiby, — 9.00 — onto-born musician was watch­ He never questions anything I or else Santa Claus won’t come 10 for }1.00 . with Charles Bronson (18) 700 CLUB ing the 1952 New Year’s Day do.” to our house this year,” (22-30) THE BOLD ONES Rose Bowl game on television Robinson, whose family “ Willoughby can be Bring coupon to Carvel below nU(BZiD COLOR TV An emotional singer at his Los Angeles home. moved to the United States something of a nuisance if we I Check Timetable lor time. an utauin, hired contemplates suicide. when he was a young boy, send back one of his novels the (24) BEHIND THE LINES “I’ll never forget it,” Rob­ same day he submits it. Keep it inson said. works only for Liberace, a six- by **The Famlly*’- months-a-year job that allows a week and spill some coffee on sse l•LAvol«s 2 SPEED-AUTOMATIC WASHER "The phone rings and it’s a him half a year to catch up on 3 11 G REEN tohltt... ® friend of mine calling to say he the manuscript. Then he’ll at .eovARieries Electric Starts Tomorrow — 9.30 — the work aroimd the home and least think we read it.” . 5 W ATER TEM P. S E n iN G X L -1 0 0 had played a danCe the previous Good (24) BLACK JOURNAL nigbt_and met a (nan who was social activities that are ne­ “If that guy is a literary lion, MANCHESTER | % URNSIDE The Congress of African glect^ during concert tours then I must have forgotten what Dec. 0th. 100% Solid State AccuColor STATE looking for an arranger for a and nightclub and television en­ to 14th. People. piano player who was going to a mouse looks like.” A f i a a r ' * ' * gagements. “ No, I didn’t invite — 10.00 — start a television show. DRYER (3) DON RICKLES. “He told me the piano play­ Water Level the tri -lumfiMm- ALIVE & KICKING er's name and I didn’t even FU LL LINE Special — Music, comedy, know him.” Control and caustic comedy. Guests: The piano player was Liber- PORTABLES 18 lb. Heavy Duty DR. ZHIVAGO Juliet Prowse, Anne Meara, ace. Playing at 7:30 PM Harvey Korman. "A couple days later we met m Lint Filter R«g. and Fluff H«at Low Admission Prices (8-40) MARCUS WELBY and framed and built that first CONSOLES Up Front Lint Trip Story of hazards faced by television show. “He was given four shows to Heavy Duty Coming Soon, 3001 Space Odessey volunteer medics. LATEST (22-30) AMERICA make it in Los Angeles without MODELS Installed with Special — “ Making a a sponsor. After the second Pigtail and V«nt show, the biggest bank chain in Revolution.” Documentary on LATEST I why we fought for Los Angeles bought it and I sat ‘I.: JEnnv i-Ewis'V'^ 'onema on the sidelines and watched S V t U V A ir AVB . - 4IMMI ~ io o t w V O n iM Independence. FEATURES (24) STATE OF CONN. this thing develop over the SALE years from absolutely nothing ACT FAST — 10.35 — to a storybook showbiz story CAST OP THE RIVER (24) MARTIN AGRONSKY and I’ve been part of it ever NEWEST TWIN CINE8 — 11.00 — since and it’s been marvelous.” OKNS FRL, DEC. 22nd (3-8-^2-30-40) NEWS As well as arranging music 10 Mhiuft from HtrtlortI (18) EL SUPER SHOW for the orchestra that plays be­ KM 88—At 1-00 hind Liberace, Robinson has SAVE — 11.30 — conducted the orchestration for ‘2 1 8 (3) MOVIE all of the pianist's television “David and Lisa” (1962). Kelr Duilea, Janet Margolin. and personal appearance shows for the last two decades. n u I r t t t l - M . M (BUI M) (8-40) DICK CAVETT C IN 1 1 Guest: George McGovern. CURTIS SrAI JLt '■ KUBRICK’S ‘RMar Oi Thi I n T (22-30) JOHNNY CARSON MODERN 4 CINIZ PHILCO MATHES — SAVE 12:00 M 2001: A SPACE ‘Trta Md W lit bi (18) NEWS FHARMACY 3 0 % O D Y S S E Y --© ON RT. 83 % PHILCOiyiATIC m CUSTOM CUSTOM COLOR TV Theater Solid State Modular ChassisI i ONE BUTTON TUNING Time Schedule INSTALLED The Little Theatre WALL TO WALL GREATEST COLOR TV VALUE of MaidRstor, he. state Theater — “Gone With snifests The Wind,’’ 7:30 Burnside theater — “The GIVE A Mechanic,” 8:00 Conaideiing the long and Jerry Lewis Cinema, South dismal history of arthritis, NEW 19 73 CARPET Portables GIFT OF Windsor — “Dr. Zhivago,” 7:30 you mi|d>t think that some YEAR-ROUND Meadows Drive-In — universally effective form MODELS “ Dracula A. D. ’72,” 7:30; of treatment would have Consoles PLEASURE “Crescendo,” 9:20 beoi found by now... Yet U. A. Theater East — no one has ever discovered Full SAVE A subscription for the 1973 season. “Valachi Papers,” 7:00-9:25 a cure-all for arthritis . ., Even so, there have been Features tickets for three major shows (“Rainmaker,” remarkable advances in Iwshamon, and “Fiddler on the Roof” ) — PLUS the diagnosis and treat­ ■ s »«£ r Portables UOO. tickets to a bonus show — PLUS a subscribers’ MUMERAnNQB ment of arthritis in recent Over other makes workshop production - PLUS monthly issues of forparentbano years . . . As research continues, new inodes of Happening, the LTM news and preview bulletin. V O U N Q P E O n f • a ! * Consoles n tmuhtootHiimkwmm treatment, even though not Six New England artists present awMM akHt aw tWMsaiy w capable of curing arthritis, A cord will bo tont you which you moy givo Ma aMiM iM it ar awa oaiwi can at least slow It down or tho rociplont of your gift minimize permanent Joint iMiMu aMuim damage and enable victims Rosemarie Belcher, 706 Griffin Rd., to live more comfortable South Windsor, Conn. 06074: Auatnawintt and active lives .. . E 3 WnmoQMmUmm JfA N CH BenR My Name...... Phone ...... Proper medication alleviates Theldephone Open Daily till 9 P Address ...... a great amount of disconfort. Open Daily till 9 P. I wish to give a Subscription (2 tickets) iis.bo .'!]! ■nnicia Fill your prescriptions at Patron Subscription (2 tickets) |K.00 FaMtraaaiaaaWn' LENOX PHARMACY, 299 E. ftudent Subscription (1 ticket) |5.00 !...... , Center St., Tel. 6494)696 lo t free Merely a gadget, or is it a voice route to the human landscape? We to Dec. 22 Oieck enclosed...... Bill me la te r...... " delivery. Open 8-9. Sun. and asked six New England artists to interpret the to Dec. 22 YBLBYlBiON APmAMCI Saturday to 5 P.M. Gift made out for Name Phone ...... I "• ” «—iras HoUdays 84. “Symbol Of Finest Seturdey to 5 P.M. Address ...... (••iiiaMaMyHiW Pharmacy Service.” Gift D ^t., phone, each in his or her own style. Now, Southern laaiftaaianap Film, Cosmetics, Candy. We New England Telephone is proud to present a book of NEXT TO STOP and SHOP NO MQNEY DOWN honor Master Charge Cards. NO MONEY DOWN (Mw a «M Mat taElE WHf (Mtt MiMgkeM «M yMwI -‘B m - I phones and graphic statements about the phone P H O U i Our 1973 catalog. Freeat The Phone Store. STORl

“i.' ' i tD A 4 4’ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Tues.. Dec. 12.1972— PAG E FIVE iHanrljffitrr iEupittttg M^ralb LTM Board

Founded Oct, i, 1881 Will Meet caacuiT COURT Published by Manchester Publishing 12 under tte influence of Uquor). Wednesday newspapo* by carrier dally before 6 p.m. ^M anehesler SeMion NeU P. Zaffin, 21, of Ashfintl, Co-. U Brainard Place, Manchester, should telqrfione the circulation depart­ James Pendergast, newly Coon. 06040, telephone 64S-2711 (AC 208.) fined $80 for falsely reporting elected president of tte Little ment, 647-9946. St., pleaded nolo conten- an incident. Theatre of Manchester (LTM ), Published every evening except Sundays ore (no contest) to a charge of *- Member Audit Bureau of Circulation has caUed a meeting of his •nd holidays. Ekitered at the Manchester, Msault Monday, Cases nolled Monday in- board of directors for Conn., Post Office as SecMid n a «« Mail Member of The Associated Press and Judge Philip Dwyer found eluded; Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Matter. ^ guilty and imposed a fine of Jon N. Burgess, 21 of 40 w . LTM rooms at 22 Oak St., for H ie Manchester Publishing Co. assumes Olcott St., Apt. 227, charged Burl L. Lyons Publisher tte purpose of organisation and no financial responsibility for The charge stemmed from a with breach irf peace. tte appointment of conunittee typographical errors appearing in adver­ Nov, 19 incident in which an 18- Subscription Rates PhiUp M. (foreoran, 17, of heads. tisements and other reading matter in The yew-old girl was shot in tte leg East Hartford, fourth-degree Pendergast, a member of tte Payable in Advance Manchester Evening HeraM. with a pistol. larceny. theater group for six years, One Month |S.2S One Year |39.00 Display advertising closing hours, three T te shooting allegedly oc- Item as J. Edwards, 48, of curred in a panel tru ^ parked previous^ served a term on tte Copy 15* Six Months I19.S0 full days prior to publication. Bolton, faUure to obey traffic board as vice president for By Carrier, Weekly 75* Three Months |9.75 Deadline for Herald want ads, 12 noon at P e d ’s IMve-In restaurant, control sign. M!KR 462 Center production. He has appeared as prior to day of publication; 12 noon FYiday William H. Faucher, 84, of Subscribers who fail to receive their an actor and he has been for publication Saturday and Monday. H ie victim, Jan Cruickshanks Hinsdale, N.H., causing un­ A great assortment of dress slacks in a variety of hand­ of 14 NUes Dr., was treated at responsible for tte design of necessary noise with a motw many LTM sets and for tte Manchester Memorial vehicle. some shades and surface patterns. Flare or straight leg Ho^ital. decor of many productions. Hou7 J. FigeUa, 21, of 20 Other officers are Betty styles with western or quarter top pockets. Pinney St., Ellington, hazar­ Lundberg, vice president for hfichael T. Daly, 16, of 16 dous parking. business;\ Frank MinutiUo, vice A Bit of Comfort Hathaway Lane, was remanded ’Ihomas J. GUberU, 22, of presidoit for production; Ruth to tte custody of tte state com­ North Hyde Park, N.Y., Rowley, vice president for missioner of mental health by hitchhiking. pubUc relations; Sharon Kay, In Our Inflation -Judge Dwyer Monday. Robert W. Kaezynski, 20, of treasurer; Toni Fogarty, Daly wlU probably be sent to New Britain, possession oif secretary; Rosemarie Belcher, Norwich State Hospital. ’The Although it has been kept down to they were in 1964. But the usual marijuana. patron cteirman, and David ■ # commitment is to be not less Lestina M. Kucienski, 30, of (fooney, past president. about 3 per cent over the past 12 purchase today is an acrylic water- than 30 days nor more than one 81 Main St., issuing a bad The L'TM patron subscription year. check. months, the dismal fact remains that base paint that lasts 25 to 40 per cent drive opens in January. ’The Daly was charged with in­ ENTIRE STOCK! the cost of living index (CPI) has longer than the typical oil-base paint Charles S. Lathrop, 17, of new season will include “ ’The toxication and tampering with a Edgemere Rd., Coventry, im­ Rainmaker,” “Roshamon,” soared by 28 per cent since 1967, and of the early 1960s. It also covers better motor vehide. The first charge proper passing. and "Fiddler on the Roof,” as was dismissed and the second (Hdy the most unregenerate optimist and is niore convenient to use, since R o b e rt S. R oth , 21, o f well as six workshop presen­ charge was nolled (not Brooklyn, N.Y., conspiracy. tations — one of whidi will be .expects an}rthing but continued infla­ brushes or rollers can now be washed prosecuted). Our Regular $13 John H. Salmon, 19, of especially designed for patron tion. in water. Hingham, Mass., hitchhiking. subscribers. T^ical New England. (Photo by Sylvian Ofiara.) Other cases disposed of Mon­ Julie C. Zukas, 16, of 82 White An LTM touring troupe is According to the CPI, sheets have day included: The situation, fortunately, is not St., failure to obey traffic con­ availabie to present their gone up by 20 per cent since 1964. In John W. Aberle, 18, of Moun­ trol markings. DOUBLE KNIT necessarily as dismal as the figures. musical revue for community tain St., RockviUe, fined $150 fact, most buyers have switched to organizations. ’They are also The reason, points out F. Lee Moore foil operating'a motor vehicle Trim White House Judge Dwyer ordered a developing a children’s puppet polyester-cotton combinations that e under the influence of rearrest of RiWil R. Turcotte, DRESS SLACKS Jr. in Mmiey magazine, is that the show. cost about 50 per cent more than all­ Capital >r. An additiimal charge, 23, of Ident Rd., South Windsor, CPI, the govemmrat’s basic "market Sdiaregarding a stop sign, waswhen he faUed to appear in cotton sheets but last at least twice as Problems? No Way basket” of certain goods and services, ndlled. court Monday. Judge Dv^er set long and require no ironing. Brian C. Archambault, 17, of About Town measures changes in prices but Andrew Tally bond at $5,000 with surety. On the CPI, daily hospital service By BRUCE BIOSSAT John Kennedy, Lyndon John­ and confidant to his brother, Fare 6 fl Wetherell St., fined ^ on a Turcotte is charged with two Members of the Army 8c seldom takes into account changes in When President Nixon talks son. once told me: “ We can’t figute suratltute charge of failure to counts of third-degree burglary charges are about six times as much Navy Club Womra’s Auxiliary Our Regular $15 the quality of the goods and services now of trimming back his White The White House thus out how to get thin^ going at drive ,ln the established lane. and one count each of Uiird- are reminded to meet at the as they were in 1960. But in many House staff and giving his became the great locus of state.” He was originally charged vnth degree larceny and first-degree clubhouse Wednesday at 6 p.m. to'keq) track of. department heads greater voice operating a motor vehicle while larceny. The charges stem cases, new antibiotics and vaccines power, the center of national 8o the VHiite House became to help distribute Christmas CcMisider one simple example, he and authority, it is not unfair to Need Their Heads Examined under the influence of liquor. from thefts of about $7,100 in management, not least because the driving engine, the prod. gifts to the convalescent WOOL WORSTED have reduced or eliminated the need remind the country that he said so many problems were Add to the trend the fact that so Gene L. Blazensky, 23, of 428 merchandise in recent breaks homes. says. Motor oil is up 70 per cent on the WASHINGTON - In the case for hospitalization. the very same thing in 1968, “ foreim ” and the president’s many problems seemed to slash dark place, alone. In any event, W. Middle ’Tpke., fined $30 for at the Manchester Tobacco Co., CPI since 1956. But because of of the parents of the United testimony revealed that both before he took office. This is not authority in this realm is legally across department lines, to failure to obey traffic control 29 BisseU St., and the J.A. T te Ladies Aid Society of For instance, mastoiditis, a painful States vs. Hell (]ity, I confess to DRESS SLACKS! technological advances in both oil and said to question his sincerity great. intertwine with each other, and girls were hysterical when they signs (originally reckless White Glass Ctf., 31 BisseU St. Zim Lutheran Church will spon­ prejudice. H u t is to say, I driving). ear infection, was once dangerous and either then or now. You can argue, from good need decision at the top. It is reported the attacks and a ’Turcotte was apprehended by sor its annual Christmas party automobile engines, one quart of oil maintain that parents who dis­ But it is a simpie fact that he evidence, that the natural still that way, and no words physician, said she found at James Desrosiers o f Victoria Manchiester Police Nov. 22 and Friday at 6 p.m. with a poUuck. often required major surgery. In 1940, patch their daughters to college now goes up to three times as far as it did not bring if off when he consequence of presidential and from Mr. Nixon can change it. least 10 sizable bruises on the Rd., Coventry, fined $15 for was released on a $5,000 non­ Mrs. Henry Nelson, chairman, treatment cost about $338. Today it is assumed the office in 1969, and or any oUiot boarding sdiool in body of one of the coeds. allowing a dog to roam. surety bond. NOW White House growth is As for Congress, its decline will be assisted by Mrs. Jten ^did ^ the xHid-lOSOs.' this lunatic c(»nmunity should a good guess is that he will find diminished power and influence has other causes than White So, the question arises: How Brian G. Dubock, 35, of 16 Marks, Mrs. George Magnuson, under $35. have their heads examined. it extremely difficult to do so in both the federal bureaucracy House enlargement. Its much resistance should a (fook Dr., Bolton, fined $30 for Mrs. Margaret Storrs, Mrs. Most of toddy’s cars require oil TTie moral, says Moore, is that con­ This is unfair, because speeding. this time, though bis intent and the Congress. On its face, mechanisms are obsolete in a female put up to a rapist? My Charles Kuhl and Mrs. Washington has a lot of good in­ c h a n ^ only every 4,000 to 6,000 sumers should avoid the easy but mis­ seems earnest enough. In the the proposition has to be true. trigger-quick age. Its men still craven reply is practically Sandra S. Goodale, 32, of Sunk By Sinkers Katherine Thurner. Members fir!St instance, in late November stitutions of higher learning. none. It is craven, but it is also Meriden, fined $10 for operating miles, t^pared vHth the 1,000- to taken assumption that price rises Yet there is' more to the can rise lip on occasion and are reminded to bring gifts for of 1968, I wrote that what hb*. Unfortunately, however, it is rational, on account o f the a motor vehicle without a matter than that. The assert themselves to thwart a G ARY, Ind. (A P ) - ’Two a grab bag. Husbands or otter 2,OOO^e intervals'recommended 15 always threaten living standards. Nixon was promising would not fast becoming the rape capital graves in Hell City are filled license. bureaucracy burgeoned as mistaken or over-reaching gunmen got d ou ^ u ts but no male companions are welcome. work out, and the reasoning of the rountry, and parents with the bodies of girls \riio Edward E. Gumula, 55, of years ago. Thus the p er-in ili^ ;^ t of T h ^ should take headlines about the govenment grew along with an president. But most of the time dou ^ when they attempted to offered then strikes me as still haye enough problems without tried to fight off rapists: ' Willinaantic, fined $20 for oil is actually down by more flian 40 enlarging nation. It became an their “ action” has the look of a rob Sokits Bakery in this St. Gerard’s Mothers Circle rising consumer price index with a applying. inviting sexual assault on their And yet in Washington the breach of peace (originally alhibst immovable glacier. permanent blockade. They have northwestern Indiana city’s will meet tonight at 8:15 at the percent. ^ l i . •' ' law requires that the female fourth-degree larceny). grain of salt—a commodity, inciden­ What intervenes here are the Presidents puzzled over how to yielded up their power. midtown area. home of Mrs. Terry Paris, 55 To get down to specifics, a 17- prove that a sexual act “ was Thomas E. Maguire, 26, of House paint prices, for another tally, that still costs just about what it hard facts of life — the steadily make it move. The late Robert The presidency is where the Police said the owner, Bruce Rd. Mrs. Pat Holmes year-old black youth named committed forcibly and against North Uxbridge, Mass., fined mounting difficulties attached Kennedy, then attorney general action is, and so it will be. Chester Sokits, starting will be co-hostess. example, are 24 per cent higher than did in 1960. Santionta C. Butler was her will.” Standard instructions $150 for operating a motor vehi­ to managing a huge throwing doughnuts at the government in an ever more acquitted the other day of to juries declare: “You may cle while under the influence of would-be robbers. One of tte A midweek service of prayer populous country. charges that he raped a George not find that the complaining liquor. A charge of reckless men fired a shot and missed and praise will be conducted Scholars who might be called Today in History Washington University coed witness submitted out of fear of driving was nolled. before both fled under the dm- Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at basically White House- and forced her and another coed death or grave bodily harm Giuseppe Matarazzo, 22, of Western Republicans Today is Tuesday, Dec. 12, raised U.S. troop strength in tinuing hail of pastries. Calvary Church watchers, and there are quite a to commit sodomy. After the simply because she said she Hartford, fined $40 for the 347th day of 1972. There are South Vietnam to 475,000, few, generally note that the verdict was read, the judge told was afraid. Such fears must be speeding. 19 days left in the year. exceeding the maximum White House as an establish­ the jury that a police officer shown to have been Judge Dwyer recommended a Seek New Leadership Today’s highlight in history: buildup in the Korean War. ment has grown steadily'in size, had testified out of the jury’s reasonabie...” SOtey suspension of license. On this date in 1642, New One j)ear ago; President By Lee Roderick function and power since the presence that Butler had The instructions, of course, Jaye A. O’Brien, 17, of Zealand was discovered by Nixon was in the Azores for a •Christmas handkerchiefs their disillusionment with the way the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt. “ confessed to the charge,” but are designed to protect Lewiston, Maine, fined $15 for WASHINGTON-“ The GOP Dutch navigator Abel Tasman. meeting with President George .1 party operated—or failed to Many things iie at the core of that the confession was innocent males against operating a motor vehicle •tree ight replaceinent bulbs 1: ^ On this date: National Conunittee blew a goldeirap- this trend. Pompidou of France on' inadnnissible because the police frameup. But in effect they vdthout a license (originally operate—in the election was un­ In 1745, the first chief justice monetary and trade problems. In times of crisis, the call had not read Butler his fuil place the victim on trial along evading responsibility). portunity to have both a Republican of the U.S. Supreme Court, Today’s birthdays: Frank mistakable. from the country is for action. rights. with the suspect. I don’t qidte Allan P. Pilotte, 16, of 130 E. - r a John Jay, was bom in New Sinatra is 57. Actor Edward G. President and a Republican As the one great representative Just so. That’s the law, and, know how I would prove Main St., RockviUe, fined $15 “ Some arm-around-the-shoulder York City. Robinson is 79. Congress.” of all the people, the president like it or not, we’re stuck with “ reasonable fear” if an at­ for fourth-degree larceny. In 1792, in Vienna, 22-year-old MTES help for some of our Congressional is looked to as the initiator, the it. But it was interesting, in a tacker demanded my virtu'e or Francis F. Ursin, 53, of Grant This flat assertion by one Westerner Ludwig Van Beethoven paid candidates certainly would hhve innovator, and the man who can horrifying way, to read what my life, and few rapes are HIU Rd., Tolland, fln ^ $50 for Franz Joseph Haydn 19 cents . _ ’til who was a key figure in the effort to make the engine go. CURRENT QUOTES one member of the all-black committed before a gaggle of .reckless driving (originally helped,” said Washington State GOP for his first music lesson. From Rooseveit’s time on, jury had to say about why witness. Besides, even if a (g ra tin g a motor vehicle while reelect the President, is a sample of In 1804, Spain declared war “ It’s ludicrous to think the Chairman Earl Davenport. His state we have iived on an aimost Butler was acquitted. woman does submit to rape, it against Britain. Supreme Court or the supreme ' GOP resentment over results of the continuous diet of crisis. For According to Wendell L. is hard to understand why ter iillli -•lUI gave 57 per cent of its votes to the In 1894, Japanese troops anything is going to regulate recent reelection, in which President him it was both domestic and Martin, the general feeling of submission should- bar invaded Korea. the people’s morals.” — Nixon-Agnew team, yet elected six foreign, with the Great the jury was that “ not enough prosecution of the stranger who Nixon won by historic proportions In - 1937, an international Tammy Heath, owner of two Democratic Congressmen while only Depression and World War II. r e s is ta ^ was put up by the accosted her with sexual incident was touched off when nude bars, a fter the U.S. while other candidates in his party Then it was that the White girls involved.” The eight Intercourse in mind. narrow ly retaining the one Japanese planes sank the Supreme Court mled that state House made its great ieap women on the jury, said Mar­ A year ago, Washington’s lost in droves. Although the GOP american gunboat “ Panay” in liquor authorities have the Republican House seat from forward. tin, were “ women speaking as Police Department issued picked up a handful of House seats, the Yangtze River in China. power to enforce regulations But the troubles and the tense women,” who felt the two white guidelines to help women avoid Washington. The GOP also lost con­ In 1953, a jet research plane against topless waitresses and days did not end when coeds coiild have used their teing raped. One advised them the party suffered a net loss of two was flown at more than 2Vk trol of the State House of Represen­ Roosevelt died and the big war topless-bottomless dancers. teeth, fingernails and feet to to scream as loud as possible. Senate seats and one governorship. times the speed of sound at tatives. ended. Since then we have had resist “ violence of this type-” And, in general, the courts Edwards Air Force Base in "The National Committee in the two more wars, innumerable Of course a girl should resist expect women to “ resist as lectric D avenport continued: “ In the California. economic recessions, flare-ups “ Ain’t nobody going to take a rapist. But it seems to me the much as possible.” election concentrated on public Ten years go: President John Fourth District, for example, 22,000 all over the globe. Often many me out,” — Robert Strauss, jurors were-speaking from the ' Well, bully. But listen to Sgt. F . Kennedy said he favored the relations activities at the expense of at a time. So it ran through the candidate for the office of courage of detachment. Most of James. R. Waybright of tte ^ fewer persons voted in the idea of an emergency more fundamental steps such as presidencies of Harry Truman, Democratic national chairman, us believe we would resist an Squad. “ Last week,” says the Congressional race than in the communications link between Dwight Eisenhower (whose after learning that Chairman assault s our persons and sergeant, ‘la woman was recruiting top-flight candidates,” said the White House and the Presidential race. Vice President Jean Westwood considers him some 4i us might even do so. attacked on Massachusetts years are mistakenly Kremlin to help avert war. the Presidental campaign leader in a remembered as “ placid” ). unacceptable as a compromise But it is much easier to be Avenue, and she screa n ^ . She Agnew touched down in the state once Five years ago: A big airlift candidate to replace her. not-for-attribution interview. “ As a brave in i jury room than in a was allhost beaten td death and the President never did come with a hammer.’’ Some SPEOAU 1^3 result,” he added, “ the Republican scream. / here during the campaign. Had he Rugged polystyrene cabinet organization as a whole was in as bad I DON’T UNDERSTAND IT EITHER? BUT THOTIS (jJHAT done so, we might well have won in with woodgrain finish, strap shape in 1972 as in 1965 following the Today’s Thought handle; 25 lbs. light! Brilliant the Fourth District at least.” IT SAVS TO DQ7 ---- — "T O REDUCE THE RRE HAZARD sharp, clear color picture Goldwater debacle.” Mankind “ has fgu possible only through GE's Wyoming’s GOP National Com­ WITH WOR CHRISTMAS TREE, SAW THE BOTTOM OFF AND The OOP’s disappointments in the that is physically necessary/to ultra-reliable Porta Color* mitteeman, Bob Gosman, echoed create a totally new fanajot chassisl Solid State UHF Tuner, West have led to the organizing of a 13 SOAK IT IN A BUCKET O F WATER . V' human society— one that would VHF “ set-and-forget” Fine Davenport’s disappointment with Tuning Contrdl. Telescoping state conference in Las Vegas this be built to last for genei^ons. GOP losses in his state, including the dipole antenna for VHF; flip-up week. High on the agenda of the con­ H ie two missing ingredlaits loop for UHF. narrow loss by Bill Kidd to are a realistic, long-term gcjbl ference, to be attended by state that can guide mankind to the AN OUTSTANDING VALUE Democratic incumbent Congressman chairmen and national committeemen equilibrium society and the with GE DEPENDABILITY Teno Roncalio. human will to achieve that 43>al. and women from Western states, is a “ Our party in the state wasn’t Without such a goal and a reform of the national organization commitment to it, sh orM ^ Model #HD5203WO 9 5 * helped a whole lot in the election,” $ Leaders of the move make it clear concerns w ill generate the said Gosman. “ However, I don’t think exponential growth that drives 90-DAY CARRY4N that a good starting point would be the it’s feasible for the national com­ the world system toward tte SERVICE INCLUDED 199 o i a s f e r '^hrif..r n y replacing of GOP Oiairman Bob Dole, limits of the earth and ultinute (part* & labor) within our aarvica araa EASY TERMS mittee to come to our state and do our collapse.” wKh Apprtwad Cradit ( AfYO who doubles as a senator from K a n , ■Minimum ratall prica job. In my opinion, the biggest From “ The Limits of Vou may ordar the modal aliown through ua, your franchlaad Ganaral Eloctric daalar. A R O sas, with a full-tjme chairman who is Growth.” A Report for tte (3ub ywwrijr IMU's a MwictiaaUr problem is that we’re in an era of of Rome’s Project on the tlU Mala SlnM MtHYUia COMMtCnCUT unencumbered by a political office. Pktaa*M-4IN M o m iM A K tn SfNCt fsesr 'personality politics’ where the party Predicament of igm Western Republicans, reached by means Idss and less to most people. by DennU L. Meadows, New American Library Signet Book, Anderson-Uttfe telephone, generally agreed that their blau M I O D U n ’O W N OLD OAYBROOK This is why it’s easy to vote for a p. 166 furniture ‘.torfr. cA Qreat^ame in the^Manufacturing^TineQothing 160 WflaMnqlon «L P a u l R o m I party is in need of new naticmal Submitted by Repqblican President on one hand and 6 4 0 -0 6 0 6 6 0 0 -8 6 0 0 IN MANCHESTER leadership. Altbouidi they declined to Winthrop Nelson a Democratic (Congressman on the Co-Pastor (MANCHESTER PARKADE) WEST MIDDLE TPKE.-BROAD ST. qiedfiodly criticize Senator Dole, Fw few INieiin other.” Center Congregational FEKTONITEand EVERY NITE tilt 9 (UMbfiHIUD P H O N E 647-1451 Churdi f. li: PACK SIX — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 12, 1972

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 12,1972 - PAGE SEVEN Vernon Town Gets Rev-Share Cheek ^ Hebron MPOA Says CRC Denies Voter UAC To Award Russian Toys On Exhibit Right to Decide Government A dieck for 9237,431, as formula used by the A tinri^ exhibit of hand- painted. A peasant woman and Alternative Suggested the first installment on Treasury Department ^Turkey* Gifts carved Russian toys, some of sn egg can be opoied. In turn, now. mitted was rejected. “ It was at resulted in the decrease. them animated, te currently The executive board of the federal revenue-sharing Experts on Presences^ '"Dirkey paymoita” totaling sinaller carvings of children “ But what do you do,” aA ed that point that we knew how lit­ being shown in a displ^ case at Manchester Pixq)erty Owners funds for Manchester, was mmw than $6,500,000 will be dis­ and eggs can be (^>ened and Pillard, "when the board tle the people were going to be However, Mandieater will Mary Cheney Library. It also Association has charged that received late yesterday tributed by United State Air­ each placed inside the next To Double Sessions refuses to listen to the public, represented, but we kept silent, receive abrat 1109,900 num includes ha^-painted bowls, the Manchester Carter Revi­ afternoon in the town craft Corporation to its Jarger one. and there is no provision for in hope that we were wrong,” vases, and mugs. Board members expressed 'each school. The course sion Commission, by voting to nianager's offlce and was in each of the fiirst two To Visit Haunted House mnployea this holiday season. A Urge group of parents he said. The articles are on loan from concern about allowing double offerings would be the same at support the present coui^l- recall, to remove board quarters of calendar year Tlie payments continue a attoided the Board of Educa­ Pillard explained, “ When he deposit«l in the bank by the f the private collection of Pedro periods for such classes as both schools; competitive manager form of government members who do not represent 1973. As a consequence, tradition that dates to the foun­ tion meeting Ust night, asked was interviewed, be was asked town treasurer this mor­ A. Chinsky of 49 Brookslde biology and chemistry for lab athletic teams would still and by rejecting a pn^NMed fte p ^ l e as promised? What Manchester will wind up ding year of Pratt & Whitney questions about'a plan to in- how he would vote in case of a ning. ANNE E M T have heard the Warrens, who “ where a resident ghost” This action was take by Mrs. Lane, Vernon, and will remain periods and were assured that a represent the entire Middle change to a strong-mayor do you do then? The boards, with about |69S,000 in Aircrrtt. M tute double sessions at the tie. He said it would d^end on Another check for the Correspondent over the past 25 years have in­ presides, according to Mrs. Everett Graham of Rt. 85, on view at the entrance to the six-period day would allow for School, including Sykes House. government, “ has denied the both Republican and Each of the original' 26 high school at an estimated cost the question and he would vote revenue-sharing funds,, if its p - Tel. 228-3971 vestigated hannt^ houses and Wythe, and will incorporate Hebron, through the„ Hebron Junior Room through these. The six-period day would He added that a telephone inter­ people the right to make the Democratic, have had same amount is expected in employes was given a turkey of 1119,560, and su ggests that problems with town ad­ the way he thought was right January and will give fiscal year, July 1, 1972 to Y. their “presoices.” their flndings in their presenta­ Board of Selectmen. December. also allow students to take communication system should choice.” Ed.^imd Lorraine Warren, after the first Wasp aircraft the four-day week be in­ ministration, yet they do for Manchester. That was the June 30, 1973, is considpi’^ . They have acquired 300 case tion. The board had planned to call Prominent among the basic subject matter plus elec­ be installed between sdwols to MPOA President Charles Manchester 9474,862 for the nationally famous speakers on engine had been assembled uid vestigated before a decision is The Ti^sury DqparttpKt histories on haunting, in the Contact Challenged the meeting itself but because animals are the Russian bear. tives. Every student would be provide for cohesiveness in the Pillard said that the association nothing about it.” wrong answer, since they calendar year, Jan.l to Dec. prepared for its initial test run made. “ pre^knees” in old houses and New England area which th^ Dec. 19 at 8 p.m. in the of legal tedinicalities was un­ Figures in the carvings move scheduled in five subjects plus program. This could be in­ “ has fought for several years to Commenting on a statement wanted a vote according to par­ 31, 1972. It is about 9200,000 has indicated that ^ture late on ChristmasHSve in 1025. At the Nov. 27 meeting of the ty lines, so the majmlty c ^ d buildj^ will be the guests of are now lecturing on in colleges auditorinm at Rham High able to do so. by pulling a string, rotating a physical education. All staff stalled at an estimated cost of have a Charter Revision Com­ by CRC member John Rottner, payments will be by 4scal The tradition is carried on board it was voted to accept, in less than the 9677,125 the Hebron Historical Society throughout the country. School has been set as the date The new agreement reflects ball, or pushing a pin. Some are members would be present $750. mission created for the purpose that the town has very efficient, be sure to have their way.” year, and not by caleyxlar today with the distribution of principle, a plan to implement originally estimated for tomotTow evening at 8 in the Although both are by the Regional District 8 an increase in teachers' carved in natural, fine-grained during the open period for Lester Baum questioned why of changing our form of good government, “and we Again expressing the hope year. cash payments instead of double sessions next year, to Manchester. A change in the Rbam High S ^ ool anditorium. professitxul. artists, teadiers Board of Education for a dis­ salaries in the vicinity of 5 per wood, and others are colorfull pupil-teacher conferences, the board was considering dou­ government.” don't need to change it,” that the Board of Directors holiday birds. return the freshman class to the Originally, the society bad and authors, their second con­ trict,, meeting to consider the cent including Increments with make-up tests, retesting, ble sessions...“ I’ve been Noting that the CRC rejected Pillard remarked, “ Of course, would order a referendum for a The payments, based on high school building, and open scheduled this meeting for suming interest is in persoing professional agreement all increases retroactive to parent-teacher conferences, listening to you talk about dou-. a change by a 10 to 3 vote last Mr. Rottner was chairman of change in Manchester’s govern­ length of service, will go this ‘ up the Sykes School now used B rin ii NQll, but due to the great the restless backgrounds of between the board and the Sept. 1. f” faculty meetings and such. ble sessions for a couple of month, Pillard said the associa­ the Board of Education that ig­ ment, Pillard said, "After all, if month to employes of I^att & for freshman as an annex to the PLAZA DEPARTMENT STORE Interest shown by society these “ presoices.” Rham Education Association. Feliowihip Head librarian, William hours and I haven’ t heard tion is proud of the stand taken nored the vote of the people on this present government is Whitney Aircraft, Hamilton Middle School. 70S EAST MIDDLE TUMIPIKE, MANCHESTER h members in the Warrens, the In this connection, they will Signing of the agreement for The Women’s Fellowship of Layng proposes to keep the anything good,” he said. Baum by the three who were for the referendum for Project doing a good job and the people Standard, Sikorsky Aircraft, This plan was discussed more (Awm few I t IvM im u ’i Ounb) meeting was moved to Rham visit and inspect the 200-year- the 1972-1973 school year was the Gilead Congregational library open from 7:10 a.m. to 5 asked if the board had con­ placing the question before the Concern, so naturally wouldn’t are satisfied, then they vrill re­ Norden, United Technology fully last night and the board 0PEHWED.,THURS..FRI.TILL9 and is open to the public. old home of Fred and Bartiara announced Nov. 29 following Church will meet at 8 p.m. p.m. on a trial basis at no ad­ sidered other solutions and public at a townwide referen­ worry about what Uie people tain it, but the basic right is Center, United Aircraft had Just abm t agreed to go • .1? Many residents in the area Wythe on Burrows Hill Rd. mediation triiicfa Was requested Wednesday and each member is ditional cost. The six-period day specifically if it had considered dum — State Comptroller want.” theirs to make the decision. Research Laboratories, United along with it when Mrs. Turza O pon NHm Until Xma$ , by the REA after almost eleven asked to bring a gift suitably for would also provide time for continuing for another year, Nathan Agostinelli, State Sen. Pillardsaid his executive How can government be % the Aircraft’ International, Turbo Perry asked if it would be possi­ months of negotiations. a patient in a convalescent band and choir practice and the without double sessions. David Odegard and John board had doubts “ of the con- petite’ if they are constantly Power St Marine Systems, Inc., ble, when the legisUture is in ChHdran’s TIghta — Warm Hats — MHtena \ ' Under Public Act 811, any home. continuance of the work Board Chairman Joseph Sullivan. ^ ce m of party leaders for the being denied their right to make Andover Tax Rate and United Aircraft of West sessiont to have a special Uw QIo v m and Slippar Socka For All. resident of the three dLstrict The program will feature a experience and other similar Powers conceded it would be “ It proves that some honestly good of Manchester” when his the choice? The boards and Virginia. enacted whi(± would allow a Now At Plaxal towns (Hebron, Andover and slide presentation by Oiarlotte programs. possible to go on another year do understand the public,” said OTganlzation was asked to sub­ commissions of this town have four-day week, with schools Our Pricaa Will Plaaaa You Marlborough) has the right to Motyka on the Srandinavian Club meetings could be but such a program would com ­ Pillard. “ We only wish there mit a name for a representative no right to claim superior Near Statens Top A LITTLE SOLDIER gets qierating five days, as an in-< On the IS-member ORC, and, he knowledge and usurp the power diallenge the contract w i^ n 30 countries. Scandinavian Christ­ scheduled during the open pound problems at the Middle were mwe like them. Maybe an assist from mummy so Thtrs It a ki| UisiaaU ftr terim solution to the town’s says, when the name they sub­ of the people.” days after it is signed and filed mas decorations will also be on period. Dr. Linstone said in his School. Another board member, that’s why they are always ANNA FRISINA regional b i^ sdraol and it is an­ he can see Britain’s Queen iiptwitvt, tstgwM cliikkM, csnl space problem. with the town clerks. display. Elizabeth leave Bucking­ discussions with high school ad­ John Kendall explained that winners.” CorreqxMxlent ticipated there will be a surplus Dr. Raymond Ramsdell, ham Palace in London. M IwiM OanllM, M )-n il. ministrators and athletic direc­ many possibilites had been dis­ Pillard expressed the hope Tel. 7424347 here. Mon.-Fri. 10-9 P.M. Sat-Sun. 10-6 P.M. superintendent o f schools, said tor, they said they do not an­ cu ss^ but eliminated. Mrs. that the Board of Directors, Andover again this year has Town expenses are running at he had just received informa­ ticipate any curtailment of any Corrine Fisher, a special “ who have it in their power, th ^ u biou s distinction of being about thesame level as the put tion, a short while before the ' of the athletic programs. Pre­ teacher In the Vernon system, will consider the wishes of the th^Kcond hi^iest tax rate year, according to the town’s meeting, that it may be possible World’s Most Complete HI-FI & Electronics Center sent plans call for about 1,000 made a plea for keeping at least public and put the question to iYour Jewelry Gift Store! tovmln the state, following only First Selectman, Robert Port. to go to the four-day week, but students to be in attendance at one class together at the Sykes referendum.” the town of Scotland that has a Assuming that this does not it would then be necessary to the morning session and about School. “ If you put Grades 6, 7 Pillard ackowledged as true a 94-mill rate. prove to be an exceptionally dif­ extend the school year. He 1,200 in the afternoon session. and 8 at Sykes, I know it will be statement by CRC member Andover, with an 88.5 mill ficult snow year, creating high added that it would make air- Throughout the discussion all the kids from the center or John Shea that the request for a "37 rath to r the past three years, is expenses for road clearihg, that (XHiditionlng the schools almost board members emphasized Rockville,” she added. change in Manchester’s govern­ the second highest according to pinion of the budget for roads mandatory if the school year that double sessions are not The board invites the public ment was based on wanting cer­ tiuf latest Comiecticut Register should prove adequate. were extended into the summer being considered as a solution to attend next week’s meeting tain town officials removed and Manual just released. Hie Bowling Priie Winners months. Caldor’s Famous forever to the space problem, to hear further reports on the from office and that the Board rake of assessment in town is 60 Students at the Andover A report presented by Dr. and while agreeing to meet double-session and four-day of Directors has that power pw cent, which means that Elementary School who partic- Robert Linstone, assistant again on Dec. 21 to further iron week plans. B rand prqperties are assessed at 60 pated in the summer bowling superintendent of schools, Ust per cent of their fair market out disagreements, the board program were recently Holiday S'-: X. n i^ t outlined pUns for the dou­ also agreed it will immediately yqlue, and the mill rate is awarded trophies. ble session program offering Pierre Dore^ U i institute proceedings to ask the applied to the assessed valua- The recipients included John two p l^ , one for a five-period HAVE YOU AN I -i , townspeople to approve a plan Ledford, Douglas Burrill, Mike day and one for a six-period Sypeib EVENT SCHEDULED Celebration for expansion of the high Second in Taxes Sharp, Dana Weber, David day. 17 Jewel Watches school. Two requests for expan­ THAT CALLS FOR .'^though Scotland enjoys the Copas, Jim Hillman, Debbie For the six-period day, the sion have been turned down at FOOD? Our Regular to 29.95 bijpiest mill rate, its rate of Sharp, Mona Hillman and '-f.- juniors and seniors would sUrt referendums. asMsment is 50 per cent, thus Kathy Kauffman. their first period at 7:20 a.m. W tt may .be « weddhif, a ba If the high school does go to birmging Its actual tax doUms to Art League and end their Ust period at qnet or Just an Informal fe t- I Charge SAVE double sessions and the Sykes I f u than those paid in Andover. The regular mrathly meeting lt;43 a.m. From 11:43 to 12:28 tofoOier of a society, lodge-or Your School becomes an arm of the some friendly group. UP TO Andover still is second, of the Andover Art League has there would be an open period. Purchases! Middle School then the board $13 however, in rate of property tax been canceled for this month. For the freshmen and will have another problem, that ITe Are Prepared to d^lars paid. The town of Members of the league will JVC Model 9245 sophomores the afternoon ses­ of trying to please everyone' Serve You to Your C h^lin, with an assessment of instead attend the art showing sion would start at 12:28 and Ladies' styles: dress, sport, nurses and calendac.^jj concerning selection as to 6B.^t>er cent, and a mill rate of Sunday at the Daggett House, end at 4:51. Complete SatiafactUnf, Men's scuba, calendar, day-date and automatic. 1 Battery/AC AM/FM which students will attend 84, pays the highest amount of featuring James Foran of An­ The five-period day would year guarantee. Gift boxed. which school. The board has Oar caterhu service Is set iq> I tai$ dollars. dover. sUrt, finr Uk morning session, to be flexible enough to ac­ proposed to house about 400 Tax Rate Stable Anyone interested in joining Cassette Recorder at 7:30 and end at 11:31 with the commodate any sise gatlmlng. students in Grades 6,7 and 8, at Andover has managed for the the league can contact any of open period until 12:10. The se­ Why not can os and talk over Sykes. This program. Dr. .flio detaOir part few years at least to main­ the members, or attend the We Bought Out Viking’s Entire cond sessiiMi would sUrt at Linstone said, mwld reduce the ' tain the same tax rate and not showing Sunday at which the 12:15 and end at 4:16. population at the overcrowded in(|yase the mill rate, as many league officials will be present. Stock of Their Famous 811R 8-Track The board feels it would not ■t Middle School and return nine have found it necessary be necessary to serve lunches Stereo Tape Recdrder/Piayback Peek sixth grade classes to the Mid­ Birden Grov« foterarh Ik ^ but it would be necessary to bus dle School concept. These nine TELEPHONE 649-5S18-449-5814 b Tact, the tbwn has in the all students due to the early With 2 Speaker system; 5" woofer plus rich-sounding cellu­ classes have bmn housed at part three years amassed a sur- morning hours and late after­ I lar horn tweeter, Built-In Condenser Microphone. Highly some of the elementary sdiools pl^^frdm some $25,000 three Buy |95 Reg. noon Ixmrs. The board previous­ sensitive AM/FM radio reception plus input mixing facilities for the past year. yan^ ago, to well over $125,000 Crestfield Adda for simultaneous recording of 2 separate sound sources. 3- ly agreed that a six-period day Dr. Linstone offered two op­ r^XKled at the annual fall town digit tape counter with reset button, automatic tape head Now 149.95 would be the minimum number m ating. If the same $25,000 $1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Wing cleaner, and automatic shut-off. Complete with batteries, in order to mainUin quality tions for selecting students to earphone, and demo tape. (27-78009L) W attend the Sykes building. One WESTOWKI figure, were kept as an Crestfield Convalescent Baciute of Lilayette’i glgintlc buying power, wa are able to education in the system. operating capital, the Hospital on Vernon St. is adding save you 40% off our regular selling price. 1Tha 811R hai a Rockville High School serves plan would have the school PHARMACY Most Stores house a broad community pop­ jremaining surplus funds would 8,800 square feet to.its facility, built-in record/playback pre-amp for uta with axliting itarao as a regional Vo-Ag School, but 4 SS HARTIORD ROAD hA ’ '.2 ' equipment. Features choice of continuous play or auto-stop at ulation and this would ac­ amount to a decrease of 17 mills according to a $100,000 buildi^ Open Late the institution of double and of tape play or record. Enclosed in walnut wood.(27-6809iW*) complished by a plan whereby in the tax rate. permit issued by the r , ’- sessions will have no effect on 14K G o ld [Mon. thni Sat the school district lines “fan Lady Remington Remington Current Budget Manchester building inspector. I :. it. Most of the students atten­ The current fiscal year seems The addition, to the north side ding Vo^Ag classes are tuition out” from the building to reach 2 H eaded Marie III ’ta Christmas the desired number of students. Diamond Pendants to be operating well within the of the existing hospital, is the students from other towns. Deluxe Shaver Shaver bddg^t, also. T te school’s needs fourth addition since the t INTRODUCING TODAY’S MOST SOPHISTICATED^ ' These students, the board said, If the school is to be operated m as a “ neighborhood” area w b a i^ ;b ^ anticipated well and original construction in 1950. It 44)HANNEL SO HI-FI RECEIVER would bridge the two sessions Our O ur school, the 350-400 students in f Our / nbrtrastlc increases a|^>ear to will add 25 beds to the hospital, -T H E LAFAYETTE LR-4000 Reg. 1 2 7 4 and utilize the open period for Reg. >77 be looming in the future. bringing the total up to 150. closest proximity to the school Regular B eautiful 15.99 luncheon and their school day 29.97 27.99 Th^ town overbudgeted on its There were 65 beds vriien the would end at 2:34 p.m. would be selected up to the /// // G ift capacity number. One head for extra ( expected payment to the hospital was c^)«ied. LAFAYETTE o/ywaco Business manager Charles Dr. Linstone explained that close leg shaves, the Comfort dial, sid^burn Brisson has estimated that the as much as possible, programs ■'4 Heart, tear drop, starburst, swirl and rose shapes. other fdr comfortable trimmer. Attractive' extra cost for busing all Pickering offered at the Middle School 14K gold chain, gift boxed. underarms. Built-in case, extra set of students to the high school light. #LR70/71 blades. Latest modet would run to about $38,000 un- would be offered at Sykes, and a Hitachi TRQ-232 Portabie Battery/AC .der the present contract shuttle bus would be provided HOUDAY SHOmRS 360-Watt AM/FM W for activities that lend stipulations. ■V 4-Track Stereo Cassette Recorder themselves to the facilities of p a o e b in 4-Channel Stereo Phono System ^ TOR THAT FESTIVE AFFAIR |95 ca n d le lites If Purchased 41^; TOYS TO LOVE Gow ns Save Sale! ^799 Individually 926.55 4 ^ stereo recording and playback anywhere— Indoors or ors. Features 2 swing-out extension cabinets each Beautiful Selections 127.55 Complete system includes; i l k ' a containing a 5" speaker, twin VU record level meters, sep­ THAT ENDURE Sizes 5 to 24Vi from individual H r arate slide controls for volume and tone, and "Levelmatic" ■ The Lafayette LR-4000 360-watt d channel, AM/FM Stereo Receiver—the world's only HMthntt9d NatunI Wood, Velvets - Polyester - Knits - Jersey component prices stereo receiver featuring SOW wave-matching full logic circuitry (or ultimate channel automatic record level control. Complete with microphone with remote control switch, demo tape, and AC power cord. Built ond Quanntood To Umt A Lllotimo separation. Plays everything in 4-channel—SO, discrete, derived. Complete with wood ^ I27-23070W) 14K G o id case and ail interconnecting cables* H 14K Gold 14K Gold Holiday ■ Garrard SL5SB 3-Speed Synchro-Lab Automatic Turntable featuring adjustable anti­ Cameo Brooch skating control. Professional cueing device. Complete with attractive matching base with Diamond Pendants FLOOR LENGTH SKIRTS and dust cover. f Fashion Rings ■ Pickering V-15 Micro IV/ACE Elliptical Stereo Magnetic Cartridge. Includes "Dusta- Our Our Reg. to 16.97 PALAZZO PANTS matic Brush." Reg. Our ■ 4 Dynaco A-25 Aperiodic Loudspeaker Systems—non resonani aperiodic design com^ 49.97 - Reg. bined with acoustic-impedance principle for uniform wide-range response. Uses 10" 56.97 to woofer and new soft-dome tweeter. Oiled walnut finisli. 20 x 11 Vi x 10"D. 44.97 <3 $1098 » $1098 W B m Hand carved cameo in UFAYEm SOLIO-STATC AMPUFIIA AICCIVIA TUHIA 8UAAANTH sttractive 14K gold Includes cameos,'cul­ 2 year repair luarantec eiainst dafects In material and wor.manihlp. frames, gift boxed. tured pearls, tur­ Garnet, opal, amethyst, onyx, cultured pearl, smoky Other cameos at simi­ quoise, jade, smoky quartz — and morel Hurry to our fabulous ring-a- Solids - Plaids - Prints lar savings. quartz, more! ram a! SONY Superscope TC-134SD I, Akai CR-80DSS 2 & 4-Channet Blouses - Cocktail Dresses - Dresses. Stereo Dolby Cassette Deck i Timex Watches Famous Maker Save an Extra Slacks - Slack Suita - Sweaters 8-Track Stereo For The Hi-Fashion Robes - Coats - Jackets - Suits Record/Playback Tape Deck . DESIGNED FOR HOME, NURSERY SCHOOLS Entire Family Watch Bands 2 3 9 ® ® AND DOCTORS' OFFICES BY TWO 50% Off f’etite Junior - Juniors - Missy - >1aif-Sizes Reg. MANCHESTER BROTHERS Some Examples: Our R*gutar Low PrtCM on utilizes the Dolby noise reduction system for quiet cassette ■ SaloctQioupof '' 0uper-Sizes - Trim Girl - Trim Teen Girls 289.95 performance. Features exclusive ferrite and ferrite head for R*g.9.99...... NOW 6.97 Sale! 219’^ long life and exceptional fidelity, automatic total-mechanism Rog. 10.99...... NOW 7.67 shut-off, 3 digit tape counter, dual VU record level meter, Phons Orders tor Holiday Giving “Borrowed from the Imperial Palace! Men’s Cuff Links, I Fully compatible tape deck lets you record and play back 4channel 8-track stereo tape and pushbutton tape function controls including pause with Filled with wax— refill with warmer can­ 25 Reg. 16.99...... NOW 11 87 Always Open Wednesday TUI 9:00 P.M. through your 2- or 4-channel receiver or amplifier. Features 4 record and playback stereo prai lock for Instant stop or cueing. Includes inputs for all your Received by December 22, Can Tie Tacs & Tie Bars Xmaa House - December 18th thru December 23rd 4 VU record maters, and fast forwird controls. Comes complete with all connecting cables, stereo needs. (27-6070(iW) SWI Be Ready for Christmas dle or sakil 12 hand decorated designs. Steel diver type, mesh, rhine­ S o iM E xam plM : demo tape, and bead cleaning brush. (gT-SeOIBWX) .178" high. V Petites, Sportsters, Mercury, 9:30 A.M. till 9:00 P.M. stone, twist rope, twist mesh, A Shop Where Selection la Good FOR IMMEDIATE MAILING OF FREE Sprite, Marlin, Viscount and buckle, slip-thru mesh — and Reg. 3.49 ... NOW 1.75 CATALOG — CALL OR WRITE ^ . 8 9 each % many more! m orel Reg. 5.99 ... NOW 2.99 Prices Are Right - Exchanges Are Easy H. IFe C tft Wrap Free For Men Only GENERATION TO GENERATION MANCHESTER WEST HARTFORD STAMFORD MILFORD BRIDGEPORT HAMDEN 3 WAYS TO CHARGE Sicee SheeslME CeBter Mabap’a Canar Itappiac Caatar RIdtaway Cantar Conn. Pod ShoppiOf Contor Laftyalta Shopptna Plaza Hamdan Plaza WOODEN TOY CO. 3S7 Pla.AAain Stl.cor.AttMnyAva. a a a Mta. tan M . *fli aiM p ji. Opoa U t i M n. tan a*L I p a Mm . tan rrL ill adO PJI. OpM Hoa. t a n PH. ’t il a M PJI. (M lkresd sLT ofTCantar S t) 'tH tiS t f J t . latiNaioapji. api'tiiaM PJi. P.O. BOX 782, MANCHESTER W e s t o w m SALE: FR8IKM 8-2711 (AdlMning Lord t , T a y t ^ Sat’WaiMPJI. " PHARMACY • ^ Corentnf Shoppe FMONI 2104103 •pa Mm . a n M . •« tiM PJi. T«l. 649-2690 t - MWeiESTEI - H«T4liM4 tpU WED. thru SAT. ■M.'UltMaPJH. Convenient Budgol Toma Avallablo 655 HARTFORD Pf Opon TIM O Evwry N(gM aa.*ttitM STORES COAST~TO‘COAST i Dapol Road 742-7494 Covaniry We reserve the right to limit quantities. V • W T \ Li' f

MANr’Hk’-STER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Oinn., Tues., Dec. It. 1972 — PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 12. 1972 Columbia § T A t t G ■Br eXAY k-POLLAN— —^ A k i n Goldberg D^Italia PZC Nominees UM.tt Voof Dally A/m y O M a sm. 21 Christmas Story Gets “ According to tho Star*. OCT. n t covered bridges; a folk muaic •ah L n Oiarles Probert, treasurer Friday after a motor in one of To dewlop messoge for yftdrmday, VIRGINIA CARLSON group called “ The Y oung 9^12-27-46 16-17-i for the Democrats, reported an the water pumps burned out reod words corresponding to numbers (Columbians” and a dranonstra- ■ 73.& 90 (kxrespondent and there wasn't en ou^ water of your Zodiac birth sign, S tn o income of $692. Thie funds were New Warmth In Book 1 Be 31 Oon't 61 Pleasure 9 0 Tel. 228-9224 tion of Della-Robia wreaths. from receipts of a town to keep the scdiool in operation. 2WmelfiUi 32Todoy 62 Personal ocr. 2 1 ~ The Democratic Town Com­ The steering committee of the pleted the writing came easily, maV X 3 Comolidote 33 ProceKi 63 Activities HOT. 21 committee-s^nsored square A senior citizen event will he By iOYSTILLEY 64 Enloymcnt mittee will recommend Leo group has asked selectmen to says Miss Holmes, who writes IM4^S443t 4 Your 34Not dance Sept. 23, amounting to held Wednesday at the AP Newifeatwres Writer 5 Lettcn 35 Only 65 Beneficiot- Goldberg and Terry D’ltalla to Include a clause in the warning flve days a week from 9:30 a.m. ’3.76-: 36 Today 66 On 31^1-86' $320 and a cocktail party Oct. 23 Congregational Chundi in the 6 Avert th^Board of Selectmen to fill a of the next town committee for NEW YORK (AP) - to S:90 or 6 p.m. whether she’s 6 IM IN I 7 M um 37 Mointoining 67 Cooperotive SAGITTAaiUS which brought in ^72. form of a potlnck supper, at 5 S Attitude 38 People 68 Attitude vacancy on the Planning and an appropriation of $1,000 to Marjorie Holmes doesn’t “ insured” or not. 69 To Most of the expenses reported p.m. The program includes a / 9Poi>ible 39 The Zoning Ccmunlssion. assist the senioi; citixqn claim to have created a “ Once I get at the typewriter 10 This 40 With 70 Vigor went to materials for the two lecture-slide presentation on lr>^11-2!M2 11 Sknt 41 A 71 Others' No recommendation was program. new plot for her latest novel. 72 Show 6-14-2447/Q affairs, the largest single I get inspired,” declares the 12 To 42 Treotments. M 1-S6<8 \B made for a vacancy on the The story is, in fact, nearly two bubbling blue-eyed blond. “I 131s 43 Day 73 To- amount, $151, going to the CANCM 14 Strife 44 Favors 74 Toes CAPMCOHN Zoning Board of Appeals. thousand years old. may start with no Joy for my C!olumbia Pa(ikage Store for Picking nAJUHttt 15 If 45 Soy 75 Espcciolly D2C. Bc^h men exprera^ a desire Undoeki9d On A Chrittmno Qfft? “ My objective was to take day’s work but after several iS M o n e y 4 6 A 76 Competitive JAH. cocktail party beverages. 17 Outlook 47 Should 77 Ones to s e ^ on the ZBA in letters to die principals of the Christinas hours I’m so excited I can’t The D ^ocrats allocated $75 Iri k AtsM Vm tt Tht rriwriy The Perfect 2- 8.2S-3S 18 Use 48 To 78 Results Jeroipe Rosen cbaiiman of the story off the holiday cards tt t stop.” , 19 Forces 49 To 79 And 69-72-78 to p ostage; $110 to the D 80 To towaitotninlttee. have made them into ster­ ’The author, recipient of the 20 Your to Step McGovern for President Com­ Christmas Tree LIO 21 Brightens 51 Are 81 Regrettoble Selecbriittoirill consider the MANCHESTER eotypes and turn them into hu­ 1972 Womam of Achievement JULY 2i 22Try 52 Begin 82 Big mittee in Wuhington, D.D.; $44 83 Meditation recoimnenda^^. at a meeting man beings with whom today’s award from the National Fee »AUG. 22 23 Angry 53 Bring to Hillsman for Ckingress; $22 24 By 54 Sports 84Heolth Dec. 19. X , peo|de can relate,’ ’ explains the eration of Press Women, teach­ When it comes to Christinas 4-V9-33 25 Off 55 Happy 85 Others for C!lti»ns for M urp^ qnd $22 PETHXNTER 86 Things ,Ai(rcbrding to the town We have romplate depaitmeoti for your pets; do author of “ Two From Galilee.” es writing classes at uiUversi- trees, our kids are perfec­ .g^40.5».70 26 Any 56 Neutrol for Wilson f(ir A sseni% . VIRGO 27 Arrange 57 Do 87 For PISCU charter, if vacancies not come In and bmwst around . . . “It’s the greatest.loye story ties and workshops. She admits tionists. To satisfy them a tree 281s 58 For 88Todoy The Democrats’ totiii.expen­ Ftt. I» filled by the selectmen Within See our excellent lelecUon of; TROPICAL FOR, of all time — the love of two that writing takes talent but must be tall en ou ^ to touch the 2 9 D o y ' 59 New 89 Things ditures were $659, leavinig a AQUARIUMS AND ACCESSORIES, PUPPIES, 22 30 Now 60 One 90 H b lld w - MAR. i 60 days from the time of thbir young people under those trying insists that possessors of such living room ceiling, a balance of $33. PARAKEETS, CAGES AND SUPPLIES, DOG M O -13-20-291 iAdycne 18-39-43^1 occurance the vacancies will be COATS, SWEATERS, PLUS A NEW SHIPMENT circumstances,” she says of talent should respi^t it enough symmetrical enou^ to look 3W' )G o o d ' ja-64-79B3T filled by members of the board GOP Donations OF POODLE COLLARS AND FANCY LEASHES her tale of Mary and Joseph to practiceevery beautiful from every side, and D onation s on the MARJORIE HOLMES upon wUch the vacancy occurs. TO MATCH, CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS AND facing scandal, family conflict “ And there are great flashes., full enough to hold our collec­ glitter with tinsel and every quite perfect. Seie that bare ^ t Republicans’ repcirt, filed by MUCH MORE. WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR Goldbefg, who lives on Old and an awesome responsibility of inspiration,” she adds, tion o f stars and angels and branch held a decoration, we in front? I think the whole tree the party treasurer, Mrs. Rita EVERY PET FOR CHRISTMAS. Alio; WILD as a result of Mary’s preg­ Wlllimantic Rd., most recently BIRD FEEDERS, REGULAR AND Miss Holmes b ^ n to study “ marvelous moments when you colored lights. stood back and waited expec­ needs to be turned just a little Cloutier, show $200 from served on the ZBA until he los( SUNFLOWER SEED, SUETCAKES and BELLS. nancy. the history of the Jewish people should leave the dinner party, Frankly, I tlUnk that’s too tantly till my husband turned on bit to the left.” William Brand of Rt. 87; $10 Aifanitting that such a book leave the dishes, get up if it’s that post in the last town elec­ and to absorb the political and much to expect from any (me the lights. As I watched my husband and from Mable Cox of (hesbro might have been considered the middle of the night — and tion to Mrs. Polly Burnham, a social flavor of the times. She tree. Especially when you con­ “ Obhhhh! Ahhhhh! the children gently inch the bite Bridge Road; $12 from dollar 8PECIAU saciile^ ou s up until a few write.” Republican. made a trip to Israel, “con- sider that the tree was cut down Beautiful!,” we chorused. My into the perfect position,' it and donations and $83 from the AQUARIUM AllGUil years ago, she adds, “ Now the Miss Holmes has been prac­ 'There are four Republican fiiming and enlarging on my six weeks ago in Canada and husband appraised the tree, his cam e me with sudden clitri- town committee for a total of 1643allon Aquarium...... H.M world is ready for it.” own understanding.” ticing what she preaches since ty. They ALL take after his ride members on the ZBA, two GOP 10 ObUoo ( I ^ ) ...... 114.96 50th Anniversary had to travel all the way to eyes narrowed critically. “ It’s to $385. S p e c ia i .I8.M The petite Miss Holmes, her first book was published 30 alternates and one Democratic' Heater 'n Filter Kit ...... “ I could smell the odors and Manchester jammed in the brautiful,” he agreed. “ Biit not of the family. Republicans here donated $50 Other Unedvertiaed Spaclalit whose numerous previous years ago and has two more were friends and relatives from alternate. hear the sounds and see the Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. back of a truck. each to State Representative works include the brat-seller, volumes sdieduled for publica­ Toronto, Ontario, Canada and D’ltalia lives on Henniquin sights that people saw then,” Thompson of 4 Goslee Dr., Last year our kids did so Dorothy Miller and Edna “I’ve Got To Talk To Some­ tion in 1973. She not only writes Massachusetts. Rd. and is a senior staff assis­ Stop In for your FREE she says with a note of awe. “ It Manchester, were feted at a much shopping around I thought DIAMOND Gilman. Also reported was $100 body, God,” got the inspiration a weekly newspaper column The couple was married at tant In the Publications Divi­ 1*73 Calendar at the was a moving experience to be 50th anniversary open house they’d never find the perfect for the telephone at campaign for “ Two From Galilee” appro­ and a monthly magazine col­ the Chalmers Presbyterian SOLITAfRES! sion of the Connecticut Mutual in Galilee because I had been so cocktail party, Nov. 25, at the tree. While my husband stayed cM ichaS headquarters. MANCHESTER priately enough on a Christinas immersed in it. I felt quite at umn, but travels extraislvely for Church in Ottawa with the Rev. Life Insurance Co. home of their son-in-law and home to get tlw strings of li^ ts Only $8 was spent on postage Eve. lectures and radio and tele­ Woodside officiating. Mrs. Democrats Oulipend GOP home.” daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert organized, I took the kids out to They Shark A Secret and $M was reported as reim­ PET CENTER “ I had gone to church with Once the research was com ­ vision shows. Thompson is the former Democrats here spent $374 W. Thornton of Converse Rd., pick the tree. We stopped at a bursement to Town Chairman II* iMMi IM M toflN'' my teen-age daughter,” she re­ *V '’*******’*****^ Kathleen J. Benedict of Ot­ more than the Republicans Bolton. stand that must have, had 600 ’I n c y tLynn Stimple, 4, o f 'Mt. Lebanon, a suburb of rush. Santa is Gary Kudis, 21, of Pittsburgh, a novice Mr. Richard Dunn for the Edna I Bril It. UBdnitir IWWl calls, “ and the fragrance o f the tawa, Ontario, Canada. during the presidential cam­ About 100 friends and trees on display. It was bitter Piftlbi^ra, shares a few Christmas secrets with Santa CHaus of three weeks. Gilman cocktail party. (InaU t* Mriar tan BUi i q hay in the manger suddenly The couple came to paign, making it the most relatives attended the surprise cold and after about 10 minutes (AP Wirephoto) The Republicans reported OPEN T to ’t il XHAS gave me a great sense of the Manchester from Hamilton, (Tladl at^ downtown department store during the seasonal expensive campaign ever in 1 party given by the couple’s of tramping around I went back recipts of g85 and expenditures reality of the event. It hit me Ontario, Canada in 1928 when this town, for the Democrats. •esat* ’t il b:ao> that it really happened, and children, Mr. and Mrs. ’Thomas to the car and left the decision of the same amount. Mr. Thompson joined the designed to permit further and insurmountable costs Treasurers for both parties OKN SML, KCL 24th Mary was a girl not any older W. Benson of Manchester; Mr. up to the kids. Finally they School Closes Travelers Insurance Co. in Turnbull Catholic sharing of staH and materials closed their doors.” filed their reports the last day . tiMOPJL! than my dau^ter sitting beside and Mrs. Sherwood A. Coleman returned. Porter School closed early Hartford where he was GOOD among the schools. It also will for filing. me ttot ni|^t. of Natick, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. “ We want to try another employed for 39 years. G S 7 0 mean reorganization of “ My whole being as a woman Gordon A. Thompson of place,” began Sara. i^ols Plan T q The Thompson’s have 11 teaching duties assigned to the responded to the idea,” she con­ Manchester, and Mr. and Mrs. “ You wouldn’t believe these, grandchildren and three great­ School Sisters of N o ^ Dame in tinues. “ Birth is a miracle, Thornton. trees,” continued Kate. grandchildren. ^^onalize Next Fall Trumbull and the Sisters of the whether a child is bom in a Also, attending the event “ They’re all skinny and (AP) - Four school in Trumbull and St. Holy Family of Nazareth in delivery room, a ghetto or a ertmked,” explained Jedm. Catholic elementary Stephen elementary school in Monroe. stable.” 1 roU^ down the car window one high school in Monroe. A statement describing the to be sure I was bearing cor­ qbull and neighboring The Bridgeport diocese’s expected effects of the change Announce Engagements rectly. “Do you mean to say plan to Join forcra to school division and the newly was 1 ‘ead at Sunday morning that with all these trees, not one themselves against the formed Trumbull Catholic Masses by pastors of the four of them suits you? What am 1 BETTER i of closings. ciooperative School Board drew parishes involved in the plan. It CSC Discuss Center^ Plan Mwting going to say to that poor S 3 S 5 IHlil s<;hool regionaliimtion up the plan during the past stated; salesman?” several months because of “ We are no longer fearing the Mrs. Astrid Hanzalek, chair­ plexities of developing a social field, and if she thought plan liitiriA fall will unite St. signs that dwindling finances possibility that eventually the man of the State Commission services program in that tovrii. Manchester would qualify. “ Just one more place Ma,” T e r ^ j; St. (Catherine and Most might force some of the schools schools of the TrumbttU-Monroe rowH Prriel^s Blood elementary oh Human Resources, will be In her efforts to bring such 0' Mrs. Allen said It was based .the kids pleaded. setbris'i and St. Joseph’s h i^ to close. region would have to suffer guest speaker et the Jan. 18 program about, Mrs. Allen on the number of low income “ Oh, com e on in,” I cried im­ The grouping of the s(diool8 their own individual demise as meeting of the Manchester literally waged a “ one-worngin” families and the neighborhood’s patiently. “ But either you find a tree at the next place or I’m under one administration Is sisters left, funds diminished Community Services Onincil, campaign. Mrs. Allen disctiisol^need for such a project, i k i r y at noon at the Manchester the 8750,000 M ulti-Service ^ ItW piJHnnnger Robert Weiss warning you I’ll pick the tree Country Club. Center, with some $500,000 c o m m e n te d that he felt and I like skinny crooked trees. The Rev. Ronald Fournier from HUD Community Manchester wmild hoi.i)uallfy TTiey’re a challenge.” Scouts since it does not have a *^ - At the next stand they found has also invited members of the Facilities Act. The center in­ BEST I legislature to discuss current cludes a swimming pool and ficient number of low income the tree, and all four kids were Awards social issues such as the other neighborhood families to meet the HUD 'Satisfied (a miracle in Itself), S 3 BO proposed Department of recreational facilities. requirements. ' The boys put the tree in the Mrs. Allen has also instigated Much discussion centered back of the station wagon and aWttOtllprBariifaHoh at R o b e ­ I Human Resources, the situa­ many other programs. Among around the school-age popula­ the fragrance of balsam filled IllusUationa enlBfffed to show detnU son S c^ I recently. tion of the 18-year-old students You’re looking at three diamonds all equal In size. But notice ’ and the problems they face, these are a mini-bus transpor­ tion and Mrs. Allen n o t^ that the car and surrounded us. By Receiving Bobcat pins from they vary in price! That’s because they vary In quality. The least (^ m a s te r Calvin Fish were now that the legal age has been tation service and a feeding almost half the population of the time we drove into our yaid expensive ($270) diamond is a GOOD diamond, one your fian-' lowered. program for senior citizens; Enfield is under 18 years of age I was humming Jingle ^ lls cee would be happy to wear. But subtle differences in cut, color ‘ Jo| in Elliot, Tobin Gilbert, The council, since its incep­ d a y care for .children; and the school dropout rate is along with the car radio. and clarity make the $325 diamond BETTER, and the $380 one M|m JacqueSr Ray Blanchette, BEST! When you select an engagement diamond at Michaels, L^yd B i^ , Lonnie Barnes, tion early last summer, has sensitivity-training course for three per cent. We found my husband in the living.room wrestling with the that’s your choice: GOOD, BETTER, BEST! Our diamond experts M.iuchi^el ch p Adamick, Richard made much progress in its ef­ neighborhood workers. A brief report by Michael are happy to help you decide among them. 14K yellow or white The engagement of Miss The engagement of Miss VbnBerg, D avid Welliver, to improve com­ The council members were Speciale of the Hartford Office lights. .1 gold settings. f o r t s Doniu Eileen Sorenson of West Deborah May Phelps of Tolland especially interested in a of INFO Line was presented, in Richard Hutchinson, William munications and cooperation Hartford to David J. Osleger of which he detailed the to Wallace Rogers Pierson III “ .$%&.!” he cried. ‘"They’re EASY PAYMENTS INVITED Qtiealy, Paul Mills, Frank I among its member agencies juvenile review board, which is N ew Britain, has been o f Cromwell has been all tangled up. If they’d been Sdqueira, Allen Dolleris, Steven and organizations, to meet supervised by the chief of police program’s progress. announced by her parents, Mr. announced by her parents, Mr. put away properly in the fist Mills, Alan Welliver, Teddy community needs more effec­ in Enfield, but which is com ­ “We get calls from many and Mrs. Neils J. Sorenson of and Mrs. Edward E. Phelps of place, I wouldn’t be having this Brunson and James Pender. tively. prised of lay and professional areas, and on many subjects,” Westbrook, Maine. Tolland. trouble!” The Arrow of Light, the' At the November meeting, people. he said, “ and at present we are Her fiance is the son of Mr. Mr. Pierson is the son of “ Daddy,” said Kate, who is highest Cub Scout award, was ( some 27 persons attending the Dr. Archibald Stuart, council receiving approximately 25 and Mrs. Bernard Osleger of Wallace Pierson of Cromwell. an expert at pacifying her ptesented to Clifford Longley. noon luncheiHi at the country president, asked Mrs. Allen calls a month from JEW ELER S-SILV ER SM ITH S SINCE 1900 Manchester. These tend to be New Britain. The bride-elect is a graduate father, “ This tree is so BBS MAIIt STREET MANCHESTER Ite also received two badges, a 001 club, heard Mrs. Dorothy Allen, what were the qualifications for The bride-elect is a' graduate of Tolland High School and gorgeous it doesn’t even need Hartford • Middletown • New Britain ope-year pin, and was social services director of En­ receiving federal aid for such mostly in the area of financial of Westbrook High School and attended Morse of Hartford Ughts.” welcomed into Scout Troop 65 field, cite the many com­ programs as she initiated in En- aid, legal services and transportation.” the University of Maine and is Business School. Later when the tree was a by ^^Eugena Woodward, scout- n ow attending Central Her fiance is a graduate of m ^ter,. and Carlton James, f w* • “ We will soon be using a com ­ Connecticut State College Webster Academy, and is assistant Sixiutmaster. puterized system of recording where she is doing graduate attending Colorado State C ^ er awards were given to m e Gift He calls, and will be able to work in education. She is a University. This year let us make your gift giving easy and excitingly different. , BiUy Kinnell, Wolf badge and X i'Y O i WentB For produce more detailed informa­ fourth grade teacher at A Jan. 27 wedding is planned. goMiarrow; Steven Tangarone, tion to pass on to the area from Washington School in H Bear badge, gold arrow, and Chrlstmaal which the calls cpme,” Speciale Manchester. one^ear star; Charles Riley, SIMULATED TV RECEPTION said. Mr. Osleger, a graduate of St. About Town s iiw . arrow and one-year star; The Rev. Mr. Fournier in­ Thomas Aquinas High School TiiD‘;DeGroff, silver star and The executive board of the formed the council that the and Hartford State Technical onft-%ar perfect attendance Manchester Junior Women’s MOTOROLA Manchester Conference of College, is employed as a TWPK pin; /^chael Stolgitis, gold aub will meet Wednesday at 8 Churches will officially come computer programmer at Aet­ arrmf w d one-year star; Jerry p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wirt P O R T A B L E ' into being Jan. 18 with a special na Life & Casuality C. The DiiFour, Wolf badge, gold P. Craft III, 31 Diane Dr. Co­ COLOR banquet and worship service couple plan a June 30 wedding arrowVphd one-yea r star; hostesses are Mrs. John Hubley held at Concordia Lutheran at St. Edmond’s Church, R(rf)^*^Hill and Chris Longley, and Mrs. Richard Coleman. Church. Westbrook, Maine. one^fearlar service II star; Pat M(^^> one gold arrow, five s i h ^ arrows and a two-year m H iiim COLORI TUNING From the Monks of St. Joseph*s Abbey stat; and Steven Lipsky, Tim PUSH ONE BU TTON to automatically balance the hue. A quality line Inspired by a centurfes-old tradition of dedicated Hatch and Michael Pender, intensity, contrast, brightness...even activate the automatic Snga*(^instii)as workmanship. The Monks of St. Joseph’s Abbey have blended conscientious tv^ year star. Steven Lipsky, fine tuning in an instant. And, automatic color circuits lock effort with the finest of ingredients to produce Trappist Preserves and DaRuiy C!oon and James Shea in color to help keep color constant when changing channels or when signal varies. Trappist Wine Jellies. crossed the bridge into Webelos. Special patches for selling REPLACEABLE MINI-CIROMITS Arrow's Norsemen GSt (Center S(^uT-0-Rama tickets were Solid State mini-circuits replace all but five chassis tubes. Classic look... a w ^ e d to Steven Tangarone, If a mini-circuit ever needs replacement, an exchange panel Tim) DeGroff and to top can be plugged in by a service technician. Updates the Flannel Shirt Ml^nnan Stevoi Llpsky. Jerry bm^iK^ftnyotthese six ^aeiis^ring DuFour was named top Arrow’s taken the rough, rugged look out of the ‘outdoor classic price Provocative composure is announced Miawnan in the Christmas can­ MOTOROLA BRIGHT PICTURE TUBE here by the Tartan. An expression of color In addition to the'above features, you get Motorola's Bright sportsmen plaids’ and cp'nverted them into lightweight, up-to-the liDaaifties fer dle fund-raising project. Picture Tube thatXialivers bright, sparkling color pictures. S t y l e s keep changing. And prices keep rising. But Arrow's pen leaders, recognized as in complete control of itself. In a button down See itt minute styles of easy-care, 100% washable cotton. C l a s s i c Belmont Club keeps giving you the biggest value twill with a coordinated ribbed turtleneck. tlto]^: received patches were for your shirt dollar. Smart looking/ not extreme/ but right Stylist stretch etHfel M»«' Elizabeth Gilbert, Den 1; Greet casual gear to wear with jeans, over turtlenecks, or By Gant Shirtmakers. RvJiit* sHlch sewing • Quick Picture up front with our times. And you won't get a shock when ■ | j| !g ^ 4te.^so avall- machine Model , Mrifc Deborah Wojick, Den 2; Color Prfeea Start whatever. Perfect for campus weekends, around the house. J Mrii. Jackie VonBerg, Den 3; and Hound At you check the price tag. 1^- i::wld3 i>Qri^e carrying case tying case, ' Shirt Pictiired Is $15, Mrs. Lois JameS) Den 4; Mrs. VHFAJHF Assorted plaids of browns, blues, greys, reds or greens. Caroline Stolgitis, Den 6. Assis- Antennas $31995 Turtle Neck Is $10 taiit leaders are Mrs. Nadine a Pull-Puah On-ON S-M-U-XL Fashiopsto* I t dgMiE* ldtl8weighl portable Longley, Mrs. Caroline DeGroff Control 7.00 (Others from $7 to $27) stitch fiwiing ,, i j S I s a . and Mrs. Judith Adamick. Model WP550JU. Antique Bronze finish 8.00 252 with 51^ c a ^ n g • THREB SOUNCE FRUIT ASSORTMENT PRESERVE, JELLY AND MARMALADE...... $1.« (j^ald Longley, also received on plastic cabinet. tile Are A Member o f The TRREE S-OUNCE WINE JELLY ASSORTMENT . rezld*ti^ .me--'” Handsomely packaged. Appropriate for giving cm many lesser occasions and very ^!!^l^ng the last part of the TH MAIN STREET G U IL D ... macN^Model 257 with 575 car­ chine hfodel iT t wlftv'l popular. meeling, parents and boys m a m Christmas Items rying 8|tee. ing cs' CENTURY TV MANCHISm TM-CitY PLAZA puepired by eaidi den leader, 901 -907 MAIN STUET HarganB Hth. 'vir'-; nraje .projects, to be dis- 5 2 8 -1 55 4 •72-0S38 tzlbuted to the elderly, shut-ins 943-247I MmB Cdlatifing attb indnded door and 176 BURNSIDE AVE. ‘A Unique p ift SiMqipe’' de(X>ration8, planters, SINGER 687 MAIN ST. IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER Bibles, topiary trees, a EAST HARTFORD OPEN EVERY NITE UNTIL 9:00 998 Main 8t In Downtown SUmchoafr J for eSuistmas cards and 8«wln08 «w ln 0 Centers PHONE 647-17SS and participating approved daaiara ated chests. DAILY ’tB 9:00 ■ Sat ’ta 5-.30 OPEN NOW UNTO, CRRISTMAS - DAILY TILL • P Jt For address of store. dealer nearest you, see yellow pages under SEWING MACHINES e. • P A 6 E t e n — MANCHESTER EVliiNING HESRALD, M aodw iter, Conn., Tues., Dec. 12, 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Cwm., Tues., Dec. 12,1972- PAGE EUtVEli Mrs. Kohn Concerned lo m a tic W a g e -P r ic e Fe.e-Collection Method About Town ing Now Sophisticti,ted There will be a rehearsal for Boy Scout Troop 128 win mart WASHINGTON (AP) - The diploitaat. It bad good sound transmitters, usually battery- from maintaining them, be the Second Congregational "technical espi«na|« has JVednesday at 6:46 p jo . at Cooi- About State Mental era of atttiiq>ted eavesdropping pickup and could transmit 800 powered, wliidi can be easily said. Delays Final Divorces Church Christmas play become an inctuMh^ haasfd to Lids To Stay munity BapUat Church. on U.S. diplomats abroad yards to listening points outside hidden and quiddy implanted in Gentile figured modern the securliy of our Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. at the PHOENIX, Arix. (A P )-T w o have to be approved by the through cumbersome wire- the onbassy. an office or on a poson. safeguards pretty well protect missions overseas.” “ You’re not divorced until church. WASHINGTON (AP) - determine a modified control jbundred couples who thought this decree is filed and it’s not state Supreme Court. Miss Center Congregatlonal'l Hospital Operations connected microphCnes is over. The bug was secretly placed A popular spy tactic used to against uninvited listening at He said the spying attedgfts ’Treasury Secretary Gemge P. system. they were divmtxd are not. going to be until I’m paid.” Hash filed a frioidly appeal, (3mrch will have a toadwtu Hostile agents are trying more in the heel when the diplomat’s be to hide microphones in U.S. U.S. embassies. But be said continue regardless of c h a i^ The Sunday School staff of Shultx lined up a series of Shultz said the new system And after up to 40 years since That collection method was and the court on Monday set a workshop tonight at 7:80 at advanced devices, small maid tixA the shoes out for embassies and Hiik them by continuing vigilance is needed in the Intemattonal , 'polttical Zion Evangelical Lutheran cloaed-dd(^ consultations today their supposedly legal used widely in the Depression, Jan. 2 hearing. Woodruff HaU andootbeae- On Ibe homicide by choking of well as questions of the enough to be dro|q>ed Into a “ repair.” A U.S. security of­ wtre to outdde listening posts. because “ you never can be ab­ climate and that. •q>tonigf probably would be in place Church will meet Wednesday at HARTFORD (AP)-*‘Stories to detmmine the future shape before next April 30. He said the separations, they are going to his niece added, but is frowned She will advertise once a 7:80 p.m. at the church. cond floor of the Parish Bkmae. a senile patient in Fairfield adequacy of hospital martini or planted in a shM. ficer, presumably using This climaxed in 1964 with solutely sure.” devices “are uncovered with in the press certainly raise of wage^price controls that get a chance to reconsider. upon by the legal profession week for four weeks in the Hills Hoq>ital by a 17-year-old procedures and staff supervi­ So reports the State modem detection gear, soon removal of 52 microphones “ Over the years since the se­ alarming regularity.” administration has no J questions” about u^ether four Presidrat Nixon wants to re­ today. Phoenix Gazette, Arizona fellow patient. Mrs. Kohn said: sion. Patients and their Department’s deputy assistant discovered his colleague was a from the American embcusy in cond World Wari” he added. preconceived notion of whether It all stems from a fee- , recent deaths in state nnental tain. collection method used by V. L. Hash died six years ago, and Republican, Arizona Daily Star "We have heard that the families have a right to expect secretary for securl^, G. Mar­ walking broadcasting station. Moscow and 55 from the em­ ccntrols should be more or less hospitals could have been vin Gentile, who is responsible S ou rce aaid the Nixon ad­ extensive than the present Hash, a lawyer who picked up Miss Hash was named a and Tucson Daily Citizen that ' ' : ^ hospital had b m notified In that our state hospitals are well — A miniature tfansmitter bassy in Warsaw. prevented, the president of the ministration wants to move system. considerable walk-in business coexecutor of his estate. Henderson has scheduled a writing, by phone and in person prepared to cope with the type for safeguarding U.S. missions tucked into an innocent-looking Gmtile said such eavesdnqi- 8 out of 10 homes Mental Health Association ot “ p re^ fsw iftiy ” in the private at his office across the street Going through his papers, she Feb. 21 hearing. He felt use of of the potential danger to the circumstances which led to overseas. bbider holding curtain samples- ping installations were pcrasible Shultz scheduled private Connecticut said Monday. Plaza Dept. Store talks with government, from the courthouse. found 200 divorce decrecfs which the usual legal publicatiohs senile patient by n p^essional these deaths. Gentile, in an unusual inter­ Gentile said this spy device, in the first years after World sessions with the government’s Mrs. Albert Kohn said that HAR fiaat ***^^2-*^ Ts—isilli ■ ^ *— T' • . business and labor officials, Productivity Commission and a One of the town’s best known had been signed by judges but wasn’t sufficient. have a cold room person sevoal times before the " I would hope that complete view dealing with the con­ irtiicb turned out to have a War n, whm'U.S,> diplomats 705 East Middia Twnpika, Manchastar ^ the death of a 6S-year-old (Acran from St BmUhSoiiww Church) » - hoping to wind up the con­ attorneys, he is known to have not filed with the clerk of the Listing all 200 couples by actual murder. If this is true, and reassuring answers would tinuing undercover-intelligence broadcasting range o f 400 moved into buildings vrtiicb had committee that makes IS YOURS ORE OP THEM Tfft . patient at Connecticut Valley sultations within t h m or four filed many divorce cases court and made final. Some name, the advertisement will the obvious question is why be provided to the general struggle, disclosed that in the yards, was spotted tefore it got not been under U.S. guard. Party Suppllaa recommendations for price B‘>tr }.'■F1'‘ ' 1 V Hospital from a scalding weeks. without receiving the filing fee. date back to the 1920s. ask them, to show cause why wasn’t the patient tranaferred?,^ public by the Department of last year or so his sleutlu have into any embassy room where “ The technological advances controls on hdalth service. No Warm up that r i ' l ■( received in a.tuthtub leads one This would mean the ad- But his niece, Virginia Hash, She said she assumed it was their divorce decrees should not "Each of these deaths raises Mmtal Health on eadi of these uncovered at U.S. embassies in secret information was dis­ of electronics and miniaturiza­ Now At Plau public report was expected. Mark Van Doren !»< “ to wonder why water minirtration would be in a posi­ herself an attorney, recalled because her uncle was never be filed with the clerk of the questions of the adequacy of situations, and if indicated, ap­ Communist East European cussed. tion have made these wired Cupt, Platoo, Tobtodotlw, Napidrtt; The Price Commission has hard-to-heatroom temperatures into any shower tion io make a decis.’ m early in Monday that he always paid. court. staff perflwmanoe,. competen­ propriate disciplinary or countries: Both devices fit Gentile’s systems obsolete” and ‘round- DocoratloiuL scheduled a meeting next or bathtub would be hot enough January. The sources indicated cautioned his clients; To clear up the estate, she Should there be no objection, cy, and numbers,” she safdr‘*as rm edial action taken.” A tiny radio hidden in a definition of “drop the-clock guarding o f U.S. em ­ Tuesday, for its members to with the new to cause scalding.” You Con Afford. ^ the present control structure, proposed to Superior (iourt Henderson will file them and heel of a ^ oe of a senior U.S. transmitters” — tiny radio bassies prevents hostile agents discuss individual recommen­ Noted Poet As for the hanging suicide as ^headed by the Cost of Uving dations for the new system, Judge Laurens Henderson that the separations 'Will, finally, CHU.CIUSER Norwich Hospital, Mrs. Kohn CouikU, tile Price Commission sources said. Dead At 78 he file all 200 nunc pro tunc— in become legal. ■ T M M n u U l commented: “WUle we are and n y Board, probably will Shultz also announced that Police Seeking other words, doing today what In addition to the advertising THIS REVOLUTIONARY NEW r.ill aware that the superintendent remain in place. Nixon has determined that he TORRINGTON (AP) - Mark Bold Thief should have been done yester­ costs. Miss Hash said, the es­ DEVELOPMENT IN ADD-ON has requested suspension of pmltz, the President’s chief can and will hold federal spen­ Van Doren — writer, critic and day. tate will have to pay the $5-per- HEATINQ win keq> your ooM or f five staff members, if attending economic policymaker, told self-professed believer in only: The judge said fine but cer­ case filing fee for the 200 cases ding to 8250 billipn during the CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) - chUly room warm and coty, with staff was a factor, it would newsmen Monday that the ad­ “ that all people are equal’ ’ — is tain legal requirements would - $ 1 , 0 0 0 . current fiscal year, meaning a (^ime statistics for the first v/OrcabtM flUand filtered, circulating, thar* seem suspension is too mild a ministration will seek extension dead at 78. have to be complied with first. “ It was a rather expensive number of agencies In govern­ seven days of December may mnnalr mostatlcally controllad haat. disciplinary action.” of controls beyond their legal The 1940 Pulitzer prize­ For one thing, the plan would collection method,” she snld. ^ H w tcam f tram but ment will find themselves b e dow n 32 p e r c e n t in Operating cost up to 78% lass than . f expiration date next April 30. In winning poet, who taught mtar Unk or boiler, slapped with cutbacks in com­ Cleveland, but two patrolmen other adikoa heaters. Heats odd I the meantime, talks with the English at (Columbia University v' Indtvlduel anUmattc ing weeks. The cutbacks will be are looking today for the thief UiannoaUt. bathroom, enclosed porch, attic - I .'i people who control wages and for 39 years before retiring in announced about the time the who stole the battery from their v' Safo-ooflamaa, room, or apy space that needs extra Public Records prices and with the people who new budget is sent to Congress 1959, once criticized people in ventaorblfbteni- police car. beat. are controlled will be held to in January. communications for thinking FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION. Warranty Deeds Patrolmen Thomas Planinc v ' Bconomlealbolbio Shultz told reporters that “ that the average person is a Warren Groman Alcock to and Jerome Oberstar, IniUUaadopMSla. |l Nixon has ordered a freeze on nobody, whereas the average Robert F. and Margaret P. person is an everybody. He’s a members of the accident- all new hiring and promotions investigation unit, reported to LeClair, property at 80-82 verjr distin^shed person. Miranda in the federal government until work Sunday morning and 'u Spruce St., conveyance tax “ I believe with all my heart ARCO 0 . 836.30. the new budget is submitted. In walked out to their car parked addition, he said, there will be that all people are equal. That’s S. Mary A. Taylor to Doreen and IH l us how haid Granted behind the traffic bureau of the no pay raises for federal the only thing I do M ie v e .” Joseph Roblcluod, property at Central Police Station. government executives, Van Doren, who died Sunday i' 318 Lydall St., conveyance tax When the car didn’t start, the Parole senators and congressmen and night in Charlotte-Hungerford ^^SELSSSSSi.^ 835.20. two looked under the hood and federal judges in 1973. Hospital of an undisclosed il­ " . Mary A. Cotton to Joseph P. PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) - found the battery gone. SIS Sroad K • M ndnatar, Oaaa. Executive pay raises, lness, wrote more than 50 books and Joyce C. Moriarty, proper­ Ernest A. Miranda, whose 1963 — including verse, fiction, ty at 10 Earl St., conveyance kidnaping-rape conviction was however, may be forthcoming in 1974. Nixon named members critical works, an tax 833. overturned by the U.S. Supreme autobiography and a play, "The of a three-man commission that Robert A. and Loyola E. Hills you want your Court in one of its most Last Days of Lincoln.” to Brian M. and Karin L. Cour- celebrated rulings, has been will study these raises and report back in June 1973. The His son, CSiarles, became cy, property at 7-9 Lilac St., gfanted a parole from State nationally prominent when he conveyance tax 834.10. Prison. { White House said the President would make his recommen­ won 8129,000 on the television GOME JANUARY YOU DONT HAfE TO Aime and Yvonne Latulippe Miranda, 32, was sentenced to quiz program “ Twenty-One.” dations to (Congress early in to Norman L. and Lynda D. 20 to 30 years for the kidnaping Young Van Doren, after his 1974 on salary hikes for federal Latulippe, property on Vernon a ^ rape and a concurrent 20 to successful television perfor­ 25 years for an unrelated executives. HA/E AUTOMOBILE INSURANQL St., conveyance tax 846.20. mance, became a 850,000-a-year Shultz said the next budget, Daniel Joseph Lehiui Jr. and robl^ry in which he took 86 consultant to NBC. Later,*'' covering the 12 months begin­ Ann B. Ldian to Joseph H. and from a woman at knifepoint. following a congressional probe ning July 1, 1973, w ill be Donna Brooks, property at 601 The high court reversed the of television quiz programs, he balanced on a full-employment AFTm AUvYOU CAN ALWnrS VWOK. Bush Hill Rd., conveyance tax kidnap-rape conviction in 1966 disclosed that he received 835.20. on ground that his confession basis, meaning th a t,Nixon is W hen G^nnecrticufs new No-Fault continuing his philosophy that questions in advance to prepare over the country Ralph A. Starkweather Jr. to was inadmissible as evidence his answers. federal spending should be Sebastian and Angelina Lopes, because he had not been ad­ He lost both his NBC post and law takes effect January 1, every car owner Because he knows automobile roughly equal to the amoimt of property at 22 PergU8on Rd., vised of his right to remain a teaching job at Ckilumbia. taxes that theoretically would in the state will be required by law to have insurance, your /Etna agent can tell you conveyance tax 840,70. silent. Mark Van Doren’s “ (Collected be collected if the economy Release o f Federal Tax Lien The decision led to what has Poem s” won the Pulitzer prize automobile insurance. If you don’t and were operating at full employ­ about the many ways that No-Fault benefits Internal Revenue Service become known as the “ Miranda in 1940. He was literary ^ to r I ment. you’re caught, the penalties can be pretty against Lantern House Cafe warning,’’ a procedure in which of “ The Nation” from 1924 to you. M d just what you need to do to Full employment is defined hic., 10 E. Center St. all suspects are advised of their 1928 and its motion-picture roughly as a 4-per-cent jobless severe: like suspension of your driver's co m p ly H e m ay suggest cov era g e through Marriage Licenses rights by police officers at the critic from 1935' to 1938. rate. 'The jobless rate now is 5.5 license and registration... a fine of up to Frederick York Bently, time of their arrest. Among his students to find /E tn a o r h e m ay even re co m m e n d an oth er 1 per cent. Manchester, and Dorothy Miranda was retried and Shultz said the administration .success were the late Thomas $500... even a 3-month jail sentence. policy ^ t one way or another; he’ll help Alberta Hart, Manchester, Dec s^tenced again on both Merton, Clifton Fadiman, Mor­ has committed itself to con­ 16. charges. timer Adler, Jacques Barzun If you’re uninsured right now, that tinuing the year-old controls on you get the protection you need. I Roger Arthur Langevin, 162 Tn his second trial, the judge and Henry Robinson. wages and prices. He said he Bissell St., and Donna Marie ordered Miranda tried under A native of Hope, 111., Van leaves you facing a problem. \Nhere d o Maybe our attitude isn’t average. But, sees no prospect of returning to Manning, 816 Hartford Rd., the alias of “ Jose Gomez” to Doren was educated at the volunta^ guidelines in the near you go to get the facts? How do you find then, we’re not your average insurance Dec. 15, Unitarian-Universalist shield his identity from the University of Illinois. future. Society. juronors. He is survived by his widow, the kind of coverage you need? llie consultations on controls corh p an y Harold Oscar Jensen, An­ ■hielie parole board voted 2-1 another son in addition to will focus on such issues as how S to p b y an d talk to you r local /E tn a dover, and Marianne Frances Monday for Miranda’s release. S o find ou t w hat y o u n e e d t o d o to extensive the'^new system Charles and two brothers. Kafeirlin, 587 Center St., Dec. Life & Ciasualty agent. He’s an expert on comply with the new law before time runs 21. should be, whether food prices should com e under tighter con­ David Harris Price, 38 Deer­ Kuwait Now Buying Danbury Man No-Fault, since he represents the company^ out. Contact one of the agents listed on trols, and the length of the next field Dr., and Sheila Ann Most From U.S. extension of the Economic thafs leading the fight to make it law all this page or check the \fellow Pages. Douton, 80 Bretton Rd., Dec. 16, H onored I AI Kuweit, Kuwait — The Stabilization Law. Church of the Assumption. DANBURY (AP) - Paul United States regained its po- Shultz said NiXon’s actions Vincent Andrew Pavelack, Novak of Danbury, the GUARANTEED I V sition as top exporter to Kuwait are interrelated in that they are workshop 'supervisor for the 206 Center St., and Carol Elaine in 1971 after having been over- designed to continue the fight 2 to 5 Yr. Savffigt Certificatss Danbury Association to Ad­ Howard, 30 Locust St., Dec. 16, takra by Japan in 1970. Kuwait against inflation. He said some vance the Handicapped and Center Congregational Church. , f stotiatics show U. S. shipmOTto headway has been made against Building Permits o f more than $102 milium, fol- ui-i.™ Retarded (DAYAHR) has been Ray LaBelle Builder for Fred lowed by Japan with $99 million Wg^er prices, but a d ^ t h a t in- named Counselor of the Year by McCurry, additions to dwelling and the United Kingdom with Aationary psychology is still the National jassociation for $81 million. Widespread m the nation. at 51 N. Elm St., 82,500. % Retarded Children. UFE&CASUAUY W Joseph V. Rivosa, footings is Your Effective and foundation at 94 Henry St., 82,000. Annujal Return on You get o cflo ii with /Etna Raymond Pellerin for Mrs. Dorothy C. Bruce, additions to 6.00 GUARANTEED dwelling at 30 Ash St., 81,000. 1 to 2 Yr. Savings CertificatM James D. Aceto & Son Inc. for Manchester Modes Inc., ALW AYS A demolish 4-car garage on Elm HOLIDAY TREAT St., 8450. Elsted Construction Co. Inc. % for L.C. Wright, alterations to is Your Effective condominium unit at 20C Annual Return on Esquire Dr., 81,500. 9 0 DAY Camera Construction Co. Inc. from for Crestfield Convalescent Notice Accounts Hospital, addition to hospital at 547 565 Vernon St., 8100,000. EAST HAtTFORO IBurnham & Brady CONNECTICUT (Box (Just off Main Street) Herald % f 34 Burnside Ave,, East Hartford Yesterdays is Your Effective Here you find butter creams made with fresh dairy butter — caramels and fudge 25 Years Ago Annual Return on REGULAR inade with fresh heavy cream — and candies coat^ with delicious dark and Dilworth-Comell-Quey Post, creamy milk chocolate — made fresh daily right here from old New England American Legion, sponsors Savings Accounts recipes since 1925. drawing for new 814,000 Jarvis 5 2 0 home in Trebbe Tract as first prize, 1948 Mercury sedan as se­ cond prize, and trip to New Candy Canes, Hard York a t y as third prize for donations of 50 cents or three Earn from DAY of DEPOSIT to DAY of WITHDRAWAL Gift Wrapped Candies, Ribbon for a dollar. Regular Ctiocolates a ’ 2.00 Harold C. Alvord, president Candy, Chocolate of the Manchester Tnist Co., (1, 2, 3, ft 5-ib. boxes( m arks 40th anniversary in COMPOUNDED CONTINUOUSLY-CREDITED MONTHLY Santas, Stocking bank’s employ. Permit is issued for building NRniatiire Chocolates a ’ 2.35 Fillers. to be erected on com er of Hart­ (1 ft 2-ib. boxes) ford Rd. and McKee St. for Bur- 646-1700 sack Bros, to be used as a meat and grocery store which will cost 850,000. 5s > :i I. "(MRISTMAS WEEK SCHEDULE 10 Years Ago T. S, Board of Directors agrees to give Manchester Country Qub i 11 12 80 extra days to study proposals Savings Bank^ of Manchester for new lease of town land.- Manchester Redevelopment Hr Member F.D.I.C. Agency appoints Larry ^ t h Open 'til 9 p.m. on Circled Days Other Dayst 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. MANCHESTER, Beechler-Tanguay, Inc.,^ 113 East Center St, Tel. 646-2212 - Rodney T. Dolin 315 East Cemef and Co., real estate con-‘ Connecticut’s Largett Savings Bank Ea$totth9 River We Maff Anywhere raltants, to perform market Sunday, Dim. 17 ft 24, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Street, Tel. 646-6050 - G. T. LaBonne & Associates, 155 Main S t - John H. Lappen, Inc., 164 East w n te r S t, TN. 5 2 8 - 7 7 3 7 analysis oii proposed North End I Eight OHicas Serving MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON. 649-5261 - Robert J. Smith, Inc., 963 Main S t, Tel. 649-5241 - Zuccardy-Benjamin. Inc., 63 East Center S t, Tel. 643-9556 renewal project. PAGE TWBiLVE — MANCHKiS'i^ijiR EVEINING HERAU3, Manchester, Cwin., Tuea., Dec. 12, 1972

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,'Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 12. 1972— PAGE THlRt*g*^w - ■ r ^ BUGS BUNNY before being shipped to the OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN OUR BOARDING HO,USE with MAJOR H O O Plf Andover WASHINGTON (AP) - heir of the movement started The only faint straw in the l y O V C r i l l l l t j I l E Government a g e o ta b c ^ coun­ Labor Dqwitment. by insurgent union official wind on tow the election went THATU, W TWBNTy- MOtV WIU.VDU SEE WHAt J ----- r I AdEAwA iVetforf ting votes today in tte court- Aides of the 70-year-oId Joseph A. “ Jocdc” Yabkmski. was a union district election in FIVK BUCKfi AH' WE y ou CAN PO TO MAKB ^•kpr I *i£E7 TMCRC'3 ordered union election that Boyle, wboee 1968 opponoit was Several union officials have Ohio, held at the same tim e as dUARANTM ^TRAM WOVBR LET OF MV PW w i f e V a o ► MO HOPE ^jORTHIS SHE m x s *rt I0NOR6 A,lewHeMSHe^ Tallying pitted United Mine Workers murdered after that election, confessed or been indicted in the election for national of­ v m poiy s o v HC'u. ccbmi-THe best ; SEES M l ABOUT ID SOUR AW SHE Objections Voiced President W.A. "Tony” Boyle predicted he wULwin again in the slayings of Yablonski, his ficers. Miners for Democracy OMCV A m THINA-ID no IS H0LLERSi'VMMT-WAIT/S)*JCE’>«3O‘RE ^ COMM ANPi h ISMORE HIM/ — ------'' takeupfcraaonths / To Cluster Housing Vote The Labor Department said it ordered After finding ClarksviUe, Pa., home several District 6 voting. TURNABOUTS FAIR sridespread voting violations in weeks after the union declared “ We expected to lose that dis­ PLA/—RISKT. mat/ will take several days to count EVBR V . ANNA FRISnSA the contest three years ago. Boyle the winner over trict,” said a spokesman for commiision pinpoint the loca­ sideratdy more benefit to the the ballots from nearly 800,000 t : FILUUPi Comapondent T h e 49-year-old Miller, Yablonakl in the December 1969 Boyle. He said tto Boyle camp tion o f such housing on the town of Andover. working and retired coal retired miner from Obley, election. lost the Ohio district election 1^ Tel. 742.9347 parcel o f land. H o e , people Commission secretary Valdis miners in 35 states. 'The ballots were cast Dec. 1-8 and the W.Va., who suffers the dis­ Boyle baa repeatedly ilenied a 66 per cent margin, compareil Last night’s public hearing on w ere concerned with building Vinkels explained that the pre­ boxes sealed bv federal aronts abling black-lung disease, is the any knowledge of the slayings. witti 63 per cent in 1960. subdiviata regulatioiu in An­ such units right next to a sent set of regulations was full /i-a dover (haw qiproxiinately 60 property line and felt they could of loopholes of all kinds and that O ^ OO. O peraona,; most of them con­ MICKEY nNN be shielded throuc^ some sort it has been only through the ef­ BY HANK LEONARD cerned with the proposed new o f buffer, zones. forts of the zoning board over o •” ' S v © . section,of regulations called THE PHILADELPHIA WELL, FRANK— I GUESS I DONT /HAVBe Low Density Town? the years that development has POLICE HAVE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE FOR THINK I l L "Clustei- Housing.” WHAT ABOUT THE fWWN , m 'L L GO One of the points brought up a not been allowed on an in- ALREADV PICKED VOU TO DO BUT 60 OUT FEEL THE 'TOFLOUDA The hearing, whidi was con­ BROKER WHO CLAIMED , HIM'UP— ANDHE AND ENJOV THE FREE AIR number o f times in discussing diacrimnate basis. COLD AT —FORA ducted' by £ e Planning and HE SOLD ME THE GUN TURNED OUTTO BE — ALTHOUGH IT’S PRETTY J^LL/ MONEY- cluster housing was that the Master Plan THAT TODD KRONE AN OLD FRIEND OP COLD OUTSIDE/ MOONj Zoning Commission, was a pec^Ie who cam e to Andover to T(fom Clerk Mrs. Ruth Mun­ j m * WAS KILLED WITH? BECMONCALL'SI quiet one in most respects live came sedking the “ open son suggested that there may • ^ U S T t except for the obvious dislike to spaces” and were not in­ be some conflict in the new U 'E A U * these portions of the terested in living in proximity regulations with a master plan COUMTERACTIOIJ P ANTIFREEZE'S ' regulations. to each other. pn^wsed for the town 13 years Theproposed au ster Housing 'This point was advanced as ago. tectidn offered builders and an argm ent against providing The commission agreed to developers an alton ative to the cluster bousing tmits at all. check out the plan and see if SHORT RIBS cutting up land into one or two- John Corl, who Uvea on An­ any conflict existed and if the p i f V A • BY FRANK 0 ’NEAl ‘ ac^Jots, each with a structure, dover Lake, pointed out that plan could offer some further weir and septic tank. The there were some 200 families suggestions to the proposed new 643-2711 W£ eOT FIZESW WITiA ONE ^M AP? yotlRE Cluster Housing provision living at the lake, in con­ r^ulations. P h o n e / To Include Your Business OF 1VIE CCXKT LADIES ANP IC1PP1N& m -t would permit a higher density siderable proximity to one Moratorium to be Lifted SUE 60TA^AP. of homes to be built on a portim In the Herald^s Christmas Gift Guide! PRISCILLA'S POP BY AL VERMEER another, on 40 or SO foot lots. Responding to a question as of the tract of land, while still These people also moved to An­ to whether the moratorium on LET'S <30, X WE ClANT maintaining the same overall HOLLYHOCK J STAY AT dover and obviously they were accepting subdivision J! THB ratii^of populatira density-, that already enjoying cluster applications would be lifted, LIBRARY la, ihere would still be one housing of a sort, he said. Mra. Frisina Indicated that as T A l l cayj Harvest Hill hohie per every acre or two O f the about 600 families in soon as the commission makes GOMandST/MP a p i ^ depending cm the zone in town, besides the 200 lake some decision about the PACKAGE STORE that arta. famiUes, there are another 40 in regulations, the moratorium HsBflquarters for Coins, U.S MANCHESTER PARKADE : Thpse persons objecting to the Pine Ridge Area, another 30 would be lifted. Stampis, aiKl large saiaGtlon the c ld s ^ housing proposal or 40 in the Hickory Hill area, She said that it was the inten­ of supplies and accassoriaa. I seemed to indicate that it would perhaps another 30 families tion of the commission in I '• We Feature make it easier for developers to Located at the Manchester THE FLINTSTONES concentrated in the apartment placing a'moratorium, simply Pet Center BY HANA.BAI^BERA cam e in mid build units in quan­ section on Wales Rd., and ap­ to allow for a period of time tity. As the evening progressed, proximately 60 families concen­ that the regulations could be 9 Maple St. A Compktf Unsot LET'S SEE.. THE ONE, WITH THE a great number of objectors trated in the Center Rd., area of revised objectively, and the IMPORTED and DOMESTIC began to discuss all the town. purpose of the moratorium was (just around the comer ll - l t » imiT MU, h,. TK.W lu. HE'S ALMC56T EXACTLY WHITE b e a r d a n d i IZ-II THE SAME SIZE AS RED SUIT-WHO possibilities and some came to Improvement Fund not to backhandedly avoid from Main) WINES TH AT MAN OVER the conclusion that it might be a accepting subdivision Manchester FOR THE HOLIDAYS THE BORN LOSER by Art Sanaom Ke e p s s a v in s 1 The other point to come up t h e r e / better mode o f building. 649-4273 HO-HQ-HO/ for discussion was the es­ applications. Criteria Discussed tablishment of an improvement Quick Aclion Expected 9 to 9 Sat, to 6 )tbe general feeling of the fund wherein a developer has to The commission will again J. hearing after considerable dis­ place a certain amount of review the proposed QIFT PACKS cussion on the subject was that money into a fund for use by the regulations, taking into con­ COLLECTORS’ B O T T L E S people were automatically town for future capital im­ sideration the comments of the resmitful of the words “ cluster provements. people, and reworking them BERNE’S TV hhusing,” and that the concept Some residents questioned into what they consider to be m e ita d f was peitaps not so bad. whether this was legal, and the best regulations for the LOOK FOR THE HARVEST HILL Suggestions were made that town. were assured that the point d is c o v e r y l a b e l s a n d SAVEI the Planning and Zoning Com­ would again be checked. If it The regular meeting of the mission establish more were not legal, it would not be commission, s P.M. 2MalnSL shoi^fovm between the Depart-1 COME IN AND MEET open deity to 10 p.m. nfent/ oh Defense and a major j aerdj^re manufacturer over] the question of who must pay j fo r cost overruns in such con- j LIND THOMPSON, tract!, t ALLEY OOP BY V.T. HAMLIN Itvset dp the possibility of a HOME ECONOMIST court fight or an a p p ^ by \ UX)K/ WHY, THE. NERVE OF k WEU,rHElBGCNN6 ...nr SEEMS TD ME SHE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO ALLEY'S, THAT MAN/ HE (MONT TO ACT LIKE -mAT.. rrB RIDICULOUS FOR GOOD id ea! Grumman to Congress for OPEN A ' i® l e a v in g I EVEN SdN GOOO0O LiS TO CONTINUE STE\tB CANYON CUT COOKING TIME BY 7S% BY MILTON CANIFF relief, such as that provided th^ DAILY a Early American Locddieed Aircraft Corp. in its COOK A 5-LB. ROAST IN 38 MINUTES. ’til IT CANT BE VALUABLE MEANWHILE.. IN THE MIPWjE^ I HOPE I DON'T treuUes with the C5A transport BAKE A POTATO IN 4 MINUTES, Sola and Chair ID THE STRANGER IF IT TV OF WRITING A APPEAR AS plane. i COOK HOT OOOS IN 20 SECONDS. R s g u l a r s u m m e r , ! th in k CARRIES MV NAME AfiCE MY MIND DIS-TRACTED AS tW . -I f . In a full-page advertisement l U ASK POTEET -W H Y WOULD ANYONE JUMPS ID MRS. FREE ^ 0 V a lu a l TO TRV AND SET HAVE hung ONTO AN JONES DEALING I a : addressed “ to the shareholders THAT FRATERNITY INEXPENSIVE BADGE ? DISHES OFF THE \ I . o f Grumman Corporation” that FTN FROM HER CRYSTAL STEMWARE -M OT EVEN JEWELED... ARM/ k BE appeared in today’s New York • Cuatom Tallorad y - ■■ lim e s , tbd company said it bad Look been trying for over two year^ • Arm Sloovoa Too to renfgotiate the contract. • ZIpporod Cuahlona ia.-ia It blamed “ extreme inflation WITH PURCHASE a Heavy Twaad and a reiUcal shift in govern­ PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Covar ment IJrocurement policy” for OFRADARAHGE The Most Wanted Christmas Gift! SGT. STRIPES FOREVER BY BILL HOWRILLA *■ the fln a n c ^ p r o b l^ and said Choose from the Best: • RoyakOlympia • Olivetti-! s«r/inq ».r,nnnctic.ij! ' ,■ 1'iO‘f “ It ia unreasonable to expect AT DEMONSTRATON Underwood • fonitb-CcH-ona • Remington-Rand.from] r THiwf-Tte^s m tiio 9b. lAAlATMAXes ...THeTHtePfeiHA Grumman Bhareholders to ' 154.95 • Sales-Service-Rentals (Adding and Calculating | TfeUeUS.* HfesfWlfe?A CJP TfeA R?»WCniDHJ aaaume the entire burden for, [ |iachincs, tool) ' e m i^ncions pBEssepAs a a d ja w w s r — », M Em ySpH 'eACBO fO d Boston t h is estentlal defense blau ID eeiK^alePy program.” furniture stores (SAWfcll) f LITk.E SPORTS BY ROUSON Gnunman Corp. Board Chair-1 aCItt man E. Clinton Towl toldj • OMNI Oomrett last ,^iril that the j I tor ] h DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET; MANCHESTER • HNETTEM S company was “ financially un-1 fOrinnly KcHli’s -J*. FM Pandl PafUae-Mutw aurft < I Accsptcdl • WT03YEMS able” to build the 48 additional! BBRNIE t| llloU U SUHIIMain AK*y8t, JNUMlOIICSwOPMaaobeator H / Tonocata and that it would kiee < f ^ ^ PtMoe MS.4Ue TO w n another 916S.5 miliian U it did. TV&APPLIANCE “ We’U cloee the doors. We’D have to. We can’t proceed,” he Manchester Periiade Store Only \ declared, referring to Grum­ TsI. S4S-95S1 Rov^4i 1 2 - man Aerospace Corp., the OPEN MON. - PRI. 10-S SAT. 104 parent company's m ajor sub­ M ERUy CHRISTMAS MEftKy CHRISTMAS sidiary. I 1 r I i < < < I I ( I ( < t <

r> ■ MANCHESTER EVEINING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 12, 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Tues., Dec. 12,1972- PAGE nFTEEN

!!■ Bench on Mend Namath on-Target All Night _ a** After Surgery

. ■ S II But Raiders Kill Jets’ Hopes CINCINNATI (AP) - “ Examination of the le­ Ballou said it was I- # Surgery performed on (^n- sion revealed no existence of necessary to remove “ a cinnati Reds’ catcher John­ a malignant tumor,” Ballou small amount of lung . a Athletes in for Treat ny Bench should result in said. “ Tests are being run tissue.” But he added it was OAKLAND (AP) — Even in defeat, ’ so small it couldn’t be Athletes at East Catholic High are in for a treat timight The loss left the Jets at 7-6 and eliminated their chance other running backs for 169 yards. The Je ’Ibe touchdown “ no impairment at all in his on this to determine the quarterback Joe Namath has a knack for upstaging other of winning the American Conferenro’s wild card playoff pass to Chester was the biggest Oakland offensive blow of ability,” the team’s physi­ CftUSC measured in percentages when Rick Forzano, head football coach at the U.S. Naval football players. berth. The Raiders, as champions of the AFC West, are 9- the night. It came right after Bobby Howfield’s third field cian says. “ All of these things, and wouldn’t affect Bench’s “ Joe was on target all night,” Jets’ Coach Weeb Ewbank 3-1 and heading toward a playoff opener on the road goal had cut Oakland’s lead to 17-16. D r. George Ballou, barring complications, vital capacity in any way. said Monday mght after Namath passed for 403 yards in a against Pittsburgh, or possibly Cleveland, on Dec. 23. Lamonica went to Giester, who was all alone behind the speaking at a news con­ would Indicate a quick and Bench’s mother, Katie, 24*16 loss to the Oakland Raiders that killed the Jets’ hopes The'Raiders kept the Jets out of the end zone after New York sectmdary, after faking a handoff to running ference after the operation complete recovery.” said that before going into of making the playoffs. Namath hit tight end Rich Caster on a touchdown pass play back Charlie Smith on a third down and half-yard situatkm. at Christ Hospital Monday, the operating room “ he was ■ V “ He has these kind of games,” admitted Raiders Coach covering 49 yards in the first quarter. ’That score put tiie “ It was nothing new,” Ewbank said of the can, “ We said Bench should be ready Bench was recovering nervous, but he wasn’t going John Madden, “ but I feel our guy was pretty good too.” Jets ahead 7-3. yelled to the club to be ready.” to play by the Reds’ 1973 today iii the intensive care to let it show.” Oakland quarterback Oaryle Lamonica, throwing a lot Two interceptions near the goal line helped the Raiders. After Chester’s touchdown, Namath moved his team opening game. unit at the hospital. His con­ Bench had been injected less than Namath, passed for 202 yards and two “ He had good.success against our zone. Then we used a downfield quickly, but free safety Jack Tatum interde^ted Bench, the National dition was list^ as good. and figured he would have touchdowns in the nationally televised game. three-man rush and he had pretty good success against a long pass in the end zone and returned the baU 56 yards to League’s Most Valuable Ballou said Bench should been unconscious. But he Raiders fullback Marv Hubbard and Jets receiver Don that, too,” said Madden. the Jets’ 46, where he fumbled with a teammate being Player in 1970 and 1972, un­ be hospitalized for seven to wasn’t. Maynard were two other players whose feats,were “ Still, he didn’t put it into the end zone a lot.” credited with the recovery. derwent surgery for 10 days, and should make “ What’d you do, give me overshadowed by Namath’s passing show. Lamonica put the ball into the end zone on a perfect 39- “ The official on the play called it for the Jets. The other removal of a spot on one complete recovery within the wrong kind of juice?” he Hubbard gained 118 yards to become the ninth NFL yard scoring toss to Fred Biletnikoff as the Raiders took a guy 30 yards down the field caUed it for the Raiders,” Ew­ lung. about eight weeks. asked doctors. rusher to hit the l‘,000-yard marit this season. ’The 35-year- 10-7 lead in the second quarter, and a pass to Ray Chester bank said later. old Maynard caught seven Namath passes for 131 yards in the fourth quarter produced a 68-yard touchdown play As the Jets left the field, Ewbank yelled at the bade of and reached an all-time NFL high of 6 ^ career receptions. and the final 24-16 margin. one of the striped shirts, “ Did they give you the game “ Nothing takes the place of winning,” M ayna^ said The Oakland quarterbaqk also called on Hubbard and ball?” ^ f Leader in Eight Categories later. CLIFF DEMERS RICK raRZANO (AP photo ® f ■ Academy, appears in the role of guest s p ^ e r at the an­ nual Fall S p ( ^ Awards’ N i^ t. College Basketball Roundup Members of 1,000-Yard Rushing Club in NFL This Season Forzano made a host of friends here when he served as Carlton Set Hot Pace head grid mentor at the University of Connecticut for two Eight runners who have to right, Mike Garrett, San Washington, Larry Scsonka, Brockington, Green Bay; seasons, 1964 and 1965. gained 1,000 yards in NFL Diego; Franco Harris, Miami. Bottom, 0. J. Simp­ SAN FRANCISCO (A P )- the Los Angeles Dodgers, and gave up the most'bases It was Forzano who guided the UConns to their first-and Ron Jolmson, Giants, and play this season are, top, left Pittsburgh; Larry Brown, son, Buffalo; John Calvin Hill, Dallas.- Steve Carlton, pitching for had the third best ERA of on balls, 122, six more than only-irin ever over a Yale football team, in his second year UCLA Far Out Front, the Philadelphia Phillies, 2.08 and the most shutouts— teammate C ^y Kirby. But at the Storrs campus. who had the league’s worst nine to Carlton’s eight. Sut­ the 115 runs Arlin allowed Forzano is one of the funniest peakers I’ve ever heard on won-lost record, led ton, 19-9, strupk out 207 for were exceeded by a 120 total the sports beat. He's a natural comedian, although he Florida State Next National League pitchers in fourth in that category, one for Reggie Cleveland of St. peitaps wasn’t in the best of moods this season when Navy eight categories, official whiff behind Bob Gibson, 19- Louts, 1415. By The Associated Press slipped under .500 and. then lost the finale to Army. Florida State whipped Eastern ken- Playoff Picture Clearer statistics released today 11, of St. Louis, whose 2.46 There were three no­ rack’s been at Annapolis since 1969 as bead coach. —American Citizens Face Income tucky 87-70 and Biscayne 97-62 in ac­ showed. ERA was fifth best. Tom hitters, all by right-handers During Wayne Hardin’s regime at Navy, Forzano was an Tax. tion last week. Maryland beat The 27-year-old left­ Seaver of the New York — Burt Hooton, 11-14, of assistant for five years. —Sun Rises In East. Canisius 107-80 in its only game. NEW YORK (AP) - ... Browns win the Central If the Steelers beat the runnerup record, here’s how With the Cowboys of the hander had a 27-10 record for Mets was runner-up to Chicago against “ The three most important things in Rick Forzano’s life —UCLA Leads Associated Press Marquette had an impressive week, And then there were two. Division title. Miami has Chargers, they’ll the first round of AFC East Division the wild card the most victories, this Carlton in victories, 21-12, Philadelphia JM>rU 16; MUt are God, his family, and the N avd Academy. His faith is College Basketball Poll. crunching 14th-ranked Tennessee ^ With the New York Jets out clinched the East and automatically take the Cen­ playoffs, also Dec. 23-24, winner by virtue of its best despite playing for a team and strikeouts, 249. Seaver Pappas, 17-7, Chicago, strong, ^ love for his family great, and his addiction to Those headlines carry almost equal 30 and edging No. 11 Memiriiis State of the way, the National Oakland owns the Wqst. tral crown — their first title would shape up; runnerup record in the con- that finished at 5997. served up 23 home run against San Diego Sept. 2, the Academy secure.” This is a paragraph about this man surprise value as the incredible, un­ 72-69. Miimesota dropped one place Football League playoff pic­ In th e N ational of any kind in 40 years in the — Oakland at Pittsburgh ference and with the Carlton’s earned run pitches, exceeded only by and Bill Stoneman, 12-14, of •*'T' 'L in the Navy press guide. beaten, unthreatened Bruins again despite slamming Wisconsin- ture is a bit clearer — but (Conference, only the West N FL — and leave the on Saturday. Packers the Central Divi­ average of 1.98 shaded Cin­ the 32 thrown by Ferguson Montreal against New York “ Rick Forzano, more than any other man, helped shape are unanimously No. 1 today among Milwaukee 79-60. not much. remains unclaimed and, Browns with the AFC wild — Cleveland at Miami on sion champions following cinnati righthander Gary Jenkins, 20-12, of the Oct. 2. my life, “ Cliff Demers said of topight’s spe^er. Demers, major undergraduate roundballers. Nortii Carolina State continued to regardless of which team card, no matter what Sunday. their victory over Nolan, 15-5, who had 1.99. He Chicago Dibs. director of athletics and football coach at East fo^Jbe past Florida State and Maryland The Jets, eliminated from wins that title, the playoff Minnesota, here’s how the Club pitching statistics be the nation’s hottest scoring club, (Cleveland does against the However, if Pittsburgh started the most games, 41, Jenkins and Gibson were six years, played under Forzano at UConn. remained UCLA’s distant 2-3 American^ (Conference “ wild sites are set. The first round NFC playoffs, also Dec. 23- tied for second in complete had the Los A n geles ill slaughtering Georgia Southern 144-100 Jets. The same outcome loses to San Diego and completed the most, 30, and “ m never forget sonie of the things that Rick taught me challengers, while Marquette jumped card” contention by their will be Dec. 23-24. 24, shape up: games with 23 each. Dodgers on top with a 2.78 fa - and South raorida 125-88. would result if both the Cleveland beats New York, pitched the most innings, fi 'H', in cbllege,” Demers said. It should be a big nii^t for the one notch jo fourth, exchanging places losing 24-16 to Oakland Mon­ The Steelers, 10-3, having Clay Carroll, Cincinnati ERA to 2.81 for Pittsburg. Long Beach State belted Portland Steelers and Browns lose the Steelers and Browns — Dallas at the winner of 346. ■ 1 ■ Blast ateletes, and for the parents lucky enough to have with Big Ten powerhouse Minnesota. day night, have left the two already locked up a playoff righthander, set a major The Dodgers shut out op­ ; 102-66 and Puget Sound 102-70. their final games. would wind up tied for first the West Division on Satur­ Carlton faced the most 0 i reserved the n i^ t. North Carolina State and Long remaining playoff berths to position but not a title, close league record with 37 saves. ponents 23 times, and the Kentucky, eighth ranked last week, with 10-4 records — and by day. batters, 1,351, allowed the Beach State remained sixth and Pittsburgh and (Cleveland — out Uieir regular season next Wayne Granger established Cubs were next with 19. t: & took a double defeat dose in a 79-66 With the Steelers as (Cen­ virtue of the NFL’s most hits, 257, and had the seventh, respectively. Southwestern although New York can still Sunday in San Diego while — G reen Bay at the old mark of 35 in 1070 The Atlanta Braves’ 4.27 battle with Iowa and a 64-58 game tral winners and the Browns tiebreaking system, the m ost strikeouts, 310. Penalties Occur Early Louisiana rose from 10th to eighth, have a hand in determining Geveland, 9-3, goes against Washington on Sunday. with the Reds. Carroll and ERA was the league’s against Indiana and the Wildcats as the wild card team with Browns would win the Cen­ Unbeaten from June 7 Have you ever noticed that most penalties in hockey Pennsylvania stayed ninth and Oral whether the Steelers or the Jets in New York. The West is still up for Mike Marshall of Montreal worst, their four shutouts dropped out of sight. the conference’s best tral title, leaving the through Aug. 17, his 15-game gamte occur during the first period? There are fewer Roberts moved up two places to No. grabs with San Francisco, appeared in the most games, and 732 strikeouts were low Southwestern Louisiana, 4-0, scored Steelers with the wild card. w ln n ^ string was the NL’s pen^ties, as a rule, in thie second period and even less in 10 . Atlanta and Los Angeles all 65 each. marks and the 730 runs and its most-recent triumphs over Pan laV o tiiiii!;,..!:')' And if the Browns do take longest. UCLA was idle last week and Coach having a shot at the title. Steve Arlin of San Diego, 155 home runs given up were the final...In an unprescedented move, Yonkers Raceway American 111-70, St. Joseph’s, Pa., 84- the Central title, they’ll host Right-hander Don Sutton, has announced that the nighly admission price to the John Wooden’s West Coast wonders Right now the 49ers, at 7-5-1, 1021, lost the most games league highs. 74 and Marshall 98-84. Oakland in Saturday’s in his seventh season with have a 3^ record along with Florida lead the Falcons, 7-6, by half clubhouse starting openeing ni^t, Jan.3, will be reduced Ninth-ranked Penn beat The Citadel ‘Rover’ Jack Gregory playoff while Pittsburgh from $4.50 to $3.25. The reason is due to a drop of almost 18 State, Maryland, Marquette and a game with the Rams, 64-1, 57-34 and Navy 58-39. would play its wild card per cent in paid attendance last year. Admission to the Minnesota. a game off the pace. hand in Miami on Sunday. grandstand will ^remain at $2,25... David Pierce was a In the NFC, things are a fullback with th& Proctor Academy varsity football team Earns ‘Sacker’ Label Pirates Were Best With Bat bit clearer, thanks to vic­ this fall in Andover, N.H...The annual Southern New -Testimonial— 1 Brain Tumor Removed (AP photo New York— Jack Gregory ment and the coaches after I to be. He’s going to miss it tories last weekend by England Hockey League’s All-Star game will be played was tagged "Rover” im­ played out my renewal op­ when he goes back to his cat­ Dallas and Green Bay which And Statistics Bear This Out Dec.28 at the Hartford Arena in Soute Windsor...National Double Coverage and Interc^tion Results Retired Rockville High football coach, Jerry mediately last June when tion with Cleveland to tle and soybeans on his wrapped up all but one Hockey League telecasts' will start Friday night, Dec.29 behind Williams in batting with his defensive duties with the become a free agent. And it Okoiona ranch during the playoff berth. TEE-TOTALERS - Marilyn SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Pittsburgh players in the top when the Boston Bruins meet the Minnesota North Stars Fitzgerald, will be Jet Back Steve Tannen Graba Ball Intended for Raymond Cheater Wayne Maki Fair Giants’ were made known, only took a few days in off-seasons. Smith 177-453, Uz Chaloux 176, The Pittsburgh Pirates, in win­ 15 were A1 Oliver, whose .312 ;325 and .321. It was the second tendered a testimonial consecutive year in which Garr on Channel 30...Marty Cavanaugh, at 74, the oldest runner butnow “Sacker” seems training camp to know that I Kay McCarthy l’^5-462, Leda ning ’s National League average ranked him sixth; -V in the 1972 Five Mile Road Race in Manchester, is a former dinner on Jan.24 at East Division last season, led Richie Hebner .300; Manny was runner-up. just as appropriate. had joined q highly spirited aifford 178-197-518. truck driver who is now employed as a security guard at V a lle’ s. Following Surgery the league in hits, total bases, Sangulllen, .298, and Willie Pete Rose of Cincinnati had Tickets are available in In his four-years as a young s^Uad that was the Walthman, Mass., hospital...Competing in road races Hospitalized CHURCH - Don Churchill doubles and triples, and had Stargell, .293. Stargell was the most hits, 196, and his .307. regular defensive end with heading pteces. We’ve sur­ was the ei^ th best batting > minus track shoes is old hat for Chulie Robbins. “ I’ve Whalers Top Jets Rockville at .Zahner’s, 205, Bob Zilinskas 213, Elliott four of the circuit’s top 15 third in runs batted in with 112 LOS ANGELES (AP) - NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. (AP) - Wayne Maki of the the (Cleveland Browns, the prised everybody so far by average. The switch-hitting out­ h been running barefooted for nearly 40 years. I started Steve and Tom ’s, Vernon Newcomb 206-574, Pete Uriano hitters — more than any other and fifth in home runs wlUi 33. UCLA basketball Coach John Vancouver Canucks of the 2 7-yea r old, 6-5, 250- staying in contention and team. S fielder has averaged above .300 when I was in high school and I like it,” the former Paint and Rockville 217, Pete Foster 200-556, Dick Outfielder Billy Williams’ For Sixth Straight Wooden was expected to be R e m in d e r. remained in fair condition in a hospital Monday nif^t pounders’ best season dum­ every game we play makes Niese 203, Ed Daniel 218-551. Official batting records .333 a v erag e brought the for eight straiftel Masons, a_ national marathon champion said...Tonight’s UConn- string matched among active' released today f^om St. John’s Women are invited. A following a four-hour emergency operation Sun^y for ping the opposing quarter­ us a better team.” released over the weekend Chicago Cubs their first in­ UMass Yankee Conference Basketball game will be Hospital where M has been un­ Gregory was just the type showed the Pirates, who lost to players only by Roberto steak dinner will be the removal of a brain tumor. back was 1967 with 17. He hit G O P WOMEN - Pat dividual league batting cham­ telecast by Channel 3 starting at 8. Channel 3 will also BOSTON (AP) — No wonder Coach Jack Kelly of the der observation since Sunday of player we needed to 5imenca F orstrom 186-480, Eleanor Western Division winner Cin­ pionship since Phil Cavaretta Clemente of Pittsburgh whose that number in.his. first 10 carry the UConn games with Harvard (Dec.22), Rhode main course. A spokesman for Royal Maki became embroiled in a string went eight seasons New Elngland Whalers could smile. The great former night for what doctors said was games this year while his assure success with the type CYafts 453, Diane Eib 455. cinnati three games to two in hit .355 in 1945. Williams also Fitzgerald announced Ckilumbia Hospital said the 28- controversy in his final season throui^ 1967. Ty Cobb’s record Island (Jan.20) and Boston University (March 3). George C3)icago Black Hawk Bobby Hull, now player-coach of the a gastrointestinal upset. of defense we were going to able and regular schedule the playoffs, had a team batting led in total bases with 348 and hi, retirement following year-old left winger was under with St. Louis when he was ^ teanunates chipped in with By BOB BEATTIE of eight seasons with 50 or more Ehrlich and Arnold Dean- will handle the telecasting Doctors said “ it’s nothing (which we will discuss in RESTAURANT - Mike average of .274, compared with was third in home runs with 37. Winnipeg Jets in the World Hockey Association, had just intensive care. No cause of the volved in a preseason stick- 12 more for a team total of install this year,” says Head QUESTION Is preseason stolen bases was matched by duties. serious and there is no pain,” a the Rams’ final game this further columns). Doing ex­ Balesano 155-387, Chester runnnerup St. Louis’ .260, and Johnny Bench of Cincinnati I i pronounced the Whalers’ defense the most experienced in tumor has been given. swinging incident with 29.!’ Coach Alex Webster. conditioning really impor­ Lou Brock of St. Louis, who UCLA spokesman said Monday. fa ll. haustive exercises one night Russo 142-381, Dick Krinjak 140- collected 1,505 hits to the Cards’ was the home run leader with the league. Maki had been sent back to G regory, although he “ We had to be patient at tant? defenseman Ted Green of the a week is of no value. 371, Roy McGuire 363, Dave 1,383. 40, two more than San Diego’s stole 63 bases, leading the The Whalers edged Hull’s really skating in the third Vancouver from Atlanta after Boston Bruins. the start and through the always has been rated as an Perhaps the greatest key There are two ways to ap­ Vlara 351, Ed Doucette 399, Houston’s 2,070 total bases Nate Ck)lbert, and also was U^s league for the sixth time in tte End of the Line team 4-3 Monday night. Mike period and that told a big part complaining of constant Green underwent brain sur­ outstending player, never preseason games because to a successful ski season is proach a conditioning pro­ Robert Morin 373, Tony Samele were second to the Pirates’ 2,- in RBI with 125 to Williams’ last seven seasons. Brock, Just ^^ondering if schdolboy basketball players point Hyndman and Kevin Aheam of the gam e,” Hull said. “ If we headaches during the team’s gery for a fractured skull and had a nickname in his four we changed our defense preseason conditioning. Its gram: alone of with a group. 401, Ed Gutt 142-360, Glen 180, but the Astros led in runs 122. seventh in batting with .311, had a little bit more staying latest road trip to Atlanta, more towards a berth in the post-season tournaments than scored third period goals within sat out the following season. years of college hall at (Chat- completely,” explains value should not be under­ If you have good self disci­ Griswold 140, Tony Mayer 140- batted in with 660 to Atlanta outfielders Ralph was the top singles hitter, with power in the third period, Toronto and Detroit. He was estimated. Any experienced 156. regular season championships?...Orders for Gold Key three minutes of each other to Green is playing this season defensive coordinator Jim pline, then exercising alone 371, Joe Dworak 355, Ed Pittsburgh’s 654. Garr and Dusty Baker were things might have been admitted to the hospital Satur­ tan'ooga University and skier will tell you that the D i^ q r tickets are now being accepted at The Herald’s snap a 2-2 deadlock. with the World Hockey Garrett. “ In addition to his might be the most advan­ Bujaucius 144-388, Jim Bell 142- different. day for observatlm and un­ Delta State or in his five s tro n g e r you are, the tageous for you. Otherwise, Sports Department. The dinner Jan.29 at the Hartford It was the Whalers’ sixth con­ Association’s New England 360, Henry Frey 364, Bert “The Whalers have a good derwent surgery Sunday. seasons with the Browns. great play, Gregory instilled healthier you feel and the group exercise may be the Hilton will honor Tom Kelley, retired Manchester High secutive triumph and extended Whalers. Claughsey 361, Jim Chiapponi their Eastern Division lead to experienced defense. I’d say ’The (^ u c k s a cqu ir^ Maki “ I couldn’t care less what confidence in our entire more enjoyable skiing is. most successful path to coach and official, pro football star Floyd Little, and the Team officials, in announcing 371, Dave Castagna 365, Frank four points over idle Cleveland. m ore experienced than any from the St. Louis Blues in the Maki’s operation, gave no the fans call me as long as defensive unit and never The mort important thing physical fitness. It will give Rev. Robert Keating, long-time sports figure and after- you an opportunity to com­ McNamara 140-385, Steve It was also New England’s 14th other team in the league. That’s 1970 NHL expansion draft. He further details on the I’m playing on a winning missed an opportunity to to remember is that ski con­ ditioning^ doesn’t happen by pare your progress with your Williams 355. dinner speaker...Mark Harrington paced the Manchester straight win on home ice. where I ’d start building a was one of Vancouver’s leading operation’s possible effect on football team,” Jack give pointers and encourage­ magic. To be in gocm shape peers anil the competitive i M i Conununity College soccer team in scoring with 11 points In the night’s only other WHA hockey team.” scorers in the 1970-71 season Maki’s future in hockey. ment to the younger players. claims. “ I knew I was going requires a commitment to spirit of it will most likely on 10 goals and one assist. Bob Campbell netted six goals Winnipeg’s goals were scored with 23 goals and 38 assists. contest, the New York Raiders to like it here in New York He was specially helpful to p h y s ic a l activity. This spur you on to greater per­ by Milt Black in the second ■'i - and three assists and Mike Halliday came up with three beat the Chicago Cougars 8-3. with the Giants from my our two rookie front four doesn’t mean that to enjov sonal efforts. period and Norm Beaudin and Rec Swimmers goals and six assists as the team won six of 12 start with ’There were no National Hockey starters, John Mendenhall skiing requires a daily regi­ Work at exercising now j i . -. Chris Bordealeau in the third dealings with the manage- one tie. League games. .X and Larry Jacobson. And men of grueling Marine and you won’t have to work Score in Meet period. The other Whalers’ ABA Prepared to Fight "They (the Whalers) were when Jack noticed some of Corps exercises. It means so hard while skiing during tallies were by Tom Webster that you should just exercise the early part of the season. Several local Rec team and Jim Dorey. our young offensive linemen swimmers placed in the 12 and If Congress Fails to Act regularly, something most of (NtwsrArix ENTEzraiSE assn.) Courageous Award New York’s Ron Ward, pro Joins Staff making mistakes in our us fail to do. under age group in swim com­ workouts, he never petition at Southern Connec­ hockey’s leading marksman, WORCESTER, Mass. (A P)- A strong skier has better (NEXT: Warm-up Exercises.) The Answer To Your Gift ProblemI ticut State College last snapp^ a 3-3 tie late in the se­ LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - proposed merger legislation to Ted‘m the sense Girls 11-12 Katie Tucker 5th, The award is named in honor “ We were pretty bad,” said IF? with a law suit if it doesn’t go undergraduate players, Carlson and the other Giant linemen of accomplishment from SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE having done it, rather than 50 yd. Back 33.4, 1st 100 yd. ■i -• <■ WINDOW of Fred Hutdiinson, former Tolan, who helped the Reds Chicago Coach Marcel through with a pro baideetb^ said. and linebackers adjusted. win the 1970 NL flag, missed the in doing it. Free l;00.1,4th 50 yd. Fiy 31.9; $39.00 YEAR-S19.50 6 MONTHS-$9.75 3 MONTHS major league pitcher and Pronovost, “ and our main merger, should Congress pass The league will “commence “ Now we’re using our odd- 3 MONTHS MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTION entire 1971 season with the QUESnON How should I Sue Redman, 6th, 50 yd. Back manager who died of cancer in problem was we showed up.” noerger legislation. Immediate discussion with man defense (Rover) oif ★ A GIFT CARD WILL BE ENCLOSED A SHADES ankle injuries that required sur­ College Basketball go about condttioniBg? 34.7; Paige Jcrfuison 4th, 200 yd. Novembo- 1964. It goes to a whatever networks are In­ almost every play without gery in January and May of “Under our m o ^ agree­ IM 2:41.8,1st 50 yd. Breast 37.1; ’ Mad* f* Oid*r pla yer annually who best terested” in a television con­ You should set yourself your eU niton hi 1971. Stadium Plans -r ment the NBA is forced to audibles being called,” some training and condition­ Robin Cannamella, 4th, 50 yd. exemplifies Hutchinson’s tract with the league, Carlson *•* M m S8o per sluMto. KANSAS CITY (AP) - A plan merge if Congress passes ' EAST Gregory points out. “ Our ing goals. Goals that con­ Breast 38.0; Karen McArdle, fighting q>irit. said. / to build an all-purpose arena at ‘reasonable and appnqniate’ Rutgers 86, Lehigh 73 system is working more form to your needs as a 6th, 50 yd. Fly 33.6; Can­ An organization of major- Tolan’s durability was a sur- The A B A ’ S con tra ct w ith CBN I . A JOHNSON the Union Station site was an­ legislation authorising the Providence 83, Fairfield 57 smoothly in every game.” recreationm skier. In setting namella, Redman, Johnson, league broadcasters and sports p i^ to most baseball people expires after this seaaon. 16 BRAINARD PLACE PHONE 647-9946 nounced Monday and it drew (AP 1* 0 (0 m erger,” be said. Marlst 69, Bloomfield 99 these goals, remember that Tucker 2nd, 400 yd. F. Relay writers makes the selection. even though Bobby predicted be The owners also ratified ^id being a New Yorker nuNT oa immediate s u p p ^ from Edwin Carlson spoke on the first of a a’ exercising is a building 4:27.5. CALL OR STOP IN: MON. - FRI. 8:30 5:00 - SAT. till NOON Dayton, Ohio, Journal Herald would get his old job back after Providence Flying High Uhor agreement with tee ABA has proved every bit as ? 7n Maw St. lliompson, principal owner of two-day meeting of ABA process. Establish a reason- SporU Editor Ritter Collett, a winter of rigorous off-season Plavers ^sociation. whldi exciti^ as Jack expected it Kansas City’s National Hockey ow n os. exercises. secretary-treasurer of the spon­ Marvin Barnea Stops Fairfield's Kelly T h e owners agreed on Carlson said would be slm ed League frandiiae. n ext w eek.

I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 12, 1972 — PAGE SEVBNTWKW

The “Action Marketplace’ktf MCC Winds Up Loser Tlie Economical W ay Over 15,000 Paid Subscribers To Advortifo Over 60,000 Daiiy Readers In Incredible Contest 16 words, 8 days ...... 81.89 Fast Results 16 words, 6 days ...... $8.24 COPY CLOSING TIME FOR ^ 16 words, 10 days ...... $4.50 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS By Dean Yost final 20 minutes, but Central’s Larry Butler took over the scoring duties from McDonough to help the hosts pull 20 words, 26 days ...... $14.56 12:00 NOON DAY BEFORE PUBUCATION Incredible. Unheard of. Impossible. Well it happened steadily away. Happy Ads ...... $1.50 inch Deadline for Saturday and Monday last night at the Kaiser Gym in New Britain where Central “ I feel personally that we have to improve our defense, b 12:00 Noon Friday Connecticut State College sub-varsity defeated plus show a better offense in order to have a good season,’’ PHONE 643-2711 Manchester Community College, 7&-S4. In the contest, Mistretta said. “ We have great personnel, but we have to MCC didn’t attempt one foul shot. The new foul ruling can start working as a team in order to win.’’ SarvfcM Offarwd 12 Sehoolt-CIsssss 33 Hotp Wsntod SB Central playing a close defense, committed only eijdit be credited to this court oddity. ' I^ERkLD HAPPY ADS personal fouls, three of which came in the first half. PLEASE READ SHARPENING Service - SECRETARY Experienced, “ We played poorly on defense,’ ’ noted Cougar coach Pat good typing and slioi shorthand. Manchester committed 16. BOX LETTERS Saws, knives, axes, shears, EMMVTOM Mistretta. “ We committed too many mistakes and fouls.’’ YOUR AD skates, rotary blades. Quick Salarylaiy to |1'“|140. Full benefits. Butler was the game’s top point-nuiker with 21 while mm WORLD service. Capitol Equipment Call 646-3441 for appointment. MCC ^ tered play sporting a two-game winning streak F or Your Classified or "INant Ads" are. Hi HOUR McDonough added 19 and Skip Riccltelli netted 10 Co., 38 Main St., Manchester. which now stands at 2-1; CCSC in'three games is also 2-1. Information taken over the phone as a con­ (WITH EXPERIENCE) HAIRDRESSER part-time. Manchester’s scheduled contest with Middlesex C.C. has markers. As a team. Central hit on 10 of 16 foul attempts. Hm^ daily 7:30-5^ Ttaurs^ Manchester’s Lamont Freeman and Stan A leza^er Ti)E HERALD will not dis­ venience. The advertiser should 7:30-9, Saturday, 7:304, CompMo Shop mining ’niur^y, l^iday, ^tuiriay. been postponed to a later date. They were to have played read his ad the FIRST DAY IT The Styler’s Beauty Salon. Ver­ tallied 12 points apiece while Ellie Grant tossed in 10 close the identity of any adver­ 7958. W ^nesday in Middletown. tiser u^ng box letters. Readers APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in non. m s m . markers. Ernie Moore and Grant hauled in 13 and 7 The strong, talented Central crew pulled away from the answering blind box ads who time for the next insertion. The TWO Handymoi want a variety W M m N m m tfm FUEL oil driver — must be S rebounds respectively. desire to protect their identity Herald is responsible for only ONE of Jobs, by day or hour. Yards, Program tnetudM oomplete training in visitors at the 13:27 mark of the first period behind the po­ tha following nreni: palnUng and experienced. Steady work, good incorrect or omitted insertion for attics, cellars cleaned. Lawns tent shooting of Chet McDonough. MCC led briefly in the can follow this procedure: roflnbUng, rnaUl, wehUng, front hourly■ • rate. 643-i--3-2454. Central (76) - Watkins 1-0-2, Garrity 3-1-7, Morse 1-2-4, any advertisement and then only to and gardener’s service. Call and, fragM atralghtanlng, trim and early going, but turnovers were capitalized on by the Blue Enclose your reply to the box Scheibel 3-0-6, Butler 9-3-21, Schmidt 0-0-0, Salucki 1-1-3, the extent of a "make good" inser­ gtoia, air eoaiUtionIng. BABYSITTER wanted while Devils.. in an envelope — acMress to the McDonough 8-3-19, Riccitelli 5-0-10, Angelo 2-04. tion. Errors which do not lessen the *Sadb^|ipair Mother works. Beginning . . . SOHMOlHk At the end of the first 20 minutes of play. Central held a Classified Manager, Manchester LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also Manchester (54) - Freeman 6-0-12, Cortese 1-0-2, Moore value of the advertisement will not MOTORCYCLES, OUTBOARD - January. Light housekeeping. WMy hove W at y * « commanding 37-24 advantage with 19 first-half points by Evening Herald, together with a moving large appliances. Bur­ be corrected by "make good" inser­ ning barrels delivered. |4. 644- Lawmnowari, gardan trncton, aU- Call 6^1362 after 6 p.m. 4-0-8, Alexander 6^1-12, Peoples 3-0-6, Guerin 0-0-0, Kelly 2- memo Ibting the companies mobUaa and ottwr amtU anginat. olM ppycH H . McDonough. tion. i7re. Manchester closed the gap to 45-38 midway through the 04, Grant 5-0-10. you do NOT want to see your '^QaaMeil InlilIGM FEMALE sales positions open letter. Your letter will be 643-2711 CARPENTER avaUable, days, Large and annU. — Mature women wanted for in­ destroyed if the advertiser b eveninra, weekends. Additions, teresting sales work. 646-2637 Herald photo by Boceiviclui ★ W a M a between 9-11 a.m. one you've mentioned. If not it alterations, repairs. No job too Cortlflcatlona avaUable. HoUarc, MIO, Santa Claus Is waltingl .| w ill. be handled in the usual Autos For Safe small. Free estimates. Call Electric. Short and long term couraet. s Manchester High's Coach Jim Moriarty Diagrams Play Pro Basketball HIGHLY MoUvated Individual manher. Stephen Martin, 646-7295 after 4 AU phaaei of modern welding. Mall his letters at 3 Hockey Players Cleared p.m. wanted for full-time real estate NBA M GB1969, yellow, wire wheels, sales in one of Manchester’s new top, new seat covers, |1,- Tom Tucker (44) and Rich Haherern as Doug Pearson Looks on Monday’s Games Lost snd Found LIVE SHOP TRAINtNO. oldest, established firms. 295. 6^2677 after 6 p.m. TWO YOUNG married men DAY8/EVBS. No games scheduled BUFFALO (AP) - Harold ficient evidence and in the in­ Complete training offered by S Butterfield's, D&L, LOST Siamese cat, vicinity will do small repair jobs and CaU 526-1117 ABA Fox and Dick Garrett of the terest of justice.” professional educator. This is a and at your local Parker and Lvdall. If found 1967 GTO, good condition, painting, also cellar cleaning EducaUonal Loans Availabb No games scheduled Buffalo Braves were ready for Fox, 23, had been charged and light trucking. Call 646- once in a life time opportunity dancing school. please call 649-W42 after 4 p.m. reasonable nice. c Call after 6 for a career in real estate. Call action against the Houston with maintaining a criminal p.m 2692,^3726. AND Career Trades for an appointment to discuss Rockets tonight after being nuisance, while Garrett, 25, LOST — Male Beagle type dog, Pro H ockey cleared of drug-related charges CEILING and ceramic tile this opportunity today. Ask for He will answer your was accused of loitering for the black and white, medium size, COMET, 1964 Four door, body hstiDite Mr. Werbner, Jarvis Realty in a suburban court. RADK Bolton vicinity. Phone 649-4009. good, needs valve job. Make specialist, one ceiling or all, 428 Homestead Ave., Htfd. letters, too. Indians Open Tonight NHL purpose of obtaining drugs. repaired, remodeled. No job too Co., realtors, 643-1121. T'- offer. 649-0010. Monday’s Carnes The two guards of the Besides the two players, four n small. 647-9232. Psrsonsls-Announcsmonts 2 WAITRESSES and female No games scheduled National Basketball Associa­ other men were arrest^ at 1959 VOLKSW AGEN, ju st Next CoHVuter Oats kitchen help wanted for new Tuesday’s Games Fox’s residence. Police Sports D ial TREE Service (Soucier) — " O i m W NU, lac MARIBETH tion team appeared in the Town RIDE WANTED. Hours 8:30-5 painted, 1971 engine, all chrome Starts January 2 restaurant opening soon at I St. Louis at New York of Amherst Court Monday night claimed that two of the other p.m.. Depot square area to pacer exhaust system, 14” Trees cut, building lots cleared. trees topped. Got a tree Is a Ksirnmr tr SMratir. Gateway shopping pTaza, Route Islanders to face charges that d e v e lo p men were in possession of downtown Hartiord for dura­ Chevy wheels, four brand new "It's GOT to be Henry Kissinger. Who else could it be?" A---- -a»—a tee Was 13 problem? Well worth phone VlMNIiCIR CMMOMS Mft iW 83, Vernon. Apply in person. 12 Home Against Maloney Chicago at Vancouver from their arrest in F ox’s marijuana at the time. Tonight tion of bus strike. Will pay. 646- oversized tires, new front-end, noon to 5 p.m. new heaters, and radio. 9 ^ . call. 742-8252. Yesterday Only games scheduled apartment Sunday. 3198 fdter 6 p.m. 7 8 30 Knicks vs.Hawks, Phone 649-7071 after 6 p.m. * Learn with IB M 'i 3SO—tha new WHA WINF VETS Trucking — large van generation computer (on prem- The 1974 senior women’s Aiitoa For Sslo Painting-Psporing 13 Heating-Plumbing 17 By Dean Yost Before game time tonight Monday’s Games But Justice Sherwood M. 8:00 UConn vs. UMass, 1968 VOLVO, model 142, with driver, yanis, attics, local Ite t) Among the veterans, Maloney, one of the early amateur golf championship of ■* Accredited by Accrediting Com- GRANDMA New England 4, Winnipeg 3 Bestry, acting on a motion from AM/FM radio. Asking $1,250. hauling, furniture rearranged, §; Have a Very H appy Haberem tossed in a season Moriarty will have to make favorites to take the CCIL ti­ the USGA will be held at the Ch.3, WTIC \ NEED CAR? Credit very bad? B.A.C. Painting Co. Painting NO JOB too smaU. Immediate mlaalon lor Bualneta Sohoolt “We have a great at­ New York 8, Chicago 3 the Erie County district at­ Call evenings or weekends 647- free estimates. 643-2519. '4 26th Birthday a decision but his tentative Lakewood Golf Club, Point Banknrot, repossession? by experts, exteriors, interiors, service on service calls. Free * Student Aid and llnancing avail­ total of 152 points in 19 tle this season, will possibly Only games scheduled torney’s office, dismissed the 9097. needs titude,” commented Clear, Ala. Honest Douglas accepts lowest spray, brush and roll. estimates gladly given on able. 4 MOM games for an eight-point per starting six include, find heifdit as its only disad­ misdemeanor counts “ for insuf- ODD jobs, lawn care, jack of all * NEW: Q.l. BENEFITS ARE UP Manchester High’s varsity down^ smallest payment, Reasonable prices, free es­ heating or Numbing. Faucets f . Love, Haberem and Tucker in the 1971 GREMUN, exceUent con­ trades. I^sonable. Phone 528- 25% OR MORE Counter WaHre$$ei game average. Tucker vantage this campaign. an ere. Not small loan timates, Also wallpapering. repaired or Installed. Water basketball coach Jim dition inside and out, A-OK 8649. * Separata computer program­ I Dad and Jeff netted 63 season markers forward positions with The Spartans have a finance company plan. Douglas 643-0001. pumpsumps worked on. completeComplete CHHMen Moriarty, as his Indians mechanical condition. Must ming and opdratlona couraet. Larry Perry holding down Bruins to Use Motors, 345iMam. Eeating systems, rec rooms, while Carlson, in seven out­ talented club, loaded with sell. CaU 643-0243, for details. JUNK Cars removed, $10 per * Morning, afternoon and evening e Kitchen Men went through their final WALLPAPERING and pain­ etc. (S ll M <8 M Plumbing & claaaet. Halp Wantad ings, tossed in 49 and the center berth. Carlson players from their un­ By appointment only. car. 875-6^. e ManiMenient Traineea workout before tonight’s Rookie Goalie 1968 CAMARO, excellent run­ ting, interior and exterior, Heating, 649-2871. * CPI helps you find a |ob — we will be assisted by either defeated JV squad. A1 ning condition, $800. Phone 649- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Full and part-time shifts I season opener with Maloney McCurry added on 11 expertly done. Free estimates. have one ol the beat placamant Phil Stoneman or McCurry 2484 before 4 p.m. Trucka-Tractora MANCHESTER Building records In tha U.S. SEAMSTRESS Hi|d> at the Clarke Arena at markers. O’Neil will captin the Maintenance — complete floor Tim Conaty, 633-7516 after 6 MARTY’S Plumbing and available from 7 a.m. - in the backcourt. Other BOSTON (AP) - ’The Boston To learn N yeu oan qualify, for men’s clothing store, full­ 8 o ’clock. “ Our pre-season scrim­ Meriden based club with care, general cleaning, com- p.m. Heating. Complete bathroom Midnight. Apply in person players include, John Bruins, within reach of first l$iB8 GTX, 383, 4-speed, four 1968 CHEVY Van, good woi remodeUng and repairs. Free , CaU 5184211, Ext. a time position available. 44 The CCIL contest with be mages didn’t really tell us Bob Hettrick, Danna place in the National Hockey new tires, low mUeage, good condition. Asking AOO. Call merciiu and residential. Also hour week, sll Insuranot Feeney, Bill Davis, Joe 24-hour janitor service. Free Building-Contracting 14 estimates. No job too small. the debut for both clubs. much because of injuries Athome, Chirtis Wise, Ken League's East Division, will condition. After 5, 646-a879. 3877 after 6 p.m. comm benefits, CMS, Blue. Cross, Stankiewicz, Jim Jutras and estimates. 6464)638, 528^173. Call 742-7438. I and sickness to some of our Hewitt and John Nessing use rookie John Adams in goal ROOM ADDITIONS - ROGESSM MSmUTE QRANDMA paid vacation. Exostlsnt “ We lack experience, but 1968 FORD pick-up Ranger, 8’ players',’ ’ Moriarty added. Mike Maloney. depended upon to carry the at Buffalo Wednesday. 1966 MUSTANG, 6 cylinder dormers, garages, add a level, Flooring IB 111 Aah BL, Baal Hartiord, Conn. SEVEN KEHLES working conditions. make it up in hustle,’’ 315 CENTER STw, MANCHESTER, CONN;* Phone 643-5135 sttUtdard '* transihission, BSTB.’ bwly,' good condition. Phonp STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, “ We will be depending scoring load. ” It will be' Adams roofing, siding, foundations. HI NM MMis Tasalw Excellent starting salary. Moriarty continued. Rich “ Against Prince Tech we 644-0630. 649-^1 after 6 p.m. fireplaces, flagstone terraces. upon Haberem (Carlson and “ They run, press and are Wednesday, but I haven’t gone All concrete repairs, both in­ Low, low prices. Bank finan­ FLOOR SANDING and ...... N uniinR Apply to Mr. Snyder, I Haberem, a senior, is the looked good for awhile. cing. Add-A-Level Dormer, 289- refinisbing, (specializing in Holp Wantod 2B Tucker to do the bulk of our very quick off the boards,’ ’ further tlm that,” Coach Tom Ibu expect your burner to PONTIAC Catalina convertible, FORD Gas tractor, with 5th side and outside, railings, only returnee from last Against Rockville we were landscaping. Reasonably 0449. older floors). Also specializing RIGA MEN'S SHOP scoring. Perry is developing Johnson said. 1968, good condition. wheel, model C850, 1967, 10- LEGAL' secretaries — Good year’s 8-11 squad. Other down. With Ellington we Moriarty added. priced. Call 6434)851. in inside painting and paper DISHWASHER wanted, three N 3IU sS t Automatic, power steering, speed, good condition, easily NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - typing and shorthand played allright. South Wind­ into a good shooter and with Manchester High will ’The Bruins at one point were run 24 hours a day for months. hiuiging. John Verfaille, ^ hours daily, Monday-Frlday. 141-Mn players seeing limited varsi­ power brakes. Must sell. First converted to wrecker or Remodeling, repairing, ad­ necessary. Will accept trainee. experience he should help us journey to Conard High 14 points off the pace but now SNOW plowing — Experience 5750, 87^2222. Apply Cavey’s Restaurant, ty action were Kurt Carlson, sor trounced us and against $1,000. Phone 649-9326. otherwise. 643-1442. ditions, rec rooms, porches and Salary $135 to $140 “Full " a lot in the scoring they trail first place Montreal commercial and■ residential.reside! ^stC. Center St.,- --Manchester. ■ Tom Tucker and Connie Glastonbury we showed Friday night in West Hart- G et it tuned-uD once a year. roofing. No job too small. CaU Moving-Trueking-Storaga 20 benefits. CaU 646-3441 between HEALTH AIDE - Bolton High by two points with one game in 1969 TRIUMPH TR 6, Excellent 1967 CHEVY Mi ton pick up. Prompt, courteous service. McCurry. some bright spots,’’ he department,’’ Moriarty con­ foid. 649-314ll4. 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. EXPERIENCED window School, mornings, 2 hours per hand, 'hie current aim is to condition. Going In service, $1,- Good running condition. References. 646-7770. noted. tinued. As winter goes on, your oil burner works 24 hours a day, you're going to end up MANCHESTER - Delivery - cleaner, must be reliable. CaU day. Cfall Mr. John Flek, W keep alive an unbeaten string of 850. CaU nights, 643-2836. Asking. $700. Phone 643-5520. DORMERS, garages, porches, TELEPHONE recepUonlst, full 2768. with less beat and higher fuel bills unless you keep your burner in top WASHING Machine repairs, light trucking and package 649-5334. 12 games — 11 victories and one operating order. rec rooms, room additions,addit delivery. Refrigerators, time position available, typing 1972 FORD F-lOO pick-up, V-8, RCA Whirlpool, Kenmore, I CHEVROLET :ga tie. kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, washers and stove moving and filing experience MATURE man for porter, full BABYSITTERS wanted. North Usually all It needs is a tune-up. But you shouldn't worry about that with our wagon, 4-speed, post, radio, 3-speed standard, style side, 8’ Maytag. Reasonable rates. siding, general repairs. QuaUty specialty. Folding chairs for necessary. Apply In person. time, exceUent benefits. Appl) Main Street, Manchester area. “ We just kept chipping away annual tune^up contract. We can offer you a choice of two service plans: Plan clock, 7 wheels and tires, $2,100. body, step bumper, rear win­ Owner of PUce Coin Wash and workmanship. Financing rent. 6494)7^. Meadows Convalescent Home, in person. East Hartford Con CaU 5258760 after 5:30. Cowens Ailing at them and now w e’re up A. Annual Tune Up of Burner, Parts Additional as well as Service Calls. Plan 875-1092. dow protective grill. Under 5,- Dry Geaning, 275 West Middle available. Economy Builders, 333 Bidwell St., Manchester. Basketball B. Annual Tune Up, plus any Emergency Service Calls and Replacement, or Turnpike, next to Stop and valescent Home, 751 Main St there,” Johnson said. 000 miles. $2,800. Phone 646- Inc., 643-6159, 872-0647, Draaamaking 22 Repair of all Burner Parts which become Defective, as a Result of Normal 1967 CHEVROLET Impala, 283, 4139. Shop, 643-4913. ;^8>t Hartford. PART-TIME BOSTON (AP) - The Boston Cowens injured the ankle In Thursday nlghi the Bruins Wear. evenings. with headers, exceUent condi­ MAINTENANCE RORK Businessman’s League back the M agicians, 79-60. Celtics had one major con­ practice Monday but it was not will be back in Boston to play n iE E REMOVAL - Pruning, CUSTOM made ladles dresses, tion. Many extras. $800. Phone Auto-Sarvica MASONRY — All types of T< I tnpMilMt mM Mit 211* Ha SraSw Assisting Charlebois in the cern—Dave Cowens’ sprained considered a major sprain the , vrith spraying, etc., fully insured, suits. Bridal gowns and veils. SALESMAN In the first of two games last 742-8015. Accaaaorlaa stone, brick fireplaces, walls. Also hand set fashion jewelry. Haidintw m . SS4I. fu k*w. CiwtoW oU scoring column were Gary right ankle—as the National though it could slow his ^ y . whom they are in a second Your Comfort Is ucensed. Free estimates. Clall n i^ t at Illing gym, Sportmart concrete steps, sidewaUts. No 649-1133. To sell W.T. Grant’s Inlii. FhilHt KMn, toyi w nwitiii. M MI- Lemirea, Rob Nicola and Rick Basketball Association headed Trainer Frank Challant place tie in the NHL East. 1972 MERCURY Montego sta- 633:5345. topped Gnnnan’s Sport Shop 63- M o b il AUTO job too small.111. “Free estimates. ■ MANAGER Nicola with 19,10 and 10 points west on a seven-game swing prescribed whirlpool treatment Catching up with Montreal is Business-7 Days A Week, tion wi»ag


tfSA. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., ’Tues., Dec. 12, 19 7 2 - PAGE NINETEEN COMPARE this roomy 3- Vernon Vernon bedroom house with separate BUSINESS and professkzul at- VERNON — sparkling dhiing room, family room and flees, from 3W. Telephone bedroom Ranch, in e x c^ m t Active real eitate office in the r^i living room, basement, huge at­ answering and secretarial ser­ condition, paneled rec room. A $180i997 Received Vernon-TolUnd area ia tic, brand new kitchen with new vices available on premises. great bity at 339,900. Extras Building Moratorium CLEAN, dark rich loam, five dishwasher, continuous-clean ExceUent location and anmle looking for an agresaive aalea TRAIN now, start work in yards, 122.50. Sand, n a v e l, adore. Miust be seen. CaU C. R. ov oi and refrigerate, garage. parking. Inquire 647-9903, 9 8 manager. Opportunity to January, high commission stone, manure, pool, pauo sand )’(iowIey, J. D. Real Estate, 3 ^ per month. Call 649^3060. p.m. 6468129. As Revenue Share develop your own organiza­ showing line of beautiful home and firewood. 64S-i^. Voted Down By Council decoration accessories. No tion. Prefer a peraon Out of THREE room office, with air BE'TTE QUATRALE for a considerable period of felt the moratorium should in­ The town of Vernon received about two weeks ago, asked all deli^ries. Phone 649^6 after ALUMINUM sheets used as Town- Wantatl-Raal Batata 77 presently engaged in real ea- For Rartt 99 conditioning, 400 square feet. time. clude apartment construction its first check this morning in town department heads to 0 and all day weekends. ina plates, .007 thick, Correspondent tate. All replies will be k ^ t in 117 East & nter St. Call 646- Mayor Frank McCoy has ad­ the amount of 3186,997 as part prepare capital improvements ” .25 cents each or 5 for |1. SELLING your home or The Vernon ’Town Council last which brings in people and cars. strict confidence. T. J. K R(XXVILLE — Sunny small 4- 8282, after 8 p.m., 6438514. of the Revenue-Sharing programs to present to Town AUTOMOTIVE parts counter­ Phone 643-2711. acreage? For prompt friendly night voted down a moratorium vocated the moratorium on Podrove urged the town coun­ room apartment, second floor, Program of the Federal Planner Joseph Pastic. The Crockett. Realtor, 648-1S77. man. You can earn good money service, call Louis Dimock on commercial building activi­ commercial development on cil to look to Manchester which near center, one child accepted. Government. working at our new modem HOT water furnace, with con­ Wantad to Rant 99 Realty, 6498823. Rt. SO and Rt. 83 as a means of revised its zoning regulations, amount received Monday, by CaU 1884^1. ty on Rt. 30 and 83, following a dealership. If you possess trols, 77,000 BTU, convector controlling the continuing strip It was originally estimated the town, is to cover the period EXPERIENCED sUtcbers, fuU public hearing during which without instituting a thorou^ work habits and if you type radiators, 32” and 36” MARRIED couple seeks single ALL CASH for your property ' development along the town that Vernon would receive from January to June and in or part-time. Andover area. R(XUCV1LLE - Highland Ave. residents of the town, including moratorium on construction have a proven ability to pay aluminum combination doors, house, UConn area, not on m u n within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, 3414,572 for the first 12-month January another payment is Phone 742-7800. large and beautiful 3Vk rooms, the League of Women Voters, routes, which he claims is and development activity. close attention to details, and built-in tub. 643-2465, 643-1442. road. 3150 without utilities. 742- instant service. Hayes Agenn, period of the program but due expect^ to cover the period' one-bedroom apartments, beat, SCOTT ST. JAMES REALTY CO. 6468131. spoke in favor of the causing ecological and safety Also speaking against the follow problems throuf^ to 5019. to changes made in the formula from July to December. Plans TRUCKER wanted - Man with hot water, all aniliances in- moratorium. problems. moratorium was real estate their conclusion, you will enjoy OLYMPIA studio typewriter, Of Vernon Is proud to announce the appointment of truck to deliver within a 80 mile dishwasher, disposal, Following the hearing and a several towns will not receive are to continue the program for this Job. Experience helpful, fuH'keyboard, used very little, Apartmant Bulldlnga- ^ G L E R Real Estate needs Developers______r - - ___ and ___ real estate—__ - agent Ralph Lipman. radius on a part-time, year- pool and your own threatened court injunction the original amount estimated a five-year period. but we are willing to train. like new, with stand, <86. 646- 8 For Sala 70 lis^^^^.^^11 643-6624^ men opposed the moratorium, Glen Tappenden warned of round basis. Storage facilities rivate terrace in country set- and Vernon is one of those The total amount to be Your benefits include free 0881. CHARLEEN WAGENKNECHT ...... and Democrats led by newly ap­ against the moratorium if it the lack of legal precedence for must be located on main road. ng. 3165. Rockland Terrace towns. received cannot be determined health and life insurance, paid MANCHESTER - 24-unit pointed town councilman was approved, McCoy noted the the moratorium, and later in Write R. C. Ruple, 548 Standard Apartments, 872-6360, 5298586. a resident of 65 Ambassador Drive, Manchester, as their In anticipation of receipt of in advance as the formula may vacation and holidays, uniform AL-TEC Land 15” apartment complex. ’Iliree and local representative. Robert Houley warned of the already available time table the hearing threatened to file Bldg., ClevelaM Ohio, 44113. four-room units. AU masonry protection available to the the funds. Mayor Frank McCoy, change as the tax base and the allowance, 5H day work w e^. main, with cabl After 5, ROCKVILLE — ’Two-room fur­ South Windsor legal difficulties involved in the an injunction against the town 646-5879. construction. An excellent in­ Please call Charleen for professional and courteous population of the towns change. ■ - Apply in person to Lynch moratorium. town, as an alternative. Coun- if the council voted in favor. CLEANING Lady wanted, nished apartment, utlUties in­ vestment in prime locatimi. assistance regarding all real estate transactions. This first 12-month period Uie Toyota, 3 « Center Street, cluded,' 330 weekly. Four At the time of the vote, the cilmen and town Atty. Abbott Podrove stressed the need for change land useage.” * V hours flexible. Apply in person, Manchester. HAND crocheted vests, 100% CaU for detaUs. Hayes Agency, 78 Windsor Aye. (Rt. 83). Rockville town expects to receive a total I 519 East Middle ^ k e . Living rooms, appliances, yard, 3115 moratorium sought Mayor Schwebel expressed concern State Highway Dept, and State Councilman James McCarthy wool, choice of colors, also 6468131. 875-0744 646-2318 of 3373,994 Which is 340,578 less Room by Bezzini. mmthly plus utiUtles. 872-0^, T o w n G e t Frank McCoy lost by a 7-2 vote over the lack of precedence for 'Traffic Commission approval likened the dispute to “ people 4 afghans. Call 649-3751. than the original amount ;.V ^ S C H O O L B U S 7:308:30 p.m. with only Republican Coun- the action. for all driveways and egresses vs. profit.” Evenings and weekends. HowhoU Qoodt Bualnaaa Proparty- expected. • JIQ BORE 51 Apartmanta For Rant 93 Apartmanta For Rant 93 For Sala 71 OVERSIZED custom 4- WE ARE proud to offer this cilmen Donald Sadrozinski and The building inspector has 30 on the state roads, prompting Democratic Town Chairman DRIVERS ROCKVILLE —• Five rooms, $154,399 Mayor McCoy said he can TYPEWRITER, console SUver- bedroom Colonial built in 1972, charming house that needs only James McCarthy voting in days before he has to issued a McCoy to later claim the James Roche, spoke of the lack • CINUMATIC CLEAN USED — refrigerators, acre yard, appliances, 3150 find out from federal officials Mate or female, part-time. SIX-R(X)M Duplex, 14k baths, FIVE-ACRE business zoned first-floor family room with your presence to be a home. It’s favor. requested permit and the state’s interests were often of legal precedence and called • BRIDGEPORT tone, radio phono combination; ranges, automatic washers monthly, plus utiUties. Four- Must have P.S. license. stove and refrigerator, garage. site just off 1-86. Priced in the fireplace, large bright Uving just made for family fun. 3 Town Manager Terry V. Zoning Commission has 60 days for endorcement of existing how the amounts were arrived doll carriage, clarinet, live with guarantees. See them at B. WOODLAND rooms, appliances, parking, Opposing the moratorium different from those of the • BORIMO MILL Available December lOfb. mid 40’s for quick sale. Hayes and dining rooms off central bedrooms, 11k baths, fully Sprenkel has reported receiving in which to to act on plans of the at as towns which are not Apply in Person: Christmas trees. 649-1116. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 Main 3115 monthly, plus utiUties. 872- were Republicans Morgan town. zoning regulations to curtail • ENGINE LATHE Chilren accepted. 3200 monthly. haU. Complete custom kitchen equipped kitchen, combinaUon the first revenue-sharing check satisfied with the amount St., CaU 643-2171. 0359. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Agency, 6468131. Campbell, Donald Eden, development submitted for its Houley, questioned the “ visual pollution.” MANOR Security and lease required. with buUt-ins, 21k baths with dining and family room. received may file for an • OPERATORS EASTERN HO Trains-Atheara freight and for South Windsor totaling Richard McDonald, David Mills approval. changes in the moratorium The term “ visual pollution” passenger cars. Will sell in­ Phone 6498190, 6438692. BROAD Street — Ilk acre marble vanities, 2-car over­ Paneled rec room in fuU base­ explanation. He will take this PURDY CORP. BUS LINES Mifsieaf liMrunimitM STAFFORD Springs - 21 West 3154,399. Sprenkel said the town and Milton Tedford, as well as During the public hearing resolution, since the last coun­ arose many times in describing dividual car half price. Cali 647- 63 prime conunercial site with sized garage, full walk-out ment. Newly redecorated in­ action if he feels it is necessary. JjyjJgJ5___Boltori APARTMENTS Street, new 3-room unit in brick can also expect an eight per various reasons were given in cil meeting and tried to pin the condition of both Rt. SO and SMHMamm. 9376. DELUXE ONE-BEDROOM - modern building. Also in­ basem m t with sUding glass side and out. ProfessionaUy Democrats Houley and Peter THOMAS Electric organ, two one-story garden apartment cent increase over the total an­ support of the moratorium. 83. ’The amount of the grants is 649-0000 Homestead St. apartment at the Teresa dustrially zoned one-story doors. Many extras imluding landscaped lawn. Many extras. Humphry. down Schwebel regarding the keyboards, with base pi^ls. buUding, total electric, range, ticipated amount of 3285,S(X) Diane Schwartz, representing determined by census figures WAITRESS — experienced, GOOD used vacuums |10 and (O ff W. Middle Tpka., Apartments, including masonry building, ideal for custom drapes, shades, washer- Priced at 336,900. CaU Alfred A motion to appoint an ad hoc authority on which he b a s^ the Councilman David Mills, Good condition. Cali 643-9452. refrigerator, disposal, base­ such as population and tax base. hours 12 noon to 4:30 p.m. Apply up. Call 872-9169. appliances, carpets and air- dryer, refngerator and more, Werbner, Owner-Realtor, 643- when the second check is technical advisory committee the League of Women Voters, council’s right to call the warned or the court problems Part-time — School bus drivers Manchester) ment laundry and storage, 3125 light manufacturing. Hayes in person, Ann’s Spot, 21 Oak conditioning. 3l7l per month. plus View of the Hartford 1121, 643-7847. received after Jan. 1, 1973. spoke for the need for an “ in moratorium; which could arise from the These figures were to be wanted, to drive in town of OtSea-Stora Equipmant 54 1 and 2-bedroom luxury monthly, | 12S lease security. Agency, 6468131. to study all the town zoning Street, Manchester. 4x8’ POOL TABLE, |175. Phone Paul W. Dougan, Itoaltor, 643- skyline. Philbrick Agency, The first check has been in­ depth survey hy a dlversfied He maintained that according moratorium, and supported the brought up to date before the Manchester. Approximate apartments. Fdatures wall-to- 4535 646-1021. Adults only, no pets. CaU James regulations, with prime **••••••••••••»••••••••••••• after 6 p.m., 643-9410. Houaaa For Sala 72 Realtors, 6468200. ALEXANDER Street — 7-room vested and will accrue tem­ group including citizens, study committee. final figure was reached. hours, 7:15-8:30 a.m ., 2-3:30 FRIDEN progromatic wall carpeting, vanity tile baths, J. Gessay, 8^134. emphasis on commercial and to state statutes, sole authority Situation Wantad 39 , ••••••••••••••••eeeeeeeaeeee Colonial in pleasing condition porary interest in the bank until builders, real estate men and on zoning matters rests with Councilman Donald P . ^ We will train. Call 643-2373 flexowrlter, electric built-in oven, range, dishwasher,, GARDEN TYPE - two- GEORGIAN Colonial, All industrial development, was ap­ 0oats-Aee«ssorfM 49 OLDER four-bedroom Colonial, on quiet street. Three the Town Council decides businessmen,” to find a solu­ Sadrozinski claimed the 120 day between 9 a.m. and noon. typewriter, makes and reads bedroom apartment, second VERNON — One and two brick, ten rooms, four large proved unanimously by voice the Zoning commission, not the CHRIS’TMAS Shopping without rovuia ______a refrigerator and disposal, elec­ 240’ treed lot, two-car garage. bedrooms, dressing room, where and for what the money floor. Includes heat, bedroom apartments, one vote of the council. tion to the town’s growth town council. Houley strongly moratorium would “ not deprive About Town the children! B a b y sitt^ in my EVINRUDE outboatd motors, tric heat, 2 air-conditioners, Must seU inunediately. Belfiore bedrooms, beautiful entrance fireplace in Uving room and appliances, carpets. 3205 bedroom starting at 3155, two will be used, ^renkel said. problems. favored the appointment of the developers of their home, days evenings, hourly, or Holsclaw and Mastercraft glass sliding doors, all large Agency, 647-1413. foyer. Two fireplaces, 2Vk basement. Cheerful dining The committee will be ap­ monthly. Paul W. Dougan. bedrooms, starting at 3190. Building Permits A telephone poll of members livelihood...the only way to Gate of Heaven Mothers Cir­ weekly. 643-0174. trailers, sales-service. rooms. Full basement storage baths, two-car garage. Sun- room, family room with picture pointed by the mayor, and will study committee. Realtor, 643-4535 or 646-iaTl. Features range, refrigerator, porch, in mint of condition. Building permits issued by showed 64 of the 67 members solve the legal problem is to cle will meet Wednesday at 8 MEOMMCS Complete service department, area, ample parking. Starting at MANCHESTER - Large window overlooking portion of be composed of members of the “ I remind all citizens to Experienced in diewl engine repelrt. dishwasher, disposal, waU-to- the Building Department for p.m. at the home of Mrs. James NURSE’S AIDE desires private boating supplies, accessories, Colonial in the Bowers School Philbrick Agency, Realtors, 60x150’ yard with split rail general community, favored the moratorium; and 53 beware of their own personal test it.” Antiquaa 59 $175. • Handy to shopping, WE HAVE customers waiting waU carpeting, neat included. 646-4200. D’Amato, 566 Taylor St. Mrs. duty care or companion to Woolsey paints, Gerich’s area, great for a large family. fence aino lovely trees. Electric the month of November totaled businessmen, builders and favoring expanding the properties, and understood McCoy is expected to an­ TOP WMB I KKHTS schools, bus and religious for the rental of your apartment Children welcomed. 644-1330. D. Richard Piantanida is co­ elderly woman, exmrlenced. Marine Service, 1982 Tolland Four bedrooms with a large ai attic storage, near 3240,330 with an expected town developers. ’The task force has moratorium to cover all forms rights,” Houley added, if the nounce the appointment of the HOW ABOUT an antique for facilities. or home. J.D. Real Estate J. Henry Company. hostess. Members are ‘ Call Braocfa or Builnen Manager Own transportation. 644-2376. Tpke., Buckland, 643-2363. backyard, walk to aU schools. SEVEN-ROOM. Split-level, artford bus. Realistically revenue of 31,917.10, according of development. town council “ can in effect study committee shortly. ^ristmas? A good selection of Associates, Inc. 643-5129. 60 days in which to come up for appointment. F. J. Spilecki, Realtor, 643-2121. large living room with price in low 30’s. Shown by a|^ to Donald McLaughlin, building Several other speakers also reminded to bring gifts. SaM375 fine furniture, mirrors, lamps, Model apartment open for in­ ROCKVILLE — 3 rooms, stove with recommendations, once it RELIABLE 14 year old boy will 1970 BOAT, motor and trailer, fireplace, beautiful family pointment. Lillian Grant, inspector. lass and china, fine old Colum- spection 1 8 p.m., Sunday. Other LOOKING for anything in real and refrigerator. (^11 6238137 room, IVk baths, waU-to-wall is appointed. favored expanding the babysit in London Park or Lon- take over payments. Phone 649- MANCHESTER - New Usting Realtor, Walton W. (Irani ’Die largest amount will come BMCKWAY MOTOR TRUCKS gia Graphophone and times by appointment estate rental —■ apartments, after 6:30 p.m. carpet and many extras. The council also voted 7-2 in moratorium to cover all donberry area. Call 649-5904. 2484 before 4 p.m. or 649-4254. Six-room older Colonial wiu Agency, 643-1153. Rocky HiU, Conn. stromberg-Carlson radio in B u ilt by homes, multiple dwellings, no Garage, large wooded lot with from seven dwellings totaling favor of calling for a voluntary development activity, par­ excellent running condition aluminum siding. Three Exit 23, off I-tl fees. Call J.D. Real Estate R o c k v il l e — Quiet residen­ p riv a cy. 338,000. Philbrick 3192,000, which is an increase of moratorium on construction ac­ ticularly apartment construc­ An equal opportanity employer Dega-BInta-Pata 41 Sporting Qooda 47 available now. Antiques et U&R HOUSING CORP. bedrooms, kitchen, living room Lota-Land For Sala 73 Associates, Inc. 643-5129. tial section, 5 rooms, newly Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. two dwellings over the 1971 tivity, particularly commer­ tion. Ceteras, 118 p.m. 115 Spruce Rentals by: decorated, first-floor apart­ and dining room, range, GERMAN Shepherd male pups, DOUBLE trailer with two Rupp ANDOVER - Near lake, 31.800, November totals and 375,000 in cial, for 90 days until the task Leon Podrove of Manchester, St. 649-5051. Robert D. Murdock, Realtor ment of two-family, heat, hot refrigerator and dishwasher, in­ six weeks old, shots, wormed, snowmobiles, one 1971, 440 WT, MODERN 3-room apartment, GARRISON Colonial, 5 extra- Coventry, half-acre, treied, 33,- housing. Also reported were a part owner in a large parcel of water. (]aU after 4 p.m. 872- cluded. City utiUties. 324,900. force report can be received m 335. Ideal for Christmas. 6 ^ one 1972 Nitro 440, two covers, 643-2692 643-9551 carpeting,. appliances, air- large rooms, 2 or 3 bedrooms, 900. Tolland, acre, 33,900. three carports and garages for commercially zoned property WANTED — mature female, to ’THE Birches Antiques, Twin conditioning, pricing, storage, 6179, days 646-1460. Cantor & Goldfalarb. ' ~Realtors, ' and acted upon. Opposing the 4029. two helmets, excellent condi­ 643-8442, 8758244. large screened porch, garage, Manchester, one-half acre, 36,- 35,500; ten additions and at Vernon Circle, opposed the care for two school age children Hills Drive, Coventiy. Hours furniture optional. Hilliard St. handy location, 331,900. voluntary moratorium were tion. Call 875-6013. 500. Hayes Agency, 6468131. alterations for 339,450; three moratorium; claimed the con­ in my home in Bolton, for se­ Wednesday, Thursday, and NEW ’Two-bedroom duplex, 649-7289, 5^3850. V E R N O N — T ow n H ouse Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Houley and Humphry, on the cond week in January. Reply AKC registered miniature male Friday, 16-3, Sunday 1-5. Other apartment, large rooms, IH tool sheds for 3580; and one gestion problems on Rt. 30 and i poodles, 9 Gardens — A unique architec­ 6468200. ’TWENTY acres timber candle basis that it places a developer Box “ MM” , Manchester weeks old, all shots, LANGE competition ski boots. days by appointment. 7428607. baths, wall-to-wall carpet, swimming pool for U,800. 83 were more due to traffic than AVAILABLE immediately, tural apartment community, pine, 317,000. Ms. Berthan M. or homeowner in the position of frost-free refrigerator, self­ four room garden apartment, beautifully landscaped. MANCHESTER SIX-ROOM older home, 3 down Last months totalis were un­ commercial development; and of. 350. 6461047. Wantad to Buy 59 cleaning oven, dishwasher, gar­ Hayden, Route 1, Limerick, breaching good faith, when he appliances, carpeting, heat, hot Featuring private entrances, Christmasy 3-bedroom and 3 up, completely Me., 04048. der the 1971 monthly total for may have bben in the process of WANTED — Part-time n s sta­ EXTRA SPEGUU bage disposal, attic fan, storm sliding patio door with in­ November by 391,306. SKIS, 200cc, Fisher super-glass water, air conditioner, 3195 Ranch with cozy fireplace, redecorated. On dead end preparing for the construction tion attendant, nights. Must be WANTED — Antique furniture, windows and doors, full base­ dividual patios, wall-to-wall with Marker bindings. Very monthly. 649-3978, 6438165. finished rec room, IVk street. Handy to bus and shop­ VERNON over 18 years old. Call Lydon glass, pewter, oil paintings or ment. Spacious back yard. casting, range, refrigerator good condition. Call 6462819 ask ping. 329,900. Philbrick Agency, Rockville Shell, 6468440. other antique items. Any quan­ Excellent residential area. 3 ^ FOUR-ROOM apartment, se­ ancf disposal, master ’TV anten­ baths, attached garage. Realtors, 6468200. $6,800111 for Steve. tity. The ^rrisons, 643^09, moi^Iy.^For appointment only cond floor, no pets. Security na, storage and laundry “WE G IF T WRAP” $34,- — i ______Buys this high and dry 1.7 acre Coventry Hospital . 165 .Oakland S to «t. faciUtles in basement. Total Poodle Puppy. 200cm, YAMAHA and Lunds deposit. Inquire 233 Center 900. RANCH, 8 rooms, large Uving building lot. Lots of trees and electric, no pets. One-bedroom l : > with bindings. Ladies Rieker Street. room and “ L” shaped dining privacy. Put that dream house Notes ANTIQUE furniture, china MANCHESTER — Attractive Ranch- and Duplex styles im­ U&R REALTY 'f ' ' \ DEMIIKERS temperament boots, 8: man’s Riekers 111k, room with fireplace, 3 up that you always wanted. cabinets, crank phonographs, four-room first-floor apart­ DELUXE ONE — Bedroom mediately available. Rentals CO., INC. bedrooms, 11k baths, large pan­ Sex Education Admitted Monday: Roger and health. Phone 647-9895. Build from our plans or yours. old books. Most anything nld. ment. Stove, refrigerator, cen­ apartment, wall-to-walh 3145. and 3155 monthly, ’Two- Robert 0. Murdock, Realtor eled family room, den, garage, Banchunk, Newell Hill Rd., RMCflMSTS 6438535. trally located. Refm^nces, no Financing arranged. Call Jon Can V. KIrka carpeting throughout, complete bedroom Duplex available ____ 6 4 3 -2 6 9 2 patio, city utilities: ^1,500. Rockville; Michael Novak, S. Overtime and insurance Florlat-Nuraarlaa 49 pets. 3140. 228-3540. Jennings for details. 649-5306. J-i appliances, vanity bath. Cen­ December 21st, rental 3175 Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Topic of Program Grove St., Rockville; Irene benefits. Apply: SUDS S SCISSORS WANTED — Left hand control monthly. For ai^intment call CHRISTMAS trees — Tag, cut trally located 3175 monthly. 6468200. Powell, Lake St., Vernon; Rout* 30, Vomon wheel chair. (^11 649-9752. R.D. Murdock, 648-2692. 872-0528. Monday thru Friday, 8 GARRISON Ck)lonial 7 yeara your own. Laree selection. old, modem kitchen, formal home room having the greatest Margaret Pelrine, Pinney LA POINT 878-7824 or 878-8498 a.m. to 5 p.m. RANCH, living room with The BARROWS & WALLACE Co. HOLLY GANTNER Spruce, Scotch I%ie, Wreaths. CORONADO dining room, first-floor famUy Realtors — MLS parent participation at a PTO Brook, Ellington; William WURLITZER electric organ FIVE-ROOM apartment, heat fireplace, modern kitchen, INDUSTRIES THREE Beagle pups, good Stanley Tree Farm, Long Hill room, 24’ living room with Manchester Parkade — 649-U06 Correspondent wanted with automatic rhythm, and refrigerator 3155, centrally dining room, paneled den, meeting. This banner will re­ Lojzim, R F D 1, Tolland; Elaine Rockville 878-3381 hunters, for sale. Two males, Rd., off R(^te 6, at Andover CLUB APTS. fireplace, 4 bedrooms, garage, Tel. 742-8795 two keyboards, and foot p l^ Is . located, adults only, no pets, beautiiul park-like lot 250’ deep. main in the winning class until Wendus, Range Hill Dr., An equal opportunity employer one female, 315 each. Would Church. 742%38. level lot, nicely landscaped, 6498989. security deposit reqiiired. 643- 326,900. Philbrick Agency, Out of Town-For Sala 75 “ Everything Your Child Has the next general meeting, when Rockville; Thomas Wilson, make good Christmas gift, (jail LUXURIOUS 200’ frontage, 341,900. Philbrick 9678. Availanle December 15th. Bualnaaa Locatlona- Realtors, 6468200. Always Wanted to Know About it will be passed on to another Emily Dr., Rockville; Bonnie FAMILY with five children 2-Badroom For Rant 97 Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. ANDOVER LAKE - Excellent Sex, But Was Afraid to Ask” Tag now,'cut later. 2:30 p.m. class that might have a greater Maloon, Village St., Rockville; needs good piano. Will pay Furnished Apts. FOUR large rooms, wall-to- MANCHESTER - Six-room view, 6-room aluminum sided will be the topic of a presenta­ until dark, weekends, 9 a.m. un­ CAPE, modem kitchen, formal parent turn-out. Dorothy Babcock, Woodbine reasonable price. 644-1743. • Just for single people wall carpet, gas and heat fur­ CALL T. J. Crockett Realtor if Colonial, 3 bedrooms, dining Cape. Full basement, tranquil til dark. 240 Hackmatack dining room, fireplace in Uving tion by Dr. Paul Nuttall Work from several St., Rockville; Thomas Gamer, nished, dishwasher, disposal. you’re looking for office space. room, country kitchen with pan- setting. Immediate occupancy. Street, Manchester. |S and up. • Wall-to-wall carpeting room, den and 3 bedrooms, tomorrow night at Coventry classrooms will be on display in Orchard St., Rockville; Ray­ WANTED— Pair of Men’s used Available December 7X), 3IK From 200 square feet to 10,000 tre, 3-car garage. Only 330,000. Only 323,500. Hayes Agency, • All appliances Grammar School the hallways at meetings, to be mond Given, Old Staffoi^ Rd., ski boots, size 12. Phone 643- per month. 649-5481. square feet, both new and used. hand spUt shingles for siding, Wolverton Agency, Realtors, 6468131. FREE kittens, four three- FRESH CUT, Christmas trees. level lot with blueberries and TTie program, sponsored by Tolland; Richard McCabe Jr., 9375. • DisWasher 6413-1577. 649-2813. viewed before the session WANTED part-time. Due to the months, assorted colors; two, 8- Can be p ic k ^ out week days apple trees. Handy location.- • 2 full baths LARGE 2-bedroom duplex, in COVENTRY - 7-room Cape, 3- the CGS Parent Teacher begins. Reed St., Rockville; Liny Swan, increasing volume of mail, ’The months, blade, male, female. after 3:30 p.m., weekends 9 , . Philbrick Agency, Rooms Without Board 6 9 • Air-conditioner MANCHESTER — 100,000 329 900 SEVEN-ROOM Contemporary, 4 bedrooms, 11k baths, large Organization, will deal with Casting Completed Tracey Dr., Vernon; Carl Independent Postal Systems of Litter trained. Children spoiled a.m. till dark. 280 Birch Moun­ new 2-family, central, con­ Realtors, 64^00. America, is looking for reliable venient location with nice yard, square feet, will divide. beamed ceilings, paneling, two kitchen, dining room, den, questions which children Casting of the play Demars, Baxter Rd., Tolland; house pets. 649-8450 before noon tain Rd., Ekilton. ’THE THOMPSON H o u s e - Cot­ • Fireplace person in the Manchester area sunken living room leading to Suitable for manufacturing and baths, family room, garages. fireplace, patio, aluminum frequently ask concerning "Charley’s Aunt” has been John Aniello, South St., or after 6. tage St., centrally located, • B alcony TEN-ROOMS Contemporary to carry IPSA mail. Flexible patio, plus all appliances and warehouse. 1-748-5634. Sweeping views. Privacy. siding, fenced yard, and gar- sexual matters, with Dr. Nut- completed and rehearsals Rockville; Mary Morgan, Oak CHRISTMAS Tree Time at large, pleasantly furnished • Gym rooms Ranch with 3-room studio, oyer hours, no soliciting. Immediate carpeting, with basement gar­ Hutemns Agency, Realtors, 6 ^ ^4,500. Merritt Agency, tall suggesting answers to these begun. The production, being St., Manchester; Sheryl GERMAN Shepherd puppies, Hickory Ridge Farm, ^eshly rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 IVt acres of land with a view, work. Phone 646-6700 or apply • Sauna baths age. After 6 p.m., 649-0311. DOCTOR’S or attorney’s office, 5324. 646-1180. questions. AKC, unusual, pure white, cut Scotch Pine, White Spruce, for overnight and permanent redwood constmetion. Large sponsored by the PTO and Mitterholzer, High St., at office, 473 Hartford Rd., • R e c room beautiful, spacious, excellent championship pedigree, bred Norway Spruce. Plantation is guest rates. Thermopane windows. He will also offer guidance to directed by Pat Manley, is Rockville; Sherard Nedeau, Manchester. MANCHESTER - Available location, first Hoor, all ELEVEN-ROOM Colonial. EAST Hartford — 7-room for intelligence, temperament, located on South River Rd. off Philbrick Agency, Realtors, parents concerning the scheduled for presentation late Grove St., Rockville; Troy More-More-More immediately, modem carpet^ facilities, parking, reasonable Large bam, acerage, sweeping customized Ranch. Four and bone structure. 1-666-9254. Route 31, North Coventry, COMPLETELY Furnished 646-4200. handling of sex-related in March. Cast members in­ Davis, Monroe, N. Carolina; NURSES aides full-time, 7-3, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• one-bedroom apartment in 3- rent. 353 Center St., 649-1680. views. Hutchins Agency, bedrooms, rec room, Robert Visny, 742-8354. room, kitchen privileges, All MUdoa Ineludod In rant 649-3549. problems. Louis Sevralis, High St., and 3-11 shifts, experienced, family house. Appliances, heat Realtors, 649-5324. breezeway, garage. Parklike clude Jim Sayers, Jerry Artlelaa lor Sala 45 rivate entrance and parking. Dr. Nuttall is human over 18, own tran^rtation. and hot water. Security MANCHESTER yard. Immaculate condition. Edelwich, John Metsky, Chris Rockville. Fuol-Faod 49 198358, 643-6266. 647-1155 568-4400 ACROSS Bolton Notch Shopping Hayes Agency, 6468131. relations specialist with the Excellent benefits. Call for ap­ LIVE BAIT — Open 24 hours. g required. 3145. Eastern Real MANCHESTER - 4 family, Noolet, Dave Fitch, Joel Discharged Monday; Louis Center, 4,000 square foot pointment, Mrs. Saunders, East Ring bell for service. Shiners, Estate, 646-8250. M FOR GHnsnus? exceUent condition, 4 bedrooms CkMperative Extension Service, Kleinberg, Holly Gantner, Jeski Sr., Dart Hill Rd., Ver­ FIREWOOD, seasoned, GENTLEMAN, non-smoker, modern building, former GLASTONBURY - Charming Hartford Convalescent Home, crawlers, ec. 144 Doming You can be, if you hurry. 7 in 2 apartments, centrally and assosciate professor of Laureen Popple, Claire Flynn non; Ora Darcey, Franklin Pk. hardwood, 315 half-cord. Free share private home. Privileges. McKinney Lumber yard. six-room Colonial plus separate 528-2167. . Street, Manchester. Wapping ’THREEl-ROOM garden apart­ FORD ST. — 3 rooms in Duplex large rooms, plus 2 baths. located. Hutchins Agency Family Relations at the Univer­ and Bev Beagle. E., Rockville; Elizabeth delivery. 872-0204 after 5 and Phone 643-1960, or 528-1053. Beautifully remodeled home facilities for mother-in-law or Road,. weekends. ment. Avocado appliance, vani­ houM, basement, yard, adults Wall-to-waU carpets. AU the Realtors. 649-5324. sity of Connecticut. Help is needed in various Herron, Grove St., Rockville; DRIVER wanted, add to retire­ ty bath, carpeting, heat, hot older couple, 310 Security, improvement show rooms. buUt-in conveniences in the separate office. Beautifully ROOM for gentleman, quiet, A display of books for both areas involving the production, Albert Schortmann, Tolland ment income, part-time. Must water, air-conditioner, 3175 5298518: Suitable for many businesses. AN’TIQUE Colonial, Circa 1820, landscaped. 11k acres adjoining CARPE’TS — Wholesale to you DRY fireplace wood, 310 order, convenient location. 224 kitchen) family room, priced children and adults which can and those wishing to assist Ave., Rockville; Grant Skewes, have own car. E-Z Day Maid at our warehouse. The Carpet monthly. Iiiunediate occupan­ Rent entire or part. 1-223-4460, completely restored. Eight country club. Louis Dimock. delivered. Call 742-7886. Cliarter Oak Street, 643-8368. right at 334,900. CaU 6498306 be useful in educating children should call Mrs. Joseph Shea, Mountain St., Rockville; Louis Service, 872-3344. Merchants, 1310 Tolland Turn­ cy. Phone 649-3978. MANCHESTER — 3-bedroom or 521-7373. Shown by appoint­ rooms, 2 fireplaces, country Realty, 649-9823. ment only. today, ask for 'Tony concerning sex will also be Pitney, Broad Brook; Mrs. pike, Manchester. 646-8568. duplex, IVk baths, all kitchen with all built-ins. Mid Daley Rd. Help is needed on Qanlan Produeta 60 COMFORTABLE room with VERNON — Six-room Split, MODERN one-bedroom apart­ appliances, carpeting, ample 40s. Frechette & Matin available. costumes, props, and scenery. Elizabeth Regan and daughter, Aai«tr to Pratiovi PnxxIo kitchen privileges, carpeted, MANCHESTER — Available ""“S5B&W.. three bedrooms, 11k baths, ’The meeting is scheduled for BUY your potatoes direct from ment, wall-to-wall carpeting, parking, good location. 3260 a Realtors, 647-9993. Evenings, Those wishing to assist on the Reed St., Rockville. Ju m b le shopping, bus line, parking soon. East Center Street. New The BARROWS & WALLACE Co. large kitchen, one block from the potato warehouse, (Corner of range, refrigerator, disposal, month, security depo.sit and BUI Coe, 6498737. 8 p.m. at the school and is open program should call Irene Cole, Birth Monday: A son to Mr. privacy. 643-0002. first floor office-business Realtors — MLS elementary school. Asking 331,- Buckland Rd. and Tolland ’Turn­ air-conditioner, large closets, references, two children Manchester Partade — (W.5306 to the public. Northfields Rd. Ticket informa­ and Mrs. John Powell, Lake St., basement storage, laundry accepted, no pets. Call 875-7094. space, 50’ to 2,500 square feet. THREE-Bedroom Ranch with 000. LaPenta Agency, Reator, A CGS banner is being made ACROSS 4T h at thing pike, Buckland. Bonus with ROOM with kitchen privileges, tion can be obtained from Joyce Vernon. facilities, parking for 2 cars, Possible telephone and fireplace, dining L, paneled 646-2440. 1 Feminine 5 Bullfighter each purchase. Call 646-8248. centrally located. 14 Arch up and will be presented to the Fay, Mark Dr. appellation SPresser ...... iSt. good location. 140 Hilliard St., NEW five-room apartment in secreterial service. Merritt family room, wall-to-wall Agency, 646-1180. RAISED Ranch, 7 rooms, for­ carpeting, cedar shingles, gar­ HEBRON — Oversized 6-room 8 te m p la r s 7 H elper (a b .) FREISH-MADE Sweet Cider, 3175 per month. (Jail Peterman, two-family house. Adults only. U Speakers mal dining room, eat-in age. Owner, 646-1628. aluminum sided Cape, on 2 plus | 8 Pays the tab also apples and pears. Botti Apartmanta For Rant 93 649-9404. Phone 6498S^. 14 Lariat 9 Longing 460 MAIN St. — Ideal for store, kitchen, living room has acres. Oversized 2-car garage, 15 Dance step (slang) Fruit Farm , 260 Bush Hill cathedral ceiling, large master modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms 1 Road, Manchester. A’TTRACTIVE two-bedroom SMALL Three-room apart- FIRST floor, four-room apart­ office, etc. 3160. CaU 646-2426,9- 11.8 — Acre — SoUd 8-room IS Varangians 10 Brasilian 5. bedroom, family room, floor-to- Colonial, birch cabinets, first floor, 2 bedrooms and bath 17 Register in state apartment, first floor. ment, on bus line. He Heat, ment. Stove, refrigerator, quiet ceillng fireplace, 1% baths, ceram ic tiie bath, bam, clean unfinished second floor. Coun­ a lis t 11 English school HouaahoM Qooda Available immediately. Adults appliances included. 3110 area, bus line, security deposit. 51 533 Main St., 650 square feet, aluminum siding, 2-car garage, river, swimming, fishing, 345,- try living. Must be seen at 349,- 18 Wapiti 12 Seasoning 29 A rdor 44Chibchan monthly. Older man or woman 3150 monthly. 649-2462. renovated— basement included acre lot with privacy. 335,^. 000. Hutdiins Agency, 6498324. 260. E.A. Mitten, Realtors, 643- 19 Atistract Z O B o/sn a m e 30 Wander Indian YELIX)W Maytag washer and preferred. Paul W. Dougan. beings 22 Strangest — ideal offices, retail etc. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, 6930, 649-9890. S lP u to n a 45 State (F r.) dryer, used two years, dining Realtor, 643-4535. Fumlahad Apartmanta 94 21 S ocial insect 24 H ebrew golf mound 47 Israeli Reasonable. 529-0518. 6468200. CUSTGM RAISED Ranch, 7 OUR NEW room set, pine dresser, day 22 Native m etal ascetic 37 D irty statesman rooms, 2 baths, paneled COLUMBIA — Spacious four- MANCHESTER - Deluxe 2- LARGE 2-bedroom duplex, in ’TWO-R(X)M furnished apart- 23 Route (ab.) 25 B eautiful ^ Fruit drink 48 Soviet city beds. Phone 646-1064 after 5:30 RANCH on Uiree acres with 11 carpeted recreation room, bedroom two-story Colonial. 25 American (com b, form ) p.m. bedroom townhouse, includes new 2-family, central, con­ mrat, heat, hot water^ stove. 1,100 SQUARE feet of ihdustrial 39 Austere 49 F low er lai-ge rooms, 3 baths, 5 ■ ce, sundeck, garages, Two full baths, formal dining 1 vulture 26 U nclosed 40 Fancy 50 Hardy heroine heat, appliances, carpets. Full venient location with nice yard, refrigerator. ply Marlowsi space, suitable for storage, or smaU shop. Cement floor, heat bedrooms, family room, 2 , privacy. Hutchins room, carpeted living room, rec 28 Declare (p o e t) 43 British 52 Summ er ( ^ . ) MAHOGANY bedroom set, bed, private basement. 3230 per sunken living room leading to 867 Midn Street, nchester. 32 Footless 27 Not any g o-ca rt 57 Lord (a b .) month. Paul W. Dougan and Ughting avaUable. No paint kitchens, could be ideal for in­ S , Realtors, 649-5324. room, garage. Nice animal dresser and chest, excellent patio, plus all appliances and neighborhood. Dead-end street. Realtor, 643-4535. or 646-1021. THREE-ROOM furnished or machine shops. 375 monthiv laws, bam, 6 horse stalls, 6 38 American T“ condition. Call after 5,6438332. carpeting, with basement gar­ Lake privileges. Ideal for ADDRESS 1 r < r r r - r r - nr IT H" apartment, all utiUties, kecond CaU 643-8837. r«8“lation dog kennelt. MANCHES'TER — Deluxe 8- w ild plum age. After 6 p.m., 649-0311. children. Low 30’s. Petrus 1 84 Unaspirated MANCHESTER - Newer ^ floor, mature person or couple P^W ck Agency, Realtors, rocouple preferred, no Houaaa for Rant 95 NEW STORES Street area. 3 bedrooms, Uving landscaped lot, formal diningf ts V ‘ nicknam e SINGER Touch And Sew, like MANGHESTEll children or pets, paiidng, hot room, dining room, kitchen, room, liurge eat-in kitchen, a ir-< 54 Caviar 41 new, hems, buttonholes, stretch water, centrally located. MANCHESTER - Six-room and family mom vrith raised REMMNS THE SAME, 643-2711 conditioning, oversized garage, ( 55 Violin maker One and two bedrooms. older home for rent. 3225. UndGr Construction stitches, monograms, sews on Security deposit. 643-6441, 48 hearth fir^lace. A finer home extras. A d ^ 334,900. 98 Uncultured 1# W H 4 I < r IT IT Security deposit. Wolverton buttons, fancy designs. p.m. in pristine condition. Call 644-2766. 99 Matched rm Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. 99 Sew ing ll H 8T Originally 3399.50, now only Near‘'schools, churches St., MsnchBstsr Warren E. Howland, Realtor, and shopping center, on ComriMrelal - Indiratriai - Raaldanilai 643-1106. implaments Bo U 399.65. Easy terms. 522-04W, -FIVE-ROOM Duplex, 3220 BOLTON New Listiiu. Clean! i '^D O W N dealer. bus line. Call anytime. monthly, heat, stove, TOLLAND near Parinray, 6- LocaHona Availabla. Will b C u n T au lt. Cape on larige woooM lot. AShaygait. w U refrigerator, garage, wall-to- room older home in good condi­ MANCHESTER 326,500 - ^ Frrat-to-back living room withi tion with acreage and p«id. room Colonial, 11k baths, foyer, Jjbm hal -12 ESTATES and household lots to 6 4 8 - 2 8 2 3 wall carpeting in living room, Janrls Enterprises I 1- fieldstone fireplace. New roof,] ;# U n d o f force buy. Bob Fluckiger, 6498247. security deposit. Im m e& te oc­ References^ 3U5 monthly. 2-car garage, trees. CaU Ray new septic tame and field. Closel iimtrljrfitrr lEttraing MrraUi (NiwsTMu imnniui.ASfN.) cupancy. 649-4212 after 5. Hayes Agency, 6468131. Manchaatar • S 4 ^ li2 Lima, Hutchins Agen- to Manchester. Belfiore Agen-1 cy Realtors, 64M324. cy, 647-1413.

i. 1 ?:! ■»-i ••>,'.<4T»'^r''?r-'-.

PAGE TWENTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn„ Tues., Dec. 12, 1972 •..'C-feV--:-

Obituaries Vernon Insurance At first Wittman was« not Police Report■M. j ^ r, .. The death of a Manchester At first Wlttman wa Shoppiigi (Continued from Page 1) cancellation threat, came as a believed to have suffered m . - man at Manchester Memorial The Weather The retro-rate costs are complete surprise to McCoy Hospital Nov. 6 has been serious Injuries. He was liter Days ; MANCHESTER No details of the alleged inci­ based on the amount of claims found to have multiple injuries dent were available today. and Schwebel. classified as an auto fatality by Leon Bradley Dies, Stanley Shamonis, 42, of 175 which are settled in court, The formula used by the inr which caused his death, actor- T« I Partly cloudy and colder tonight with lows Woodland St., was charged Roberts was released on a local police. UIanrI|[pBtpr Eupniitg 20-25. Sunny Thursday with a high around many of which can be held up in ding to medical examiner Dr. $100 non-surety Ixmd for court surance company to compute ■The man, Gilbert W. Wltt­ Ghristmas; Active in Vets Affairs Monday with intoxication and court for years. Most of the the retro-rate is a complex one, Robert Keeney. 40. Precipitation 10 per cent tonight ato IK- appearance Dec. 28. man, 64, of 18 Hollister St., was zero tomorrow. Leon Charles Bradley, 74, of third-degree criminal mischief, claims are for minor suits according to the town attorney, It was Manchester’s fifth Manchester Police reported. injured Oct. 23 in a two-car ac­ 78 Phelps Rd., active for many caused by falls or accidents due and contains a built-in profit for cident at (Charter Oak and auto fatality this year. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER U. 1972 VOL. XCII, No. 62 MANCHESTER — A C ity o f V illage C horm Shamonis was taken into Other Manchester Police to icy streets and sidewalks, ac­ years in veterans affairs, died the fnmpany, he said. Autumn Sts. custody at about 6 p.n\, near his arrests or summonses in- cording to MeCtoy. *5 , '> this morning at Manchester volved: Memorial Hospital. He was the home, police said, and the in­ Schwebel doubts the town can toxication charge was lodged — Agnes M. England, 35, of afford to continue operating on husband of Mrs. Marjorie Avery Shores Rd., Coventry, Gibney Bradley. against him. the retro-rate basis unless some charged Monday afternoon with - Me, Bradley was a member, The second charge was filed, kind of revolving fund is es­ police said, after Shamonis fourth-degree larceny (shoplif­ tablished to meet the costs of the Permanent Memorial' ting) at Treasure City Depart­ Day Committee and a member smashed a toilet in the police which arise. ment Store at the Parkade. Cabled and former chairman of the lockup. Police said Shamonis The amount owed to - Ellen M. Bell, 26, of Hart­ Manchester Veterans Council. was cut badly while in the cell, Travelers, and the insurance and he was taken to Manchester ford, charged Monday after­ c o m p a n y ’s s u b s e q u e n t Farewell Lunar Trek He had been a member of the l^ndemess Memorial Hospital for treat­ noon with fourth-degi'ee American Legion for over 50 ment. larceny at Treasure City years and was honored last After hospital treatment, Department Store. Worker Hurt June with a life membership by Shamonis was taken by am­ the Manchester Post. He was a bulance to Norwich State Fell Off Truck past commander of the Hospital. No court date was set. Manchester Post and was ser­ MHS Samuel Harrison Jr., 37, of Slated For Tonight ving as its chaplain at the time (Continued from page 1) 124 Branford St., was treated at Jack Korduner, 22, and of his death. the last two years, students Manchester Memorial Hospital Gregory Gozzo, 18, both of He was bom June 12, 1898 in have been counseled to take ad­ Monday for injuries he received SPACE CENTER, Houston Hartford, were taken into and Harrison H. Schmitt, in traveled a mile farther than Taurus-Littrow valley. By coin­ East Berlin and had lived in ditional courses in anticipation while working with a (AP) — Two jubilant American said the material possibly could Leon C. Bradley custody early today on charges their last geology field trip in planned on Tuesday night, cidence, it was found by be rust — which has been found New Britain before coming to of an increase in requirements Manchester Highway Depart- adventurers prepared today for stemming from alleged in­ the moon valley of Taurus- gathering many bags of lunar Cernan, not Schmitt, a Manchester 42 years ago. He are a son, Edward M. Bradley for graduation. His statement mMt crew on Charter Oak St. a farewell lunar exploration. in other lunar samples in cidents in the Parkade parking Harrison, a department Littrow today, take an eight- samples, including scoops of geologist and America’s first minute quantities — or some attended Rensselaer of Manchester; a daughter, .lot. was confirmed by Miss Anne But already aboard their lander mile drive along the base of a the orange dust never before Polytechnic Institute, Troy, Beechler, guidance director. employe, was working at the Challenger was a new discovery professional scientist in space. chemical combination which Mrs. Lorraine Smith of Both men were charged with high mountain and at the foot found on the moon. N.Y. During World War II, he Emmerling continued by rear of a dump truck, slipped, — samples of intriguing orange “Hey,” exclaimed Cernan as assumes a reddish color. Greensboro, N.C.; a sister. breach of peace and intoxica­ wrinkled hills, using an electric The orange material was he stumbled into the soil at the served with the Yankee Divi­ Miss Doris L. Bradley of New pointing out that in an effort to and fell to the ground. The mis­ soil possibly dating to the last A final determination would tion. Gozzo was additionally hap occurred at about 9 a.m. car with a patched fender. found during exploration of an rim of a crater called Shorty. have to await laboratory sion. He was a men)ber of the Britain; and five facilitate earning more credits, fiery gasps of a dying moon. The astronauts, saying they ancient avalanche, 4.4 miles charged with resisting arrest. He was taken to the hospital Astronauts Eugene A. Cernan “ Walt a m inute...there is 'examination on earth, he said. 101st Machine Gun Battalion. grandchildren. a work study department was “like to cover new ground,” from the landing camp in orange soil.” He also belonged to the All Funeral services will be Police were called to the by police cruiser. He was The orange soil was the most parking lot, near David’s established, the English “Well, don’t move until*! see Ainerican Drum and Bugle Thursday at 11 a.m. at Center treated and released. significant discovery of the Restaurant, shortly after mid­ curriculum revised, and it,” said the Harvard-educated Association and acted as a Congregational Church. Burial semester credits instituted. seven-hour, 37-minute excur­ night on complaint of men Schmitt. judge for its Connecticut will be in Fairview Cemetery, A canvass of Hartford area sion, the second of Apollo 17’s events. throwing bottles and jumping “It’s ail over,” Cernan went planned three. New Britain. on cars in the lot. school systems revealed, he Fire Calls Colonial Road Residents on excitedly. “Orange. I’ve He was a member and deacon Friends may call at the said, that they are also thinking While Cernan and Schmitt Mace was used by police to Town firemen answered a stirred it up with my feet. of Center Congregational Holmes Funeral Home, 400 and acting along the lines of up­ motored on the moon, their subdue Gozzo at the scene, ac­ call Monday at 7:28 .m. to in­ “Hey, it is,” shout^ Schmitt. Church and had been employed ping graduation requirements. crewmate, Ronald E. Evans, Main St., Wednesday from 2 to 4 cording to the case reports. vestigate the smell of smoke at Suggest Alternatives “I can see it from here. It’s for 24 years as an Inspector in and 7 to 9 p.m. In addition, the proposal labored in the command ship Both men were released later 9 CTiestnut St. The investigation orange.” the quality control department The family suggests that any adopted by the board last night Residente of the Colonial Rd. America orbiting overhead. this morning on non-suretv turned up nothing. a) To petition the PUC ly new; the Colonial Rd. area On earth, scientists were also Evans is operating an array of of Pratt and Whitney Division memorial contributions may be was a recommendation made in area, fighting a' proposal to bonds. They are to appear in belon gs (Public Utilities Commission) has grown from only a few excited by the discovery, science instruments which are of United Aircraft Corp., East made to the American Cancer 1969 by the evaluation team of close a portion of Parker St. for a reversal of its ruling that homes to about 200; a new In­ court Jan. 8 at Manchester. and to re-route its traffic via though cautious in their evalua­ photographing and probing Hartford, before he retired nine Society or to the Memorial- the New England Association of About Town the public railroad crossing be dustrial Park has opened off tion. They said the orange soil years ago. in our way Colonial. Rd., have come up large slices of the moon. Fund of Center Congregational Colleges and Secondary re-located from Parker St. to (tolonial Rd. with its influx of may have originated from “the Cernan and Schmitt are to Survivors, besides his wife, Church. Paul Kutcher, IS, of 291 Schools. Manchester C3iapter, Parents h ' with several alternate Wetherell St., was listed in (tolonial Rd., and for a reversal new industry; and Sheldon Rd. last gaseous gasp of leave the moon's surface "I am appalled,” H. Blaine Without Partners, will meet proposals. satisfactory condition today at o f doing of its subsequent ruling that (the Parker-Oakland volcanism” on the moon. Thursday, rejoin Evans in the Miller, MHS vice principal in tonight at 8 at Community Bap­ Their spokesmen offered Lydall Inc. use the Parker St. Connector) was opened. Manchester Memorial Dr. Robin Brett, chief of the command ship and begin the Mrs. George E. Joh.uon the Democratic Town Com­ charge of programming, said, tist Church. Prospective those proposals to the Board of crossing as a private way. Hosoital, with injuries he suf­ geochemistry branch at the journey home toward a Dec. 19 Mrs. Annette (Couturier John­ mittee and the Democratic “by some of the statements members will meet at 7:30. Directors last night, at a 7 The intent, said Guinness, is The problem the directors fered in an auto accident at things. Manned Spacecraft Center, splashdown in the Pacific. son, 52, of 666 W. Middle Tpke., Women’s Gub and a past presi­ that I consider wild.” He was o’clock meeting, and asked that to get PUC approval for making must decide is, as one (tolonial Fairfield and Cooper Hill Sts. Now En Route To North Pole wife of George E. Johnson, died dent of the Coventry League of referring to rumors that in­ Bethany Group of Center they be explored thoroughly both crossings public — thus Rd. resident expressed it last Monday at Manchester Women Voters. She was a 1961 Monday afternoon. Congregational Church will before the board rules on the 10- night, “ The economic creasing required credits would She is dressed as if she might be the daughter of that splendid old gentleman and busy easing the traffic load on both Memorial Hospital. graduate of Eastern Connec­ Kutcher was a passenger in a result in 160 more classes and a meet Wednesday noon at the year-old proposal to abandon Parker St. and Colonial Rd. advantages versus human con­ car operated by Robert A. workman at the North Pole these days. But obviously seven-year-old Shana Hopperstead Mrs. Johnson was bom in ticut State College, Williman- 15 per cent increase to the high Robbins Room of the church. HOLA4ES Parker St., between Colonial b) To construct an alternate cerns.” Bard, 16, of 18 Englewood Dr. HOWARD HOLMES C ^ r Fall River, Mass., and had tic, and a past president of the school faculty. “This is not of 115 Shallowbrtwk Lane is not, because she is mailing the first letter to Santa Claus at the Rd. and Mitchell Dr. Thompson, in assuring Nuisance Storm (1 ARTHUR HOLMES iuH^taTlToim road, around the periphery of lived in Hartford for many Coventry Education Associa­ Bard’s car was in collision with true,” he add^. If true, Wilson DENmCATHNi Center Park mailbox. It is placed between Mary Cheney Library and the dancing bears They received that assurance Colonial Rd. residents that a car driven by Ronald NORMAN HOLMES Lydall Inc. buildings and to run years before coming to tion and the Coventry American E. Deakin Jr., assistant PASSPORT PNOTOS fountain. A second collection point for requests, expressions of appreciation, and from Mayor John Thompson.. on a line approximately half­ their concerns will be con­ Manchester several years ago. Legion Auxiliary. She also Moriconi of 25 Thayer St. at SilLEMIUSSIFF 400 MAIN STREET • MANCHESTER,CONN. declarations of good behavior to the good friend of every little boy and girl is at the Center The alternate proposals, sidered in studies of traffic about 2 p.m. superintendent of schools, com­ way between where Parker ST. Slows Traffic She was a graduate of Hartford belonged to Delta Kappa Gam­ mented, it would mean a presented by spokesmen Arthur meets Colonial Rd. on the west, alternatives for the area, said Both cars were towed from c/HBi SHOP A snmo Springs Park skating lodge. The Recreation Department guarantees prompt delivery. Public High School and former­ ma. quarter of a million dollar jump (Herald photo by Bevins) Guinness and Eugene Cleary, and where it meets Colonial Rd. no decision will be made until the scene. Bard was charged 629 IMr St, MMdNttsr A light snow and freezing drizzle skidded into the ly was employed at the Survivors, besides her hus­ in the budget. 643-7369 were: on the east. further meetings are held with ■Travelers Insurance Co., Hart­ band, are a daughter. Miss with failure to obey stop sign. Cleary, who explained this all parties involved — Lydall Manchester area Tuesday afternoon, keeping town ford. She was d communicant of Mary Susan Bums of Qiventry; Court date is Jan. 8. proposal (a Parker St. connec­ Inc., Green Manor, and highway department crews busy sanding roads until about Holy Trinity Church, Hartford. her mother, Mrs. Mary C. tor), said it would require the Ckilonial Rd. spokesmen. 11 p.m. Survivors, besides her hus­ Knapp of Coventry; a * step­ Allen R. Roberts, 18, of 181 acquisition of property from Autumn St., was charg^ Mon­ Manchester Police reported about a dozen minor band, are a son, Michael John­ brother, Allen Knapp of Mt. Zone Change Key To S ale Lydall Inc. (about 80 per cent) accMents from noon to midnight. There tyere no serious son of Manchester; a brother, Kisco, N.Y.; and a stepsister, day night with illegal posses­ Truman and from Green Manor injuries. Joseph Couturier of Nashville, Mrs. Bertha Massie of Mt. sion of a controlled substance. Construction Co: (about 20 per Teim.; a sister, Mrs. Anthony Kisco. cent). He said he Kah no ‘Holding The Manchester Highway Vann of Hartford; and two The funeral will be estimate of tin potential cost.. Div«rteBent dlipa^iedliM era Mass., before moving to locaTmM) grandchildren. Wednesday at 9:15 a.m. from c) To make improvenwnts to at about 12:30 p.m. Most of the Lyman Hoops, said the The funeral will bfe the Potter F u n ^ l Home, 456 Florida three years ago. Parker St. and Colonial Rd., by His Own’ crews completed operations by Survivors, besides her hus­ company “lucked out.” Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. from Jackson, St., Willimantic, with " *ByiSQL.|l. COH^N straightening the roads and 8 p.m., and the last crew went band, are a son, Theodore Foote ^ Town of Mqiicltesfcr, ii^appears paid July 1, 1973 and the Said Director Pascal KANSAS CITY (AP) - Harry The freezing rail) didn’t build the MoUoy Funeral Home, 906 a Mass of Christian Burial at St. eliminating curves, and to home shortly after 11 p.m. up enough to bring down tree Mary’s Church, Coventry, at 10. of Holly, N.Y.; five brothers, (Herald Writer) . they itove themselvEi a d w . ' balance Jan. 1, 1974, and sub­ Prignano, “The proposed zone S. Truman’s doctor said today Farmington Ave., West Hart­ Wells C. Dtonison and Robert ject to state approval of the change is like a hammer over reconstruct the intersection of Town Highway limbs, 'nie Manchester Park ford, with a Mass of the Burial will be in St. Mary’s four sisters, and a grand­ Parker St. with Sheldon Rd. the 88-year-old former Superintendent John Burchill If the owners of the 110-acre C. Dennison have given the proposed sanitary landfill our heads. If a change is president was “ holding his Department had not received Resurrection at Holy Trinity Cemetery. daughter. The original proposal for said there were no major Laurel Lake remove one town a six-month option to operation there and to a change ordered to Industrial Zone, the own” as he remained in serious any complaints this morning. Church, Hartford, at 9. Burial Friends may call at the Funeral service.s will be abandoning that portion of problems incovering roads with Friday at 2 p.m. at the Gilead stumbling block from the option acquire the acreage at a $450,- to Industrial Zone for the change will stand, even if the condition with heart and The National Weather will be in Mt. St. Benedict funeral home tonight from 7 to to purchase they’ve given the Parker St. which passes Lydall a sand-salt mixture. “Traffic Service at Windsor Locks Congregational Church. The 000 price, with 29 per cent to be property. referendum is defeated. respiratory problems. Cemetery, Bloomfield. 9. Inc. and for re-routing traffic moved fairly well,” Burchill measured 0.27 inches (melted) Rev. Herbert 0. Kelsey, pastor, 'rile stumbling block, as far Certainly, the pr|ce is no Truman’s vital signs of blood Friends may call at the bargain, but we can accept even through Colonial Rd. appears to said, although it was moving of precipitation during the Mrs. Arnold Foote will officiate. Burial will be in as the Manchester Board of pressure, pulse and slower than normal. funeral home tonight from 7 to Directors is Concerned, is the that. It’s the tactic of have been made during a vague storm. About two inches of HEBRON — Mrs. Mary Gilead Cemetery. time in town history. temperature continued to fluc­ The nuisance storm started change to Industrial Zone. demanding a zone change tuate and were elevated snow fell before the rains came. Dr. Dominick H. Bizzoco Zeieznicki Foote, 74, of Golden The Holmes Funeral Home, Coventry Sewer Even the list of participants shortly before noon in Small amounts of snow were 400 Main St., Manchester, is in The Dennisons want to see before a referendum that I’m overnight, a spokesman for Dr. Dominick H. Bizzoco, 50, Gate, Fla., formerly of Hebron opposed to.” has changed. Manchester with light snowfall. registered in scattered areas of and wife of Arnold Foote, died charge of arrangements. the zone change granted Research Hospital and Medical of East Hartford, son of Mrs. BEFORE the town conducts a Weiss acknowledged that the In those 10 years, the town The snow let up later in the most of the New England Sunday in Florida. There are no calling hours. Center said. But his pulse was afternoon, and changed to Pasquale LoPorchio Bizzoco Bond Referendum referendum on the proposed zone change proposal is a tactic has had a new manager; Lydall states, but road icing was ap­ and brother of Mrs. Paul Sicari, Mrs. Foote was born July 9, The family suggests that any 88, blood pressure 114-56 and freezing rain. During the night purchase. The directors are and ag re^ that it should be & Foulds and Colonial Board, parently the greatest both of Manchester, died Mon­ 1898 in East Haddam and had memorial contributions may be which were promised private temperature 101 — all within much of the Manchester area just as adamant that the zone required after the referendum normal limits—at 10 a.m. EST. inconvenience. Mi day at St. Francis Hospital, lived in Hebron and Amherst, made to the Heart Fund. Rejected By Voters use of the abandoned section of was covered by a freezing change should be granted — and not before. “They (the The hospital spokesman said The weather forecast calls Hartford. Parker St., have changed drizzle. AFTER the referendum is con­ Truman’s heart condition for cold weather tonight, with Dr. Bizzoco was physlcian-in- controlling ownership twice; The storm didn’t cause any HOLLY GANTNER voters defeated the proposal 269 ducted, and even then only if (See Page Twenty) remained unchanged from only a 10 per cent chance of chargeof the Alcohol and Drug Correspondent in favor and 532 against. the referendum carries. the Board of Directors is entire- power outages in the precipitation. Tomorrow is Tuesday when it was noted as Manchester area, according to Dependency Division of the Tel. 742-8795 Voter turnout yesterday was The board, last month, expected to be sunny, with high stronger than earlier in the the Hartford Electric Light Co. State Mental Health Depart­ Coventry votprs yesterday about 43 per cent, probably that rejected a proposal for tem peratures in the 40s. ment. week. His kidney function was The Southern New England turned down a sewer bonding low because of the bad weather, purchasing the acreage for described as adequate. Outlook for Friday — A chance Other survivors are his wife program by a margin of 193 as compared to 50 per cent in $492,800, with payment in five LBJ Advises Black Telephone Co. reported a few of snow. and two daughters. votes, the second sewer March, 1971 at the first yearly installments, and also Funeral services will be referendum to go down to referendum. subject to state approval and to Thursday at 11 a.m. at the First defeat in less than two years. The proposal would have a zone change prior to Leaders To Use Congregational Church of East However, yesterday’s results sewered the lake and village purchase. HarU(M^. The Rev. William E. were not quite as crushing as area at a cost to local taxpayers They instructed Town Flypn will officiate. Burial with those of two years ago, when of about $4.5 m illion, as Manager Robert Weiss to Facts Not Demands military honors will be in Rose the 'nnargin of difference was compared to the $6.8 million negotiate a new contract and in­ Hill Memorial Park, Rocky 554 voies, or 33 per cent in favor estimated cost two years ago. dicated that an}fcpurchase of the AUSTIN, Tex. (AP) — Former President Lyndon B. Hill. and 66 percent against. The difference between the property would have to be by Johnson says black leaders should approach the Nixon 'Friends may call at the “A NSGUSSION of THE LAW” Yesterday’s results showed two proposals is that the referendum. administration with facts and not with demands. Newkirk and Whitney Funeral that 47 per cent of those voting revised program voted upon Last night, by a unanimous 8 Home, 318 Burnside Ave., East favored the proposal, while 53 “It’s mighty easy for any group that has suffered as long K •! yesterday was somewhat less to 0 vote (Director William Hartford, Wednesday from 3 to per cent opposed^ it. extensive in terms of areas FitzGerald was not present), and as cruelly as you have to feel a sense of injustices,” 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. The returns showed that served, particularly in the lake they approved “in principle” Johnson said. The family suggests that any vote^ in the south end, or first area, where the revised system the re-negotiated option, ' but he (Nixon) doesn't want “This is what I mean when I memorial contributions may be Phone-1n Questions Accepted. voting district, which includes would have run through only the provided the requirement for a to leave the presidency feeling said it was time to stop playing made to the' Rememberance the proposed sewered area, populated areas. zone change prior to a he’s been unjust. It's important games,” Mitchell said. “ If Fund of the First f a v o ^ the proposal 614 to 474. Reaction of the Town Council referendum is removed from it. that you talk to the President, President Johnson has the Congregational Church of East But this margin was not enough They directed Weiss to resume his Cabinet and to Congress. courage to speak himself Hartford. to offset the north end, where (See Page Twenty) talks with the Dennisons. But don’t go in there demanding against white demagoguery, WINF -1230 on Your Radio Dial or threatening.” then I shall speak out whenever M rs. R alph M. B urns Johnson’s advice came I have the chance against the COVENTRY - Mrs. Ann Tuesday after the Rev. A. Ken­ black demagoguery.” Dodd Bums, 54, of Nathan Hale dall Smith, an unscheduled After Smith spoke, Johnson Dr., wife of Ralph M. Bums, speaker, pushed his way to the told the civil rights leaders died. Sunday at Hartford WED. DEC. 13th at 8:00 P.I Vernon Insurance podium at a civil rights gathered at the Lyndon B. John­ Hospital. symposium and listed several son Library on the University of Mrs. Bums, a teacher at the demands. The Rev. Mr. Smith, Texas Campus: “I have known Capt. Nathan Hale School, was a New York minister, had every president since Hoover. bom in Norwich and was a Problem Resolved asked Johnson for permission All of them left office wiser to give the benediction. cousin of the late Sen. Thomas Call Your Questions In During The Show: 646-1230 than they entered it, and I “We demand the extension of J. Dodd. She was a member of A special meeting of town officials, held e(xpressed amazement that the notice of believe they are all honorable.” at the office of the State Insurance cancellation came in light of this meeting. today’s agenda,” Smith told the (Commissioner, Tuesday, negated a notice According to toe agreement reached closing session of the-two-day In Memoriam sjmiposium. In loving memory of my huiband, sent by the Travelers Insurance Co. that Tuesday, the town will pay $50,000 to apply ‘D a Moon Is Lika Atthur liompioo, who pasaed away the town’s insurance coverage would be to toe innirance premium now due on the ■‘To adjourn today makes this Dacember U, 1M3. A. Butterfly ring . $165 C. Dolphin pin $70 TM9 Program la Sponsored By The Following Local Independent Insurance Agents: symposium no more than an Pizza Pie../ B. Enamel Bird of D. Coral bird pin dropped as of this coming Monday. town’s insurance program and toe balance 80 empty ritual honoring one man. My heart atlU achea with sadneaa, Paradise pin 75 E. Bongo-player pin 55 "riie problem stems back several months of the account, which is also currently And aeeret lean lUU flow. due, plus any additional amount incurred, For this symposium not to ROME (AP) — Astronaut Baker Insurance Agency when the town was sent a bill of $49,000, by What It meant to loae you, Fun pieces of genuine gemstones Leonard D. Rivard Agency 'Travelers, for a retro payment based on during toe fiscal year will be budgeted for expand and deil with a new •Harrison Schmitt’s "mama No one will ever know. C.H. Anderson Agency in 18K yellow gold YOU Cl^ke Insurance Agency Crockett Agency, Inc. the humb^ of claims upon the policy and and paid by July 10, 1973. definition of equality is to mia” made big news in Italy UptHdeHt Ted Cummings Insurance Agency Nels C. Johnson Agency As part of this agreement. Travelers refuse the sun of a new day and today. Whan Uie daya are aad and kmely EASYrPAYMENTS INVITED Robert J. Smith, Inc. funds for the unexpected bill were not And everyttiing goea wrong, Jnsuranc^ GENT Rodney T. Dolin Agency John H. Lappan Agency available in toe budget. , wUl continue to carry toe town’s insurance prevents a rendezvous with the “Italian is spoken on the I aacin to hear you whlaper, Beechler-Tanguay, Inc. contract which, exclusive of fire future.” moon,” trum pet^ newspapers "CiMMr up and carry on.” • t I t V i S Jewell-England Insurance Charles Lesperance Insurance Last Thursday town officials met with Q.T. Labonne & ^sociates, Inc. representatives of toe insurance company insurance, amounts to about $70,000 a Johnson, who already had in front-page headlines. Aldo Pagan! Agency John L. Jenney Agency given the closing address, Italians use the phrase — Bach time I aee your picture. M Jarvis Agency, Inc. and supposed that a satisfactory year. You smile and say, Raymond E. Qorman Agency Kenneth Ostrinsky Insurance James Q. Zuccordy, Inc. agreement had been worked obt whereby Town officials now feel it is time for the returned to the podium after seemingly after every other "Don't cry. I'm only alaeping, Smith’s remarks were sentence — to denote surprise Ws’U maat again some day." JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 the town would pay $21,000 on the bill and Insurance Advisory Board to review the Snow Flurry Piles Up Traffic m MAIN STRier Manchester pay the balance on July 10 which would be entire insurance problem in light of how it answered by Clarence Mitchell, or exasperation. Schmitt used it Sadly .miaaed by Wife, Hartford • Middletown • New Britain in toe next fiscal year. Town officials will effect toe budget. director of the Washington in a conversation with Yesterday snow came to Manchester at mid-day creating temporary hazardous driving Miania Hiampsoo bureau of toe National Associa­ astronaut Eugene Cernan after conditions until town road crews could get main thoroughfares and arterials sanded. This tion for toe Advancement of describing an unusual rock is a line-up of cars on Middle Tpke. West. The snow was followed by rain. (Herald photo by m Colored People. sample he had found. Pinto)