Waves Festival

#WavesFestival2020 CONFERENCE FOLDER 2020

Waves Festival Conference 2020 Where East Meets West

rom 10th to 11th of September 2020 the indie label association VTMÖ are inviting Waves Festival Conference, organized everyone to discussions about coordinated Fby Waves Festival, Music Austria and support measures for clubs and promoters Austrian Music Export, takes place for the and fair payment on streaming portals. 10th time. National and international music experts, organizers, label owners, bookers, and musicians are meeting during the day Focus Countries: UK and Ukraine for discussion and networking online and at This year’s host countries UK and Ukraine the SAE Institute in Vienna. will present their music scenes and markets, and special networking sessions will provide an opportunity to establish contacts with Challenges for the music industry important industry representatives from The conference program addresses the chal- both countries. A workshop will explain the lenges for the music industry triggered by expected effects of Brexit on the cooperati- the COVID-19 pandemic in a variety of ways. on with the UK. International experts from the music indus- Feedback Listening Sessions and numerous try will share their experiences on panels and viral networking formats complement the the umbrella organization of the European future-oriented program. Music Export Agencies EMEE will host a dis- cussion with political decision makers and organizations on the future of the European FUNDING PARTNERS CONFERENCE music sector. In addition, alternative sources of income and innovative ways of communicating and disseminating content will be explored in workshops and presentations. For example, , a service that has been able to make positive headlines through effective support actions for artists and labels, will hold a webinar. The Vienna Club Commission and the local


Editor in chief Thomas Heher Editorial Staff Theresa Zieg- MASTHEAD 3 ler, Wolfgang Grob, Franz Hergovich, Tatjana Domany, TIMETABLE 4 Shilla Strelka, Tanja Holz, Marketing Sarah Gerstmayer CONFERENCE DETAILS 6 Publisher Wien macht Kultur e.V. Adress Stauraczgasse RESTAURANT TIPS 11 10/4, AT-1050 Vienna, Austria E-Mail info@wavesvien- SHOWCASES 12 na.com Web www.wavesvienna.com Printed by Facultas XA - EXPORT AWARD 22 Druck Vienna Published in Vienna E-Mail info@wavevi- CONFERENCE SPEAKERS A – Z 24 enna.com Phone +43 1 952 27 98 Fax +43 1 253 30 33-7273 PARTNERS 42

3 Thursday, 10.SEP.2020

09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 1

The Future of the SAE European Music Kaisersaal Eco System

SAE Music Library

Meet the Online Ukrainians

Friday, 11.SEP.2020

09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 1

SAE Focus Country Kaisersaal Ukraine

The SAE Future of Focu Booking Library …

Meet the Online Germans

4 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00

Feedback Listening Feedback Listening Session 1 Session 2

New ways Techniques for Music Cities of audience streaming Live Music Cities Workshop participation Music from in music home

Official Meet the Opening Czechs + WUK

Panel Listening Reception Invitation Lecture Session only

13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 Earning Brexit Money in Fair Streaming? Workshop Times of Crisis

Focus Country Bandcamp UK Workshop MUSEXPO

Meet the Festivals

Panel Listening Reception Invitation Lecture Session only

5 Conference Details

Thursday 10.SEP.2020 11:00-12:00 SPEED MEETING 14:15-15:00 WORKSHOP MUSIC CITIES MEET THE UKRAINIANS WORKSHOP HOSTED BY VCC [EN] Online [EN] Library In this online speed meeting you’ll have the By Invitation only. chance to connect with interesting people Moderation Martina Brunner (Vienna Club from the Ukraine music business in virtual Commission, AT) rooms, which rotate every seven minutes. Speaker Shain Shapiro (Sound Diplomacy, CA) 12:00-13:00 PANEL THE FUTURE OF THE EUROPEAN MUSIC ECO 14:45-15:30 SPEED MEETING SYSTEM HOSTED BY EMEE MEET THE CZECHS [EN] Kaisersaal [EN] Online The COVID-19 crisis has a huge impact on the In this online speed meeting you’ll have the music eco system, that will certainly need chance to connect with interesting peo- a lot of support and smart ideas. EMEE, the ple from the Czech music sector in virtual European network of music export offices, rooms, which rotate every seven minutes. invited representatives of the European Commission and the most active music net- 15:00-16:00 works to hear about their evaluations, ideas FEEDBACK LISTENING SESSION 1 and initiatives. [EN] Kaisersaal Speaker Elisa Thoma (Live DMA, FR), Susan- International professionals give constructive ne Hollmann (European Commission, DE), feedback on up-and-coming acts with inter- Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (IMMF, UK), Corinne national potential. Sadki (Le Bureau Export/EMEE, FR), Didier Moderation Rainer Praschak (mica - Music Gosset (IMPALA, FR) Austria, AT) Moderation Franz Hergovich (Austrian Music Speaker Aleksandra Jabłońska (OFFBeat, Export, AT), Nuno Saraiva (Why Portugal/ PL), Katharina Seidler (Radio FM4, AT), Nikola EMEE, PT) Terzic (Oblot Agency, HR), Marton Naray (Sounds Czech, CZ) 13:15-14:00 PANEL MUSIC CITIES HOSTED BY VCC 13:15-14:00 PANEL NEW WAYS OF AUDIENCE [EN] Library PARTICIPATION IN MUSIC PRESENTED BY Every city has a music scene. Each mu- MUSIC PARTICIPATION DAYS 2020 sic scene defines a city. In the wake of [EN] Library the Covid-19 crisis, Sound Diplomacy has Four domain experts and the audience dis- developed a 9-point plan on how cities can cuss new ways of audience participation in strengthen this aspect. Setting focus on music. Everyone can attend and participate Vienna we will discuss about how music online for free. See www.musicparticipation. creates better cities and urban development com for all information about the panellists for all of us. and how to participate as audience member. Moderation Martina Brunner (Vienna Club Moderation Oliver Hödl (TU Wien, AT) Commission, AT) Speaker Christopher Widauer (AT), Susanne Speaker Shain Shapiro (Sound Diplomacy, Kirchmayr (Musician, AT), Peter Reichl (AT), CA), Susanne Kirchmayr (Musician, AT), Jo- Susanne Niedermayr (Radio Ö1, AT) hannes Piller (AT), Carmen Fischer (AT)

6 16:30-17:30 12:00-13:00 PANEL FEEDBACK LISTENING SESSION 2 FOCUS COUNTRY UKRAINE [EN] Kaisersaal [EN] Kaisersaal International professionals give constructive Each year true to the motto of the festival feedback on up-and-coming acts with inter- “East meets West” Waves invites two focus national potential. countries for the festival and the conference. Moderation Rainer Praschak (mica - Music Find out more about the rich and lively Ukrai- Austria, AT) nian music scene. Networking opportunity Speaker Stefan Trischler (Radio FM4, AT), with key players of the Ukrainian music mar- Andraž Kajzer (MENT, SI), Ralph H. Christoph ket, facts & figures, country presentation (c/o pop, DE) Moderation Regina Fisch (Austrian Music Export, AT) Speaker Katherine Maliukova (Booking 16:45-17:30 WORKSHOP Manager, UA), Valeriia Perkov (Aristocrats TECHNIQUES FOR STREAMING Family, UA), Sergii Maletskyi (H2D, UA), Alex LIVE MUSIC FROM HOME Bondarenko (LiRoom, UA), Ivan Talaychuk PRESENTED BY YAMAHA (Pibox, UA), Grigoriy Fatianov (Masterskaya, [EN] Library UA), Vlad Yaremchuk (Atlas Weekend, UA) In this seminar, Andy Cooper, from Yamaha Research & Development, will provide tips, 12:00-13:00 PANEL THE FUTURE techniques and a list of equipment to get OF BOOKING: SOLD OUT SHOWS started with live streaming from your home. USING DATA Whether you sing, play acoustic, electric, [EN] Library electronic or virtual instruments, live stream- How does music streaming influence the live ing is where you can reach your biggest au- music industry? Data from all -goers dience. Find out how to make a high quality and/or music lovers are now available. Spo- sound on a low budget. tify sold out their own making boo- Speaker Andy Cooper (Yamaha Research & king decisions based on streaming results Development, UK) rather than just focussing on big names. How to access this data in the whole industry? The artist discovery and booking platform gigmit initiated a pilot project LASER (Live Friday Artists Search Engine & Recommendations) with the support of the European Union 11.SEP.2020 (Music Moves Europe) to access, gather and display streaming and fan data and give a 11:00-12:00 SPEED MEETING guidance on how active and how big an artist MEET THE GERMANS is in any region. How does this look like? Join [EN] Online the presentation! In this online speed meeting you’ll have the Speaker Marcus Fitzgerald (Gigmit, DE) chance to connect with interesting people from music business in virtual rooms, which rotate every seven minutes.

7 13:15-14:15 PANEL 15:00-15:45 LECTURE BREXIT FOCUS COUNTRY UK [EN] Kaisersaal [EN] Library In February 2020, Brexit became a reality Each year true to the motto of the festival and since then, the music industry has been “East meets West” Waves invites two focus discussing its impact on live music and countries for the festival and the conference. performance opportunities in the UK. A lack Find out more about the rich and lively UK of information and many misunderstandings music scene. Networking opportunity with about visa requirements and work permits key players of the UK music market, facts & as well as ever changing regulations have a figures, country presentation. profound impact on current and future plans Moderation Ian Smith (Frusion, AT) of artists, booking agencies and promoters Speaker Anastasia Connor (Noise Unit PR, alike. This workshop wants to inform artists UK), Neal Thompson (Focus Wales, UK), Mi- seeking work in the UK about current deve- chael Lambert (Wide Days, UK), Adam Ryan lopments and answer questions about visas, (The Great Escape Festival, UK) carnets, tax issues and travel regulations. Speaker Ian Smith (Frusion, UK), Alexandra 13:15-14:15 PANEL FAIR STREAMING? Wachek (Austrian Cultural Forum , HOSTED BY VTMÖ AT) [EN] Kaisersaal Streaming a 2 min. 30 sec. track is generating 16:15-17:00 PANEL EARNING the same amount as an epic 20 min. suite. MONEY IN TIMES OF CRISIS A “family account” enables up to 6 persons to [EN] Library stream “as they wish” for an only 50% higher Musicians and communication experts monthly rate than an individual is paying. discuss their ways of dealing constructively A fake user account that streams 24/7 can with the difficult situation, opening up new create an income of app. € 45,- per month opportunities. whilst the subscription fee only is € 9,99 – a Moderation Tristan Barth (UK) nice business model for criminal minds. Speaker Nora Pider (Musician, AT), Julian An- Questions to be discussed at this panel: gerer (Musician, AT), Mandy Mozart (Vienna How fair is the current “pro rata” accounting Struggle, AT), Jan Clausen (Factory92, DE) model? Would “user centic” make a differen- ce? How can streaming services improve 11:00-12:00 SPEED MEETING fairness of revenue distribution? MEET THE FESTIVALS Moderation Alexander Hirschenhauser [EN] Online (VTMÖ Indies, AT) In this online speed meeting you’ll have the Speaker Nermina Mumic (Legitary, AT), Birte chance to connect with interesting people Wiemann (Cargo Records, DE), Anton Gour- from the music festivals in virtual rooms, man (Deezer, UK) which rotate every seven minutes. 15:00-15:45 LECTURE 11:00-12:00 LECTURE MUSEXPO BANDCAMP WEBINAR [EN] Online [EN] Library Presentation of the annual international mu- Aly Gillani, Bandcamp‘s European Label and sic and media conference that takes place in Artist Rep will take lead this webinar, taking Hollywood, CA. participants through the key principles Moderation Tatjana Domany (Austrian Music behind a successful (and money-making!) Export, AT) presence on Bandcamp. Speaker Sat Bisla (MUSEXPO, US), Tyler Pol- Moderation Tristan Barth (UK) zin (MUSEXPO, US) Speaker Aly Gillani (Bandcamp, UK)


Restaurant Tips

Close to SAE-Institute Close to WUK Wiki Wiki Poke Ristorante Francesco Poke Bowls Italian restaurant Wipplingerstraße 21 Währinger Straße 66 1010 Vienna 1090 Vienna restaurant service & take away Opening hrs. 11.30–23.00 h Opening hrs. 11.00–21.00 h www.ristorante-francesco.com www.wikiwikipoke.at Café Weimar Max & Benito Typical Viennese café Mexican Restaurant Währinger Straße 68 Wipplingerstraße 23 1090 Vienna 1010 Vienna Opening hrs. 8.00–23.30 h restaurant service www.cafeweimar.at & take away Opening hrs. 11.30–16.00 h www.maxbenito.at Statt-Beisl Austrian restaurant Währinger Straße 59 Habibi & Hawara 1090 Vienna Austrian-oriental Restaurant Opening hrs. 17.00–02.00 h Wipplingerstraße 29 www.statt-beisl.info 1010 Vienna restaurant service & take away Opening hrs. 11.00–15.00 h Swing Kitchen 17.00– 24.00 h Vegan restaurant www.habibi.at/eins Währinger Straße 47 1090 Vienna Opening hrs. 11.00–22.00 h Sweet & Salty www.swingkitchen.com Falafel & Schnitzel-Wraps Renngasse 14 Close to Wombat’s 1010 Vienna restaurant service & take away Oriental Cuisine Opening hrs. 6.00–14.00 h Naschmarkt 510 Friday 6.00–13.30 h 1060 Vienna Opening hrs. 8.00–23.00 h www.neni.at Figlmüller Schnitzel & other Viennese food Lugeck 4 Swing Kitchen 1010 Vienna Vegan restaurant restaurant service Operngasse 24 Opening hrs. 11.30–23.00 h 1040 Vienna www.figlmueller.at Opening hrs. 11.00–22.00 h www.swingkitchen.com Gasthaus zum Holunderstrauch Viennese restaurant Vollpension Schreyvogelgasse 3 Café hosted by retirees 1010 Vienna Schleifmühlgasse 16 restaurant service 1040 Vienna Opening hrs. 11.00–23.59 h Opening hrs. 07.30–22.00 h www.holunderstrauch.at www.vollpension.wien

11 Wanderlust upporting musical talents from Ger- TITUS WALDNER (DE) many with combined forces at Waves FRI 11.SEP.2020 SFestival 2020: This is the aim of Wan- 19:10-19:40 @ Channel Wanderlust derlust – New German Talent Showcase, 19:15-19:45 @ Public Viewing Area a project by Initiative Musik and the pop Titus Waldner’s music funding agencies of the federal states music is a work popNRW, Pop-Büro - Region Stuttgart, Rock- in progress. City Hamburg and Verband für Popkultur in The name of Bayern, who have joined forces to present his first EP nine German acts at the showcase festival. ‘Udvikling’ The Wanderlust Channel will also feature literally means five further acts from Germany as part of the ‘progress’ or Waves Selection. ‘development’ in Danish. This DOUNIAH & PACHAKUTI (DE) is not to say THU 10.SEP.2020 that the tracks 19:10-19:40 @ Channel Wanderlust that make up 19:15-19:45 @ Public Viewing Area the EP are in any way unfinished – much on “I turned my thoughts into rhymes – cause the contrary, Titus is meticulous, obsessive someone can relate to them”, says Douniah’s even, about finishing and details. He is ex- bio. The 23-year-old settled in after ploring and discovering his identity through she started making music at the age of 15, in his music with youthful candidacy and Hamburg. She knew early on which influen- boldness, ‘You could see it as a first insight ces would accompany her musically: Indie into my style and my progression while I am and Electro, North African Gnawa music, finding my way as a musician,’ he says. African-American Soul Jazz and Hip-Hop. Her previous releases also indicate a high degree KITZ (DE) of collaborative spirit: Together with the FRI 11.SEP.2020 Hamburg producer Highjohn she has relea- 19:45-20:15 @ Channel Wanderlust sed an LP, and most recently she recorded a 19:45-20:15 @ Public Viewing Area joint single with rapper Ebow. Douniah is not With her Solo alone on stage at the Waves Festival, but will KiTZ the play together with saxophonist and pianist singer, sound Pachakuti. – The Gap artist and per- former Anna SCOTCH & WATER (DE) Illenberger THU 10.SEP.2020 enters a jour- 19:50-20:20 @ Channel Wanderlust ney to herself. 19:50-20:20 @ Public Viewing Area The musician, Scotch & Water was formed in 2017 in Ham- who has been burg, Germany. After self-releasing their first very success- 7 inch vinyl in 2018, ‘Moving On’ – the first ful with the single of the band’s EP ‘Never Enough, Always electro-in- Too Much’ – was released via DevilDuck diepop duo Records in July 2019 and brought a lot more Annagemina, attention to the emerging group. Showcase transforms her distinctive voice into a sphe- festivals, support shows for various artists rical instrument. (e.g. The Dead South) and a two weeks tour The songs sound pure, left raw and imme- through western with JUNO-nominee diate. KiTZ plays with contrasts and antago- Megan Nash followed. With the full EP being nisms, which rub each other up, lead to bre- released in January 2020 they embarked on aks and reassemble melodically. Alienated their first headlining tour through Germany effects, own samples and electronic beats in early 2020, ending with a sold-out show in create changing sound atmospheres and Hamburg right before the lockdown. But even spaces, which Anna Illenberger charges with a global pandemic won’t stop them, as they her voice and leads to a touching depth. The are already busy writing and recording new sound polarity is also reflected in the texts songs for their upcoming full length, which is about courage, decisions and independence. set to be released in 2021.

12 [LEAK] (DE) Artist.Support side paths to the obvious path through the FRI 11.SEP.2020 middle. Sometimes undercooled, sometimes 20:20-20:50 @ Channel Wanderlust exuberant, the songs always remain surpri- 20:0-20:50 @ Public Viewing Area sing and obstinate, sometimes culminating [LEAK] create a in the big chorus and then falling unresol- warm electro- ved into an irresistible enigma. Suitable for nic soundsca- teenagers to middle-aged music lovers. Not pe, which gives suitable for assholes. a deep view into a world of XUL ZOLAR (DE) heartbreaking SAT 12.SEP.2020 nostalgia and 19:45-20:15 @ Channel Wanderlust heavenly ro- 19:45-20:15 @ Public Viewing Area mantic closeu- Do you believe in Xul Zolar? After being ps. Shimmering founded in 2011 by singer Ronald Röttel and synths, dark player/keyboardist Marin Geier Xul hip-hop bits Zolar quickly gained recognition for their and cinematic, distorted show the live shows, being tipped by media outlets all path to the surface.Who are you? Where are over Germany as one of the country’s most you? When are you? Where are you coming promising upcoming bands. Following the from? The year for [LEAK] would have star- release of a series of D.I.Y. 7“ records, the ted with two shows at the renowned British band released their first official single „Hex“ showcase festival The Great Escape, accom- on Asmara Records, a label co-founded by panied by the single “Closeups” and a comic the band and their management, in 2013 to adaptation of the band’s history. A hand-ani- critical acclaim. Invitations to major German mated video for the single by the British agen- and European festivals such as Dockville, cy “Ladybug” (who have produced works for c/o Pop, Immergut or Incubate and support the likes of Mumford & Sons). It is the summer shows and tours with acts like Battles, Future of 2020 we have a lot to do. 2021 is coming. Islands, Balthazar or SOHN followed. UMME BLOCK (DE) ÄTNA (DE) FRI 11.SEP.2020 Artist.Support SAT 12.SEP.2020 20:55-21:25 @ Channel Wanderlust 20:55-21:25 @ Channel Wanderlust 20:55-21:5 @ Public Viewing Area 20:55-21:25 @ Public Viewing Area UMME BLOCK is the new project of two You hear the young women from Munich (Germany) hook of “Come They create wide soundscapes, full of high To Me” only tension.It’s a unique sound, made of vocals, once and analog sythesizers, electric guitar and beat- you’re literally machines. See how instrumental sounds and hooked, what vocals fuse – while carrying each other. other music Listen to spherical sounds – dreamy, melan- from the Dres- cholic, dramatic, thrilling. Bouncing beats in den duo may your face. Live and with love. come to you. Inéz Schaefer STEFANIE SCHRANK (DE) and Demian SAT 12.SEP.2020 Kappenstein met at the Dresden Universi- 19:10-19:40 @ Channel Wanderlust ty of Music. And indeed, one can notice a 19:10-19:0 @ Public Viewing Area certain musicological background in their Stefanie Schrank is a visual artist and bassist previous releases, although a low-threshold with the Cologne band Locas In Love. To- access to handmade indie pop is still gu- gether with the Düsseldorf electro musician aranteed. Even without a diploma you can Lucas Croon (Stabil Elite, Bar), St. Schrank hear the soft urgency of Christine And The has put together her sophisticated pop from Queens on “Made By Desire”, while “Remis- analogue synthesizers and elegant angu- sion” is much more melancholic. Every song lar grooves. It is a music of the in-between hits a new nuance. Fun fact at the end: Ätna and grey zones, of the invisible and unhe- are good friends with Martin Kohlstedt, a ard, which prefers to roam the shores and Waves 2019 alumnus. – The Gap

13 Slovenian MoMENTs ven though the Waves Festival had JAKOB KOBAL (SI) to move online, Slovenian music is SAT 12.SEP.2020 coming on the Viennese waves. Even 17:25-17:55 @ Public Viewing Area Efurther! 17:55-18:25 @ Channel Lichtenthal The genre elusive band Balans will perform presented by The Gap live as well - in Vienna. They will perform at the Rhiz venue, while we’ll be able to see the specially recorded session online. And Jakob Kobal & His Imaginary Friends and 7AM will join us online. You should join as well! Presented by SKICA, SIGIC, Music Slovenia and MENT Ljubljana. BALANS (SI) THU 10.SEP.2020 22:35-23:05 @ Channel Lichtenthal presented by The Gap

Sometimes a guitar is just enough. The Slo- venian Jakob Kobal presents himself on his album “Cloudless” with a lot of fingerpicking and feelings. Supported by a band and one or the other unusual instrument – for exam- ple a clarinet – Kobal conquers the heart of every John Mayer fan with his laid-back and sugar-sweet songs. The singer-’s music sounds like late summer, lightness, and good weather. Jakob Kobal can make use of the latter when skating. Only recently he showed his followers that he is not only great at playing guitar, singing and writing songs – but can also do a proper noseblunt. Hang loose! – The Gap 7AM (SI) SAT 12.SEP.2020 20:45-21:15 @ Channel Thurygrund presented by Wojnar‘s At seven in the morning there are no com- Staying in balance across national borders promises. Either extremely good or very – the two Slovenians Andrej Pervanje and bad stuff happens, at least you will usually Kristin Cona founded Balans as an underg- remember it for a long time. This feeling of round band and later found a third member being all-in exactly describes the distorted in neighboring Italy: the artist Alessandro but calm sound of 7 am. The two-piece band Di Giampietro, who created a bizarre visual project lives on an old farm, where all songs translation of their musical brand. For are created and recorded. So to speak, it’s Balans, underground means mixing post- the Teenage Dream of DIY alternative rockers punk elements with satirical narratives, who don’t want to take themselves and life experimenting with various genres, which too seriously come true. This message is also can be seen in ethereal guitar solos and conveyed precisely via their song “Every- spherical vocals, among other things. time” with its accompanying and somewhat With white stage outfits they offer the blurred video. The two say of themselves: best open space for their holistic-sensual “We prefer live concerts and a cold one over performance concept. From creepy to baby likes on FB, so hopefully we see you in some pink, there’s plenty to see and hear with dark venue where belongs.” Oh Balans. – The Gap yes!! – The Gap

14 Ts

Haltungsübung Nr.  An Veränderung wachsen.

Unsere Welt befi ndet sich im Wandel. Und es liegt an jeder und jedem einzelnen von uns, dass es ein Wandel zum Besseren wird. Regelmäßige Haltungsübungen helfen uns dabei: Zum Beispiel jeden Tag aufs Neue zu versuchen, an Veränderung zu wachsen. derStandard.at

Der Haltung gewidmet. HOTS fter last years’ successful focus year, DEVA (HU) Hungary and its music export of- FRI 11.SEP.2020 Afice HOTS returns with three unique 21:55-22:25 @ Channel Lichtenthal talents right before their international presented by The Gap breakthrough. “Heavenly, Deep Glaze is one of the hidden gems of divine, all of the new Hungarian psych/garage wave excellence”, in the underground: they were able to means Deva, prove their talent at Reeperbahn or c/o when transla- pop as well. Apey is a singer-songwriter ted from San- who played Berlin and he‘s skrit. Besides right before his new album release, while that, Deva is Deva is your new favourite early bet from a Hindu deity. Eastern-Europe with a mellow balance bet- A little less ween folklore and . pompous is the musician Deva’s APEY (HU) view of herself. THU 10.SEP.2020 After her two 20:45-21:15 @ Channel Thurygrund releases from presented by Wojnar‘s 2020 called A storyteller “777” and “Hyacynth”, the research results on with a genui- the Hungarian woman are pretty soon over. nely Eastern But that doesn’t matter either, because in European Deva’s case the music stands on its own. The approach to reference to deities comes to life in the first humor and few bars of the siren-like vocals and latest self-expres- when the compact electronic beats kick in, it sion – this becomes clear what is meant by “heavenly”. is how Apey Deva doesn’t need a massive stage setup describes either. Her, a laptop and a controller – that’s it. himself. The most beautiful kind of musical minima- Andras Aron lism, in which the stimulus satiation gives way has achie- again to the listening experience. – The Gap ved a certain degree of DEEP GLAZE (HU) fame in the SAT 12.SEP.2020 heavy metal 22:40-23:10 @ Channel Thurygrund scene, but presented by Wojnar‘s eventually 22:40-23:10 @ Public Viewing Area sought a Founded in the bustling underground new artistic scene of Budapest, which is unfortunately channel for only rarely recognized beyond borders, some of the the quartet has been working on its sound themes that since 2015. And with the single “Monotony” occupied Deep Glaze reached a small highlight last him. He year. The rhythms pulsate, the guitars cut found one distortedly into the listener’s ears, but above in the project Apey, with which he looks all the synthesizers provide a heavy groove into an American sounding folk and rock and shimmering sound surfaces. This seems direction. This ranges from dirty guitars to hypnotic, a bit gloomy and quite sexy. In soulful ballads. With his first solo album older songs like “Constant Destruction” or “Feathers, Black Flowers” he started at the “I’m Your Stranger” the guitars are more in beginning: his childhood. This year’s single the spotlight, the band is a fuzz rock fan – “Nothing At All” deals with the death of his without forgetting more subtle nuances. mother. Apey also likes to get his inspi- Synths or guitars? It will be interesting to ration from his sleep problems. A great see which one will get the upper hand at the storyteller indeed! – The Gap Waves Festival. – The Gap


Get an insight into campus life at the free workshops or the Open Campus events! sae.edu/events Sounds Czech zech music scene is thriving. Not AMELIE SIBA (CZ) necessarily one of the biggest SAT 12.SEP.2020 Cmarkets in Europe, 20:05-20:35 @ Channel Thurygrund is bursting with interesting local talents presented by Wojnar‘s reaching foreign markets. Strong genre There is music that you hear and immedi- scenes, long-established big festivals and ately feel like you’re in a coming-of-age promotion agencies and venues provide a movie. Like Amelie Siba’s debut album “Dye strong basis for many artists to evolve no My Hair”. In 33 minutes, you can immerse matter the genres. yourself in a fully-grown and individualized This year SoundCzech is bringing 3 pro- plot. Fixed themes, however, are adole- mising acts to Waves, namely jazz art rock scence and anxiety – the dreamy indie-pop Market, unique electro Noisy Pots and with its tender guitar lead leaves just young songwriter Amelie Siba. enough room for the detailed plot. “Ivory Heart” is certainly the hit for the final reali- NOISY POTS (CZ) zation of the respective leading role. Even THU 10.SEP.2020 without sinking into her own maladaptive 23:55-00:25 @ Channel Lichtenthal daydream, Amelie Siba has a dreamy voice presented by The Gap combined with amazing songwriting skills. We are already looking forward to the next film. – The Gap MARKET (CZ) SAT 12.SEP.2020 23:55-00:25 @ Channel Lichtenthal presented by The Gap

Since 2014, Jakub Tengler and Michal Šupák – as Noisy Pots – have been active together in the music scene; initia- lly as a trio, but now as a couple. The band Market are a Prague-based post-punk name already hints at it: The two use kit- band and possibly the only band over who- chen utensils to realize their sound. From se qualitites no one in the Czech Republic pots to buckets, many things can appear dares to argue. in the sound. Add live synths, samples and ‘The sound of Market feels about as hyp- vocals and you have “DIY kitchen electro”. notic as a brilliant improvisational session. Especially at their shows, this leaves a big Their debut full-length album Art Star is impression, which is why the band has al- not afraid to mingle with a variety of genres ready been around a lot. For example with from indie to free jazz. In the short time of performances as street musicians, who their activity, they became renowned for – rumor has it – quickly became boiste- energetic and visceral live performances. rous public parties and made sure that the All of this was solidified by their nomina- international fanbase of the Noisy Pots tion for Best New Artist in the 2018 Vinyla developed well. – The Gap music awards.’ (Jiří Kordík, Radio Wave)

18 Switzerland at Waves e will miss the special vibe Vienna ANNIE TAYLOR (CH) Festival has created over the past SAT 12.SEP.2020 Wyears, and, of course, we will miss 21:25-21:55 @ Channel Thurygrund our traditional Swiss Business Mixer just presented by Wojnar‘s as much. However, in a sorely reduced 21:30-22:00 @ Public Viewing Area world we are looking forward to this hybrid The comparisons sit quite loosely in the version of the festival very much indeed! press text to the debut album of the Zurich We are convinced that this pioneering band. But of course, it’s a bit true when it version of Waves Festival will be a mas- refers to the energy of Courtney Love and the sive success that we did not hesitate for a nonchalance of Warpaint. “Sweet Mortali- second to accept the festival’s invitation ty”, the title of the debut album, brings out to produce live videos by 3 acts of their different facets of rock music, which can be choice to be premiered by the festival. located between energetic and casual. Grun- ge and psychedelic influences are provided JESSIQUOI (CH) with a lot of pop appeal. In addition, singer THU 10.SEP.2020 Gini Jungi intones in moods from exhilarated 19:25-19:55 @ Channel Thurygrund to cool. With Annie Taylor you can let go of presented by Wojnar‘s anger excellently or simply feel well taken care of. These are two options we like to fall back on in times like these. – The Gap CRIMER (CH) SAT 12.SEP.2020 22:05-22:35 @ Channel Thurygrund presented by Wojnar‘s

If would move to Switzerland without Elon, someone like Jessiquoui People from Switzerland are often wron- would probably come out with it. Without ged because their dialect forces them dropping names: Jessiquoui locates her- into this grubby cuteness corner. Maybe self between electronica, rap and a touch Crimer (real name: Alexander Frei) wanted of pop. The Australian does everything to counteract this image with his creepy herself, from songwriting to production to project name. In any case, he doesn’t come stage design. Her Instagram bio text “that across as scary musically, but hypnotizes chick serving fresh beats from a neon food with long reverberating chorus guitars and stand” reveals a lot about the latter. Live, a soft-warm voice. In the band context, this she has already taken part in numerous means synth-pop, which is accompanied European festivals and recently won the by a touch of something familiar, which Swiss Live Talents Award in the category is nevertheless broken by moments of “Best Electronic”. On her album “Glitch surprise. Thus, Crimer creates an intere- Trigger” Jessiqoui shows her love for song sting combination of cloudy indulgence titles that start with “The”. Streaming with and aha-moments. And if you have to smile a clear conscience: There is nothing illegal at one or two announcements between the about this rave! – The Gap tracks, that’s probably okay too. – The Gap

19 Ukraine at Waves kraine will present the hand-picked KRAPKA;KOMA (UA) selection of the most promising local FRI 11.SEP.2020 Ubands ready to become your favo- 18:35-19:05 @ Channel Lichtenthal rites: The Castle (Indie pop / Avant-pop), presented by The Gap Krapka;Koma ( Electronic), Dakh Daughters (Freak cabaret), Tik Tu (Psychedelic), Tse- Sho (Experimental rave), Fo Sho (Hip-hop). Along with that, the Ukrainian delegation will be presented by the biggest in the country, music tech gurus, steaming radios, big promoters, and a ma- nager of CIS pop sensation. Nice discover- ies are guaranteed! THE CASTLE (UA) THU 10.SEP.2020 18:05-18:35 @ Public Viewing Area 18:05-18:35 @ Channel Lichtenthal presented by The Gap The band with the unusual punctuation policy also surprises musically. Scrolling through their , you might expect High-Energy-Synth-Pop. In fact, the duo is very laid-back, calm and smooth – in the best sense of the word. It is precisely this supposed contradiction that provides an interesting approach to music. And this approach does not need a studio, as the “Quarantine Beats 1-9” prove. – The Gap DAKH DAUGHTERS (UA) FRI 11.SEP.2020 20:35-21:05 @ Channel Lichtenthal presented by The Gap The renowned Dakh Theater in Kyiv not

On stage, The Castle present themselves dressed up and groomed, like from the hipster catalog, accompanied by a musi- cal spectrum that ranges from free jazz only provides a stage for its own produc- to rock passages. The six-man crew from tions, but also for exchange between the Lviv knows how to challenge visually and members of the ensemble. audibly. Besides, they master the craft of Backstage, seven actresses have formed psychedelic pop fine mechanics as if they their own band: Dakh Daughters. The had never done anything else. Because, band’s very own stage lies here between hey, a show is only really good when you’re music, performance, and theater – or, as never really sure what’s planned and what’s they themselves say: “in the right experi- improvised, right? – The Gap mental-creative place”. – The Gap

20 TIK TU (UA) FO SHO (UA) FRI 11.SEP.2020 SAT 12.SEP.2020 23:25-23:55 @ Channel Thurygrund 23:15-23:45 @ Channel Lichtenthal presented by Wojnar‘s presented by The Gap Tik Tu from The sisters Betty, Miriyam, and Siona mix Ukraine make an eclectic mix of electronic and live sound involving sam- plers, flute, violin, drums and guitars during their concerts. The Ternopil-based band with all band members being multi-in- strumentalists is led by voca- list Natalka Bagrie and has played festivals in Ukraine, Poland, the Netherlands, and Germany where they have been met with critical acclaim. In 2019 Tik Tu released their second album ‘Ulitakis’ and started to tour in Europe. TSESHO (UA) SAT 12.SEP.2020 21:55-22:25 @ Channel Lichtenthal presented by The Gap 22:05-22:35 @ Public Viewing Area up the Ukrainian rap scene. With their song “Black Sqr” they even performed at the preliminary round of the Eurovision Song Contest 2020. The anthem for criticizing the art market and society also gives us those wonderful lyrics: “I’m just like a black square / Got a lot of layers in me.” In the video for “Xtra” the three show how many layers their personalities have: Betty worked as a dentist, Miriyam studied economics and Siona graduated from art school. – The Gap

Similar to the Dakh Daughters, Tse Sho are theater people – five actors who make music and translate theatrical storytelling into wild changes of tempo, unusual instrumentation and singing in alternation. The song “Hate” makes it clear why the ensemble calls itself a “social rave band”. In their enumeration of what they – or the lyrical self – hate, the boundaries between irony and seriousness are never quite clear. – The Gap

21 XA - Export Award 2020

he award was initiated by Waves Festival FLUT (AT) in 2017 and is a cooperation between THU 10.SEP.2020 Tmica – music austria, Austrian Music 22:30-23:00 @ Public Viewing Area Export, Austro Mechana/SKE Fonds, Radio 22:35-23:05 @ Channel Lichtenthal FM4 and Waves Festival. presented by The Gap The aim is to support Austrian artists at an early stage of their career and help them after establishing a national basis to make the step out of Austria to an international level. Several acts from the long list of Austrian artists performing at Waves are selected by a jury of experts to be nominees of the XA. International and national promoters, book- ers and music journalists are invited to Wa- ves Festival and will judge the performance of the nominees during the festival in Vienna. The winner of the XA receives 3,500 Euro as It all started with a portable VHS recorder well as the promise of support from Austrian and the audiovisual obsession of 5 Upper Music Export, FM4 and Waves Festival for Austrian boys with the colorful but also the following year, including integration at dirty aesthetics of the 1980s. They founded partner-festivals and showcases. In addition, the music group FLUT, moved to Vienna the winner will be nominated by the Federal and were signed by Problembär Records. Ministry of Art, Culture, Public Service and In spring 2017 the Next Big Ding (Musik- Sport as a Focus Act within the framework of express) with its Rockpalast meets Kottan Austrian Music Export and will be given the ermittelt-hit “Linz bei Nacht” also promptly opportunity to receive travel cost support for landed at number 1 in the FM4 charts. Ho- international performances. The ceremony wever, not much is left of the post-NDW on takes place at WUK on Saturday, 12th Sep- their debut EP “Nachtschicht”. On the big and tember at 22:00. small stages in the German-speaking world and the asphalt in between, FLUT have been polishing their sound over the past year. These are the 8 nominees for 2020: CRUSH (AT) OSKA (AT) FRI 11.SEP.2020 THU 10.SEP.2020 18:00-18:30 @ Public Viewing Area 18:40-19:10 @ Public Viewing Area 18:05-18:35 @ Channel Thurygrund 18:45-19:15 @ Channel Thurygrund presented by Wojnar‘s presented by Wojnar‘s Crush is a dream pop indie band from Graz Austria con- sisting of Christina Lessiak (vocals, gu- itar) Christian Lach (guitar) Katrin Bo- recky (keys, vocals) Verena Borecky (bass) and Jakob Puttinger (drums). With their mini-al- bum “Sundown” re- Born into a family of singers and musici- leased in early 2020 ans, grown up in a small village in Lower the five-piece band Austria, Oska moved to Vienna at the age of created a world 18 to study her first love: music. After years between dream and in the background, as support and feature reality with nostal- for various artists, Oska releases this year gia-loving guitar in February “Distant Universe”. riffs.

22 Waves Festival

ALICIA EDELWEISS (AT) MYNTH (AT) FRI 11.SEP.2020 FRI 11.SEP.2020 18:35-19:05 @ Public Viewing Area 22:40-23:10 @ Public Viewing Area 18:45-19:15 @ Channel Thurygrund 22:45-23:15 @ Channel Thurygrund presented by Wojnar‘s presented by Wojnar‘s Alicia Edelweiss is an Austro-British musi- The electronic duo based in Vienna, made cian based in Vienna. She started her musi- up of twins Mario and Giovanna. The siblings cal career as a street musician and travel- have shared their whole lives together and led all over Europe for two years setting off it is nearly impossible to put into words the at the age of 19. On her quest for freedom special connection they have with each and travelling without any money she pret- other. Their music can be described as a ty soon discovered her passion and talent mixture of trip-hop beats and skew analo- for music – back then solely armed with a gue synth-sounds, with vocals that are both guitar. Her long-awaited first professional fragile and emotionally charged.The duo won studio album “When I’m enlightened eve- the Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2017 in rything will be better” has been released the category Electronic/Dance. In autumn in September 2019. The songs tell personal their 3rd album ‘Shades’ will be released. stories wrapped in the magical language of poetry dreams sagas – weaving tales of FARCE (AT) sublime inspiration light-hearted humour SAT 12.SEP.2020 bitter-sweet irony and profound sadness 18:35-19:05 @ Public Viewing Area that touch the highest and deepest chords 18:35-19:05 @ Channel Lichtenthal of human experience: these songs stay presented by The Gap with you. The multidisciplinary artist and producer Ve- ronika J. König, who lives in Vienna, releases LULU SCHMIDT (AT) the prototype of a new pop music under FRI 11.SEP.2020 the name FARCE. She writes and produces 21:15-21:45 @ Channel Lichtenthal her songs in the bedroom, does not think presented by The Gap much of hierarchy and instead focuses on 21:30-22:00 @ Public Viewing Area DIY mindset and aesthetics. The result is a multi-layered and concisely produced music, which does not have to fear comparisons with international pop acts like St. Vincent, Charli XCX or Grimes. LOU ASRIL (AT) SAT 12.SEP.2020 20:20-20:50 @ Public Viewing Area 20:35-21:05 @ Channel Lichtenthal presented by The Gap At 11 Lou Asril began a classical piano educa- tion, at 15 he stood on stage with his own songs for the first time and put together a band. 2019, the then only 18-year-old soul/ Carola Schmidt’s art background also rubs RnB newcomer released his first single “Di- off on her musical alter ego: Lulu Schmidt’s vine Goldmine”, which promptly caused quite sound, videos, performances and self-con- a stir. The accompanying was ception are carried by the desire for viewed over 100,000 times in the first few staging, by eccentricity, breaks and rein- weeks; performances at the Austrian Music terpretations. On top of that she adds an Awards and the Popfest followed. At this ye- (electro-)pop sensibility that ensures that ar’s Waves hewill present his short LP, which the messages about gender roles and star was released in March 2020. Goose bumps, cult also find their way into the ear. She guaranteed! Whoever won the Joe Zawinul describes her crossing the border between Prize at the age of 17, attended songwriting avant-garde and mainstream, introspection courses at the Musicians Institute in L.A. and and expressiveness as hangover pop. And then returns with such singles – can hope for it has a lot to offer. – The Gap an exciting future. (Lisa Schneider for FM4).

23 JULIAN ANGERER BAGLAN AYAZBAYEV TRISTAN BATH JAKE BEAUMONT- Anger, AT Bonanza Twin, UA UK NESBITT Julian Angerer is an Bonanza Twin Kyiv Tristan Bath is a IMMF, UK Italian singer, song- based DJ and elect- music journalist Jake Beaumont- writer and composer ronic music producer living in Vienna, Nesbitt is an artist from Brixen (Südtirol) hails from Kazakhs- focusing on expo- manager from Lon- currently living in tan, Central Asia whe- sing underground don, UK, and advises Vienna.He is best re he rose the ranks experimental and artists on digital and known as songwriter to an established- fringe music from revenue strategies. and co-frontman artist music career around the world. He He has worked with of pop-duo Anger. after 15 years of writes „Spool‘s Out,“ self-releasing and Anger recently won Kazakhstani regional the monthly cassette signed artists in Asia, the Amadeus Award success. Bonanza tape reviews column Europe, and the USA. Fm4 2020, the XA Twin have released for The Quietus, and With a background Award 2019 and are , issued more has also written for in financial markets, Focus-Act of the Aus- than a dozen music The Wire and Band- he consults for trian Music Export videos, won many na- camp Daily, amongst rights holders, and 2020.Julian studied tional music awards, others. rights technology electroacoustic and charted in Kazakhs- companies. experimental music tan and Ukraine, and at the University of even earned a Music and Perfor- shout-out from Pan- ming Arts in Vienna. jabi MC. Speakers A-Z Speakers

Watch our SAT BISLA MAX BLAGOV PETR BLAŽEK US Conference The Castle, UA 420 production, CZ Sat has worked as a online Max Blagov is a More than 17 years club DJ, journalist, singer, composer, on the music scene. radio programmer, sound engineer and Manager, sound club booker, mana- manager for “The engineer, producer, ger, A&R man and Castle”, based in label owner (DaSka- consultant for various Lviv. After founding Records), founder music companies the band in 2015, he of agency 420 worldwide. He has faced the necessity Production. He’s one created the global to acquire a deeper of founders of Music A&R Network for understanding of Managers Forum Clear Channel Radio the essentials of the Czech Republic and and Clear Channel music industry and he has been elected Entertainment (now devoted much time as a chairman. As Live Nation) and was to grasp informati- a manager he has a key architect for The on and learn about worked with top New Music Network, music production, artists in the field of which has evolved recording and world music, electro- into iHeart Media. Sat promotion. Now he‘s nics and beatboxing. launched Pangaea running a studio, he He also lectured on Entertainment ran campaigns to music management Group. He hosts the promote releases at the University of internationally aired #WavesFestival2020 for the “Castle” and Economics. radio show Passport directed two of the

Conference Approved. band’s videos.

24 Check out Czech artists at Waves Vienna!

Noisy Pots


Noisy Pots 11. 9. 2020, 23:55—00:25 www.noisypots.com

Amelie Siba 12.9. 2020, 20:05—20:35

Market 12. 9. 2020, 23:55—00:25 verifyyrage.sexy

Find out more about Czech music scene at Amelie Siba Soundczech.cz

ALEX BONDARENKO RALPH H. CHRIS- JAN CLAUSEN ANASTASIA CONNOR ANDY COOPER LiRoom, UA TOPH Factory 92, DE Noise Unit PR, UK Yamaha Research & Alex (Oleksii) Bon- c/o pop, DE Jan is Partner and Anastasia created Development, UK darenko is founder Ralph H. Christoph co-chief at FACTORY Noise Unit PR in 2019 Andy Cooper joined and chief editor of ist einer der Gründer 92, a Hamburg- after nearly a decade Yamaha R&D Centre, Ukrainian music des c/o pop Festivals based agency, which in the music industry London in 1999, media LiRoom, that in Köln. Von 2004 offers PR, marketing, starting from writing and has the role of is focussing on bis 2007 war er consulting and for the likes of Drow- professional audio Ukrainian music. He Programmleiter management ser- ned In Sound, The application enginee- is working as a free- des Festivals. Seit vices targeting the 405, DIY and GIITTV ring manager. He has lance journalist for 2014 leitet er die c/o international music to promoting emer- become a leading a number of outlets, pop Convention. industry. FACTORY ging artists and later expert in digital including Ukrains- Für verschiedene 92 sees itself as an working with leading mixing systems and ka Pravda, Babel, Partner (u.a. Goethe entirely European European festivals. Dante audio network Inspired, INSIDER Institut) initiierte er company. They are She has spoken design, having taught and is member of zahlreiche Projekte working for european and presented at sound engineering the Ukrainian Music u.a. in Indien, China festivals like Roskilde many international seminars in more trade union. He was und Brasilien. Zuvor ,Sziget Festival, or events, including Pop than 45 countries working as marketing war er als Autor und the Online Version of Montreal, Linecheck, around the world. manager of Ukrainian Redakteur (u.a. SPEX) Tomorrowland, bands Westway Lab, MENT, During the last 8 ye- media Karabas Live. tätig. 1998 eröffnete like Kraftwerk or Katy Sharp and Tallinn ars he has presented er den Kölner Club Perry and labels like Music Week over 75 videos on STUDIO 672 und hatte Secretly Candian, the “Yamaha_Global” eine Künstler- und Sub Pop or Grönland. YouTube channel. Veranstaltungs- agentur.

PAU CRISTOFUL TATJANA DOMANY GRIGORIY FATIANOV REGINA FISCH CARMEN FISCHER Primavera Sound, ES Austrian Music Masterskaya, UA Austrian Music AT Pau Cristòful is part Export, AT Grigoriy Fatianov is Export, AT Carmen Fischer is a of Primavera Sound Tatjana Domany has managing director Regina Fisch is the Cultural and Global booking team since worked for the Vi- of „House of Culture PR and Marketing Educator working 2017. He is specia- ennese label G-Stone „Masterskaya“ - a manager of mica- in international lized in identifying Recordings and as a , creative music austria and development and rising artists before freelancer in music space & music hub the Austrian Music cultural exchange. they break out, as and culture marke- founded by Ivan Export and is fi- She specializes in well as in curating ting for local records Dorn and located in nishing her degree in community building, the electronic music labels, promoters the heart of Ukraine International Music social cohesion and experimental and organisations. - Kyiv. Grigoriy is res- Management. She strategies and poli- acts on the line-up. Since 2011, she is ponsible for business has been working tical advocacy. Her He is part of the responsible for ex- development, artist with several art main focus lies on booking team of the port activities at the roster extension and and music festivals establishing room electronic music club Austrian Music Fund 360-degrees ser- throughout Europe for exchange and a Nitsa () / Austrian Music vices for its artists. and wrote for various sense of belonging / next to Fra Soler Export. Tasks include Among others, they music-related publi- community. (Primavera‘s booking the promotion and work with YUKO cations. She loves to reclaim director) and Artistic funding of interna- (folk/contemporary public space and fill Director of MUTEK tional showcases as electronics) and it with joy. ES. well as the support of Gurt [O] (future pop, Austrian artists. ).

27 MARUCS FUTZGE- OLAF FURNISS ALY GILLANI INNA GISSA RALD Wide Events UK Bandcamp, UK BGMusic, UA Gigmit, DE Olaf Furniss is the Aly is the Euro- Inna Gissa - CEO Marcus Fitzgerald founder and director pean Label Rep for BGMusic, artist founded gigmit in Wide Events, which Bandcamp. His role manager. The best 2012 and has since hosts the award- involves expanding Ukrainian PR-mana- lead the company as winning Wide and managing the ger 2013 by media CEO. His online music Days convention growing network of project tochka. booking platform, in Edinburgh every labels and artists net. Nowadays, I‘m gigmit, serves to April (rescheduled using Bandcamp to working like a PR/ connect promoters virtually to 23-25 July connect with their booking manager and musicians for an this year), the Born fans. He is also the with several projects easier booking pro- To Be Wide seminar/ founder / A&R for in Ukraine and in cess. In 2017 he foun- social evenings and Worldwide Awards the USA.On Waves ded the Innovation Off The Record youth Label of the Year Vienna Festival I‘m Network of European conferences. He is First Word Records. representing my Showcases (INES) also behind the Music Originally a club pro- band - FO SHO. with 8 showcase Tourist consultancy moter he ran seminal festivals in Europe which he founded clubnights in Leeds and in 2018 a new in 2016 to host the for many years. Star- marketing initiative world’s first music ting First Word, he is for digital concert tourism summit. also an acclaimed DJ marketing called Live Olaf has previously with regular spots at Speakers A-Z Speakers Music Accelerator worked for Bylarm, a host of European Berlin (LMAB). Reeperbahn Festival venues. and Sonic Visions.

FRANZ HERGOVICH ALEXANDER HIR- OLIVER HÖDL SUSANNE HOLL- Austrian Music SCHENHAUSER TU Wien, AT MANN Export, AT VTMÖ Indies, AT Oliver Hödl works as European Commis- Franz Hergovich Speaker of the Board a multi-disciplinary sion, DE works at mica – VTMÖ-indies.at researcher with an Susanne has been music austria since Music business expe- interest in Human- working in different 2008. He co-foun- rience since 30 years Computer Interac- international and Eu- ded Austrian Music as founder and GM of tion, interactive and ropean organisations Export as common Black Market Vienna collaborative music in Brussels before initiative of mica – and Soul Seduction making and multime- joining the European music austria and the Distribution: Club dia art. He is a post- Commission’s Austrian Music Fund. and Live promotion; doctoral researcher Trade department Since 2011 he is the Project, artist and at the University of in 2001. Since representative of the label management; Vienna. His research 2004, she has held managing director at Retail, distribution, focuses on studying several positions in mica. He was head of export and online. user experiences, the Commission’s national distribution Project manager of art-based research Directorate-General at Soul Seduction Fair Music Initiative. approaches, and for Education, Youth, for a decade and Founding member using HCI-related Sport and Culture. worked as a concert of Austrian Trade qualitative and Today she is the promoter and DJ. Association VTMÖ – quantitative research Deputy Head of the He was Secretary of indies.at in 2003 and methods. Cultural Policy Unit EMO, currently he is a Speaker of the Board and leads the works member of the board since 2009. on the Music Moves of EMEE. Europe initiative. Conference

28 SWISS MUSIC EXPORT proudly presents Waves Festival 10.–12.9.2020

JESSIQUOI Thu 10 Sep | 19:25 Thurygrund If Grimes would move to Switzerland without Elon, someone like Jessiquoi would probably come out with it. Without dropping names: Jessiquoi locates herself between electronica, rap and a touch of pop.

ANNIE TAYLOR Sat 12 Sep | 21:25 / 21:30 Thurygrund / Public Viewing The comparisons sit quite loosely in the press text to the debut album of the Zurich band. But of course, it‘s a bit true when it refers to the energy of Courtney Love and the nonchalance of Warpaint.

CRIMER Sat 12 Sep | 22:05 Thurygrund Crimer hypnotizes with long reverberating chorus guitars and a soft-warm voice. This means synth- pop, which is accompanied by a touch of something familiar, which is broken by moments of surprise. Geschmack, der hohe Wellen schlägt!

wojnar.at Wir lieben, was uns schmeckt. Watch our POLINA IVKO ALEKSANDRA ANDRAŽ KAJZER DANIEL KEMPF Ivko LLC, UA JABŁOŃSKA MENT, SI Conference Flashback Records, Polina Ivko is an OFFbeat, PL Andraž is the Artistic online DE attorney, a business Aleksandra worked Director of MENT Daniel is a curator, executive and an in many different Ljubljana – a show- booking agent, label artist working within positions such as case festival and owner and artist the arts, entertain- booking assistant, conference taking manager, who is ment and luxury event manager and place in the Sloveni- working in the music goods industries on production manager an capital since 2015. business since about both transactional at Stodoła, one His previous experi- 20 years. He started and litigation matters of Poland’s most ence include serving with creating and worldwide. Her acclaimed live music beer, painting walls, promoting a festival portfolio includes venues. She was one running an indie called Immergut, the Royal Courts of the coordinators label, editing a print did the booking for of Justice, Phillips of Liveurope, the magazine, editing a bands like Arcade Auction, International live music platform webzine, making a Fire, Death Cab For Foundation for Art for new European documentary about Cutie, FM Belfast Research, Rainhouse, talents. In 2017 she free music, being and many more Mark Murray Fine started her own com- a music journalist, and represented a Paintings, amm. pany OFFbeat Music trying to be a music couple of artists as Agency, and is mainly critic, promoting management. He active as artist and gigs, running inter- will be joining Waves tour manager of a national tours and Vienna as co-founder number of emerging working as a sound #WavesFestival2020 of Flashback Records Polish bands. technician. and June Cocós Mgmt.

SUSANNE KIRCH- MARTIN KOPL MICHAEL LAMBERT IRA LOBANOK SERGII MALETSKYI MAYR Clownfish Crew, CZ Wide Days, UK Krapka;KOMA, UA H2D, UA Musician, AT Music enthusiast Michael is the co- Krapka;KOMA is Sergii Maletskyi (pro- Susanne Kirchmayr from Ostrava, who director of Scotland’s an electronic girl moter) - is a founder aka Electric Indigo, spent part of his stu- award winning music group based in and CEO of the Ukra- born 1965 in Vienna, dies in the USA, then convention and Lviv, Ukraine. Ira inian concert agency Austria, works as moved to Prague, showcase event Wide Lobanok and Alona H2D. Company was musician, composer where he still works Days which (nor- Kovalenko produce, founded in 2014 and and DJ. She started today. Representative mally) takes place release and perform was responsible for her career 1989 of the Opava Clown- in Edinburgh each music together. The bringing to Ukraine in Vienna, lived in fish Crew performing April, but was hosted main features of such artists as LP, Berlin from 1993 to under the name virtually in July 2020. the band are their Moderat, Nicolas 1996, founded the InSpectre, with which He is also an artist multi-instrumentality Jaar, Benjamin „female:pressure” da- he organizes Majáles manager and owner and multitasking. Clementine, GusGus, tabase and network Opava, Strahov Open of management com- The Oxxxymiron, David for people in electro- Air, Sun On Lake pany and record label combines elements August, Tom Odell, nic music and digital festival and regular A Modern Way, which of downtempo, indie Disturbed, Evane- arts in 1998 and has club events in Opava, represents artists electronica and elec- scence and many received several Ostrava and Prague. including Fatherson, tropop. others. awards in Austria and Since 2019, he has Idlewild, SHEARS, Germany. Her new also been a member Tom Joshua and Zoe album “Ferrum“ came of the Nemuer Graham. out on Editions Mego project. in March 2020.

31 KATHERINE MALIU- ANNA MAŠÁTOVÁ JEAN-PAUL MEN- ANDREAS MITRELIS KOVA Nouvelle Prague, CZ DELSOHN MUSIC SHOWCASE Booking Manager, UA Anna is a freelance Manufaktur fuer GREECE, GR Katherine Maliu- music journalist, Kultur, DE Andreas Mitrelis was kova is a concert PR specialist, a Jean-Paul Mendel- on the rotation of director of Ukrainian member of the grant sohn is a cultural Max FM radio station, pop sensation Ivan committee for the manager from Berlin before beginning his Dorn from 2011 and Ministry of Culture for who organizes, cu- collaboration with hip-hop band Kalush Alternative Music and rates and manages Mojo Radio at the from 2020. She was conference director cultural projects and early 00’s, hosting in charge of 3 tours of Nouvelle Prague. events. Mendel- a daily show for 12 in Ukraine, 3 tours She also manages the sohn is manager years. During this in the US, numerous Belarussian-Czech of the avant-garde period, he started concerts in Germany, duo Zabelov Group pop band ÄTNA for booking shows in Pa- the Netherlands, UK, and singer-songwri- whom he recently tras, and curating of and CIS countries. ter David Pomahač. organized the first local music festivals She is an international virtual live concert in (Manifest, Music on booking manager of Europe. Board). He worked Ukrainian music label as Promo Manager at Masterkskaya. Inner Ear records and was Art Director and Stage Manager of Up Festival. In 2019, he Speakers A-Z Speakers launched the label Veego Records.

MANDY MOZART NERMINA MUMIC MARTON NARAY SUSANNA NIEDER- Vienna Struggle, AT Legitary, AT SoundCzech, CZ MAYR Mandy Mozart aka Nermina is CEO & Márton Náray has Ö1, AT Tilman Porschütz is founder of Legitary, been working in the *1972, Vienna (AT), co-founder of the a Viennese tech- creative and cultural studied fine arts and hacked orchestra startup and winner of sector for 20 years. political sciences. Vienna Struggle. The Midemlab 2019 in the During this time he From 1995 to 2000 artist, composer category ‘Marketing had the opportunity she was a member and programmer is & Data/Analytics’. to explore the music of the artists group absed in Vienna. His Nermina graduated industry through WochenKlausur. She eclectic sets range with honors from a 360° viewpoint, has been working as from meditative TU Vienna with a as a record store an editor, presenter, ambient and hip hop master‘s degree in manager, a festival web designer and inspired beats to dub Technical Mathema- programmer (Siget curator for the ORF and hypnotic . tical.After her work Festival, Babel (Ö1, FM4). Since 2007 As a programmer he as data scientist in Sound, European she has co-curated has worked in several a leading global IT Music Day…) a the ORF festival startups in Berlin and consulting company booking agent, a musikprotokoll im Vienna (e.g. Lingoda, she continued with project manager for a steirischen Herbst. Exit.Live) and is active a PhD in Technical governmental music Founding member of as UX developer. Mathematics, where export agency, a city the festival network she researches on program manager, a ICAS. Since 2008 she Robust Statistics and conference organi- is co-producer of the founded Legitary as ser...and of course as radio series ORF Ö1 TU Vienna spin-off. a music addict. Zeit-Ton. Conference

32 WE PRESS WAVESneuester Technik, Verpackung MUSIC. und Finishing . Auflagen von neuesterneuesterneuester Technik, Technik,Technik, Verpackung VerpackungVerpackung und undund Finishing FinishingFinishing . .Auflagen. AuflagenAuflagen von vonvon

WE PRESSneuester Technik, Verpackung und Finishing . Auflagen von neuesterYOUR Technik, Verpackung MUSIC. und Finishing . Auflagen von neuesterneuesterneuester Technik, Technik,Technik, Verpackung [email protected] und undund Finishing FinishingFinishing . .Auflagen. AuflagenAuflagen von vonvon HAND-CRAFTED IN AUSTRIA. neuester Technik, Verpackung und Finishing . Auflagen von neuester Technik, Verpackung und Finishing . Auflagen von neuesterneuesterneuester Technik, Technik,Technik, Verpackung VerpackungVerpackung und undund Finishing FinishingFinishing . .Auflagen. AuflagenAuflagen von vonvon gerstraße 9

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Radkersburgerstraße 9 www.austrovinyl.atTTE IST ZURÜCK IN ÖSTERREICH. +43 664 163 84 90 [email protected] [email protected]@[email protected] neuester Technik, Verpackung und Finishing . Auflagen von

gerstraße 9 ORGANIC COTTON MASK +43 664 163 84 90 [email protected]@austrovinyl.at WITH YOUR DESIGN [email protected]

1) DESIGN 2) UPLOAD 3) MASKEE BESTELLEN ERSTELLEN ODER PER SMARTPHONE ODER GRÖSSE WÄHLEN UND BEZAHLEN. FOTOMOTIV WÄHLEN COMPUTER HOCHLADEN DIE MASKE WIRD GELIEFERT MASKEE.ME … EASY LIKE 1,2,3 Jetzt im Stay Sane Spezialabo um € 9,90 statt € 21 abo.thegap.at VALERIIA PERKOV NORA PIDER JOHANNES PILLER EDO PLOVANIC HANA PODHORSKÁ Aristocrats Family, Anger, AT AT muzika.hr, HR Indies Production, CZ UA Nora Pider is a For the last 7 years, Edo is an innovative Hana Podhorská is a Valeriia, managing musician and actress Johannes Piller has music professional band manager since partner of indepen- originally from been the booker for with vast interna- 2002, participated dent Media Studio Brixen (South Tyrol) the Viennese Clubs tional experience. in international fairs www.aristocrats.fm currently living in the „Grelle Forelle“ He is founder of and conferences and Valeriia has been Vienna. Nora studied (2014-17) and then the digital enter- has been working for managing profes- at the Music and Arts „Das Werk“ (2018-20). tainment company the Indies Production sionally radio since University of the city He studied sociology Muzika (HR), mentor agency, which is part 2000 as a program of Vienna and at the at the University for United Nations’ of the Indies Scope director, producer, University Vienna. of Vienna. He then innovators, and publishing house. project manager, She is known as worked in (2009-14) organizer of music presenter. Valeriia co-frontwoman of for the Viennese pop- tech hackathons. He created “Aristocrats the very promising cultural magazine The excels in storytelling Family” which covers pop duo Anger from Gap, mainly focusing and crafting strate- 250 000 listeners Vienna. Anger won on the Austrian club gies where he works every month. Her the XA Music Export culture. Johannes with both great talent recent activities Award 2019 for their presented the Aus- and major digital include program outstanding live show trian Artist Festival brands in streaming consulting for the and the FM4 Austria in 2014. From 2011 till services, telecoms, educational music Amadeus Award 2015 he organized and start-ups. forum Selector PRO 2020. two series of events for future cultural called the Gürtel managers in the field Affäre and Karlsplatz of music. Soiree.

Watch our TYLER POLZIN RAINER PRASCHAK PETER REICHL ADAM RYAN MUSEXPO, US mica - music austria, DE The Great Escape, UK Conference Tyler Polzin is the AT Peter Reichl has been Adam Ryan is the online Vice President at the Rainer works as studying mathe- Head of Music for Los Angeles-based Project Manager and matics, physics, The Great Escape global artist discove- Curator of “Digital computer science Festival. The Great ry and development Music Business” and philosophy in Escape is the largest firm A&R Worldwide. for mica – music Munich, Cambridge, new music confe- He works with the austria in Vienna. Aachen and Zurich. rence and festival in company’s President Rainer Praschak has Since 2013 he is Europe and has been and Founder on A&R, more than fifteen Full Professor for running for 14 years. creative develop- years of experience Computer Science at The Great Escape ment and marketing in music business University of Vienna. takes place in Brigh- strategies within A&R and has managed His current work ton (UK) over three Worldwide across all several Cultural and focuses on philo- days in May showca- music, digital, synch, Research Projects sophical, ethical, sing over 450 artists. media and brands funded by the EU. cultural and societal Representing around platforms, as well He has managed aspects of the digital 27 countries, across artist and executive the Culture Project transformation. 30 plus venues. Over consulting initiatives. fair music – the first Moreover, he is also 4000 music industry In addition, Polzin initiative for fairness active as pianist and delegates and pro- plays a central role and justice in the répétiteur. fessionals attended in overseeing key music business and each year from management. the FP7 research around the globe. #WavesFestival2020 Project IM3I.

35 Watch our CORINNE SADKI NUNO SARAIVA PHILIPP SCHOLZ Le Bureau Export / Why Portugal / EMEE, Jugendstil MGMT, DE Conference EMEE, FR CZ Philipp Scholz online Corinne Sadki has With over 20 years started, after his own been working in music industry expe- musical attempts, an record major com- rience in Canada, UK, extensive internship panies for more than and Portugal, Nuno marathon in all areas 20 years, building a Saraiva is the founder of the music industry. strong communica- of SCL Agency. He This was followed tion and marketing is the Executive by an apprentice- experience in the mu- Director of the WHY ship at Department sic industry, In 2016, Portugal export office Musik, where he was she joined the French and music exchange responsible for Die music export office in platform, co-founder Lochis, Heisskalt, Paris. In 2017, she got of Portugal’s first FINN & LOT as a engaged in European PRO conference and product manager. As music matters as pre- showcase Festival co-founder and ma- sident of EMEE. In the Westway LAB, and naging director of meanwhile, she has is the founding Pre- jugendstil mgmt and been engaged in gen- sident of the AMAEI, the agency elit.berlin, der equality issues in the Portuguese as well as A&R/Crea- the music sector, as a Independent Trade tive at Kick The Flame mentor and a partner Association. Publishing, he is in Speakers A-Z Speakers in several programs. charge of artists like #WavesFestival2020 Jeremias, Shelter Boy and many more.

KATHARINA SEIDLER SHAIN SHAPIRO ALENA SHIRMA- IAN SMITH Radio FM4, AT Sound Diplomacy, CA NOVA Frusion, UK Katharina Seidler Shain Shapiro, PhD is Aiko, CZ Ian Smith is involved has written for the Founder and CEO born, Czech in the International all sorts of music of Sound Diplomacy. republic raised and music industry for 35 magazines and other He is the co-foun- London based, Aiko’s years. He is working publications around der of Music Cities music is a unique for Frusion( folk roots Austria and abroad. Convention, the blend of cultures fusion) agency, foun- Until recently, she world’s largest event and influences. In ded Fizzion agency, was the longest bringing together the her music, she often the PR company running clubmusic music industry with explores subjects Frusion Media and UK columnist at the city planners, devel- such as solitude /EUROPE arts work weekly newspaper opers, policy makers and understanding info. Smith is active Falter, and since over and executives. He of self. In 2018, Aiko as a musician, promo- ten years she works has consulted in over released her debut ter, arts centre and as an author and pre- 60 cities and coun- EP, “AIKO” and has festival programmer. senter at the Austrian tries, has delivered just now released an He has worked across national radio station a TEDx talk on the album „Expiration the industry as ma- Radio FM4. Her focus value of music to date“, that received nagement consultant lies on pop, indie and cities and spoken at wide radio and TV for bands and funded electronic music. the European Parlia- airplay in CZ, Poland project work covering ment, MIDEM, MIPIM, and UK. cross genre art forms SXSW, Smart Cities / Music / Film and Expo, and others. dance. Conference




Wanderlust is a cooperation project To kick off this cooperation, popNRW, Pop-Büro between Initiative Musik and the pop Region Stuttgart, Rock-City Hamburg and Verband music funding agencies of the federal für Popkultur in Bayern, together with Initiative states to support the presence of German Musik, will showcase 9 acts on a digital stage at music acts abroad. Waves Vienna 2020. HEDVIKA DAVID ŠRÁMEK YAROSLAV IVAN TALAYCHUK CHRIS TAMS ŠMOLÍKOVÁ Megaphone, CZ STUPINSKY Pibox, UA UK Brainzone, CZ David Šrámek is the Gránat, UA Ivan Talaychuk is Chris Tams is the Hedvika Šmolíková manager of the band Gránat is a five piece CEO/Co-founder Director of Member- is active in the music Megaphone. After ethno rock band from of Pibox and music ship and Internati- industry since 2006. they released the cri- Lviv, Ukraine, formed producer. Pibox is a onal at the BPI – the She was an executive tically well acclaimed in 2016 by musici- Finnish-Ukrainian Trade Association for producer of the fes- album „In Time“, they ans with different online music colla- Record Labels in the tival of České hrady. are working on a live background and boration platform UK. BPI’s member- cz, Moravské hrady. show as well as new influences united by for music creators ship consists of over cz, Slovenské hrady. recordings. Showca- the idea of combining that allows sharing, 400 independent sk, Kašpárkohraní. ses are definitely one traditional Ukrainian discussing, and labels and the UK’s In 2018 to 2019 she of their main goals melodies, instru- organizing tracks all three ‚majors’. Tams devoted herself to for 2021. ments and folk songs in one secured place. is responsible for booking and mana- with thick alternative Ivan started Pibox running the BPI’s ging bands. Since rock sound. This mix to give musicians Membership acti- 2020, she has been of authentic Ukrai- like him an easy and vities. He also runs cooperating with nian melodica and convenient way to BPI’s Trade Missions Brainzone and has heavy guitar riffage is collaborate online. and the Department launched an active fully represented in for International booking department. bands latest singles Trade’s Music Export from 2020: «Po Gori Growth Scheme . Hodyla» and «Rano».

NIKOLA TERZIC ELISA THOMA NEAL THOMPSON STEFAN TRISCHLER ANASTASIYA Oblot Agency, HR Live DMA, FR Focus Wales, UK Radio FM4, AT VOYTYUK, UA After 15 years of tou- As a graduate of Neal Thompson has After being musically Anastasiya Voytyuk, ring and recording intercultural commu- worked in the live awakened in the 90s aka. BanduraGirl is as a band member of nication and cultural music industry for by bands like Portis- performer, songwri- several rock, punk & engineering with a the past twenty ye- head, Digable Planets ter and playing the ethno world music deep passion for live ars. He is co-founder or in dif- unique string instru- bands (Ogenj, Angry music, Elisa Thoma of FOCUS Wales, ferent ways, Stefan ment called bandura. Cows, Flunkeydom), developed early on an annual show- Trischler decided to She founded the Nikola Terzic founded a strong interest in case festival and thoroughly explore band Troye Zillia, a booking & manage- international coope- conference, held in HipHop’s sonic roots, folk fusion & world ment agency Oblok ration and cultural Wrexham, Wales for before feeling confi- music band that has Music Agency where policies. After several which he oversees dent to talk about the already played over I represented the in- years‘ experience in the delivery of the present and future 200 concerts around terests of bands, solo managing multi- conference and of the thriving genre. the world (Europe, artists, novelists and partner projects and delegate programme. He’s been doing that North America, helong them on their creating communi- The festival is now for almost 20 years Middle East), and the way to represent cation strategies as in it’s tenth year of now on the weekly music festival Lviv themselves to wider a media coordinator, operation and has “Tribe Vibes” radio Bandur Fest. Voytyuk public in Croatia, she is now working over 250 live acts show on FM4 – as co-developed a mo- Slevenia, Serbia, as communication performing from well as keeping his bile application that Bosnia & Herzegovina manager at Live across the globe. ears on new and in- allows you to play the and Austria. DMA. teresting bands and bandura online. artists in Austria.

39 ALEXANDRA CHRISTOPHER BIRTE WIEMANN VLAD YAREMCHUK MICHAEL ZANN WACHEK WIDAUER Cargo Records, DE Atlas Weekend, UA CZ Austrian Cultural AT Birte Wiemann joined Vlad Yaremchuk is Michael Zann is a Forum London, AT As Head of Digital German independent booking manager composer, musician Alexandra Wachek Development since distributor Cargo of Atlas Weekend and game devel- lives and works in 2013, Christopher Records in 2005. In Festival - the biggest oper known for his London as the ‚Music Widauer has establis- the course of her music festival in ambient-folk project Programming Mana- hed the Vienna State career, Birte was a Ukraine, which Nemuer. He speciali- ger‘ for the Austrian Opera with its digital label manager for attracted more than zes in making ancient Cultural Forum. She initiatives - inde- labels such as Rise half a million visitors lyrics in dead langu- is responsible for pendent livestream Records, Trustkill in 2019. He worked ages. Zann combines promoting cultural and TV production, or Revelation, was with acts like The pagan traditional mu- contacts between the „smart chairs“ (intel- closely involved Chainsmokers, A$AP sical instruments and UK and Austria by or- ligent infotainment when Cargo laun- Rocky, Dimitri Vegas throat singing with ganising events, pro- and subtitle tablets) ched Record Store & Like Mike, Michael electronics. Project jects and supporting and the gradual int- Day Germany and is Kiwanuka, Tom Odell, Nemuer has already artists in the field of roduction of digital currently a project UNKLE, and many released 4 albums music. Alex is also the sheet music - as an manager for content more. Furthermore and is now working Tour Manager of the international bench- management, digital he is booking ma- on the soundtrack of UK artist SOHN and mark for digitization B2B solutions and nager of PMK Event an ambitious Czech freelances for local in the cultural sector. D2C fulfillment Agency, full-time VR fantasy game promoters such as services for physical music lover and DJ. Archgate. Bird on the Wire. product.


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