DMVCTt CBSTt DBCBSFUt MJGF /P+BOVBSZ 18 Suitable only for persons of 18 years and over RYNBHB[JOFDPNtRYHBZMPOEPO QX_1141_Cover.indd 1 17/01/2017 14:31 The who, what, why, where & when of gay London… THE INFORMER London’s new open mic comedy night If you’ve ever been to an open mic night, you’ll know roughly 100% of comedians are straight that’s not dominated by straight men white men in chinos. Well, Sue Gives A Fuck and her sidekick Celeste, aim to put a stop to this, bringing their own madcap queer brand of comedy to the fore, in much-lauded new stand-up comedy night, Play Date! They’re showcasing the city’s most promising, hilarious, promisingly hilarious new LGBT and unconventional acts downstairs in The Glory’s glitter basment. This time around they’ve got Joe Lycett, Desiree Thursday 2nd February at 8pm sharp at The Glory, 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. £5 entry. Burch and Glamrou La Denim. Over 82% of Germans support same-sex marriage EDITOR It’s the highest percentage of support for DYLAN JONES gay marriage ever recorded in a survey, yet
[email protected] Germany still does not legally recognize gay marriage. In figures revealed by Germany’s EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Anti-Discrimination Authority, 82.6% of JOE HOLYOAKE
[email protected] participants said they wanted gay and lesbian people to have the same marriage rights NEW BUSINESS SALES EXECUTIVE afforded to straight people. Germany’s STEVE GREGORY government however, has still not made any 020 7240 0055
[email protected] moves in this direction however, and has not acknowledged these figures.