Masculinity, Criminality, and Russian Men By Marina Yusupova curious that these men only drew on the discourse
[email protected] of criminality when they talked about masculinity or homosexuality, while the other parts of their Abstract biographical narratives were almost always This article explores links between discourses completely free of criminal language and norms. of masculinity and criminality in the narratives of non-criminal Russian men. Based on the analysis Some of these criminal articulations of masculinity of biographical interviews with Russian men tended to idealize criminals, their rigid code of residing in Samara, this study examines different conduct, relied heavily on prison jargon, and in ways in which some of these men draw on criminal general aimed to demonstrate that a speaker ideology or street lads’ hierarchies to construct wished to be seen as a respected insider of their masculine identities and reveals the complex the criminal men’s world. Others referred to relations between masculinity, homosexuality the generalized character of the criminal lord, and criminality in the post-Soviet Russian context. the members of street territorial gangs, and My data and personal life experience in Russia protagonists in Russian movies about bandits in both suggest that appropriation of criminal or order to ridicule, challenge, or at least disagree with semi-criminal discourse as a resource for making their type of masculine bravado. It is interesting masculinity among my respondents is not that even those men who specifically contrasted accidental and cannot be explained solely by themselves to “this kind of man” still paid their class and sociocultural backgrounds.