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VI er LiL tt ALL POWERS, NOT HEREIN DELEGATED, REMAIN WITH THE PEOPLE." Constitution of N. C. i.l.D SERIES, VOL. 50. N. 16, 1874. 42. NEW SERIES, VOL. 1. J TARBOIt() C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER NO. TI13 Anecdote of Judge Whitman. Keep up Family Attachment. Mahogany Furniture. GENERAL DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. ADVERTISEMENTS. The old man told the following One of the saddest things about It was only in 1720 that mahog- TAHBOHO. Manhood: now Lost, ilow bit of his experience inrny heading, a large family who have lived hap any was first employed in England Norfleet. l,r,s Joh. ! . pily together for .years under , the Norfleet, Joseph Cobb, H. Bestorcd and he laughed heartily in the for cabinet furniture. Its orgin is . ,m Bnj. roof-tree-, - Mftthewson. FEIDAY. OCX.. 16. 1874 - old is the scattering to and George Just published, h new edition remembrance. thus related: " Dr. Gibbons, an TB-Ro- bort Whlwhurst. SivmTiM ab of Dr. Culverwall's OU biateJ in the other years, when Maine distant h"6rie?,rwhich takes place as eminent physician, having had some J. B. Hyatt. Guantlet Taken fjp. C. x.tvbli Essay on the radical cure (with TV they; grow by one,- - BUI Battla and as a .District1 of Massachusetts, updone to years planks of this wood given to him Town W ma-Hu- rry Redmond," Semi- out medicine) of SpermaioTh(ii or . F--. - - A correspondent of the Presbyte- Ezekiel Whitman of maturity. :r .often, thecaae .(tu... Siniooti. WW nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal, was among those Jfi by his brother, a West India cap- that, in the cares and bustle of Ims. COIISTY. Impotency, Mental and I'hisical Incapacity rian writing from Ireland speaks of chosen to represent the District in tain, who had brought them in his . Con- Judo-eft- Impediments to Marriage, etc.: also, the Massachusetts Legislature. He iness, letters gxojrJnjitTidJmre vessel as wished to use Superior Court Clerk and Probate t the recent address of Professor ballast, sumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced v infretiuen t, finadly brothers, and L. Sutfn, Jr. indulgence or sectual eXtravayance, &e. has an eccentric man, and one of ami them for a house he was building : of Ieedt Alex. McCabe. self TyudnU in Belfast, in which he an Knitter - Price, in sealed only'xsix opiiim the best lawyers of his time. sisters rwill eniii ely lose, sight of but the complained that Sheriff Joseph Cobb. envel', in In carpenters The celebrated author, in this nd nir b e nuncc'iTiis elief laatcrialism. fapirii, each iher. Tiiese, kindred ties are Cj'imer those days Whitman owned a the. wood' was . too . .hjtrd. It was t reasurer -- Robt. H. Austin. Essay, clearly demonstrates, frem a thirty The l!ev. Dr. Watts, Professor of much tWsacred'to be lightly - years' the alan,i.iiii and did much work upon hisdand; tnus" therefore laid aside a useless. Surveyor Johu E. Baker. successful practice, that - A. self-abus-- It- v hoiil Eximinert II. H. Shaw, Wm. !. sequences of e may be. i i iic iiy Theology iu the College of Belfast, and it so happened that when the severed. takes !such a little Soon after Mrs, Gibbons wanted a Uu-a- n and R. 8. Williams. omed without the dangerous use nt intei n il Indiiros-t'- n while! a. candle-box- , Ne.n-i- all diseases originate from was a stibhmt of Washington Col- - time came for him to set . out for to write letter, and the cx and the Doctor called Keeper Poor House Win. A. Duftenn. is medicine or the apjjication of the knife; n and Torpidity of the Liver, and leiiet , its Chairman, leo-i-- twenty-fiv- e Boston his best clothes penSe so trifling, that, there can in his" t nmisionersJno. Lancaster. pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, nlwav- - anxiously sought after. If the Liver Ya.. about years were a euit cabinet maker to B. Norvllle, Frank De, in- 1 jthe. , ' W. l neg-- Wiley WeH, J. iunMnaHbHBfiriuuuaKMa certain, and effectual, by means of which is Ren-.i- Ut-- in its action, health io almost of homespun. His wife objected an jecuse,. 'for make him one of this wood, then McCabe, Clerk. Liv- ' M. Etciu. A. Tin-eg- ar s. Want of action In the i . Dr. J. Walker's California eveiy sufferer, no matter what his condition variably eared. " All disguise litis been to ins in that, garb, but he lect. lying in his garden. He also de er cut-t- s Headache, Constipation, Jaundice, dropped, going aro a purely Ycgetablo may be, may cure himself cheaply, private cifcld, than widely-sev- .MAILS. Bitters Pain iv, the Coujh, Chi. Is, Dizzi- and the did not care. I will get a nice. loving family e'.ared that it was too The MAILS na- v and radically. thrown down. 'A hard. AND DEPARTURE OF preparation, mado ehielly from the bud taste in the month, ered, ,RK1VI. K. ness, s.,r Jit..mach, adopted a curious but VIA W. A W. R. This Lecture should be in the hands ue--. The alternative is declared;to he fashionable suit made as soon as' Doctor said he must get stronger NORTH AND SOUTH tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of f lull e- - t less, palpitation oi Hie i.eari, l - - - 1,1 every ynuth and every man in the land. bmi-- r beautiful plan for keeping informed candle-bo- x ;.eavn THrboro- (Jrtily) at mountains of Califor- p!c- - t u, or the b'ues, and a between a Cse itor and no Creator, reach Boston.' he said. tools. The was com- at ZMtf.M. the Sierra Nevada seal, in a envelope, to vpi Arrive at Tarboro'ldally) nia, the medicinal properties of which Sent under plain dred .. for which MMMON8' and Dr. Tymlill Reaching his destination, Whit- of encu!a others welfare. The two pleted and approved, insomuch that VAHlNGTON MAIL VIA OREESVII.LE. a i address, post paid on leeeipt oi ..ix cents 1.1V!. K YA W L A I t)it i tiie ticst remedy boldly chose the SPA K 1 A. use FALKLAND AND aro extracted therefrom without the - mildly, th.-- man most remote,, on the first of. each . m a I or lvo post stamps. !hi- h vcr be. n It acts latter, and addvd science made sought rest at Doolittle's City the Doctar insisted upon having a at - a. question almost I i jave rnrboro' (daily) of Alcohol. Tho is Address the Publishers. elSeet,! , , an bc'n a simple vejfetabiu month, a of a on a. (daily; at - H M. the former impossible . wad prac- Tavern. Let it be understood that write part p.igc bureau made of the same w ood, and at lurboro' f. aBked, cause of the ! iu any Ii daily ''What is tho OU AS. J. C. K1.1NK & ('' , co. nr. n'.i:. cm no injury quantities large sheet, containing the princN Otli,-.- n be t ike: is iiai mil s in every tically a declaration of war he was a graduate of Harvard, and when finished, tho fine color, the I.OTDMJES. unparalleled success of Vixegak Bit- -- 7 LJ.iWerv, New Vmk; Pot rx liia: nii li upon ; ': i i, as n usefl hi years, uuu pal news of the this is 1 Our answ er is, that they remove 4i'b6. jy tf. w.a ci lor i'ii religion, which many have; foreseen that at this tavern he was at home. month, 'and polish, etc., were so stricking, that Itae ters'?" ! : Tiie MsrUtud Place. Metlnr. re- dic;U oi the uood an reut lioiu parts of tho cause of disease, and the patient - As forwarded to the family next in he M. Law- - the c i' tiv will vouch lor its bei the pu- as coming, b'lt which few expected he entered the parlor of tho invited his friends to come and Coueord R. A. Chapter No. 5, N. They aro tho great ' covers bis health. ,d order. Some member of the house - rest ai lust. Louse, he found ladies see Masonic Hall, monthly life-givi- have been pronounced, with several and it. Among them was the 'tf-u- Ukl Priest, purifier and a principle, wtull Thursday In ev .ry month at blood FOR SALE. REGULATOR, OR hold adds a little contribution, and first a perfect Kenovator and Invigorator SIMMONS' LIVER had ruite and b .ld nssc rti iii, fi sin two or three gentlemen there as- Dutchess of Buckingham, who was 10 o'clock A M. ' MEDICINE, a ! cii highest sembled, and he a remark sends it on to the nest, and so on so she No. 5S. Tuomas Hatl.n, of tho system. Never before in tho A Valuable Plantation m the l'residi'ii! iir of our heard pleased, that had a bureau Concord Lodr Lai 'cill is - history of" tho world has a medicine been Is miess, ; faotn : the circle complete. Thus - ! Hall, meets tlrst Friday injjhl scientific is tin.; that one of the former from the same wood, which speedi- NUouk- d vi.iicir, medicine. society. iter M- Saturday at 10 compounded possessing tho remarkable Martin County. Is no .:V P. and third -- scic-ntiii-e the family circle it rmnds 'clock healing tho I s .ire to cur- - i! tak .: arly. in .my men if tricter em 'Ah, here comes a countryman goc. ly became fashionable among the Vv.ock A M i: every month. qualities of Vixkgak Bitters in Tne undei havii'g changed s l letu 1? .ixica ii ii" a and I sick of every disease man i3 heir to.