Contents List ~ The 3rd Edition Triumph CD Collection What you have below is the Contents of the CD, folder by Folder. The main SUB-HEADINGS reflect the Folder Names on the CD, the smaller Bold Print reflects the actual file names within the folders, the unbolded writing is simply the description of the actual file contents. Anything with the word NEW next to the file name is NEW to this latest edition. The 2nd Edition was a big jump from the 1st edition, but since produced I’ve had offers of assistance coming out of the woodwork to fill in some obvious gaps. This 3rd edition has plugged a couple of holes, adding no less than FIFTEEN workshop manuals and parts lists covering singles, twins, and triples (most of the new additions are workshop manuals). The most outstanding assistance was given by Phil Pilgrim of Union Jack Motorcycles (Melbourne, Australia), and by Trevor Gleadall of JR Technical Publications (UK). Both Phil and Trevor lent me much material from their private collections; thank you both!! Please repay them by patronising their businesses, they are good blokes who are worthy of your custom. See the GOOD GUYS Folder for details on how to reach them. Don’t forget, if you like this CD we also do ones for BSA, NORTON, and LUCAS-AMAL-GIRLING. Please contact us by e-mail at
[email protected], or fax +61 3 9457 3337, or write c/o 1 Simon Crt, Rosanna VIC 3084, Australia. Kim The CD Man IMPORTANT NOTE ON PRINTING I have found that some customers have had trouble printing some of the pages on some of these files, where they either do not print at all or come out as “mirror images”.