Curriculum vitae


23, Via delle corti, 51013 () (+39) 334 3046980 [email protected] Skype stefa461 | Google Hangouts [email protected]

Sex Male | Date of birth 10/10/1986 | Nationality Italian


01/05/2018–Present Research Associate University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering 1 Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 56122 Pisa (Italy) Research project 'Piles and Piled Raft Foundation under Static and Dynamic Conditions'

Business or sector Education

02/2018–04/2018 Contract Professor University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering 72 Viale Italia, 57127 Livorno (Italy) Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at Italian Naval Academy (Livorno, , IT)

Business or sector Education

01/08/2017–08/11/2017 Scholarship Holder University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering 1 Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 56122 Pisa (Italy) Research project title 'Analysis of laterally loaded pile foundation subjected to lateral loads'

Business or sector Education

01/03/2013–30/08/2013 Scholarship Holder Polo Universitario 'Sistemi Logistici', University of Pisa 60 Via dei Pensieri (Villa Letizia), 57128 Livorno (Italy) Geotechnical characterization of dredgings and the realization of a feasibility study for the consolidation of soils placed inside a reclaimed area. Research, commissioned by the Livorno Port Authority.

Business or sector Education

11/2009–05/2010 External Scientific Collaborator University of Pisa 1 Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 56122 Pisa (Italy) Tutoring activities, integrative educational activities, preparatory and recovery activities for the teaching

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of Geotechnical Engineering

Business or sector Education

09/2009–11/2009 Scientific Collaborator University of Pisa 1 Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 56122 Pisa (Italy) Activities: execution of triaxial tests with non-conventional cells equipped with piezoceramics (bender elements) for the determination of shear waves velocity. Research, commissioned by the Livorno Port Authority

Business or sector Education


30/11/2013–08/11/2017 Dual Ph.D. Degree EQF level 8 University of Florence and TU Braunschweig 3 Via di S. Marta, 50139 Firenze (Italy) International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering Dissertation/thesis title Analysis of piles and piled raft foundation under horizontal load Final mark: Magna cum Laude Italian Supervisor: Prof. Nunziante Squeglia (University of Pisa) German Supervisor: Prof. Joachim Stahlmann (TU Braunschweig) Co-Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Mandolini (Second University of Naples)

07/07/2009–07/12/2012 Master's Degree EQF level 7 University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy) Master Degree in Hydraulic, Transport and Regional Engineering 28/S - Class of second level degree in Civil Engineering Dissertation/thesis title: Studio di una banchina portuale - Analisi geotecnica-strutturale (in Italian) Structural and Geotechnical Study of a Port Quay (Title in English) Final degree mark: 110/110 cum laude Thesis supervisors: Prof. Diego Carlo Lo Presti, Prof. Nunziante Squeglia

2005–06/07/2009 Bachelor's Degree EQF level 6 University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy) Bachelor Degree in Civil, Environmental and Territory Engineering 8 - Class of first level degree in Civil Engineering Final degree mark: 107/110


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Mother tongue(s) Italian


Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C1 C2 B2 C1 C2 German A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills Good communication skills gained in my training, in work and in free time

Organisational / managerial skills Good experience in project or team management (gained in my training, in work and in free time)

Job-related skills Good knowledge in the execution and interpretation of geotechnical laboratory tests (knowledge acquired in the Geotechnical Laboratory of the University of Pisa), in the interpretation of in situ tests such as CPT, CPTU, SCPTU, DMT, SDMT. Good knowledge in site response analyses (software STRATA, DEEPSOIL,ONDA). Excellent knowledge of Matlab programming. Main research activities and work experiences are about pile foundation, soil-structure interaction problem, seismic ground response analysis, soil liquefaction assessment during earthquakes.

Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information Content Problem Communication Safety processing creation solving

Proficient user Independent user Proficient user Independent user Proficient user

Digital skills - Self-assessment grid

Indepedent user

Operating systems: Good Programming languages : Good Word processing: Excellent Electronic spreadsheet : Excellent Data base administrators: Good CAD skills: Excellent Internet skills: Excellent Data transmission networks: Good Web-site creation: Good Multimedia: Good Programming languages known: Matlab, Python Software applications: Plaxis 3D, DeepSoil, Strata, Anaconda Python, Geostudio/Geoslope (QUAKE, SEEP, SIGMA), Matlab, OpenSees, SAP2000, ArcGis, CpeT-IT (Geologismiki)

Driving licence B


Personal Presentation Stefano Stacul currently works at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa. Stefano does research in Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering. Stefano Stacul received his Ph.D. Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Florence and the Technical University of Braunschweig in November 2017. The topic of his Ph.D. thesis was about the analysis of piles and piled raft foundation under horizontal load. He received his Master Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Pisa in 2012. His research activities are about pile foundation, soil-structure interaction, kinematic interaction, seismic response analysis, soil liquefaction, partially saturated soils and CPT tests.

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Social Networks Profiles ResearchGate: (Research) Academia: Orcid: Publons: LinkedIn: GeoWorld: Mendeley: ResearcherID:

Studies and experiences abroad 2016 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - VGTU Research activities - International PhD Course Place: Vilnius (Lithuania), Duration: 3 (months) Supervisors: Prof. Arnoldas Norkus, Dr. Sarunas Skuodis 2015 Technical University of Braunschweig Research activities - International PhD Course Place: Braunschweig (Germany), Duration: 3 (months) Supervisor: Prof. Joachim Stahlmann 2014 Technical University of Braunschweig Research activities - International PhD Course Place: Braunschweig (Germany), Duration: 3 (months) Supervisor: Prof. Joachim Stahlmann

Publications - SCI / SCI Expanded ▪ m-PISE: A novel numerical procedure for pile installation and soil extraction. Application to / Scopus the case of Leaning Tower of Pisa, Squeglia N, Stacul S, Abed AA, Benz T, Leoni M; Computers and Geotechnics (2018) ▪ One-Dimensional Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis Using Strength-Controlled Constitutive Models: The Case of the Leaning Tower of Pisa’s Subsoil, Fiorentino G, Nuti C, Squeglia N, Lavorato D, Stacul S, Geosciences, MDPI (2018) ▪ Analysis Method for Laterally Loaded Pile Groups Using an Advanced Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Sections, Stacul S, Squeglia N; Materials, MDPI (2018) ▪ KIN SP: A boundary element method based code for single pile kinematic bending in layered soil, Stacul S, Squeglia N, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2018) ▪ Preliminary Validation of a Novel Method for the Assessment of Effective Stress State in Partially Saturated Soils by Cone Penetration Tests, Lo Presti D, Stacul S, Meisina C, Bordoni, M, Bittelli M, Geosciences, MDPI (2018) ▪ Free-Field Seismic Response Analysis: The Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa Case Study, Angina A, Steri A, Stacul S, Lo Presti D, International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, IGI Global (2018) ▪ Laterally Loaded Single Pile Response Considering the Influence of Suction and Non- Linear Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Sections, Stacul S, Squeglia N, Morelli F, Applied Sciences, MDPI (2017) ▪ Influence of Tension Stiffening on the Flexural Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Circular Sections, Morelli F, Amico C, Salvatore W, Squeglia N, Stacul S, Materials, MDPI (2017)

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▪ The restoration of San Paolo Church in Pisa: geotechnical aspects, Squeglia N, Stacul S, Diddi E, Italian Geotechnical Journal, Patron - Naples Italy: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane (2015) Link

Preprints Papers ▪ Low-Cost Passive System for Environmental Monitoring, Muro Jr A, Antoniosi Filho NR, Stacul S, Lo Presti D, Preprints 2018, 2018070062,

International Conference Papers ▪ Doctoral Courses (in Geotechnical Engineering): what has been changing in Italy in the last 30 years, Lo Presti D, Squeglia N, Pierotti A, Cosanti B, Stacul S, Giusti I, Banti E, EUCEET 2018 - 4 th International Conference on Civil Engineering Education: Challenges for the Third Millennium (2018), Link ▪ Empirical correlations to improve the use of mechanical CPT in the liquefaction potential evaluation and soil profile reconstruction, Meisina C, Stacul S, Lo Presti DC, 4 th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT'18, Delft (2018) ▪ Use in practice of seismic tests according to Eurocodes, Lo Presti DC, Stacul S, Giusti I, Meisina C et al; 2017 ICCE International Conference of Civil Engineering, Tirana (2017),

National Conference Papers ▪ Analysis of r.c. single pile lateral response considering the influence of tension stiffening, Stacul S, Squeglia N, XVII Convegno ANIDIS - L'Ingegneria Sismica in Italia, (2017) ▪ On the influence of pile discretization in single pile kinematic analysis using a BEM based approach, Stacul S, Squeglia N, XVII Convegno ANIDIS - L'Ingegneria Sismica in Italia, Pistoia (2017) ▪ Analisi di fondazioni su pali soggette a forze orizzontali, Stacul S, Squeglia N, Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica 2015. Cagliari, 24-26 giugno 2015 (2015) (in Italian)

National Books (in Italian) Manuale di Ingegneria Geotecnica Volume II, Cosanti B, Giusti I, Lo Presti D, Squeglia N, Stacul S, Publisher: Pisa University Press srl Geotechnical Engineering Handbook - Volume II Link

Doctorate thesis Analysis of piles and piled raft foundation under horizontal load Institution: University of Florence - TU Braunschweig Date: 08/11/2017

Other Publications / Computer CPT PaGE: User Manual - Interpretation and Use Codes Stacul S, Giusti I, Lo Presti D, University of Pisa Interpretive software for CPT, CPTu, SCPTu tests (cone penetration test data interpretation, seismic cone data analysis, pile bearing capacity module, shallow foundation settlement module, dissipation test module, assessment of liquefaction potential index) KIN SP (KINematic interaction analysis of Single Pile): KIN SP 1.0 User's Manual Version 1.0 Stacul S, Lo Presti D, Squeglia N, University of Pisa Computer code to evaluate the envelope of kinematic bending moments due to the pile-soil interaction during a seismic event. The kinematic analysis is preceded by a seismic ground response analysis performed with ONDA. ONDA (One-dimensional Non-linear Dynamic Analysis): ONDA 1.4 User's Manual Version 1.4 Lo Presti D, Stacul S, University of Pisa

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Computer code to perform seismic ground response analyses of soil deposits in time domain (analysis types: linear and non-linear). Link to program ONDA 1.4: geotecnica/software

Conferences Committee International Scientific Committee - 4th International Sustainable Buildings Symposium, Dallas, Texas- USA, 18-20 July 2019, Conference Link

Publication Reviews (SCI / SCI #2 Review Records: Applied Sciences (MDPI) Expanded / Scopus Journals) #1 Review Records: Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration (Springer) #1 Review Records: Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences #1 Review Records: Geotechnical Research (ICE Publishing Ltd.)

Seminars Piled-Raft foundation subjected to lateral loads: a new simplified analysis method Date: 06/October/2016 Place: National Center for Physical and Technological Sciences (NFTMC), Saulėtekio al. 5, Vilnius University: VGTU Vilnius Link

Lessons/Lectures 2018 Italian Naval Academy (Livorno) Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering (60 hours), Main Professor: Stefano Stacul 2017 1) University of Pisa Tutoring activities, integrative educational activities, preparatory and recovery activities for the teaching of Slope stability and Earth retaining systems (20 hours) 2) Italian Naval Academy (Livorno) Teaching activities in the Geotechnical Engineering course (18 hours) 3) University of Pisa Tutoring activities, integrative educational activities, preparatory and recovery activities for the teaching of Geotechnical Engineering (10 hours) 2016 University of Pisa Tutoring activities, integrative educational activities, preparatory and recovery activities for the teaching of Foundation Engineering (10 hours) 2015 University of Pisa Tutoring activities, integrative educational activities, preparatory and recovery activities for the teaching of Foundation Engineering (10 hours)

Attendance at Advanced Scientific 2017 Courses ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Summerschool 2017 on Geotechnics of soft and organic soils Organizers: Prof. Cristina Jommi (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands) and Prof. Claudio Tamagnini (University of Perugia, Italy) Place: Palazzo Bernabei, Via San Francesco, 19, Assisi, Italy Date: 26-30/June/2017 (Duration: 4.5 days) Course Homepage

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2016 Pile Foundations: knowledge, applications and future perspectives Lecturers: Prof. Alessandro Mandolini (Second University of Naples) Place: Geotechnical Library, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Via Eudossiana 18, Roma, Italy Date: 11-13/January/2016 (Duration: 18 hours) Course Homepage

2015 Soil-Structure Interaction Lecturers: Prof. Alberto Burghignoli, Dr. Fabio Rollo (University of Rome 'La Sapienza') Place: Centre International des Sciences Mécaniques (CISM), Udine, Italy Date: 7-9/October/2015 (Duration: 18 hours) Course Homepage

2013 Geotechnical Design in Seismic Conditions Place: Regione Emilia‐Romagna, Sala Polivalente dell’Assemblea Legislativa, Viale Aldo Moro n.50, Bologna, Italy Date: October and November/2013 (Duration: 40 hours) Organized by the Italian Geotechnical Association (AGI) and Alta Scuola Course Homepage

Deep Foundation Lecturers: Prof. Alessandro Mandolini, Prof. Gianpiero Russo, Dr. Raffaele di Laora (University of Naples) Place: Centre International des Sciences Mécaniques (CISM), Udine, Italy Date: 16-18/October/2013 Course Homepage

Master Thesis Supervision Single Pile and Pile-Supported Structures Behaviour in Liquefiable Soil Conditions, M.S. Thesis of Mr. Federico Pagnini, University of Pisa (ongoing)

Pile-Soil Kinematic Interaction considering an Advanced Constitutive Modelling for Reinforced Concrete Sections, M.S. Thesis of Ms. Anna Franceschi, University of Pisa (ongoing)

On the Use of Mechanical Cone Penetration Test Data for the Assessment of Liquefaction Risk Assessment in the Tuscany Region, M.S. Thesis of Ms. Aurora Magalotti, University of Pisa (ongoing)

Influence of Tension Stiffening on the Response of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Circular Sections: Application to Pier Bridge and Pile Foundations, M.S. Thesis of Mr. Cosimo Amico, University of Pisa, 2016,

Geotechnical in-situ Tests Investigation and Seismic Response Analysis of the S. Paolo a Ripa d' Church in Pisa, M.S. Thesis of Ms. Elena Diddi, University of Pisa, 2014, 04012014-160812

Geotechnical Characterization of the Dredging Sediments in the Livorno Port Area, M.S. Thesis of Mr. Girolamo Gervasi, University of Pisa, 2014,

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Ongoing Projects Piles and Piled Raft Foundation under Static and Dynamic Conditions Goal: The main goal of the project is to investigate about the performance of piles (single pile, pile group) and combined piled raft foundation (CPRF) under static and dynamic conditions. Especially considering materials (soil and structure) nonlinearities. The project includes the study of piles- supported structures in liquefiable soils. Link Cone penetration tests interpretation Link

Memberships Order of Engineers of the Province of Pistoia Membership Number: A1118 Italian Geotechnical Association (AGI) Individual Membership Number: 10061 Link Internations Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) ISSMGE Membership Number: ITA1710061 Link

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