
© 2019 Toscana Promozione Turistica Design: CD&V - Firenze Art direction Marco Capaccioli Layout Paolo Valeri

We thank all the institutions, the organizers, Fondazione Istituto Dramma Popolare di the museum sites that collaborated on the project. Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi Fondazione ParSeC The following archives provided the images: Fondazione Sistema Toscana Istituto di BioRobotica - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Archivio Aboca Museo del Tessuto, Prato Archivio CD&V, Firenze Museo della Battaglia e di - di Associazione Ecomuseo della Montagna Pistoiese Anghiari Associazione Mus.e Firenze Museo Galileo Biblioteca Leonardiana di Vinci - Comune di Museo Leonardiano di Vinci Comune di Firenze, Musei Civici Fiorentini Unione dei Comuni Empolese-Valdelsa Comune di Toscana Promozione Turistica Comune di (The images of the Leonardian codes are drawn Dipartimento fotografico delle Gallerie degli Uffizi from facsimilari reproductions) www.visittuscany.com www.regione.toscana.it/celebrazionileonardodavinci www.toscanapromozione.it


verse by Friedrich Hölderlin, rity. But in such a way that would fantastical, often ludicrous attri- al texts. The search for the bones personal Leonardo. Ignore the mar- to assuming our roles as sovereign dear to Martin Heidegger, have, in all likelihood, baffled him butions to Leonardo the painter – of Lisa del Giocondo (subject of keting, the breathless hyperbole, citizens. asserts that “where there is completely. from sophisticated commercial op- the hyper-famous portrait) as well the well-trodden path: Instead, go A danger/also grows the sav- erations surrounding doubtful (and as for The (the directly to the source. The Lives of Today more than ever, to seek Leon- ing power”. There could hardly be A critical step in this involutive pro- often very faulty) , whose legendary and ill-fated mural at the Vasari, the various Treccani diction- ardo can be perilous… but to know more fitting words to keep in mind cess was The Da Vinci Code, the prices have been known to ascend in , which aries, and the many other credible Leonardo can save us. In pursuing as we enter this Leonardian year, best selling novel by the American into the millions; to provincial dross we know has been completely lost) resources that can be found for free the truth with curiosity and rigor, we commemorating the death on May writer Dan Brown. Presented at first which may achieve a few minutes are just the best-known episodes of online, for example. inoculate ourselves against the su- 2, 1519 of the most famous artist as a novel based on original histor- of fame in local newspapers before this new season. perstitions and the ‘fake news’ that in Western history. ical research, it is actually a skill- sinking back into obscurity. Anoth- Leonardo wrote that “the trial of swirl around us each day. Today more than ever, Leonardo is ful montage of old urban legends: er popular trend is the hunt for In the Italian public discourse, Leon- things should leave the final judg- dangerous. And today more than from the relationship of Leonardo inscriptions, forms, and figures of ardo has become the subject of a ment up to experience”: that is to In this eclipsing of the true Leonar- ever, it is Leonardo who can save with the Holy Grail (the legendary the most absurd and preposterous tremendous amount of ‘fake news’, say, true knowledge is gained only do we art historians have a great us. cup from which is said to nature in the artist’s famous paint- a malady which can only be fought through direct experience. He also responsibility: to make more wide- have drunk during the Last Sup- ings: the search for a literal ‘da with a massive dose of historical wrote that “anyone who conducts ly known the joy, the intensity, the On television, Rai has recently per) to the alleged relationship be- Vinci code’. Generally the fruits of skepticism, and above all, with the an argument by appealing to au- emotion of a true acquaintance with presented us with a delightfully tween Jesus and Mary Magdalene. these incredible ‘discoveries’ con- diffusion of knowledge. thority is not using his intelligence; this extraordinary artist and thinker, satirical miniseries ((Leonardo’s All of this, combined with a plot fit cern Leonardo’s relationships with he is just using his memory.” Sig- as well as with his very great works Mysteries) which parodies ‘Leon- for a TV thriller, has had extraordi- power (the Templars are among the This is exactly what we hope will nificantly, Leonardo uses the word which, fortunately, contin- ardomania’. When mainstream nary success, and has managed to favored protagonists) and with sex happen in Tuscany this year, at each ‘ingegno’, translated here as ‘in- ues to preserve. television takes on a subject, we transform Leonardo, in the imag- (in all possible combinations). Mu- of the myriad and various events telligence’. The root from which we know that the phenomenon is ination of millions of people, from seums proliferate with more-or-less which you will find listed below. also derive ‘genius’, it refers to the widespread enough to speak to the an essential historical figure to one reliable reconstructions of Leon- The objective is that you will each skill of critical thinking, as opposed So let’s enjoy Leonardo: majority of spectators: Leonardo of legend. ardesque machines, or immersive be able to take back Leonardo: the to blind trust. This is the key to our the real one. da Vinci is, today, a universal celeb- Today we can scarcely count the projections accompanied by surre- historical Leonardo, and even your development as a culture; the path LEONARDO’S TUSCANY VINCI florence


Massa Prato Vinci , Montececeri

Pisa Firenze Fortezza della Verruca Anghiari 1 2 7 9 10 11 Livorno Ponte a Buriano



4 8 Piombino 3 12 13 14


Leonardian places in Tuscany 5 6 15 16 17

Tuscany and Leonardo: a perfect pair- as contemporary art. We can go from do and Anatomy’ 6 ; the Villa Il Ferrale Verrocchio, located just behind the Du- home to the museum of the Cenacolo Adjacent to the Uffizi Gallery is theMu - ing. Get to know the genius through the admiring the church of Santa Croce 7 presents reproductions of his paint- omo 9 . In this city he created his early – – by , a seo Galileo - Institute and Museum region where he was born, which fol- 2 , with its fifteenth-century baptis- ings, including in full works, and it is here that he would return masterpiece of this Florentine painter of the History of Science 14 , which, lowed his youth, and which welcomed mal font where a young Leonardo was scale. after his sojourn in . who was strongly influenced by Leonar- apart from acting as a venue for events him back upon his return as a famous baptized, and the houses that belonged Another place of interest is the Biblio- Following this itinerary, you will discover do). The 12 is not doc- relating to this important anniversary, artist. to his family, to enjoying the piazza dei teca Leonardiana (Leonardian Library) the essential monuments of the city that umented by period sources, but today also preserves in its library facsimiles Many are the places in which we will find Guidi by Mimmo Paladino, the wooden 8 , ), an important center for studies preserve memories related to the geni- is generally attributed to Leonardo, or of every one of Leonardo’s codices. hints of Leonardo, though far fewer are sculpture by Mario Ceroli inspired by the and research, where facsimiles of all the us. possibly to the workshop of Verrocchio, those, which retain direct testimonies of drawing of the “” and the codices and drawings as well as the first but with large parts executed by Leon- Another Leonardo stop is the Palazzo his stay and his work. bronze horse of Nina Akamu. printed editions of Leonardo’s work are Today, the essential first stop to discover ardo. (It comes from the Church of della Signoria , also known as Palaz- preserved, not to mention a vast collec- Leonardo in Florence is the Uffizi Gal- San Bartolomeo in Monteoliveto. The zo Vecchio 15 . Here, on a wall of the The first step in the search for Leonardo At the center of the village stands the me- tion comprising thousands of volumes, lery 10 : inside these walls are the only church itself, with its fifteenth-century Salone dei Cinquecento, Leonardo is in the place where it is believed that dieval Castle of the Guidi Counts 3 , photographs, movies and other docu- works signed by Leonardo, which are façade, is situated atop a hill and can painted the 16 , Leonardo painted the the genius was born on April 15, 1452: which houses the Museo Leonardiano mentary material on the genius of Vin- still present in Tuscany. be reached via a series of charming Battle of Anghiari 17 , which, due to a the Anchiano House 1 . A typical Tus- 4 . On display is a collection of models, ci. Recently the itinerary has expanded The altarpiece depicting the Baptism country roads). faulty technique, was ruined can country home surrounded by the ex- based on Leonardo’s designs, of ma- with the opening of the Rossana and of Christ 11 is a painting by Andrea The Adoration of the Magi 13 was left and abandoned by the artist, to be sub- quisite landscape of Montalbano, since chines for use in war, civil engineering, Carlo Pedretti Foundation, created to del Verrocchio, but in the biography unfinished, due to Leonardo’s depar- sequently covered over with frescoes by 1952 it is a museum where audio-visual flight, optics, and movement in water as spread knowledge about Leonardo da of Leonardo written by Vasari we are ture for Milan in 1482. (The Chiesa di . and multimedia installations recount well as on land. Animations, multimedia Vinci under the auspices of one of the informed that one of the angels was San Donato a Scopeto, outside Porta On the occasion of the 500th anniver- the relationship between the great artist and interactive applications enliven and subject’s leading scholars: Carlo Pedret- painted by the young apprentice; mod- Romana, for which the panel was in- sary of Leonardo’s death, a new tour and his homeland. enhance the visit. ti. ern critics also attribute to Leonardo the tended, no longer exists; however, one will be inaugurated on the museum’s Three kilometers from Anchiano is the The Museo Leonardiano is in fact The city of Florence is the next place to landscape depicted above the heads can still see the portico of its façade, itinerary, providing visitors with infor- village of Vinci, where Leonardo spent spread among three locations: the Pala- explore on the trail of Leonardo. Here of the two angels. (The altarpiece was which was transported to the city and mation and visual records of the lost his childhood. Here one can breathe zzina Uzielli 5 exhibits construction the young man received his artistic originally located in the Church of San rebuilt in front of the Church of San Ja- masterpiece. in fifteenth-century Tuscan art as well machinery, textiles, and the hall ‘Leonar- training in the workshop of Andrea del Salvi; whose adjacent monastery is copo Sopr’, on Borgo San Jacopo). On the left side of Palazzo Vecchio, we 24

Nineteenth-century From spring 2019 will copy of the Pianta della be online “The Tuscany catena by Francesco of Leonardo”, the result Rosselli, 1470 (detail). of the collaboration 22 21 Palazzo Vecchio 19 18 15 of the Union of Municipalities of the District of Empoli- Valdelsa and Galileo Museum of Florence, 23 an information asset which will offer the visitors the possibility to explore the Tuscan places that preserve traces of Leonardo’s activities and fortune. florence montececeri piombino la verruca Anghiari ponte a buriano PESCIA

18 19 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 and Saint Anne. For two days the people a park that offers a spectacular view be commemorated in the lost mural by of Florence queued up outside Leonar- of Florence, scenic trails, and ancient Leonardo. A historical reconstruction do’s room at the Annunziata to see the quarries whose stone was used in the of both the battle and of the painting marvelous work: “when it was finished, construction of many Florentine monu- in Palazzo Vecchio are documented in men and women, young and old, contin- ments. the Museo della Battaglia e di Anghiari, ued for two days together to flock as if which is located in the sixteenth centu- to a solemn festival, to the room where Visiting Piombino 25 , we see yet anoth- ry Palazzo del Marzocco. it was, in order to behold the marvels er important facet of Leonardo –that of 21 22 23 of Leonardo, which caused all those military engineer. Employed in projects A short distance west of we can people to be astounded” (Vasari, Life of for the defense of the city, his studies also see the Ponte a Buriano 28 , built findvia de’ Gondi 18 , the street where Leonardo’s may hold use of Leonardo’s help. Such a collab- ). are documented by various drawings in the Middle Ages above the river Ar- Ser Piero da Vinci, Leonardo’s father, the answer, depicting the ingenious oration is likewise hypothesized for the and annotations in his codices. A still-ex- no and which, according to some his- resided at the time when the young machines used to hoist it to the top. Be- bronze tomb of the Franciscan gener- Finally, visiting the monumental com- tant section of the city wall was built at torians, may be the inspiration for the man moved to Florence. The house hind the Duomo, where Andrea del Ver- al minister Frate Francesco Sansone plex of 23 , we the time of Leonardo’s residency in Pi- bridge in the background of the Mona was later destroyed, but a plaque in- rocchio’s workshop was located, is the da Brescia in Santa Croce 21 , where remember that it was in the “Sala del ombino. Lisa. side the Gondi palace reminds us that Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, in which a plaque honors Leonardo as being Papa” of this monastery, specially grant- in this place once lived the young Leon- you can admire the group of bronze among the “Great Italians”. Near the ed to him by the city government, that His duties as a military engineer for the In the province of Pistoia you can visit ardo da Vinci. statues depicting the Preaching of the basilica, in via de’ Benci, we find the Leonardo executed the cartoon of the Florentine Republic led Leonardo to the the city of Pescia 29 dove, sempre sec- Baptist by the important sculptor Giovan palace of the eponymous family, whose Battle of Anghiari. outskirts of , where he worked on ondo la testimonian where, according An essential stop is, of course, the Du- Francesco Rustici 20 . members included Ginevra, subject of a projects that were not always success- to Vasari, there were once two works by omo and the Baptistery 19 : Vasari “Giovan Francesco, while he was fash- portrait by Leonardo. This is where, at Those who are interested in continuing ful, such as the deviation of the river Leonardo da Vinci, a Portrait of a Child recounts that Leonardo, who returned ioning that work in clay, would have no the time of Vasari, the cartoon (or full- their Leondardian itinerary beyond the Arno, and the reinforcement of the and a Virgin with Child. The two paint- to Florence in the early sixteenth centu- one about him but Leonardo da Vinci, scale preparatory drawing) of the Adora- city limits should venture to Monte- fortresses in Florentine possession. In ings are unfortunately lost, but the town ry, proposed a project to lift the whole who, during the making of the moulds, tion of the Magi was kept. ceceri 24 , overlooking the town of Fie- this region we can visit the ruins of the contains many beautiful monuments, Baptistery to then insert a base under- the securing them with irons, and, in sole. This is where, according to sources Fortezza della Verruca 26 , which Leon- and is therefore still worth a visit. neath it. short, until the statues were cast, never The Santissima Annunziata 22 monas- including the inventor’s own Codex on ardo intended to make completely im- left his side; wherefore some believe, tery complex is another important place the Flight of Birds, Leonardo had his as- pregnable, atop the eponymous moun- When you look at the cupola, or dome, but without knowing more than this, to visit. Vasari recounts that on Leonar- sistant Tommaso Masini test his flying tain in the municipality of Calci, which of the Duomo, remember that the ball that Leonardo worked at them with his do’s return to Florence the friars of the machine. Contemporaneous accounts can be reached via a footpath. on top was created in Verrocchio’s own hand, or at least assisted Giovan Annunziata commissioned him paint the tell us that Masini managed to fly for workshop, where the young Leonardo Francesco with his advice and good high altarpiece of the church, offering about 1.000 meters, landing at a lower In the we find Ang- happened to work as an apprentice. judgment”. (Vasari, Life of Giovan Franc- him food and lodging while he worked point of the hill where, on the road that hiari 27 , it was in this vicinity that, in If you’re asking yourself “how did they esco Rustici). on it. The painter conceived a beautiful leads from Florence to Fiesole, a plaque 1440, a battle took place between the ever get it up there?”, two drawings in Vasari’s words testify that Rustici made cartoon depicting the Virgin with Child recalls the episode. Monte Ceceri is Florentines and the Milanese, later to

asari V to according


(1568) Architects and Sculptors,

he Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Painters, Excellent Most the of Lives he T Vasari, Giorgio

given great force and relief to their figures. […] figures. their to relief and force great given

in oils a certain obscurity, whereby the moderns have have moderns the whereby obscurity, certain a oils in

the art of painting, he added to the manner of colouring colouring of manner the to added he painting, of art the

relief, and to achieve the final perfection of art. […] In In […] art. of perfection final the achieve to and relief, daylight; which all came from seeking to give greater greater give to seeking from came all which daylight;

[ of quality clear the than night, of effect an represent to re, his pictures had rather the character of things made made things of character the rather had pictures his re,

- the remaining light no that, dark, so out turned method

might make his lights the brighter; and in the end this this end the in and brighter; the lights his make might

and be darker than other blacks, that by their means he he means their by that blacks, other than darker be and

sought for blacks which might make deeper shadows shadows deeper make might which blacks for sought

in order to find the darkest possible grounds, that he he that grounds, possible darkest the find to order in works that he made, went so far with dark shadows, shadows, dark with far so went made, he that works

that genius, in his desire to give the highest relief to the the to relief highest the give to desire his in genius, that [

which he imagined. […]. It is an extraordinary thing how how thing extraordinary an is It […]. imagined. he which

attain to the perfection of art in carrying out the things things the out carrying in art of perfection the to attain

since it seemed to him that the hand was not able to to able not was hand the that him to seemed it since

art, began many things and never finished one of them, them, of one finished never and things many began art,

is clear that Leonardo, through his comprehension of of comprehension his through Leonardo, that clear is

in readiness, vivacity, excellence, beauty, and grace. It It grace. and beauty, excellence, vivacity, readiness, in

ving them their perfection, no one was ever his peer peer his ever was one no perfection, their them ving

he displayed such divine power in his works, that, in gi in that, works, his in power divine such displayed he -

that, wherever he turned his thought, brain, and mind, mind, and brain, thought, his turned he wherever that, which reason nature was pleased so to favour him, him, favour to so pleased was nature reason which Truly marvellous and celestial was Leonardo […]. For For […]. Leonardo was celestial and ” marvellous Truly ”

scent of spring filled the air the day that Leonardo came into the world. the with even Not The The genius was born like a noble own his of mastery blue iris in a Tuscan meadow. hands could he he could hands In Vinci, in that village of stone houses, the eye is lost in the undulating horizon, where the myriad the achieved have hues of leaf and earth interweave with sinuous ele- gance: the straight rows of the vines converge with the in art of perfection those where the olive’s soft foliage flourishes; the amber of the fields, where the loamy soil shelters imagined, he things new life, with the fresh green of the forest, haven to L wild animals. and subtlety such of Nature, landscape, horizon: a perfect triad for that were marvelousness talented child, who in his sketches attempted to capture the essence of the world that his ever-curi- they. ous eye beheld. divine. Here he would meet Andrea del Verrocchio – the painter and sculptor who was to become The spirit of nature, in all its multiplicity, is at the his teacher – and the Medicis, the noblemen who heart of all his investigations – he never tired of o would commission his first works. e observing, amazed, its irrepressible mutability. In Florence, Leonardo developed and expressed the full range of his talent, and his creative brilliance Were “Natura naturans, the making and unmaking, the earned him countless followers and admirers. cyclic transfer of matter from the solid state, to the liquid, to the atmospheric: the figure is no longer Such was this talent that we continue to recognize the opposite of nature, but rather the last phase of and celebrate it today, five hundred years after his its continuous evolution.” is death. Such was this brilliance that, from the town of Vinci, it would radiate outward, illuminating Flor- Where would his particular way of seeing the world ence, Tuscany, , Europe, and the world. In this take him? exceptional figure we observe the very essence of genius: the exceptional inventive and interpretative genius Leonardo was born in the cradle of the Renais- ” capacity of humankind. sance: Florence. Here his youth was populated by masons and mer- Leonardo, a genius of such elastic ingenuity: paint- chants; an atmosphere where architecture, music, er, architect, scientist, cartographer, poet… He was born? and the arts were considered expressions of the revolutionary not only in his own time, but even today: his ideas and influence have not ceased to revolutionize the story of humanity. We can barely a fathom the entirety of his innovations, a trove so immense and varied that it does not seem, even now, to be exhausted, perhaps because, as he him- self said:

“Not even with the mastery of his own hands could he have achieved the perfection of art in the things he imagined, of such subtlety and marvelousness d were they.” Leonardo, a genius of many faces: his every facility shapes a part of his essence, his every facet com- poses his structure, each one of his talents come n r together to make up the man. o Genius. the of search in Tuscany in events the among Move Carta di Firenze, detta della Catena. Attribuita a Francesco di Lorenzo Rosselli, 1470. Palazzo Vecchio


Massa Gavinana Pistoia Prato Lucca Vinci Firenze Santa Croce sull’Arno Pisa Montelupo Buti San Romano Empoli Pontedera San Casciano in Val di Pesa San Miniato Sansepolcro Livorno Barberino Val d’ Gambassi Anghiari Arezzo



Event locations

From September 2018 to February 2019 Leonardo e Luca. Amici e sodali. 500 anni dopo Sansepolcro (Arezzo) (various locations) Convention and activities From October 2018 to June 2019 Le stelle che videro nascere il genio Florence Planetario della Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica Projection From 13th October 2018 to 1st September 2019 Le macchine di Leonardo: tracce del genio sulla Montagna Pistoiese Gavinana (Pistoia) Palazzo Achilli Exhibition 28th October 2018 Come in alto così in basso. In viaggio con Leonardo da Vinci San Romano (Montopoli V.A.) Santuario della di San Romano Performance From 30th October 2018 to 20th January 2019 L’acqua microscopio della natura. Il Codice Leicester di Leonardo da Vinci Florence Gallerie degli Uffizi, Aula Magliabechiana Exhibition 10th November 2018 Leonardo l’uomo universale San Miniato (Pisa) Auditorium Carismi Conference-show 11th November and 2nd December 2018 Leonardo da Vinci e la conquista della Luna: che cosa hanno in comune Prato Museo di Scienze Planetarie Guided tour 17th November 2018 Leonardo il Genio del futuro Buti (Pisa) Teatro Francesco di Bartolo Conference 23th November 2018 Leonardo prima di Milano. Trame svelate e fitti misteri San Minato (Pisa) Palazzo Grifoni Conference all events 30th November 2018 Leonardo a scuola San Miniato (Pisa) Auditorium Carismi Performance 7th December 2018 Di genio in genio San Miniato (Florence) Casa culturale San Miniato Basso Performance From 16th December 2018 to 5th May 2019 Leonardo disegnato da Hollar Vinci (Florence) Fondazione Rossana & Carlo Pedretti, Villa Baronti-Pezzatini Exhibition From 16th December 2018 to 26th May 2019 Leonardo da Vinci, l’ingegno, il tessuto Prato Museo del tessuto Exhibition January 2019 Divagazioni sulla Gioconda Florence Museo della Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica Laboratorio per ragazzi From January to December Leonardo 1519-2019. Appuntamenti d’autore per cinque secoli di storia Vinci (Florence) Biblioteca Leonardiana Conference 11th January 2019 “L’opera nascosta” di e con Michele Santeramo San Miniato (Pisa) Chiesa dei Santi Martino e Stefano a San Miniato Basso Performance From 12th January to 26th September 2019 Nel segno di Leonardo. La Tavola Doria. Dagli Uffizi al Castello di Poppi Poppi (Arezzo) Castello di Poppi Exhibition 14th January 2019 Leonardo, dalla Terra alla Luna Prato Palazzo Banci Buonamici Conference 28th January 2019 Senza carestia di sentimento. Leonardo, l’Uomo e la Natura Prato Palazzo Banci Buonamici Conference From 1st February to 4th May 2019 Leonardo’s way. Mostra itinerante Pontedera (Pisa) City center Exhibition 9th February, 18th May and 26th October 2019 Omaggio a Leonardo Vinci (Florence) Biblioteca Leonardiana Book presentation 11th February 2019 Leonardo, le scienze, il Rinascimento Prato Palazzo Banci Buonamici Conference 23rd February 2019 Il Genio e la Luna Prato Teatro Politeama Pratese Conference From 23rd February to 31st December 2019 Itinerario leonardiano sulle tracce della Battaglia di Anghiari Florence Museo di Palazzo Vecchio Multimedia tour From March to October 2019 Percorsi Leonardiani Florence Centro storico (historical center) of Florence Excursions From 9th March to 14th July 2019 Verrocchio, il maestro di Leonardo Florence Palazzo Strozzi Exhibition From 9th to 30th March 2019 Leonardo nei suoi luoghi Capraia e Limite (Florence) Fornace Pasquinucci Exhibition From 13th March 2019 to 24th February 2020 Visions. Le grandi sfide di un genio universale Sansepolcro (Arezzo) Musei Civico Exhibition From 29th March to 24th June 2019 Leonardo da Vinci e Firenze. Fogli scelti dal Codice Atlantico Florence Museo di Palazzo Vecchio Exhibition 30th March 2019 Simbolo e mistero. Desiderio per vedere se là entro fusse alcuna miracolosa cosa Pontedera (Pisa) Sala Carpi Conference From April to May 2019 Leonardo’s way in un fumetto Pontedera (Pisa) City center Book presentation From 1st April to 4th May 2019 Esposizione tattile Pontedera (Pisa) Sala Carpi Exhibition and guided tours for the blind From 5th April to 3rd November 2019 Leonardo da Vinci in De Arezzo Museo dei Mezzi di Comunicazione Exhibition 6th April 2019 Genio e mito Pontedera (Pisa) Sala Carpi Conference 12th April 2019 Inaugurazione del “Museo Ideale Leonardo da Vinci” Vinci (Florence) Museo Ideale Leonardo da Vinci Exhibition From 12th to 14th April Leonardo, Firenze dei Bambini Florence Museums, piazzas and squares Events for families 13th April 2019 Lettura Vinciana. I giorni di Leonardo, di Carlo Vecce Vinci (Florence) Teatro di Vinci Conference 13th April 2019 I viaggi di Leonardo nelle corti europee Pontedera (Pisa) Sala Carpi Conference From 15th April to 15th October 2019 Leonardo a Vinci. Alle origini del genio Vinci (Florence) Museo Leonardiano Exhibition From 17th April to 31th December 2019 Leonardo e Pontormo Empoli (Florence) Casa del Pontormo Exhibition From May to December 2019 Direzione - ossessione Gioconda Empolese Valdelsa Empolese Valdelsa (various locations) Exhibition From 1st May to 4th August 2019 Emilio Isgrò per la Battaglia di Anghiari di Leonardo Anghiari (Arezzo) Museo della Battaglia e di Anghiari Exhibition 2nd May 2019 Preliminari alla robotica. La mano come elemento artistico robotico Pontedera (Pisa) Auditorium del Museo Piaggio Conference From 16th to 19th May 2019 Leonardo e il battiloro Florence Giardino Corsini Exhibition From 17th to 19th May 2019 Leggenda. Festival della lettura e dell’ascolto. Sezione dedicata a Leonardo Empoli (Florence) City center (various locations) Readings and events From 18th May to 29th September 2019 Il Leonardo di Giorgio Castelfranco e il “culto del genio” nel Novecento Florence Museo Casa Rodolfo Siviero Exhibition From 6th June to 22th September 2019 Leonardo e i suoi libri. La biblioteca del genio universale Florence Museo Galileo-Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza Exhibition From June to July 2019 Leonardo in piazza Varie città della Toscana Piazze delle città Spettacolo July 2019 A Vinci nel 2019 Vinci (Florence) Istituto Regionale Superiore Ottica e Optometria Exhibition From 18th to 24th July 2019 “Il Cenacolo” di e con Michele Sinisi San Miniato (Pisa) Piazza del Duomo Performance From 1st September 2019 to 12th January 2020 L’arte di governo e la battaglia di Anghiari. Dall’opera di Leonardo Da Vinci alla Serie Gioviana degli Uffizi Anghiari (Arezzo) Museo della Battaglia e di Anghiari Exhibition From 13th September to 15th December 2019 La botanica di Leonardo. Una nuova scienza tra arte e natura Florence Complesso di Santa Maria Novella-ex dormitorio Exhibition From 14th September 2019 to 7th January 2020 Il volo tra Pisanello e Leonardo Cerreto Guidi (Florence) Villa Medicea Exhibition From 16th September to 31st December 2019 La costruzione di paesaggi devozionali nell’età di Leonardo. Tra Europa e Terra Santa Montaione (Florence) San Vivaldo Exhibition From 26th September to 31st December 2019 Paesaggi in trasformazione tra il Medioevo e l’età di Leonardo Certaldo e Barberino Val d’Elsa (Florence) Palazzo Pretorio, Certaldo; Cappella di San Michele, Semifonte; Briglie dell’Agliena Exhibition From 28th September 2019 Alle radici di un luogo leonardiano: una signoria e il suo paesaggio Fucecchio (Florence) Museo Civico Exhibition October 2019 Parole di Leonardo. La scrittura infinita Florence Villa Medicea di Castello, Accademia della Crusca Conference From 10th to 12th October 2019 Decodificare i codici di Leonardo Florence Museo Galileo-Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza Conference From 10th October 2019 to 12th January 2020 Leonardo e il moto perpetuo Florence Museo Galileo-Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza Exhibition From 11th to 13th October 2019 Le Case della Memoria Italiane ed Europee: omaggio a Leonardo. XIV Conferenza Nazionale del Musei Italiani Vinci (Florence) Biblioteca Leonardiana Conference From 8th to 28th November 2019 Leonardo a Santa Maria Nuova Florence Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova Events From 10th to 30th November 2019 In visita all’Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova con Leonardo Florence Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova Guided tour From 15th to 30th November 2019 Lo sguardo territorialista di Leonardo. Il cartografo, l’ingegnere idraulico, il progettista di città e territori Empoli (venue to be determined) Conference 29th-30th November 2019 Dalle macchine di Leonardo all’industria 4.0 Pontedera (Pisa) Museo Piaggio Conference From 29th November 2019 to 29th February 2020 Dalle macchine di Leonardo all’industria 4.0 Pontedera (Pisa) Museo Piaggio Exhibition From December 2019 to March 2020 Memorie di Leonardo. Due secoli di celebrazioni, anniversari e “capricci” Pistoia Palazzo Buontalenti Exhibition all events

anghiari (arezzo) Arezzo Cerreto guidi (Florence) Florence

From 1st May to 4th August 2019 From 1st September 2019 From 5th April to 3rd November 2019 From 14th September 2019 From 9th March to 14th July 2019 From 29th March to 24th June 2019 From 12th to 14th April From 18th May to 29th September 2019 th The Missing Leonardo of Emilio Isgrò to 12 January 2020 Leonardo da Vinci in De Divina Propor- to 7th January 2020 Verrocchio, Master of Leonardo Leonardo da Vinci e Firenze. Leonardo, Firenze dei Bambini The Leonardo of Giorgio Castelfranco Anghiari (Arezzo) L’arte di governo e la battaglia di An- tione Il volo tra Pisanello e Leonardo Florence Fogli scelti dal Codice Atlantico (Leonardo, A Child’s Florence) and the “cult of genius” in the twen- Museo della Battaglia e di Anghiari ghiari. Dall’opera di Leonardo Da Vinci Arezzo (Flight: from Pisanello to Leonardo) Palazzo Strozzi (Leonardo da Vinci and Florence. Se- Florence tieth century Exhibition alla Serie Gioviana degli Uffizi MUMEC Museum of Communication Cerreto Guidi (Florence) Exhibition lected pages from the Codex Atlanticus) Museums, piazzas and squares Florence (The art of government and the battle of Media Villa Medicea Florence Events for families Casa Rodolfo Siviero Museum Anghiari. From the work of Leonardo Da Exhibition Exhibition Museo di Palazzo Vecchio Exhibition Vinci to the Uffizi’s Gioviana Series) Museum of the Battle and of Anghiari Exhibition

Empoli (Florence) Florence Florence

From 17th April to 31st December 2019 From 30th October 2018 From 23rd February to 31st December From March to October 2019 From 6 th June to 22nd September 2019 From 13th September to 15th December From 10th October 2019 to 12th January From 10th to 30th November 2019 Leonardo and Pontormo to 20th January 2019 2019 Percorsi Leonardiani Leonardo e i suoi libri. La biblioteca del 2019 2020 In visita all’Ospedale di Santa Maria Empoli (Florence) L’acqua microscopio della natura. Itinerario leonardiano sulle tracce della (Leonardian walks) genio universale La botanica di Leonardo. Leonardo e il moto perpetuo Nuova con Leonardo Casa del Pontormo Il Codice Leicester di Leonardo da Vinci Battaglia di Anghiari Florence (Leonardo and his books. The library Una nuova scienza tra arte e natura (Leonardo and perpetual motion) (Visiting the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital Exhibition (Water as Microscope of Nature. (Leonardian itinerary: On the trail of the Centro storico (historical center) of the universal genius) (Leonardo’s botany. A new science Florence with Leonardo) Leonardo da Vinci’s ) Battle of Anghiari) of Florence Florence between art and nature) Museo Galileo - Institute and Museum of Florence Florence Florence Excursions Museo Galileo - Institute and Museum of Florence - Santa Maria Novella complex - the History of Science Santa Maria Nuova Hospital Uffizi Gallery, Aula Magliabechiana Museo di Palazzo Vecchio the History of Science former dormitory Exhibition Exhibition Multimedia tour main events Exhibition Exhibition Fucecchio (Florence) Gavinana (PISTOIA) Pontedera (PISA) Prato San MiNIATO (Pisa) sansepolcro (arezzo) Empolese Valdelsa

From 28th September 2019 From 13th October 2018 From 1st February to 4th May 2019 From 1st April to 4th May 2019 11th February 2019 From 18th to 24th July 2019 From 13th March 2019 From May to December 2019 Alle radici di un luogo leonardiano: una to 1st September 2019 Leonardo’s way. Tactile exhibition Leonardo, le scienze, il Rinascimento “Il Cenacolo” to 24th February 2020 Direzione ossessione Gioconda signoria e il suo paesaggio Le macchine di Leonardo: tracce del A traveling exhibition Pontedera (Pisa) (Leonardo, Science, and the (“The Last Supper”) Visions. Le grandi sfide di un genio (Direction obsession) (At the roots of a Leonardian place: genio sulla Montagna Pistoiese Pontedera (Pisa) Saletta Carpi Renaissance) by and with Michele Sinisi universale Capraia e Limite, Castelfiorentino, Dominion and landscape) (Leonardo’s machines: traces of genius City center Exhibition and guided tours Prato San Miniato (Pisa) (Visions. The great challenges of a Certaldo, Cerreto Guidi, Empoli, Fucecchio (Florence) in the Pistoia mountains) Exhibition for the blind Palazzo Banci Buonamici Piazza del Duomo universal genius) Fucecchio, , Montaione, Civic Museum Gavinana (Pistoia) Conference Sansepolcro (Arezzo) , Montespertoli, Exhibition Palazzo Achilli Civic Museum of Piero della Francesca Vinci Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition

Pontedera (PISA) Prato VINCI (Florence)

6th April 2019 2nd May 2019 From 16th December 2018 23th February 2019 From January to December LIX LETTURA VINCIANA From 15th April to 15th October 2019 From 11th to 13th October 2019 Genio e mito Preliminari alla robotica. La mano to 26th May 2019 Il Genio e la Luna Leonardo 1519-2019. 13th April, 10:30 am Leonardoa Vinci. Alle origini del genio Le Case della Memoria Italiane ed (Genius and myth) come elemento artistico robotico Leonardo da Vinci, l’ingegno, il tessuto (The Genius and the Moon) Appuntamenti d’autore per cinque I giorni di Leonardo (Leonardo in Vinci. The origins of a Europee: omaggio a Leonardo da Vinci. Pontedera (Pisa) (Preliminaries to robotics. The hand as a (Leonardo da Vinci, Ingenuity and Prato secoli di storia (Leonardo’s time) genius) XIV Conferenza Nazionale del Musei Saletta Carpi robotic artistic element) Textiles) Teatro Politeama Pratese (Leonardo 1519-2019. Author events for with Carlo Vecce Vinci (Florence) Italiani. (Italian and European Houses of Conference Pontedera (Pisa) Prato Conference five centuries of history) Theater, Vinci Leonardian Museum Memory: Homage to Leonardo.XIV Natio- Auditorium of the Piaggio Museum Museo del Tessuto Vinci (Florence) Conference Exhibition nal Conference of Italian Museums) Conference Exhibition Biblioteca Leonardiana Vinc i- Biblioteca Leonardiana Conference Conference main events EXHIBITIONS From 13th October 2018 to 1st September 2019 From 30th October 2018 to 20th January 2019 Le macchine di Leonardo: tracce del genio sulla Montagna Pistoiese L’acqua microscopio della natura. (Leonardo’s machines: traces of genius in the Pistoia mountains) Il Codice Leicester di Leonardo da Vinci Gavinana (Pistoia) (Water as Microscope of Nature. Palazzo Achilli Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Leicester) Exhibition Florence www.ecomuseopt.it Uffizi Gallery, Aula Magliabechiana Exhibition Leonardian itinerary in the Pistoia Mountains, with guided tours and conferences www.uffizi.it www.museogalileo.it Andrea Neri, under the supervision of Carlo Pedretti, has built the models on display from Leonardo’s original designs, focussing on their relevance to the territory, and The manuscript as a testimony of the research complementing the themes of the Ecomuseum itineraries. A section consisting of wooden puzzles, built by a local craftsman, invites the visitor to experiment, in an The central theme of the exhibition is the Codex Leices- attempt to recompose the objects. ter, compiled by the genius of Vinci in the years follow- ing his return to Florence after almost twenty years in Milan. The Codex on the Flight of Birds and original pages from others of his codices are also on display, allowing to capture the essence and importance of the research carried out on various aspects of nature: prin- cipally water, but also the movement of wind, flight, and observations of the Moon. Aqua From 23rd February to 31st December 2019 Itinerario leonardiano sulle tracce della Battaglia di Anghiari (Leonardian itinerary: On the trail of the Battle of Anghiari) Florence Museo di Palazzo Vecchio Multimedia tour www.museicivicifiorentini.comune.fi.it

The story of an unfinished a 16th century panel painting con- masterpiece sidered by scholars to be one of the closest replicas to the original of the The Museum of Palazzo Vecchio central battle scene, the so-called offers its visitors an itinerary dedi- Lotta per lo stendardo (Struggle for cated to retracing the history of the the banner), which Leonardo elabo- never-completed Battle of Anghiari, rated in one or more cartoons before which Leonardo was commissioned beginning to paint on the wall. to paint on one wall of the hall today The itinerary ends in the Mezzanine called the Salone dei Cinquecento, of Palazzo Vecchio, where we will From 16th December 2018 to 26th May 2019 through the various records of that find two famous terracotta works Leonardo da Vinci, l’ingegno, il tessuto event which are preserved within from the workshop of Rustici, a (Leonardo da Vinci, Ingenuity and Textiles) this very building. friend of Leonardo, which depict Prato The itinerary begins in the Salone battle scenes inspired by the Battle

Museo del Tessuto dei Cinquecento, where a video of Anghiari. Here we can also see a b attle Exhibition recounts the story of the famous rare preparatory sketch, on a terra painting in light of the most recent www.museodeltessuto.it texture cotta tile, of the central part of Vasa- studies, from its commission to its ri’s fresco The Rout of the Pisans Man and nature as the warp and weft of history modern critical fortune. We see what at Torre San Vincenzo, featuring a the hall looked like at the time of throng of men and horses seeming The exhibition illustrates the research, studies and experiments that Leonardo Leonardo and its subsequent trans- to evoke the Leonardian model. All performed on the mechanization of the production of yarn and fabric, a funda- formations, all through new three-di- the works on the itinerary are ac- mental economic engine of the age. mensional models specially created companied by special thematic pan- Adjacent to the textile machinery, a multimedia installation allows a narrative by the Department of Architecture of els. to unfold through image and sound. A part of the exhibition presents, through the University of Florence. images taken from Leonardo’s works, his relationship with fashion, from his at- On the museums’s top floor there is tention to draping and ornamental motifs on clothing, to hairstyles. t h e endless From 17th April to 31st December 2019 Leonardo and Pontormo 4 Empoli (Florence) Casa del Pontormo Exhibition www.casapontormo.it www.toscananelcuore.it Leonardo da Vinci: Visions Visions invita i visitatori a esplorare il modo di pensare di Leonardo da Vinci e la sua concezione unitaria della conoscenza come sforzo di assimilare con ardite sintesi Two artists in relation to one another Technological challenges of the Universal Genius Le sfide tecnologiche del Genio Universale teoriche e con geniali esperimenti le leggi che governano tutte le meravigliose operazioni dell’uomo e dellaFrom natura.1st February From 13th March 2019 to 24th February 2020 From 1st April What are the links between Leonardo and Pontormo? In La mostra presentato 4th May alcuni 2019 ambiziosi progetti di Leonardo, che ben illustranoVisions. laLe sua grandi sfide di un genio universale 3 to 4th May 2019 what way does the great master’s art influence that of the attitudine a cimentarsiLeonardo’s con way. temi di complessità inaudita. Sogno dell’uomo(Visions. fin Thedai greattempi challengespiù of a universal genius) Tactile exhibition young Jacopo? An immersive video installation composed antichi, il voloA prendetraveling forma exhibition nei suoi studi e nelle macchine da lui disegnate.Sansepolcro Leonardo (Arezzo) si Pontedera (Pisa) of texts and content relating to the two artists invites us to misura anchePontedera con l’idea (Pisa) di conferire il movimento a oggetti inanimati:Civic il carro Museum semovente of Piero della Francesca Saletta Carpi investigate this link through comparisons between their e il leone meccanicoCity center sono eloquente testimonianza dei risultati dal potenzialeExhibition fortemente Exhibition and guided work and the narration of biographical events. The scien- innovativo cheExhibition egli raggiunse. Infine, il progetto per la gigantesca statuawww.museocivicosansepolcro.it equestre in tours for the blind tific direction of the project is entrusted to Antonio Natali bronzo in memoriawww.comune.pontedera. di Francesco Sforza costituisce un’ulteriore prova dell’eccezionale www.comune.pontedera. with the advice of Cristina Gelli of the Cultural Heritage intelligenza epi.it tenacia con le quali Leonardo affrontava le più audaci Dreamssfide tecnologiche which form parte of the history of humanity pi.it Department of the Municipality of Empoli. Leonardo da Vinci: Visions artistiche. become real thanks toVisions Leonardo’s invita genius i visitatori a esplorare il modo di pensare di Leonardo da Vinci e la sua Cracking the codex New paths for ancient Visions invites visitors to explore Leonardo da Vinci’s very mode of thinking and presents concezione unitaria della conoscenza come sforzo di assimilare con ardite sintesi Technological challenges of the Universal Genius LeonardoLe sfide tecnologiche del Genio Universale is known for his exceptional wisdom in explor- masterpieces his unitary conception of knowledge as the effort to assimilate, through bold theoretical A walk through the histor- ing themes of unprecedentedteoriche complexity. e con geniali An education esperimenti- le leggi che governano tutte le meravigliose operazioni syntheses and inventive experiments, the laws that govern all of the wondrous operations ic center of the city made al section invites visitorsdell’uomo to get closer e della to the natura. genius of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona of man and nature. more interesting thanks to Vinci through: Lisa exhibited through a This exhibition features some of Da Vinci’s most ambitious projects, which are typical of La mostra presenta alcuni ambiziosi progetti di Leonardo, che ben illustrano la sua the installation, in 3D and – the dream of flight, a fantasy of man since ancient 1:1 scale reproduction in his inclination to put his creative talent to the test of highly complex subjects. attitudine a cimentarsi con temi di complessità inaudita. Sogno dell’uomo fin dai tempi più 2D, of plants and animals times, which approaches reality through his studies and high relief, so that all the A dream of man since the earliest times, the flight takes shape in his studies and the contained in the Leonardo the machines he designed;antichi, il volo prende forma nei suoi studielements e nelle of themacchine work can da lui disegnate. Leonardo si machines he devised. Leonardo also measured his ingenuity against the idea of giving Codices. In some of these – the idea of animatingmisura the inanimate, anche which con seel’idea in the di conferire il movimentobe understood a oggetti through inanimati: il carro semovente motion to inanimate objects. The self-propelling wagon and the mechanical lion bear there is a real encrypted self-propelled cart ande in il the leone mechanical meccanico lion, eloquent sono eloquente testimonianzatouch, with the dei aim risultati of dal potenziale fortemente meaningful witness to the tremendous innovative LEONARDO’Soutcomes WAY Leonardo achieved. Finally, code: visitors of all ages evidence of the innovativeinnovativo potential chethat heegli embodied; raggiunse. Infine, ilmaking progetto such per a la master gigant- esca statua equestre in the project for the giant bronze equestrian monument in memory of Francesco Sforza is piece accessible to the are invited to get involved – the project for the giantbronzo bronze in memoriaequestrian statuedi Francesco in Sforza costituisce un’ulteriore prova dell’eccezionale another evidenceby deciphering of the exceptional the hid intelligence- and tenacity with whommemory Leonardo of Francesco faced Sforza, which is testimony to the blind and visually im- the boldest technologicalden message. and Whoever artistic challenges. exceptional intelligenceintelligenza and tenacity withe tenacia which Leonar con -le quali Leonardopaired. affrontava The work is usable le più audaci sfide tecnologiche e figures it out first will be- do confronted the mostartistiche. daring technological and artis- through a descriptive text tic challenges. in Braille as well as an au- Il comeleone the meccanico protagonist di Leonardo of a Visions invites visitors to explore Leonardo da Vinci’s very mode of thinking and presents comic book, which will re- dio description. Leonardo’smain as documentation mechanical lion of his unitary conception of knowledge as the effort to assimilate, through bold theoretical a Pontedera inhabited by syntheses and inventive experiments, the laws that govern all of the wondrous operations Leonardo’s creatures. of man and nature. Il Monumento Sforza This exhibition features some of Da Vinci’s most ambitious projects, which are typical of The Sforza Monument his inclination to put his creative talent leonardoto the test of highly complex subjects. A dream of man since the earliest times, the flight takes shape in his studies and the machines he devised. Leonardo also measured his ingenuity against the idea of giving L’ “automobile” di Leonardo mona lisa motion to inanimate objects. The self-propelling wagon and the mechanical lion bear Leonardo's “automobile” meaningful witness to the tremendous innovative outcomes Leonardo achieved. Finally, the project for the giant bronze equestriantactile monument in memory of Francesco Sforza is Leonardo e il volo another evidence of the exceptional intelligence and tenacity with whom Leonardo faced the boldest technological and artistic challenges. Leonardo and flight

Il leone meccanico di Leonardo Leonardo’s mechanical lion p ontor m o

Il Monumento Sforza VISIONSThe Sforza Monument L’ “automobile” di Leonardo Leonardo's “automobile”

Leonardo e il volo Leonardo and flight From 9th March to 14th July 2019 Verrocchio il Maestro di Leonardo 5 (Verrocchio, Master of Leonardo) Florence Palazzo Strozzi Exhibition ver www.palazzostrozzi.org

An extraordinary exhibition on artistic production in Florence between 1460 and 1490, at the time of Lorenzo the Magnificent roc The exhibition brings together for the first time the ex- traordinary masterpieces of Andrea del Verrocchio, one of the greatest masters of the fifteenth century. Palaz- zo Strozzi, along with a special section at the Bargello National Museum, is the site of the first retrospective chio dedicated to the artist. More than 120 works by Ver- rocchio including paintings, sculptures and drawings are flanked by works of his precursors, contemporaries, and disciples such as Desiderio da Settignano, Domen- ico Ghirlandaio, , Perugino, , Lorenzo di Credi and Leonardo da Vinci, his Ma most famous student, of whom six works are shown, in a few cases for the first time in Italy. ster of leo nar do From 29th March to 24th June 2019 Leonardo da Vinci e Firenze. 6 Fogli scelti dal Codice Atlantico (Leonardo da Vinci and Florence. Selected pages from the Codex Atlanticus) Florence Museo di Palazzo Vecchio Exhibition www.museicivicifiorentini.comune.fi.it www.musefirenze.it

The “Florentineity” of Leonardo da Vinci

“Fiorentinità” is at the heart of this exhibition, referring not only to the city of Flor- ence and to the Palazzo Vecchio, but also to the link of Leonardo with this city, to which the artist dedicated such inventiveness and energy. The written or sketched annotations of Leonardo, collected in the Codex Atlanticus and coming specially to us from the Ambrosian Library of Milan, are related to busi- nesses, memories, and relations with Florence in a broad sense, in a chronological period from the 1470s until his death. The drawings, organized in several sections, narrate various subjects: the links of his family and friends to events in the city, the Palazzo della Signoria, the Medicis, Santa Maria Nuova hospital, the river Arno and the hydraulic cartography of the Florentine territory, and studies on flight and geometry. In addition to this graphic work, the Head of Christ the Redeemer will be on show, a work attributed to Gian Giacomo Caprotti (better known as Salaì), formerly a pupil of Leonardo and the subject of many of his paintings. leonardo and florence From 15th April to 15th October 2019 7 Leonardo a Vinci. Alle origini del genio De divina (Leonardo in Vinci. The origins of a genius) Vinci (Florence) Leonardian Museum proportione Exhibition www.museoleonardiano.it From 5th April to 3rd November 2019 Leonardo da Vinci in De Divina Proportione www.toscananelcuore.it Arezzo A fascination for nature born in Vinci MUMEC – Museum of Communication Media Exhibition Exhibition Leonardo’s biographical link with his birthplace is strong – his parallels careers as www.museocomunicazione.it an artist, technologist and scientist was fundamentally influenced by his homeland. An exhibition where Renaissance art, science and It is with this perspective that we present documents from the Florence State Ar- technology are within everyone’s reach chives which reconstruct some of the very first events of his life, such as the notary register in which his grandfather Antonio da Vinci noted the birth of his grandson Arezzo celebrates the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, ex- Leonardo, and the land registry of the da Vinci family from the years of artist’s child- tolling particularly the great collaboration developed hood and early youth. with his friend Luca Pacioli, a native of Sansepolcro in The focus of the exhibition is the Paesaggio (Landscape), the first drawing attribut- Arezzo. ed to Leonardo and dated 5 August 1473 by the artist himself. The work, borrowed The focal point of the event is the display, inside the mu- from the Department of Prints and Drawings of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and seum rooms, of full-color printed enlargements of the identified as a depiction of the area of the Lower Valdarno, seems to panels designed by Leonardo da Vinci for the De Divina anticipate all of all the future work of Leonardo. In this context, thanks also to mul- Proportione, flanked by a series of 3D reproductions of timedia devices, we offer a reading of the drawing from different points of view, those same panels made of solid cherry wood by the from the historico-artistic to the historico-geographical, highlighting the thematic local artisan and mathematics professor, Bruno Bruni. elements present in relation to the subsequent scientific, technical and engineering A nineteenth-century model of one of Leonardo’s ma- research of Leonardo. Housed inside the Museo Leonardiano, the exhibition is in- chines, “The Helicopter”, is also exhibited. tegrated with part of the museum’s permanent collection of machines and models related to his studies of water, hydraulic engineering, and cartographic representa- vinci tion of the Lower Valdarno. From 6th June to 22nd September 2019 8 Leonardo e i suoi libri. La biblioteca del genio universale (Leonardo and his books. The library of the universal genius) Florence Museo Galileo Exhibition www.museogalileo.it

Leonardo: a passionate reader

Leonardo was not, as is often be- lieved, an “omo sanza lettere”. He possessed almost two hundred books, an extraordinary number for an artist-engineer of the fifteenth century. For the most part printed, in vernacular and in Latin, his col- From May to December 2019 From 1st May to 4th August 2019 lection abounded with technical Direzione – ossessione Gioconda The Missing Leonardo of Emilio Isgrò and scientific texts, but also literary (Direction – Mona Lisa obsession) Anghiari (Arezzo) and religious works. The profile of Valdelsa Museo della Battaglia e di Anghiari an intellectual, an artist and a sci- (various locations) Exhibition entist which emerges from his man- Exhibition www.battaglia.anghiari.it uscripts reveals a constant and www.toscananelcuore.it profound relationship with books, The Battle of Anghiari of Emilio Isgrò with culture, and with ancient and A wide-ranging exhibition of contemporary art by the modern authors. maestro Franco Fossi celebrates Leonardo through the Emilio Isgrò, an internationally acclaimed artist, will ex- The exhibition presents a signifi- Mona Lisa hibit a work dedicated to the vanished Battle of Leonar- cant selection of the works owned do da Vinci, in the period in which the clash of Anghiari and used by Leonardo, while so- The museums and cultural places of the 11 municipal- occurred in 1440. A unique occasion to look through phisticated multimedia applica- ities of Empolese Valdelsa, part of the MUDEV Sistema today’s eyes at an event from the past. tions allow you to browse texts and Museale Diffuso, host paintings and sculptures by this manuscripts. Leonardo’s desk is important contemporary artist who, inspired by the reconstructed, with the writing and mind of Leonardo, has since 1974 created an imagina- drawing tools he would have used. tive-abstract path focused first on the silhouette of the A digital library enriches the exhi- Mona Lisa, then moving towards its inner core – that is, bition: it presents the entire series towards what the artist hopes to identify as the essence of volumes owned or consulted by of Leonardo’s mental-intuitive spirit, ending up with a Leonardo, for each of which a brief true work-in-progress with multiple expressive modali- description of the contents is pro- ties. vided, as well as direct links to the pages of his Codices which contain echos of their reading. an - ari - g h i - omo sanza letterE? From 18th May to 29th September 2019 From 28th September 2019 Il Leonardo di Giorgio Castelfranco Alle radici di un luogo leonardiano: una signoria e il “culto del genio” nel Novecento e il suo paesaggio (The Leonardo of Giorgio Castelfranco (At the roots of a Leonardian place: Dominion and and the “cult of genius” in the twentieth century) landscape) Florence Fucecchio (Florence) Casa Rodolfo Siviero Museum Fucecchio Civic Museum Exhibition arno Exhibition www.museocasasiviero.it www.toscananelcuore.it

A twentieth-century historic house plays host A journey through the centuries revisits the to Leonardo construction of an Italian dynasty: the Cadolingi

During the period between the two world wars, the Casa Double anniversary for the Fucecchio Museum: the Siviero was home to the art historian Giorgio Castelfranco 50th anniversary of its foundation as well as that of (1896-1975), patron and collector of De Chirico, director of Leonardo. On this occasion, an exhibition will be pre- Palazzo Pitti, and friend and collaborator of Siviero in the sented which will later become a permanent section of recovery of stolen Italian art in the postwar period. Among the museum. It takes as its theme the formation of a his many different fields of historical-critical interest, Castel- medieval landscape, centered around one of the places franco was one of the greatest Leonardo da Vinci scholars, depicted in the cartographic documents of Leonardo, in authoring numerus critical essays on the subject, and cu- a map preserved at the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. rating a large exhibition dedicated to the artist in 1952. The An immersion in history thanks to virtual and plastic event at Casa Siviero offers documents and photographs reconstructions, including reproductions of the entire from the Castelfranco archive conserved at Harvard Univer- epigraphic corpus of the Cadolingi, multimedia elab- sity’s Center for Studies. Castelfranco’s orations and virtual tours which detail the main com- passion for and deep knowledge of Leonardo underpins the munication routes, such as the river Arno and the via exhibition, celebrating the artist as a “Italian genius”. The Francigena, and the inception of the Castle of Fucec- exhibition takes place in the evocative rooms of this historic chio, today a public park which teems with traces of the home, immersing us in the charm of a twentieth century art- ancient past. house. In addition to the exhibition, visitors will have the op- portunity to admire the paintings, furniture, and art objects which permanently decorate the house. ”

From 14th September 2019 From 1st September 2019 to 12th January 2020

to 7th January 2020 9 L’arte di governo e la battaglia di Anghiari. 10 dire vo ’ Il volo tra Pisanello e Leonardo Dall’opera di Leonardo Da Vinci (Flight: from Pisanello to Leonardo) alla Serie Gioviana degli Uffizi Cerreto Guidi (Florence) (The art of government and the battle of Anghiari. Villa Medicea From the work of Leonardo Da Vinci to the Uffizi’s Exhibition Gioviana Series) www.prolococerretoguidi.it Anghiari (Arezzo) www.toscananelcuore.it Museum of the Battle and of Anghiari Exhibition The art of falconry www.battaglia.anghiari.it

Inside the Villa Medicea in Cerreto Gui- Politics during the period of the battle of Anghiari di, commissioned in 1556 by the Grand Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici and home to In this exceptional artistic event relating to the battle of An- the National Museum of Hunting and ghiari, Cosimo il Vecchio, Eugenio IV, Neri Capponi, Niccolò including an historic hunting lodge, the Piccinino, and Francesco Sforza, each

exhibition’s starting point is Frederick represented by a portrait (some from the Uffizi’s Giovo Series), a zz ia b estialissi m II’s famous codex De arte venandi cum dialogue with one another, through captions and systems of , discordia , p avibus (literally, the art of hunting with technological diffusion, with the intent to highlight the political birds). A journey from medieval falcon- and military dynamics of fifteenth-century Italy. ry to the naturalistic studies of Pisanel- The “episode of the banner”, known thanks to copies of the lo and the Lombard school, up to Leon- work of da Vinci, is thus contextualized as a representation of ardo da Vinci, who dedicated so much an historical event of the Florentine Republic. to the flight of birds and to their nature. flight ” th th From 13th September to 15th December 2019 From 10 October 2019 to 12 January 2020 La botanica di Leonardo. 11 Leonardo e il moto perpetuo 12 Una nuova scienza tra arte e natura (Leonardo and perpetual motion) (Leonardo’s botany. Florence A new science between art and nature) Museo Galileo Florence Exhibition Santa Maria Novella complex - former dormitory www.museogalileo.it Exhibition The overarching theme of Leonardo’s studies was the museicivicifiorentini.comune.fi.it relationship between art and science in the Renais- www.musefirenze.it sance Leonardo’s botany as a contemporary discourse on scientific evolution and ecological sustainability The exhibition aims to offer an original contribution to the theme of perpetual motion, and in particular Leon- The perspective of Leonardo as a “systematic” think- ardo’s explorations of this topic. Manuscripts, printed er on the forms and structures of the plant world high- texts and drawings (both originals and reproductions) lights the many connections between the fields of art, accompany reconstructions of contraptions conceived science and nature. From phyllotaxis to dendrochronol- by the engineers and scientists of the time, while videos ogy, Leonardo’s writings and drawings record insights and films illustrate Leonardo’s thought and the contents of crucial importance to the history of botany, generat- of the exhibition. Special technology will permit the vis- ed by his sharp observatory spirit and by his continu- itor to explore in mixed reality the “perpetual wheels” ous experimentation, which together outline a dynamic designed by Leonardo in the Codex Forster II and in the vision of science, rich in both implications and applica- Codex Atlanticus. tions for our own time. Bringing together original folios, natural elements and interactive installations, the exhibition offers the pub- lic the opportunity to deepen their understanding of an important area of Leonardo’s investigations, as well to marvel at the discoveries he made. botany p er etual m otion Tuscany celebrate Leonardo’s genius also through conferences, guided tours, educational workshops and shows inspired by the great artist. Check out all the appointments on the site www.visittuscany.com Here you find a selection. CONFERENCES ( From January to December Leonardo e Francesco I, otre il mito Quattrocento ad oggi From 11th to 13th October 2019 almost exclusively personal) fermenta- online and made available for teaching Leonardo 1519-2019. (Leonardo and Francesco I, beyond the (The Great Hall and the Battle of Anghiari Italian and European Houses of tion, which project him centuries into purposes. Appuntamenti d’autore per cinque myth) by Leonardo da Vinci. Architectural Memory: Homage to Leonardo. the future. The second is a meeting with the jour- secoli di storia Saturday, May 18, 10:15 am configuration and decorative apparatus XIV National Conference of Italian However, having published or divulged nalist Tito Stagno, who fifty years ago re- (Leonardo 1519-2019. Author Leonardo in Britain: Collections and from the end of the fifteenth century to Museums so few of his inventions, observations, ported live on the moon landing, and who events for five centuries of history) Historical Reception today) Vinci - Biblioteca Leonardiana insights, and reflections, he directly today retraces those emotional moments, Vinci (Florence) Presentation of the proceedings of the Presentation of the proceedings of the www.comune.vinci.fi.it contributed little to the development describing for us the cultural context and Biblioteca Leonardiana International Conference by Juliana International Conference by Emanuela www.casedellamemoria.it of thought in his own age. It is only the curiosity that animated the race towards www.comune.vinci.fi.it Barone and Susanna Avery-Quash. Ferretti, Cecilia Frosinini, Gianluca Belli, posthumous revisitation and reevalu- satellite exploration. www.toscananelcuore.it Florence, Olschki, 2019 Roberta Barsanti, Alessandro Nova. The Municipality of Vinci and the Italian ation of his extraordinary work, which Florence, Olschki, 2019 Historic Homes Association “Case della has made it a unique reference point for 6th April 2019 In Vinci, leading Leonardo scholars grap- Saturday 25 May, 10:30 am Saturday 23rd November, 10:30 am Memoria”, on the occasion of the impor- understanding the vast cultural chang- Genio e mito ple with the work, the biography and the Maria Teresa Fiorio Mario Scalini tant centenary, organize in Vinci the Euro- es that swept through society in such a (Genius and myth) legacy of the great artist and scientist. Leonardo e la scultura I cannoni di Leonardo pean meeting of the Historic Homes where short time. Pontedera (Pisa) Cycle of monthly encounters at the Bib- (Leonardo and sculpture) (Leonardo’s cannons) great personalities, writers, artists, musi- Saletta Carpi lioteca Leonardiana. The events include cians and scientists lived and the annual 23rd February 2019 In collaboration with Fondazione the presentation of three newly pub- Saturday 29 June 10:30 am Saturday December 14th, 10:30 am meeting of the Permanent Conference of Il Genio e la Luna Rossana & Carlo Pedretti lished volumes. Alessandro Nova F.P. Di Teodoro the Italian Museum Associations created 2:30 pm - “Leonardo e la Luna” www.comune.pontedera.pi.it Leonardo da Vinci oltre il mito, e i “Il moto del fumo - quanto più by the Italian ICOM National Committee. (“Leonardo and the Moon”), Saturday 26th January, 10:30 am suoi primi biografi s’inalça, più si ritarda” The absolute genius of Leonardo da Vinci, projections and interventions by A journey to discover the man of a thou- Paolo Galluzzi (Leonardo da Vinci beyond the myth, and (“The motion of smoke - the more you whose works are in the most important scientists and scientific journalists sand talents with the aim of offering food Leonardo nei centenari his first biographers) press it, the more you delay it”) museums in the world, but also in pres- 5:30 pm - “Luna e dintorni” (“Moon for thought on more or less well-known (Leonardo at his centenaries) Codex Atlanticus, p.270 mra tigious archives and libraries, will inspirate and surroundings”) by Tito Stagno topics. Saturday 28th September, 10:30 am the European Houses of Memory and the Prato Saturday 9th February, 10:15 am Carlo Ossola LIX LETTURA VINCIANA Italian Museum Associations to share pro- Teatro Politeama Pratese 2nd maggio 2019 Glossario leonardiano. Nomenclatura La prosa di Leonardo 13th April, 10:30 am jects and good practices and to discuss the www.museoscienzeplanetarie.eu Preliminari alla robotica. dell’anatomia nei disegni della (Leonardo’s prose) I giorni di Leonardo reality and role of museums in Italy. La mano come elemento artistico Collezione reale di Windsor (Leonardo’s time) “The Genius and the Moon” is an initiative robotico (Leonardian glossary. Nomenclature of Saturday 5th October, 10:30 am with Carlo Vecce 11th February 2019 that celebrates both the five hundredth (Preliminaries to robotics. The hand anatomy in the drawings in Windsor’s Paola Salvi Vinci Theater, Vinci Leonardo, le scienze, il Rinascimento anniversary of Leonardo’s death, and fifty as a robotic artistic element) Royal Collection) Leonardo e le regole della natura (Leonardo, Science, and the years since the moon landing. Scientists Pontedera (Pisa) Presentation of the book by Rosa Piro. (Leonardo and the rules of nature) For almost 60 years, the Lettura Vinci- Renaissance) and scientific journalists alternate on the Auditorium of the Piaggio Museum Florence, Olschki, 2019 ana has been the opening event of the Prato stage of the city theater illustrating Leon- In collaboration with the Biorobotics Saturday 19th October, 10:30 am Leonardian Celebrations in Vinci. In fact, Palazzo Banci Buonamici ardo’s writings and sketches concerning Institute of the Scuola Superiore Saturday 23rd February, 10:30 am Domenico Laurenza since 1960, the Leonardian Library has www.museoscienzeplanetarie.eu the moon, and the history of satellite ex- Sant’Anna di Pontedera Marzia Faietti Leonardo e la geologia entrusted to one of the most important ploration. www.comune.pontedera.pi.it 1473: la rivoluzione del segno (Leonardo and geology) exponents of Vincian historiography the In an Italian and European historical The Politeama also proposes two events di Leonardo task of a critical intervention in one of the context in which scientific knowledge in the afternoon, the first for younger stu- From art to robotics – beginning with the (1473: the revolution in Leonardo’s Saturday 26th October, 10:15 am many fields of Leonardo’s activity. On the and the development of new technolo- dents, and the second for all ages. search for perfection in Leonardo da Vin- graphic hallmark) La Sala grande e la Battaglia di occasion of the 500th anniversary of the gies began to renew and develop, timid- The first is “Leonardo and the Moon”, a ci’s artistic depictions of the hand, toward Anghiari di Leonardo da Vinci. La death of Leonardo da Vinci, a conference ly, after centuries of relative immobility, projection of four short but informative the search for perfection in the function- Saturday 30th March, 10:30 am configurazione architettonica e of professor Carlo Vecce on the evocative Leonardo’s writings, notes, and draw- films about the moon and spaceflight ality and sensitivity of the robotic hand. Pietro Cesare Marani l’apparato decorativo dalla fine del theme “Leonardo and Time”. ings reveal an inner (and unfortunately, that, made for schools, are published TOURS PERFORMANCES From March to October 2019 From 12th to 14th April From 10th to 30th November 2019 From June to July 2019 From 18th to 24th July 2019 Leonardian walks Leonardo, Firenze dei Bambini In visita all’Ospedale di Santa Leonardo in piazza “Il Cenacolo” Florence (Leonardo, A Child’s Florence) Maria Nuova con Leonardo (Leonardo in the square) (“The Last Supper”) Centro storico (historical center) of Florence (Visiting the Santa Maria Nuova Various piazzas in Florence and Tuscany by and with Michele Sinisi Florence Museums, piazzas and squares Hospital with Leonardo) For youth and adults San Miniato (Pisa) Excursions Events for families Florence www.musefirenze.it Piazza del Duomo museicivicifiorentini.comune.fi.it museicivicifiorentini.comune.fi.it Santa Maria Nuova Hospital www.drammapopolare.it www.musefirenze.it www.musefirenze.it www.fondazionesantamarianuova. A series of events spread out among the squares com and open spaces of the Florentine and Tuscan The Dramma Popolare, company of the theater in San Guided tours aimed at discovering Leonardo’s viewpoint, attentive to territory, dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci. The events Miniato, pay tribute to the genius of Vinci, bringing Leonardo’s life in relation with the both shapes and structures, invites In the early sixteenth century, are scheduled on summer evenings, and last about onstage the figure of Leonardo as he confronts the Tuscan and Florentine landscape. us to experience reality in a new and Leonardo da Vinci performed a 1 hour. The evenings highlight the connections element of the “sacred”, a touchstone of every staging Outdoor itineraries which retrace the unpredictable way. “Leonardo dei series of dissections of cadavers between Leonardo da Vinci and the Tuscan territory, of the Popular Theater. Florentine life of the master, from Bambini” is a great opportunity for at the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, underlining the profound relationship he had with The theme of the story addresses the work that, more Verrocchio’s workshop to his stay at the youngest among us to grasp the gaining insight which allowed him the places and landscapes of his native region. than any other, has marked the career of Leonardo the SS. Annunziata. most essential aspects of his life to advance the systematic study of Each evening will bring to the public’s attention a as it relates to the “sacred”: The Last Supper, painted and work. human anatomy. specific area of Leonardo’s life or work, in the form of between 1494 and 1499 for the Dominican convent The foundation “Santa Maria Nuova narration accompanied by images, music and sound, of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. Through the st th From 1 April to 4 May 2019 Onlus” organizes, in November and will be conducted by brilliant and acclaimed art careful analysis of the work’s genesis and subsequent Tactile exhibition 2019, a series of guided tours historians, experts in cultural dissemination. realization, the personal drama of Leonardo is played Pontedera (Pisa) dedicated to deepening our For exact dates, please consult the website: www. out alongside that of the protagonists of the Last Saletta Carpi understanding of Leonardo in his musefirenze.it Supper. Exhibition and guided tours for relations with the Santa Maria people who are blind Nuova Hospital. www.comune.pontedera.pi.it Each round of visits lasts 45 minutes and has a maximum Exhibition containing a three- number of 25 participants. dimensional Last Supper and Mona Reservation is not required. Lisa created specially for people who are blind, with an audio guide The visits will take place on: of Leonardo’s life and works. A route Saturday 9 November is set up with specific aids, which Saturday 16 November allow the visitor to be completely Saturday 23 November independent. In addition, on dates Saturday, 30 November to be defined, there will be guided (first round: 10:30 am; second tours of the Leonardian Museum round: 11:30) in Vinci, with a bus suitable for the Check out all the appointments on the site www.visittuscany.com transport of people with disabilities. notes for your brilliant ideas