CAUTION 2021 Periplus to Northwest Passage This guide contains selected information and thus is not definitive. It does th not contain all known information on the subject in hand and should not be 8 Edition relied on alone for navigational use; it should only be used in conjunction In with official hydro-graphical data. This is particularly relevant to the plans, which should not be used for navigation. The information provided in this guide may be out of date and may be changed or updated without notice. The RCC Pilotage Foundation cannot accept any liability for any error, omission or failure to update such information. To the extent permitted by law, the RCC Pilotage Foundation does not accept liability for any loss and/or damage. This publication is available for free download from Royal Cruising Club Pilot Foundation: Canada Sovereign Territory those Northwest voyages where navigation must be executed in most Exquisite Sort" (John Davis 1594) This update for the year of 2021 doesn’t bringing anything new since 2020 as there was only one “innocent” crossing due to Pandemic. It rather brings corrections for some entries and mostly administrative updates. by Victor Wejer, Toronto, Canada, March 2021
[email protected] The feedback of many NWP sailors collected over the years with most grateful contributions and review by Antonin Barrier-Moulis (A.B.) Mirabelle, Eric Brossier (E.B.) Vagabond, Steven Brown (Novara) Novara, Ken East coast Baffin Is. Heading North Burton (Nadon), Jimmy Cornell (J.C.) Aventura, David Cowper (D.C.) Polar Bound, Graeme Esarey (G.E.) Eastern seaboard of Baffin Is.