Lögberg-Heimskringla • Online supplement to Issue 24, 2007 • 1 Jon Sigurdsson Chapter IODE awards 19 scholarships Deanna Isliefson

WINNIPEG, MB — The Jon Sig- urdsson Chapter IODE presented 16 scholarships this year to 19 recipients at its annual scholarship presentation pro- gram held November 3 at Betelstadur Housing Co-op in . About 100 people attended. Chapter President Erla Wankling was MC. Education Officer Deanna Is- PHOTO COURTESY OF DEANNA ISLIEFSON liefson presented most of the scholar- Back row, from left: Drew Anderson, Kai Stefen Olson, Ben Lobb, Stacey ships. Guest speakers were Her Honour Abramson, Miria Olson, Michael Olson. Second row: Jessie Bilbey, Nancy Lenore Berscheid; and Consul General Schroeder, Theresa Thordarson, Kelsey Hargreaves, Marielle Gawryluk, Avery of Iceland Atli Ásmundsson. Simundsson. Front row: Amber Epp, Jessica Strong (photograph), Diane Kim, Those who arrived early were enter- Kim Le, Christin Burgess, Stephanie Yakiwchuk.Missing: Keegan Porter. tained by the beautiful music of Theresa Thordarson on piano. Theresa was the the International Baccalaureate Program She graduated from Arborg Collegiate, recipient of the Evelyn Thorvaldson Me- at Kelvin High School in the top two per achieving honours all four years. Avery morial Scholarship. cent of the I.B. Program. was extremely active throughout her Two of the scholarships were new Kelsey was very involved in the extra- school years in all areas, from student this year. The Norma McEwen Memori- curricular activities of the school, taking council, yearbook, sports, and music. al Scholarship was presented in memory part in the music and sports programs. She has also been a very active partici- of Norma McEwen, who passed away She has also been a dedicated volunteer pant in 4-H, where she has held the posi- in August. She had been a long-time throughout her school years, not only at tion of president for the past two years, member of the chapter and had served school, but also in the community for and was chosen to attend the annual as treasurer for many years. The Evelyn the Red Cross and the Children’s Hos- USDA 4-H Conference in Washington Thorvaldson Memorial Scholarship was pital Foundation. In recognition of her last year. She has studied the piano, and presented in memory of Evelyn Thor- outstanding scholastic achievements, was a member of the New Iceland Youth valdson, who passed away in July. Ev- Kelsey was awarded many awards and Choir for five years. elyn had joined the chapter earlier this scholarships. Avery has been recognized for her year. Kelsey is now in her first year at the accomplishments with many awards, not University of . She is planning only for academics, but also her music * * * on completing an undergraduate degree and her writing and poetry. Avery is now in science, and then applying to the Fac- attending the , Johanna Gudrun Skaptason ulty of Medicine. first year. She is planning on receiving a Memorial Scholarship science degree. Avery Simundsson is the daughter Kelsey Hargreaves is the daugh- of Heather McBey and Bragi Simunds- ter of Shirley Hargreaves of Winni- son of Arborg, MB. Avery’s Icelandic Jon Sigurdsson peg. Kelsey’s heritage comes from her father. Her IODE Members great-grandfa- great-grandparents include Johann and Memorial Scholarship ther, Gudjon Thora Simundsson, and Halldor and Bjornson, came Stefania Halldorson. Her great-great- Miria Olson is the daughter of Lou- to Canada in grandfather, Haldor Jonson, was an ac- ise Olson of Winnipeg. She is the grand- 1903. Kelsey is quaintance of John Ramsey. Her family daughter of Carl and Gene Olson, and the an exceptional can be traced back to Sigurdur “Ring” great-granddaughter of Reverend Carl J. student. She Raudversson who ruled Sweden at one Olson and Olof Sveinfridur Olson. Her graduated with time. great-great-grandparents were Gisli and honours from Avery is also an outstanding student. Margaret Sveinsson, who immigrated to 2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Online supplement to Issue 24, 2007

Canada from Iceland in 1888, settling run activities and clubs for the students. of Music, and has participated in the north of Gimli in Loni Beach. She has also actively volunteered at her musical therapy program at St. Amant Miria is currently in her third year at children’s school on a regular basis, and Centre. Jessica is planning a career in the University of Winnipeg, Faculty of in the community. She has taught Sun- singing. Arts, Honours, day School and worked at the annual majoring in Garage Sale. French. She is a Nancy is currently the Secretary of Snjolaug Gillis Student of High- the River East Transcona Teacher-Li- Memorial Scholarship est Distinction; brarians’ Association, and her school’s her grade point representative on the River East Trans- Kim Le came to Canada from Viet- average after her cona Divisional Literacy Committee. It nam in 2004. second year was is quite challenging to return to univer- Her parents still 4.181. She has sity as a full-time working mother, but live in Vietnam. received many as difficult as it can be at times, her goal She lives here awards and is to become a qualified teacher librarian in Winnipeg scholarships, both in high school and at in the public school system. with her aunt, university. Thi Trinh and Miria has been involved in several her uncle, Loi student conferences and exchange pro- Jon Sigurdsson Chapter IODE Nguyen. grams since 2004. Included in these Music Scholarship Kim is cur- were the Snorri Program this past sum- rently a first- mer, Withinsight Youth Leadership Con- Jessica Strong is the daughter of year student at the University of Manito- ference at Queen’s University in Ottawa, William and Barbara Strong of Winni- ba, and is planning a career as a nurse or 2006 and 2007, Explore Program at La- peg. obstetrician. She graduated from Nelson val University, 2006, and SWAP New Jessica is at- McIntyre Collegiate this past June with Zealand, 2004 – 2005. She has been a tending the Uni- honours. Although English is her second very active volunteer in the community versity of Mani- language, she placed in the top five of and at university. Miria plans on a career toba, Faculty the graduating class. Not only did she in the Foreign Service. of Music. She maintain a 90%+ average, she took 34 is currently in credits between grade 10 and grade12. her fourth year During her three years at Nelson Hildur Guttormson as a vocal per- McIntyre Collegiate, Kim was very in- Memorial Scholarship formance ma- volved in extracurricular activities. She jor, where she was on the Student Council as secre- Nancy Schroeder is the granddaugh- has been on the tary, a member of the grad and yearbook ter of Kristian Helgason and Sigurveig Dean’s Honour List each year. She has committees, a peer tutor, participated in Christopherson completed her Grade 10 and A.R.C.T. the school’s musical, and volunteered in of Baldur, MB. Voice exams with the Royal Conserva- the canteen. She has also volunteered in Nancy com- tory of Music, obtaining 93% and 95% the soup kitchen at Siloam Mission, at pleted her Bach- respectively, receiving the Silver Medal the Health Sciences Centre, at the Uni- elor of Education for Grade 10 Voice. She also has Grade versity of Manitoba Disability Service, from the Univer- 10 Piano, and has been teaching piano at the YMCA-YWCA Day Camp, been sity of Manitoba for four years. involved in Winnipeg International Chil- in 1993, were Jessica is a member of two choirs, the dren Festival, and fundraised for several she had been on University of Manitoba Cantata Singers groups. the Dean’s Hon- and Canzona, and has also performed as our List. She has a soloist with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet been a teacher in the River East Trans- and the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. Gyda Naylor cona School Division for 15 years, as Jessica is a very talented musician who Memorial Scholarship a French teacher, a grade four and five performs at the highest level. She has re- classroom teacher, a Reading Recovery ceived numerous accolades and awards, Jessie Bilbey is the daughter of Rob- teacher and a teacher-librarian. placing first in festivals and competi- ert and Lauren Bilbey of Mitchell, MB. Nancy has recently returned to uni- tions. In 2006 she won the Tudor Bowl She recently completed her third versity to pursue a Masters of Education at the Winnipeg Music Festival. year at the University of Manitoba in in Teacher Librarianship at the Univer- Jessica has volunteered with the the Faculty of Human Ecology, major- sity of Alberta, Faculty of Elementary Winnipeg Honour Choir Association, ing in Family Social Sciences. Jessie has Education through their Distance Learn- is an accompanist at church, provided done extremely well in university, even ing Program. vocal solos for special occasions in the though she has been working 40 hours a As a teacher, Nancy has volunteered church year, accompanied fellow stu- week throughout her years at university. many hours before and after school to dents for their auditions into the School Her grade point average after her third Lögberg-Heimskringla • Online supplement to Issue 24, 2007 • 3 year is 3.75. She is on the Dean’s Hon- group that travelled to Quebec and Sen- our List. Jessie’s career goal is to be able egal, Africa. Eugene & Rose Clyde to assist children She has volunteered for four years at Memorial Scholarship at a legal level. the Grace General Hospital and served After she as a team leader for two and a half of Kai Stefan Olson is the son of completes her those years. She has also volunteered on Elaine Dilworth bachelor’s de- a weekly basis at the Children’s Hos- of Gimli, MB. gree in family pital, and is an active participant at her Both of his pater- social sciences, church. Marielle is pursuing a career in nal grandfather’s she hopes to pur- the health sciences in French. She hopes parents were Ice- sue a law degree. to travel to help those in need around the landic. She believes as a world. Kai is cur- lawyer she can rently in his sec- make an impact on the welfare of chil- ond year of stud- dren who may be experiencing crisis in Kristin Stephensen ies in the Faculty their lives. Music Scholarship of Education at Jessie has a strong community spirit. the University of Winnipeg. He plans on She uses strong interpersonal skills, team Amber Epp is the daughter of Gord becoming a history teacher. building, and organizational skills, and and Lois Epp of Kai is an excellent student; his grade her experience to mentor others. Jessie Steinbach, MB. point average in his first year was 3.833. has volunteered for election campaigns She is cur- He received many awards in high school in her hometown, at early childhood rently in her third for his academic excellence. During his education centres, with Canada Post, year at the Uni- high school years, he was a very active answering children’s letters to Santa, at versity of Mani- member of many student groups includ- Klinic Community Health Centre, and toba, Faculty of ing sports, drama, social committee, peer for Mitchell’s Minor Hockey. Music where she tutoring, and concert and jazz bands, he has established plays trombone. He was valedictorian at herself as both a his grad. E.I. Benjaminson strong jazz vo- Kai took part in the Duke of Edin- Memorial Scholarship calist and an ac- burgh Program, where he achieved the complished student. She is a top student, bronze, silver and gold award. The Gold Marielle Gawryluk is the daughter achieving the Dean’s Honour List both Award will be presented to him by a of Jocelyn and years. Her grade point average is 4.14. member of the Royal Family in the near Bryan Gawryluk She has received several scholarships future. of Winnipeg. Her while in university. From 1999 to 2006, Kai was a mem- amma is of Ice- Amber has studied voice and piano ber of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets in landic descent. for nearly 15 years. She now studies Gimli. He retired with the rank of War- This past with Steve and Anna-Lisa Kirby, along rant Officer 2nd Class, and was awarded June, Marielle with many of the top jazz musicians in the Lord Strathcona Medal of Excel- graduated from Winnipeg. She performs every week at lence. In 2005, he earned his glider pilot the Collège uni- the Cool Monday Night Hang, a well- license, and his private pilot license in versitaire de established jam session in Winnipeg. 2006. Kai played in the Royal Cana- St. Boniface She also performs in as many other dian Air Cadet’s Prairie Honour Band, (CUSB) with her Bachelor of Science, contexts as she can find, and attends all and continues to play trombone in the Dean’s Honour List. Her grade point av- workshops and performances of visiting University of Winnipeg Downtown Jazz erage was 3.75. She has received several musicians. Band. Kai was also a very active volun- awards and scholarships while in high She recorded an excellent CD on 7 teer in his community. school and university. Marielle is now April 2007, The Opening for the Izzy completing a Bachelor of Arts at CUSB, Asper Concert. Amber has volunteered where she is a member of the Students’ as an assistant at the University of Mani- Kenneth G. Howard Association. toba Jazz Camp and the Scholarship Marielle has been a very active Concert Series, and been a contributor student in extracurricular activities to dig! Magazine. Michael Olson is the son of Lou- throughout her school and university Upon receiving her Bachelor of Mu- ise Olson of Winnipeg. He is the great- years, being a member and leader of sic (Jazz Studies), Amber plans a career grandson of Reverend Carl J. Olson and many committees. She was selected to in performing and teaching jazz. Olaf Sveinfridur, and the great-great- be on the Youth Philanthropy Commit- grandson of Gisli and Margaret Svein- tee in 2003, and in 2005 and 2006 she son. participated in the Canada World Youth Michael is in his second year at the program and represented Manitoba in a University of Manitoba, Faculty of Arts. 4 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Online supplement to Issue 24, 2007 He plans on graduating with a History Stephanie is a talented musician who Halli & Gudrun Bjornson Honours Degree, and then continue on played trombone, euphonium and tuba Memorial Scholarship in pursuit of graduate studies in history. in her school’s concert and jazz bands, In the future he hopes to become a pro- and also sang in the Chamber Choir. She Drew Anderson is the son of Tim fessor/writer of history. was a member of the Provincial Hon- and Wanda Anderson of Riverton, MB. Michael is an outstanding student, our Band every year since grade seven. His grandparents achieving Uni- Stephanie also has grade nine piano and are Walter and versity 1 Honour grade two theory, and has studied voice Margaret Joseph- List, with a grade for two years. She has entered festivals son of Gimli, point average around the country performing with var- and Magnus and of 3.65. He was ious ensembles and as a soloist. Marjory Ander- an honours stu- Stephanie volunteers at her church son of Riverton. dent throughout every Sunday, teaching a catechism Drew gradu- his high school class, as well as leading responses and ated with dis- years. He was a singing for mass. tinction this member of the past June from yearbook com- Riverton Collegiate where he had been mittee, and in his senior year he was Margaret Skaptason an Honour student throughout his high named editor-in-chief. He received the Memorial Scholarship school years. He received a total of 11 Yearbook Excellence Award from Fries- awards and scholarships, including the ens for his dedication to the producing Ben Lobb is the son of Garnett and Governor General’s Academic Medal. of the yearbook. Lori Anne Lobb of Woodlands, MB. Drew is presently attending his first This past year he has had weekly ar- Ben says his Ice- year at the University of Manitoba, Fac- ticles published in The Manitoban, quite landic ancestry ulty of Engineering. His long term plans an accomplishment for a first-year stu- comes from his are in the field of Mechanical Engineer- dent. Throughout the past several years mother’s side of ing or Business relating to Agriculture. he has been an active volunteer at Posei- the family. His He was a member of student coun- don Care Centre, with mentally handi- amma and afi cil and the grad committee, produced capped All-Stars Bowling, peer tutoring had a dairy and the 2007 graduation video, took part in at St. Ignatius School, at the Spanish grain farm in the the High School Student Voice Confer- Pavilion at Folklorama, at both MTC’s Riverton area of ence and attended an Enrichment Mini Mainstage and Warehouse Theatres, and Manitoba. Course Program at the University of assisted in special events for Aboriginal Ben is cur- Winnipeg. He participated in all high students at the U of M. rently in his second year at the Univer- school sports, was the captain of the sity of Manitoba, Faculty of Agriculture volleyball team and skip of the curling and Food Sciences, majoring in animal team, and was captain of the league win- Anna Skaptason systems. He did very well in his first ning hockey team. Memorial Scholarship year, achieving a grade point average of Drew has attained grade eight piano 3.31. and has participated in the Evergreen Stephanie Yakiwchuk is the daugh- Throughout his high school years at Festival of the Arts where he played ter of Justin and Willow Yakiwchuk of Warren Collegiate he was a talented and the piano and also sang with the school Winnipeg. very competitive athlete, and an honours choir. He was a member of the New Ice- She is an out- student. He was a role model for other land Youth Choir that travelled to Ice- standing student, students in athletics, academics and all land in 2003. graduating this areas of school service. Upon gradua- Drew has been a volunteer at the Ri- past June from tion, he received several scholarships. verton Memorial Arena, and has refer- Garden City Ben played baseball and hockey eed soccer and hockey. Collegiate with where he was always a leader. He is an 41 credits. She all-star goalie for the Stonewall Jets of achieved Hon- the MMJHL. Norma McEwen our Roll status This past summer he volunteered at Memorial Scholarship all four years of Gimli Veterinary Services on the week- high school, and was the recipient of ends. Ben is planning on attending a Stacey Abramson is the daughter of several scholarships. Veterinary College next year as he is Joan McEachern and Ralph Abramson Stephanie is now in her first year at pursuing a career as a veterinarian. of Winnipeg. She is the granddaughter the University of Manitoba. Because of of the late Sigurveig Bjornheidur. Her her genuine love for music and children, family’s original homestead is in Nes, she is planning on becoming a music MB. teacher after she completes a bachelor’s Stacey received a Bachelor of Fine degree in both education and music. Arts in 2004 from the University of Man- Lögberg-Heimskringla • Online supplement to Issue 24, 2007 • 5 itoba, graduating on the Dean’s Honour Snorri Program in the spring of 2008. vocal. Last June she completed grade 10 List. She is currently attending the Fac- Throughout high school, Christin piano, and is now working on her ARCT ulty of Educa- was very involved in extracurricular ac- diploma as well as studying history and tion at the U of tivities. Some of these activities included harmony. She participated in the provin- M. She plans on being a member of: the student council, cial competitions last year for singing becoming a high peer counselor, math and science tutor, and piano and placed first in the senior school Art and school drama, active in leadership and piano class. Theresa is a member of her History teacher. personal development seminars, Am- school’s Senior Band (playing trom- Since gradu- nesty Club, grad committee, selected bone), Central Manitoba Youth Choir ating from high to participate in the “Encounters with and Provincial Choir. school in 1998, Canada” youth program at the Terry Fox In the community and at school, Stacey has been Center in Ottawa. she has accompanied soloists and cho- actively involved Christin was selected to partici- ral groups, or has provided solo musical with both the local arts and university pate in the Rotary International Youth entertainment. She has participated in community. She became involved with Leadership Awards Program where she Remembrance Day services. Two years The Manitoban, and eventually became became the program’s summer coun- ago at Íslendingadagurinn, Theresa and the Culture Editor and then the Manag- selor for three years, and was selected as her sister performed the song, “Stóð ég ing Editor. She is a successful freelance RYLA youth spokesperson at Rotary’s úti í tunglsljósi,” with her uncle’s band, journalist, writing for a variety of arts Regional Conference for three years. StringFever. She also performed the and cultural publications across the Christin is a Past President of CYMK same song when the Icelandic Consul country. Youth Philanthropy Organization that presented Langruth with a copy of the While in university, she became very focuses on community outreach and sagas. interested in student politics and volun- leadership development. This summer Theresa has been on the student teered with UMSU. Since graduating in she was elected for the position of Lead- council for four years, and is president 2004, Stacey has been quite involved ership Development Chairperson on the this year. Last year she assisted in the with Video Pool Media Arts Centre National Executive for a two-year term, teaching of the grade six band. Theresa as an active member, formerly on the and was awarded the Dr. Steven Klimas- is planning on attending the School of Board of Directors, and former co-host ko CYMK Scholarship Award. Music at Brandon University next year. of the AV Club. She has volunteered at Christin is also a member of senior Argyle Alternative High School in the Rozmai Ukrainian Dance Company, and video department. studied dance at the Conservatory of Gloria Meadows Recently, she has been involved with Contemporary Dancers and drama at the Memorial Scholarship the local Icelandic arts community, tak- Manitoba Theatre for Young People. All ing part in the NÚNA(now) festival, and through high school Christin has been a Keegan Porter is the son of Sharon had the pleasure of meeting the President very active volunteer in the community. Hallgrimson and Glen Porter of Gle- of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson. nora, MB. His maternal grand- Christin Burgess is the daughter of Evelyn Thorvaldson parents are Al- Stephen and Larissa Burgess of Win- Memorial Scholarship bert and Evelyn nipeg, and is a Hallgrimson of descendant of Theresa Thordarson is the daugh- Glenboro, MB. g r a n d p a r e n t s ter of Philip and Phyllis Thordarson of Keegan grad- Inga and George Langruth, MB, uated with hon- Burgess as well where their an- ours from Baldur as Haldur and cestors settled High School this Olaf Hallson of when they came past June, and Lundar. to Canada from received several scholarships for his C h r i s t i n Iceland. academic excellence. He is currently graduated with Theresa is in his first year at Brandon University, Honours from St. currently an pursuing a major degree in science and Mary’s Academy this past June, receiv- honours student, a minor in English, and is planning a ca- ing a University of Manitoba Entrance completing grade reer in either or both zoology and novel Scholarship. She was chosen to be the 12 at William writing. Class of 2007 Salutatorian. Norton Collegiate in Gladstone, MB. Keegan says playing guitar is his She is currently attending the Uni- Theresa is a gifted musician. She has most significant extracurricular activ- versity of Manitoba, Year 1, concentrat- played piano since she was four years ity. His repertoire ranges from classical ing on sciences with an engineering fo- old, and started singing in the Gladstone to heavy metal with every style of rock cus, as well as branching into the Faculty Festival around the same time. and roll in between. He has performed of Arts with psychology and Icelandic Theresa has accumulated many on many different occasions including studies. She is planning on attending the awards over the years both in piano and Baldur’s annual Music in the Park, the 6 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Online supplement to Issue 24, 2007

Tiger Hills Arts Association Showcase, performance degree. She is an outstand- many honours over the years, including as well as a few guest performances with ing student, being on the Dean’s Honour the Beryl Ferguson Trophy in the Win- local bands. In the last year and a half he List each year. nipeg Music Festival, the Senior trophy has branched off into singing as well. Her GPA after in the Junior Musical Club, Manitoba His musical talent has made him a her 3rd year is Registered Music Teachers’ Associa- role model, and he has taken the next step 3.97. She was tion 1st Place Scholarship, RCM medal by providing guitar lessons to younger an honours stu- (grade nine highest in province), and ac- students. Because he lives on a secluded dent throughout ceptance into the Enrichment Program, farm, Keegan hasn’t had the opportunity high school, and Preparatory Studies, U of M, Radio to do a lot of volunteer work, but he is a received sev- Southern Manitoba Music Trophy, and very proud and dedicated blood donor, eral scholarships the Margaret H. Tyler Award. having donated blood five times since he upon her gradu- Diane is currently teaching piano turned 17. ation. while being a full time student. She Diane has grade 10 piano and com- volunteered while in high school, and Diane Kim is the daughter of Surg- pleted all the required theory. She also continues to volunteer regularly at her Myc and Ki-sik Kim of Winnipeg. has grade eight voice, plays the flute, church, and has volunteered at the Uof Diane is currently in her 4th year and studied the violin for two years. In M, and at Lindenwood Manor. at the University of Manitoba, School recognition of her outstanding talent of Music where she is pursuing a piano on the piano, Diane has been awarded