April 23, 2021

To all my beloved Vietnamese Youth, who went or will go to WYD, To our dear young friends and parents,

The official WYD website is now live! You can visit it at www.lisboa2023.org/en for information regarding the international celebration in , , in 2023.

For my part, I will try my best to email you on the 23rd of each month until August 2023, to help us prepare for the 2023.

1- May I invite you to visit this page: https://www.lisboa2023.org/pt/artigo/que-funcionalidades-deve-ter-a-app-da-jmj-lisboa2023 and share your ideas with WYD Office by participating in this survey: What features should the WYD APP # Lisboa2023 have?

2- The Month of May: Tháng Hoa (The Month of Flowers)

For us, Vietnamese Catholics, we love to have “Dâng Hoa Cho Đức Mẹ” (Offering Flowers to Our Mother Mary) during May.

In preparation for WYD 2023, the WYD Office invites each of us to use this month of May to offer to Mary spiritual flowers through the .

May I invite each of us to have A ROSARY, and put it on your desk, or near your pillow, or in your pocket, or hang in the car, … and “touch” it at least once a day, and let your heart be connected to Mary’s Heart in your own way, or by praying the “Kính Mừng Maria” (Hail Mary) that you have learned since your childhood: 10 times if you can, or just 1, or just this short “Kính Mừng Maria, con yêu Mẹ!” (Hail Mary, I love You!) especially before you fall to sleep.

And with Mary, we will be set for WYD, an adventure with memories that last a lifetime!

Keep in mind this Word of God:

During those days Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah (Luke 1: 39).

Until 2023 with

