Dkg 21St Annual Retreat
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INSIDE THIS ISSUE: DKG 21 ST ANNUA L RETREAT Meet Rollie 2 This is Why I Knit 3 The DKG Retreat was Yarn Definition 4 held on April 29, 30 and May 1. Fifty guild mem- Life Hack 4 bers gathered from a multitude of states to A Teen Inspiration 5 learn from the amazing Inside Story 6 Patty Lyons. Patty taught us that the angle your Product Review 6 needle enters into the stitch makes a differ- Mindy Wilkes 6 ence in the fabric you Pittsburg Retreat 7 knit. Who knew? The yarn market fea- Needle Holder 7 tured eight vendors. Book Review 8 There was so much beautiful yarn to choose June Picnic 9 from. Retreat in full swing Show and tell on Satur- Thanks to Vendors 10 day night is the highlight couldn’t attend this twenty-one preemie hats of the retreat. We were Pattern Review 14 year, but she mailed a to mark the 21 retreats all overwhelmed by the huge box of hats to be the guild has sponsored. Special Thanks 14 generous donations by donated to our Warm Up We have an awesome our members to our Note from President 15 charities. Mary Boltuck America collection. guild! Stash 16 Laurie Winkler knitted W HAT IT' S LIKE TO PUT ON A SUCCESSFUL KNITTING RETREAT . B Y H EATHER J ANNEY I can't believe a week Carlson couldn't trip her from your TV if you bor- has gone by since the up. If Patty made any row a DVD from the DKG 21st Annual DKG Re- mistake, I sure didn't library. We used some of treat with Patty Lyons. I catch it. She has so the money from the Raf- don't know how I am much knowledge that fle to buy all six of going to top that one. we could have had her Patty's DVD's. (They can Patty should have a doc- again next year and she be checked from out the torate in Knitting wouldn't run out of guild video library start- Knowhow. She was things to teach. Well, ing in September.) amazing. Even Carol Patty will be coming Continued on page 15 Patty Lyons Page 2 Volume 29, Issue 2 M EET Y OUR G UILD M EMBERS A N I NTERVIEW WITH R OLLIE A BKOWITZ Q: Tell us a little about ton at Meg Swansen’s know about you? I heard you yourself? Knitting camp in Wiscon- were an opera singer? A: I was married for 57 sin. I don’t know when I A:I think the guild members years to my beloved hus- first came to Dayton but know a lot about me from band Martin who was a it’s been a long time and the words above, but they scientist with the Xerox Martin came with me many may not know that I was a company, and was the times and loved it here as I regional finalist in the Metro- first person to do re- do. politan Opera auditions in search for the MRI. He Q: What is your favorite Pittsburgh. I grew up in NYC was out for his daily 6 thing to knit? and went to the High School mile walk in January of A: I can’t say what is my of Music and Art where 2014 and was hit and favorite thing to knit. I some friends are Peter Yar- killed by a 65 year old have been doing a lot of row, Billy Dee Williams (who woman on drugs. She is shawls but also cardigans borrowed my history notes), now in prison and my life and children’s things. I just and Susan Stamberg of PBS. will never be the same. I love to knit. still keep in touch with many have two wonderful chil- high school friends and dren, a daughter who Q: What are you working many of my former students. taught in special ed. on now? classrooms for 20 years, Q: Where did you get the A: I am now working on a and is now doing a PHD inspiration for the Stitch sweater I started ( a ufo) in Leadership. My son, Keepers? his wife and my two three years ago on a A: I did not get the inspira- grandchildren live in Cali- cruise. I am also finishing tion for Stitchkeepers. When fornia where he is a de- an Icelandic sweater for Nancy Bush visited Roches- signer of interface de- my daughter and then will ter in 1999 she stayed at my sign for companies who make one for myself. home. I make sterling jew- use computers. For 37 Q: Do you have a favorite elry, another hobby, and she years I taught school; hint to share? asked if I could design first as an elementary A: My favorite hint for knit- something to replace a prod- teacher, then in music at ters is to read a lot, find uct that was being discontin- a college where I taught classes to learn in and ued in Germany. When she voice and was involved in then be brave to do your left I went to a hardware opera in Pittsburgh and own thing. Elizabeth store and fabricated some- Rochester. Then at 40 I Zimmermann’s books are thing similar, but in three went back to teaching a great starting place. sizes. When my brother ( an full time teaching reading engineer) moved up from and writing to high Q: Do you have any other Florida he helped me find a school students. When I interests? manufacturer who would sell retired I taught knitting the caps and punch the for senior citizens at a A: I do some sewing but holes. Punching holes was local JCC. For many years am allergic to the sun so I giving me carpal tunnel I had church jobs and don’t garden, but I just problems. Then I was recog- synagogue jobs as a so- designed a garden for my nized in several magazines prano soloist. I also backyard to dedicate in and then on the web. Now, taught piano and voice in memory of Marty which I will call “Marty’s Garden”. since Marty’s death I have my home studio. It was an eyesore which been ready to spend more has been completely dug time with my family and trav- Q: How did you find out up and is now magnificent. eling. So if anyone wants about the Dayton Knitting He would have loved it! Stitchkeepers they should go Guild retreat? How many to Arlene’s shop and get times have you attended? Q: Is there something you them before they are all A: I found out about Day- want the guild members to gone !!!! Call of the Wool Page 3 THIS IS WHY I KNIT B Y P HYLLIS D ESCH Having grown up in school senior. My hobby. A little pocket the country where mother who knitted, change was earned climbing trees and sewed, crocheted, em- during college. For a catching snakes broidered, etc. (you while when we lived in helped me keep up get the picture), sat upstate New York I with three brothers. me down to announce went around in the fall There was little it was time and appro- to sell my wares at thought about knitting priate for me to do craft shows. There — except I knew that something “ladylike”. have been sweaters, my mother did it. Time WHOA!!! Anyway, it hats, and mittens was filled with caring was my choice as to made for relatives and for and riding horses which craft she would friends. Even design- it was time and and competitive swim- teach me, unless I did- ing along the way. appropriate for me ming. My body was n’t decide within three Now with the encour- busy, but not my days. Then she would agement of the DKG to do something hands except to turn choose. and association with “ladylike” pages of books, read- You already know my various ministries I ing being a favorite choice was knitting use those skills for the hobby. and I haven’t looked benefit of others. THIS That all changed one back in over fifty-four IS WHY I KNIT! day when I was a col- years. It has become lege-bound high another favorite Page 4 Volume 29, Issue 2 W ORSTED S PUN VS W OOLEN S PUN Y ARNS BY E LIZABETH M ARTIN The yarns we all knit spun yarn will have woolen yarns and it is with are spun to give the great stitch definition – difficult to find informa- yarn characteristics that texture and cables will tion about how commer- will effect your finished pop and colorwork will cial yarns are spun. project. A sweater knit be crisp. However, just like breed with a worsted spun A true woolen spun yarn specific yarns that use yarn will be much heav- begins with fiber that wool from only a single ier than the same has been carded to jum- sheep breed are becom- sweater knit with a ble up the fibers and ing more common, some woolen spun yarn. But spun by letting the twist small mills are produc- first – this use of the enter the fiber without ing true worsted or true word 'worsted' has noth- compressing the fiber. woolen yarns. Knitting a ing to do with the weight Spinning this method is swatch, whenever you 'worsted' has nothing to of the yarn and the word called long draw. This use a new yarn, is a 'woolen' has nothing to results in a loftier and great way to find out do with the weight of the do with the fiber con- lighter, yet warmer yarn.