Virtual Camp 1 & 2 Social Show and Tell Knitters who said hello only are listed. Note: Apologies in advance for errors and typos

Group 1 Ann Krieg: Garter Shawl (mohair/merino); showed us drawings –dragonfly/chickadee Ellen Sandler: small throw blanket started by aunt and completed after she died Marlene Carron: Just Peachy Hat by Joan Sheridan in Jamieson’s of Shetland (white, salmon, lichen, artichoke, and earth) Lisa Boone Frances Boone Cindy Menell Patti Phelps Linnea Nichols: recommends Cully’s Surprise Vest Denise Walsh-Horowitz: 6 Pi R Square Shawls in Icelandic Unspun and Sideways Mittens in Bartlett Wool

Group 2 Anne McManus: multicolored scarf w/wool from trip with Amy Susannah Gardner Janet Gardner Pam Lawrence: Fair Isle Hat with lighthouses and I love Shetland Sherry Ogg: Finishing Cossack Vest (Ice Unspun) by Meg, socks and Cruden Vest by Ysolda Teague in Jamieson Marti Priest: Moebius Scarf Valerie Beach: Pullover Cables sweater called Widows Kiss, named after a cocktail by Thea Coleman; unspun from Schoolhouse Press Kim Dixon: EZ’s Lace Pelerine shawl knit with unspun Icelandic, pattern and yarn from Schoolhouse Press Julie Stolle: Latvian Mittens from kit purchased in Riga, Latvia. Hobbywool Knit Like a Latvian, Muhu Inpsiration 5

Group 3 Rachel Ogg Johnna Lush: Katy’s Kep from kit, nancy Marchants “Blind Fish” pattern 2 on each side of brioche Natalya Kaganovich: First color work, Garland Necklace Yoke by . Unspun Icelandic Yarn from Schoolhouse Press Cindy Denton-Ade: Redbud, Fair Isle Vest, Janine Bajust, variety of colors Jamieson Shetland Spindrift Stephanie Phillips: Fair Isle hats Cathy Silver: Altheda Sweater, pattern from , designed by Jennifer Steingrass. Yarn from a sheep I helped shear in 2019 at Hidden Valley Farm Karen Faber Kristen Strand-Tibbets: Icelandic Wool Cardigan, Top Down design by Ragga Eriksdootir, knitted in Lopi Light

Group 4 Deborah Murphy: Lemongrass Sweater, pattern by Joji Locatelli. Yarn is from Spirit Trail Fiberworks; Vesta, in the Ruby Slipper colorway; Maxine Pelt: Sock w/cabling; yoke sweater w/aspen leaves or hearts Trudie Joseph Laurel: Cardigan designed in “Cast On” with Barbara G. Walker patterns, plus project with Unspun and Light yarn combined for a new fabric Michele Dillon: Cully Swansen Suprivese Vest Method 2 in Garter, Yarn Fleece & Harmony Janet Gardner Vivienne Shen: Cardigan, pattern is Endorphins by Kim McBrien Evans, knit in wool with stripes in 7 colors; Ravelry pattern Miriam Vega: Unspun yarn shawl from the guts gathered from Schoolhouse Press; Fair Isle hats, baby alpaca shawl Angela Mellon: WG 102 Scarf by Meg Swansen, from Schoolhouse Press

Campers who are with us but listening in only: Lisa Lusiak (crocheted a square blanket), Elizabeth Ritchie, Judith Rising, Georgeann Rybak, Andrea Seifert

4:45-5:00ish Meg Wrap Up (Sneak peek of a couple of items from Meg’s new book—in progress, other new books)