
#12 Silver Squelchers & Their Interesting Associates British Ambassadors to the United States---All Pilgrims Society Members! Presented May 2015 by Charles Savoie If the globalists had to abandon all goals except one, it would be to keep smothering silver! Take 32 seconds to hear what should be The Pilgrims theme music! I wish I could “Vulcan mind meld” the rest of the Silver Squelchers series to you. If you want to know about The Society, you must read the profiles. I can’t put the details into a teacup---it’s an Olympic size swimming pool and we’ll only cover roughly 12% of the members because the rest are presently non-documentable due to this being the only major globalist group REFUSING to release a roster! What is to follow are the most detailed profiles of current members available anywhere, period. And as your information workhorse---you get it for free. Do not post any of these in a pay to read status; there is no such permission; it must be read as widely as possible and free access encourages more readership. Additionally, major portions of the Fair Use doctrine are accommodated in this manner whereas by charging, problems may be encountered. Mostly the reason for no lawsuits in these matters is The Society’s strong desire to maintain its astonishingly low profile, which is a bizarre mismatch with the collective power of its members. I intend to forward one installment in this series every Friday AM to cooperating sites. If you find the details lengthy, consider that it may have taken me ten times longer to locate and organize them. No one will work remotely as hard to read these as I have to generate them. Please ask your Congressman to subpoena the current roster of these Worthy Gentlemen. No audit of the Federal Reserve System could possibly be complete without their roster. This needs to be stated at the start! The Pilgrims Society and the ancestors of those who founded it are THE gold and silver price suppressors and the ones who shoved the whole world off metallic money and forced the world into fake currencies by which the issuers are enriched and everyone downstream is harmed by inflation. Naturally foreign governments including China and Russia would take advantage of the price suppression in its later stages once they became able to do so and accumulate gold. The Pilgrims Society and ancestors of members very demonstrably is documented in The Silver Stealers to have drained China of most of the silver it historically earned in trade with Europe and England over a centuries long period of trade over the Silk Road and ocean transport. This silver “recapture” happened first by means of the opium “business” in which these lofty British gentlemen forced Chinese, sometimes at gunpoint, to become opium addicts by the tens of millions, and allowed silver only in payment. Secondly, the Crime of 1873 affected not only the United States, but China also, where it caused millions of deaths! Surprisingly the New York Times, Pilgrims Society owned and controlled, allowed a guest commentary on February 3, 1931, page 24 by John Brisben Walker, who founded Cosmopolitan Magazine in 1899, herewith some of his remarks cited in “The Sun Catches On Fire,” released in January 2007--- “Demonetization of silver by England was originally worked by a few powerful financiers who saw an opportunity to more than double the value of their personal fortunes if silver could be demonetized in England, Germany and the United States. Backed by those who held mortgages on property throughout the world and who saw in demonetization the opportunity to double the value of their loans, the most powerful system of propaganda ever organized was put in operation. It involved the reiteration by propagandists unhesitating in their methods, by the exercise of every conceivable form of political and financial pressure. England’s action was one of combination among A FEW POWERFUL INDIVIDUALS WHO WERE WILLING TO WRECK THE WORLD IF THEY COULD DOUBLE THEIR PRIVATE FORTUNES. There was an immense fall of prices and extreme suffering resulted. “As if they had been a row of bricks, banks all over the United States fell down. Immediately those who had been living from hand to mouth began a struggle for existence. Depredations occurred. I personally saw a procession of starving workmen---estimated to be 10,000 in number---tramping along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal begging for food, ready to work for a wage that would barely keep body and soul together. There were four batteries of artillery sent down from Washington to protect the houses and property of the Baltimore & Ohio Railway. MEN COMMITTED SUICIDE BY THE THOUSAND . Everywhere hopelessness and despair settled over the country. Pressure was exerted by banks upon all who refused to accept England’s single gold standard. The effect on India and China will never be known in their fullest horror. The immediate depreciation of their only stock of money, silver, stopped trade and starved whole provinces. IT CAUSED MILLIONS OF DEATHS .” The final silver drainage blow against China by these Anglo- American conspirators in The City of London and on Wall Street was worked by the Silver Purchase Act of 1934. It drained so much more silver out of China that as of November 3, 1935, China was officially derailed off its centuries old silver money system. See “China’s Empty Silver Vault” released in July 2004 for details. For enhanced documentation of conditions before the 1934 Act see “Silver Tour of China 1930” and “Silver Tour of China 1931,” released in November and December 2007. The plotters also successfully colluded to block nations from Mexico down to all of South America from using their own silver and gold mineral resources to have independent currency systems! They sent agents about establishing central banks, primarily through bribery. And yet still more silver was depleted from China via so-called silver “leasing” which may have continued into the mid-1990’s, under fairly great secrecy. My opinion is that as of the mid-April 2013 silver takedown when silver tumbled from the $30 level to sub-$20, the conspirators acquired still more silver from China and elsewhere by means of gold swaps (of custodial gold owned by others) for silver, probably at a ratio well below the COMEX gold to silver quotient. That accounts for sourcing silver for dumping purposes and yet the past cannot be borrowed from forever. We’ve endlessly heard the end is nigh--- this time it is months rather than years and possibly few months.

“The British government determined to destroy silver as money”--- Nevada silver Senator Key Pittman, quoted in China Weekly Review, Shanghai, January 31, 1931, page 318. Nevada silver Senator McCarran (in office 1933-1954) was outspoken in placing blame for attacks on silver money on Great Britain. In “Silver Serves Throughout the War” (Mining Congress Journal, February 1946, page 56) he charged--- “The purpose of lend-leasing silver for monetary and industrial uses abroad was chiefly to enable Great Britain to control the price at a low level.” "THE FAILURE TO RESTORE SILVER AS A MONETARY MEDIUM LED TO THE SECOND WORLD WAR AND THE COLLAPSE OF CHINA." ---The Mining Congress Journal, February 1957, page 118. I submit concerning allowing America’s gold to be drawn away to other lands that this has been allowed by The Society as part of their plan to so weaken us financially that we become taken over by the United Nations and eventually merged into the British Commonwealth of Nations and/or the NATO countries. We’ll eventually be told this is necessary to increase our collective strength against the Chinese and Russian empires. Always during times of crisis, in all cases including unplanned natural disasters, and all major contrived events, we’re told we must quitclaim a major portion of our liberties as a needed step towards more security. In a severe monetary crisis The Pilgrims Society intends to have their puppet President at the time declare national emergency and repeat Franklin Roosevelt’s actions in nationalizing gold and silver. It’s useless to split hairs and insist it was nationalization rather than a confiscation, because it was both. People were confiscated of the gains they’d have made had their property rights been respected. The same sources saying that only gold was taken and not silver are just as likely to repeat the mythology that the Crash of October 1929 caused the Great Depression! The cause of mass unemployment was the big layoffs in export industries which industries did exist at that time. Those industries laid off millions of workers because England intentionally destroyed the silver money systems of India and China by smashing silver’s purchasing power. This they did by dumping colossal amounts of silver out of British India. The entire Far East closed as an export market to USA industry and the Depression followed. This they used as a conditioner to lessen public resistance to entering another World War. But assuredly silver was also seized in the FDR years and here’s 312 pages of painstakingly documented proof. In no way am I a cheerleader for this happening again; I’m attempting to impede it by releasing details on The Pilgrims Society which uses the President, Senate, the Federal Courts and to a lesser extent, the House to soak up wealth from the public who don’t even know they exist. In any crisis with China, Russia or Iran we’ll be told the public must turn their gold over to Uncle Sam as we have no gold, and that Chinese agents bribed (they’ll have flunkies ready) treasonous officials to spirit our gold out of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Fort Knox. We must also hand over our silver they’ll say, as we have no silver for the military and we are threatened by war. We did have silver for the military; these plotters accessed it for price suppression. We’ll be paid “non-inflationary” prices in electronic credits, possibly in some renamed currency, whether an Amero or other British devised garbage. What are they scheming? There’s the “war on drugs” and the “war on terror,” is the “war on illegal currencies” (gold and silver) next? Will they station Homeland Security personnel in all gold and silver exchange offices to collect all metal at day’s close and ship it to D.C.? Be advised! Notify your State legislators to vigorously push back against additional Federal intrusions into States rights! With the ever weakening dollar, alternative currencies (having historic basis) must be considered. To serve as money, precious metals must freely circulate among the public and business and that means no concentration in the Treasury, as Wall Streeters find this too easy to bend to their will. Never give money to the national Republican or Democratic Party organizations. In the 1997 Asian financial crisis, South Koreans were marinated in government messages to “help” their country by donating their gold jewelry to help pay down their IMF (Pilgrims Society) loans. Now the Money Power is beating the drums for Greeks to follow the Korean example. Why shouldn’t they pull that stunt here later? Here’s a short video of South Koreans waiting to be fleeced of their gold jewelry, duped by government misinformation so the bankers could conduct their shakedown! The Pilgrims may have an intention to maneuver China and Russia to battle each other so as to weaken them enough so that this Anglo- American power structure can return to the same military position it held at the close of World War Two. My message, if spread about sufficiently, will inhibit the plans of The Pilgrims Society and as they’re recognized as the source intending to strip us a second time of our precious metals, and create a serious hindrance to these objectives. They have some hacks or academics or “researchers” at think-tanks monitoring what is being said about them. A lawsuit is their most unlikely response in spite of having as members the top talent in attorneys; an entire installment will be devoted to this fact. I have considered that I could be at risk and must continue forward regardless.

We’ll review some personalities who became members post the 1980 rosters, which are the most recent rosters located to date. That’s what the Silver Squelchers is about from this point forward---persons who became members sometime after 1980. Necessarily at times we’ll take an occasional glance back. We are opening this closing series with a review of British Ambassadors to America, who weren’t members as of then. I am omitting Sir Nicholas Henderson, Sir Oliver Wright and Sir Anthony Acland. Henderson is deceased as of 2009; after being Ambassador here, Henderson became a director of Hambros Bank, the Channel Tunnel Group and Sotheby’s. Henderson was an official of the Royal Duchy of Cornwall (Lord Warden of the Stannaries, a title dating to AD 1197) and earlier served as Ambassador to France. Wright is also deceased as of 2009 and was Ambassador also to Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany and Acland isn’t especially interesting, not having had much visible activity besides having been British Ambassador to D.C. Five important members are profiled in this installment to give you an idea of this Pilgrims Society which exists to tie us to Mother England and its financial system revolving around the Bank of England and The City. The next installment will be a review of American Ambassadors to England who became members since the 1980 list. These U.S. diplomats in fact are all redcoat Royalist Tories with greater sympathy for England than for these United States! As of the time of compiling these profiles, obituary checks were performed to see these personalities were still on the scene. That’s always subject to flux; this ruling class in fact is a gerontocracy---rule by senior men. Reins held by members who become incapacitated are always ready to be transferred to younger members or to others in The Society’s influence circles. The Pilgrims Society is more than English and American members. The English branch especially has numerous hereditary and marriage links to old mainland European Royalty, banking and industrial dynasties. Genealogically, the bulk of power in continental Europe shifted to England ages past, due to England being the most invasion secure nation in that region because of being “moated” all around by the sea.

As for the rest of the series, since we don’t have rosters, we have to rely on other definite means---a few dozen listings in Who’s Who reference volumes and an occasional web reference. It may be that these few references exist only so they can disclaim, “see, we’re not a secret society!” This is the only major globalist group in the world still refusing to post membership rosters to the public record. Members of The Pilgrims are known to have founded the Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute for International Affairs, the Rhodes Scholars, Japan Society, Italy-America Society, France- America Society, Bilderberg Conferences, Trilateral Commission, English Speaking Union, British North American Committee, Pan American Society, Federal Reserve System, League of Nations, United Nations, NATO, The Americas Society and many other groups. Trilateral is more powerful than Bilderberg, because it contains very similar persons in Europe and the UK and USA, but Bilderberg excludes large Japanese banking and industrial concerns. Japan is able to become a counterweight to China! The founders of Trilateral were David Rockefeller and his roommate at Harvard, George S. Franklin Jr. ---both Pilgrims members! Take note---they came from Harvard---not Yale---and are not Bonesmen; the over- blowing of claims of influence for Bones are for distracting investigators away from The Pilgrims, which transcends all these universities and Yale doesn’t even have the largest endowment--- Harvard does. Yale has $23.9 billion to Harvard’s $36.4 billion; which figure is larger? Not the one associated with Bones! Yale has less than two-thirds of Harvard’s endowment. Both are Pilgrims Society controlled like Columbia, Princeton, Cornell, Duke, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, University of Chicago, New York University and dozens more.

The Americas Society, founded by Pilgrims Society kingpin David Rockefeller, occupies the Manhattan mansion left by Percy Rivington Pyne II (Pilgrims 1914) --- At The Magna Carta Trust we read this statement in a plain wrapper---

“The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain and its sister society the Pilgrims of the United States are the two oldest and most prestigious Anglo-American organizations on both sides of the Atlantic. Over more than a century the Pilgrims have played a very important role in cementing good relations between the two countries and have acted as one of the principal custodians of what has come to be known as the Special Relationship.” No, they are THE principal custodian of the Special Relationship between the forces on each side of the Atlantic that control historically the two most important central banks. England planned and caused both World Wars and due to their “Pilgrim Partners” here, we were dragged into the cataclysms. Hitler would have never come to power but because of British intentions by the excessively severe terms laid down by Pilgrims Society members including Henry White, David Lloyd George and Lord Curzon at the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 which guaranteed the German people would turn to a militaristic dictator. All this came as a response to the British Empire fading and being repackaged in a Commonwealth. I do not “want China or Russia to run the world;” I want The Pilgrims Society to fade out! And all its allied globalist groups including Trilaterals and Bilderberg. Bear in mind while reading these profiles on some of the current conspirators that these are not nearly as complete as they could be. It would also be necessary to a better dossier on their backgrounds and influence to sift through up to several hundred newspaper accounts on these Worthy Gentlemen, and review books some of them have authored. And that dear readers, stretches one man impossibly thin when he has to sleep.

1) Robin Renwick, Baron Renwick of Clifton (1937---member at least by 1991), member House of Lords; Knight Commander, Order of St. Michael and St. George, was British Ambassador to the United States (1991-1995) and entered the British Foreign Service in 1963. Before coming to Washington, he was Ambassador to South Africa starting in 1987. Wiki shows Renwick a member of two high powered London clubs and another elsewhere, but no mention of The Pilgrims. He is a former board member of British Airways (1996-2005); Harmony Gold (1999-2004); and BHP Billiton (1997- 2005). BHP Billiton is a major silver producer at its Cannington mine and elsewhere and is the world’s largest mining company by most yardsticks, such as the $11 billion plus profit it posted in 2013. Also in 2013 BHP produced 37.6 million ounces of silver---the world’s number two ranking by mining companies. In 2014 Harmony Gold was the eleventh biggest gold producing miner in the world, reporting 1.117MOZ and has operations in South Africa and Papua New Guinea. It fits Renwick that after his diplomatic post in South Africa he’d be on the board of a company in that region. What was Renwick’s input as to the world pricing of gold and silver while he was a director of BHP and Harmony? Was he there as a price suppressor? Given the facts about so many Pilgrims members in “The Silver Stealers” documentary and “The Silver Squelchers” its companion series, it can’t be just chance that there have been no price bulls among them! No, they represent the objectives of the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve System, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and so forth---price suppression of the twin monetary metals in order to support the illusion that the currency the central banks issue has an actual value and is real money. The Pilgrims London 1969 list shows a Lord Renwick; he may have been a member by age 30-31, or it may have been his father. We will visit a glaring example of this anti-gold stance on the part of these Pilgrims before returning to the overview of Renwick. Lewis W. Douglas, who was Ambassador to England (1947-1950) --- the Who’s Who in America, various editions, but to cite one specific reference, the 1970-1971 edition, page 602, shows him at that time a director of Newmont Mining, International Nickel Company of Canada, and Union Corporation Limited, which was a large South African gold mining concern. It is today part of Goldfields, and I could probably research and find Pilgrims members active there also. In fact, in 1926, when the British government of India acted to demonetize silver there, Sir Henry Strakosch was part of the Royal Commission that made that recommendation---he was at that time, chairman of Union Corporation. The Money Power (“Pilgrims Society”) acted against silver before it acted against gold and caused the Great Depression by destroying the buying power of the Far East, which was still on a silver basis. The pattern was the same as that of the Crime of ’73 fifty three years earlier---attack silver first---attacks on gold would come later. Naturally Sir Henry, who died in 1943, would have known when it was timely to sell his Union Corporation shares and immediately go short, he being on the inside of the world control of gold pricing! As for Douglas, since he was a director of two big gold producers---Newmont and Union--- would you not think he’d have wanted to see prices rise, rather than continue to be capped by the U.S. Treasury and Congress at $35 the ounce? Yes, the London Gold Pool, capping gold at $35 ended by the late 1960’s, and I cited a 1971 reference on Douglas. However that was only one glance. The 1952-1953 Who’s Who, page 669, shows Douglas at that time, a director of Homestake Mining---an important USA gold mining company. “The Case for Monetary Reform” appeared in the Mining Congress Journal, December 1965. On pages 52 and 54 (ad on page 53) we note Douglas boasting--- “There seems to be and probably ought to be, resistance on well- taken grounds to a sufficiently substantial increase in the price of gold. No one, certainly not I, would denigrate the role which the IMF has played.” What kind of gold shareholder representation was that? It was backstabbing! The 1966-1967 Who’s Who, page 565, ALSO shows Douglas a director of gold producers Newmont and Union during the time that $35 gold was persisting! It finally ended in March 1968 and gold started rising! I submit that any Pilgrims members on the board of precious metals mining companies are very bad news, because THEY are the owners of the FED and will do anything, including cause World War Three, to battle for dollarization or other SDR fiat control! We are already in economic warfare in this regard, and all these Pilgrims members, especially out of London, on boards of major Russian banks and industrials, is curious but telling, and the same pattern is likely to be seen in China. This digression on Renwick was necessary to illustrate that his directorship in precious metals mining companies was most likely as a price suppressor. According to Wiki, since 2000 Baron Renwick has been vice chairman of J.P. Morgan Cazenove, a joint venture in London. Cazenove traces to 1823. Cazenove is described as having a “complete aversion to publicity,” the same holds true of The Pilgrims organization, and its hardly as if it can’t get any, since it has working control over most media and what it doesn’t own it can influence by advertising patronage. Cazenove is also described as having an “aura” and in a real sense, traces even farther back to 1685, when Catholicism was declared the state religion in France and the Cazenoves fled to Geneva, and generations later opened in London. They are identified as “Huguenots,” a Protestant faction that warred with Catholics in France, with the Huguenots eventually losing. Many Pilgrims Society members across the years I’ve noticed also as members of the Huguenot Society of America, reinforcing the conclusion that The Pilgrims is primarily Protestant, Anglican and Episcopal, with a sprinkling of Presbyterians and some others, and Catholics and Jews very much the minority. I certainly reject any alleged Jesuit control over this group, not that they wouldn’t want to. Emery W. Harper, a Wall Street attorney was a member of The Pilgrims and the Huguenot Society, and handled the world ocean freight business for JP Morgan & Company and played a major role in the U.S. Ship Mortgage Act. Andrew Garfield, writing in “The Independent,” July 5, 2000, presented his article “Cazenove---The Queen’s Stockbroker.” The Economist magazine said “Cazenove has lots of close relationships with British companies.”

Sir Rupert Hambro, Pilgrims Society, is also associated with the Cazenove interests, as we saw in #11 Silver Squelchers, pages 17- 20. Bloomberg currently states that Renwick is vice chairman of J.P. Morgan Chase International and chairman of Fluor Limited (meaning, the U.K. subsidiary of Fluor). Very typically, members of The Pilgrims London are chairmen and presidents of the English subsidiaries of U.S. companies whose holding companies are run by Pilgrims members in New York. Renwick’s offices as chairman of Fluor Limited are in Farnborough, England, 140 Pinehurst Road--- “Established in the in 1957, Fluor Limited now undertakes many world-class projects across Europe, Africa, The Middle East and Central Asia. We execute projects in the Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Mining, Industrial, Transportation, Telecommunications, Power, Nuclear and Government sectors.” Since 1995 Baron Renwick has been on the board of Compagnie Financiere Richemont. Their impressive board roster here includes The Duke of Wellington, who would have been age 35 in 1980, from which year dates the most recent list known in outsiders hands, was not a member at that time, because 35 is definitely below average entry to The Pilgrims. His background strongly argues for His Grace The Duke of Wellington, Order of the British Empire (Arthur Charles Valerian Wellesley) to in all probability, if we had a newer list, appear as a member. He traces of course to the British General who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in Belgium in. The current Duke married the great granddaughter of Kaiser Wilhelm II, Emperor and King of Germany and Prussia (1888-1918). This Duke has a truly fantastic genealogy but we will limit commentary to this---he is an associate of Baron Renwick on the Richemont board. Jurgen Schrempp of the Daimler-Chrysler merger, Deutsche Bank, Transnet and other interests, is the only other Richemont board member we’ll cite; he is a former Bilderberg steering committee member but beside The Duke of Wellington he does come across as a far smaller titan. Valerian by the way is the name of a medicinal herb with utility as a tranquilizer or sedative! Richemont says it “owns several of the world’s leading companies in the field of luxury goods, with particular strengths in jewellery, luxury watches and premium accessories.” It owns world renown jewelry houses Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Piaget, Vacheron Constantine (watches), Montblanc (makes among other knick knacks, a letter holder for your office desk, featuring an entire double row (three separators) for the ridiculous price of $665---not even silver plated---Jaeger LeCoultre (watches)---Panerai (more watches)---and IWC Schaffhausen (more watches). It appears Richemont is attempting consolidation in the watch business and have strategized it so that smart phones aren’t an issue as time sources. Daimler and several others are “affiliated organizations” with Richemont. As of 2013, Richemont, based in Geneva, Switzerland, reported 27,666 employees. Cartier produces high end jewelry with sky-high prices, such as this type II-A, 19.86 carat, D VVS2 emerald cut diamond in platinum---

Van Cleef and Arpels (founded 1906), as with Cartier (founded in 1847), is huge in emeralds, rubies and sapphires and also has a stellar worldwide reputation of very long standing in the luxury jewelry business--- Baron Renwick’s board membership in a big holding company that owns two of the top five world renown jewelry creating firms ties in well with his (until recently) board membership at Gem Diamonds, “a leading global producer of high value diamonds.” Unsurprisingly, several former De Beers figures are on the Gem Diamonds board. GD owns “the highest dollar per carat gem diamond mine in the world,” the Letseng mine in Lesotho, surrounded by South Africa and is developing a diamond mine in Botswana. "Robin Renwick's wealth of commercial experience proved most valuable in helping to steer Gem Diamonds through its early days of listing on the London Stock Exchange's main market.” Next scan is from page 172 of “The Pilgrims of the United States” (2003 short run book) of a Pilgrims meeting in New York--- From “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” (2002 short run book, page 203) 1995 meeting in London---

In 1997 MISTER Renwick became a director of Fluor Corporation. Wiki articles often lack updating, and at the Fluor website in Irving, Texas (west of Dallas) I see Renwick is no longer a Fluor director. How long he was there I haven’t seen. He was probably there for most of ten years at least. The fact that he was there shows a tie-in of this corporation to The Pilgrims Society Megamonolith of finance! There are four directors including a retired Admiral at Fluor who appear likely Pilgrims prospects, but that’s the last detail to appear if it appears at all, which it usually doesn’t. Fluor “designs and builds the world’s toughest projects. Flour is one of the world’s largest publicly traded engineering, procurement, construction, maintenance and project management companies. Fluor works with governments and clients in diverse industries around the world to design, construct and maintain complex and challenging capital projects. Clients depend on the expertise of Fluor’s 40,000 employees operating globally to deliver capital projects safely, on schedule, within budget, and with the quality they expect.” Their projects include mining, natural gas, oil, power generation and transmission, chemicals, life sciences, telecommunications, transportation infrastructure and more. Fluor was involved in The Manhattan Project, which used tens of thousands of tons of silver lent from the Treasury Department, in the form of silver “bus bars” for power transmission and other applications needing great quantities of silver. Flour works with Silver Users Association member Dow Chemical (Pilgrims Society) in plant construction and maintenance---

Following the pattern of Pilgrims Society sponsored (See “Silver Suppressors Hiding in the Dark,” part I) World Wars One and Two and many regional wars, Pilgrims Society interests were “invited” to come in and rebuild devastated areas; Fluor came in after the last Iraq war. Fluor’s annual volume is in the neighborhood of $30 billion. Another company Wiki needs updating on regarding Renwick is that he’s no longer a director of SAB Miller, which board he joined in 1999. This is named after South African Breweries, and has undergone merger activity since its founding in 1895 in Johannesburg. Headquartered in London, today this interest reports some 70,000 employees and an annual net income exceeding $3.5 billion and operates on all continents in at least 80 countries. It has a huge megabillion market cap---

Moving on to the next feather in Renwick’s cap, we find he became a director of Kazakhmys as of 2005, and their site confirms he is still there. Kazakhmys is a mining company extracting copper, zinc, gold and silver---here we are again with another member of the world’s central committee of precious metals price suppressors as a director of an important mining company. Does Renwick have weekly contact with CME Group officials? Wiki states, “The Group is amongst the largest global silver producers with output of 14 million ounces in 2013.” In 2013 this company had revenues of $3.1 billion and is based as you’d expect, in Kazakhstan.

Another corporation Renwick is now a former director of was known as Vallar PLC---now called Asia Resource Minerals, with annual volume of around $1.5 billion. Sir Richard Gozney, a British career diplomat who capped a 39 year career as Governor of Bermuda, appears the likely Pilgrims Society member currently on the Asia Resource Minerals board. Vallar launched with $1,070,000 in working capital thanks to Nathaniel Rothschild, who would only have been nine years of age in 1980 so; naturally he wasn’t in that roster but I fully anticipate he’s been a member for several years! Besides his tremendous Rothschild heritage he has other significant roots as well, connecting to Canada Steamship Lines, Lake Superior Investment Company, Algoma Steel Company, Sovereign Bank and others.

A December 31, 2014 news item mentioned the ARM shares suddenly rising 358%. Nathaniel Rothschild also proposed another ARM share offering which “he’s prepared to underwrite.” Renwick is or was a director of Bumi PLC, a company related to ARM. Renwick is a former director of Liberty International Underwriters PLC---and is or was deputy chairman of Fleming Family & Partners in London. The 1940, 1949, 1957 and 1969 Pilgrims lists for London show Archibald R.C. Fleming. Investigating I find he died in 1969. The R.C. stood for Robert Cecil, and apparently his line was linked by heritage to that of the Cecils (Pilgrims dynasty) and always among the ten most influential British dynasties tracing back a half a millennium; the Cecils and the Vanderbilts (Pilgrims Society) are also linked by marriage, transatlantic in their case. Fleming’s father in law was Baron Inverforth; in checking my PDF’s I find Inverforth in the 1940 Pilgrims London roster. Inverforth was chairman of Anglo-Burma Rice Company; director, Lloyd’s Bank, London, owner of a fleet of diesel powered ocean going transport ships; munitions dealer; director Wilmer Grain Company; Marconi Company (communications) and was British Minister of Munitions in World War One. Inverforth bought a mansion in London from the estate of Pilgrims Society member Viscount Leverhulme, of the huge Lever Brothers interests, and renamed it Inverforth House---

At the Fleming Family & Partners site we read---“For generations, the Fleming family have surrounded themselves with carefully chosen advisors. It is this approach and diligence that contributes greatly to the success of the family and is at the heart of what FF&P shares with our clients today.” He is or was a trustee of The Economist Foundation and a director of British-American Business Incorporated. Baron Renwick gets around more than the Beach Boys ever dreamed about. Renwick Capital is “a hedge fund investing in public equities, derivatives, real estate and private equity transactions.” RC has a direct link to Brock Capital Group, headed by Pilgrims society member Charles Lawrence Brock, among the profiles of members since the 1980 list. Brock Capital Group’s transactions range to over $5 billion per transaction. At http://www.parliament.uk/biographies/lords/lord-renwick-of- clifton I find Renwick is a director of Excelsior Mining Corporation and Stonehenge Fleming Family & Partners.

Excelsior Mining has this on Renwick. His former directorates include Canal Plus, a French premium cable TV channel started in 1984. He advised on the IPO’s (initial public offerings) on the London Stock Exchange of Billiton, Xstrata and Ferrexpo. Excelsior holds copper resources in Arizona and as I check the share price I find it’s 25 cents! The fact that this Pilgrims Society member is on the board is probably a red flag that it could become a 100 to one stock; this is only my speculative guesswork; make of the situation what you will. It owns the Gunnison project 65 miles southeast of Tucson with billions of pounds of contained copper. Video of Renwick is silent on The Pilgrims!

2) John Kerr, Lord Kerr of Kinlochard (1942---; Pilgrims London by 2004; probably over ten years before then); The Times, London, announcements, October 2, 2004 "Lord Astor of Hever, Lord Fellowes, Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Sir Peter Marshall, Professor Richard Trainor and Lord Watson of Richmond were elected to the executive committee at the annual meeting of the Pilgrims.” Member Order of St. Michael and St. George and British House of Lords; he serves on the EU Select Committee and its Economic and Financial Affairs Sub-Committee. He is a Fellow of Imperial College London and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. From 1966 to 2002 he was in the British diplomatic service in Moscow, Pakistan, D.C. and , Belgium. During 1979-1984 Kerr was with the British Treasury and in 1981-1984 he was with the office of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. In 1984 to 1987 he was with the British Embassy in D.C. under Sir Oliver Wright (Pilgrims Society) and Sir Antony Acland (Pilgrims Society). In 1995 to 1997 Kerr was British Ambassador to America during the awful Clinton (Pilgrims Society) years. Previous to that, Kerr was British representative to the European Union (1990-1995). Wiki states--- “He is a Trustee of the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission and the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group. He was Chairman of the Court and Council of Imperial College London from 2005 to 2011; a Trustee of the National Gallery from 2002 to 2010, and the Rhodes Trust from 1997 to 2010; a Fulbright Commissioner from 2003 to 2009; and UK President of the UK/Korea Forum for the Future from 2007 to 2013. He is Chairman of the Centre for European Reform, Vice-President of the European Policy Centre, a Council member of Business for New Europe, a member of British Influence, and President of St Andrew's Clinics for Children.” There is no mention in Kerr’s listing of The Pilgrims Society! As an official of the Trilaterals and Bilderberg, he is there on behalf of the older and much superior organization---The Pilgrims Society---as a controller of these important, but subordinate secondary organizations---both founded by the same member---David Rockefeller! Kerr was a Rhodes Trust trustee for around 13 years, insuring that adequate “illumination” was being imparted to the ambitious young Rhodes Scholars, especially those from the United States, whom he’d indoctrinate and then fire them back at America much as General Cornwallis once aimed cannon fire at our patriots! The Pilgrims 1980 London roster showed a hereditary Lord Cornwallis! “He became a Director of Shell Transport and Trading in 2002. Additionally, he chaired the group of Directors who brought about the creation in 2005 of Royal Dutch Shell plc, of which he was Deputy Chairman and Senior Independent Director until 2012. He has been a Director of the Scottish American Investment Trust since 2002, of Rio Tinto plc since 2003, and of Scottish Power Ltd since 2009. He became Deputy Chairman of Scottish Power in 2012.” Kerr was Secretary General of the European Convention in Brussels (2002-2003).

Page 160 of “The Pilgrims of the United States” (short run book, 2003) shows Sir John Kerr at the annual meeting in New York and the following year again at a Pilgrims New York meeting on “Mayday” --- Kerr is a member of the more publicly visible Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, its roots in British militarism---

Kerr is a member of the House of Lords---

Imperial College London; founded in 1907, acceptance rate is 15%--- Lord Kerr is chairman of Imperial College “Knowledge is the adornment and protection of the empire”

The Royal Society of Edinburgh, founded in 1737 but received a Royal charter in 1783--- The RSE currently has 1,500 “fellows” in the UK and elsewhere. It studies science and technology, medicine, business, public service, history, arts and humanities. Kerr is a prominent member---

How many Pilgrims members do you see? Maybe none in this view--- Kerr is a current trustee of the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland--- It was endowed by Andrew Carnegie (Pilgrims New York 1914) ---

Lord Kerr was a trustee of the National Gallery London for 8 years--- Lord Kerr is chairman of the Centre for European Reform, to be discussed in the profile of Sir . Kerr is a V.P. of the European Policy Centre in Brussels Belgium. The Centre has this mission statement--- “The European Policy Centre (EPC) is an independent, not-for-profit think tank dedicated to fostering European integration through analysis and debate, supporting and challenging European decision- makers at all levels to make informed decisions based on evidence and analysis, and providing a platform for engaging partners, stakeholders and citizens in EU policy-making and in the debate about the future of Europe.” For “European integration” read “unite Europe into one country.” That is a bad dream; the unique nations should stand as they are. Using the globe as a symbol means they intend to abolish all countries--- Kerr was a Fulbright Scholarship Commissioner (2003-2009); globalist scholarship indoctrination---

Lord Kerr is on the advisory council of Business for New Europe (more globalism) where my impression is there may be four other members of The Pilgrims present with him.

Kerr is a member of another globalist group calling itself British Influence which is exerting itself to keep the United Kingdom part of the European Union.

B.I. also runs this--- Here’s Lord Kerr on the executive committee of the Trilateral Commission. Groups like this one exist to bring under Pilgrims influence many other powerful persons who aren’t Pilgrims. Ditto for Bilderberg where Kerr also appears on the steering committee. Bilderberg is in fact heavier on politicians while Trilateral more so in industrialists. Which group more closely resembles the real political power? Not the politicians.

During 2007-2013 Kerr was involved with UK/Korea Forum for the Future which is also mentioned in the Register of Lords Financial and Other Interests for 2010. He is a former director of the giant Royal Dutch Shell. Sir Nigel Sheinwald (Pilgrims, profiled in this series) took his place on that board. Kerr is an exec and director of Scottish Power, which provides energy to over 5 million residential and business accounts.

Scottish American Investment Trust, of which Kerr is a director, was founded in 1873 and it may be wondered if its founding had anything to do with taking advantage of the widespread misery caused by the “Crime of ’73,” the demonetization of silver in which it afterwards could not be used as payment on any debt, installment debt or mortgage in the amount of more than $5! It’s managed by Baillie Gifford with around $175 billion in assets under management. Kerr is a member of the advisory board to KSA---The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which you may safely say is among the very largest companies in existence. He’s also an advisor to BAE Systems with around 90,000 employees and is a multinational defence, security and aerospace conglomerate headquartered in London; it’s too big to not have several Pilgrims members on its board. It manufactures naval vessels and land craft, helicopters, jet fighters and munitions. Lord Kerr’s office at Scottish Power in Glasgow are at One Atlantic Quay (correct spelling) --- 3) Sir (1944---: Pilgrims Society as of undetermined); by 1997 at the latest--- Ambassador to the United States, 1997-2003, is known as a member of The Pilgrims London executive committee. He became a director in 2007 of Arbuthnot Banking Group, founded in 1833. He was Ambassador to Germany briefly in 1997. He’s served as a director of GKN PLC with 50,000 employees; a concern involved in military and civilian aerospace (silver user) and is on the international advisory board to British American Business, which was formed by the merger of British American Chamber of Commerce and American Chamber of Commerce United Kingdom in 2000. This organization’s site shows the British flag flying higher than the American flag; just like the American flag flies underneath the Union Jack at Allington Castle, England, headquarters of The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain (not open to the public!) Its address is 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, which somewhat sounds like the gates of Dutch-Anglo hell---

Several Pilgrims Society members are identified here www.babinc.org/aboutus/internationaladvisoryboard in this organization interlocked with silver and gold antagonists HSBC; Morgan Stanley; JPMorganChase; Barclays; and Bank of New York Mellon. Two Pilgrims Society members seen below---Sir Christopher Meyer and second generation member President Bush 2nd--- Here’s Sir Christopher Meyer in a video on “Britain’s Role in the World;” no mention of The Pilgrims! Page 160 of “The Pilgrims of the United States” 2003 shows Meyer at a New York meeting---

Page 173 shows---

The Hilarious (Hillary) Rotten (Rodham) Illuminated One, she’s strictly an outer circle Pilgrims member with Sir Christopher Meyer, who is probably a mid-circle member (he ranks her, though unofficially) --- Sir Christopher Meyer at a meeting of the Confederation of British Industry meeting; notice the banner behind him of the major silver price antagonist, Barclay’s Bank International---

He’s a member of the international advisory board of Fleishman- Hillard which has over 100 offices in major cities in several dozen countries--- Sir Christopher’s single most important connection appears to be with Arbuthnot Latham Private Bankers which is still one of the 12 Accepting Houses of the Bank of England. The March 14, 1857, page 233, illustrated London News shows that Arbuthnot Latham & Company was in the Chinese opium trade. Three members of this firm circa 1820s and 1830s were in Madras, India, a major opium transit center. John Arbuthnot Fisher saw combat in China during the second Opium War (1856-1860) and was later promoted to admiral. Later on (1859) a member of this firm, Alfred Latham, became a governor of the hell spawned Bank of England; he owned a slave plantation in the British West Indies. A dishonest book, “The Bank of England---A History,” volume II by Sir John Harold Clapham (1966 says the Bank of England (page 300) “lost all interest in silver,” despite containing references to the Bank and silver on no less than fifty one pages! Sir Christopher Meyer is a current director and it’s in the multi-billion range--- In 2009 Sir Christopher Meyer, Pilgrims Society, authored a 500 year history of worldwide British “diplomacy” revealingly entitled “Getting Our Way” and subtitled “500 Years of Adventure and Intrigue---the Inside Story of British Diplomacy.” Notice it shows the globe, which the British have long felt should be their personal property and repeatedly use it like their own personal roll of toilet tissue--- “Christopher Meyer’s net worth has grown significantly in 2015.” Meyer is chairman of the advisory board of Pagefield. According to this link, Meyer used to be associated with World Surveillance Group. Pagefield says of itself, “We advise companies, trade associations, governments and individuals on all aspects of corporate reputation management from media and political relations to community engagement and consultation.”

World Surveillance Group says--- “WSGI is a highly focused company set on providing various services through its lighter than air platforms (LTA). WSGI is focused on providing services to both the Government and Commercial sectors on a global scale. WSGI designs and builds specialized airships capable of carrying various payloads and transmitting various types of wireless communications. Placing a communications platform into the stratosphere is an idea that can fundamentally change how the world delivers wireless telecommunications, and the way we communicate.” “The Company's wholly owned subsidiary Global Telesat Corp. (GTC) provides mobile voice and data communications services globally via satellite to the U.S. government, defense industry and commercial users. GTC specializes in services related to the Globalstar satellite constellation, including satellite telecommunications voice airtime, tracking devices and services, and ground station construction. GTC has an e-commerce mobile satellite solutions portal and is an authorized reseller of satellite telecommunications equipment and services offered by other leading satellite network providers such as Inmarsat, Iridium, Globalstar and Thuraya. GTC also has a new subscription based online tracking portal called GTCTrack, designed to attract new satellite and GSM tracking customers by offering an easy-to-use interface and compatibility with a wide range of devices. GTC's equipment is installed in various ground stations across Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and South America.” The Pilgrims organization is set to control outer space! But this is nothing new, with many thousands of scientists and engineers on their payrolls. Robert Huntington Knight, Pilgrims Society, who chaired the gold stealing Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1977- 1983, was also a member (1971-1991) of the International Satellite Arbitration Panel (Who’s Who in America, 1994, page 1912.

In 1999 his wife, Lady Catherine Meyer, founded Parents and Abducted Children Together. It purports to have concern for missing and abducted children, such as children said to have been abducted by a parent (“parental child abduction across frontiers”) as they call it. They are also interested in such matters as relates to these United States, these sanctimonious concerned British elitists. Some may say I’m too cynical. However where these Pilgrims are involved, their nature, history and goals compel cynicism. It may end up having to do with parents trying to remove children from kidnapping from abusive social workers who want to seize children from parents and forcibly vaccinate them, and brainwash them in so called “mental health” concepts. A search at their site for the term “trustees” shows no identities. What are they hiding?

In 2008, along with other Pilgrims members (Lord Robertson, Lord Alan Watson and Sir Robert Worcester), Sir Christopher Meyer was a big wheel at the English Speaking Union World Members Conference in 2008 in Edinburgh. There are ample examples of Pilgrims Society members being in charge of the English Speaking Union, in spite of the fact that various footnotes in “The Pilgrims of the United States” (2003 short run book) attempt to inflict deliberate misinformation on the reader. The 2005 Who’s Who in America, page 3502, shows---

He’s a Presbyterian, the runner up denomination of Pilgrims Society members behind the Episcopal Church. Notice that he was a Citibank megabanker. The 1924 list shows a Robert Olyphant.

4) Sir (1949---; Pilgrims member post the 1980 rosters), Knight Commander Order of St. Michael and St. George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, was Ambassador to Israel (1995-1998); U.K. representative on the North Atlantic Council during 2001; Ambassador to the United States (2003-2007) and “since been appointed to the Household of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry.” The Duke of Cambridge is the son of Prince Charles (Pilgrims Society) --- Aerial view, residence of Duke of Cambridge (Pilgrims Society) ---

Manning with his “Pilgrim Partner” President Bush II--- Shades for a shady character---

Before his ambassadorial appointments, Manning was a British diplomat in Warsaw Poland, Moscow, New Delhi India, Paris, Brussels and the former Yugoslavia and was central to the planning of the most recent USA visit of the Queen. In 1998-2000 he was deputy Undersecretary of State for Defence and Intelligence. In 2001 he was the UK Permanent Representative at NATO (Brussels). In 2008 Manning joined BG Group (British Gas) and joined the board of warmonger Lockheed Martin. I haven’t established when he exited that position. He joined the advisory board of Hakluyt, to be described in the profile of Lord Inge in a later presentation. It’s well known that Manning had much input into planning Bush’s Iraq War. He formed Gatehouse Advisory Partners in 2010 in collaboration with Sir whose web reference as to Pilgrims membership has been deleted. The Gatehouse page on Manning doesn’t mention The Pilgrims, but all UK to USA and USA to UK Ambassadors are members. He’s on the council of Lloyd’s of London and he remains a director of the U.K. subsidiary operations of Lockheed Martin. He chairs the “IDEAS” program at the fiat money London School of Economics and is a senior advisor at Chatham House, otherwise known as the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the London counterpart to the New York CFR. Gatehouse “provides strategic advice to organizations on their changing international environment.” What does that include? The connection to military strategic think tank Hakluyt suggests they can tell an “organization” when to remove their staff from this or that country---in advance of warfare or a Twin Towers event. BG Group has 5,200 employees in 24 countries “a leading international energy business” in LNG (liquid natural gas). Lloyd’s Building in London--

F-17 Nighthawk by Lockheed Martin--- Inside the London School of Economics--- According to http://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/sir-david- manning “he is a Patron of Afghan Connection and of World Wide Volunteering. He is a trustee of Turner Contemporary.” Turner is a major art gallery in Kent, England. WWV is his chance to frost his corrupt cake with a veneer of icing, but even that may feature more than meets the eye, as I am boundlessly dubious as to any actual do-gooder activities of these Pilgrims globalist activists. Afghan Connection has turned over 72,000 poor victims in that nation into human vaccine pincushions for Manning’s Pilgrims Society pals in their megabillions Pharma cartels--- Three Pilgrims Society members---Sir David Manning, President Bush II and Queen Elizabeth II---

According to Debrett’s Manning became a trustee of The Royal Foundation in 2010 and became a Fulbright Commissioner in 2009. This is an “educational” scholarship program similar to the Rhodes Scholars, except there are many more of them. Ronald Freeman, chairman of The Pilgrims London executive committee, is another Fulbright commissioner, named after Arkansas Senator Fulbright (tenure 1945 to 1974), who was a Rhodes Scholar.

At New Statesman we read--- “His business is running Britain's foreign policy. Unbeknown to the public, Sir David Manning has become one of the most important people in the country. Since 11 September, it is to him that turns first for advice. It is Manning who is running the conflict with Iraq. It is he who is guiding relations with the Bush-led White House, he who deals with the Israelis, the various Arab governments, the Russians, the Chinese. His career is pure establishment. Manning was in Vilnius in January 1991 when troops opened fire on demonstrators. On the first day of the coup against Mikhail Gorbachev, he happened to be in charge of the embassy. He was the one who sent the telegrams back to 's government. Four months later, on Christmas Day, he sent the note back to London announcing that the Soviet hammer and sickle was being lowered from the Kremlin and replaced by the tricolour of the new Russian republic. "I am watching the red flag coming down," he wrote.” Before proceeding to the next member of The Pilgrims, I thought I’d check Bloomberg about Manning and found other relevant details not encountered at other sites reviewed--- “He served as a Director of HBOS plc since January 2009. He served as a Director of Bank Of Scotland plc from January 16, 2009 to November 2009. He served as a Non-Executive Director of Lloyds Banking Group plc (Lloyds TSB Group plc, TSB Group plc) from May 01, 2008 to November 2009. He served as a Director of Lloyds TSB Bank plc from May 1, 2008 to November 2, 2009. He retired from the Diplomatic Service in 2008 after four years as British ambassador to the USA. He is a Member of the Council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies.” The International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, to be discussed elsewhere, may be the single most important warmonger think tank in the world. It has a password protected “Armed Conflict Database.” The International Institute for Strategic Studies in London is a warmongering think tank of major importance in planning World War Three, brought to the people of the world by the “noble philanthropists” of The Pilgrims Society!

In 2001 the Bank of Scotland merged with Halifax Group to form Halifax Bank of Scotland or HBOS. The BOS was founded back in 1695, the year following the Bank of England, history’s most sinister bank. In 2009 as more consolidation occurred, HBOS became a subsidiary of Lloyd’s Bank, historically one of the top banks in the entire British Empire. The Earl of Halifax was president (1950-1958) of The Pilgrims of Great Britain. He was the fiend who presided over the Great Depression by dumping Indian silver on world markets starting in 1927. As Ambassador here during World War II, he came away with 88,073,878 silver ounces for price management objectives under Lend-Lease! (Figure cited in The Mining Congress Journal, February 1947, page 84!) However, this official figure, apparently from a Treasury Department source, may be a lowball and the nth degree precision is a touch suspect. Idaho Congressman Compton White (terms during 1933 to 1951) charged that England actually got as much as 300MOZ silver from the Treasury under Lend-Lease (Chicago Tribune, December 9, 1945). White was a backer, booster and promoter of silver as money and while bias could be charged to him as he owned silver mining interests, historically people paid in silver had money that couldn’t go broke, versus being paid in banker fiduciary paper.

And finally, after ongoing “Pilgrimization” there is---

“The U.K.’s largest financial services group.” 25 million customers. 45,856 employees 2013. This was an earlier HQ address near The Bank of England (Threadneedle Street is three tenths of a mile long). Sir David Manning owns a townhouse in Chelsea (central London) valued at six million pounds sterling (around $9,420,000). The same link shows him with Bush II (Pilgrims) arguing for the Iraq invasion.

5) Sir Nigel Elton Sheinwald (1953---; Pilgrims by 2007 or earlier); Order of St. Michael and St. George was British Ambassador to America (2007-2012). He was preceded by Sir David Manning, who we just profiled. Sheinwald was succeeded by Sir Peter Westmacott, another member we’ll review next. Nigel was British Ambassador to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium (2000-2003). His first diplomatic post was in Moscow (1978-1979). “Since shortly after he retired from the diplomatic service in 2012 he has been a non-executive director of Royal Dutch Shell. He was appointed "Special Envoy on intelligence and law enforcement data sharing" in September 2014. Sheinwald worked in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on the Japan desk from 1976 to 1977 and on that of Zimbabwe from 1979 to 1981. He served in Moscow from 1978 to 1979 and was Head of the Foreign Office Anglo-Soviet Section from 1981 to 1983. From 1983 to 1987 he worked in the political section of the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. From 1987 to 1989 he was Deputy Head of the Foreign Office's Policy Planning Staff. He was Deputy Head of the Foreign Office's European Union (Internal) Department from 1989 to 1992 and Head of the UK Representations Political and Institutional Section in Brussels from 1993 to 1995. Sheinwald was Foreign Office Press Secretary from 1995 to 1998 and Europe Director from 1998 to 2000, before serving as the UK Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the European Union from 2000 to 2003. From 2003 to 2007, he was Foreign Policy and Defence Adviser under Prime Minister Tony Blair and then as Head of the Defence and Overseas Secretariat. He is credited with successfully negotiating the release of fifteen Royal Navy personnel from Iran in 2007. He made a critical breakthrough in the standoff during a call with the head of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Ali Larijani.” The Washington Post, February 6, 2008 called his wife Julia an “internationally respected doctor” who worked for both the United Kingdom government and the European Union in that capacity, and reported that she landed a position with the Office of Pediatric Therapeutics in the Food and Drug Administration “the Oxford- trained physician specializes in testing and regulation of children's medicine.” The FDA is in the domain of food and drugs the same MONSTER the Federal Reserve is in the monetary realm. Under cover of protecting the public, the FDA is there to harm us, and to facilitate its crony capitalists harming us. What were her test findings on children’s “medicine?” All the risky, liver wasting, kidney straining, brain and retina damaging “medications” produced by Pilgrims Society mega-pharma industries like Merck and Pfizer are “safe when used as directed!” “Lady Sheinwald declined repeated attempts to discuss her dual roles; an embassy spokesman said there would be "no comment whatsoever. The Sheinwalds have cultivated a low profile despite high-power careers, but their new posting has made them de facto (if reluctant) Washington celebrities from the moment they arrived in October. The two were warmly honored Monday at a dinner hosted by the local chapter of the venerable English-Speaking Union, the group that traditionally introduces new U.K. envoys to fellow Anglophiles.” Incoming British Ambassadors stop in New York first where they address a meeting of The Pilgrims United States, THEN they do to D.C. and get hosted by this Pilgrims inferior subsidiary group, the English Speaking Union. Here’s Nigel with the “Pilgrim Partners” flags behind him---

Here’s Nigel presenting TV character Henry Winkler Honorary inclusion in the Order of the British Empire. Nigel would have had Henry waving the British flag At the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775--- While working his Pilgrims wiles as Ambassador, Nigel visited governors and mayors, the Supreme Court, Silicon Valley executives, university faculties and gave lectures on “international relations,” played a role in Obama’s State Visit to the U.K. in 2011, and visited Blade Dynamics in New Orleans, a British company manufacturing giant blades for electricity producing wind turbines. He left out to mention his incoming and outgoing meetings with The Pilgrims in New York! In September 2014 Nigel was appointed Special Envoy of the United Kingdom on Intelligence and Law Enforcement Data Sharing, based on the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act of Parliament in July 2014. “Sir Nigel’s overarching objective is to lead discussions with governments, other key international partners and Communications Service Providers (CPSs) on ways to improve access to and sharing of law enforcement and intelligence data in different jurisdictions. Sir Nigel will seek to identify ways to take forward the British government’s relationship with CSPs and explore how new formal arrangements could improve data access and sharing in both the short and longer term. He supports a number of British organisations active in the fields of European and transatlantic affairs.” Essentially, Pilgrims member Nigel is another warmongering neocon in the Global Security State (no privacy, no due process; property subject to seizure on administrative whim!) Which organizations does Nigel “support?” Just can’t mention The Pilgrims, can we?

Nigel is visiting professor at the Department of War Studies at King’s College in London where he is also on the governing council. His areas of expertise are British and foreign security policy; the United States and transatlantic relations (The Pilgrims top interest); the European Union; the Middle East; relations with Russia and emerging powers; and defence and international security policy. The Pilgrims Society continues its rivers of blood plans for the third World War---

Nigel is a governor of the Ditchley Foundation, which facilitates high level meetings with top officials from other nations, especially America; these conferences are to the detriment of the common man and the nonaligned new rich. He is an advisor to the Centre for European Reform. The CEF is “a think-tank devoted to making the European Union work better and strengthening its role in the world.” Predictably several identifiable Pilgrims members are there, “helping” Europe to “reform” by being more cooperative with British supremacy in the world. Top European royalty and wealth migrated to England, often by marriage, centuries ago, due to England being the only country in that part of the world surrounded by ocean---a natural barrier against invasion! Therefore, most European power outside of the Vatican sphere became concentrated in Royal Britain over a period spanning centuries--- Nigel is senior advisor to Universal Music Group, which is the largest such company in the world and active in 60 countries with around $7 billion annual revenue; it’s a division of French multinational Vivendi. As this series progresses you’ll encounter a member who became son in law to the founder of MCA, Music Corporation of America, another such giant enterprise--- After leaving Washington, Sir Nigel joined the board of Royal Dutch Shell, the world’s fourth largest industrial corporation by revenues---in 2014, $421 billion U.S. with 92,000 employees. This is not a Dutch company---it’s an Anglo-Dutch company. I noticed that when former Federal Reserve System chairman William McChesney Martin Jr. left Washington in 1970, he joined the board of Royal Dutch, which is seen as aligned with the Rothschild empire; don’t kid yourself however---the Rothschilds are hardly there alone---the Royals (Windors) are there as well (British and Dutch), and others. In searching my library, I failed to locate “The Naked Capitalist,” published in 1970, but remember the author saying that Royal Dutch Shell is one of the giant companies whose installations seem to be unscathed by both sides in major wars. True; but as each side hopes to prevail, they’d want the facilities intact afterwards.

“The recent Wiki Leaks revelations have exposed the high level of influence, infiltration and intelligence-gathering that global oil companies have in resource-rich nations in Africa, specifically Shell’s role in Nigeria. Shell gained information on all aspects of Nigeria’s oil business.” Shell Centre in London---

Sheinwald is on the advisory council of Business for New Europe, with Lord Kerr and Lord Jay of Ewelme (probably a member), whose wife is among the few Pilgrims members. “Global Atlanta” has a video interview of Sir Nigel Sheinwald---no mention of The Pilgrims organization.

6) Sir Peter Westmacott (1950---: Pilgrims Society by 2012 but probably earlier) Order of St. Michael and St. George; Royal Victorian Order, was Ambassador to Turkey (2002-2006); Ambassador to France (2001-2012) and Ambassador to the United States since 2012. Westmacott appears to be discussing strategy with leading Pilgrims member Prince Charles for British reintegration of their former colonies here by all possible avenues, including conditioning the public mind with British news reporters and “tea and crumpets” commentators like Piers Morgan with their English accents in the USA television broadcasting sphere---(60 Minutes “I’m Laura Logan”) and so forth---

Here he is a little grayer with Prince Harry. They appear to be staring at hard money folks & intent on retaking their “colonies” here! They think of us as specimen insects on a needle board!

And with “honorary” Pilgrims member Obummer---

D.C. residence of British Ambassador--- 3100 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest---

“The Washington Embassy---British Ambassadors to the United States 1939-1977” by Michael F. Hopkins mentions these Ambassadors speaking to The Pilgrims New York (before arriving in Washington) in 4 places; however, page 39 calls the events “bland,” misleading the gullible to make no issue of The Society! The man with the ship’s prow nose was Lord Harlech, who was a television media kingpin from London and Ambassador during the ill-fated JFK administration---

British Ambassador’s residence in D.C. where meetings for “recovering the Colonies” take place! British soldiers burned the White House on August 24, 1814 & looted the silverware on their way out! Westmacott appears on page 8, upper left, of this item from the St. George’s Society of New York, whose patron is The Duke of Gloucester (Pilgrims Society of Great Britain). He really is an errand boy for the English monarchy. Wiki reviewed his background; no mention of The Pilgrims--- “Westmacott joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1972, and his first overseas posting was as Second Secretary at Tehran, Iran, in 1974. In 1978, he was sent to the European Commission in Brussels, and from 1980 to 1984 he was in Paris. After a period in London he was in Ankara as Head of Chancery from 1987. In 1990 he was Deputy Private Secretary to HRH The Prince of Wales, and in 1993 was sent to Washington to serve as a Counsellor. Later postings included Director for the Americas in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and Deputy Under Secretary of State. From 2002–06, Westmacott was HM Ambassador to Turkey where, in 2003, he dealt with a suicide bomb attack directed at the British Consulate in Istanbul, killing 15 people; thereafter he was closely involved in negotiations attempting to bring Turkey into the European Union. Formerly HM Ambassador to France since 2007, he took over as HM Ambassador to the United States in January 2012.” Westmacott’s mother, Rosemary Spencer, traced all the way back across the centuries to Robert Le Dispenser, mentioned in “The Domesday Book” published in the year 1086 AD. The Domesday Book was commissioned by William the Conqueror after his successful invasion of England that culminated in victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 AD. The book was a survey of England and Wales ordered by the King. It showed lands granted by King William to knights and nobles who came with him from Normandy in France as rewards for having assisted his victory. Robert Le Dispenser was a “tenant-in-chief of several counties,” that is, a large scale landowner. All land was said to be owned by the King, hence he and others like him were called tenants, but as tenant in chief, in practice, he was the landowner and most of the rents therefrom accrued to him and his successors. The very old practice of having only the first born male be the inheritor, guaranteed the continued concentration of wealth, with other siblings assigned subordinate positions. We read--- “There is little doubt that both Robert and his brother Urse came to England at about the time of the Battle of Hastings. They were both beneficiaries of William over the years, and were given titles and substantial land and property—suggesting repayment for some earlier deeds. It is likely that Robert's first acknowledgment was his official appointment as Royal "Dispencier" sometimes expressed more grandly as "Royal Steward", "King's Steward" or "Lord Steward". As dispenser of provisions to the King and his household Robert was known and recorded as Robert le Despencer. There is also the possibility that Robert held this official position before arriving in England.” How much wealth Westmacott may have inherited through his mother is not clear as there’s the head of the lineage matter. In researching these Pilgrims, I find that if there’s a whiff of big inherited wealth or wealth through marriage, it is no false alarm.

Westmacott’s wife, Susie Nemazee, is the sister of Hassan Nemazee, who is “a multimillionaire Iranian-American investment banker.” Continuing--- “Nemazee was born in Washington, D.C. on January 27, 1950 and received his Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree with Honors from Harvard University in 1972. Nemazee has not returned to Iran since the Iranian revolution. Most of his family's property was seized by the new Iranian government. On August 25, 2009 Nemazee was arrested for fraudulently applying for a loan of over $74 million from Citigroup. The maximum penalty for the offense is 30 years in prison. He was subsequently accused of fraudulently obtaining $292 million of loans from three banks and of using the proceeds to both support his lifestyle and make political contributions. Nemazee is the brother of Susie Nemazee, the wife of the British Ambassador in Washington DC, Sir Peter Westmacott.” “Nemazee is the Chairman of Nemazee Capital. Based upon the allegations of fraud contained in Mr. Nemazee's indictment, it is difficult to determine what legitimate business, if any, was ever conducted by Nemazee Capital. Nemazee Capital was established in 1987 and was purported, on its website, to have, either directly or through associated entities, invested in the following sectors: health care, media, oil and gas, insurance, investment banking, asset management, newspapers, real estate development, technology, and communications. Nemazee claims to have created Nemazee Holdings in the early 1970s and entered the financial services industry by partnering directly with AIG; at the time, according to information supplied by Nemazee, it was unique for the insurance giant to enter into such a relationship. Around this same time Nemazee claims to have created a joint venture for the establishment of a bank with Morgan Guaranty Trust Company, predecessor to JP Morgan & Co. Nemazee Capital evolved out of Nemazee Holdings and originally focused on real estate development.” “Nemazee was, prior to his arrest, also known as one of the top political bundlers in the United States. President Clinton nominated Nemazee to be Ambassador to Argentina on January 6, 1999, but the nomination was returned without action on August 5, 1999. During the United States presidential election, 2004, Nemazee was a supporter of John Kerry and a major contributor to his campaign. He was the New York Finance Chair for the Kerry campaign, and later the national finance chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. With Nemazee as the national finance chair, Chuck Schumer's DSCC in 2006 raised $115 million, outpacing the NRSC by substantial sums, and helping the Democratic Party take control of the Senate. During his presidency, Bill Clinton nominated Nemazee to fill the position of U.S. Ambassador to Argentina. Due to Congressional concerns about Nemazee's convoluted and controversial business dealings, the nomination was subsequently withdrawn. More recently, Nemazee served as Finance Chairman to Hillary Clinton's 2007-08 presidential campaign, and also donated $50,000 (the maximum amount) to 's Presidential Inaugural Committee. In addition, Nemazee was a bundler for the 2009 Presidential Inaugural Committee.”

http://www.nrsc.org/ The Telegraph in London remarked as to Westmacott’s brother in law--- “Sir Peter represents an unhappy reminder of a murky incident in the recent history of the Democrats: his brother-in-law is Hassan Nemazee, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison last year after he pleaded guilty to defrauding banks of $292 million (£186 million). Nemazee donated some of the stolen money to prominent Democrats, including President Obama and Hillary Clinton. He was the national finance chairman for Hillary Clinton’s heavily indebted 2008 presidential campaign. A Foreign Office spokesman tells me: “Sir Peter and his wife, Susie, were not aware of what Mr. Nemazee was doing.” It sounds like the same type of cover up made by Madeleine Albright when she was Secretary of State, denying that her pal George Soros had harmed the people of several southeast Asian countries by positioning his hedge funds against their currencies! I doubt that in any of the proceedings against Nemazee or the news reports on him that any mention of his brother in law’s Pilgrims Society activities was ever made, just as no mention was ever made in any of the Watergate stories about Nixon and Richard Kleindienst being members of The Pilgrims! Filtering out sensitive details is easy when you control the information media! Nemazee was “awarded” a twelve and a half year sentence for his rogue actions and does he have any song to sing about Sir Peter’s Pilgrims activities? I expect he hopes to exit prison alive someday. While Nemazee was flying high, he was an advisor to the National Security Network; trustee of the Asia Society (Rockefellers); member CFR; on visiting committee of the Center for International Affairs of Harvard University; three other Harvard positions and one with Columbia University; he was a trustee of the Spence School (1993- 1997) which might have some connection to Sir Peter Westmacott’s ancestry; trustee of Iranian American Political Action Committee (2007–2009) and the Brain Trauma Foundation starting in 1996.

George Soros, a highly likely Pilgrims member, is a trustee of BTF. Another trustee is Edgar M. Cullman Jr., whose uncle, Joseph F. Cullman III was a Pilgrims Society member (of the sizeable Philip Morris tobacco fortune) and a director of Ford Motor, IBM, Bankers Trust New York and GAF Corporation (silver users).

Next we find this gem--- “Nemazee, and his family, have long been involved with philanthropic endeavors in pursuit of advanced healthcare. Nemazee Hospital was founded by Hassan Nemazee’s father, Mohammad Nemazee, who was born in 1896 in Bombay, India, to Iranian parents residing in the Far East. He was primarily a self-educated man who built a considerable fortune through legal and illegal opium trade, using his family's successful shipping enterprise based in Hong Kong and the network of family members who settled in various important locations throughout Asia. The Nemazee family was trading with opium and other goods since the last decades of the 19th century. After the Chinese government prohibited the import of Iranian and Ottoman opium in 1912, the Nemazees began smuggling opium into China. The fortunes of the Nemazee family grew during the interwar period. Desperate for foreign currency, The Iranian Government ignored the international pressure to curtail its opium production and trade, though it was a signatory to the First Hague Opium Convention from 1912, and carried on with its uninhibited cultivation of opium-poppies and production of opium. The Nemazees assisted the Iranian Government by arranging the smuggling of enormous amounts of contraband opium into China during the interwar period, while the Iranian government turned a blind-eye to the large-scale smuggling activities conducted by the Nemazee family. After the abdication of Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1941, the new Iranian Government decided to begin a process that will end opium production in Iran. As a result, the Nemazees abandoned their opium business in the 1940s, although opium was still legal in Iran until 1955.” Nemazee Hospital in Shiraz, Iran---

Notice, the Nemazees were/are “philanthropists,” yet they made their money in opium! How much opium money did Susie Nemazee bring to the marriage with Sir Peter Westmacott? Note that it may appear as legal interests and holdings, but which were originally bought with opium dealing proceeds! “In 1953, when Nemazee Hospital and Nemazee School of Nursing were inaugurated, they were state-of-the art facilities. By this time, Nemazee had donated $10 million (equivalent to $100 million today) of his own money, all derived from his shipping business in Hong Kong, to construct and maintain the medical facility and water works. Nemazee Hospital, Nemazee School of Nursing, and surrounding facilities also indirectly laid the groundwork for the development of a full-fledged university system constructed on the American model. In 1960, Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi commissioned a study that selected Shiraz instead of Tehran as the site for an Iranian university; the primary reason was that the Nemazee medical center complex provided the best base on which to build. Shiraz University was thus created and became the most advanced, western style academic institute in the Middle East.” Cool connections Sir Peter Westmacott has, eh chaps, limeys and blokes? We wonder what banking and/or corporate board or boards Sir Peter will appear on after his Ambassadorial post in Washington ends and the Inner Circle hands him some levers of power, and which conniving Pilgrims member will replace him! Westmacott and his opium fortune inheritance wife Susie; the background says “The speech of a King.” Is the DEA interested in her? They’d slit their throats from ear to ear before they’d say “boo” to her! The May 2013 English Ball in New York, sponsored by the Saint George’s Society (another unofficial Pilgrims subsidiary) had Sir Peter Westmacott prominent in attendance. One of the sponsors of the event was Dow Chemical Corporation (Silver Users Association/Pilgrims Society). Also in attendance was the hilariously named Danny LOPEZ, British Consul General in New York (a member of The Pilgrims, as all British Consul Generals in New York are members). It’s a long story how he came by a Spanish name, but he looks like the usual Britisher. Naturally the account of previous British Ambassadors back to 1902 and before when the group didn’t officially exist, is a fascinating tale of boggling subversion as no termite was ever as persistent as these British Crown allied conspirators. Here are two videos showing Sir Peter Westmacott. He makes no mention of The Pilgrims as plain folks lack the maturity to understand their purpose! An important note to this Pilgrims Society research is that The Society was placed at the top of the totem pole (“the first organization,” American Review of Reviews, New York, May 1902, page 558) and that applies to groups founded earlier, whose leadership became Pilgrims members. Among the most important Pilgrims organizational subsidiaries is the Order of the British Empire; most members aren’t also in The Pilgrims, only the more important ones. Herewith two lists for your review if you wish--- http://www.nndb.com/honors/85 and http://www.nndb.com/honors/106 The Consul General of Canada in New York as of January 2006, Pamela Wallin, blissfully asserted the subordinate position of Canada to the United States, in a message to The Pilgrims Society. See her pathetic remarks. Excerpt--- “We have what you need. The black gold---the oil. The blue gold---the water. The green gold---the wood.” British Consul Generals in New York are also made honorary Pilgrims; the Canadian Consul on a case by case basis. Vice President Joe Biden (Du Pont family agent from Delaware) with Michael Bloomberg and Sir Peter Westmacott at right in the British Embassy in Washington. Bloomberg, a highly probable member of The Pilgrims, was awarded an honorary knighthood---meaning in any case, he’s on the same page with The Pilgrims--- “Bloomberg is a proud anglophile and a patron of the arts in London.” Bloomberg is the financier funding a large anti-gun ownership campaign across America. Naturally we must be disarmed before his British senior partners can step in and publicly assert their renaissance of Royal Crown dominance over we their “colonies!”

This concludes #12. The series to come will be (subject to adjustments) --- #13 United States Ambassadors to the United Kingdom---All Members #14 United Kingdom Ambassadors to the United Nations & U.S. Secretaries of State #15 Media Manipulators #16 Oceanic & Maritime Affairs #17 Members Involved With Russia, China, Arab nations, India & Japan #18 High Powered Wall Street Attorneys in The Pilgrims #19 Investment Bankers in The Pilgrims (maybe in 2 parts) #20 Megabankers in The Pilgrims #21 Real Estate & Other Financiers #22 Members in Military & Intelligence Communities #23 Members of The Pilgrims in Investment Companies #24 Miscellaneous Members of The Pilgrims (maybe in 2 parts) #25 Neocons & Warmongers in The Pilgrims #26 Royalty & Hereditary Noble Ancestry in The Pilgrims Part One #27 Royalty & Hereditary Noble Ancestry in The Pilgrims Part Two

I hope these can all be released before any potential Internet shutdown. Hyperlinks and other details are current as of time of composition. These Are mostly complete as of late May 2015 so I can release one item per Week and be able to keep up with the completions as we progress.

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