754_Beis Moshiach 15/08/2010 6:56 PM Page 3 contents VACATION TIME: WHAT PARENTS NEED B”H. 10 Elul 5770 | 20 August 2010 | Number 754 | Price: $5.00 | Part 1 of 2 8 TO KNOW… AND DO Chinuch | Sholom Ber Crombie _ CHASSIDUS AND MUSAR 14 Insight | By Yisroel Yehuda ESTABLISHING YESHIVAS TOMCHEI 20 T’MIMIM IN AMERICA ^ 15 Elul | Shneur Zalman Berger TRANSITIONING FROM ELEMENTARY 30 TO HIGH SCHOOL GREEN CHEESE ESTABLISHING CHASSIDUS AND MUSAR Moshiach & Science YESHIVAS TOMCHEI How should we regard Musar? Chinuch | Sholom Ber Crombie T’MIMIM IN AMERICA OUR ASERES HA’DIBROS 34 Thought USA 744 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409 Tel: (718) 778-8000 Fax: (718) 778-0800 GREEN CHEESE
[email protected] 36 Moshiach & Science | Dr. Aryeh Gotfryd, PhD www.beismoshiach.org EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: M.M. Hendel ENGLISH EDITOR: Boruch Merkur ON THE HOME FRONT OF TOMCHEI HEBREW EDITOR: 38 T’MIMIM Rabbi Sholom Yaakov Chazan Feature | Dafna Chaim
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