Evangelical Visitor (1887-1999) Brethren in Christ Church Archives
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Messiah University Mosaic Evangelical Visitor (1887-1999) Brethren in Christ Church Archives 2-19-1962 Evangelical Visitor - February 19, 1962 Vol. LXXV. No. 4. J.N. Hostetter Follow this and additional works at: https://mosaic.messiah.edu/evanvisitor Part of the History of Religion Commons, and the Religion Commons Permanent URL: https://mosaic.messiah.edu/evanvisitor/1879 Recommended Citation Hostetter, J.N., "Evangelical Visitor - February 19, 1962 Vol. LXXV. No. 4." (1962). Evangelical Visitor (1887-1999). 1879. https://mosaic.messiah.edu/evanvisitor/1879 Sharpening Intellect | Deepening Christian Faith | Inspiring Action Messiah University is a Christian university of the liberal and applied arts and sciences. Our mission is to educate men and women toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership and reconciliation in church and society. www.Messiah.edu One University Ave. | Mechanicsburg PA 17055 diced i l February 19, 1962 Hill plea for editors to ask God for a holy EDITORIAL discontent with their accomplishments. Mutual Destruction The annual Magazine of the Year award went to His, the magazine of In- "You will pay for that pump repair." tervarsity Christian Fellowship. First "No, I won't, it is your bill not mine.'"' The Evangelical Press in the category of denominational pa- It happened outside of Cairo. The pers was Team, the Men's Fellowship twe families, it seems, had a common HE EMBLEM at the bottom of this page magazine of the Assemblies of God. pump. It needed repairs. The quarrel T represents the Evangelical Press As- The Tuesday afternoon and evening arose over who would pay the bill. They sociation. The Evangelical Visitor is one sessions were held in the new headquar- decided to shoot it out. When the smoke of 173 member periodicals comprising ters of the Assemblies of God. This three cleared away, there were nine dead out this organization. Forty-one denomina- million dollar plant has just been com- of each family. The total bill—55 cents. tions and many inter-denominational pleted with all divisions of the denomi- The apostle warns believers of the groups are represented. Total circula- national program being accommodated beastly lusts of the flesh: "If ye bite and tion of all EPA member periodicals ex- in an excellently planned layout. R. C. ceeds 7,600,000. devour one another, take heed that ye Cunningham, editor of the Pentecostal be not consumed one of another" (Gal. Addressing the annual meeting which Evangel, was chosen president of EPA convened in Springfield, Missouri, Janu- 5:15). These two families, like savage with W. S. Mooneyham, editor of United beasts, having made their foes their ary 22-24, Dr. Donald George Romeo, Evangelical Action, elected vice presi- assistant professor, School of Journalism, prey, were soon "consumed one of an- dent. other." University of Missouri, told the conven- J. N. H. tion, "If I were thirty years younger, I We are wont to say that "love is would enter the religious publication stronger than death." Love leads us to field." Dr. Romeo has had wide experi- "lay down our lives for the brethren" ence with magazine publishing, one of The Song Lingers On (I John 3:16). Lust, the contrary motive the more recent, serving on the staff of WENTY-FIVE years ago on a summer of the heart, is also stronger than death. the Christian Herald. T afternoon, John Jacob Niles heard a Else how explain the long indulged He emphasized the terrific challenge band of traveling evangelists in Murphy, practice of duels? "Duels require one facing religious magazines to make them North Carolina. Annie Morgan, a mem- (awful to say!) to risk his own life, relevant to our day. "Fit chapter and ber of the group, sang one of the most rather than not deprive another of life" verse of the Rible to chapter and verse strikingly beautiful folk melodies that (Bengel in Jamieson, Fausset, and of life." He decried the all too fre- Niles had ever heard. He requested that Brown Commentary). Feuds and strifes, quent practice of writing articles merely she repeat the words. Millions now hear like wars, seldom end in victory for from the "top of the head." Research, them: either party, but nearly always in mutual factual material, with good illustration se f-destruction. are basic in the presentation of a worth- I wonder as I wander, out under the sky, —Prairie Overcomer while article. How Jesus the Saviour did come for to Dr. Paul L. Myhre, a lecturer on his- die tory and the principles of journalism at For poor on'ry people like you and like I, the University of Missouri, declared an I wonder as I wander, out under the sky. editor's aim should be to do the best EVANGELICAL VISITOR possible job of presenting truth to his Despite his efforts to locate Annie, readers. He spoke of the deepening Niles was never again to find her. Aren't Volume LXXV Number 4 darkness about us even though we live Official Organ of the Brethren in Christ there many like Annie? They live Church, published bi-weekly by Evangel Press, in the most enlightened age of history. quietly. They may be unknown to most Nappanee, Indiana, to whom subscriptions The powers of darkness are not inter- people. Rut yet somehow they offer God should be sent. ested in the truth. The church through Purpose: To publish the Gospel of God's and others influences that live on after grace—a complete salvation through the the printed page must declare the truth they have gone. atonement of Jesus Christ the Son of God, and then live by it. made effectual by faith in Him; the walk in —David A. MacLennan in Be A Won- holiness by the power of the indwelling" Holy Dr. Harold Englund, president of Spirit; and the pre-millennial second coming of der to Yourself (Fleming H. Revell Com- our Lord. Western Theological Seminary, Holland, pany) Editor: J. N. Hostetter, Clarence Center, N. T., Michigan gave the final message, con- to whom all material for publication should be cluding the banquet session. He called sent. Editorial Council: J. N. Hostetter, Editor. for the Christian editor to avoid all su- Ray Zercher, Office Editor, H. A. Ginder, C. \V. Sweetness of Life Boyer. H. G. Brubaker, Hoy Sider, Isaiah perficiality, remembering the frankness Harley. of Amos the prophet in dealing with the A little girl sat at the tea table, al- Fag-e Contributors: World Missions: Mary problems of his day. The editor's re- Kreider, Campbelltown, Pa.; Missions in Ameri- ternately stirring and sipping her tea. ca: J. Wilmer Heisey, Bloomfield, N. M.; sponsibility is to be identified with the Presently, with tears of disappointment Preachers: E. J. Swalm, Duntroon, Ont.: Home: LeRoy Walters, 925 Homberg Ave., Baltimore, battle line. He challenged periodicals in her eyes, she exclaimed: "Mother, it Md.; "Today's Yesterday": C. O. Wittlinger, to present rich Rible exposition plus won't come sweet!" Then the mother Grantham, Pa. other forms of Bible instruction. Brethren in Christ Publication Board, Ins.: realized that she had forgotten to put in H. G. Brubaker, C. N. Hostetter, Jr., Isaiah Larry Ward, executive secretary of the sugar. This done, the sugar itself did Harley, Joseph R. Aiken, J. Wilmer Heisey, EPA gave the key-note speech. His the rest. No amount of stirring or trying Samuel P. Minter, Paul Hostetler. Subscriptions: $3.00 per year. New Subscrip- theme, a paraphrase, "Where there is can make our lives sweet; but when we tions: $2.50 per year: Gift Subscriptions: $2.50 no vision the papers perish," emphasized let the Lord Jesus enter and take pos- per year; Sample Copies free. Mailing label indicates expiration date. In- the importance of reviewing a maga- session of our hearts, He makes them clude both old and new address with requests zine's content. He called for understand- pure and lovely. Sweetness of life is for change of address. Entered as second-class mail at Nappanee, ing our readership, providing not only only possible as He who is the sweetness Indiana. what they want but thinking in terms dwells within. of what they need. His conclusion was a —Life — EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION (2) Evangelical Visitor NATIONAL "Week of Evangelism" for A Brethren in Christ Churches as scheduled by the General Conference, will be observed during Holy Week, April 15-22. The two-fold purpose is the salvation of souls and to bring be- lievers into a life of full surrender to Christ. This is the third year a "Week of Charlie B. Byers Evangelism" is being observed. It comes as the outgrowth of a rather gen- eral concern, expressed by many of our pastors, a time when our entire brother- hood joins in an effort to reach the lost. Each year has seen an increase in the number of congregations participating in the program. I pray that this year there will be one hundred percent par- ticipation. This brings blessing both to pastor and people. No matter how large or small your congregation, join with The Third National Week of this crusade for souls. God does not overlook our effort in soul-winning, how- ever feeble it may appear. He is not limited to favorable circumstances. No Evangelism, April 15-22 congregation can afford to miss the blessing of spiritual growth and victory that accompanies a campaign for souls. The week chosen, Holy Week, is this Week of Evangelism these people people ahead. See that home contacts unique within itself. I trust we can say need to be brought face to face with are made.